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( 1 85 件を表示)
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( 1 85 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  Pyramidion from the tomb of Raa-bye. Limestone. Egypt. The State Hermitage Museum. Saint Petersburg. Russia.
    Pyramidion from the tomb of Raa-bye. Limestone. Egypt. The State Hermitage Museum. Saint Petersburg. Russia.

    Pyramidion from the tomb of Raa-bye. Limestone. Egypt. The State Hermitage Museum. Saint Petersburg. Russia.、クレジット:Album/Prisma/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2019101504207


    INTERIOR-RETABLO DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA PAZ - DET PINTURA:STA ISABEL DE PORTUGAL. Author: LOPEZ MATIAS. Location: CATEDRAL DE SANTA MARIA MAGDALENA. GETAFE. MADRID. SPAIN.、クレジット:Album/Oronoz/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2020061106200


    APOSTEOSIS DE SAN GENARO - 1636 -. Author: JUSEPE DE RIBERA. Location: IGLESIA DE LAS AGUSTINAS. SALAMANCA. SPAIN. SAN GENARO. SAN JENARO.、クレジット:Album/Oronoz/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2020062202271

  •  Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Partie supérieure de la façade, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative,
    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Partie supérieure de la façade, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative,

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Partie supérieure de la façade, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 23.4 x 32.9 cm (9 3/16 x 12 15/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 18241872).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2022061801776

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint Sépulcre, Façade, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 33.3 x 23.7 cm (13 1/8 x 9 5/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080704957

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, croix en argent ciselé, donnée par Louis XIII à l‘Eglise du Saint Sépulcre, 1854, Salted paper prints from paper negative, Image: 34.8 x 23.5 cm (13 11/16 x 9 1/4 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872), Salzmann revered this processional cross of engraved silver, which the king of France, Louis XIII, gifted to the church treasury in 1625. Placed against a velvety backdrop with a royal seal at top right, the cross is framed by contrasting stripes.、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705087

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Face Ouest, Rue du Patriarche, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 32.4 × 23.8 cm (12 3/4 × 9 3/8 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705061

  •  Jérusalem.

    Jérusalem. Saint Sépulcre. Chapelle du Calvaire, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824 - 1872), and Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard (French, 1802 - 1872), Jerusalem, Israel (Palestine), negative 1854, print 1856, Salted paper print, 23.2 × 16.5 cm (9 1/8 × 6 1/2 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023031113244

  •  Jérusalem.

    Jérusalem. Saint Sépulcre. Clocher, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824 - 1872), and Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard (French, 1802 - 1872), Jerusalem, Israel (Palestine), negative 1854, print 1856, Salted paper print, 22.2 × 15.6 cm (8 3/4 × 6 1/8 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023041410212

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Bas-relief (porte murée), 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 23.6 x 32.8 cm (9 5/16 x 12 15/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705052

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Chapelle du Calvaire, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 32.5 x 23.4 cm (12 13/16 x 9 3/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705078


    FERNANDO III EL SANTO (h. 1198-1252). Rey de Castilla (1217-1252) y de León (1230-1252). Hijo de Alfonso IX de León y de Berenguela de Castilla. Grabado del siglo XIX.、クレジット:Album/Mestral/Prisma/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2020042303890

  •  Tomb of Amen Khopshef, son of Ramses III.
    Tomb of Amen Khopshef, son of Ramses III.

    Tomb of Amen Khopshef, son of Ramses III. Polychrome reliefs decorating the walls of the burial chamber. Goddess Hathor with the prince. Twentieth dynasty. New Kingdom. Valley of the Queens. Egypt.、クレジット:Album/Prisma/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2020051306252

  •  Jérusalem.

    Jérusalem. Saint Sépulcre. Coupole., Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824 - 1872), and Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard (French, 1802 - 1872), Jerusalem, Israel (Palestine), negative 1854, print 1856, Salted paper print, 21.6 × 14.9 cm (8 1/2 × 5 7/8 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023032401489

  •  Jérusalem.

    Jérusalem. Saint Sépulcre. Vue générale., Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824 - 1872), and Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard (French, 1802 - 1872), Jerusalem, Israel (Palestine), negative 1854, print 1856, Salted paper print, 16.7 × 23.2 cm (6 9/16 × 9 1/8 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023041214190

  •  Jérusalem.

    Jérusalem. Saint Sépulcre. Entrée principale, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824 - 1872), and Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard (French, 1802 - 1872), Jerusalem, Israel (Palestine), negative 1854, print 1856, Salted paper print, 15.4 × 21.4 cm (6 1/16 × 8 7/16 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023040914978

  •  Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Détails de la Chapelle du Calvaire, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative,
    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Détails de la Chapelle du Calvaire, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative,

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Détails de la Chapelle du Calvaire, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 32.7 x 23.4 cm (12 7/8 x 9 3/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 18241872).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023051910241

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint Sépulcre, détails des chapiteaux, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 23.2 x 32.5 cm (9 1/8 x 12 13/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872), Salzmann’s photographs dissect the church’s facade element by element. He recognized the building as a physical manifestation of the multicultural city’s history, during which it changed hands over many centuries: ‘Destroyed and rebuilt under the strangest circumstances, it offers a meeting of diverse elements that cannot be found elsewhere.、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080704883

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Intérieur de la Chapelle du Calvaire, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 32.9 x 23.4 cm (12 15/16 x 9 3/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080704902

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Vue générale, 1, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 23.1 × 33.1 cm (9 1/8 × 13 1/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080704939

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Porte Ouest, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 33.3 × 23.7 cm (13 1/8 × 9 5/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080704945

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Détails de la Chapelle du Calvaire, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 32.7 x 23.4 cm (12 7/8 x 9 3/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705032

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Clocher, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 32.9 x 23.5 cm (12 15/16 x 9 1/4 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705086

  •  San Luis, rey de Francia / St Louis, King of France.
    San Luis, rey de Francia / St Louis, King of France.

    San Luis, rey de Francia / St Louis, King of France. Date/Period: Ca. 1615-1630. Painting. Oil on canvas. Height: 128 cm (50.3 in); Width: 90 cm (35.4 in). Author: EL GRECO.、クレジット:Album/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2020033000792

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Détails des chapiteaux de la porte principale, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 32.9 x 23.2 cm (12 15/16 x 9 1/8 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080704914

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint Sépulcre, coupole, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 33.2 x 23.5 cm (13 1/16 x 9 1/4 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080704946

  •  Jérusalem.

    Jérusalem. Saint Sépulcre. Partie supérieure de la façade., Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824 - 1872), and Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard (French, 1802 - 1872), Jerusalem, Israel (Palestine), negative 1854, print 1856, Salted paper print, 15.1 × 21.3 cm (5 15/16 × 8 3/8 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023040411242

  •  Jérusalem.

    Jérusalem. Saint Sépulcre. Colonne du parvis, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824 - 1872), and Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard (French, 1802 - 1872), Jerusalem, Israel (Palestine), negative 1854, print 1856, Salted paper print, 23 × 16 cm (9 1/16 × 6 5/16 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023030908379

  •  Jérusalem.

    Jérusalem. Saint Sépulcre. Façade, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824 - 1872), and Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard (French, 1802 - 1872), Jerusalem, Israel (Palestine), negative 1854, print 1856, Salted paper print, 21.4 × 14.9 cm (8 7/16 × 5 7/8 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023041213591

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Partie supérieure de la façade, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 23.4 x 32.9 cm (9 3/16 x 12 15/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705077

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Détails de la façade, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 22.7 × 33.1 cm (8 15/16 × 13 1/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705075


    APARICION DE LA VIRGEN A SAN BERNARDO - SIGLO XVI - OLEO/TABLA - 170 x 130 cm - NP 2832 - RENACIMIENTO ESPAÑOL. Author: JUAN CORREA DE VIVAR. Location: MUSEO DEL PRADO-PINTURA. MADRID. SPAIN. CHILD JESUS. VIRGIN MARY. VIRGEN DE LA LECHE. VIRGEN DE LA MACARENA.、クレジット:Album/Oronoz/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2020052105255

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Détails du Clocher, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 32.5 × 23.5 cm (12 13/16 × 9 1/4 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080704950

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint Sépulcre, Vue générale de la Chapelle du Calvaire, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 33.3 x 23.7 cm (13 1/8 x 9 5/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705015

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint Sépulcre, vue générale, 2, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 23.2 x 33 cm (9 1/8 x 13 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705030

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Entrée principale, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 23.4 x 32.4 cm (9 3/16 x 12 3/4 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872), Unlike later tourist views produced by the Bonfils firm, for example, Salzmann’s photographs of the church avoid showing its present-day life. As a major pilgrimage center, the site would have seen streams of worshippers moving through the main portal pictured here.、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705039

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Colonne du parvis, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 32.6 x 23 cm (12 13/16 x 9 1/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705079

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint-Sépulcre, Bas-relief (porte d‘entrée), 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 23.4 x 31.6 cm (9 3/16 x 12 7/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872).、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080705083

  •  Jérusalem.

    Jérusalem. Saint Sépulcre. Détails des chapiteaux., Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824 - 1872), and Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard (French, 1802 - 1872), Jerusalem, Israel (Palestine), negative 1854, print 1856, Salted paper print, 14.9 × 21.6 cm (5 7/8 × 8 1/2 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023041804310


    SAN FERNANDO - SIGLO XVII - BARROCO ESPANOL. Author: BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO. Location: CATEDRAL-INTERIOR. Sevilla. Seville. SPAIN. FERNANDO III EL SANTO CASTILLA / LEON. SAN FERNANDO (REY).、クレジット:Album/Oronoz/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2020032603286

  •  Jérusalem.

    Jérusalem. Saint Sépulcre. Détails de la façade., Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824 - 1872), and Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard (French, 1802 - 1872), Jerusalem, Israel (Palestine), negative 1854, print 1856, Salted paper print, 15.7 × 22.4 cm (6 3/16 × 8 13/16 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023041014548

  •  Jérusalem.

    Jérusalem. Saint Sépulcre. Abside, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824 - 1872), and Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard (French, 1802 - 1872), Jerusalem, Israel (Palestine), negative 1854, print 1856, Salted paper print, 18.1 × 21.6 cm (7 1/8 × 8 1/2 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023030305843

  •  Jérusalem

    Jérusalem, Saint Sépulcre, abside, 1854, Salted paper print from paper negative, Image: 23.5 x 31 cm (9 1/4 x 12 3/16 in.), Photographs, Auguste Salzmann (French, 1824–1872), Despite the blinding desert light, Salzmann sensitively renders the undulating forms of the church’s structure, accumulated over centuries, in this view of the apse and dome. Unable to record the interior with his camera, he photographed every angle he could of the exterior.、クレジット:Sepia Times/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080704951


    SAN LEANDRO - SIGLO XVII - BARROCO ESPAÑOL. Author: BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO. Location: BRITISH MUSEUM. LONDON. ENGLAND.、クレジット:Album/Oronoz/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2020102401210

  •  ISU World Speed Skating Championships 2021
    ISU World Speed Skating Championships 2021

    HEERENVEEN, NETHERLANDS, FEB 11: Ethan Cepuran of United States of America competes in the Men‘s 5000m during the ISU World Speed Skating Championships at Thialf on February 11, 2021 in Heerenveen, Netherlands.(Photo by Rafal Oleksiewicz/Penta Press)、クレジット:Penta Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021021200484

  •  ISU World Cup Speed Skating Calgary
    ISU World Cup Speed Skating Calgary

    December 12, 2021, Calgary, Alberta, Canada: l-r CASEY DAWSON, EMERY LEHMAN, ETHAN CEPURAN of USA (1st place winners) competing in the menÃs Team Pursuit event, ISU World Cup speed skating competition at the Olympic Oval in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (Credit Image: © Dave Chidley/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Dave Chidley/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021121501645

  •  ISU World Cup Speed Skating Calgary
    ISU World Cup Speed Skating Calgary

    December 12, 2021, Calgary, Alberta, Canada: l-r CASEY DAWSON, EMERY LEHMAN, ETHAN CEPURAN of USA (1st place winners) competing in the menÃs Team Pursuit event, ISU World Cup speed skating competition at the Olympic Oval in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (Credit Image: © Dave Chidley/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Dave Chidley/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021121501626

  •  ISU World Cup Speed Skating Calgary
    ISU World Cup Speed Skating Calgary

    December 12, 2021, Calgary, Alberta, Canada: front to back: CASEY DAWSON, EMERY LEHMAN, ETHAN CEPURAN of USA (1st place winners) competing in the menÃs Team Pursuit event, ISU World Cup speed skating competition at the Olympic Oval in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (Credit Image: © Dave Chidley/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Dave Chidley/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021121501517

  •  ISU World Cup Speed Skating Calgary
    ISU World Cup Speed Skating Calgary

    December 12, 2021, Calgary, Alberta, Canada: l-r CASEY DAWSON, EMERY LEHMAN, ETHAN CEPURAN of USA (1st place winners) competing in the menÃs Team Pursuit event, ISU World Cup speed skating competition at the Olympic Oval in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (Credit Image: © Dave Chidley/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Dave Chidley/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021121501405

  •  Casey Dawson, Emery Lehman,  Ethan Cepuran
    Casey Dawson, Emery Lehman, Ethan Cepuran

    December 12, 2021, Calgary, AB, CANADA: Casey Dawson, left, of the United States, leads teammates Emery Lehman, centre, and Ethan Cepuran during the men‘s team pursuit competition at the ISU World Cup speed skating event in Calgary, Alta., Sunday, Dec. 12, 2021. (Credit Image: © Jeff Mcintosh/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Jeff Mcintosh/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT

    商品コード: 2021121501035

  •  Casey Dawson, Emery Lehman,  Ethan Cepuran
    Casey Dawson, Emery Lehman, Ethan Cepuran

    December 12, 2021, Calgary, AB, CANADA: Casey Dawson, Emery Lehman, and Ethan Cepuran, of the United States, celebrate their victory following the men‘s team pursuit competition at the ISU World Cup speed skating event in Calgary, Alta., Sunday, Dec. 12, 2021. (Credit Image: © Jeff Mcintosh/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Jeff Mcintosh/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT

    商品コード: 2021121501080


    (220206) -- BEIJING, Feb. 6, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Ethan Cepuran of the United States competes during the men‘s 5,000m final of speed skating at the National Speed Skating Oval in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 6, 2022. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022020710310


    (220206) -- BEIJING, Feb. 6, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Ethan Cepuran of the United States competes during the men‘s 5,000m final of speed skating at the National Speed Skating Oval in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 6, 2022. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022020710671


    (220206) -- BEIJING, Feb. 6, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Ethan Cepuran of the United States reacts during the men‘s 5,000m final of speed skating at the National Speed Skating Oval in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 6, 2022. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022020710267

  •  ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022
    ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022

    Stavanger 20221111.USA with Ethan Cepuran t.v. Casey Dawson and Emery Lehman (USA) during men‘s pursuit during World Cup skating in Vår Energi Arena Sørmarka in Stavanger.Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB、クレジット:NTB/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111506366

  •  ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022
    ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022

    Stavanger 20221111.USA with Ethan Cepuran t.v. Casey Dawson and Emery Lehman (USA) during men‘s pursuit during World Cup skating in Vår Energi Arena Sørmarka in Stavanger.Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB、クレジット:NTB/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111506461

  •  ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022
    ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022

    Stavanger 20221111.USA with Ethan Cepuran t.v. Casey Dawson and Emery Lehman (USA) during men‘s pursuit during World Cup skating in Vår Energi Arena Sørmarka in Stavanger.Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB、クレジット:NTB/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111506432

  •  ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022
    ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022

    Stavanger 20221111.USA with Ethan Cepuran L, . Casey Dawson and Emery Lehman (USA) during men‘s team pursuit during World Cup skating in Vår Energi Arena Sørmarka in Stavanger.Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB、クレジット:NTB/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111506412

  •  ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022
    ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022

    Stavanger 20221111.USA with Ethan Cepuran L, . Casey Dawson and Emery Lehman (USA) during men‘s team pursuit during World Cup skating in Vår Energi Arena Sørmarka in Stavanger.Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB、クレジット:NTB/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111506367

  •  ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022
    ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022

    Stavanger 20221111.USA with Ethan Cepuran L, . Casey Dawson and Emery Lehman (USA) during men‘s team pursuit during World Cup skating in Vår Energi Arena Sørmarka in Stavanger.Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB、クレジット:NTB/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111506460

  •  ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022
    ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022

    Stavanger 20221111.USA with Ethan Cepuran, Casey Dawson and Emery Lehman wins under team Pursuit for men during the World Cup skating in Vår Energi Arena Sørmarka in Stavanger. The Netherlands with Jorrit Bergsma, Marcel Bosker and Patrick Roest (L) will be number two and Norway (R) with Sverre Lunde Pedersen, Peder Kongshaug and Hallgeir Engebråten.Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB、クレジット:NTB/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111506445

  •  ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022
    ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022

    Stavanger 20221111.USA with Ethan Cepuran, Casey Dawson and Emery Lehman wins under team Pursuit for men during the World Cup skating in Vår Energi Arena Sørmarka in Stavanger. The Netherlands with Jorrit Bergsma, Marcel Bosker and Patrick Roest (L) will be number two and Norway (R) with Sverre Lunde Pedersen, Peder Kongshaug and Hallgeir Engebråten.Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB、クレジット:NTB/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111506383

  •  ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022
    ISU World Cup skating - Stavanger 2022

    Stavanger 20221111.USA with Ethan Cepuran, Casey Dawson and Emery Lehman wins under team Pursuit for men during the World Cup skating in Vår Energi Arena Sørmarka in Stavanger. The Netherlands with Jorrit Bergsma, Marcel Bosker and Patrick Roest (L) will be number two and Norway (R) with Sverre Lunde Pedersen, Peder Kongshaug and Hallgeir Engebråten.Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB、クレジット:NTB/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111506471

  •  Conor McDermott-Mostowy, Emery Lehman, Ethan Cepuran
    Conor McDermott-Mostowy, Emery Lehman, Ethan Cepuran

    December 9, 2022, Calgary, AB, CANADA: Conor McDermott-Mostowy, right, Emery Lehman, centre, and Ethan Cepuran, of the United States, skate during the men‘s team pursuit competition at the ISU World Cup speed skating event in Calgary, Alta., Friday, Dec. 9, 2022. (Credit Image: © Jeff Mcintosh/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Jeff Mcintosh/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT

    商品コード: 2022121409613

  •  Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente
    Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente

    December 20, 2022, Valladolid (Castilla y León, Spain: The mayor of Valladolid, Ãâscar Puente, poses at Valladolid City Hall, after an interview with Europa Press, on December 20, 2022, in Valladolid, Castilla y León (Spain). Ãâscar Puente graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid and began his career in the PSOE of Valladolid in 2004 as Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Executive. In 2011 he was appointed candidate for mayor of Valladolid and in 2015 with the support of Valladolid Toma la Palabra and Sí se Puede Valladolid he was sworn in as mayor of Valladolid, a position he currently holds...20 DECEMBER 2022;PORTRAITS;INTERVIEW;OFFICE;CURRENT;PSOE;INVESTED;MAYOR;VALLADOLID..Joaquín Rivas / Europa Press..12/20/2022 (Credit Image: © JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022122310471

  •  Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente
    Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente

    December 20, 2022, Valladolid (Castilla y León, Spain: The mayor of Valladolid, Ãâscar Puente, poses at Valladolid City Hall, after an interview with Europa Press, on December 20, 2022, in Valladolid, Castilla y León (Spain). Ãâscar Puente graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid and began his career in the PSOE of Valladolid in 2004 as Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Executive. In 2011 he was appointed candidate for mayor of Valladolid and in 2015 with the support of Valladolid Toma la Palabra and Sí se Puede Valladolid he was sworn in as mayor of Valladolid, a position he currently holds...20 DECEMBER 2022;PORTRAITS;INTERVIEW;OFFICE;CURRENT;PSOE;INVESTED;MAYOR;VALLADOLID..Joaquín Rivas / Europa Press..12/20/2022 (Credit Image: © JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022122310432

  •  Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente
    Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente

    December 20, 2022, Valladolid (Castilla y León, Spain: The mayor of Valladolid, Ãâscar Puente, poses at Valladolid City Hall, after an interview with Europa Press, on December 20, 2022, in Valladolid, Castilla y León (Spain). Ãâscar Puente graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid and began his career in the PSOE of Valladolid in 2004 as Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Executive. In 2011 he was appointed candidate for mayor of Valladolid and in 2015 with the support of Valladolid Toma la Palabra and Sí se Puede Valladolid he was sworn in as mayor of Valladolid, a position he currently holds...20 DECEMBER 2022;PORTRAITS;INTERVIEW;OFFICE;CURRENT;PSOE;INVESTED;MAYOR;VALLADOLID..Joaquín Rivas / Europa Press..12/20/2022 (Credit Image: © JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022122307867

  •  Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente
    Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente

    December 20, 2022, Valladolid (Castilla y León, Spain: The mayor of Valladolid, Ãâscar Puente, poses at Valladolid City Hall, after an interview with Europa Press, on December 20, 2022, in Valladolid, Castilla y León (Spain). Ãâscar Puente graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid and began his career in the PSOE of Valladolid in 2004 as Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Executive. In 2011 he was appointed candidate for mayor of Valladolid and in 2015 with the support of Valladolid Toma la Palabra and Sí se Puede Valladolid he was sworn in as mayor of Valladolid, a position he currently holds...20 DECEMBER 2022;PORTRAITS;INTERVIEW;OFFICE;CURRENT;PSOE;INVESTED;MAYOR;VALLADOLID..Joaquín Rivas / Europa Press..12/20/2022 (Credit Image: © JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022122307725

  •  Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente
    Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente

    December 20, 2022, Valladolid (Castilla y León, Spain: The mayor of Valladolid, Ãâscar Puente, poses at Valladolid City Hall, after an interview with Europa Press, on December 20, 2022, in Valladolid, Castilla y León (Spain). Ãâscar Puente graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid and began his career in the PSOE of Valladolid in 2004 as Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Executive. In 2011 he was appointed candidate for mayor of Valladolid and in 2015 with the support of Valladolid Toma la Palabra and Sí se Puede Valladolid he was sworn in as mayor of Valladolid, a position he currently holds...20 DECEMBER 2022;PORTRAITS;INTERVIEW;OFFICE;CURRENT;PSOE;INVESTED;MAYOR;VALLADOLID..Joaquín Rivas / Europa Press..12/20/2022 (Credit Image: © JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022122307808

  •  Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente
    Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente

    December 20, 2022, Valladolid (Castilla y León, Spain: The mayor of Valladolid, Ãâscar Puente, poses at Valladolid City Hall, after an interview with Europa Press, on December 20, 2022, in Valladolid, Castilla y León (Spain). Ãâscar Puente graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid and began his career in the PSOE of Valladolid in 2004 as Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Executive. In 2011 he was appointed candidate for mayor of Valladolid and in 2015 with the support of Valladolid Toma la Palabra and Sí se Puede Valladolid he was sworn in as mayor of Valladolid, a position he currently holds...20 DECEMBER 2022;PORTRAITS;INTERVIEW;OFFICE;CURRENT;PSOE;INVESTED;MAYOR;VALLADOLID..Joaquín Rivas / Europa Press..12/20/2022 (Credit Image: © JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022122308149

  •  Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente
    Portraits of the Mayor of Valladolid, Ãscar Puente

    December 20, 2022, Valladolid (Castilla y León, Spain: The mayor of Valladolid, Ãâscar Puente, poses at Valladolid City Hall, after an interview with Europa Press, on December 20, 2022, in Valladolid, Castilla y León (Spain). Ãâscar Puente graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid and began his career in the PSOE of Valladolid in 2004 as Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Executive. In 2011 he was appointed candidate for mayor of Valladolid and in 2015 with the support of Valladolid Toma la Palabra and Sí se Puede Valladolid he was sworn in as mayor of Valladolid, a position he currently holds...20 DECEMBER 2022;PORTRAITS;INTERVIEW;OFFICE;CURRENT;PSOE;INVESTED;MAYOR;VALLADOLID..Joaquín Rivas / Europa Press..12/20/2022 (Credit Image: © JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JoaquíN Rivas/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022122310497

  •  Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas
    Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas

    May 14, 2023, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain: The candidate for mayor of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gemma Martínez, speaks during a rally at the Alboroto hall, on May 14, 2023, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Canary Islands (Spain). Under the slogan ‘Courage to transform‘ are developed the electoral campaign events of the purple formation that in the Canary Islands are presented jointly with Izquierda Unida, Verdes Equo, Sí Se Puede and Más Canarias, facing the next municipal and autonomic elections on May 28...14 MAY 2023;RALLY;ELECTION CAMPAIGN;ELECTIONS;28M;WE CAN;UNITED WE CAN;IGLESIAS..Europa Press..05/14/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023051501475

  •  Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas
    Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas

    May 14, 2023, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain: The former second vice-president of the Government and former leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, participates together with the Canary Islands Government Minister of Social Rights and president of Podemos in the Canary Islands, Noemí Santana (2l) in a rally at the Alboroto hall, on May 14, 2023, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Canary Islands (Spain). Under the slogan ‘Courage to transform‘ are developed the electoral campaign acts of the purple formation that in the Canary Islands are presented jointly with Izquierda Unida, Verdes Equo, Sí Se Puede and Más Canarias, facing the next municipal and autonomic elections on May 28th...14 MAY 2023;RALLY;ELECTION CAMPAIGN;ELECTIONS;28M;WE CAN;UNITED WE CAN;IGLESIAS..Europa Press..05/14/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023051501698

  •  Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas
    Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas

    May 14, 2023, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain: The former second vice-president of the Government and ex-leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, participates together with the councilor of Social Rights of the Canarian Government and president of Podemos in the Canary Islands, Noemí Santana (2r) in a rally at the Alboroto hall, on May 14, 2023, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Canary Islands (Spain). Under the slogan ‘Courage to transform‘ are developed the electoral campaign acts of the purple formation that in the Canary Islands are presented jointly with Izquierda Unida, Verdes Equo, Sí Se Puede and Más Canarias, facing the next municipal and autonomic elections on May 28th...14 MAY 2023;RALLY;ELECTION CAMPAIGN;ELECTIONS;28M;WE CAN;UNITED WE CAN;IGLESIAS..Europa Press..05/14/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023051501724

  •  Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas
    Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas

    May 14, 2023, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain: The former second vice-president of the government and ex-leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias (1r), participates together with the Canary Islands Government Minister for Social Rights and president of Podemos in the Canary Islands, Noemi Santana (2r) in a rally at the Alboroto hall, on May 14, 2023, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Canary Islands (Spain). Under the slogan ‘Courage to transform‘ are developed the electoral campaign acts of the purple formation that in the Canary Islands are presented jointly with Izquierda Unida, Verdes Equo, Sí Se Puede and Más Canarias, facing the next municipal and autonomic elections on May 28th...14 MAY 2023;RALLY;ELECTION CAMPAIGN;ELECTIONS;28M;WE CAN;UNITED WE CAN;IGLESIAS..Europa Press..05/14/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023051501679

  •  Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas
    Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas

    May 14, 2023, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain: The former second vice-president of the Government and former leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, participates together with the Canary Islands Government Minister of Social Rights and president of Podemos in the Canary Islands, Noemí Santana (2l) in a rally at the Alboroto hall, on May 14, 2023, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Canary Islands (Spain). Under the slogan ‘Courage to transform‘ are developed the electoral campaign acts of the purple formation that in the Canary Islands are presented jointly with Izquierda Unida, Verdes Equo, Sí Se Puede and Más Canarias, facing the next municipal and autonomic elections on May 28th...14 MAY 2023;RALLY;ELECTION CAMPAIGN;ELECTIONS;28M;WE CAN;UNITED WE CAN;IGLESIAS..Europa Press..05/14/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023051501688

  •  Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas
    Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas

    May 14, 2023, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain: The former second vice-president of the Government and ex-leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, participates in a rally at the Alboroto hall, on May 14, 2023, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Canary Islands (Spain). Under the slogan ‘Courage to transform‘ are developed the electoral campaign acts of the purple formation that in the Canary Islands are presented jointly with Izquierda Unida, Verdes Equo, Sí Se Puede and Más Canarias, facing the next municipal and autonomic elections on May 28th...MAY 14;2023;RALLY;ELECTION CAMPAIGN;ELECTIONS;28M;WE CAN;UNITED WE CAN;IGLESIAS..Europa Press..05/14/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023051712551

  •  Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas
    Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas

    May 14, 2023, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain: The Minister of Social Rights of the Canary Islands Government and president of Podemos in the Canary Islands, Noemi Santana, during a rally at the Alboroto hall, on May 14, 2023, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Canary Islands (Spain). Under the slogan ‘Courage to transform‘ are developed the electoral campaign acts of the purple formation that in the Canary Islands are presented jointly with Izquierda Unida, Verdes Equo, Sí Se Puede and Más Canarias, facing the next municipal and autonomic elections on May 28th...14 MAY 2023;RALLY;ELECTION CAMPAIGN;ELECTIONS;28M;WE CAN;UNITED WE CAN;IGLESIAS..Europa Press..05/14/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023051501757

  •  Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas
    Pablo Iglesias attends a United We Can rally in Las Palmas

    May 14, 2023, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain: The former second vice-president of the Government and ex-leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, participates in a rally at the Alboroto hall, on May 14, 2023, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Canary Islands (Spain). Under the slogan ‘Courage to transform‘ are developed the electoral campaign acts of the purple formation that in the Canary Islands are presented jointly with Izquierda Unida, Verdes Equo, Sí Se Puede and Más Canarias, facing the next municipal and autonomic elections on May 28th...MAY 14;2023;RALLY;ELECTION CAMPAIGN;ELECTIONS;28M;WE CAN;UNITED WE CAN;IGLESIAS..Europa Press..05/14/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023051712186

  •  Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife
    Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife

    May 21, 2023, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: The candidate of Unidas Sí Podemos (Podemos, Izquierda Unida and Sí Se Puede) for the Presidency of the Government, Noemí Santana (2l); the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero (3l), and the Government Delegate against Gender Violence, Victoria Rosell (3r), take a photo during a campaign event, at the TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes), on May 21, 2023, in Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain)...、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023082200627

  •  Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife
    Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife

    May 21, 2023, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: (L-R) The candidate of Unidas Sí Podemos (Podemos, Izquierda Unida and Sí Se Puede) for the Presidency of the Government, Noemí Santana; the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, and the Government Delegate against Gender Violence, Victoria Rosell, during a campaign event, at the TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes), on May 21, 2023, in Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain)...、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023052204535

  •  Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife
    Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife

    May 21, 2023, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: The candidate of Unidas Sí Podemos (Podemos, Izquierda Unida y Sí Se Puede) for the Presidency of the Government, Noemí Santana (r), speaks during a campaign event at the TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes), on May 21, 2023, in Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). Montero stated in this meeting that ‘‘In Spain there is no right wing but an ultra-right wing that only wants a two-party system‘‘ and affirmed that Unidas Podemos is the only political formation that is running for the elections without asking for money from the banks ‘‘because who pays is in charge and in Unidas Podemos its militants are in charge‘‘...MAY 21;2023;MEETING;CANDIDATES;ELECTIONS;ELECTORAL;MAY 28;28M;MUNICIPAL;AUTONOMOUS..Europa Press..05/21/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023052204545

  •  Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife
    Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife

    May 21, 2023, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: The candidate of Unidas Sí Podemos (Podemos, Izquierda Unida y Sí Se Puede) for the Presidency of the Government, Noemí Santana (r), speaks during a campaign event at the TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes), on May 21, 2023, in Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). Montero stated in this meeting that ‘‘In Spain there is no right wing but an ultra-right wing that only wants a two-party system‘‘ and affirmed that Unidas Podemos is the only political formation that is running for the elections without asking for money from the banks ‘‘because who pays is in charge and in Unidas Podemos its militants are in charge‘‘...MAY 21;2023;MEETING;CANDIDATES;ELECTIONS;ELECTORAL;MAY 28;28M;MUNICIPAL;AUTONOMOUS..Europa Press..05/21/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023052207597

  •  Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife
    Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife

    May 21, 2023, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: The candidate of Unidas Sí Podemos (Podemos, Izquierda Unida y Sí Se Puede) for the Presidency of the Government, Noemí Santana (3r); the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero (2l), during a campaign rally, at the TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes), on May 21, 2023, in Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). Montero stated at this rally that ‘‘In Spain there is no right wing but an ultra-right wing that only wants a two-party system‘‘ and affirmed that Unidas Podemos is the only political formation that is running in the elections without asking for money from the banks ‘‘because who pays rules and in Unidas Podemos its militants rule‘‘...MAY 21;2023;MEETING;CANDIDATES;ELECTIONS;ELECTORAL;MAY 28;28M;MUNICIPAL;AUTONOMOUS..Europa Press..05/21/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023082200630

  •  Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife
    Irene Montero supports the candidacy of Unidas Sí Podemos in Tenerife

    May 21, 2023, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: The candidate of Unidas Sí Podemos (Podemos, Izquierda Unida y Sí Se Puede) for the Presidency of the Government, Noemí Santana (r); the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero (2r), during a campaign rally, at the TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes), on May 21, 2023, in Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). Montero stated in this rally that ‘‘In Spain there is no right wing but an ultra-right wing that only wants a two-party system‘‘ and affirmed that Unidas Podemos is the only political formation that is running for the elections without asking for money from the banks ‘‘because who pays rules and in Unidas Podemos its militants rule‘‘...MAY 21;2023;MEETING;CANDIDATES;ELECTIONS;ELECTORAL;MAY 28;28M;MUNICIPAL;AUTONOMOUS..Europa Press..05/21/2023 (Credit Image: © Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Europa Press/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023082200673

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