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( 1 10 件を表示)
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( 1 10 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  Beautiful and brightly coloured Puss moth Caterpillar
    Beautiful and brightly coloured Puss moth Caterpillar

    Wildlife photographer David Weiller snapped these stunning close-up images of the colourful Puss moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinulais) near his home in his native France. This cartoon-like caterpillar will usually camouflage itself effectively among the leaves which it feeds on, but if disturbed, it has an extraordinary defensive strategy where it will wave around the two long red whip-like appendages from its tail. If further deterrent is still needed, the caterpillar can squirt formic acid from its thorax in order to deter potential predators.Featuring: Puss moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinulais).Where: France.When: 12 Jun 2021.Credit: David Weiller/WENN、クレジット:David Weiller/WENN/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021061703722

  •  Beautiful and brightly coloured Puss moth Caterpillar
    Beautiful and brightly coloured Puss moth Caterpillar

    Wildlife photographer David Weiller snapped these stunning close-up images of the colourful Puss moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinulais) near his home in his native France. This cartoon-like caterpillar will usually camouflage itself effectively among the leaves which it feeds on, but if disturbed, it has an extraordinary defensive strategy where it will wave around the two long red whip-like appendages from its tail. If further deterrent is still needed, the caterpillar can squirt formic acid from its thorax in order to deter potential predators.Featuring: Puss moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinulais).Where: France.When: 12 Jun 2021.Credit: David Weiller/WENN、クレジット:David Weiller/WENN/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021061703715

  •  Beautiful and brightly coloured Puss moth Caterpillar
    Beautiful and brightly coloured Puss moth Caterpillar

    Wildlife photographer David Weiller snapped these stunning close-up images of the colourful Puss moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinulais) near his home in his native France. This cartoon-like caterpillar will usually camouflage itself effectively among the leaves which it feeds on, but if disturbed, it has an extraordinary defensive strategy where it will wave around the two long red whip-like appendages from its tail. If further deterrent is still needed, the caterpillar can squirt formic acid from its thorax in order to deter potential predators.Featuring: Puss moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinulais).Where: France.When: 12 Jun 2021.Credit: David Weiller/WENN、クレジット:David Weiller/WENN/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021061703718

  •  Beautiful and brightly coloured Puss moth Caterpillar
    Beautiful and brightly coloured Puss moth Caterpillar

    Wildlife photographer David Weiller snapped these stunning close-up images of the colourful Puss moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinulais) near his home in his native France. This cartoon-like caterpillar will usually camouflage itself effectively among the leaves which it feeds on, but if disturbed, it has an extraordinary defensive strategy where it will wave around the two long red whip-like appendages from its tail. If further deterrent is still needed, the caterpillar can squirt formic acid from its thorax in order to deter potential predators.Featuring: Puss moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinulais).Where: France.When: 12 Jun 2021.Credit: David Weiller/WENN、クレジット:David Weiller/WENN/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021061703723

  •  Beautiful and brightly coloured Puss moth Caterpillar
    Beautiful and brightly coloured Puss moth Caterpillar

    Wildlife photographer David Weiller snapped these stunning close-up images of the colourful Puss moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinulais) near his home in his native France. This cartoon-like caterpillar will usually camouflage itself effectively among the leaves which it feeds on, but if disturbed, it has an extraordinary defensive strategy where it will wave around the two long red whip-like appendages from its tail. If further deterrent is still needed, the caterpillar can squirt formic acid from its thorax in order to deter potential predators.Featuring: Puss moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinulais).Where: France.When: 12 Jun 2021.Credit: David Weiller/WENN、クレジット:David Weiller/WENN/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021061705737

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    12日、ギ酸メチル漏えい事故の現場。中国貴州省の貴陽市経済技術開発区西江路で12日午前0時12分(日本時間同1時12分)、ギ酸メチルの漏えい事故が発生し、8人が死亡、3人が負傷した。同開発区弁公室が明らかにした。(貴陽=新華社記者/陶亮)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年6月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021061305300

  •  ジェイテクトが開発したギ酸の燃料電池


    商品コード: 2021111109523

  • 「ギ酸」で発電する電池 廃棄物から燃料電池製造
    「ギ酸」で発電する電池 廃棄物から燃料電池製造


    商品コード: 2021110811025

  • 燃料電池と林田副本部長 廃棄物から燃料電池製造
    燃料電池と林田副本部長 廃棄物から燃料電池製造


    商品コード: 2021110811033

  •  中国の研究者、使用済み電池で二酸化炭素からギ酸を高効率生成

    プロトン交換膜二酸化炭素電解システムとその電気化学的特性を示した図。(資料写真)中国の華中科技大学(湖北省武漢市)は、同大化学・化工学院の夏宝玉(か・ほうぎょく)教授のチームが、二酸化炭素(CO2)から経済価値の高いギ酸生成物への高い効率での変換に使用済み鉛蓄電池を活用できるプロトン交換膜(PEM)CO2電解システムを開発したと発表した。研究成果はこのほど、英科学誌ネイチャーに掲載された。(武漢=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020608642

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