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34 - 期間を指定
76 - 日付指定なし
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76 - グラフィックス
0 - 映像
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- 縦
25 - 横
51 - 正方形
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- 教育向け
- カテゴリ指定なし
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76 - モノクロ
- 同義語辞書
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- 1
- 古い順
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Director Kim Young-hee attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608301
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Director Kim Young-hee attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608251
2021年03月24日Director Kim Young-heeDirector Kim Young-hee attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021033109437
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Director Kim Young-hee, Gagman Kim Geura attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608276
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Director Kim Young-hee attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608303
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Director Kim Young-hee attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608272
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Director Kim Young-hee attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608300
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Actor Min Do-yoon, Director Kim Young-hee attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608201
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Actor Min Do-yoon, Director Kim Young-hee and Actor Oh Dong-won attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608208
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Actor Min Do-yoon, Director Kim Young-hee and Actor Oh Dong-won attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608307
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Director Kim Young-hee attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608216
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Director Kim Young-hee attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608278
2021年03月24日the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘Director Kim Young-hee attends the Press preview of ‘Gisaengchun‘ at Konkuk University entrance of Lotte Cinema on March 24rd in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021032608254
2022年04月26日CIXKim Yonghee, Kim Seunghun, BX of CIX arrive at Incheon International Airport to depart for LA on April 26th. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022051303553
2022年04月26日CIXKim Yonghee of CIX arrives at Incheon International Airport to depart for LA on April 26th. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022051303524
2022年04月26日CIXKim Yonghee of CIX arrives at Incheon International Airport to depart for LA on April 26th. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022051303499
2022年04月26日CIXKim Yonghee of CIX arrives at Incheon International Airport to depart for LA on April 26th. (PHOTO=OSEN)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022051303520
2022年07月08日CIXKim Yong-hee of CIX arrives at Incheon International Airport to depart for London on July 8th. /PHOTO=OSEN、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022071502219
2022年07月08日CIXKim Yong-hee of CIX arrives at Incheon International Airport to depart for London on July 8th. /PHOTO=OSEN、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022071502218
2022年08月19日The opening ceremony of the 10th Busan International Comedy FestivalIt‘s Home Shopping Co., Ltd. (From left: Lee Hyun-jung, Hwang Jeong-hye, Lee Seung-hwan, Kim Young-hee) pose on the blue carpet at the opening ceremony of the 10th Busan International Comedy Festival held at the Busan Cinema Center in U-dong, Haeundae-gu, Busan on August 18, 2022. (Photo = Osen)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022082310691
2022年08月19日The opening ceremony of the 10th Busan International Comedy FestivalIt‘s Home Shopping Co., Ltd. (From left: Lee Hyun-jung, Hwang Jeong-hye, Lee Seung-hwan, Kim Young-hee) pose on the blue carpet at the opening ceremony of the 10th Busan International Comedy Festival held at the Busan Cinema Center in U-dong, Haeundae-gu, Busan on August 18, 2022. (Photo = Osen)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022082310906
2022年08月19日The opening ceremony of the 10th Busan International Comedy FestivalKim Young-hee poses on the blue carpet at the opening ceremony of the 10th Busan International Comedy Festival held at the Busan Cinema Center in U-dong, Haeundae-gu, Busan on August 18, 2022. (Photo = Osen)、クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022082310737
2022年11月17日Badminton 2022: Australia OpenNovember 17, 2022, Sydney, Australia: Feng Yan Zhe (L) and Huang Dong Ping (R) of China seen during the 2022 SATHIO GROUP Australian Badminton Open mixed double round of 16 match against Young Hyuk Kim and Lee Yu Lim of Korea. Feng and Huang won the match 12-21, 21-14, 21-15. (Credit Image: © Luis Veniegra/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Luis Veniegra/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022111803407
2022年11月17日Australian Badminton Open Mixed Double round of 16 in Sydney - 17 Nov 2022November 17, 2022, Sydney, Australia: Feng Yan Zhe (L) and Huang Dong Ping (R) of China seen during the 2022 SATHIO GROUP Australian Badminton Open mixed double round of 16 match against Young Hyuk Kim and Lee Yu Lim of Korea. Feng and Huang won the match 12-21, 21-14, 21-15. (Credit Image: © Luis Veniegra/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Luis Veniegra/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022112007697
2022年11月17日Australian Badminton Open Mixed Double round of 16 in Sydney - 17 Nov 2022November 17, 2022, Sydney, Australia: Huang Dong Ping (L) and Feng Yan Zhe (R) of China seen during the 2022 SATHIO GROUP Australian Badminton Open mixed double round of 16 match against Young Hyuk Kim and Lee Yu Lim of Korea. Feng and Huang won the match 12-21, 21-14, 21-15. (Credit Image: © Luis Veniegra/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Luis Veniegra/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022112007855
2022年11月17日Australian Badminton Open Mixed Double round of 16 in Sydney - 17 Nov 2022November 17, 2022, Sydney, Australia: Lee Yu Lim (L) and Kim Young Hyuk (R) of Korea seen during the 2022 SATHIO GROUP Australian Badminton Open mixed double round of 16 match against Huang Dong Ping and Feng Yan Zhe of China. Lee and Kim lost the match 21-12, 14-21, 15-21. (Credit Image: © Luis Veniegra/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Luis Veniegra/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022111801156
2023年03月20日韓国映画「ウンナム」VIP試写会Kim Mingyeong, Kim Yeonghui, Park Soyeong, Kim Jimin attend the VIP preview of movie ‘Ungnami’ at CGV Yongsan on March 20th in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)=クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023081714187
2023年03月20日韓国映画「ウンナム」VIP試写会Kim Mingyeong, Kim Yeonghui, Park Soyeong, Kim Jimin attend the VIP preview of movie ‘Ungnami’ at CGV Yongsan on March 20th in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)=クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023081714174
2023年04月16日CIXKim Yong-hee, Kim Seung-hun of CIX posed for pictures after their arrived at Gimpo Airport on April 16 in Seoul, South Korea. /PHOTO=OSEN=クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023042009894
2023年04月16日CIXBX, Kim Yong-hee of CIX posed for pictures after their arrived at Gimpo Airport on April 16 in Seoul, South Korea. /PHOTO=OSEN=クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023042009836
2023年04月16日CIXKim Yong-hee of CIX posed for pictures after their arrived at Gimpo Airport on April 16 in Seoul, South Korea. /PHOTO=OSEN=クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023042009841
2023年05月25日New S. Korean envoy to EgyptNew S. Korean envoy to Egypt President Yoon Suk Yeok (L) poses for a photo with Kim Yong-hyon, South Korea‘s new ambassador to Egypt after presenting him with a letter of credence at the presidential office in Seoul on May 25, 2023. (Pool photo) (Yonhap)/2023-05-25 16:37:24/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2023 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023052510918
2023年06月09日CIXKim Yong-hee of CIX attended the rehearsal of KBS Music Bank at Yeouido KBS studio on June 9th in Seoul, South Korea. (PHOTO=OSEN)=クレジット:OSEN/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023061210614
2023年07月20日(SP)SOUTH KOREA-YEOSU-BADMINTON-KOREA OPEN-MEN‘S DOUBLES(230720) -- YEOSU, July 20, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Kim Younghyuk(R)/Wang Chan of South Korea compete during the men‘s doubles 2nd round match against Liu Yuchen/Ou Xuanyi of China at the BWF Korea Open Badminton Championships 2023 in Yeosu, South Korea, July 20, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Yiliang)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023072011480
2023年07月20日(SP)SOUTH KOREA-YEOSU-BADMINTON-KOREA OPEN-MEN‘S DOUBLES(230720) -- YEOSU, July 20, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Liu Yuchen/Ou Xuanyi(R) of China compete during the men‘s doubles 2nd round match against Kim Younghyuk/Wang Chan of South Korea at the BWF Korea Open Badminton Championships 2023 in Yeosu, South Korea, July 20, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Yiliang)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023072011481
2023年07月20日(SP)SOUTH KOREA-YEOSU-BADMINTON-KOREA OPEN-MEN‘S DOUBLES(230720) -- YEOSU, July 20, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Liu Yuchen/Ou Xuanyi(R) of China compete during the men‘s doubles 2nd round match against Kim Younghyuk/Wang Chan of South Korea at the BWF Korea Open Badminton Championships 2023 in Yeosu, South Korea, July 20, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Yiliang)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023072011487
2023年07月20日(SP)SOUTH KOREA-YEOSU-BADMINTON-KOREA OPEN-MEN‘S DOUBLES(230720) -- YEOSU, July 20, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Kim Younghyuk/Wang Chan(L) of South Korea compete during the men‘s doubles 2nd round match against Liu Yuchen/Ou Xuanyi of China at the BWF Korea Open Badminton Championships 2023 in Yeosu, South Korea, July 20, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Yiliang)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023072011483
2023年07月20日(SP)SOUTH KOREA-YEOSU-BADMINTON-KOREA OPEN-MEN‘S DOUBLES(230720) -- YEOSU, July 20, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Kim Younghyuk/Wang Chan(R) of South Korea compete during the men‘s doubles 2nd round match against Liu Yuchen/Ou Xuanyi of China at the BWF Korea Open Badminton Championships 2023 in Yeosu, South Korea, July 20, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Yiliang)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023072011482
2023年07月20日(SP)SOUTH KOREA-YEOSU-BADMINTON-KOREA OPEN-MEN‘S DOUBLES(230720) -- YEOSU, July 20, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Kim Younghyuk/Wang Chan (L) of South Korea compete during the men‘s doubles 2nd round match against Liu Yuchen/Ou Xuanyi of China at the BWF Korea Open Badminton Championships 2023 in Yeosu, South Korea, July 20, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Yiliang)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023072011479
2023年07月21日(SP)SOUTH KOREA-YEOSU-BADMINTON-KOREA OPEN-QUARTER FINALS(230721) -- YEOSU, July 21, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Kim Younghyuk(R)/Wang Chan of South Korea compete during the men‘s doubles quarter finals against Liang Weikeng/Wang Chang of China at the BWF Korea Open Badminton Championships 2023 in Yeosu, South Korea, July 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Yiliang)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023072111088
2023年07月21日(SP)SOUTH KOREA-YEOSU-BADMINTON-KOREA OPEN-QUARTER FINALS(230721) -- YEOSU, July 21, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Kim Younghyuk(R)/Wang Chan of South Korea compete during the men‘s doubles quarter finals against Liang Weikeng/Wang Chang of China at the BWF Korea Open Badminton Championships 2023 in Yeosu, South Korea, July 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Yiliang)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023072111095
2023年07月21日(SP)SOUTH KOREA-YEOSU-BADMINTON-KOREA OPEN-QUARTER FINALS(230721) -- YEOSU, July 21, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Liang Weikeng(L)/Wang Chang of China compete during the men‘s doubles quarter finals against Kim Younghyuk/Wang Chan of South Korea at the BWF Korea Open Badminton Championships 2023 in Yeosu, South Korea, July 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Yiliang)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023072111097
2024年08月12日New defense minister nomineeNew defense minister nominee Presidential Security Service chief Kim Yong-hyun attends a briefing on his nomination as the new defense minister at the presidential office in Seoul on Aug. 12, 2024. (Yonhap)/2024-08-12 15:12:42/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024081207776
2024年08月16日New defense minister nomineeNew defense minister nomineeNew Defense Minister nominee Kim Yong-hyun arrives at his temporary office in Seoul on Aug. 16, 2024, to prepare for his parliamentary confirmation hearing. (Yonhap)/2024-08-16 09:42:22/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024081604240
2024年09月02日New defense minister nominee at confirmation hearingNew defense minister nominee at confirmation hearing New Defense Minister nominee Kim Yong-hyun attends his confirmation hearing at the National Assembly in Seoul on Sept. 2, 2024. (Yonhap)/2024-09-02 10:43:22/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024090206667
2024年09月06日New defense ministerNew defense minister President Yoon Suk Yeol (L) poses with new Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun after presenting him a letter of appointment at the presidential office in Seoul on Sept. 6, 2024. (Yonhap)/2024-09-06 15:48:02/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024090609131
2024年09月06日New defense ministerNew defense minister New Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun burns incense during a visit to the National Cemetery in Seoul on Sept. 6, 2024. (Yonhap)/2024-09-06 15:50:17/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024090609151
2024年09月10日S. Korea-UNC defense ministerial talks CRS. Korea-UNC defense ministerial talks CRParticipants, including South Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun (6th from L) and his Canadian counterpart, Bill Blair (6th from R), pose during the opening ceremony of the second meeting of defense ministers from South Korea and 16 member states of the United Nations Command, which fought for South Korea under the U.N. flag during the 1950-53 Korean War, at a hotel in Seoul on Sept. 10, 2024. (Yonhap)/2024-09-10 17:38:48/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024091010048
2024年09月10日S. Korea-UNC defense ministerial talksS. Korea-UNC defense ministerial talks South Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun (C) delivers an opening speech at the second meeting of defense ministers from South Korea and 16 member states of the United Nations Command, which fought for South Korea under the U.N. flag during the 1950-53 Korean War, at a hotel in Seoul on Sept. 10, 2024. (Yonhap)/2024-09-10 17:38:57/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024091010053
2024年09月10日S. Korea-UNC defense ministerial talksS. Korea-UNC defense ministerial talksParticipants, including South Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun (6th from L) and his Canadian counterpart, Bill Blair (6th from R), pose during the opening ceremony of the second meeting of defense ministers from South Korea and 16 member states of the United Nations Command, which fought for South Korea under the U.N. flag during the 1950-53 Korean War, at a hotel in Seoul on Sept. 10, 2024. (Yonhap)/2024-09-10 17:38:48/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024091010231
2024年10月15日Cabinet meetingCabinet meeting Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun attends a Cabinet meeting at the presidential office in Seoul on Oct. 15, 2024. (Yonhap)/2024-10-15 10:21:49/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024101505509
2024年10月30日U.S. Defense Secretary Austin Meets with South Korean Defense Minister KimOctober 30, 2024, Arlington, Va, United States of America: U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, right, stands with South Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, left, for the playing of national anthems during the arrival ceremony at the Pentagon, October 30, 2024, in Arlington, Virginia. Kim is in Washington for the annual U.S.-Republic of Korea Security Consultative Meetings. (Credit Image: © Mc1 Alexander Kubitza/Dod/Planet Pix via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mc1 Alexander Kubitza/Dod/Planet Pix via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110103986
2024年10月30日U.S. Defense Secretary Austin Meets with South Korean Defense Minister KimOctober 30, 2024, Arlington, Va, United States of America: U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, right, walks with South Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, left, prior to their bilateral meeting at the Pentagon, October 30, 2024, in Arlington, Virginia. Kim is in Washington for the annual U.S.-Republic of Korea Security Consultative Meetings. (Credit Image: © Mc1 Alexander Kubitza/Dod/Planet Pix via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mc1 Alexander Kubitza/Dod/Planet Pix via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110103976
2024年10月30日U.S. Defense Secretary Austin Meets with South Korean Defense Minister KimOctober 30, 2024, Arlington, Va, United States of America: U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, stands with South Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, left, for the playing of national anthems during the arrival ceremony at the Pentagon, October 30, 2024, in Arlington, Virginia. Kim is in Washington for the annual U.S.-Republic of Korea Security Consultative Meetings. (Credit Image: © Mc1 Alexander Kubitza/Dod/Planet Pix via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mc1 Alexander Kubitza/Dod/Planet Pix via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110103937
2024年10月30日Secretaries Blinken And Austin Meet With Their Korean Counterparts At The State DepartmentSecretary of State Antony Blinken holds a joint press conference with Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Republic of Korea Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul, and Republic of Korea Minister of Defense Kim Yong-hyun at the US Department of State in Washington, DC, United States, on October 31, 2024. (Photo by Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110110101
2024年10月30日Secretaries Blinken And Austin Meet With Their Korean Counterparts At The State DepartmentSecretary of State Antony Blinken holds a joint press conference with Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Republic of Korea Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul, and Republic of Korea Minister of Defense Kim Yong-hyun at the US Department of State in Washington, DC, United States, on October 31, 2024. (Photo by Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110110066
2024年10月30日U.S. Defense Secretary Austin Meets with South Korean Defense Minister KimOctober 30, 2024, Arlington, Va, United States of America: U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, stands with South Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, left, for the playing of national anthems during the arrival ceremony at the Pentagon, October 30, 2024, in Arlington, Virginia. Kim is in Washington for the annual U.S.-Republic of Korea Security Consultative Meetings. (Credit Image: © Mc1 Alexander Kubitza/Dod/Planet Pix via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mc1 Alexander Kubitza/Dod/Planet Pix via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110103942
2024年10月31日Secretaries Blinken And Austin Meet With Their Korean Counterparts At The State DepartmentSecretary of State Antony Blinken holds a joint press conference with Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Republic of Korea Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul, and Republic of Korea Minister of Defense Kim Yong-hyun at the US Department of State in Washington, DC, United States, on October 31, 2024. (Photo by Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110110190
2024年10月31日Secretaries Blinken And Austin Meet With Their Korean Counterparts At The State DepartmentSecretary of State Antony Blinken holds a joint press conference with Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Republic of Korea Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul, and Republic of Korea Minister of Defense Kim Yong-hyun at the US Department of State in Washington, DC, United States, on October 31, 2024. (Photo by Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110110222
2024年10月31日Secretaries Blinken And Austin Meet With Their Korean Counterparts At The State DepartmentSecretary of State Antony Blinken holds a joint press conference with Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Republic of Korea Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul, and Republic of Korea Minister of Defense Kim Yong-hyun at the US Department of State in Washington, DC, United States, on October 31, 2024. (Photo by Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110110064
2024年10月31日Secretaries Blinken And Austin Meet With Their Korean Counterparts At The State DepartmentSecretary of State Antony Blinken holds a joint press conference with Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Republic of Korea Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul, and Republic of Korea Minister of Defense Kim Yong-hyun at the US Department of State in Washington, DC, United States, on October 31, 2024. (Photo by Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Andrew Thomas/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110110075
2024年11月01日Canada News - November 1, 2024November 1, 2024, Ottawa, On, Canada: National Defence Minister Bill Blair walks with Republic of Korea Minister of National Defence Kim Yong-hyun as he inspects an honour guard at National Defence headquarters, Friday, Nov.1, 2024 in Ottawa. (Credit Image: © Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT
商品コード: 2024110203045
2024年11月01日Canada News - November 1, 2024November 1, 2024, Ottawa, On, Canada: National Defence Minister Bill Blair walks with Republic of Korea Minister of National Defence Kim Yong-hyun as he inspects an honour guard at National Defence headquarters, Friday, Nov.1, 2024 in Ottawa. (Credit Image: © Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT
商品コード: 2024110203034
2024年11月01日Canada News - November 1, 2024November 1, 2024, Ottawa, On, Canada: An honour guard salutes Republic of Korea Minister of National Defence Kim Yong-hyun as he stands on the podium next to National Defence Minister Bill Blair and Chief of the Defence Staff Jennie Carignan during a ceremony at National Defence headquarters, Friday, Nov. 1, 2024 in Ottawa. (Credit Image: © Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT
商品コード: 2024110203069
2024年11月01日Canada News - November 1, 2024November 1, 2024, Ottawa, On, Canada: National Defence Minister Bill Blair poses with Republic of Korea Minister of National Defence Kim Yong-hyun, Friday, Nov.1, 2024 in Ottawa. (Credit Image: © Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT
商品コード: 2024110203032
2024年11月01日Canada News - November 1, 2024November 1, 2024, Ottawa, On, Canada: National Defence Minister Bill Blair shakes hands with Republic of Korea Minister of National Defence Kim Yong-hyun, Friday, Nov.1, 2024 in Ottawa. (Credit Image: © Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT
商品コード: 2024110203137
2024年11月01日Korea-US ‘2+2‘ talksKorea-US ‘2+2‘ talksSouth Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin (from L to R) attend a joint press conference at the State Department in Washington D.C. on Oct. 31, 2024. (Yonhap)/2024-11-01 08:47:33/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110104956
2024年11月01日Korea-US ‘2+2‘ talksKorea-US ‘2+2‘ talksSouth Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin (from L to R) attend a joint press conference at the State Department in Washington D.C. on Oct. 31, 2024. (Yonhap)/2024-11-01 08:47:52/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024110104955
2024年11月01日Bill Blair Kim Yong-hyun Cho Tae-yul Melanie Joly..November 1, 2024, Ottawa, On, Canada: Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly, right, National Defence Minister Bill Blair and Republic of Korea Minister of National Defence Kim Yong-hyun, left, listen as Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul speaks during a news conference in Ottawa, Friday, Nov. 1, 2024. (Credit Image: © Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT
商品コード: 2024110206889
2024年11月01日Kim Yong-hyun Cho Tae-yul..November 1, 2024, Ottawa, On, Canada: Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul, right, looks on as Republic of Korea Minister of National Defence Kim Yong-hyun speaks during a news conference in Ottawa, Friday, Nov. 1, 2024. (Credit Image: © Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT
商品コード: 2024110207166
2024年11月01日Bill Blair Kim Yong-hyun Cho Tae-yul Melanie Joly..November 1, 2024, Ottawa, On, Canada: Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly gestures to National Defence Minister Bill Blair, Republic of Korea Minister of National Defence Kim Yong-hyun and Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul, left, during a news conference in Ottawa, Friday, Nov. 1, 2024. (Credit Image: © Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT
商品コード: 2024110207602
2024年11月01日Bill Blair Kim Yong-hyun Cho Tae-yul Melanie Joly..November 1, 2024, Ottawa, On, Canada: National Defence Minister Bill Blair, right, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly shake hands with Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul and Minister of National Defence Kim Yong-hyun, left, following a news conference in Ottawa, Friday, Nov. 1, 2024. (Credit Image: © Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT
商品コード: 2024110207659
2024年11月01日Canada News - November 1, 2024November 1, 2024, Ottawa, On, Canada: Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly shakes hands with Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yu as lNational Defence Minister Bill Blair shakes hands with Republic of Korea Minister of National Defence Kim Yong-hyun following a news conference, Friday, Nov. 1, 2024 in Ottawa. (Credit Image: © Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT
商品コード: 2024110207536
2024年11月27日(Kim Yong-hyun) 金龍顕韓国、国防部長官、2024年10月31日撮影(ゲッティ=共同)(キム・ヨンヒョン)
商品コード: 2024112706224
2024年12月08日Police raid ex-defense chief‘s officePolice raid ex-defense chief‘s officePolice investigators enter the office of former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun in Seoul on Dec. 8, 2024, to seize documents and other materials related to his alleged role in President Yoon Suk Yeol‘s imposition of emergency martial law last week. (Yonhap)/2024-12-08 13:54:02/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024120804727
2024年12月09日Special forces unit chief meets pressSpecial forces unit chief meets press Col. Kim Hyun-tae of the Army‘s 707 Special Mission Group holds a news conference in front of the War Memorial in Seoul on Dec. 9, 2024, stating that his soldiers, who were mobilized to the National Assembly under a martial law command on the night of Dec. 3, were victims exploited by former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, a key suspect behind the imposition of martial law. (Yonhap)/2024-12-09 10:04:22/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024120903527
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