
  • バイオテクノロジー企業
  • 令和
  • 新型肺炎
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  • 予防接種
  • 感染対策
  • 記者
  • バイオンテック
  • 発展
  • インド


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  • 同義語オン
  • 古い順
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( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the USSR Academy of Sciences‘ Siberian Branch
    Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the USSR Academy of Sciences‘ Siberian Branch

    8124909 15.06.1967 Setting up a super microscope at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the USSR Academy of Sciences‘ Siberian Branch (now Federal Research Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences‘ Siberian Branch). Valeriy Shustov、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031414014

  •  SB AS USSR Institute of cytology and genetics
    SB AS USSR Institute of cytology and genetics

    5730272 12.12.1967 Institute of cytology and genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Researchers adjust a superpower microscope. A. Zhigaylov、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022080108263

  •  VIR

    5741086 29.08.1973 The All-Union Institute of Plant Industry in Leningrad (currently the N.Vavilov Federal Research Center Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources). A laboratory of cultivated and wild plants. Vladimir Bogatyrev、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022080806790


    5737182 29.08.1973 A meeting of the management board of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Soviet Union in Leningrad (dissolved in 1992). Vladimir Bogatyrev、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022080806373

  •  VIR

    5741085 29.08.1973 The All-Union Institute of Plant Industry in Leningrad (currently the N.Vavilov Federal Research Center Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources). A laboratory of cultivated and wild plants. Vladimir Bogatyrev、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022080807154

  •  Balanced diet standards for adults
    Balanced diet standards for adults

    5720957 05.11.1973 Balanced diet standards for adults, recommended by the Scientific Research Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (currently the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety. Lev Ivanov、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022072109005

  •  Biomolecular biology Institute of Soviet Academy of Sciences.
    Biomolecular biology Institute of Soviet Academy of Sciences.

    01.06.1980 Nucleic acid biotechnology group chief Evgeni Sverdlov. Biomolecular biology Institute of Soviet Academy of Sciences. (Engelhardt molecular biology Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences) Andrew / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018093000521

  •  Aksel Berg, radio scientist, member of USSR Academy of Sciences
    Aksel Berg, radio scientist, member of USSR Academy of Sciences

    8190091 12.06.1980 Aksel Berg, Soviet radio engineer and cybernetician, founder of the national school of biological cybernetics and biotechnical systems and technologies, admiral engineer, member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Maya Okushko、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022051907410

  •  受精卵合体で珍獣


    商品コード: 2005070800300

  •  緑とぬくもりを求めて

    (2)「バイオテクノロジー」 大量増殖、品種改良、貴重植物の育成にバイオテクノロジーが進出してきた。この研究室では落葉高木樹やマナラシの苗木のクローン増殖を研究中=茨城県・茎崎町の農水省林業試験場

    商品コード: 2024012604643

  •  Agricultural Higher School in Nitra
    Agricultural Higher School in Nitra

    15.04.1988 The Czechoslovak SSR. The Agricultural Higher School in Nitra (now the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra). Joint Soviet-Czechoslovak Laboratory on Biotechnology in Animal Farming. Scientist A. Laurincik develops a technique for the fertilization of cattle. Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018092015245

  •  Planaria experiment
    Planaria experiment

    5735073 01.06.1988 Institute of Medico-Biological Problems at the Soviet Healthcare Ministry (now the Institute of Medico-Biological Problems at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Researchers study the influence of zero gravity on the processes of regeneration of biological species. In these containers planarians (flat worms) traveled to the outer space. Andrew、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022080405831

  •  Doka science and technology youth center
    Doka science and technology youth center

    6588764 15.10.1988 Alexander Chuyenko, second right, director of the Doka science and technology youth center (currently DOKA Group), and his deputy Yevgeny Simusenko attend Italia 2000 exhibition at the Expo Center in Moscow. Вячеслав Киселев、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022072509086

  •  Doka science and technology youth center
    Doka science and technology youth center

    6588191 15.10.1988 Alexander Chuyenko, left, director of the Doka science and technology youth center (currently DOKA Group), tells first secretary of the Zelenograd district Communist Party committee Valery Savelyev about designing computer games. V. Kiselev、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022072509090

  •  Doka science and technology youth center
    Doka science and technology youth center

    6588762 15.10.1988 Alexander Chuyenko, center, director of the Doka science and technology youth center (currently DOKA Group), is seen here with the center‘s staff. Вячеслав Киселев、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022072509172

  •  Doka science and technology youth center
    Doka science and technology youth center

    6588189 15.10.1988 Employees of the Doka science and technology youth center (currently DOKA Group) in Zelenograd. V. Kiselev、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022072509099

  •  Biotechnika in Leningrad
    Biotechnika in Leningrad

    23.09.1990 Biotekhnika Research and Production Association, established in 1990 by young scientists from the Komarov Botanical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now RAS) and the Leningrad Agricultural Institute (now St. Petersburg State Agrarian University). Researchers in the Biotekhnika laboratory. Armen Ter-Mesropyan、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010707695

  •  Biotechnika in Leningrad
    Biotechnika in Leningrad

    23.09.1990 Biotekhnika Research and Production Association, established in 1990 by young scientists from the Komarov Botanical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now RAS) and the Leningrad Agricultural Institute (now St. Petersburg State Agrarian University). Head of the Biotekhnika Laboratory Mr. Semyonov. Armen Ter-Mesropyan、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010707800

  •  Industrial photosynthesis laboratory
    Industrial photosynthesis laboratory

    628189 01.04.1991 The industrial photosynthesis laboratory of the helio biotechnology department of the “Solntse“ (“Sun“) research and production association. Turkmenistan. 1991. Yuriy Zaritovskiy / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031203093

  • (C・POLGE) クリストファー・ポルジ
    (C・POLGE) クリストファー・ポルジ


    商品コード: 1999032500054

  • 成分分析する研究所員 微生物使い流出重油を処理
    成分分析する研究所員 微生物使い流出重油を処理


    商品コード: 1997011600081

  • バイオテクノロジー部会 中薬審が実質審議終える
    バイオテクノロジー部会 中薬審が実質審議終える


    商品コード: 1997020300092

  • ファンモンタギュー氏 江崎玲於奈氏に日本国際賞
    ファンモンタギュー氏 江崎玲於奈氏に日本国際賞


    商品コード: 1997121900143

  •  ハチ巣エキス入り歯磨き


    商品コード: 1998011400034

  • 1998年07月27日

    「カラー」「人物通信」 ◎マルク・ファンモンタギュー(ベルギー)、ベルギー・フランダースバイオテクノロジー大学間研究所遺伝学部長、撮影日 1998.04.27、出稿日 1998.08.06

    商品コード: 1998072700096

  • サイホウジザクラの親木 クローン桜が“里帰り”
    サイホウジザクラの親木 クローン桜が“里帰り”


    商品コード: 1999040300007


    01.11.1999 A laboratory assistant at the Scientific-Industrial Biotechnological Center of Animal Breeding at the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (RASHN) performing surgery on a rabbit. The initial stage of animal cloning and transgenic experiments. Alexander Polyakov / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041001774

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunisian Minister of Health, Faouzi Mehdi and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr, Zhang Jianguo are seen during the ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611495

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    May 31, 2020, Tunis, Tunisia: Container with the vaccines seen at Tunis Carthage International Airport during the ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611229

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Container with the vaccines seen at Tunis Carthage International Airport during the ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611492

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunisian Minister of Health, Faouzi Mehdi and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr, Zhang Jianguo pose for a photo with other delegates during a ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611524

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunisian Minister of Health, Faouzi Mehdi and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr, Zhang Jianguo are seen signing a receipt during a ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611252

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunisian Minister of Health, Faouzi Mehdi and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr, Zhang Jianguo are seen with other delegates during a ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611452

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunisian Minister of Health, Faouzi Mehdi and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr, Zhang Jianguo are seen after signing the receipt..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611459

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunisian Minister of Health, Faouzi Mehdi and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr, Zhang Jianguo are seen during the ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611397

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunisian Minister of Health, Faouzi Mehdi and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr, Zhang Jianguo pose for a photo with other delegates during a ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611523

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Container with the vaccines seen at Tunis Carthage International Airport during the ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611509

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunisian Minister of Health, Faouzi Mehdi and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr, Zhang Jianguo pose for a photo with other delegates during a ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032607821

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Containers with the vaccines seen at Tunis Carthage International Airport during the ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611391

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Containers with the vaccines seen at Tunis Carthage International Airport during the ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611394

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: Containers with the vaccines seen at Tunis Carthage International Airport during the ceremony..Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611392

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: The Tunisian Air Force team seen during the ceremony.Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611361

  •  Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021
    Arrival of the Sinovac vaccines in Tunis, Tunisia - 25 Mar 2021

    January 1, 2000, Tunis, Tunisia: The Tunisian Air Force team seen during the ceremony.Tunis Carthage International Airport, under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Fawzi Mahdi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia, Mr. ZHANG Jianguo, and in the presence of the Emir of the Major General, Doctor General of Military Health, Mr. Mustafa Ferjani, a convoy received a new shipment of anti-Covid 19 vaccine containing 200 thousand doses of Sinovac vaccine provided by the People‘s Republic of China as a gift to the Republic of Tunisia, as part of the health cooperation between the two countries for decades. (Credit Image: © Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jdidi Wassim/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021032611448

  • コーデックス委の初会合 組み換え食品の安全性討議
    コーデックス委の初会合 組み換え食品の安全性討議


    商品コード: 2000031400016

  • 会議場入り口は厳重な警備 コーデックス委員会
    会議場入り口は厳重な警備 コーデックス委員会


    商品コード: 2000031500103

  • 開幕したコーデックス委 組み換え食品の安全性議論
    開幕したコーデックス委 組み換え食品の安全性議論


    商品コード: 2001032500066

  • 判別するためのマーク 都が原材料判別のマーク
    判別するためのマーク 都が原材料判別のマーク


    商品コード: 2001092100193

  • あいさつする小泉首相 バイオ戦略会議が初会合
    あいさつする小泉首相 バイオ戦略会議が初会合


    商品コード: 2002071800154

  • BT戦略会議の小泉首相 がん患者生存率を20%改善
    BT戦略会議の小泉首相 がん患者生存率を20%改善


    商品コード: 2002101800215

  • 2002年12月06日

    「カラー」【】 ◎ヘルムート・ブロッカー、Helmut・Blocker、ドイツ、バイオテクノロジー研究センター、ヒトゲノムシーケンスプロジェクトのまとめ役、2002年8月29日撮影、顔

    商品コード: 2002120600038

  • 披露された「青いバラ」 不可能な「青いバラ」開花
    披露された「青いバラ」 不可能な「青いバラ」開花


    商品コード: 2004063000216

  • セレン化合物と山下室長 海洋生物のゲノム積極活用
    セレン化合物と山下室長 海洋生物のゲノム積極活用


    商品コード: 2010051500151

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    商品コード: 2018101100823

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400630

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400909

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400936

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400150

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400619

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400800

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400918

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400620

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400625

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400560

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400876

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400087

  •  Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.
    Noubar Afeyan speaking in Cambridge, MA.

    March 29, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S: NOUBAR AFEYAN - Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a Cambridge, Mass., biotech incubator that has many biotech companies in its portfolio including Moderna Therapeutics currently engaged in human trials of a vaccine to cure the Covid-19 Corona Virus. Afeyan was a keynote speaker at the Sloan School at MIT for the Luys Foundation of Armenia. (Credit Image: © Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Kenneth Martin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020080400953

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  • Columbia University Manhattan Valley development in New York Columbia University Manhattan Valley development in New York
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    Construction in the 17 acre area, partially acquired through the use of controversial eminent domain, in Manhattan Valley in New York where Columbia University is building a bio-tech lab as well as a general university expansion on Saturday, April 22, 2017. The Riverside Drive viaduct spanning Manhattan Valley is in the background. (ツ Richard B. Levine) Photo via Newscom

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  •  Biotechnology in Bavaria
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    Peter Hanns Zobe, CEO?of the ‘Innovations- und Gruenderzentrum Biotechnologie‘ (lit. ‘Innovation and Founders‘ Center Biotechnology‘, IZB), photographed in Martinsried, Germany, 18 August 2017.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2017101800541

  •  Joint project Miltenyi Biotech
    Joint project Miltenyi Biotech

    ‘Prodigy‘ from company Miltenyi Biotech is presented in Teterow, Germany, 1 February 2018. The device is meant to sort out and cultivate cells. A new joint project has started with its help: The biotech company wants to develop vaccines against tumours together with the University of Rostock and Greifswald. The vaccines are meant to cause an immune reaction against cancer. The project gained 6.4 million euros state support over a period of six years. Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018021600743

  •  Tesla supercharger
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    Tesla Supercharger station stalls at the Qualcomm parking lot in Sorrento Valley, where many high tech, biotech, and IT companies are located, in Febuary 2018. | usage worldwide、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018062801776

  •  Tesla supercharger
    Tesla supercharger

    Tesla Supercharger station stalls at the Qualcomm parking lot in Sorrento Valley, where many high tech, biotech, and IT companies are located, in Febuary 2018. | usage worldwide、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018062801789

  •  Tesla supercharger
    Tesla supercharger

    Tesla Supercharger station stalls at the Qualcomm parking lot in Sorrento Valley, where many high tech, biotech, and IT companies are located, in Febuary 2018. | usage worldwide、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018062801773

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  •  Bayer - factory in Leverkusen
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    FILED - 07 May 2018, Germany, Leverkusen: The Bayer cross shines bright on the factory (Chempark) of the chemical and pharmaceutical company in Leverkusen. The Mexican competition authority imposed requirements for the takeover of the US agricultural biotechnology corporation Monsanto by Bayer. Photo: Oliver Berg/dpa | usage worldwide、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018081400930

  •  Sartorius AG
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    05.09.2018, Lower Saxony, Goettingen: The “Sartorius stedim biotech“ logo can be seen on a disposable bioreactor. Sartorius AG is a leading international pharmaceutical and laboratory supplier. Photo: Swen Pförtner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018090723022

  •  Sartorius AG
    Sartorius AG

    05.09.2018, Lower Saxony, Goettingen: The “Sartorius stedim biotech“ logo can be seen on a disposable bioreactor. Sartorius AG is a leading international pharmaceutical and laboratory supplier. Photo: Swen Pförtner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018090722917

  •  Biozentrum Halle
    Biozentrum Halle

    18 September 2018, Saxony-Anhalt, Halle: View of the biotechnology centre on the Weinberg Campus in Halle. Photo: Stephan Schulz/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB、クレジット:ZB/DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020010904856

  •  Günther tries Future Food
    Günther tries Future Food

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, tries a spread of algae during a visit to the Fraunhofer Institute for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology “Future Food“. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112102311

  •  Günther tries Future Food
    Günther tries Future Food

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, tries a spread of algae during a visit to the Fraunhofer Institute for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology “Future Food“. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112102324

  •  Fraunhofer Institute for Marine Biotechnology
    Fraunhofer Institute for Marine Biotechnology

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: An electron microscope is located at the Fraunhofer Institute for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology in Lübeck. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112200788

  •  Charli Kruse
    Charli Kruse

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: Charli Kruse, Managing Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology, stands in front of the building in Lübeck. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112102306

  •  Günther tries Future Food
    Günther tries Future Food

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, tries a spread of algae during a visit to the Fraunhofer Institute for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology “Future Food“. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112102332

  •  Günther tries Future Food
    Günther tries Future Food

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, tries “Future Food“, a beer made of algae, during a visit to the Frauenhofer facility for marine biotechnology and cell technology. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112102263

  •  Future food
    Future food

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: “Future Food“, breads with a spread of algae and mussels, can be seen at the Fraunhofer Institute for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112200943

  •  Günther tries Future Food
    Günther tries Future Food

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, tries “Future Food“, a beer made of algae, during a visit to the Frauenhofer facility for marine biotechnology and cell technology. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112102172

  •  Charli Kruse
    Charli Kruse

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: Charli Kruse, Managing Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology, stands in front of the building in Lübeck. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112102153

  •  Günther tries Future Food
    Günther tries Future Food

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, tries a spread of algae during a visit to the Fraunhofer Institute for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology “Future Food“. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112102103

  •  Günther tries Future Food
    Günther tries Future Food

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, tries “Future Food“, a beer made of algae, during a visit to the Frauenhofer facility for marine biotechnology and cell technology. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112102339

  •  Günther tries Future Food
    Günther tries Future Food

    14 November 2018, Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck: Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, tries a spread of algae during a visit to the Fraunhofer Institute for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology “Future Food“. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2018112102266

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