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  • 古い順
  • 人工透析 医療の質決める診療報酬
    人工透析 医療の質決める診療報酬

    )、企画81、20日付朝刊用、解禁厳守  人工透析を受ける患者=都内の病院

    商品コード: 1997101600072

  • 恵寿総合病院 生き残りの道を求めて
    恵寿総合病院 生き残りの道を求めて

    )、社暮412S、24日付朝刊以降使用、解禁厳守  病院の入り口に開設された24時間営業のコンビニ。患者サービスも医療の質向上のためには欠かせない=石川県七尾市

    商品コード: 2001041900118

  • 厚労省の医療分科会 医療の質も含め判断へ
    厚労省の医療分科会 医療の質も含め判断へ


    商品コード: 2002052700216

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2009021000225

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2009021000226

  • 人材育成シンポジウム トヨタ方式を医療の世界に
    人材育成シンポジウム トヨタ方式を医療の世界に


    商品コード: 2015102600276

  •  中日医学交流フォーラム、北京の中日友好病院で開催


    商品コード: 2018102216932

  •  中日医学交流フォーラム、北京の中日友好病院で開催


    商品コード: 2018102217261

  •  中日医学交流フォーラム、北京の中日友好病院で開催


    商品コード: 2018102217103

  •  中日医学交流フォーラム、北京の中日友好病院で開催


    商品コード: 2018102217139

  •  中日医学交流フォーラム、北京の中日友好病院で開催


    商品コード: 2018102217179

  •  中日医学交流フォーラム、北京の中日友好病院で開催


    商品コード: 2018102216974

  •  中日医学交流フォーラム、北京の中日友好病院で開催


    商品コード: 2018102216897

  •  中日医学交流フォーラム、北京の中日友好病院で開催


    商品コード: 2018102217319

  •  中日医学交流フォーラム、北京の中日友好病院で開催


    商品コード: 2018102217252

  •  中日医学交流フォーラム、北京の中日友好病院で開催


    商品コード: 2018102217212

  •  中日医学交流フォーラム、北京の中日友好病院で開催


    商品コード: 2018102217073

  • 新理事長の長尾能雅教授 「患者中心」どう実現
    新理事長の長尾能雅教授 「患者中心」どう実現


    商品コード: 2019120100266

  •  Joint cabinet meeting Berlin and Brandenburg
    Joint cabinet meeting Berlin and Brandenburg

    18 March 2020, Brandenburg, Potsdam: Dietmar Woidke (M, SPD), Prime Minister of Brandenburg, and Ursula Nonnemacher (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Integration and Consumer Protection, welcome each other in the Brandenburg Hall of the State Chancellery before the joint cabinet meeting of the Berlin Senate Administration and the Brandenburg State Government by elbow check. Topics are close coordination between the crisis management teams of both states, a uniform approach to contain the Cornoa pandemic, and questions of emergency and medical care. Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020031924550

  •  Joint cabinet meeting Berlin and Brandenburg
    Joint cabinet meeting Berlin and Brandenburg

    18 March 2020, Brandenburg, Potsdam: Dietmar Woidke (l), Prime Minister of Brandenburg, and Michael Müller (both SPD), Governing Mayor of Berlin, come to the Brandenburg Hall of the State Chancellery for the joint cabinet meeting of the Berlin Senate Administration and the Brandenburg State Government. Topics of discussion are close coordination between the crisis teams of both states, a uniform approach to contain the Cornoa pandemic, and questions of emergency and medical care. Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020031924590

  •  Joint cabinet meeting Berlin and Brandenburg
    Joint cabinet meeting Berlin and Brandenburg

    18 March 2020, Brandenburg, Potsdam: Dietmar Woidke (l), Prime Minister of Brandenburg, and Michael Müller (both SPD), Governing Mayor of Berlin, come to the Brandenburg Hall of the State Chancellery for the joint cabinet meeting of the Berlin Senate Administration and the Brandenburg State Government. Topics of discussion are close coordination between the crisis teams of both states, a uniform approach to contain the Cornoa pandemic, and questions of emergency and medical care. Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020031924446

  •  Joint cabinet meeting Berlin and Brandenburg
    Joint cabinet meeting Berlin and Brandenburg

    18 March 2020, Brandenburg, Potsdam: Dietmar Woidke (l), Prime Minister of Brandenburg, and Michael Müller (both SPD), Governing Mayor of Berlin, come to the Brandenburg Hall of the State Chancellery for the joint cabinet meeting of the Berlin Senate Administration and the Brandenburg State Government. Topics of discussion are close coordination between the crisis teams of both states, a uniform approach to contain the Cornoa pandemic, and questions of emergency and medical care. Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020031924603

  •  Joint cabinet meeting Berlin and Brandenburg
    Joint cabinet meeting Berlin and Brandenburg

    18 March 2020, Brandenburg, Potsdam: Dietmar Woidke (l), Prime Minister of Brandenburg, and Michael Müller (both SPD), Governing Mayor of Berlin, come to the Brandenburg Hall of the State Chancellery for the joint cabinet meeting of the Berlin Senate Administration and the Brandenburg State Government. Topics of discussion are close coordination between the crisis teams of both states, a uniform approach to contain the Cornoa pandemic, and questions of emergency and medical care. Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020031924483

  •  Spain‘s Physicians Strike Over Health Care Quality
    Spain‘s Physicians Strike Over Health Care Quality

    October 13, 2020, Barcelona, Spain: Doctors from the Primary Care Centres (PCC) of the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS) hold up banners reading ‘‘Stop!‘‘ during a rally in Barcelona. This is the first of four days of strike called by primary care doctors by the union Doctors of Catalonia, considering that it is taking place ‘‘the dismantling of the first level of care‘‘ of the public health system. (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany , UK and Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2020101407193

  •  Spain‘s Physicians Strike Over Health Care Quality
    Spain‘s Physicians Strike Over Health Care Quality

    October 13, 2020, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain: Catalan primary care physicians holding placards reading ‘STOP‘ protest over the quality of primary care medicine and supplies and demand agreements on doctor ratio, compensation, or workload, among other things. (Credit Image: © Matthias Oesterle/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Matthias Oesterle/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020101407557

  •  東京五輪 「医療の質、保てない」 高齢者いない重症病床ルポ
    東京五輪 「医療の質、保てない」 高齢者いない重症病床ルポ

    新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大は止まらず、過去最大の波となってメダルラッシュに沸く列島を襲った。五輪終盤、最前線で首都の医療を支える大学病院。重症者用コロナ病床はほぼ埋まっていたが、65歳以上の高齢者の姿はなかった。「医療の質が保てなくなる」。ひしひしと危機が押し寄せる現場を取材した。 卓球の男子団体が銅メダル獲得を決めた6日午後1時半すぎ。順天堂大堀賢教授(54)の案内で、順天堂医院(文京区)の「新型コロナウイルス感染症重症病棟」に入った。 確保している14床のうち、既に12床が埋まっていた。女性看護師が防護服や手袋を素早く身に着け個室に入る。 重症患者は40、50代とこれまでより若く「ワクチンが行き渡っていない世代に置き換わった」という。 患者のいない個室では、清掃業者のスタッフ2人が棚の足からカーテンレールに至るまで、汗を流しながら丁寧に拭き取っていた。 満床で断るケースも出てきている。「感染、重症化しやすいとされるデルタ株がまん延している。このままだとケアの質が保てず、病院が安全な場所じゃなくなってしまう」と堀教授は話す。 <映像内容>重症病棟を説明する順天堂大教授で感染対策室室長の堀賢医師(54)、病室に入る前に消毒などの対策をするスタッフ、患者の入れ替えの度に実施される消毒作業について説明する堀医師、看護体制について説明する看護師、患者のケアを行う看護師、病室に入る前に消毒などの対策を実施するスタッフたち、慌ただしい重症病棟、患者のベッド脇の計器、患者の入れ替えで備品の消毒を行うスタッフ、部屋が足りないための仮設の入院部屋(上はビニールでふさいである)、重症病棟の全景など、※病院側の要請により、映像の一部を加工しています、撮影日:2021(令和3)年8月8日、撮影場所:東京都文京区

    商品コード: 2021081007095

  • 密閉された個室内 「医療の質、保てない」
    密閉された個室内 「医療の質、保てない」


    商品コード: 2021080807631

  • 密閉された個室 「医療の質、保てない」
    密閉された個室 「医療の質、保てない」


    商品コード: 2021080807632

  • モニター見つめる看護師 「医療の質、保てない」
    モニター見つめる看護師 「医療の質、保てない」


    商品コード: 2021080807633

  • 患者をケアする看護師 「医療の質、保てない」
    患者をケアする看護師 「医療の質、保てない」


    商品コード: 2021080807649

  • 患者をケアする看護師 「医療の質、保てない」
    患者をケアする看護師 「医療の質、保てない」


    商品コード: 2021080807647

  • 慌ただしくなる重症病棟 「医療の質、保てない」
    慌ただしくなる重症病棟 「医療の質、保てない」


    商品コード: 2021080807652

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, speaks in a plenary session of the Catalan Parliament, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030208328

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, in a plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of the Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of the penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030106503

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The Minister of Education, Josep González-Cambray, in a plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of the Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of the penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030107041

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The Minister of Social Services of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Violant Cervera, in a plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Government has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the 2022-2023 academic year; and on the application of penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030208434

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The Minister of Education, Josep González-Cambray, speaks in a plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to the actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of the Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of the penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030106126

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The Minister of Equality and Feminisms of the Government, Tània Verge, speaks in a plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Government has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the 2022-2023 academic year; and on the application of prison powers...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030112427

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, speaks in a plenary session of the Catalan Parliament, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030106495

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, speaks in a plenary session of the Catalan Parliament, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030106491

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, speaks in a plenary session of the Catalan Parliament, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030106492

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, in a plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of the Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of the penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030106497

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, in a plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of the Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of the penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030112314

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The Minister of Social Services of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Violant Cervera, in a plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Government has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the 2022-2023 academic year; and on the application of penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030112339

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, speaks in a plenary session of the Catalan Parliament, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030106429

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, speaks in a plenary session of the Catalan Parliament, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030106439

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The Minister of Social Services of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Violant Cervera, in a plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Government has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the 2022-2023 academic year; and on the application of penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030112441

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, in a plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of the Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the academic year 2022-2023; and on the application of the penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030106181

  •  Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament
    Health, the school year, and penitentiary competences, in the plenary session of the Parliament

    February 23, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: The Minister of Enterprise and Labor of the Generalitat, Roger Torrent, speaks in a plenary session of the Parliament of Catalonia, on February 23, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). During the session, the Govern has faced questions from the opposition among which have highlighted those related to actions against the ‘‘loss‘‘ of quality of Catalan health care; on the school calendar for the 2022-2023 academic year; and on the application of penitentiary competences...23 FEBRUARY 2022;PLENARY;PARLAMENT;GOVERN..David Zorrakino / Europa Press..02/23/2022 (Credit Image: © David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©David Zorrakino/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022030112429

  •  China-aided medical building to help improve Cambodia‘s healthcare quality
    China-aided medical building to help improve Cambodia‘s healthcare quality

    STORY: China-aided medical building to help improve Cambodia‘s healthcare qualityDATELINE: March 22, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:17LOCATION: Phnom PenhCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the inauguration ceremony of Cambodia-China Friendship Medical Building2. Cambodian PM Hun Sen speaking3. Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Wang Wentian speaks4. Ribbon cutting5. Hun Sen and Wang visit the interior view of the building6. Aerial view of the Cambodia-China Friendship Medical Building7. SOUNDBITE 1 (Khmer): TRY LIMTYTY, Doctor, Cambodia-China Friendship Preah Kossamak Hospital8. SOUNDBITE 2 (Khmer): TIM VUOCHNY, Doctor, Cambodia-China Friendship Preah Kossamak Hospital9. SOUNDBITE 3 (Khmer): PECH EANG, Phnom Penh resident10. SOUNDBITE 4 (Khmer): SAR SREY VIRAK, Phnom Penh resident11...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022032909447

  •  Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022
    Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022

    April 22, 2022, Gdansk, Poland: Poland Health Minister Adam Niedzielski seen during the conference at the University Clinical Center. The minister of health presented the assumptions of the law on quality in health care, which is to increase patient safety. ‘‘Entities are supposed to measure their activities and draw conclusions - this is the usual management method. Not everyone wants to be measured and wants to compare themselves with others. Especially those who are below the average‘‘ - Minister Niedzielski said during the conference. (Credit Image: © Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022043008279

  •  Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022
    Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022

    April 22, 2022, Gdansk, Poland: The President of the National Health Fund Filip Nowak seen during the conference at the University Clinical Center. The minister of health presented the assumptions of the law on quality in health care, which is to increase patient safety. ‘‘Entities are supposed to measure their activities and draw conclusions - this is the usual management method. Not everyone wants to be measured and wants to compare themselves with others. Especially those who are below the average‘‘ - Minister Niedzielski said during the conference. (Credit Image: © Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022043008238

  •  Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022
    Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022

    April 22, 2022, Gdansk, Poland: Poland Health Minister Adam Niedzielski seen during the press conference at the University Clinical Center. The minister of health presented the assumptions of the law on quality in health care, which is to increase patient safety. ‘‘Entities are supposed to measure their activities and draw conclusions - this is the usual management method. Not everyone wants to be measured and wants to compare themselves with others. Especially those who are below the average‘‘ - Minister Niedzielski said during the conference. (Credit Image: © Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022043008280

  •  Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022
    Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022

    April 22, 2022, Gdansk, Poland: Poland Health Minister Adam Niedzielski seen during the press conference at the University Clinical Center. The minister of health presented the assumptions of the law on quality in health care, which is to increase patient safety. ‘‘Entities are supposed to measure their activities and draw conclusions - this is the usual management method. Not everyone wants to be measured and wants to compare themselves with others. Especially those who are below the average‘‘ - Minister Niedzielski said during the conference. (Credit Image: © Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022043008246

  •  Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022
    Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022

    April 22, 2022, Gdansk, Poland: Poland Health Minister Adam Niedzielski seen during the press conference at the University Clinical Center. The minister of health presented the assumptions of the law on quality in health care, which is to increase patient safety. ‘‘Entities are supposed to measure their activities and draw conclusions - this is the usual management method. Not everyone wants to be measured and wants to compare themselves with others. Especially those who are below the average‘‘ - Minister Niedzielski said during the conference. (Credit Image: © Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022043008254

  •  Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022
    Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022

    April 22, 2022, Gdansk, Poland: Poland Health Minister Adam Niedzielski seen during the press conference at the University Clinical Center. The minister of health presented the assumptions of the law on quality in health care, which is to increase patient safety. ‘‘Entities are supposed to measure their activities and draw conclusions - this is the usual management method. Not everyone wants to be measured and wants to compare themselves with others. Especially those who are below the average‘‘ - Minister Niedzielski said during the conference. (Credit Image: © Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022043008210

  •  Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022
    Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022

    April 22, 2022, Gdansk, Poland: Poland Health Minister Adam Niedzielski seen during the press conference at the University Clinical Center. The minister of health presented the assumptions of the law on quality in health care, which is to increase patient safety. ‘‘Entities are supposed to measure their activities and draw conclusions - this is the usual management method. Not everyone wants to be measured and wants to compare themselves with others. Especially those who are below the average‘‘ - Minister Niedzielski said during the conference. (Credit Image: © Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022043008205

  •  Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022
    Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022

    April 22, 2022, Gdansk, Poland: Patient Ombudsman Bartlomiej Chmielowiec seen during the press conference at the University Clinical Center. The minister of health presented the assumptions of the law on quality in health care, which is to increase patient safety. ‘‘Entities are supposed to measure their activities and draw conclusions - this is the usual management method. Not everyone wants to be measured and wants to compare themselves with others. Especially those who are below the average‘‘ - Minister Niedzielski said during the conference. (Credit Image: © Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022043008270

  •  Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022
    Conference about polish health service in Gdansk, Poland - 22 Apr 2022

    April 22, 2022, Gdansk, Poland: The President of the National Health Fund Filip Nowak seen during the press conference at the University Clinical Center. The minister of health presented the assumptions of the law on quality in health care, which is to increase patient safety. ‘‘Entities are supposed to measure their activities and draw conclusions - this is the usual management method. Not everyone wants to be measured and wants to compare themselves with others. Especially those who are below the average‘‘ - Minister Niedzielski said during the conference. (Credit Image: © Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022043008208

  •  医療の質向上、リスクも


    商品コード: 2023081609513

  •  医療の質向上、リスクも


    商品コード: 2023081609515

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205052

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205044

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205042

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205047

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205039

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207275

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207273

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207271

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205049

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205046

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205043

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205051

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207268

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207270

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207238

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205040

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207236

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207470

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207469

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207467

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207465

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207464

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207235

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207458

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207234

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205041

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205038

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205032

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205023

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205028

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207460

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Colombian president Gustavo Petro takes part as supporters demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207242

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Colombian president Gustavo Petro takes part as supporters demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207248

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207468

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207456

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207461

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207463

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Supporters of colombian president Gustavo Petro demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Ipiales, Colombia. Photo by: Camilo Erasso/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050207459

  •  Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms
    Labor Day Demonstrations in Support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro Reforms

    Colombian president Gustavo Petro takes part as supporters demonstrate in support of his reform bills on retirment, labor, prisions and health on May 1, 2024, in Bogota, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050205026

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