- ゆきお
- ヤクルトスワローズ
- きぬがわ
- たまがき
- やえ
- 八重樫幸雄
- 玉垣親方
- 荒井幸雄
- 衣川幸夫
- おやつ
- 報道写真・映像トップ 報道写真・映像トップ
- 写真・グラフィックス・映像 | 写真・グラフィックス・映像 |
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- 同義語オン
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0 - 48時間以内
0 - 72時間以内
0 - 7日以内
0 - 30日以内
0 - 1年以内
4 - 期間を指定
80 - 日付指定なし
- 種類
- 写真
80 - グラフィックス
0 - 映像
- 向き
- 縦
2 - 横
71 - 正方形
- カテゴリ
- ニュース
- スポーツ
- エンターテインメント
- 教育向け
- カテゴリ指定なし
- 色
- カラー
80 - モノクロ
- 同義語辞書
- オン
- オフ
- 古い順
- 1
- 古い順
1998年10月20日「カラー」「人物通信」 ◎峰崎親方(みねざき・おやかた)、元前頭・三杉磯、撮影日 1998.09、出稿日 1998.11.05
商品コード: 1998102000077
2002年04月03日「カラー」【】 ◎荒井幸雄(74)、あらい・ゆきお、ヤクルト2軍打撃コー.チ、2002年2月1日撮影
商品コード: 2002040300141
2002年04月03日「カラー」【】 ◎八重樫幸雄(77)、やえがし・ゆきお、ヤクルト打撃コーチ、2002年2月1日撮影
商品コード: 2002040300127
2002年04月04日「カラー」【】 ◎衣川幸夫(54)、きぬがわ・ゆきお、ヤクルトスワローズ(捕手)、2002年2月1日撮影
商品コード: 2002040400021
2002年04月04日「カラー」【】 ◎丹波幹雄(62)、たんば・みきお、ヤクルト投手、2002年2月1日撮影
商品コード: 2002040400017
2003年04月11日「カラー」【】 ◎八重樫幸雄(77)、やえがし・ゆきお、ヤクルトスワローズ、打撃コーチ、2003年2月1日撮影、顔
商品コード: 2003041100061
2003年04月14日「カラー」【】 ◎荒井幸雄(74)、あらい・ゆきお、ヤクルトスワローズ、2軍打撃コーチ、2003年2月1日撮影、顔
商品コード: 2003041400070
2003年04月14日「カラー」【】 ◎衣川幸夫(54)、きぬがわ・ゆきお、ヤクルトスワローズ、内野手、2003年2月1日撮影、顔
商品コード: 2003041400095
2008年05月29日(まがきおやかた) 間垣親方元横綱2代目若乃花、若乃花幹士、本名=下山勝則、2008年5月23日撮影
商品コード: 2008052900212
2010年01月28日(にしょのせきおやかた) 二所ノ関親方二所ノ関親方、2010年1月8日、両国国技館で撮影
商品コード: 2010012800263
2010年01月28日(にしょのせきおやかた) 二所ノ関親方二所ノ関親方、2010年1月19日、東京都内のホテルで撮影
商品コード: 2010012800267
2017年11月20日(にしょのせきおやかた) 二所ノ関親方若島津、若嶋津、松ケ根親方、二所ノ関六男、2016年3月30日撮影、エディオンアリーナ大阪
商品コード: 2017112001100
2020年02月13日アフリカクロトキ 鳥たちがゆうゆうと飛ぶ水辺のアフリカクロトキ。おやつをくれる人がいると近よってくる=沖縄県名護市のネオパークオキナワ
商品コード: 2020021304397
2022年04月08日Ayuso visits Vitoria to participate in several eventsApril 8, 2022, Vitoria, ÃÂlava (Basque Country, Spain: (L-R) The president of the PP of Euskadi, Carlos Iturgaiz; the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel DÃÂaz Ayuso; and the president of the PP of ÃÂlava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, at an event with businessmen organized by the Partido Popular del PaÃÂs Vasco, at the Hotel Ciudad de Vitoria, on April 8, 2022, in Vitoria, ÃÂlava, Euskadi (Spain). The purpose of his speech is to inform businessmen and executives about the economic model of his region, the Community of Madrid. This event, which is part of the agenda of the president of the Community of Madrid, who will participate in several events in the Basque city today, comes after the formal appointment of the new president of the national PP...08 APRIL 2022;VITORIA;AYUSO;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..04/08/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022041301363
2022年04月08日Ayuso visits Vitoria to participate in several eventsApril 8, 2022, Vitoria, Alava (Basque Country, Spain: (L-R) The president of the PP of Euskadi, Carlos Iturgaiz; the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel DÃÂaz Ayuso; and the president of the PP of ÃÂlava, Iñaki Oyarzabal; during an event with businessmen organized by the Popular Party of the Basque Country, at the Hotel Ciudad de Vitoria, on April 8, 2022, in Vitoria, ÃÂlava, Euskadi (Spain). The objective of his speech is to inform businessmen and executives about the economic model of his region, the Community of Madrid. This event, which is part of the agenda of the president of the Community of Madrid, who will participate in several events in the Basque city today, comes after the formal appointment of the new president of the national PP...08 APRIL 2022;PP;COMPANY FORUM;BREAKFAST..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..04/08/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022041303918
2022年06月30日Feijóo visits the Basque Country for the first time as PP presidentJune 30, 2022, Getxo, Bilbao, Vizcaya (Basque C, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, on their arrival at the headquarters of the PP in Getxo to appear, on June 30, 2022, in Getxo, Bilbao, Biscay, Basque Country (Spain). After visiting the PP headquarters, Feijóo meets with the Basque Businessmen‘s Circle to present his economic plan to deal with inflation and circumvent the economic crisis derived from the covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. This is Feijóo‘s first visit to Euskadi in less than fifteen days because on July 9 he is scheduled to participate in a commemorative act for the 25th anniversary of the murder by ETA of councilman Miguel ÃÂngel Blanco...30 JUNE 2022;BUSINESSMEN;PP;EUSKADI;BASQUE Spain;FEIJOO;POPULAR PARTY..H.Bilbao / Europa Press..06/30/2022 (Credit Image: © H.Bilbao/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©H.Bilbao/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spa...
商品コード: 2022070403680
2022年06月30日Feijóo visits the Basque Country for the first time as PP presidentJune 30, 2022, Getxo, Bilbao, Vizcaya (Basque C, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, on their arrival at the headquarters of the PP in Getxo to appear, on June 30, 2022, in Getxo, Bilbao, Biscay, Basque Country (Spain). After visiting the PP headquarters, Feijóo meets with the Basque Businessmen‘s Circle to present his economic plan to deal with inflation and circumvent the economic crisis derived from the covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. This is Feijóo‘s first visit to Euskadi in less than fifteen days because on July 9 he is scheduled to participate in a commemorative act for the 25th anniversary of the murder by ETA of councilman Miguel ÃÂngel Blanco...30 JUNE 2022;BUSINESSMEN;PP;EUSKADI;BASQUE Spain;FEIJOO;POPULAR PARTY..H.Bilbao / Europa Press..06/30/2022 (Credit Image: © H.Bilbao/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©H.Bilbao/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spa...
商品コード: 2022070403650
2022年06月30日Feijóo visits the Basque Country for the first time as PP presidentJune 30, 2022, Getxo, Bilbao, Vizcaya (Basque C, Spain: (L-R) The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz and the spokesman of the PP in Juntas Generales de Vizcaya and the secretary general of the PP, Eduardo Andrade, on their arrival at a meeting with the Circle of Basque Businessmen, on June 30, 2022, in Getxo, Bilbao, Vizcaya, Basque Country (Spain). During this appointment Feijóo has presented his economic plan to cope with inflation and circumvent the economic crisis derived from the covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. This is Feijóo‘s first visit to Euskadi in less than fifteen days because on July 9 he is scheduled to participate in a commemorative act for the 25th anniversary of the murder by ETA of councilman Miguel ÃÂngel Blanco...30 JUNE 2022;BUSINESSMEN;PP;EUSKADI;BASQUE Spain;FEIJOO;POPULAR PARTY..H.Bilbao / Europa Press..06/30/2022 (Credit Image: © H.Bilbao/Contacto via...
商品コード: 2022070400334
2022年10月28日Feijóo visits Vitoria to participate in a meeting organized by ‘El Correo‘ and PetronorOctober 28, 2022, Vitoria-Gasteiz, ÃÂlava (Basque, Spain: (L-R) The president of the Alava PP, Iñaki Oyarzabal; the president of the Popular Party (PP), Alberto Núñez Feijóo and the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, during a walk through the center of Vitoria, on October 28, 2022, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Before his walk through the streets of Vitoria, Feijóo has participated in a forum cycle organized by ‘El Correo‘ and Petronor together with several protagonists of the political, economic and social information. This is the third time that the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, visits Euskadi since he has been at the head of the party...28 OCTOBER 2022;FEIJÃâO;VITORIA;CYCLES;EL CORREO;PETRONOR;MEDIA;ECONOMICS;POLITICS;SOCIETY..Pablo González / Europa Press..10/28/2022 (Credit Image: © Pablo GonzáLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Pablo GonzáLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022110108475
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504745
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504618
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504630
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504268
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504637
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504614
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504638
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504669
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504734
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504765
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504625
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504639
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504675
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504560
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504643
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504628
2022年12月22日MartÃnez-Almeida attends the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street in Navaridas, AlavaDecember 22, 2022, Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The mayor of Madrid, José Luis MartÃÂnez-Almeida (2r), attends the ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Madrid Street, together with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, and the mayor of Navaridas, Miguel ÃÂngel Fernández, at the town hall, on December 22, 2022, in Navaridas, Alava, Basque Country, (Spain). Navaridas, with 209 inhabitants, is one of the two Alava municipalities governed by the Partido Popular. The mayor from Madrid will join after this visit the traditional Christmas dinner in Vitoria with 250 affiliates...DECEMBER 22;2022;BASQUE Spain;EUSKADI..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..12/22/2022 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122504616
2023年03月22日Sakura blooming season in Tokyo, Japan - 22 Mar 2023March 22, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Visitors of Tokyo‘s Inokashira Park enjoy the blooming Sakura trees while having snacks. The traditional Cherry tree blooming season reaches its peak on March 23rd this year. For the first time after the Covid-19 pandemic, picnics are allowed in public parks where people can enjoy themselves together in large crowds. (Credit Image: © Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023032306764
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: The president of the PP of ÃÂlava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, speaks during the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041500584
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: The PP spokesman in Laguardia, César GarcÃÂa de Olano, speaks during the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041500813
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, speaks during the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, .the secretary general of the Popular Party and Spokeswoman of the Popular Group in Congress, has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041413537
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: The Secretary General of the Popular Party and Spokeswoman of the Popular Group in Congress, Cuca Gamarra (2r), on her arrival at the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041415828
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: Family photo of the attendees on their arrival at the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041500655
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: The president of the Popular Party of the Basque Country, Carlos Iturgaiz, speaks during the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041500768
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: The Secretary General of the Popular Party and Spokeswoman of the Popular Group in Congress, Cuca Gamarra, chairs the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041500595
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: The Secretary General of the Popular Party and Spokeswoman of the Popular Group in Congress, Cuca Gamarra, speaks during the meeting of the Board of Directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041500607
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, speaks during the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, .the secretary general of the Popular Party and Spokeswoman of the Popular Group in Congress, has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041413795
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: Family photo of the attendees on their arrival at the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041500664
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: (L-R) The president of the Popular Party of the Basque Country, Carlos Iturgaiz; the secretary general of the Popular Party and Spokesperson of the Popular Group in Congress, Cuca Gamarra, and the president of the PP of ÃÂlava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, talk on their arrival at the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041500645
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: The Secretary General of the Popular Party and Spokeswoman of the Popular Group in Congress, Cuca Gamarra, chairs the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041500597
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: The Secretary General of the Popular Party and Spokeswoman of the Popular Group in Congress, Cuca Gamarra, chairs the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041414078
2023年04月13日Gamarra chairs the meeting of the PP board of directors in Laguardia (Alava)April 13, 2023, Laguardia, ÃÂlava (Basque Countr, Spain: The president of the PP of ÃÂlava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, speaks during the meeting of the board of directors of the PP, on April 13, 2023, in Laguardia, ÃÂlava, Basque Country (Spain). During the meeting, Gamarra has assured that the irrigation law being processed by the Andalusian Parliament with the support of the Popular Party and Vox ‘‘does not affect at all‘‘ the Doñana aquifer, and has criticized the ‘‘hoaxes‘‘ of the central government around this initiative...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023041500602
2023年05月05日Gamarra visits the electoral headquarters of the PP in VitoriaMay 5, 2023, Vitoria, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The secretary general of the Popular Party, Cuca Gamarra (2r) with the President of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal (1r); the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz (1l) and the candidate of the Popular Party for mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz pose during her visit to the electoral headquarters of her party in Vitoria, on May 5, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Gamarra has visited the headquarters in view of the municipal and regional elections on May 28...05 MAY 2023;POLITICS;BASQUE Spain..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..05/05/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023050607307
2023年05月05日Gamarra visits the electoral headquarters of the PP in VitoriaMay 5, 2023, Vitoria, Alava, Basque Country, Spain: The secretary general of the Popular Party, Cuca Gamarra (2r) with the President of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal (1r); the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz (1l) and the candidate of the Popular Party for mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz on her arrival at an event during her visit to the electoral headquarters of her party in Vitoria, on May 5, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Gamarra has visited the headquarters in view of the municipal and regional elections on May 28...05 MAY 2023;POLITICS;BASQUE Spain..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..05/05/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023050607247
2023年05月12日Alfonso Alonso participates in a campaign rally of the PP in Vitoria, SpainMay 12, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz - Alava (Basque, Spain: The PP candidate for deputy general of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, speaks during a campaign rally of the Basque PP, at the Hotel NH Chancellor Ayala, on May 12, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz-Alava, Basque Country (Spain). During the event, the former president of the PP of the Basque Country has supported the party‘s candidacy for mayor of Vitoria....MAY 12;2023;BASQUE Spain;VITORIA GASTEIZ;PP CAMPAIGN..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..05/12/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023051405769
2023年05月12日Alfonso Alonso participates in a campaign rally of the PP in Vitoria, SpainMay 12, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz - Alava (Basque, Spain: The PP candidate for deputy general of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, speaks during a campaign rally of the Basque PP, at the Hotel NH Chancellor Ayala, on May 12, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz-Alava, Basque Country (Spain). During the event, the former president of the PP of the Basque Country has supported the party‘s candidacy for mayor of Vitoria....MAY 12;2023;BASQUE Spain;VITORIA GASTEIZ;PP CAMPAIGN..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..05/12/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023051406819
2023年05月12日Alfonso Alonso participates in a campaign rally of the PP in Vitoria, SpainMay 12, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz - Alava (Basque, Spain: The PP candidate for deputy general of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal (2l); the Popular Party candidate for mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Ainhoa Domaica (c), and the former president of the Basque Popular Party and former Minister of Health Alfonso Alonso Alonso (4l), on his arrival at a campaign rally of the Basque PP, at the Hotel NH Canciller Ayala, on May 12, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz- Alava, Basque Country (Spain). During the event, the former president of the PP of the Basque Country has supported the party‘s candidacy for mayor of Vitoria....MAY 12;2023;BASQUE Spain;VITORIA GASTEIZ;PP CAMPAIGN..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..05/12/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023051406654
2023年05月12日Alfonso Alonso participates in a campaign rally of the PP in Vitoria, SpainMay 12, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz - Alava (Basque, Spain: The PP candidate for deputy general of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, speaks during a campaign rally of the Basque PP, at the Hotel NH Chancellor Ayala, on May 12, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz-Alava, Basque Country (Spain). During the event, the former president of the PP of the Basque Country has supported the party‘s candidacy for mayor of Vitoria....MAY 12;2023;BASQUE Spain;VITORIA GASTEIZ;PP CAMPAIGN..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..05/12/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023051406883
2023年05月12日Alfonso Alonso participates in a campaign rally of the PP in Vitoria, SpainMay 12, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz - Alava (Basque, Spain: The PP candidate for deputy general of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal (c), and the former president of the Basque Popular Party and former Minister of Health Alfonso Alonso Alonso (1r), on his arrival at a campaign rally of the Basque PP, at the Hotel NH Canciller Ayala, on May 12, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz- Alava, Basque Country (Spain). During the event, the former president of the PP of the Basque Country has supported the party‘s candidacy for mayor of Vitoria...MAY 12;2023;BASQUE Spain;VITORIA GASTEIZ;PP CAMPAIGN..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..05/12/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023051406570
2023年05月12日Alfonso Alonso participates in a campaign rally of the PP in Vitoria, SpainMay 12, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz - Alava (Basque, Spain: The PP candidate for deputy general of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, speaks during a campaign rally of the Basque PP, at the Hotel NH Chancellor Ayala, on May 12, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz-Alava, Basque Country (Spain). During the event, the former president of the PP of the Basque Country has supported the party‘s candidacy for mayor of Vitoria....MAY 12;2023;BASQUE Spain;VITORIA GASTEIZ;PP CAMPAIGN..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..05/12/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023051406679
2023年05月12日Alfonso Alonso participates in a campaign rally of the PP in Vitoria, SpainMay 12, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz - Alava (Basque, Spain: The Popular Party candidate for mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Ainhoa Domaica (2l); the PP candidate for deputy general of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal (c), and the former president of the Basque Popular Party and former Minister of Health Alfonso Alonso Alonso (4l), on his arrival at a campaign rally of the Basque PP, at the Hotel NH Canciller Ayala, on May 12, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz- Alava, Basque Country (Spain). During the event, the former president of the PP of the Basque Country has supported the party‘s candidacy for mayor of Vitoria...MAY 12;2023;BASQUE Spain;VITORIA GASTEIZ;PP CAMPAIGN..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..05/12/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023051406703
2023年05月12日Alfonso Alonso participates in a campaign rally of the PP in Vitoria, SpainMay 12, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz - Alava (Basque, Spain: The PP candidate for deputy general of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, speaks during a campaign rally of the Basque PP, at the Hotel NH Chancellor Ayala, on May 12, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz-Alava, Basque Country (Spain). During the event, the former president of the PP of the Basque Country has supported the party‘s candidacy for mayor of Vitoria....MAY 12;2023;BASQUE Spain;VITORIA GASTEIZ;PP CAMPAIGN..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..05/12/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023051406896
2023年05月14日Feijóo attends a PP rally in the Basque CountryMay 14, 2023, Vitoria, Basque Country, Spain: The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo (3l), with the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz (2l), the Popular Party candidate for mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Ainhoa Domaica (2r), and the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal (r), on their arrival at a PP rally, on May 12, 2023, in Vitoria, Basque Country (Spain). Feijóo has participated in a campaign event of the Popular Party to support the candidates for the 28M elections,..MAY 14;2023;CANDIDATES;ELECTIONS;ELECTION;MAY 28;28M..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..05/14/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023051503816
2023年06月17日Constitution session of the Vitoria City CouncilJune 17, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava (Basque C, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal (left), at the session of constitution of the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz, on June 17, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Maider Etxebarria makes history today as the first female mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz. The almost 8,100 Spanish city councils in which municipal elections were held last May 28 are constituted and elect a mayor today, after the electoral boards of the area have proclaimed the more than 67,000 people who were elected in the May elections...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023122310340
2023年06月29日Investiture plenary session of the PNV candidate for deputy general of ÃlavaJune 29, 2023, Vitoria, Alava (Basque Country, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, during the inauguration of the deputy general of Alava, Ramiro González, on June 29, 2023, in Vitoria, Alava, Euskadi (Spain). The PNV candidate is reelected deputy general of Alava with the support of 24 of the 51 councilors and despite having lost the absolute majority in the elections of May 28...29 JUNE 2023;DEPUTY;PNV;ELECTIONS;28M..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..06/29/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023063005867
2023年06月29日Investiture plenary session of the PNV candidate for deputy general of ÃlavaJune 29, 2023, Vitoria, Alava (Basque Country, Spain: The deputy general of Alava, Ramiro Gonzalez (c), during his inauguration as deputy general of Alava, on June 29, 2023, in Vitoria, Alava, Euskadi (Spain). The PNV candidate is reelected deputy general of Alava with the backing of 24 of the 51 members of the party and despite having lost the absolute majority in the elections of May 28...29 JUNE 2023;DEPUTY;PNV;ELECTIONS;28M..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..06/29/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023063005941
2023年07月15日Feijóo participates in a meeting in Vitoria in preparation for the 23JJuly 15, 2023, Vitoria Gasteiz, Alava, Basque C, Spain: (L-R) The number two on the PP lists for Congress for Alava, Laura Garrido Knörr, the number one on the PP lists for Congress for Alava, Javier De Andrés, the national leader of the Popular Party and candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the secretary general of the PP in Alava, Ana Salazar, the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz and the number one on the PP lists for the Senate for Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal, on their arrival at an electoral campaign event for the 23J, July 15, 2023, in Vitoria Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain)...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023071511504
2023年07月18日Floral tribute to Miguel Angel Blanco in VitoriaJuly 18, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque C, Spain: The number one on the PP lists for the Senate for Alava, Iñaki Oyarzabal during a tribute to Miguel ÃÂngel Blanco on the XXVI anniversary of his assassination, on July 18, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Last July 10, it was 26 years since ETA kidnapped Miguel Angel Blanco. Two days later, the PP councilman was found handcuffed and shot in the head, and died the following day due to the seriousness of his wounds...18 JULY 2023;FLOWERS;TRIBUTE;TERRORISM;ETA;MURDERED;VICTIM..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..07/18/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023071812015
2023年11月04日XVI Congress of the Basque PP to elect the new president in VitoriaNovember 4, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava (Basque C, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, speaks during an extraordinary territorial Congress of the Basque PP to elect its new president, at the Palacio Europa, on November 4, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Javier de Andrés has been proclaimed as the new president of the Basque PP, replacing Carlos Iturgaiz, during the XVI Congress of the Basque PP. The event was held under the slogan ‘Looking to the future/Aurrera Begira‘. Javier de Andrés will also be the candidate for Lehendakari in the next autonomic elections of 2024...04 NOVEMBER 2023..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..11/04/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023110412223
2023年11月04日XVI Congress of the Basque PP to elect the new president in VitoriaNovember 4, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava (Basque C, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, speaks during an extraordinary territorial Congress of the Basque PP to elect its new president, at the Palacio Europa, on November 4, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Javier de Andrés has been proclaimed as the new president of the Basque PP, replacing Carlos Iturgaiz, during the XVI Congress of the Basque PP. The event was held under the slogan ‘Looking to the future/Aurrera Begira‘. Javier de Andrés will also be the candidate for Lehendakari in the next autonomic elections of 2024...04 NOVEMBER 2023..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..11/04/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023110412238
2023年11月04日XVI Congress of the Basque PP to elect the new president in VitoriaNovember 4, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava (Basque C, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, speaks during an extraordinary territorial Congress of the Basque PP to elect its new president, at the Palacio Europa, on November 4, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Javier de Andrés has been proclaimed as the new president of the Basque PP, replacing Carlos Iturgaiz, during the XVI Congress of the Basque PP. The event was held under the slogan ‘Looking to the future/Aurrera Begira‘. Javier de Andrés will also be the candidate for Lehendakari in the next autonomic elections of 2024...04 NOVEMBER 2023..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..11/04/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023110411604
2023年11月04日XVI Congress of the Basque PP to elect the new president in VitoriaNovember 4, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava (Basque C, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, votes during an extraordinary territorial Congress of the Basque PP to elect its new president, at the Palacio Europa, on November 4, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Javier de Andrés has been proclaimed as the new president of the Basque PP, replacing Carlos Iturgaiz, during the XVI Congress of the Basque PP. The event was held under the slogan ‘Looking to the future/Aurrera Begira‘. Javier de Andrés will also be the candidate for Lehendakari in the next autonomic elections of 2024...04 NOVEMBER 2023..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..11/04/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023110500280
2023年11月04日XVI Congress of the Basque PP to elect the new president in VitoriaNovember 4, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava (Basque C, Spain: (L-R) The former president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, the new president of the Basque PP, Javier de Andrés, the secretary general of the Popular Party, Cuca Gamarra, the secretary general of the Basque PP, Laura Garrido, and the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, during an extraordinary territorial Congress of the Basque PP to elect its new president, at the Palacio Europa, on November 4, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Javier de Andrés has been proclaimed as the new president of the Basque PP, replacing Carlos Iturgaiz, during the XVI Congress of the Basque PP. The event was held under the slogan ‘Looking to the future/Aurrera Begira‘...、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023110412443
2023年11月04日XVI Congress of the Basque PP to elect the new president in VitoriaNovember 4, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava (Basque C, Spain: The new president of the Basque PP, Javier de Andrés (l), and the president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal (r), during an extraordinary territorial Congress of the Basque PP to elect its new president, at the Palacio Europa, on November 4, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Javier de Andrés has been proclaimed as the new president of the Basque PP, replacing Carlos Iturgaiz, during the XVI Congress of the Basque PP. The event was held under the slogan ‘Looking to the future/Aurrera Begira‘. Javier de Andrés will also be the candidate for Lehendakari in the next autonomic elections of 2024...04 NOVEMBER 2023..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..11/04/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023110501650
2023年11月04日XVI Congress of the Basque PP to elect the new president in VitoriaNovember 4, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava (Basque C, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, speaks during an extraordinary territorial Congress of the Basque PP to elect its new president, at the Palacio Europa, on November 4, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Javier de Andrés has been proclaimed as the new president of the Basque PP, replacing Carlos Iturgaiz, during the XVI Congress of the Basque PP. The event was held under the slogan ‘Looking to the future/Aurrera Begira‘. Javier de Andrés will also be the candidate for Lehendakari in the next autonomic elections of 2024...04 NOVEMBER 2023..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..11/04/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023110412210
2023年11月04日XVI Congress of the Basque PP to elect the new president in VitoriaNovember 4, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava (Basque C, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, speaks during an extraordinary territorial Congress of the Basque PP to elect its new president, at the Palacio Europa, on November 4, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Javier de Andrés has been proclaimed as the new president of the Basque PP, replacing Carlos Iturgaiz, during the XVI Congress of the Basque PP. The event was held under the slogan ‘Looking to the future/Aurrera Begira‘. Javier de Andrés will also be the candidate for Lehendakari in the next autonomic elections of 2024...04 NOVEMBER 2023..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..11/04/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023110412230
2023年11月04日XVI Congress of the Basque PP to elect the new president in VitoriaNovember 4, 2023, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava (Basque C, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, speaks during an extraordinary territorial Congress of the Basque PP to elect its new president, at the Palacio Europa, on November 4, 2023, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Javier de Andrés has been proclaimed as the new president of the Basque PP, replacing Carlos Iturgaiz, during the XVI Congress of the Basque PP. The event was held under the slogan ‘Looking to the future/Aurrera Begira‘. Javier de Andrés will also be the candidate for Lehendakari in the next autonomic elections of 2024...04 NOVEMBER 2023..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..11/04/2023 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023110412226
2024年02月27日(たまがきおやかた) 玉垣親方元小結智乃花、本名成松伸哉、熊本県出身、大島部屋
商品コード: 2024022710653
2024年03月09日(たまがきおやかた) 玉垣親方玉垣親方
商品コード: 2024030906814
2024年04月05日Feijóo supports the PP candidates for the Basque elections at an election rally in VitoriaApril 5, 2024, Vitoria, Alava (Basque Country, Spain: The president of the PP of Alava, Iñaki Oyarzábal, speaks during a campaign event of his party, in the Plaza de España, on April 5, 2024, in Vitoria, Alava, Basque Country (Spain). Feijóo has supported the Basque PP candidate for lehendakari, Javier de Andrés, on the first day of the electoral campaign for the elections to the Basque Parliament. It was the first of at least four visits that the PP leader plans to make to the Basque Country in this election campaign, with the aim of increasing its current representation in the Basque Chamber, where it has six seats...05 APRIL 2024..Iñaki Berasaluce / Europa Press..04/05/2024 (Credit Image: © IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©IñAki Berasaluce/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2024040603827
2024年09月04日Tarcísio de Freitas na General MotorsSeptember 4, 2024, SãO Caetano Do Sul, Brazil: SÃO CAETANO DO SUL, SP - 04.09.2024: TARCÃSIO DE FREITAS NA GENERAL MOTORS - The governor of São Paulo, TarcÃsio de Freitas, greets José Auricchio Júnior, mayor of São Caetano do Sul, on the morning of this Wednesday (04) during the announcement of the new cycle of General Motors for automotive production in São Paulo in the next 4 years - the automaker will invest R$ 5.5 billion in the state during this period; on the left Rory Harvey, executive vice president of GM. The event takes place at the GM Technology Center in São Caetano do Sul, SP. (Credit Image: © Rodilei Morais/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Rodilei Morais/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2024090503333
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