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  • 再開
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( 1 100 件を表示)
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( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  • 長嶋監督が個別指導 松井が打撃フォーム改造
    長嶋監督が個別指導 松井が打撃フォーム改造


    商品コード: 1993053100013

  • 医師の討論集会 保険請求でホットな論争
    医師の討論集会 保険請求でホットな論争


    商品コード: 1993122200022

  • 学習する中学生 県が発達障害児の支援施設
    学習する中学生 県が発達障害児の支援施設


    商品コード: 2008050400260

  • 記録を見る看護師ら 保険者と組み重症化予防
    記録を見る看護師ら 保険者と組み重症化予防


    商品コード: 2014020600425

  • 黙とうする市教委の委員ら 厳格処分、個別指導も
    黙とうする市教委の委員ら 厳格処分、個別指導も


    商品コード: 2014122201271

  • 個別指導教室の指導室 問題少年の指導教室公開
    個別指導教室の指導室 問題少年の指導教室公開


    商品コード: 2015042800590

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    記者会見する渡辺代表ら 塾講バイトの労組結成


    商品コード: 2015060400674

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    会見する坂倉事務局長ら 学習塾に労基法違反で勧告


    商品コード: 2015082500630

  •  USA News - March 16, 2016
    USA News - March 16, 2016

    March 16, 2016: A Ph.D. teacher tutors a middle aged Asian American man in the learning center of a Santa Ana, CA, community college. (Credit Image: © Spencer Grant/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Spencer Grant/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072607060

  •  USA News - March 16, 2016
    USA News - March 16, 2016

    March 16, 2016: A Ph.D. teacher tutors a middle aged Asian American man in the learning center of a Santa Ana, CA, community college. (Credit Image: © Spencer Grant/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Spencer Grant/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072607739

  •  USA News - March 16, 2016
    USA News - March 16, 2016

    March 16, 2016: A middle aged Hispanic man concentrates on a tutor‘s instructions in the learning center of a Santa Ana, CA, community college. (Credit Image: © Spencer Grant/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Spencer Grant/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072607097

  • 塾長から指導受ける生徒 地元高校に生徒呼び込め
    塾長から指導受ける生徒 地元高校に生徒呼び込め


    商品コード: 2016050800303

  • 指導を受ける渡部瞳於さん 地元高校に生徒呼び込め
    指導を受ける渡部瞳於さん 地元高校に生徒呼び込め


    商品コード: 2016050800316

  •  若手へ異例の個別指導


    商品コード: 2016120400377

  •  若手へ異例の個別指導


    商品コード: 2016120400378

  •  若手へ異例の個別指導


    商品コード: 2016120400380

  •  若手へ異例の個別指導


    商品コード: 2016120400381

  • 塾で学び直す大場さん 教育機関?意欲そぐ授業
    塾で学び直す大場さん 教育機関?意欲そぐ授業


    商品コード: 2018022000718

  • Meeting on guidelines of college entrance Meeting on guidelines of college entrance
    Meeting on guidelines of college entrance Meeting on guidelines of college entrance

    Meeting on guidelines of college entrance College aspirants and their parents pack a gym in Seoul on July 20, 2018, as they gather to listen to the guidelines of colleges‘ freshmen recruitment for the 2019 academic year and obtain related information from a private tutoring institute. (Yonhap)/2018-07-20 16:06:44/ < 1980-2018 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. .> (Newscom TagID: yonphotos137845.jpg) [Photo via Newscom]、クレジット:Yonhapnews/ニューズコム/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019100101216

  •  5G技術に関する「未来·展」開催浙江省杭州市


    商品コード: 2019012200334

  •  小児病棟に差し込む一筋の太陽の光山東省済南市


    商品コード: 2020060409813

  •  小児病棟に差し込む一筋の太陽の光山東省済南市


    商品コード: 2020060409853

  •  小児病棟に差し込む一筋の太陽の光山東省済南市


    商品コード: 2020060409871

  •  小児病棟に差し込む一筋の太陽の光山東省済南市


    商品コード: 2020060409913

  •  小児病棟に差し込む一筋の太陽の光山東省済南市


    商品コード: 2020060409811

  •  小児病棟に差し込む一筋の太陽の光山東省済南市


    商品コード: 2020060409861

  •  小児病棟に差し込む一筋の太陽の光山東省済南市


    商品コード: 2020060409863

  •  小児病棟に差し込む一筋の太陽の光山東省済南市


    商品コード: 2020060409842

  •  小児病棟に差し込む一筋の太陽の光山東省済南市


    商品コード: 2020060409892

  •  小児病棟に差し込む一筋の太陽の光山東省済南市


    商品コード: 2020060409924

  •  小児病棟に差し込む一筋の太陽の光山東省済南市


    商品コード: 2020060409884

  • 個別指導の様子 地元愛育む学習塾
    個別指導の様子 地元愛育む学習塾


    商品コード: 2021020800619

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2021122102244

  • 証言する大学生 「不正では」講師で話題に
    証言する大学生 「不正では」講師で話題に


    商品コード: 2022022411523

  •  Juneteenth Santa Barbara 2022
    Juneteenth Santa Barbara 2022

    June 19, 2022, Santa Barbara, California, U.S: Gateway Educational Services Founder and Co-Executive Director Audrey Gamble (Standing) hosts a table along with support staff at the Juneteenth Santa Barbara celebration, at the 200 E. Grey Ave. block, on June 19, 2022. Now an official national holiday in the USA, hundreds were in attendance celebrating the anniversary of the end of slavery, and promoting African American led businesses and non-profit serving the black communities. The theme this year is Caring For the People. Gateway offers tutoring for kids, math and photography summer camps, and college planning, among other services. (Credit Image: © Amy Katz/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Amy Katz/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022062409035

  •  Juneteenth Santa Barbara 2022
    Juneteenth Santa Barbara 2022

    June 19, 2022, Santa Barbara, California, U.S: Gateway Educational Services Founder and Co-Executive Director Audrey Gamble (Standing) hosts a table along with support staff at the Juneteenth Santa Barbara celebration, at the 200 E. Grey Ave. block, on June 19, 2022. Now an official national holiday in the USA, hundreds were in attendance celebrating the anniversary of the end of slavery, and promoting African American led businesses and non-profit serving the black communities. The theme this year is Caring For the People. Gateway offers tutoring for kids, math and photography summer camps, and college planning, among other services. (Credit Image: © Amy Katz/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Amy Katz/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022062409072

  •  Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real
    Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real

    December 16, 2022, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain: The president of the Provincial Council, José Manuel Caballero, intervened together with the Minister of Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, at the closing ceremony of ‘Promueve VI: Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education in the province of Ciudad Real‘, at IFEDI, on December 16, 2022, in Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha (Spain). The project consists of a series of theoretical and practical social and labor insertion itineraries composed of specific, complementary and labor training aimed at improving employability and the acquisition of skills in people at risk of social exclusion. These itineraries consist of: professional orientation; specific, transversal and complementary training; tutoring throughout the specific and practical training, and job search assistance...DECEMBER 16;2022;EDUCATION;REINTEGRATION..Eusebio García del Castillo / Europa Press..12/16/2022 (Credit Image: © Eusebio Ga...

    商品コード: 2022122001629

  •  Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real
    Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real

    December 16, 2022, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain: The Minister of Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, speaks during the closing ceremony of ‘Promueve VI: Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education in the province of Ciudad Real‘, at IFEDI, on December 16, 2022, in Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha (Spain). The project consists of a series of theoretical and practical social and labor insertion itineraries composed of specific, complementary and labor training aimed at improving employability and the acquisition of skills in people at risk of social exclusion. These itineraries consist of: professional orientation; specific, transversal and complementary training; tutoring throughout the specific and practical training, and job search assistance...DECEMBER 16;2022;EDUCATION;REINTEGRATION..Eusebio García del Castillo / Europa Press..12/16/2022 (Credit Image: © Eusebio GarcíA Del Castillo/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eusebio GarcíA Del Castil...

    商品コード: 2022122001594

  •  Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real
    Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real

    December 16, 2022, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain: The Minister of Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, during the closing ceremony of ‘Promueve VI: Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education in the province of Ciudad Real‘, at IFEDI, on December 16, 2022, in Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha (Spain). The project consists of a series of theoretical and practical social and labor insertion itineraries composed of specific, complementary and labor training aimed at improving employability and the acquisition of skills in people at risk of social exclusion. These itineraries consist of: professional orientation; specific, transversal and complementary training; tutoring throughout the specific and practical training, and job search assistance...DECEMBER 16;2022;EDUCATION;REINTEGRATION..Eusebio García del Castillo / Europa Press..12/16/2022 (Credit Image: © Eusebio GarcíA Del Castillo/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eusebio GarcíA Del Castillo/Cont...

    商品コード: 2022122001584

  •  Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real
    Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real

    December 16, 2022, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain: The Minister of Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, speaks during the closing ceremony of ‘Promueve VI: Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education in the province of Ciudad Real‘, at IFEDI, on December 16, 2022, in Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha (Spain). The project consists of a series of theoretical and practical social and labor insertion itineraries composed of specific, complementary and labor training aimed at improving employability and the acquisition of skills in people at risk of social exclusion. These itineraries consist of: professional orientation; specific, transversal and complementary training; tutoring throughout the specific and practical training, and job search assistance...DECEMBER 16;2022;EDUCATION;REINTEGRATION..Eusebio García del Castillo / Europa Press..12/16/2022 (Credit Image: © Eusebio GarcíA Del Castillo/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eusebio GarcíA Del Castil...

    商品コード: 2022122001633

  •  Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real
    Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real

    December 16, 2022, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain: (L-R) The vice-president for Rural Development, Tourism and Sustainability, María Jesús Villaverde, the minister for Territorial Policy and government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, and the president of the Provincial Council, José Manuel Caballero, during the closing ceremony of ‘Promueve VI: Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education in the province of Ciudad Real‘, at IFEDI, on December 16, 2022, in Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha (Spain). The project consists of a series of theoretical and practical social and labor insertion itineraries composed of specific, complementary and labor training aimed at improving employability and the acquisition of skills in people at risk of social exclusion. These itineraries consist of: professional orientation; specific, transversal and complementary training; tutoring throughout the specific and practical training, and job search assistance...DECEMBER 16;2022;EDUCATION;REINTEGRATION....

    商品コード: 2022122001646

  •  Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real
    Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real

    December 16, 2022, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain: The vice-president for Rural Development, Tourism and Sustainability, María Jesús Villaverde (left), and the minister for Territorial Policy and government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez (right), during the closing ceremony of ‘Promueve VI: Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education in the province of Ciudad Real‘, at IFEDI, on December 16, 2022, in Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha (Spain). The project consists of a series of theoretical and practical social and labor insertion itineraries composed of specific, complementary and labor training aimed at improving employability and the acquisition of skills in people at risk of social exclusion. These itineraries consist of: professional orientation; specific, transversal and complementary training; tutoring throughout the specific and practical training, and job search assistance...DECEMBER 16;2022;EDUCATION;REINTEGRATION..Eusebio García del Castillo / Europa Press..12/16/20...

    商品コード: 2022122001571

  •  Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real
    Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real

    December 16, 2022, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain: The Minister of Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, speaks during the closing ceremony of ‘Promueve VI: Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education in the province of Ciudad Real‘, at IFEDI, on December 16, 2022, in Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha (Spain). The project consists of a series of theoretical and practical social and labor insertion itineraries composed of specific, complementary and labor training aimed at improving employability and the acquisition of skills in people at risk of social exclusion. These itineraries consist of: professional orientation; specific, transversal and complementary training; tutoring throughout the specific and practical training, and job search assistance...DECEMBER 16;2022;EDUCATION;REINTEGRATION..Eusebio García del Castillo / Europa Press..12/16/2022 (Credit Image: © Eusebio GarcíA Del Castillo/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eusebio GarcíA Del Castil...

    商品コード: 2022122001665

  •  Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real
    Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real

    December 16, 2022, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain: The Minister of Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, speaks during the closing ceremony of ‘Promueve VI: Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education in the province of Ciudad Real‘, at IFEDI, on December 16, 2022, in Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha (Spain). The project consists of a series of theoretical and practical social and labor insertion itineraries composed of specific, complementary and labor training aimed at improving employability and the acquisition of skills in people at risk of social exclusion. These itineraries consist of: professional orientation; specific, transversal and complementary training; tutoring throughout the specific and practical training, and job search assistance...DECEMBER 16;2022;EDUCATION;REINTEGRATION..Eusebio García del Castillo / Europa Press..12/16/2022 (Credit Image: © Eusebio GarcíA Del Castillo/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eusebio GarcíA Del Castil...

    商品コード: 2022122001608

  •  Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real
    Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real

    December 16, 2022, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain: The vice-president for Rural Development, Tourism and Sustainability, María Jesús Villaverde (left), and the minister for Territorial Policy and government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, during the closing ceremony of ‘Promueve VI: Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education in the province of Ciudad Real‘, at IFEDI, on December 16, 2022, in Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha (Spain). The project consists of a series of theoretical and practical social and labor insertion itineraries composed of specific, complementary and labor training aimed at improving employability and the acquisition of skills in people at risk of social exclusion. These itineraries consist of: professional orientation; specific, transversal and complementary training; tutoring throughout the specific and practical training, and job search assistance...DECEMBER 16;2022;EDUCATION;REINTEGRATION..Eusebio García del Castillo / Europa Press..12/16/2022 (Cred...

    商品コード: 2022122001638

  •  Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real
    Isabel Rodriguez closes an event on employment, training and education in Ciudad Real

    December 16, 2022, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain: The Minister of Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, speaks during the closing ceremony of ‘Promueve VI: Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education in the province of Ciudad Real‘, at IFEDI, on December 16, 2022, in Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha (Spain). The project consists of a series of theoretical and practical social and labor insertion itineraries composed of specific, complementary and labor training aimed at improving employability and the acquisition of skills in people at risk of social exclusion. These itineraries consist of: professional orientation; specific, transversal and complementary training; tutoring throughout the specific and practical training, and job search assistance...DECEMBER 16;2022;EDUCATION;REINTEGRATION..Eusebio García del Castillo / Europa Press..12/16/2022 (Credit Image: © Eusebio GarcíA Del Castillo/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eusebio GarcíA Del Castil...

    商品コード: 2022122001572

  •  Sakurajima Kagoshima Archive
    Sakurajima Kagoshima Archive

    March 14, 2023, Kagoshima, Japan: A Kumon learning center and test prep services tutoring classroom with the Sakurajima volcano erupting in the background...Sakurajima (‘‘cherry blossom island‘‘) is an active volcano in the south of Kyushu along the Pacific ring of fire. The volcano used to be an island but after a recent major eruption, is now connected to the mainland. The volcano is known for daily minor eruptions and its active geothermal properties. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082912905

  •  Sakurajima Kagoshima Archive
    Sakurajima Kagoshima Archive

    March 14, 2023, Kagoshima, Japan: A Kumon learning center and test prep services tutoring classroom with the Sakurajima volcano erupting in the background...Sakurajima (‘‘cherry blossom island‘‘) is an active volcano in the south of Kyushu along the Pacific ring of fire. The volcano used to be an island but after a recent major eruption, is now connected to the mainland. The volcano is known for daily minor eruptions and its active geothermal properties. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082912872

  •  双方向、個別指導に期待


    商品コード: 2023031408335

  •  双方向、個別指導に期待


    商品コード: 2023031408331

  •  双方向、個別指導に期待


    商品コード: 2023031408342

  •  双方向、個別指導に期待


    商品コード: 2023031408346

  • 記者会見する中川氏 個別指導ジム、実態調査へ
    記者会見する中川氏 個別指導ジム、実態調査へ


    商品コード: 2023051911340

  •  Chinese youngsters embrace sports, fitness to mark Int‘l Children‘s Day
    Chinese youngsters embrace sports, fitness to mark Int‘l Children‘s Day

    STORY: Chinese youngsters embrace sports, fitness to mark Int‘l Children‘s DayDATELINE: June 1, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:32LOCATION: NANNING, ChinaCATEGORY: SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. various of children engaging in various sports activities in China2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): FAN ZIJUN, Student at Nanning Binhulu Primary School3. various of Chinese youngsters participating in various sports eventsSTORYLINE:In joyful celebrations of International Children‘s Day, children from various parts of China embraced the spirit of health and fitness, engaging in various sports activities to mark the day.Many schoolchildren have been participating in sports more actively thanks to the implementation of the “double reduction“ policy about two years ago.The policy was rolled out to ease the burden of excessive core-subjects homework and off-campus tutoring faced by middle and primary school students...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111100156


    (230922) -- KARAMAY, Sept. 22, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Sun Lei (2nd R) talks with students during a tutoring session at the China University of Petroleum -- Beijing at Karamay (CPUBK) in Karamay, northwest China‘s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Sept. 21, 2023. TO GO WITH “Wondrous Xinjiang: Beijing professor and her family take root in furthering Xinjiang program“ (Xinhua/Gao Han)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092213871

  •  Florida News - January 24, 2024
    Florida News - January 24, 2024

    January 24, 2024, Florida, USA: Katrina Schneider, Assistant Principal with Curlew Creek Elementary School, explains the Read Across Pinellas program on Wednesday, Jan 24, 2023, at the school in Palm Harbor. The district began using COVID-19 relief funds to support the program, which provides one-on-one tutoring for young children who are behind in their literacy skills. (Credit Image: © Douglas R. Clifford/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Douglas R. Clifford/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012507176

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi, France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti and France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212306

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi, France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti and France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212310

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212266

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi, France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti and France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212312

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212344

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212301

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212299

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212297

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Secretary of State for Citizenship Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti and France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212320

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Secretary of State for Citizenship Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti and France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212330

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Secretary of State for Citizenship Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti and France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212338

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212333

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212336

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti and France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212293

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti and France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212295

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti and France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212332

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212259

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212260

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212334

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi, Eric Ciotti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212304

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212326

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212230

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212207

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212209

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Secretary of State for Citizenship Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti and France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212318

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212323

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212324

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212317

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212228

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy meet pupils during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212224

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212237

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212234

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Eric Ciotti, Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212217

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212227

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Minister for Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212238

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212231

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Eric Ciotti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212220

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    Eric Ciotti during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212218

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212232

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212239

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212235

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, and France‘s Deputy Minister for Children, Youth and Families Sarah El-Hairy during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212210

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024042212233

  •  Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice
    Gabriel Attal Visit To The Parc Imperial High School - Nice

    France‘s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal during a visit to the Parc Imperial High School to launch an “educational boarding school“ experiment for challenging pupils in Nice, south-eastern France on April 22, 2024. Teenagers “on the wrong track“ will be hosted in the empty rooms of boarding schools across France during school breaks and attend tutoring lessons, civic education courses along with sports classes, France‘s Prime Minister announced during an interview with French television news channel BFM TV on April 18, 2024. Photo by Laurent Coust/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Coust Laurent/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

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