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1 - 1年以内
1 - 期間を指定
255 - 日付指定なし
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252 - グラフィックス
0 - 映像
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41 - 横
214 - 正方形
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- カテゴリ指定なし
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255 - モノクロ
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- 古い順
- 1
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- 古い順
-Myodes lemmus, Print, Red-backed vole, Red-backed voles are small,Myodes lemmus, Print, Red-backed vole, Red-backed voles are small, slender voles of the genus Myodes found in North America, Europe, and Asia. The genus name comes from the Greek “keyhole mouse“. In the past, the genus has been called Evotomys or Clethrionomys, but Myodes takes precedence., 1700-1880.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2023062113426
-Nest of Sociable Weaver (Philetairus socius)Nest of Sociable Weaver (Philetairus socius), Kalahari Desert, Namibia, Africa、クレジット:imageBROKER.com/Egmont Strigl/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022100105791
-Cypraea caputserpentis, Print, Monetaria caputserpentis, common name the serpent‘s-head cowry or snakehead cowry,Cypraea caputserpentis, Print, Monetaria caputserpentis, common name the serpent‘s-head cowry or snakehead cowry, is a species of cowry, a sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Cypraeidae, the cowries.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2023011107104
-Cypraea arabica, Print, Mauritia arabica, common name the Arabian cowry, is a species of cowry, a sea snail,Cypraea arabica, Print, Mauritia arabica, common name the Arabian cowry, is a species of cowry, a sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Cypraeidae, the cowries.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2023032209759
-Cypraea arabica, Print, Mauritia arabica, common name the Arabian cowry, is a species of cowry, a sea snail,Cypraea arabica, Print, Mauritia arabica, common name the Arabian cowry, is a species of cowry, a sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Cypraeidae, the cowries.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2023061209192
-Cypraea arabica, Print, Mauritia arabica, common name the Arabian cowry, is a species of cowry, a sea snail,Cypraea arabica, Print, Mauritia arabica, common name the Arabian cowry, is a species of cowry, a sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Cypraeidae, the cowries.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2022110106240
-Myodes lemmus, Print, Red-backed vole, Red-backed voles are small,Myodes lemmus, Print, Red-backed vole, Red-backed voles are small, slender voles of the genus Myodes found in North America, Europe, and Asia. The genus name comes from the Greek “keyhole mouse“. In the past, the genus has been called Evotomys or Clethrionomys, but Myodes takes precedence., 1700-1880.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2022101706322
-Malabar Grouper or Greasy Grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus)Malabar Grouper or Greasy Grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus), Red Sea, Egypt, Africa、クレジット:imageBROKER.com/Andrey Nekrasov/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023021108040
1997年12月25日捕獲されたハタハタ 白いハタハタ見つかる秋田県象潟町の沿岸で捕獲された全身が白いハタハタ=25日、秋田県男鹿市の県水産振興センター
商品コード: 1997122500049
商品コード: 1998052000081
商品コード: 2000080100081
2004年11月12日楽園に浮かぶ黒いオブジェ 明日に対して誠実たれ!世界屈指のトラック環礁に抱かれ、かつてここに日本海軍の司令部があった。朱に染まる南海の楽園に浮かび上がる黒いオブジェ。太平洋戦争末期、米軍の攻撃によって沈められた日本の船だ。残がいはただうち捨てられているのではない。確かな意志を持って「残されている」のだ。この国の憲法にはこう書かれている。「戦争を知ったがゆえにわれわれは平和を望む」と=ミクロネシア連邦・チューク州(共同)☆始めダブルミニュート☆終わりダブルミニュート
商品コード: 2004111200089
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2012年10月20日大漁旗はためかす船 復興願い、はためく大漁旗
商品コード: 2012102000284
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2012年10月20日船上の「虎舞」 復興願い、はためく大漁旗
商品コード: 2012102000289
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2015年04月25日墓に彫られた文字 墓石に刻む「ありがとう」
商品コード: 2015042500635
2017年07月19日顔をはたく天風 気合取組前に自分の顔を力いっぱいはたき、気合を入れる十両天風。こんなに強くたたいたら、普通の人なら失神しちゃう?=愛知県体育館
商品コード: 2017071900008
2018年12月17日(どいはた・ちさと) 土井畑知里女子トランポリン選手、2018年12月16日撮影、川崎市とどろきアリーナ
商品コード: 2018121718081
2019年05月31日IQOS tobacco heater31 May 2019, Saxony, Dresden: A man smokes with the electronic tobacco heater IQOS (I quit ordinary smoking) of the tobacco company Philip Morris. The electronic tobacco stick should not be confused with an e-cigarette. Because unlike this one, which is filled with so-called liquides, iQOS still contains tobacco. The difference is that the tobacco is not burned, but only heated. Consumers in Germany bought significantly fewer cigarettes last year than in 2017. Instead, they turned more to loose tobacco and “next-generation products“ such as e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters. Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019060404247
2019年05月31日IQOS tobacco heater31 May 2019, Saxony, Dresden: A man holds the electronic tobacco heater IQOS (I quit ordinary smoking) of the tobacco group Philip Morris. The electronic tobacco stick should not be confused with an e-cigarette. Because unlike this one, which is filled with so-called liquides, iQOS still contains tobacco. The difference is that the tobacco is not burned, but only heated. Consumers in Germany bought significantly fewer cigarettes last year than in 2017. Instead, they turned more to loose tobacco and “next-generation products“ such as e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters. Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019060404191
2019年05月31日IQOS tobacco heater31 May 2019, Saxony, Dresden: A man holds the electronic tobacco heater IQOS (I quit ordinary smoking) of the tobacco group Philip Morris. The electronic tobacco stick should not be confused with an e-cigarette. Because unlike this one, which is filled with so-called liquides, iQOS still contains tobacco. The difference is that the tobacco is not burned, but only heated. Consumers in Germany bought significantly fewer cigarettes last year than in 2017. Instead, they turned more to loose tobacco and “next-generation products“ such as e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters. Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019060404150
2019年05月31日IQOS tobacco heater31 May 2019, Saxony, Dresden: A man holds the electronic tobacco heater IQOS (I quit ordinary smoking) of the tobacco group Philip Morris. The electronic tobacco stick should not be confused with an e-cigarette. Because unlike this one, which is filled with so-called liquides, iQOS still contains tobacco. The difference is that the tobacco is not burned, but only heated. Consumers in Germany bought significantly fewer cigarettes last year than in 2017. Instead, they turned more to loose tobacco and “next-generation products“ such as e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters. Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019060403908
2019年05月31日IQOS tobacco heater31 May 2019, Saxony, Dresden: A man smokes with the electronic tobacco heater IQOS (I quit ordinary smoking) of the tobacco company Philip Morris. The electronic tobacco stick should not be confused with an e-cigarette. Because unlike this one, which is filled with so-called liquides, iQOS still contains tobacco. The difference is that the tobacco is not burned, but only heated. Consumers in Germany bought significantly fewer cigarettes last year than in 2017. Instead, they turned more to loose tobacco and “next-generation products“ such as e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters. Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019060403689
2019年05月31日IQOS tobacco heater31 May 2019, Saxony, Dresden: A man smokes with the electronic tobacco heater IQOS (I quit ordinary smoking) of the tobacco company Philip Morris. The electronic tobacco stick should not be confused with an e-cigarette. Because unlike this one, which is filled with so-called liquides, iQOS still contains tobacco. The difference is that the tobacco is not burned, but only heated. Consumers in Germany bought significantly fewer cigarettes last year than in 2017. Instead, they turned more to loose tobacco and “next-generation products“ such as e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters. Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019060404238
2019年05月31日IQOS tobacco heater31 May 2019, Saxony, Dresden: A man smokes with the electronic tobacco heater IQOS (I quit ordinary smoking) of the tobacco company Philip Morris. The electronic tobacco stick should not be confused with an e-cigarette. Because unlike this one, which is filled with so-called liquides, iQOS still contains tobacco. The difference is that the tobacco is not burned, but only heated. Consumers in Germany bought significantly fewer cigarettes last year than in 2017. Instead, they turned more to loose tobacco and “next-generation products“ such as e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters. Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019060404066
2020年04月03日Thailand Coronavirus03.04.2020 The sign reading “Homemade food. Restaurant Altai“ is pictured in Thailand. Russian tourists are forced to extend their stay in Thailand amid the coronavirus disease outbreak. Valentin Chebunin / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020040705816
2020年09月22日100,000 Petitions Requesting Amendments to Thai Constitution delivered to Parliament in BangkokSeptember 22, 2020, Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai NGO iLaw staged a protest march through Bangkok to the Thai capital‘s still under construction new parliament complex in order to deliver 100,732 petition forms requesting a that motion to vote on numerous progressive amendments to the Thai constitution. Approximately 1500 people took part in the peaceful march, which ended with speeches being given at the gates of the government complex. Thailand has been experiencing an unprecedented wave of protests led by young activist leaders who have challenged societal norms in ways that Thailand has never before experienced. (Credit Image: © Adryel Talamantes/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Adryel Talamantes/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020100105955
2020年09月22日100,000 Petitions Requesting Amendments to Thai Constitution delivered to Parliament in BangkokSeptember 22, 2020, Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai NGO iLaw staged a protest march through Bangkok to the Thai capital‘s still under construction new parliament complex in order to deliver 100,732 petition forms requesting a that motion to vote on numerous progressive amendments to the Thai constitution. Approximately 1500 people took part in the peaceful march, which ended with speeches being given at the gates of the government complex. Thailand has been experiencing an unprecedented wave of protests led by young activist leaders who have challenged societal norms in ways that Thailand has never before experienced. (Credit Image: © Adryel Talamantes/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Adryel Talamantes/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020100106142
2020年09月22日100,000 Petitions Requesting Amendments to Thai Constitution delivered to Parliament in BangkokSeptember 22, 2020, Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai NGO iLaw staged a protest march through Bangkok to the Thai capital‘s still under construction new parliament complex in order to deliver 100,732 petition forms requesting a that motion to vote on numerous progressive amendments to the Thai constitution. Approximately 1500 people took part in the peaceful march, which ended with speeches being given at the gates of the government complex. Thailand has been experiencing an unprecedented wave of protests led by young activist leaders who have challenged societal norms in ways that Thailand has never before experienced. (Credit Image: © Adryel Talamantes/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Adryel Talamantes/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020100105947
2020年10月05日Philippines: School Opening 2020 in Las PinasOctober 5, 2020, Las Pinas, NCR, Philippines: Talon 5, Las Pinas City, Philippines, 10/05/2020: Master Teacher Rubina Aguilay shows a set copy of ‘‘Modules‘‘ printed Subject lessons given to students of Moonwalk Elementary School in Talon 5, Las Pinas City, 5 Oct 2020. Today is the opening of classes as scheduled by the Department of Education but due to covid-19 paandemic, students are not required to physically report to school but to study and learn instead via Subject Modules handouts prepared and given by subject teachers. Prior to the opening, the said school had conducted a survey asking Parents if they prefer Online Learning or Modular Learning, only (10%) ten percent favored Online learning due to additional expenses. (Credit Image: © Joel Mataro/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Joel Mataro/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020100707195
2020年10月08日Tulleys Haunted Drive-In Cinema VIP Night in Crawley, UK - 08 Oct 2020October 8, 2020, Crawley, United Kingdom: Victoria Clay attends the Tulleys Haunted Drive-In Cinema VIP night at Tulleys Farm Event Centre. (Credit Image: © Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020101300132
2020年10月08日Tulleys Haunted Drive-In Cinema VIP Night in Crawley, UK - 08 Oct 2020October 8, 2020, Crawley, United Kingdom: Victoria Clay attends the Tulleys Haunted Drive-In Cinema VIP night at Tulleys Farm Event Centre. (Credit Image: © Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020101300189
2020年10月08日Tulleys Haunted Drive-In Cinema VIP Night in Crawley, UK - 08 Oct 2020October 8, 2020, Crawley, United Kingdom: Victoria Clay attends the Tulleys Haunted Drive-In Cinema VIP night at Tulleys Farm Event Centre. (Credit Image: © Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020101300100
2020年10月08日Tulleys Haunted Drive-In Cinema VIP Night in Crawley, UK - 08 Oct 2020October 8, 2020, Crawley, United Kingdom: Victoria Clay attends the Tulleys Haunted Drive-In Cinema VIP night at Tulleys Farm Event Centre. (Credit Image: © Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020101300089
2020年10月08日Tulleys Haunted Drive-In Cinema VIP Night in Crawley, UK - 08 Oct 2020October 8, 2020, Crawley, United Kingdom: Victoria Clay attends the Tulleys Haunted Drive-In Cinema VIP night at Tulleys Farm Event Centre. (Credit Image: © Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020101300153
2021年01月30日The Quireboys concert in LondonSpike Gray from The Quireboys live at the Town & County Club. London, February 22nd, 1990 | usage worldwide、クレジット:Geisler-Fotopress/DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030402716
2021年01月30日The Quireboys concert in LondonSpike Gray from The Quireboys live at the Town & County Club. London, February 22nd, 1990 | usage worldwide、クレジット:Geisler-Fotopress/DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030402540
2021年01月30日The Quireboys concert in LondonSpike Gray from The Quireboys live at the Town & County Club. London, February 22nd, 1990 | usage worldwide、クレジット:Geisler-Fotopress/DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030402715
2021年01月30日The Quireboys concert in LondonSpike Gray from The Quireboys live at the Town & County Club. London, February 22nd, 1990 | usage worldwide、クレジット:Geisler-Fotopress/DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030402776
2021年01月30日The Quireboys concert in LondonSpike Gray from The Quireboys live at the Town & County Club. London, February 22nd, 1990 | usage worldwide、クレジット:Geisler-Fotopress/DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030402659
2021年01月30日The Quireboys concert in LondonSpike Gray from The Quireboys live at the Town & County Club. London, February 22nd, 1990 | usage worldwide、クレジット:Geisler-Fotopress/DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030402575
2021年01月30日The Quireboys concert in LondonSpike Gray from The Quireboys live at the Town & County Club. London, February 22nd, 1990 | usage worldwide、クレジット:Geisler-Fotopress/DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030402844
2021年01月30日The Quireboys concert in LondonSpike Gray from The Quireboys live at the Town & County Club. London, February 22nd, 1990 | usage worldwide、クレジット:Geisler-Fotopress/DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030402604
2021年05月06日Senator Schumer At Re-Opening of Juniors RestaurantMay 6, 2021, New York, New York, United States: Display during U. S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer marks re-opening of Junior‘s Cheesecake restaurant on Times Square. He was instrumental in passing the relief to keep small businesses like restaurants open after devastation from COVID-19 pandemic. Senator ate a piece of delicious cheesecake as well as having some breakfast. Senator was introduced to this restaurant as a child and continues to patronize it ever since. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021050707954
2021年05月06日U. S. Senator Charles Schumer marks re-opening of Juniors Cheesecake restaurantMay 6, 2021, New York, New York, United States: Display during U. S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer marks re-opening of Junior‘s Cheesecake restaurant on Times Square. He was instrumental in passing the relief to keep small businesses like restaurants open after devastation from COVID-19 pandemic. Senator ate a piece of delicious cheesecake as well as having some breakfast. Senator was introduced to this restaurant as a child and continues to patronize it ever since. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021050706076
2021年05月06日U. S. Senator Charles Schumer marks re-opening of Juniors Cheesecake restaurantMay 6, 2021, New York, New York, United States: Display during U. S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer marks re-opening of Juniorââ¬â¢s Cheesecake restaurant on Times Square. He was instrumental in passing the relief to keep small businesses like restaurants open after devastation from COVID-19 pandemic. Senator ate a piece of delicious cheesecake as well as having some breakfast. Senator was introduced to this restaurant as a child and continues to patronize it ever since. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021050706139
2021年05月06日Senator Schumer At Re-Opening of Juniors RestaurantMay 6, 2021, New York, New York, United States: Display during U. S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer marks re-opening of Juniorââ¬â¢s Cheesecake restaurant on Times Square. He was instrumental in passing the relief to keep small businesses like restaurants open after devastation from COVID-19 pandemic. Senator ate a piece of delicious cheesecake as well as having some breakfast. Senator was introduced to this restaurant as a child and continues to patronize it ever since. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021050707934
2021年05月12日Greenhouse farming at a technical school in rural TanzaniaMay 12, 2021, Kidatu, Washington, Tanzania: ZAWADI AMOS GOYI tends newly planted seedlings in the greenhouse at the National Sugar Institute in Kidatu, a vocation and agricultural school in Tanzania...The students are Lutheran World Relief Challenge Grant recipients who have invested in entrepreneurial efforts to combat food insecurity and climate change in the region. (Credit Image: © Gregg Brekke/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Gregg Brekke/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022061205527
2021年05月12日Greenhouse farming at a technical school in rural TanzaniaMay 12, 2021, Kidatu, Washington, Tanzania: ZAWADI AMOS GOYI tends newly planted seedlings in the greenhouse at the National Sugar Institute in Kidatu, a vocation and agricultural school in Tanzania...The students are Lutheran World Relief Challenge Grant recipients who have invested in entrepreneurial efforts to combat food insecurity and climate change in the region. (Credit Image: © Gregg Brekke/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Gregg Brekke/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022061205518
2021年05月12日New York City During CovidMay 12, 2021, New York, New York, USA: The Naked Cowboy continues to come out daily to entertain anyone who may be in Times Square. Even though things are slowly starting to open up in the City, the city is still fairly empty. (Credit Image: © Debra L. Rothenberg/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Debra L. Rothenberg/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021051308643
2021年05月12日New York City During CovidMay 12, 2021, New York, New York, USA: The Naked Cowboy continues to come out daily to entertain anyone who may be in Times Square. Even though things are slowly starting to open up in the City, the city is still fairly empty. (Credit Image: © Debra L. Rothenberg/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Debra L. Rothenberg/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021051308197
2021年05月12日New York City During CovidMay 12, 2021, New York, New York, USA: The Naked Cowboy continues to come out daily to entertain anyone who may be in Times Square. Even though things are slowly starting to open up in the City, the city is still fairly empty. (Credit Image: © Debra L. Rothenberg/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Debra L. Rothenberg/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021051311831
2021年05月12日New York City During CovidMay 12, 2021, New York, New York, USA: The Naked Cowboy continues to come out daily to entertain anyone who may be in Times Square. Even though things are slowly starting to open up in the City, the city is still fairly empty. (Credit Image: © Debra L. Rothenberg/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Debra L. Rothenberg/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021051311919
2021年06月26日Prayut Chan-o-cha resignation protest in Bangkok, Thailand - 26 Jun 2021June 26, 2021, Bangkok, Thailand: Protesters making the three finger salute at Phan Fa Lilat Bridge during the demonstration..Thai Mai Ton protester groups (Thai Can‘t Stand), led by former red shirt leader, Jatuporn Prompan gathered at Phan Fa Lilat Bridge before marching along Phitsanulok Road to the Government house. They have a speech condemning the Prime Minister, Prayut Chan-o-cha and demanding his resignation. (Credit Image: © Varuth Pongsapipatt/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Varuth Pongsapipatt/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021062703174
2021年06月26日Prayut Chan-o-cha resignation protest in Bangkok, Thailand - 26 Jun 2021June 26, 2021, Bangkok, Thailand: Riot police being seen on guard behind the barbed wire during the demonstration..Thai Mai Ton protester groups (Thai Can‘t Stand), led by former red shirt leader, Jatuporn Prompan gathered at Phan Fa Lilat Bridge before marching along Phitsanulok Road to the Government house. They have a speech condemning the Prime Minister, Prayut Chan-o-cha and demanding his resignation. (Credit Image: © Varuth Pongsapipatt/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Varuth Pongsapipatt/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021062703500
2021年06月26日Prayut Chan-o-cha resignation protest in Bangkok, Thailand - 26 Jun 2021June 26, 2021, Bangkok, Thailand: Riot police being seen on guard in front of the government house during the demonstration..Thai Mai Ton protester groups (Thai Can‘t Stand), led by former red shirt leader, Jatuporn Prompan gathered at Phan Fa Lilat Bridge before marching along Phitsanulok Road to the Government house. They have a speech condemning the Prime Minister, Prayut Chan-o-cha and demanding his resignation. (Credit Image: © Varuth Pongsapipatt/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Varuth Pongsapipatt/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021062703302
2021年07月11日Osprey FlybyJuly 10, 2021, ELKTON, OREGON, U.S.A: An adult osprey cruises low over the Umpqua River while hunting for fish near Elkton in rural western Oregon. Osprey are also called sea hawks, river hawks, and fish hawks. (Credit Image: © Robin Loznak/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Robin Loznak/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021071108351
2021年07月25日TOKYO2020, OLYMPIC GAMES,Hitomi Hatakeda of Japan during women‘s qualification for the Artistic Gymnastics final at Tokyo2020, Olympic games, at Ariake Gymnastics Centre, Tokyo, Japan on May 5, 2021. (Photo by Ulrik Pedersen/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Ulrik Pedersen/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021082610654
2021年08月25日Times Square WheelAugust 25, 2021, New York, New York, usa: The limited time 110 ft high Times Square Wheel opened in the already crowded crossroads of the world wednesday. Taking up an entire block the ferris wheel aims to bring back people to the area, the hotels and businesses. Famous Times Square icon The Naked Cowboy was on line waiting to ride the amusement promoting Times Square Is Back. (Credit Image: © Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021082709865
2021年08月25日Times Square WheelAugust 25, 2021, New York, New York, us: The limited time 110 ft high Times Square Wheel opened in the already crowded crossroads of the world wednesday. Taking up an entire block the ferris wheel aims to bring back people to the area, the hotels and businesses. Famous Times Square icon The Naked Cowboy was on line waiting to ride the amusement promoting Times Square Is Back. (Credit Image: © Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021082703956
2021年08月25日Times Square WheelAugust 25, 2021, New York, New York, us: The limited time 110 ft high Times Square Wheel opened in the already crowded crossroads of the world wednesday. Taking up an entire block the ferris wheel aims to bring back people to the area, the hotels and businesses. Famous Times Square icon The Naked Cowboy was on line waiting to ride the amusement promoting Times Square Is Back. (Credit Image: © Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021082704120
2021年08月25日Times Square WheelAugust 25, 2021, New York, New York, us: The limited time 110 ft high Times Square Wheel opened in the already crowded crossroads of the world wednesday. Taking up an entire block the ferris wheel aims to bring back people to the area, the hotels and businesses. Famous Times Square icon The Naked Cowboy was on line waiting to ride the amusement promoting Times Square Is Back. (Credit Image: © Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021082704137
2021年08月25日Times Square WheelAugust 25, 2021, New York, New York, us: The limited time 110 ft high Times Square Wheel opened in the already crowded crossroads of the world wednesday. Taking up an entire block the ferris wheel aims to bring back people to the area, the hotels and businesses. Famous Times Square icon The Naked Cowboy was on line waiting to ride the amusement promoting Times Square Is Back. (Credit Image: © Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021082704110
2021年09月19日NFL 2021: Falcons 28:48 BuccaneersSeptember 19, 2021, TAMPA, Florida, USA: Dancers Emily Smith, of Tampa, left, and Ashley Caraway, of Tampa, entertain arriving fans on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021, before the game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Atlanta Falcons at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. (Credit Image: © Douglas R. Clifford/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Douglas R. Clifford/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021092101590
2021年09月19日Florida News - September 19, 2021September 19, 2021, TAMPA, Florida, USA: Dancers Emily Smith, of Tampa, left, and Ashley Caraway, of Tampa, entertain arriving fans on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021, before the game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Atlanta Falcons at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. (Credit Image: © Douglas R. Clifford/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Douglas R. Clifford/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021092002353
2021年10月30日Covid-19 vaccination for migrant workers in Nonthaburi, Thailand - 30 Oct 2021October 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: Migrant workers wait to be vaccinated with doses of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103008524
2021年10月30日Covid-19 vaccination for migrant workers in Nonthaburi, Thailand - 30 Oct 2021October 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: Migrant workers wait to be vaccinated with doses of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103008574
2021年10月30日Covid-19 vaccination for migrant workers in Nonthaburi, Thailand - 30 Oct 2021October 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: Migrant workers wait in a queue to be vaccinated with doses of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103008627
2021年10月30日Covid-19 vaccination for migrant workers in Nonthaburi, Thailand - 30 Oct 2021October 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: A health worker administers a dose of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to a migrant worker at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103008557
2021年10月30日Covid-19 vaccination for migrant workers in Nonthaburi, Thailand - 30 Oct 2021October 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: A health worker prepares to administer a dose of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to a migrant worker at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103008656
2021年10月30日Covid-19 vaccination for migrant workers in Nonthaburi, Thailand - 30 Oct 2021October 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: A health worker administers a dose of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to a migrant worker at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103008535
2021年10月30日Mass Vaccination For Migrant Workers In ThailandOctober 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: A health worker administers a dose of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to a migrant worker at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103104914
2021年10月30日Covid-19 vaccination for migrant workers in Nonthaburi, Thailand - 30 Oct 2021October 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: A health worker administers a dose of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to a migrant worker at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103008621
2021年10月30日Covid-19 vaccination for migrant workers in Nonthaburi, Thailand - 30 Oct 2021October 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: A health worker administers a dose of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to a migrant worker at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103008538
2021年10月30日Covid-19 vaccination for migrant workers in Nonthaburi, Thailand - 30 Oct 2021October 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: A health worker administers a dose of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to a migrant worker at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103008504
2021年10月30日Covid-19 vaccination for migrant workers in Nonthaburi, Thailand - 30 Oct 2021October 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: A health worker administers a dose of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to a migrant worker at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103008690
2021年10月30日Covid-19 vaccination for migrant workers in Nonthaburi, Thailand - 30 Oct 2021October 30, 2021, Nonthaburi, Thailand: A health worker administers a dose of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to a migrant worker at Bang Yai market in Nonthaburi..Thailand continues the vaccination against COVID-19 for migrant workers at Bang Yai Market in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Thailand‘s Government aim to have at least 70 percent of its population vaccinated, a goal self imposed to safely reopen the country on November 1,2021. (Credit Image: © Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021103008571
2021年11月22日Florida News - November 22, 2021November 22, 2021, Tampa, Florida, USA: Alandria Gray performs along with other outside of Raymond James Stadium just prior to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Monday Nigh Football game against the New York Giants Monday, Nov. 22, 2021 in Tampa. (Credit Image: © Martha Asencio-Rhine/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Martha Asencio-Rhine/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112404137
2021年11月22日Florida News - November 22, 2021November 22, 2021, Tampa, Florida, USA: Alandria Gray performs along with other outside of Raymond James Stadium just prior to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Monday Nigh Football game against the New York Giants Monday, Nov. 22, 2021 in Tampa. (Credit Image: © Martha Asencio-Rhine/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Martha Asencio-Rhine/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112410190
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress supporters during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121314826
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress supporters during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121313500
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress supporters during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121400281
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress supporters during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121400679
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress supporters during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121400121
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress leader Sachin Pilot during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121400255
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress leader Kamalnath during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121400400
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra waves towards supporters during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121315038
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra waves towards supporters during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121314461
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra waves during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121314902
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra with Rajasthan Congress President Govind Singh Dotasra during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121400440
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra addresses during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121400758
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra addresses during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121313738
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra addresses during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121400015
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress President Sonia Gandhi, party leader Rahul Gandhi and Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot with others during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121400013
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress President Sonia Gandhi, party leader Rahul Gandhi and Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot with others during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121313718
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress President Sonia Gandhi, party leader Rahul Gandhi and Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121314984
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress President Sonia Gandhi and party leader Rahul Gandhi during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121400017
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress President Sonia Gandhi, party leader Rahul Gandhi and Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot with others during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121314897
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress leader Rahul Gandhi being felicitated by Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121314605
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSCongress President Sonia Gandhi, party leader Rahul Gandhi and Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121314028
2021年12月12日INDIA-POLITICSRajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot addresses during the party‘s ‘Mehangai Hatao Rally‘ against the Central government, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Sunday, Dec 12, 2021. (Photo by Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Vishal Bhatnagar/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021121400012
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