- 地下工事
- ヘリ
- 画像
- 押収
- 令和
- 徳洲会グループ
- 昭和
- 東京都庁
- 現金
- 上皇
- 報道写真・映像トップ 報道写真・映像トップ
- 写真・グラフィックス・映像 | 写真・グラフィックス・映像 |
- 提供元
- 日付
- 種類
- 向き
- カテゴリ
- 色
- 同義語オン
- 提供元
- 共同通信社
- 国内提供元
- 海外提供元
- 日付
- 24時間以内
0 - 48時間以内
0 - 72時間以内
0 - 7日以内
0 - 30日以内
0 - 1年以内
1 - 期間を指定
116 - 日付指定なし
- 種類
- 写真
113 - グラフィックス
2 - 映像
- 向き
- 縦
18 - 横
82 - 正方形
- カテゴリ
- ニュース
- スポーツ
- エンターテインメント
- 教育向け
- カテゴリ指定なし
- 色
- カラー
91 - モノクロ
- 同義語辞書
- オン
- オフ
- 古い順
- 1
- 2
- 古い順
商品コード: 2020071408332
-Temple Door Guardian (Dvarapala) 1600-1800.Temple Door Guardian (Dvarapala) 1600-1800. A wrathful demon, tamed and converted to Hinduism is a suitable guardian for a temple threshold. This example, fanged and highly animated, was meant to terrify any enemies of the temple god. He holds a club and has assumed a warrior pose borrowed from theatre and temple dance.、クレジット:World History Archive/ニューズコム/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019061302574
-Mademoiselle V... in the Costume of an Espada.Mademoiselle V. in the Costume of an Espada. Artist: Édouard Manet (French, Paris 1832-1883 Paris). Dimensions: 65 x 50 1/4 in. (165.1 x 127.6 cm). Date: 1862.Manet depicted model Victorine Meurent (1844-1928) in the guise of a male <i>espada</i>, or matador, borrowing her pose from a Renaissance print. Victorine‘s shoes are unsuitable for bullfighting, and the pink cape that she flourishes is the wrong hue, but she carries off her role with panache. The backdrop reproduces a scene from Goya‘s <i>Tauromaquia</i> series, celebrating the feats of bullfighters. When this painting was exhibited at the infamous Salon des Refusés of 1863, a commentator noted, “Manet loves Spain, and his favorite master seems to be Goya, whose vivid and contrasting hues, whose free and fiery touch he imitates.“. Museum: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.、クレジット:Album/Metropolitan Museum of Art,NY/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2020031303883
商品コード: 2009012800259
1972年04月26日江崎防衛庁長官 北富士演習場で政府見解参院予算委分科会で、北富士演習場借用期間についての政府統一見解を述べる江崎真澄防衛庁長官=1972(昭和47)年4月26日
商品コード: 2008121000571
1976年05月26日「サザエさん」勝訴 似顔絵バスは著作権侵害立川バス(東京都立川市高松町)が車体に“無断使用”した「サザエさん」。漫画の登場人物3人の顔を原作者の長谷川町子さんに無断で借用した著作権侵害裁判で、東京地裁は「誰が見ても登場人物のキャラクター、著作権の侵害に当たる」と1824万余円を支払えと判決
商品コード: 2013102800098
1977年12月15日岡山市―倉敷市間の列車内 お座敷列車〞走る畳に座ってくつろいだ旅をどうぞ―。岡山鉄道管理局管内では初となる〝お座敷列車〞がこの日、九州・長崎へ向けて岡山駅を出発した。団体応募の210人が乗車。通路以外は畳敷き、床の間までしつらえた車内はまるで自宅の座敷か茶の間の雰囲気とあって、乗客はすっかりリラックス。あちこちで開かれている酒盛りのペースも急ピッチ。お座敷列車は1969年に名古屋鉄局が走らせたのが始まり。今回の列車は岡鉄局が門司鉄局に借用を申し込み、ようやく借り出した。=1977(昭和52)年12月15日、岡山市―倉敷市間の列車内、クレジット:山陽新聞/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019032502217
1995年04月05日空気呼吸器付き完全防護服 福岡県警が防護服を配備福岡県警が配備した空気呼吸器付き完全防護服(右)と陸上自衛隊から借用中の防毒マスクと防護服=福岡県警本部(地下鉄サリン殺傷事件のような毒ガスによる犯罪に的確に対応するため)(カラーネガ)
商品コード: 1995040500072
1995年04月05日空気呼吸器付き完全防護服 福岡県警が防護服を配備福岡県警が配備した空気呼吸器付き完全防護服(右)と陸上自衛隊から借用中の防毒マスクと防護服=福岡県警本部(カラーネガ)(地下鉄サリン殺傷事件のような毒ガスによる犯罪に的確に対応するため)
商品コード: 1995040500065
商品コード: 1997022500070
1997年08月20日拒否通告する鳥取県部長 鳥取県が用地提供拒否動燃の中野啓昌理事長(左)に県有地借用拒否の文書を手渡す山田次彦・鳥取県生活環境部長=20日午前10時、鳥取県倉吉市の鳥取県中風総合事務所
商品コード: 1997082000014
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2000年06月14日金銭借用証書のコピー 通産省外郭の元理事逮捕
商品コード: 2000061400163
2000年12月31日LIAMLIAM ANTHONY BORROWS Date: 2000、クレジット:Ronald Grant Archive/Mary Evans/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2019060300972
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2004年03月08日落選した佐藤前議員 2000万円の借用証
商品コード: 2004030800200
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2006年05月30日押収された借用証書 タクシー運転手に違法貸付
商品コード: 2006053000181
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2008年06月30日高松市内の運送業者 高松の元役員が倉庫借用
商品コード: 2008063000489
2009年09月28日In advance of third-quarter earnings In advance of third-quarter earningsA sign advertises that a Forever 21 store is moving into the space vacated by the Virgin Megastore in Times Square in New York on Tuesday, September 28, 2009. The Virgin Megastore, one of the original tenants who were in the vanguard of revitalizing Times Square, closed at the end of March 2009. ( Richard B. Levine)、クレジット:Levine Roberts/ニューズコム/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018103116932
2010年03月08日Daily Life In ChileBicycles for rent on a street corner in downtown Santiago, Chile, on March 08, 2010. This is to encourage commuters to cut down on pollution and reduce emissions. (Photo by Creative Touch Imaging Ltd./NurPhoto)=クレジット:Creative Touch Imaging Ltd/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021071513963
2011年09月19日新横綱若乃花が土俵入り打ち上がったばかりの横綱を締め、太刀持ち琴ケ浜、露払い荒岩を従えて土俵入りの練習をする新横綱の若乃花。行司は木村庄之助。化粧まわしは時津風理事長が双葉山時代に使ったものを借用した。琴ケ浜の後ろは花籠親方=1958(昭和33)年2月1日、東京・杉並の花籠部屋(了) 19580201
商品コード: 2011091900047
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2012年10月03日「金銭借用証書」 投資話で25億集金か
商品コード: 2012100300566
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2013年11月26日謝罪する猪瀬知事 猪瀬知事、借用書を公開
商品コード: 2013112600047
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2013年11月26日登庁する猪瀬知事 猪瀬知事、借用書を公開
商品コード: 2013112600048
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2013年11月26日借用証を手にする猪瀬知事 猪瀬知事、借用証を公開
商品コード: 2013112600170
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2013年11月26日借用証を公開する猪瀬知事 猪瀬知事、借用証を公開
商品コード: 2013112600171
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2013年12月18日借用証を公開する猪瀬知事 猪瀬知事きょう辞職表明
商品コード: 2013121800947
2014年08月23日習近平氏、鄧小平氏 習氏「トラ退治」は借用?習近平氏、鄧小平氏
商品コード: 2014082300284
2014年11月10日RENTRENT [BR THEATRE PROGRAMME] Prince Of Wales Theatre, London, 2001 Written by Jonathan Larson、クレジット:Ronald Grant/Mary Evans/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2019111108603
2015年10月29日借用書広げる高槻准教授 豪商加島屋の資料1万点見つかった江戸時代の大阪の豪商「加島屋」の借用書を広げる神戸大の高槻泰郎准教授=29日午後、神戸市
商品コード: 2015102900813
2015年10月29日見つかった加島屋の借用書 豪商加島屋の資料1万点奈良県橿原市の民家で見つかった大阪の豪商「加島屋」の借用書=29日午後、神戸市
商品コード: 2015102900814
2016年05月13日取材に応じる佐藤広氏 組織委、神宮と2度目協議神宮球場借用問題に関する2度目の協議後、取材に応じる組織委の佐藤広副事務総長=13日午前、東京都新宿区
商品コード: 2016051300161
2016年05月13日神宮球場周辺空撮 都に新球場建設要望2020年7月から9月20日ごろまで借用されることになった神宮球場(中央)
商品コード: 2016051300485
商品コード: 2022031812012
2017年11月15日借用証書や株券 高齢者狙い、出資募る被害者が受け取った借用書や株券
商品コード: 2017111500099
2017年11月15日借用証書 高齢者狙い、出資募る被害者の手元に残された借用証書や株券(画像の一部をモザイク加工しています)
商品コード: 2017111500105
2018年10月17日Construction of apartments with cheap rentsFILED - 17 October 2018, Berlin: In this multi-storey building made of wood, 98 apartments and seven commercial units are being built in Berlin‘s Wedding district. Half of the apartments are rented cold to tenants with a residence entitlement certificate for 6.50 euros per square metre net (social apartments). The other apartments cost eight to nine euros per square metre. Only the residents on the top floor pay 12 to 13.50 euros per square metre.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018110728043
2018年10月17日Construction of apartments with cheap rentsFILED - 17 October 2018, Berlin: In this multi-storey building made of wood, 98 apartments and seven commercial units are being built in Berlin‘s Wedding district. Half of the apartments are rented cold to tenants with a residence entitlement certificate for 6.50 euros per square metre net (social apartments). The other apartments cost eight to nine euros per square metre. Only the residents on the top floor pay 12 to 13.50 euros per square metre.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018110727805
2018年10月17日Construction of apartments with cheap rentsFILED - 17 October 2018, Berlin: In this multi-storey building made of wood, 98 apartments and seven commercial units are being built in Berlin‘s Wedding district. Half of the apartments are rented cold to tenants with a residence entitlement certificate for 6.50 euros per square metre net (social apartments). The other apartments cost eight to nine euros per square metre. Only the residents on the top floor pay 12 to 13.50 euros per square metre.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018110727898
2018年10月17日Construction of apartments with cheap rentsFILED - 17 October 2018, Berlin: In this multi-storey building made of wood, 98 apartments and seven commercial units are being built in Berlin‘s Wedding district. Half of the apartments are rented cold to tenants with a residence entitlement certificate for 6.50 euros per square metre net (social apartments). The other apartments cost eight to nine euros per square metre. Only the residents on the top floor pay 12 to 13.50 euros per square metre.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018110727813
2018年10月17日Construction of apartments with cheap rentsFILED - 17 October 2018, Berlin: In this multi-storey building made of wood, 98 apartments and seven commercial units are being built in Berlin‘s Wedding district. Half of the apartments are rented cold to tenants with a residence entitlement certificate for 6.50 euros per square metre net (social apartments). The other apartments cost eight to nine euros per square metre. Only the residents on the top floor pay 12 to 13.50 euros per square metre.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018110728072
2018年10月17日Construction of apartments with cheap rentsFILED - 17 October 2018, Berlin: In this multi-storey building made of wood, 98 apartments and seven commercial units are being built in Berlin‘s Wedding district. Half of the apartments are rented cold to tenants with a residence entitlement certificate for 6.50 euros per square metre net (social apartments). The other apartments cost eight to nine euros per square metre. Only the residents on the top floor pay 12 to 13.50 euros per square metre.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018110727821
2018年10月17日Construction of apartments with cheap rentsFILED - 17 October 2018, Berlin: In this multi-storey building made of wood, 98 apartments and seven commercial units are being built in Berlin‘s Wedding district. Half of the apartments are rented cold to tenants with a residence entitlement certificate for 6.50 euros per square metre net (social apartments). The other apartments cost eight to nine euros per square metre. Only the residents on the top floor pay 12 to 13.50 euros per square metre.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018110727880
2018年10月17日Construction of apartments with cheap rentsFILED - 17 October 2018, Berlin: In this multi-storey building made of wood, 98 apartments and seven commercial units are being built in Berlin‘s Wedding district. Half of the apartments are rented cold to tenants with a residence entitlement certificate for 6.50 euros per square metre net (social apartments). The other apartments cost eight to nine euros per square metre. Only the residents on the top floor pay 12 to 13.50 euros per square metre.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018110727833
2018年10月17日Construction of apartments with cheap rentsFILED - 17 October 2018, Berlin: In this multi-storey building made of wood, 98 apartments and seven commercial units are being built in Berlin‘s Wedding district. Half of the apartments are rented cold to tenants with a residence entitlement certificate for 6.50 euros per square metre net (social apartments). The other apartments cost eight to nine euros per square metre. Only the residents on the top floor pay 12 to 13.50 euros per square metre.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018110727886
2018年10月19日Construction of apartments with cheap rentsFILED - 19 October 2018, Berlin: In this multi-storey building made of wood, 98 apartments and seven commercial units are being built in Berlin‘s Wedding district. Half of the apartments are rented cold to tenants with a residence entitlement certificate for 6.50 euros per square metre net (social apartments). The other apartments cost eight to nine euros per square metre. Only the residents on the top floor pay 12 to 13.50 euros per square metre.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018110727704
2018年10月19日Construction of apartments with cheap rentsFILED - 19 October 2018, Berlin: In this multi-storey building made of wood, 98 apartments and seven commercial units are being built in Berlin‘s Wedding district. Half of the apartments are rented cold to tenants with a residence entitlement certificate for 6.50 euros per square metre net (social apartments). The other apartments cost eight to nine euros per square metre. Only the residents on the top floor pay 12 to 13.50 euros per square metre.、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018110727826
2019年01月22日“Scarecrow“ to drive anglers away22 January 2019, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Damekow: In a small fishing pond near Blowatz there is a yellow figure in the water that looks like a scarecrow. For some this figure is irritating, as it stands in a bird sanctuary. The initiators - tenants of the fishing pond - swear, however, by the deterrent effect of the figure not on birds, but on “black“ anglers who travel without permission. Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019012401739
2019年01月22日“Scarecrow“ to drive anglers away22 January 2019, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Damekow: In a small fishing pond near Blowatz there is a yellow figure in the water that looks like a scarecrow. For some this figure is irritating, as it stands in a bird sanctuary. The initiators - tenants of the fishing pond - swear, however, by the deterrent effect of the figure not on birds, but on “black“ anglers who travel without permission. Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019012400715
2019年01月22日“Scarecrow“ to drive anglers away22 January 2019, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Damekow: In a small fishing pond near Blowatz there is a yellow figure in the water that looks like a scarecrow. For some this figure is irritating, as it stands in a bird sanctuary. The initiators - tenants of the fishing pond - swear, however, by the deterrent effect of the figure not on birds, but on “black“ anglers who travel without permission. Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019012401705
2019年01月22日“Scarecrow“ to drive anglers away22 January 2019, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Damekow: In a small fishing pond near Blowatz there is a yellow figure in the water that looks like a scarecrow. For some this figure is irritating, as it stands in a bird sanctuary. The initiators - tenants of the fishing pond - swear, however, by the deterrent effect of the figure not on birds, but on “black“ anglers who travel without permission. Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019012400713
2019年01月22日“Scarecrow“ to drive anglers away22 January 2019, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Damekow: In a small fishing pond near Blowatz there is a yellow figure in the water that looks like a scarecrow. For some this figure is irritating, as it stands in a bird sanctuary. The initiators - tenants of the fishing pond - swear, however, by the deterrent effect of the figure not on birds, but on “black“ anglers who travel without permission. Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019012401747
2019年01月22日“Scarecrow“ to drive anglers away22 January 2019, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Damekow: In a small fishing pond near Blowatz there is a yellow figure in the water that looks like a scarecrow. For some this figure is irritating, as it stands in a bird sanctuary. The initiators - tenants of the fishing pond - swear, however, by the deterrent effect of the figure not on birds, but on “black“ anglers who travel without permission. Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019012401778
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2019年02月15日テキシアの借用書 借金名目は警察OB指示か
商品コード: 2019021503347
2019年02月19日押収された借用書 巧妙な集金手口、明らかにテキシアジャパンホールディングスの関係先から押収された借用書=13日、名古屋・南署
商品コード: 2019021901689
2019年03月28日Action housing shortage of the DGB28 March 2019, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A participant of the action of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB) holds two signs with the inscription “Pforzheim - Here 6525 affordable flats are missing“ and “Stuttgart - Here 38 percent of the tenants pay too much rent“. The campaign aims to draw attention to the problem of rising rents, a lack of social housing and a lack of inexpensive building land. Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019032904205
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2020年01月22日押収された借用書 虚偽投資、40億円集金か
商品コード: 2020012225288
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2020年01月22日押収した借用書など 虚偽投資、40億円集金か
商品コード: 2020012225290
01:04.762020年05月10日空撮 国が地下工事、JR借用 羽田新駅、機能強化へJR東日本が建設計画を進める羽田空港と東京都心直結の新路線「羽田空港アクセス線」に関し、国が空港内の地下トンネルや駅の基礎工事を担い、同社が借用して営業する方向で調整していることが10日、関係者への取材で分かった。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で今年に入り、航空需要は世界的に失速しているが、国は「首都の玄関口」として羽田の機能強化は不可欠とみている。JRの負担を軽減し、各地と結ぶ鉄道路線の充実を図る考えだ。関係者によると、アクセス線の建設費は3千億円程度と見込まれていたが、人件費や資材費の高騰で3800億円程度まで膨らむとみられる。空港内の工事だけでも数百億円規模という。アクセス線は東京都品川区の東京貨物ターミナル付近から羽田空港までの約5キロは地下トンネルになる。<映像内容>羽田空港の空撮、撮影日:2020(令和2)年5月10日、撮影場所:東京都大田区の羽田空港
商品コード: 2020051100369
2020年05月10日羽田空港全景 国が地下工事、JR借用羽田空港(共同通信社ヘリから)
商品コード: 2020051000319
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-9
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-1
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-4
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-6
2020年05月10日羽田空港 国が地下工事、JR借用羽田空港(共同通信社ヘリから)
商品コード: 2020051000320
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-3
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-7
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-8
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-12
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-14
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-2
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-5
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-10
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-11
2020年05月10日国が地下工事、JR借用商品コード: 2020051000320-13
商品コード: 2020051000342
商品コード: 2020051000343
- 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます2020年06月16日押収された借用書など ヤミ金容疑で男逮捕
商品コード: 2020061606592
2021年12月05日笑顔の愛子さま 愛子さま、陛下から勲章キーワード:愛子さま、成年のあいさつ、成年行事、陛下、勲章、宝冠大綬章、正装、ティアラ、笑顔=2021(令和3)年12月5日、宮殿・西車寄(ロイター=共同)
商品コード: 2021120607985
2021年12月05日ティアラ着用の愛子さま 愛子さま、陛下から勲章キーワード:愛子さま、成年のあいさつ、成年行事、陛下、勲章、宝冠大綬章、正装、ティアラ、笑顔=2021(令和3)年12月5日、宮殿・西車寄(ロイター=共同)
商品コード: 2021120607986
2021年12月05日正装の愛子さま 愛子さま、陛下から勲章キーワード:愛子さま、成年のあいさつ、成年行事、陛下、勲章、宝冠大綬章、正装、ティアラ、笑顔=2021(令和3)年12月5日、宮殿・西車寄(ロイター=共同)
商品コード: 2021120607980
2022年06月03日Florida News - June 3, 2022June 3, 2022, Florida, USA: Developer Stephen J. Dibbs asked Hillsborough County to extend the life of his permit to operate a borrow pit until 2031. The permit expired last year. (Credit Image: © Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022060703810
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309861
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309840
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309903
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309782
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121310058
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309821
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309839
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309972
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121310061
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309900
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121310043
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309813
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309818
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309767
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309834
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309383
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309769
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309770
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309873
2023年12月12日Exposição De tudo se faz CançãoDecember 12, 2023, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 12.12.2023: EXPOSIÃÃO DE TUDO SE FAZ CANÃÃO - The Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais, through the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, present ?A song is made out of everything?. The activities of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation are supported by Cemig and Instituto Cultural Vale, Master Sponsorship by ArcelorMittal, Sponsorship by Usiminas and Copasa and Correlation by APPA? Art and culture. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a verse in the song ?Clube da Esquina nº 2?, by Milton Nascimento, Lô and Márcio Borges, composed for the 1972 album of the same name. ?A song is made out of everything? It was presented for the first time in the first half of this year, in São Paulo...、クレジット:©Leonardo Ramos/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2023121309794
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