
  • テウ
  • ひばり
  • 三重県津市
  • 令和
  • 幻想
  • 江戸時代
  • 発見
  • 砂浜
  • 舞台
  • 西宮市


  • 提供元
  • 日付
  • 種類
  • 向き
  • カテゴリ
  • 同義語オン
  • 古い順
( 1 62 件を表示)
  • 1
( 1 62 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  Descartes, Rene (La Haye, Touraine, France, 1596-Stockholm, 1650).
    Descartes, Rene (La Haye, Touraine, France, 1596-Stockholm, 1650).

    Descartes, Rene (La Haye, Touraine, France, 1596-Stockholm, 1650). French philosopher, mathematician, physicist, and writer. Colored engraving.、クレジット:Album/Prisma/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2020070311970

  • 見つかった「阿漕雲雀」 随筆「阿漕雲雀」を発見
    見つかった「阿漕雲雀」 随筆「阿漕雲雀」を発見


    商品コード: 1995090600126

  • 阿漕浦で薪能公演 月夜に幻想的な舞台
    阿漕浦で薪能公演 月夜に幻想的な舞台


    商品コード: 1999092700138

  •  Latino News - September 22, 2020
    Latino News - September 22, 2020

    September 22, 2020, Lima, PERU: LIMA 9 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2018.El presidente Martテュn Vizcarra agradeciテウ a los peruanos que acudieron a las urnas para votar por el referテ©ndum y resaltテウ que los primeros resultados a boca de urna dan cuenta de que se acogieron mayoritariamente las propuestas del Ejecutivo para reformar la Constituciテウn...FOTOS: ALONSO CHERO (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2020100200401

  •  Latino News - October 6, 2020
    Latino News - October 6, 2020

    October 6, 2020, Lima, PERU: LIMA 9 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2018.El presidente Martテュn Vizcarra agradeciテウ a los peruanos que acudieron a las urnas para votar por el referテ©ndum y resaltテウ que los primeros resultados a boca de urna dan cuenta de que se acogieron mayoritariamente las propuestas del Ejecutivo para reformar la Constituciテウn...FOTOS: ALONSO CHERO (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2020100709806

  •  Latino News - September 22, 2020
    Latino News - September 22, 2020

    September 22, 2020, Lima, PERU: LIMA 9 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2018.El presidente Martテュn Vizcarra agradeciテウ a los peruanos que acudieron a las urnas para votar por el referテ©ndum y resaltテウ que los primeros resultados a boca de urna dan cuenta de que se acogieron mayoritariamente las propuestas del Ejecutivo para reformar la Constituciテウn...FOTOS: ALONSO CHERO (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2020100200398

  •  Latino News - September 22, 2020
    Latino News - September 22, 2020

    September 22, 2020, Lima, PERU: LIMA 9 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2018.El presidente Martテュn Vizcarra agradeciテウ a los peruanos que acudieron a las urnas para votar por el referテ©ndum y resaltテウ que los primeros resultados a boca de urna dan cuenta de que se acogieron mayoritariamente las propuestas del Ejecutivo para reformar la Constituciテウn...FOTOS: ALONSO CHERO (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2020100200068

  •  Latino News - March 15, 2021
    Latino News - March 15, 2021

    March 15, 2021, LIMA, PERU: La ministra de la Mujer, Silvia Loli Espinoza, y el ministro de Salud, Oscar Ugarte Ubilluz supervisan el inicio de la jornada de vacunación contra la COVID-19 a las personas adultas mayores de los albergues a cargo del MIMP, en el centro de acogida residencial virgen del carmen (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021031710271

  •  Latino News - March 9, 2021
    Latino News - March 9, 2021

    March 9, 2021, LIMA, PERU: La ministra de la Mujer, Silvia Loli Espinoza, y el ministro de Salud, Oscar Ugarte Ubilluz supervisan el inicio de la jornada de vacunación contra la COVID-19 a las personas adultas mayores de los albergues a cargo del MIMP, en el centro de acogida residencial virgen del carmen (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021071407038

  •  Latino News - March 25, 2021
    Latino News - March 25, 2021

    March 25, 2021, LIMA, PERU: JUEVES 25 DE MARZO DEL 2021..La Casa de Todos de la Beneficencia de Lima cumple un año desde que abrió sus puertas y acogió a más de 100 personas en situación de calle. A propósito del aniversario, se visitará a los albergados que ahora viven en la Urb. Palomino para conocer cómo se vienen adaptando a su nueva vida. ..FOTOS: RENZO SALAZAR (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021032903402

  •  Latino News - March 25, 2021
    Latino News - March 25, 2021

    March 25, 2021, LIMA, PERU: JUEVES 25 DE MARZO DEL 2021..La Casa de Todos de la Beneficencia de Lima cumple un año desde que abrió sus puertas y acogió a más de 100 personas en situación de calle. A propósito del aniversario, se visitará a los albergados que ahora viven en la Urb. Palomino para conocer cómo se vienen adaptando a su nueva vida. ..FOTOS: RENZO SALAZAR (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021032903417

  •  Latino News - March 25, 2021
    Latino News - March 25, 2021

    March 25, 2021, LIMA, PERU: JUEVES 25 DE MARZO DEL 2021..La Casa de Todos de la Beneficencia de Lima cumple un año desde que abrió sus puertas y acogió a más de 100 personas en situación de calle. A propósito del aniversario, se visitará a los albergados que ahora viven en la Urb. Palomino para conocer cómo se vienen adaptando a su nueva vida. ..FOTOS: RENZO SALAZAR (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021032903407

  •  Latino News - March 25, 2021
    Latino News - March 25, 2021

    March 25, 2021, LIMA, PERU: JUEVES 25 DE MARZO DEL 2021..La Casa de Todos de la Beneficencia de Lima cumple un año desde que abrió sus puertas y acogió a más de 100 personas en situación de calle. A propósito del aniversario, se visitará a los albergados que ahora viven en la Urb. Palomino para conocer cómo se vienen adaptando a su nueva vida. ..FOTOS: RENZO SALAZAR (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021032903412

  •  Latino News - March 25, 2021
    Latino News - March 25, 2021

    March 25, 2021, LIMA, PERU: JUEVES 25 DE MARZO DEL 2021..La Casa de Todos de la Beneficencia de Lima cumple un año desde que abrió sus puertas y acogió a más de 100 personas en situación de calle. A propósito del aniversario, se visitará a los albergados que ahora viven en la Urb. Palomino para conocer cómo se vienen adaptando a su nueva vida. ..FOTOS: RENZO SALAZAR (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021032903382

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several people visit the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, in the Patio de Acogida of the Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406325

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several people visit the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, in the Patio de Acogida of the Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406249

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several people visit the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, in the Patio de Acogida of the Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406252

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several people visit the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, in the Patio de Acogida of the Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406274

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several people visit the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, in the Patio de Acogida of the Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406289

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several people visit the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, in the Patio de Acogida of the Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406290

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several people visit the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, in the Patio de Acogida of the Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406258

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several people visit the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, in the Patio de Acogida of the Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406187

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several of the images that make up the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar, in the Patio de Acogida del Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406310

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: A man visits the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, at the Patio de Acogida del Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406293

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several people visit the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, in the Patio de Acogida of the Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406188

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: A man visits the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, at the Patio de Acogida del Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406319

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several people visit the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, in the Patio de Acogida of the Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406320

  •  The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.
    The Museum of History of Madrid hosts the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘.

    August 14, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Several people visit the exhibition of the II photography contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, in the Patio de Acogida of the Museo de Historia de Madrid, on August 14, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). This exhibition houses 40 of the best photographs received in the framework of the contest ‘Filomena a mi pesar‘, after the contest received more than 5000 snapshots. The result is a graphic testimony of the scene that the Filomena storm left in Madrid after its passage through the capital in January 2021. The exhibition also includes a large ‘collage‘ with another 1,200 images selected from those sent in as part of the competition. This exhibition will remain open to the public until 9 January 2022...AUGUST 14;2021..Europa Press..08/14/2021 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021081406296


    A group of volunteers outside the Mexican Commission for Refugee Support located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021 offer food and basic necessities to Haitian migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912362


    A group of volunteers outside the Mexican Commission for Refugee Support located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021 offer food and basic necessities to Haitian migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912421


    A group of volunteers outside the Mexican Commission for Refugee Support located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021 offer food and basic necessities to Haitian migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912697


    A group of volunteers outside the Mexican Commission for Refugee Support located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021 offer food and basic necessities to Haitian migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912331


    A Haitian migrant child outside the Mexican Commission for Refugee Support in Mexico City, where more migrants recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in the face of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912657


    Haitian migrants sit on a bench outside the Mexican Commission for Refugee Support in Mexico City, where more migrants recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in the face of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912673


    A Haitian migrant mother offers milk to her daughter outside the Mexican Commission for Refugee Support in Mexico City, where more migrants recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a procedure that would allow them to stay longer in Mexico in the face of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912538


    A Haitian migrant girl plays outside the Mexican Commission for Refugee Support in Mexico City, where more migrants recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a procedure that would allow them to stay longer in Mexico in the face of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912677


    Haitian migrants sit on the pavement outside the Mexican Commission for Refugee Support in Mexico City, where more migrants recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in the face of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912723


    Workers at the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, offer instant soups to Haitian migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a procedure that would allow them to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912395


    Workers at the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, offer instant soups to Haitian migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a procedure that would allow them to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912506


    View inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers accommodation and food to Haitian migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to complete a procedure that would allow them to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912523


    Haitian migrants play dominoes inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers accommodation and food to Haitian migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912705


    A Haitian migrant brushes a woman‘s hair inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers accommodation and food to migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in the face of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912518


    A Haitian migrant woman moulds a young man‘s hair inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers accommodation and food to migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912757


    Haitian migrants in front of a mural inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers accommodation and food to migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to complete a procedure that would allow them to stay longer in Mexico in the face of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912424


    Haitian migrants in front of murals inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers accommodation and food to migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to complete a procedure that would allow them to stay longer in Mexico in the face of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912095


    Haitian migrants in front of murals inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers accommodation and food to migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to complete a procedure that would allow them to stay longer in Mexico in the face of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912639


    A Haitian migrant in front of a mural of the Virgin of Guadalupe inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers lodging and food to migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912916


    A Central American migrant offers milk to her son in front of a mural inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers lodging and food to migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912116


    A Haitian migrant carries his daughter in front of a mural of the Virgin of Guadalupe inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers lodging and food to migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to complete a procedure that would allow them to stay longer in Mexico given the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912428


    A Haitian migrant carries his daughter in front of a mural of the Virgin of Guadalupe inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers lodging and food to migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to complete a procedure that would allow them to stay longer in Mexico given the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912665


    Haitian migrants cook inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers lodging and food to migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to complete a procedure that would allow them to stay longer in Mexico given the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912628


    A Haitian migrant carries her daughter in front of a mural of the Virgin of Guadalupe inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers accommodation and food to migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912131


    Haitian migrants play dominoes inside the Casa de Acogida Formación y Empoderamiento de la Mujer Migrante y Refugiada (CAFEMIN), located in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 27, 2021, which offers accommodation and food to Haitian migrants who recently went to various refugee support offices to try to obtain a permit to stay longer in Mexico in view of the difficulties their compatriots are having in entering the United States during the COVID-19 health emergency. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092912746

  •  Latino News - November 20, 2021
    Latino News - November 20, 2021

    November 20, 2021, LIMA, PERU: FIN DE FIESTA.La plaza de Toros del Fundo La Esperanza en Lurín acogió este último fin de semana en la feria a destacados toreros españoles y a nuestros compatriotas Joaquín Galdos y Andrés Roca Rey, quien puso de pie al respetable en medio de pañuelos blancos al ritmo del vals âContigo Perúâ y la marinera âDulce y Bonitaâ; luego se celebraron los triunfos en El Mesón que se unió a estos predios desde el comienzo de las festividades..2092_Michael Woodman, Fernando Roca Rey con Maria Mercedes y Maria Luisa Valdez (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021112706051

  •  Latino News - November 26, 2021
    Latino News - November 26, 2021

    November 26, 2021, LIMA, PERU: FIN DE FIESTA.La plaza de Toros del Fundo La Esperanza en Lurín acogió este último fin de semana en la feria a destacados toreros españoles y a nuestros compatriotas Joaquín Galdos y Andrés Roca Rey, quien puso de pie al respetable en medio de pañuelos blancos al ritmo del vals âContigo Perúâ y la marinera âDulce y Bonitaâ; luego se celebraron los triunfos en El Mesón que se unió a estos predios desde el comienzo de las festividades..2283_Maite Belaunde, Iliana Lolas y Miguel Ortiz de Zevallos (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021112706050

  •  Latino News - November 20, 2021
    Latino News - November 20, 2021

    November 20, 2021, LIMA, PERU: FIN DE FIESTA.La plaza de Toros del Fundo La Esperanza en Lurín acogió este último fin de semana en la feria a destacados toreros españoles y a nuestros compatriotas Joaquín Galdos y Andrés Roca Rey, quien puso de pie al respetable en medio de pañuelos blancos al ritmo del vals âContigo Perúâ y la marinera âDulce y Bonitaâ; luego se celebraron los triunfos en El Mesón que se unió a estos predios desde el comienzo de las festividades..3100_Andres Roca Rey en traje goyesco (Credit Image: © El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©El Comercio/GDA via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Peru and Chile Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021112706052

  • International Migrants Day Rally - Madrid International Migrants Day Rally - Madrid
    International Migrants Day Rally - Madrid International Migrants Day Rally - Madrid

    The member of the collective Red Solidaria de Acogida Anna Cazzavillan gives statements to the media during a rally on the occasion of Migrants‘ Day, in the Plaza Juan Goytisolo, on December 18, 2021, in Madrid (Spain). This mobilization seeks to make visible the most critical points of the external borders of the European Union (EU) and denounce human rights violations. It also demands that the budget allocated to the European Agency for Border and Coast Guard (Frontex) be allocated to visa, inclusion and reception policies. Madrid, Spain, on December 18, 2021. Photo by Carlos Luján / Europa Press/ABACAPRESS.COM=2021(令和3)年12月18日、クレジット:Europa Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122104386

  •  Rally for International Migrants Day
    Rally for International Migrants Day

    December 18, 2021, Madrid, Spain: The member of the collective Red Solidaria de Acogida Anna Cazzavillan gives statements to the media during a rally on the occasion of Migrants‘ Day, in the Plaza Juan Goytisolo, on December 18, 2021, in Madrid (Spain). This mobilization seeks to make visible the most critical points of the external borders of the European Union (EU) and denounce human rights violations. It also demands that the budget allocated to the European Agency for Border and Coast Guard (Frontex) be allocated to visa, inclusion and reception policies...18 DECEMBER 2021;MIGRANT;RALLY;PROTEST..Carlos Luján / Europa Press..12/18/2021 (Credit Image: © Carlos LujáN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos LujáN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2021121901245

  •  Carlos Novillo visits the facilities of the Integral Animal Shelter (CIAAM)
    Carlos Novillo visits the facilities of the Integral Animal Shelter (CIAAM)

    August 8, 2023, Madrid, Spain: Poster of the facilities of the Integral de Acogida de Animales (CIAAM) during a visit by the Regional Minister for the Environment, Agriculture and the Interior of the Community of Madrid, Carlos Novillo, on August 8, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The CIAAM currently offers its services to 85 municipalities in the region with less than 5,000 inhabitants, for the collection and housing of lost, abandoned and stray pets...08 AUGUST 2023;ENVIRONMENT;ANIMALS;FAUNA;COMMUNITY OF MADRID;GOVERNMENT;COUNSELOR..Ricardo Rubio / Europa Press..08/08/2023 (Credit Image: © Ricardo Rubio/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Ricardo Rubio/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023080810839

  •  Carlos Novillo visits the facilities of the Integral Animal Shelter (CIAAM)
    Carlos Novillo visits the facilities of the Integral Animal Shelter (CIAAM)

    August 8, 2023, Madrid, Spain: The Regional Minister of Environment, Agriculture and Interior of the Community of Madrid, Carlos Novillo (1l), during a visit to the facilities of the Integral de Acogida de Animales (CIAAM), on August 8, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). CIAAM currently offers its services to 85 municipalities in the region with less than 5,000 inhabitants, for the collection and housing of lost, abandoned and stray pets...08 AUGUST 2023;ENVIRONMENT;ANIMALS;FAUNA;COMMUNITY OF MADRID;GOVERNMENT;COUNSELOR..Ricardo Rubio / Europa Press..08/08/2023 (Credit Image: © Ricardo Rubio/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Ricardo Rubio/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023080810868

  •  Carlos Novillo visits the facilities of the Integral Animal Shelter (CIAAM)
    Carlos Novillo visits the facilities of the Integral Animal Shelter (CIAAM)

    August 8, 2023, Madrid, Spain: The Regional Minister of Environment, Agriculture and Interior of the Community of Madrid, Carlos Novillo (1r), during a visit to the facilities of the Integral de Acogida de Animales (CIAAM), on August 8, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). CIAAM currently offers its services to 85 municipalities in the region with less than 5,000 inhabitants, for the collection and housing of lost, abandoned and stray pets...08 AUGUST 2023;ENVIRONMENT;ANIMALS;FAUNA;COMMUNITY OF MADRID;GOVERNMENT;COUNSELOR..Ricardo Rubio / Europa Press..08/08/2023 (Credit Image: © Ricardo Rubio/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Ricardo Rubio/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023080810869

  •  Carlos Novillo visits the facilities of the Integral Animal Shelter (CIAAM)
    Carlos Novillo visits the facilities of the Integral Animal Shelter (CIAAM)

    August 8, 2023, Madrid, Spain: The Minister of Environment, Agriculture and Interior of the Community of Madrid, Carlos Novillo, gives statements to the media during a visit to the facilities of the Integral de Acogida de Animales (CIAAM), on August 8, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The CIAAM currently offers its services to 85 municipalities in the region with less than 5,000 inhabitants, for the collection and housing of lost, abandoned and stray pets...08 AUGUST 2023;ENVIRONMENT;ANIMALS;FAUNA;COMMUNITY OF MADRID;GOVERNMENT;COUNSELOR..Ricardo Rubio / Europa Press..08/08/2023 (Credit Image: © Ricardo Rubio/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Ricardo Rubio/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023080810990

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