- インディアナポリス
- シンガポール
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- 報道写真・映像トップ 報道写真・映像トップ
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0 - 72時間以内
0 - 7日以内
0 - 30日以内
0 - 1年以内
16 - 期間を指定
36 - 日付指定なし
- 種類
- 写真
34 - グラフィックス
2 - 映像
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- 縦
2 - 横
32 - 正方形
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- 教育向け
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34 - モノクロ
- 同義語辞書
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1994年08月08日文部次官に記述改善を要求 生徒指導資料に同性愛差別生徒指導資料中の同性愛の記述について岡崎文部政務次官(中央)に申し入れをする国際同性愛者連合のハンス・イエルペーショーン共同事務総長(左)ら=8日午後、文部省
商品コード: 1994080800086
2014年06月29日ピンクの服を着た参加者ら 同性愛差別撤廃へ大集会28日、ピンク色の服を着た人々が集まったシンガポールの同性愛差別反対イベント「ピンクドット」(共同)
商品コード: 2014062900428
2014年06月29日ピンクの服装の参加者ら 同性愛差別撤廃へ大集会28日、シンガポールで行われたイベント「ピンクドット」にピンク色の服を着て集まった参加者ら(共同)
商品コード: 2014062900427
2015年04月01日記者会見するペンス知事 同性愛差別と猛反発3月31日、インディアナポリスで記者会見するペンス知事(ゲッティ=共同)
商品コード: 2015040100241
2015年04月01日法律に反対する人々 同性愛差別と猛反発3月30日、インディアナポリスで、インディアナ州の宗教関連法に反対する人々(ゲッティ=共同)
商品コード: 2015040100243
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009415
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009530
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009437
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009416
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009532
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009489
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020070104640
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009488
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009419
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009420
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009418
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009417
2020年06月27日Italy: The Flash-mob of Gay Pride in NaplesJune 27, 2020, Naples, Italy: NAPLES, ITALY - JUNE 27 - A moment of the Gay Pride sit-in event organized by the LGBT movement of Naples in Square Plebiscito, on June 27, 2020, participating in the Pride month for the demand of homosexual rights and stop homophobic discrimination. (Credit Image: © Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Manuel Dorati/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020063009361
商品コード: 2021062411928
商品コード: 2021062411927
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708807
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708749
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) wave the Palestinian flag during a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708922
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) wave the Palestinian flag during a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708570
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708718
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708854
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708581
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062707733
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708723
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) wave the Palestinian flag during a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062707732
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708729
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708714
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708809
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708852
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062707752
2024年06月26日Protest to defend LGBT+ community rights in TunisiaJune 26, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia: Tunis, Tunisia. 26 June 2024. Members of Tunisia‘s LGBT+ community and members of human rights organisations take part in a protest in Tunis against Article 230 of Tunisia‘s penal code. Article 230 criminalises same-sex relations, with penalties of up to three yearsââ¬â¢ imprisonment. The event was organised by DAMJ, the Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality, which defend individuals facing criminalisation and discrimination due to their sexual orientation and gender identities (Credit Image: © Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hasan Mrad/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024062708910
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