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( 1 27 件を表示)
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( 1 27 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  ジョアン・カプデビラ


    商品コード: 2010063000211

  •  Reunión del Gobierno con ERC y En Comú Podem sobre el Plan de Respuesta al Impacto de Guerra
    Reunión del Gobierno con ERC y En Comú Podem sobre el Plan de Respuesta al Impacto de Guerra

    March 23, 2022, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) ERC parliamentary spokesman in Congress, Gabriel Rufián; ERC deputy, Joan Capdevila i Esteve; and ERC deputy, Jordi Salvador, during a meeting with the Government in the framework of the talks for the configuration of the National War Impact Response Plan in the Congress of Deputies, on March 23, 2022, in Madrid (Spain). The Plan, pending definition pending the European Council of March 24 and 25, seeks to lower the price of light, electricity and fuels and thus attend to the most vulnerable groups as a first objective. It also aims to support the most affected sectors and companies, to reinforce price stability in order to avoid an inflationary spiral and to guarantee supplies...MARCH 23;2022;MEETING;ERC;COMU PODEM..Isabel Infantes / Europa Press..03/23/2022 (Credit Image: © Isabel Infantes/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Isabel Infantes/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022033105065

  •  Reunión del Gobierno con ERC y En Comú Podem sobre el Plan de Respuesta al Impacto de Guerra
    Reunión del Gobierno con ERC y En Comú Podem sobre el Plan de Respuesta al Impacto de Guerra

    March 23, 2022, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) ERC parliamentary spokesman in Congress, Gabriel Rufián; ERC deputy, Joan Capdevila i Esteve; and ERC deputy, Jordi Salvador, during a meeting with the Government in the framework of the talks for the configuration of the National War Impact Response Plan in the Congress of Deputies, on March 23, 2022, in Madrid (Spain). The Plan, pending definition pending the European Council of March 24 and 25, seeks to lower the price of light, electricity and fuels and thus attend to the most vulnerable groups as a first objective. It also aims to support the most affected sectors and companies, to reinforce price stability in order to avoid an inflationary spiral and to guarantee supplies...MARCH 23;2022;MEETING;ERC;COMU PODEM..Isabel Infantes / Europa Press..03/23/2022 (Credit Image: © Isabel Infantes/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Isabel Infantes/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022033105020

  •  Reunión del Gobierno con ERC y En Comú Podem sobre el Plan de Respuesta al Impacto de Guerra
    Reunión del Gobierno con ERC y En Comú Podem sobre el Plan de Respuesta al Impacto de Guerra

    March 23, 2022, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) ERC parliamentary spokesman in Congress, Gabriel Rufián; ERC deputy, Joan Capdevila i Esteve; and ERC deputy, Jordi Salvador, during a meeting with the second vice-president and minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz; the minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory, Félix Bolaños; and the Third Vice President and Minister for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, in the framework of the talks for the configuration of the National Plan of Response to the Impact of War in the Congress of Deputies, on March 23, 2022, in Madrid (Spain). The Plan, pending definition pending the European Council of March 24 and 25, seeks to lower the price of electricity, electricity and fuels and thus serve the most vulnerable groups as a first objective. It also aims to support the most affected sectors and companies, to reinforce price stability in order to avoid an inflationary spiral and to guarantee suppli...

    商品コード: 2022033105052

  •  Congress votes to increase defense spending and debates permanent reviewable prison sentence
    Congress votes to increase defense spending and debates permanent reviewable prison sentence

    March 29, 2022, Madrid, Spain: ERC deputy, Joan Capdevila i Esteve, in a plenary session at the Congress of Deputies, on March 29, 2022, in Madrid (Spain). The Plenary will decide whether to initiate the parliamentary processing of the bills to increase the financing of National Defense to 2% of the GDP and the reform of the Penal Code. In addition, during the plenary session, the PP‘s alternative to reduce fuel taxes to the maximum and the permanent revisable prison for repeat murderers or those who hide the corpse will be debated...29 MARCH 2022;MADRID;CONGRESS OF DEPUTIES;DEFENSE SPENDING..Isabel Infantes / Europa Press..03/29/2022 (Credit Image: © Isabel Infantes/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Isabel Infantes/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022040402068

  •  Congress votes to increase defense spending and debates permanent reviewable prison sentence
    Congress votes to increase defense spending and debates permanent reviewable prison sentence

    March 29, 2022, Madrid, Spain: PSOE deputy Pedro Casares Hontañón (l) and ERC deputy Joan Capdevila i Esteve (r) talk during a plenary session at the Congress of Deputies, March 29, 2022, in Madrid (Spain). The plenary session decides whether to initiate the parliamentary processing of the bills to increase funding for National Defense to 2% of GDP and the reform of the Penal Code. In addition, during the plenary session, the PP‘s alternative to reduce fuel taxes to the maximum and the permanent revisable prison for repeat murderers or those who hide the corpse will be debated...29 MARCH 2022;MADRID;CONGRESS OF DEPUTIES;DEFENSE SPENDING..Isabel Infantes / Europa Press..03/29/2022 (Credit Image: © Isabel Infantes/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Isabel Infantes/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022040402057

  •  Congress holds the first control session after the Andalusian elections
    Congress holds the first control session after the Andalusian elections

    June 22, 2022, Madrid, Spain: ERC deputy, Joan Capdevila i Esteve (r), in a control session, in the Congress of Deputies, on June 22, 2022, in Madrid (Spain). This is the first plenary session after the Andalusian elections in which the PP obtained an absolute majority, the PSOE obtained its worst result in history and Ciudadanos disappeared. Faced with this issue, the central Government must answer questions from the opposition focused on what strategy it has planned to be able to fulfill its purpose of staying in the Moncloa until the end of 2023, after the fall of the party in those elections...JUNE 22;2022;CONGRESS;CONGRESSMEN;MADRID;SESSION;CONTROL;ELECTIONS;PSOE..Eduardo Parra / Europa Press..06/22/2022 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022062508519

  •  Protest against PSOE‘s amendment to exclude hunting dogs
    Protest against PSOE‘s amendment to exclude hunting dogs

    September 30, 2022, Madrid, Spain: ERC deputy Joan Capdevila i Esteve (2l) during a protest against the PSOE amendment to exclude hunting dogs from the Animal Protection Law, on September 30, 2022, in Madrid (Spain). This is one of the joint actions that animal protection entities are organizing in record time to demand the PSOE to withdraw that amendment announced by its spokesperson, during the processing in Parliament of the draft Law for the Protection, Rights and Welfare of Animals. In addition, a vehicle has been circulating through the streets of Madrid since September 27th as a protest under the slogan ‘Same dogs, same law‘. The organizations organizing these protest actions warn that the amendment ‘‘opens the door to mistreatment, indiscriminate and uncontrolled breeding, the killing of newborn puppies according to the desired sex, the slaughter of adults that do not meet the characteristics sought for their use and the abandonment of the greyhound when it is no longer useful for hunting‘‘...30 SE...

    商品コード: 2022100209231

  •  Montero defends in Congress the draft General State Budget for 2023
    Montero defends in Congress the draft General State Budget for 2023

    October 26, 2022, Madrid, Spain: ERC deputy, Joan Capdevila i Esteve (l) and PDeCAT spokesman in Congress, Ferrán Bel (r), during a debate of totality of the General State Budget Bill for the year 2023, during a plenary session in the Congress of Deputies, on October 26, 2022, in Madrid (Spain). In spite of the seven amendments of totality registered, those of PP, Vox, Ciudadanos, Junts, the CUP, Foro Asturias and the two ex-deputies of UPN of the coalition Navarra Suma it is expected that the draft General State Budget (PGE) for 2023 will pass without problem its first procedure in the Congress of Deputies. This is the first parliamentary examination of the new public accounts...26 OCTOBER 2022; GENERAL BUDGETS;2023;PCE;CONGRESS;BUDGETS;PROCEDURE..Eduardo Parra / Europa Press..10/26/2022 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102704446

  •  Symbolic act in front of the Congress of Deputies in Madrid, Spain - 21 Dec 2022
    Symbolic act in front of the Congress of Deputies in Madrid, Spain - 21 Dec 2022

    December 21, 2022, Madrid, Spain: The deputies from left to right, Ãñigo Errejón (Más País), Joan Capdevila (Esquerra Republicana) and Gabriel Rufián (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) seen during a symbolic act to deliver more than 700,000 signatures for the regularization of migrants to the Spanish Congress to celebrate the success of the Popular Legislative Initiative for the extraordinary regularization of migrants in Spain. (Credit Image: © Luis Soto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Luis Soto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122405802

  •  The Government faces its first votes of the year in Congress with its partners at loggerheads
    The Government faces its first votes of the year in Congress with its partners at loggerheads

    February 9, 2023, Madrid, Spain: ERC deputy Joan Capdevila i Esteve (l) and ERC spokesman in Congress, Gabriel Rufián (r), during a plenary session, February 9, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). During the plenary session, the Government faces the first votes of the year in Congress with its two partners at loggerheads over the Sexual Freedom Law or ‘only yes is yes‘ and the exclusion of hunting dogs from the Animal Welfare Law, in addition to discrepancies with its parliamentary allies that could even lead to the reprobation of the Minister of the Interior...09 FEBRUARY 2023;PLENARY;CONGRESS;CONGRESS OF DEPUTIES..Eduardo Parra / Europa Press..02/09/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023021004722

  •  The Government faces its first votes of the year in Congress with its partners at loggerheads
    The Government faces its first votes of the year in Congress with its partners at loggerheads

    February 9, 2023, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) ERC deputy Joan Capdevila i Esteve; Ciudadanos deputy Guillermo Díaz and the Minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, Ione Belarra, during a plenary session, on February 9, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). During the plenary session, the Government faces the first votes of the year in Congress with its two partners at odds over the Sexual Freedom Law or ‘only yes is yes‘ and the exclusion of hunting dogs from the Animal Welfare Law, in addition to discrepancies with its parliamentary allies that could even lead to the reprobation of the Minister of the Interior...09 FEBRUARY 2023;PLENARY;CONGRESS;CONGRESS OF DEPUTIES..Eduardo Parra / Europa Press..02/09/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023021004220

  •  The Government faces its first votes of the year in Congress with its partners at loggerheads
    The Government faces its first votes of the year in Congress with its partners at loggerheads

    February 9, 2023, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) ERC deputy Joan Capdevila i Esteve; Ciudadanos deputy Guillermo Díaz and the Minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, Ione Belarra, during a plenary session, on February 9, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). During the plenary session, the Government faces the first votes of the year in Congress with its two partners at odds over the Sexual Freedom Law or ‘only yes is yes‘ and the exclusion of hunting dogs from the Animal Welfare Law, in addition to discrepancies with its parliamentary allies that could even lead to the reprobation of the Minister of the Interior...09 FEBRUARY 2023;PLENARY;CONGRESS;CONGRESS OF DEPUTIES..Eduardo Parra / Europa Press..02/09/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023021004654

  •  The Plenary debates the Royal Decree-Law on urgent measures for the extension of pensioners‘ rights.
    The Plenary debates the Royal Decree-Law on urgent measures for the extension of pensioners‘ rights.

    March 30, 2023, Madrid, Spain: ERC deputy, Joan Capdevila i Esteve (r) and ERC spokesman in Congress, Gabriel Rufián (l), talk upon their arrival to a plenary session at the Congress of Deputies, on March 30, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The plenary session of Congress resumes today with the debate on the validation or repeal of Royal Decree-Law 2/2023 on urgent measures for the extension of pensioners‘ rights, the reduction of the gender gap and the establishment of a new framework for the sustainability of the public pension system. The report of the Subcommittee for the study of a State Pact against Anti-Gypsyism and the Inclusion of the Gypsy People will also be discussed, which puts forward horizontal proposals to combat and prevent anti-Gypsyism, eradicate poverty and social exclusion and promote their participation; as well as sectorial measures in the fields of education, health, employment and housing, among others...MARCH 30;2023;MADRID;CONGRESS OF DEPUTIES;PENSIONERS‘ RIGHTS..Eduardo Parra / Europ...

    商品コード: 2023040100001

  •  The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada
    The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada

    September 14, 2023, Madrid, Spain: The delegate of the Generalitat in Madrid, Joan Capdevila (2l), the leader of Sumar and second vice-president and acting Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz (3l), and the Minister of the Presidency of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Laura Vilagrà (c), during the celebration of the Day of Catalonia in Madrid, at the Blanquerna Cultural Center, on September 14, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The delegation of the Catalan Government in Madrid joins the celebration of the Day of Catalonia, which is commemorated every September 11, and this year claims the Catalan language as ‘‘meeting point and nexus of union in diversity‘‘. During the event, the inauguration of the second edition of the VEU Festival was also announced...SEPTEMBER 14;2023..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..09/14/2023 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023091504683

  •  The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada
    The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada

    September 14, 2023, Madrid, Spain: The delegate of the Generalitat in Madrid, Joan Capdevila, participates in the celebration of the Day of Catalonia in Madrid, at the Blanquerna Cultural Center, on September 14, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The delegation of the Catalan Government in Madrid joins the celebration of the Day of Catalonia, which is commemorated every September 11, and this year claims the Catalan language as ‘‘meeting point and nexus of union in diversity‘‘. During the event, the inauguration of the second edition of the VEU Festival was also announced...SEPTEMBER 14;2023..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..09/14/2023 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023091504186

  •  The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada
    The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada

    September 14, 2023, Madrid, Spain: The delegate of the Generalitat in Madrid, Joan Capdevila, participates in the celebration of the Day of Catalonia in Madrid, at the Blanquerna Cultural Center, on September 14, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The delegation of the Catalan Government in Madrid joins the celebration of the Day of Catalonia, which is commemorated every September 11, and this year claims the Catalan language as ‘‘meeting point and nexus of union in diversity‘‘. During the event, the inauguration of the second edition of the VEU Festival was also announced...SEPTEMBER 14;2023..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..09/14/2023 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023091504102

  •  The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada
    The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada

    September 14, 2023, Madrid, Spain: The delegate of the Generalitat in Madrid, Joan Capdevila (2l), the leader of Sumar and second vice-president and acting Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz (c), and the Minister of the Presidency of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Laura Vilagrà (4r), during the celebration of the Day of Catalonia in Madrid, at the Blanquerna Cultural Center, on September 14, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The delegation of the Catalan Government in Madrid joins the celebration of the Day of Catalonia, which is commemorated every September 11, and this year claims the Catalan language as ‘‘meeting point and nexus of union in diversity‘‘. During the event, the inauguration of the second edition of the VEU Festival was also announced...SEPTEMBER 14;2023..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..09/14/2023 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023091504340

  •  The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada
    The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada

    September 14, 2023, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) The delegate of the Generalitat in Madrid, Joan Capdevila, the leader of Sumar and second vice-president and acting Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, and the Minister of the Presidency of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Laura Vilagrà, during the celebration of the Diada de Cataluña in Madrid, at the Blanquerna Cultural Center, on September 14, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The delegation of the Catalan Government in Madrid joins the celebration of the Day of Catalonia, which is commemorated every September 11, and this year claims the Catalan language as ‘‘meeting point and nexus of union in diversity‘‘. During the event, the inauguration of the second edition of the VEU Festival was also announced...SEPTEMBER 14;2023..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..09/14/2023 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023091504217

  •  The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada
    The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada

    September 14, 2023, Madrid, Spain: The delegate of the Generalitat in Madrid, Joan Capdevila (l), and the Minister of the Presidency of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Laura Vilagrà (c), during the celebration of the Day of Catalonia in Madrid, at the Blanquerna Cultural Center, on September 14, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The delegation of the Catalan Government in Madrid joins the celebration of the Day of Catalonia, which is commemorated every September 11, and this year claims the Catalan language as ‘‘meeting point and nexus of union in diversity‘‘. During the event, the inauguration of the second edition of the VEU Festival was also announced...SEPTEMBER 14;2023..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..09/14/2023 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023091503503

  •  The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada
    The delegation of the Generalitat Catalana in Madrid joins the Diada

    September 14, 2023, Madrid, Spain: The delegate of the Generalitat in Madrid, Joan Capdevila, participates in the celebration of the Day of Catalonia in Madrid, at the Blanquerna Cultural Center, on September 14, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The delegation of the Catalan Government in Madrid joins the celebration of the Day of Catalonia, which is commemorated every September 11, and this year claims the Catalan language as ‘‘meeting point and nexus of union in diversity‘‘. During the event, the inauguration of the second edition of the VEU Festival was also announced...SEPTEMBER 14;2023..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..09/14/2023 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023091504296

  •  Aragonès addresses the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities in the Senate
    Aragonès addresses the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities in the Senate

    October 19, 2023, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) The delegate of the Generalitat de Catalunya in Madrid, Joan Capdevila..OCTOBER 19;2023..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..10/19/2023 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023102001257

  •  Aragonès addresses the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities in the Senate
    Aragonès addresses the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities in the Senate

    October 19, 2023, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) The delegate of the Generalitat DE Catalunya in Madrid, Joan Capdevila..OCTOBER 19;2023..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..10/19/2023 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023101912410

  •  Aragonès addresses the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities in the Senate
    Aragonès addresses the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities in the Senate

    October 19, 2023, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) In the center, the delegate of the Generalitat DE Catalunya in Madrid, Joan Capdevila...OCTOBER 19;2023..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..10/19/2023 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023101912409

  •  Aragonès addresses the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities in the Senate
    Aragonès addresses the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities in the Senate

    October 19, 2023, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) The delegate of the Generalitat de Catalunya in Madrid, Joan Capdevila..OCTOBER 19;2023..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..10/19/2023 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023102001405

  •  Pere Aragonés stars in Europa Press breakfast briefing
    Pere Aragonés stars in Europa Press breakfast briefing

    March 20, 2024, Madrid, Spain: ERC deputy Joan Capdevila i Esteve (l) and EH Bildu deputy Jon Iñarritu (r) arrive at a Europa Press breakfast briefing at the Hotel InterContinental Madrid, March 20, 2024, in Madrid, Spain...20 MARCH 2024..Eduardo Parra / Europa Press..03/20/2024 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2024032012582

  •  Pere Aragonés stars in Europa Press breakfast briefing
    Pere Aragonés stars in Europa Press breakfast briefing

    March 20, 2024, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) ERC deputy, Joan Capdevila i Esteve..20 MARCH 2024..Eduardo Parra / Europa Press..03/20/2024 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Parra/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2024032012707

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