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( 1 85 件を表示)
  • 1
( 1 85 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  サッカーW杯スペイン大会予選


    商品コード: 2018031300123

  •  サッカーW杯スペイン大会予選


    商品コード: 2018031300124

  • 大人にも郷愁呼ぶ運動会 日本特有の学校行事
    大人にも郷愁呼ぶ運動会 日本特有の学校行事


    商品コード: 1993101200014

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    大手スーパーで内定式 激戦勝ち抜き、安どの笑み


    商品コード: 1995100100002

  • 貴乃花―曙 大相撲勝ち抜き戦第1日
    貴乃花―曙 大相撲勝ち抜き戦第1日


    商品コード: 1996060800074

  • 貴乃花―曙 大相撲勝ち抜き戦第1日
    貴乃花―曙 大相撲勝ち抜き戦第1日


    商品コード: 1996060800083

  • 武双山が優勝 大相撲勝ち抜き戦最終日
    武双山が優勝 大相撲勝ち抜き戦最終日


    商品コード: 1996060900035

  • 武双山が優勝 大相撲勝ち抜き戦最終日
    武双山が優勝 大相撲勝ち抜き戦最終日


    商品コード: 1996060900036

  • ポーカーで優勝 賞金は150万ドル
    ポーカーで優勝 賞金は150万ドル


    商品コード: 2001051900097

  • 4強入りの杉山組 全米オープンテニス第8日
    4強入りの杉山組 全米オープンテニス第8日


    商品コード: 2001090400040

  • ロボット相撲の熱戦 ロボット相撲全国大会
    ロボット相撲の熱戦 ロボット相撲全国大会


    商品コード: 2004121900129

  • 朝鮮中央通信資料 平壌で第4回朝鮮相撲大会
    朝鮮中央通信資料 平壌で第4回朝鮮相撲大会


    商品コード: 2010091500200

  • 笑顔を見せるロ軍・松井稼 健闘するWCのロッキーズ
    笑顔を見せるロ軍・松井稼 健闘するWCのロッキーズ


    商品コード: 2007101000077

  • 胴上げされるヒルマン監督 ヒルマン監督、ロ軍へ
    胴上げされるヒルマン監督 ヒルマン監督、ロ軍へ


    商品コード: 2007102000012

  • 本戦出場を決めた土居美咲 全仏オープンテニス予選
    本戦出場を決めた土居美咲 全仏オープンテニス予選


    商品コード: 2010052100677

  • 質問に答える建山 「競争勝ち抜きたい」
    質問に答える建山 「競争勝ち抜きたい」


    商品コード: 2011020700471

  • M・サンティアゴ 接戦勝ち抜き準決勝へ
    M・サンティアゴ 接戦勝ち抜き準決勝へ


    商品コード: 2013031700288

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202466

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    商品コード: 2019071202465

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


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  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202414

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202426

  •  日本代表に本田、香川 サッカーW杯ロシア大会
    日本代表に本田、香川 サッカーW杯ロシア大会

    日本サッカー協会は31日、東京都内で記者会見を開いて日本代表の西野朗監督(63)がワールドカップ(W杯)ロシア大会に臨む23人を発表し、W杯で日本選手最多の3点を挙げているMF本田圭佑(31)=パチューカ=が3大会連続で選ばれた。左足首を痛めてメンバー入りが注目されていたMF香川真司(29)=ドルトムント、FW岡崎慎司(32)=レスター=も入り、実績重視の顔触れとなった。 西野監督は「総合的に考えた中で、(コロンビアとの初戦の)19日にベストパフォーマンスを出してくれる選手を選ばせてもらった。一試合一試合勝ち点を取り、1次リーグは勝ち抜きたい」と目標を掲げた。<映像内容>西野朗監督のメンバー発表、質疑応答など、撮影日:2018(平成30)年5月31日、撮影場所:東京都港区高輪

    商品コード: 2018060100453

  • 背番号並べる選手たち 「まだいける、諦めるな」
    背番号並べる選手たち 「まだいける、諦めるな」


    商品コード: 2018073000680

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202446

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202421

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


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  • バスケ観戦のイラン女性 私たちも応援してるわよ!
    バスケ観戦のイラン女性 私たちも応援してるわよ!


    商品コード: 2019030713848

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202422

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202408

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202419

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202474

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202458

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202417

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202447

  •  中国中部地区の湖南省自然豊かな風景


    商品コード: 2019071202413

  • 抱き合う村上 サーフィンWG最終日
    抱き合う村上 サーフィンWG最終日


    商品コード: 2019091500164

  • タッチする村上舜 サーフィンWG最終日
    タッチする村上舜 サーフィンWG最終日


    商品コード: 2019091500417

  •  岡山出身の棋士として活動する三島響さん


    商品コード: 2021033109337

  • 準決勝進出の宮浦 ボートのW杯第2戦
    準決勝進出の宮浦 ボートのW杯第2戦


    商品コード: 2021052115668

  • 笑顔の藤沢 「世界一」目指す司令塔
    笑顔の藤沢 「世界一」目指す司令塔


    商品コード: 2022011304439

  •  仲邑、初タイトルならず 囲碁女流名人戦後の感想戦と記者会見
    仲邑、初タイトルならず 囲碁女流名人戦後の感想戦と記者会見

    囲碁の中学生棋士、仲邑菫二段(13)と藤沢里菜女流名人(23)が対戦する第33期女流名人戦3番勝負の第2局は16日、東京都千代田区の日本棋院で打たれ、203手で藤沢女流名人が黒番中押し勝ちし、2連勝で5連覇を達成した。最年少で挑戦した仲邑二段は、初タイトル獲得を逃した。 今期、仲邑二段は女流名人リーグを勝ち抜き、13歳1カ月の最年少挑戦を記録。2014年、藤沢女流名人がトーナメント棋戦の会津中央病院杯を制し15歳9カ月を更新する最年少タイトルが懸かったが、奪取はならなかった。 <映像内容>日本棋院会館の外観、第2局投了後の感想戦、2人へのインタビューなど、撮影日:2022(令和4)年4月16日、撮影場所:東京都千代田区

    商品コード: 2022041806461

  •  World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches
    World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches

    December 3, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Japan National Football Team FIFA World Cup kits, jerseys, scarfs and merchandise on sale on the street at a Shibuya Bic Camera outlet as Japan‘ soccer team advances to the Round of 16 after upset wins against Spain and Germany. Japan facing a tough Group E in Qatar managed against all odds to win the group, sending favored Germany and Costa Rica home and will play against Croatia on Tuesday. Hype has been building in Tokyo amid the team‘s strong performances. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120601966

  •  World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches
    World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches

    December 3, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Japan National Football Team FIFA World Cup kits, jerseys, scarfs and merchandise on sale on the street at a Shibuya Bic Camera outlet as Japan‘ soccer team advances to the Round of 16 after upset wins against Spain and Germany. Japan facing a tough Group E in Qatar managed against all odds to win the group, sending favored Germany and Costa Rica home and will play against Croatia on Tuesday. Hype has been building in Tokyo amid the team‘s strong performances. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120601955

  •  World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches
    World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches

    December 3, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Japan National Football Team FIFA World Cup kits, jerseys, scarfs and merchandise on sale on the street at a Shibuya Bic Camera outlet as Japan‘ soccer team advances to the Round of 16 after upset wins against Spain and Germany. Japan facing a tough Group E in Qatar managed against all odds to win the group, sending favored Germany and Costa Rica home and will play against Croatia on Tuesday. Hype has been building in Tokyo amid the team‘s strong performances. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120601885

  •  World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches
    World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches

    December 3, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Japan National Football Team FIFA World Cup kits, jerseys, scarfs and merchandise on sale on the street at a Shibuya Bic Camera outlet as Japan‘ soccer team advances to the Round of 16 after upset wins against Spain and Germany. Japan facing a tough Group E in Qatar managed against all odds to win the group, sending favored Germany and Costa Rica home and will play against Croatia on Tuesday. Hype has been building in Tokyo amid the team‘s strong performances. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120601954

  •  World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches
    World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches

    December 3, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Japan National Football Team FIFA World Cup kits, jerseys, scarfs and merchandise on sale on the street at a Shibuya Bic Camera outlet as Japan‘ soccer team advances to the Round of 16 after upset wins against Spain and Germany. Japan facing a tough Group E in Qatar managed against all odds to win the group, sending favored Germany and Costa Rica home and will play against Croatia on Tuesday. Hype has been building in Tokyo amid the team‘s strong performances. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120601992

  •  World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches
    World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches

    December 3, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Japan National Football Team FIFA World Cup kits, jerseys, scarfs and merchandise on sale on the street at a Shibuya Bic Camera outlet as Japan‘ soccer team advances to the Round of 16 after upset wins against Spain and Germany. Japan facing a tough Group E in Qatar managed against all odds to win the group, sending favored Germany and Costa Rica home and will play against Croatia on Tuesday. Hype has been building in Tokyo amid the team‘s strong performances. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120601051

  •  World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches
    World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches

    December 3, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: An Adidas outlet selling official Japan National Football Team jerseys and kits as Japan‘ soccer team advances to the Round of 16 after upset wins against Spain and Germany. Japan facing a tough Group E in Qatar managed against all odds to win the group, sending favored Germany and Costa Rica home and will play against Croatia on Tuesday. Hype has been building in Tokyo amid the team‘s strong performances. Major sportswear fashion company Adidas designed Japan‘s 2022 uniform. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120601952

  •  World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches
    World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches

    December 3, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: An Adidas outlet selling official Japan National Football Team jerseys and kits as Japan‘ soccer team advances to the Round of 16 after upset wins against Spain and Germany. Japan facing a tough Group E in Qatar managed against all odds to win the group, sending favored Germany and Costa Rica home and will play against Croatia on Tuesday. Hype has been building in Tokyo amid the team‘s strong performances. Major sportswear fashion company Adidas designed Japan‘s 2022 uniform. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120601989

  •  World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches
    World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches

    December 3, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Advertisements for the Japan National Football Team in JR East Shibuya Station as Japan‘ soccer team advances to the Round of 16 after upset wins against Spain and Germany. Japan facing a tough Group E in Qatar managed against all odds to win the group, sending favored Germany and Costa Rica home and will play against Croatia on Tuesday. Hype has been building in Tokyo amid the team‘s strong performances. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120601871

  •  World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches
    World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches

    December 3, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Advertisements for the Japan National Football Team in JR East Shibuya Station as Japan‘ soccer team advances to the Round of 16 after upset wins against Spain and Germany. Japan facing a tough Group E in Qatar managed against all odds to win the group, sending favored Germany and Costa Rica home and will play against Croatia on Tuesday. Hype has been building in Tokyo amid the team‘s strong performances. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120601944

  •  World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches
    World Cup 2022: Japan Advances to Round of 16 Knockout Matches

    December 3, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Advertisements for the Japan National Football Team in JR East Shibuya Station as Japan‘ soccer team advances to the Round of 16 after upset wins against Spain and Germany. Japan facing a tough Group E in Qatar managed against all odds to win the group, sending favored Germany and Costa Rica home and will play against Croatia on Tuesday. Hype has been building in Tokyo amid the team‘s strong performances. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120601940

  •  Olympic Games Paris 2024
    Olympic Games Paris 2024

    August 1, 2024, Versailles, France: HENRIK VON ECKERMANN of Sweden pats KING EDWARD after a team jumping competition qualifier during Olympic Games Paris 2024, Château de Versailles, France, August 1, 2024. Team Germany won the qualifier ahead of the United States in second and Britain in third. (Credit Image: © Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024080201609

  •  Olympic Games Paris 2024
    Olympic Games Paris 2024

    August 1, 2024, Versailles, France: HENRIK VON ECKERMANN of Sweden reacts on KING EDWARD after a team jumping competition qualifier during Olympic Games Paris 2024, Château de Versailles, France, August 1, 2024. Team Germany won the qualifier ahead of the United States in second and Britain in third. (Credit Image: © Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024080201468

  •  Olympic Games Paris 2024
    Olympic Games Paris 2024

    August 1, 2024, Versailles, France: LAURA KRAUT of the United States on BALOUTINUE tackles a jump in a jumping team competition qualifier during Olympic Games Paris 2024, Château de Versailles, France, August 1, 2024. Team Germany won the qualifier ahead of the United States in second and Britain in third. (Credit Image: © Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024080201348

  •  Olympic Games Paris 2024
    Olympic Games Paris 2024

    August 1, 2024, Versailles, France: KARL COOK of the United States on.CARACOLE DE LA ROQUE tackles a jump in a team jumping competition qualifier during Olympic Games Paris 2024, Château de Versailles, France, August 1, 2024. Team Germany won the qualifier ahead of the United States in second and Britain in third. (Credit Image: © Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024080201401

  •  Olympic Games Paris 2024
    Olympic Games Paris 2024

    August 1, 2024, Versailles, France: SCOTT BRASH of Britain on JEFFERSON tackles a jump in a team jumping competition qualifier during Olympic Games Paris 2024, Château de Versailles, France, August 1, 2024. Team Germany won the qualifier ahead of the United States in second and Britain in third. (Credit Image: © Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024080201498

  •  Olympic Games Paris 2024
    Olympic Games Paris 2024

    August 1, 2024, Versailles, France: MCLAIN WARD of the United States on ILEX tackles a jump in a team jumping competition qualifier during Olympic Games Paris 2024, Château de Versailles, France, August 1, 2024. Team Germany won the qualifier ahead of the United States in second and Britain in third. (Credit Image: © Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Martin Dokoupil/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024080201461

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604995

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa América.News sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604998

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604973

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa América.News sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082605001

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604975

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa América.News sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604971

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604991

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604994

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604979

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082605002

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604997

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604972

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604966

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604970

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604981

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604978

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604993

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604974

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604990

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604996

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604977

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604980

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604992

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:francesco bruni,james spithil,umberto molineris,andrea tesei,enrico voltonini,emanuele liuzzi,cesare gabbia,luca kirwanNews sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604976

  •  New Zealand wins the preliminary race.
    New Zealand wins the preliminary race.

    The defending team of the America\‘s Cup, Team New Zealand, wins the preliminary race held in Barcelona in a fierce duel with the Italian team Luna Rossa, a repeat of the final of the last America\‘s Cup.El equipo defensor de la Copa América, Team New Zealand, gana la regata preliminar disputada en Barcelona en un duelo encarnizado con el equipo de Italia, Luna Rossa, una repetición de la final de la última Copa Amé the pic:News sports -Barcelona, Spain Sunday, August 25, 2024 (Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse)、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082604969

  •  French out of America‘s Cup as British win playoff to top round-robin group
    French out of America‘s Cup as British win playoff to top round-robin group

    STORY: French out of America‘s Cup as British win playoff to top round-robin group SHOOTING TIME: Sept. 9, 2024DATELINE: Sept. 11, 2024LENGTH: 0:02:11LOCATION: BARCELONA, SpainCATEGORY: SPORTS SHOTLIST:1. sequence shots on the French yacht Orient Express after being eliminated on the last day of racing in the second round-robin in the Americas Cup in Barcelona on Monday2. sequence shots on the race between the boats Orient Express and INEOS-Britannia of Great Britain3. sequence shots on the regatta between the Italian boat Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli and the boat Alinghi Red Bull Racing from Switzerland4. sequence shots on the race between the boats Luna Rossa and INEOS-Britannia5...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年9月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024091113450

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