
  • 昭和
  • キエフ
  • ウォロディミル・ゼレンスキー
  • 内地
  • 米国
  • アメリカ
  • ジェリー・ルイス
  • 平成
  • イギリス
  • チャールズ・チャップリン


  • 提供元
  • 日付
  • 種類
  • 向き
  • カテゴリ
  • 同義語オン
  • 古い順
( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879) English comic actor and playwright born at Hoxton
    John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879) English comic actor and playwright born at Hoxton

    John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879) English comic actor and playwright born at Hoxton, London. Made his first London appearance on 30 January 1823 at the Surrey Theatre in ‘Fortunes of Nigel‘ based on the historical novel by Walter Scott first published in 1822. As a playwright, he wrote mainly melodramas and farces. Engraving from ‘The Illustrated News of the World‘ (London, c1860). 、クレジット:World History Archive/ニューズコム/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用に関してはお問合せください。

    商品コード: 2019021412534

  •  Statuette of a Comic Actor, Unknown, Roman Empire, 1 - 125, Bronze, 6 cm (2 3/8 in.).
    Statuette of a Comic Actor, Unknown, Roman Empire, 1 - 125, Bronze, 6 cm (2 3/8 in.).

    Statuette of a Comic Actor, Unknown, Roman Empire, 1 - 125, Bronze, 6 cm (2 3/8 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023040914170

  •  Statuette of a Comic Actor, Unknown, Asia Minor (?), 2nd century, Bronze, 7.4 cm (2 15/16 in.).
    Statuette of a Comic Actor, Unknown, Asia Minor (?), 2nd century, Bronze, 7.4 cm (2 15/16 in.).

    Statuette of a Comic Actor, Unknown, Asia Minor (?), 2nd century, Bronze, 7.4 cm (2 15/16 in.).、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2023040103382

  •  日本電報通信社資料


    商品コード: 2015052900306

  • Goddard And Chaplin Goddard And Chaplin
    Goddard And Chaplin Goddard And Chaplin

    Comic actor Charlie Chaplin (1889 - 1977) with American actress Paulette Goddard (1910 - 1990), circa 1936. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) 、クレジット:Hulton Archive/ゲッティ/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はできません。

    商品コード: 2019031502272

  • 座り込む女子従業員ら 食糧メーデー
    座り込む女子従業員ら 食糧メーデー


    商品コード: 1946051950001

  •  ボブ・ホープ氏が来日

    米軍将兵慰問のため来日した米国の喜劇俳優ボブ・ホープ氏(羽田空港)=1950(昭和25)年10月14日(25年内地番号なし 旧連5336)朝鮮戦争

    商品コード: 2014012400079

  •  ボブ・ホープ氏が来日

    米軍将兵慰問のため来日した米国の喜劇俳優ボブ・ホープ氏(羽田空港)=1950(昭和25)年10月14日(25年内地番号なし 旧連5332)朝鮮戦争

    商品コード: 2014012400082

  •  ボブ・ホープ氏が来日

    米軍将兵慰問のため来日、歓迎を受ける米国の喜劇俳優ボブ・ホープ氏(羽田空港)=1950(昭和25)年10月14日(25年内地番号なし 旧連5331)朝鮮戦争

    商品コード: 2014012400081

  •  益田喜頓

    喜劇俳優の益田喜頓(あきれたぼういず)=1950(昭和25)年11月25日(25年内地番号なし) (本名 木村一)

    商品コード: 2014022400567

  • (Jerry Lewis,Dean Martin) ジェリー・ルイスとディーン・マーティン
    (Jerry Lewis,Dean Martin) ジェリー・ルイスとディーン・マーティン


    商品コード: 2017082100317

  • Chaplins At Heathrow チャールズ・チャップリンと家族
    Chaplins At Heathrow チャールズ・チャップリンと家族

    Comic actor Charlie Chaplin (1889 - 1977) with his wife Oona O‘Neill (1925 - 1991) and their son Michael, at London Airport (now Heathrow), 9th September 1957. They are in London for the premiere of Chaplin‘s film ‘A King In New York, in which Michael appears. (Photo by Douglas Miller/Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) 、クレジット:Hulton Archive/ゲッティ/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はできません。

    商品コード: 2019031502270

  • (ふじやま・かんび) 藤山寛美
    (ふじやま・かんび) 藤山寛美


    商品コード: 2005071100261

  • (せき・けいろく) 関敬六
    (せき・けいろく) 関敬六


    商品コード: 2024042306113

  • (せき・けいろく) 関敬六
    (せき・けいろく) 関敬六


    商品コード: 2024042305916

  • (はっぱ・むとし) 八波むと志
    (はっぱ・むとし) 八波むと志


    商品コード: 2004070500163

  • (よこやま・えんたつ) 横山エンタツ
    (よこやま・えんたつ) 横山エンタツ


    商品コード: 2007020500091

  • (えのもと・けんいち) 榎本健一
    (えのもと・けんいち) 榎本健一


    商品コード: 2007042600047

  •  ダニー・ケイ氏、外相を表敬訪問


    商品コード: 2011020700169

  • Sir Charles And Family チャールズ・チャップリンと家族
    Sir Charles And Family チャールズ・チャップリンと家族

    Comic actor Charlie Chaplin (1889 - 1977) with his wife Oona O‘Neill (1925 - 1991) and family at the Savoy Hotel, London after Chaplin received his knighthood at Buckingham Palace, 4th March 1975. Left to right: Nikki Sistovaris (husband of Josephine), Annette, Josephine, Chaplin, Oona, Christopher, Geraldine and Jane. (Photo by Aubrey Hart/Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) 、クレジット:Hulton Archive/ゲッティ/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はできません。

    商品コード: 2019031502268

  • 渋谷天外さん 春の叙勲決まる
    渋谷天外さん 春の叙勲決まる


    商品コード: 2014081800138

  • 紫綬褒章の益田喜頓さん 秋の叙勲
    紫綬褒章の益田喜頓さん 秋の叙勲

    楽屋で舞台衣装のまま紫綬褒章受章の喜びを語る喜劇俳優の益田喜頓(本名:木村一)さん。ボードビリアン出身では初受章の益田さん、ミュージカル「屋根の上のヴァイオリン弾き」に司祭役で出演中。68歳=1977(昭和52)年10月31日、名古屋市中区の中日劇場(52年内地 8323)

    商品コード: 2015010700347

  • 曽我廼家明蝶さん 東と西の名脇役に紫綬褒章
    曽我廼家明蝶さん 東と西の名脇役に紫綬褒章

    「いっぺん死にかけたあとやから、よけいにうれしい」と語る喜劇俳優の曽我廼家明蝶さん(本名・北村弘一)。「50年近く役者やっているが、いまだにこれという芸はできません」とその道には厳しい。関西喜劇出身の70歳=1978(昭和53)年10月25日、東京・赤坂のマンション(53年内地 10078)

    商品コード: 2015081900145

  •  気球で太平洋横断

    気球で太平洋横断に挑戦、記者会見で健闘を誓い合う横断クルー。右からロン・クラーク、ベン・アブルッツオ、ロッキー青木、ラリー・ニューマンの各氏。左端は喜劇俳優のフィリップ・ウィルソンさん=1981(昭和56)年2月17日、東京・西麻布(56年内地 1535)

    商品コード: 2022032304780

  • (ふじやま・かんび) 藤山寛美
    (ふじやま・かんび) 藤山寛美


    商品コード: 2003091900089

  •  Mondadori Lifestyle Collection - January 1, 1990
    Mondadori Lifestyle Collection - January 1, 1990

    Glia Italian comic actors Massimo Boldi and Teo Teocoli at the Telegatti dinner after the TV Grand Prix. Italy, 1990 (Credit Image: © Angelo Deligio/Mondadori Portfolio via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Angelo Deligio/Mondadori Portfolio via ZUMA/共同通信イメージズ ※Italy Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023041600203

  •  益田喜頓さん死去


    商品コード: 1993120100019

  • 新人賞に堺正章さん 24人に芸術選奨
    新人賞に堺正章さん 24人に芸術選奨


    商品コード: 1996031300051

  • 新人賞に堺正章さん 24人に芸術選奨
    新人賞に堺正章さん 24人に芸術選奨


    商品コード: 1996031300052

  •  ロイター人物通信

    上段左から、ビル・コスビー(BILL COSBY)米国・喜劇俳優、ルーン・アーレッジ(ROONE ARLEDGE)米国・ABCニュース社長、下段左から、カスパー・フィリガー(KASPER VILLIGER)スイス・大統領、ウィリョノ・サストロハンドヨ(WIRYONO SASTROHANDOYO)インドネシア・駐オーストラリア大使=1996年3月10日(ロイター=共同)

    商品コード: 1996031800024

  •  石井均さんが死去


    商品コード: 1998010300001

  •  曽我廼家五郎八さん死去


    商品コード: 1998012000109

  •  三木のり平さん死去


    商品コード: 1999012500042

  •  谷村昌彦氏死去


    商品コード: 2000081000043

  •  D・ムーア氏死去


    商品コード: 2002032800059

  • 喜劇俳優ボブ・ホープ氏 ボブ・ホープ氏死去
    喜劇俳優ボブ・ホープ氏 ボブ・ホープ氏死去


    商品コード: 2003072800245

  • ボブ・ホープ氏 米俳優ボブ・ホープ氏死去
    ボブ・ホープ氏 米俳優ボブ・ホープ氏死去


    商品コード: 2003072800240

  • 大村崑さん 芦屋雁之助さん死去
    大村崑さん 芦屋雁之助さん死去


    商品コード: 2004040800191

  • (おおむら・こん) 大村崑
    (おおむら・こん) 大村崑


    商品コード: 2009070100264

  • J・マンスフィールド来日 魅惑のブロンドグラマー
    J・マンスフィールド来日 魅惑のブロンドグラマー


    商品コード: 2009121700267

  • ポーズとる池乃さん 池乃めだかさん復帰
    ポーズとる池乃さん 池乃めだかさん復帰


    商品コード: 2012052900428

  • (Jerry Lewis) ジェリー・ルイス
    (Jerry Lewis) ジェリー・ルイス


    商品コード: 2017082100098

  • J・マンスフィールド来日 魅惑のブロンドグラマー
    J・マンスフィールド来日 魅惑のブロンドグラマー


    商品コード: 2013121200198

  • (Jerry Lewis) ジェリー・ルイス
    (Jerry Lewis) ジェリー・ルイス

    キーワード:アメリカ、米、喜劇俳優、ジェリー・ルイス、グローマンズ・チャイニーズ・シアター、ハンド・プリント、手形、フット・プリント、足形、 式典=2014(平成26)年4月12日、米カリフォルニア州ハリウッド、クレジット:ゲッティ/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2017082100103

  • (Jerry Lewis) ジェリー・ルイス
    (Jerry Lewis) ジェリー・ルイス

    キーワード:アメリカ、米、喜劇俳優、ジェリー・ルイス、グローマンズ・チャイニーズ・シアター、ハンド・プリント、手形、フット・プリント、足形、 式典=2014(平成26)年4月12日、米カリフォルニア州ハリウッド、クレジット:ゲッティ/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2017082100121

  • 手を振るジェーン・マンスフィールド ジェーン・マンスフィールド来日
    手を振るジェーン・マンスフィールド ジェーン・マンスフィールド来日

    米女優ジェーン・マンスフィールドが米軍のクリスマスショー出演のため来日。喜劇俳優ボブ・ホープらと沖縄から米軍機で羽田空港に着き、大きな胸と腰のグラマーぶりを見せつけた。1950年代は、マリリン・モンローに代表される肉体派ブロンド女優が大衆を魅了した=1957(昭和32)年12月21日 「ザ・クロニクル 戦後日本の70年」第3巻使用画像(P181)

    商品コード: 2014120300105

  • (Jerry Lewis) ジェリー・ルイス、90歳の誕生日
    (Jerry Lewis) ジェリー・ルイス、90歳の誕生日

    キーワード:アメリカ、米、喜劇俳優、ジェリー ルイス(前列中央)、 90歳の誕生日、リチャード ベルザー(後列左)、チャズ・パルミンテリ(後列右)、 ニューヨークフライアーズクラブ、 =2016(平成28)年4月8日、米ニューヨーク、クレジット:WireImage/ゲッティ/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2017082100106

  • (Jerry Lewis) ジェリー・ルイス
    (Jerry Lewis) ジェリー・ルイス


    商品コード: 2017082100117

  • (Jimmy Morales) ジミー・モラレス
    (Jimmy Morales) ジミー・モラレス


    商品コード: 2018101528133

  • 浜野謙太さん 名脇役たちの姿に「幸せ」
    浜野謙太さん 名脇役たちの姿に「幸せ」


    商品コード: 2019012200659

  • ゼレンスキー氏 喜劇俳優、大統領に現実味
    ゼレンスキー氏 喜劇俳優、大統領に現実味


    商品コード: 2019040100702

  • Vサインのゼレンスキー氏 喜劇俳優、大統領に現実味
    Vサインのゼレンスキー氏 喜劇俳優、大統領に現実味


    商品コード: 2019040100703

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test

    05.04.2019 Ukrainian presidential candidate and comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky undergoes a drugs and alcohol test, which is a precondition to participate in a policy debate ahead of the second round of the presidential elections, at a hospital in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019040802633

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test

    05.04.2019 Ukrainian presidential candidate and comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky visits a hospital to undergo a drugs and alcohol test, which is a precondition to participate in a policy debate ahead of the second round of a presidential election, in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019040802639

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test

    05.04.2019 Ukrainian presidential candidate and comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky undergoes a drugs and alcohol test, which is a precondition to participate in a policy debate ahead of the second round of the presidential elections, at a hospital in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019040802645

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test

    05.04.2019 Ukrainian presidential candidate and comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky speaks to the media before undergoing a drugs and alcohol test, which is a precondition to participate in a policy debate ahead of the second round of a presidential election, outside a hospital in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019040802662

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test

    05.04.2019 Ukrainian presidential candidate and comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky visits a hospital to undergo a drugs and alcohol test, which is a precondition to participate in a policy debate ahead of the second round of a presidential election, in Kiev, Ukraine Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019040802636

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test

    05.04.2019 Ukrainian presidential candidate and comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky visits a hospital to undergo a drugs and alcohol test, which is a precondition to participate in a policy debate ahead of the second round of a presidential election, in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019040802634

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Drug Test

    05.04.2019 Ukrainian presidential candidate and comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky undergoes a drugs and alcohol test, which is a precondition to participate in a policy debate ahead of the second round of the presidential elections, at a hospital in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019040802644

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko, speaks next to an empty tribune prepared for his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at a failed attempt to hold a debate at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041507016

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko speaks through a loudspeaker during a meeting with his supporters after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700220

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko poses for a family photo with his supporters after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700248

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko, speaks next to an empty tribune prepared for his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at a failed attempt to hold a debate at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700249

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko, speaks next to an empty tribune prepared for his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at a failed attempt to hold a debate at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041507014

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko, speaks next to an empty tribune prepared for his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at a failed attempt to hold a debate at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041507013

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko, speaks next to an empty tribune prepared for his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at a failed attempt to hold a debate at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700186

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko speaks after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700150

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko speaks through a loudspeaker during a meeting with his supporters after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700240

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko meets with supporters after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700246

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko speaks through a loudspeaker during a meeting with his supporters after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700247

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko poses for a family photo with his supporters after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700196

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko, speaks next to an empty tribune prepared for his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at a failed attempt to hold a debate at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041507015

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko speaks after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041507017

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko speaks after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041507012

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko greets supporters after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700179

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko poses for a family photo with his supporters after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700208

  •  Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate
    Ukraine Presidential Elections Debate

    14.04.2019 Ukrainian President and presidential candidate, Petro Poroshenko speaks after a failed attempt to hold a debate with his opponent comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Stringer / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041700172

  •  Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick
    Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick

    British ambassador to Prague Nick Archer shows to his colleagues showcase with the origins of shoes, bowler hat and a replica of bamboo walking stick of the Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), British comic actor, filmmaker, and composer, in the ambassador‘s residence in Prague, Czech Republic, on Chaplin‘s 130th birth anniversary, April 16, 2019. Exhibits are lent from the depository of the National Technical Museum (NTM) in Prague. Typical items for Chaplin‘s slapstick were acquired for the NTM cinematographic collection by its founder, Jindrich Brychta, a gift from Wheeler Dryden, the secretary of Chaplin.(CTK Photo/Petr Mlch)、クレジット:CTK/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041702567

  •  Nick Archer, Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick
    Nick Archer, Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick

    British ambassador to Prague Nick Archer (right) shows to his colleagues showcase with the origins of shoes, bowler hat and a replica of bamboo walking stick of the Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), British comic actor, filmmaker, and composer, in the ambassador‘s residence in Prague, Czech Republic, on Chaplin‘s 130th birth anniversary, April 16, 2019. Exhibits are lent from the depository of the National Technical Museum (NTM) in Prague. Typical items for Chaplin‘s slapstick were acquired for the NTM cinematographic collection by its founder, Jindrich Brychta, a gift from Wheeler Dryden, the secretary of Chaplin.(CTK Photo/Petr Mlch)、クレジット:CTK/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041702702

  •  Nick Archer, Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick
    Nick Archer, Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick

    British ambassador to Prague Nick Archer shows to his colleagues showcase with the origins of shoes, bowler hat and a replica of bamboo walking stick of the Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), British comic actor, filmmaker, and composer, in the ambassador‘s residence in Prague, Czech Republic, on Chaplin‘s 130th birth anniversary, April 16, 2019. Exhibits are lent from the depository of the National Technical Museum (NTM) in Prague. Typical items for Chaplin‘s slapstick were acquired for the NTM cinematographic collection by its founder, Jindrich Brychta, a gift from Wheeler Dryden, the secretary of Chaplin.(CTK Photo/Petr Mlch)、クレジット:CTK/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041702709

  •  Nick Archer, Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick
    Nick Archer, Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick

    British ambassador to Prague Nick Archer (right) shows to his colleagues showcase with the origins of shoes, bowler hat and a replica of bamboo walking stick of the Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), British comic actor, filmmaker, and composer, in the ambassador‘s residence in Prague, Czech Republic, on Chaplin‘s 130th birth anniversary, April 16, 2019. Exhibits are lent from the depository of the National Technical Museum (NTM) in Prague. Typical items for Chaplin‘s slapstick were acquired for the NTM cinematographic collection by its founder, Jindrich Brychta, a gift from Wheeler Dryden, the secretary of Chaplin.(CTK Photo/Petr Mlch)、クレジット:CTK/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041702344

  •  Nick Archer, Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick
    Nick Archer, Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick

    British ambassador to Prague Nick Archer (center) shows to his colleagues showcase with the origins of shoes, bowler hat and a replica of bamboo walking stick of the Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), British comic actor, filmmaker, and composer, in the ambassador‘s residence in Prague, Czech Republic, on Chaplin‘s 130th birth anniversary, April 16, 2019. Exhibits are lent from the depository of the National Technical Museum (NTM) in Prague. Typical items for Chaplin‘s slapstick were acquired for the NTM cinematographic collection by its founder, Jindrich Brychta, a gift from Wheeler Dryden, the secretary of Chaplin.(CTK Photo/Petr Mlch)、クレジット:CTK/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041702670

  •  Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick
    Charlie Chaplin, exhibits, exhibit, Chaplin‘s shoes, bowler hat, bamboo walking stick

    British ambassador to Prague Nick Archer shows to his colleagues showcase with the origins of shoes, bowler hat and a replica of bamboo walking stick of the Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), British comic actor, filmmaker, and composer, in the ambassador‘s residence in Prague, Czech Republic, on Chaplin‘s 130th birth anniversary, April 16, 2019. Exhibits are lent from the depository of the National Technical Museum (NTM) in Prague. Typical items for Chaplin‘s slapstick were acquired for the NTM cinematographic collection by its founder, Jindrich Brychta, a gift from Wheeler Dryden, the secretary of Chaplin.(CTK Photo/Petr Mlch)、クレジット:CTK/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041702698

  •  Charlie Chaplin, exhibit, Chaplin‘s bowler hat
    Charlie Chaplin, exhibit, Chaplin‘s bowler hat

    British ambassador to Prague Nick Archer showed to his colleagues showcase with the origins of shoes, bowler hat (pictured) and a replica of bamboo walking stick of the Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), British comic actor, filmmaker, and composer, in the ambassador‘s residence in Prague, Czech Republic, on Chaplin‘s 130th birth anniversary, April 16, 2019. Exhibits are lent from the depository of the National Technical Museum (NTM) in Prague. Typical items for Chaplin‘s slapstick were acquired for the NTM cinematographic collection by its founder, Jindrich Brychta, a gift from Wheeler Dryden, the secretary of Chaplin.(CTK Photo/Petr Mlch)、クレジット:CTK/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041702697

  • スタジアム 喜劇俳優の優位動かず
    スタジアム 喜劇俳優の優位動かず


    商品コード: 2019042000105

  • 討論会の2候補 喜劇俳優の優位動かず
    討論会の2候補 喜劇俳優の優位動かず


    商品コード: 2019042000109

  • ポロシェンコ大統領 喜劇俳優、大統領へ優勢
    ポロシェンコ大統領 喜劇俳優、大統領へ優勢


    商品コード: 2019042000372

  • 投票する女性 喜劇俳優の大統領誕生か
    投票する女性 喜劇俳優の大統領誕生か


    商品コード: 2019042100628

  • ゼレンスキー氏 喜劇俳優の当選確実に
    ゼレンスキー氏 喜劇俳優の当選確実に


    商品コード: 2019042200054

  • ゼレンスキー氏 「全ては可能」と喜劇俳優
    ゼレンスキー氏 「全ては可能」と喜劇俳優


    商品コード: 2019042200175

  •  Kazutoyo Koyabu Book Release Media Interview
    Kazutoyo Koyabu Book Release Media Interview

    TOKYO, JAPAN - NOVEMBER 17: Comedian/actor Kazutoyo Koyabu attends his first book launch media interview session at Shosen Book Tower on November 17, 2022 in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Jun Sato/WireImage)、クレジット:WireImage/ゲッティ/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はできません。

    商品コード: 2022112107321

  •  Kazutoyo Koyabu Book Release Media Interview
    Kazutoyo Koyabu Book Release Media Interview

    TOKYO, JAPAN - NOVEMBER 17: Comedian/actor Kazutoyo Koyabu attends his first book launch media interview session at Shosen Book Tower on November 17, 2022 in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Jun Sato/WireImage)、クレジット:WireImage/ゲッティ/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はできません。

    商品コード: 2022112107324

  •  Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo
    Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo

    January 4, 2024, Valencia, Spain: The designer Francis Montesinos at the funeral chapel of the comedian Paco Arevalo, at the Servisa mortuary, on January 4, 2024, in Valencia, Valencia (Spain). The comedian Paco Arevalo died last night, January 3, at the age of 76, at his home in Valencia. He was found by his son and the cause of death is still unknown. Arevalo began his career as a humorist and comic actor and led him to participate in several films, series and plays. His greatest popularity was when he appeared in the television contest, ‘Un, dos, tres, responde otra vez‘ (One, two, three, answer again). In his beginnings, he worked in the show ‘Bombero torero‘ and in recent years, he participated as a collaborator of several television programs...、クレジット:©José RamóN Hernando/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2024010500034

  •  Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo
    Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo

    January 4, 2024, Valencia, Madrid, Spain: The bullfighter, Vicente Ruiz ‘El Soro‘ at the exit of the funeral chapel of the comedian Paco Arevalo, at the Servisa morgue, January 4, 2024, in Valencia, Valencia (Spain). The humorist Paco Arévalo passed away last night, January 3, at the age of 76, at his home in Valencia. He was found by his son and the cause of death is still unknown. Arevalo began his career as a humorist and comic actor and led him to participate in several films, series and plays. His greatest popularity was when he appeared in the television contest, ‘Un, dos, tres, responde otra vez‘ (One, two, three, answer again). In his beginnings, he worked in the show ‘Bombero torero‘ and in recent years, he participated as a collaborator of several television programs...、クレジット:©José RamóN Hernando/ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2024010500193

  •  Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo
    Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo

    January 4, 2024, Valencia, Madrid, Spain: Manolo Cal, Malena Gracia and Tony Antonio on their arrival at the funeral chapel of comedian Paco Arévalo, at the Servisa mortuary, on January 4, 2024, in Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana (Spain). The comedian Paco Arevalo died last night, January 3, at the age of 76, at his home in Valencia. He was found by his son and the cause of death is still unknown. Arevalo began his career as a humorist and comic actor and led him to participate in several films, series and plays. His greatest popularity was when he appeared in the television contest, ‘Un, dos, tres, responde otra vez‘ (One, two, three, answer again). In his beginnings, he worked in the show ‘Bombero torero‘ and in recent years, he participated as a collaborator of several television programs...、クレジット:©José RamóN Hernando/ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2024010500225

  •  Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo
    Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo

    January 4, 2024, Valencia, Madrid, Spain: Rappel at the exit of the funeral chapel of comedian Paco Arevalo, at the Servisa mortuary, on January 4, 2024, in Valencia, Valencia (Spain). The humorist Paco Arévalo passed away last night, January 3, at the age of 76, at his home in Valencia. He was found by his son and the cause of death is still unknown. Arevalo began his career as a humorist and comic actor and led him to participate in several films, series and plays. His greatest popularity was when he appeared in the television contest, ‘Un, dos, tres, responde otra vez‘ (One, two, three, answer again). In his beginnings, he worked in the show ‘Bombero torero‘ and in recent years, he participated as a collaborator of several television programs...、クレジット:©José RamóN Hernando/ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2024010500569

  •  Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo
    Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo

    January 4, 2024, Valencia, Spain: Rappel at the exit of the funeral chapel of comedian Paco Arevalo, at the Servisa mortuary, on January 4, 2024, in Valencia, Valencia (Spain). The humorist Paco Arévalo passed away last night, January 3, at the age of 76, at his home in Valencia. He was found by his son and the cause of death is still unknown. Arevalo began his career as a humorist and comic actor and led him to participate in several films, series and plays. His greatest popularity was when he appeared in the television contest, ‘Un, dos, tres, responde otra vez‘ (One, two, three, answer again). In his beginnings, he worked in the show ‘Bombero torero‘ and in recent years, he participated as a collaborator of several television programs...、クレジット:©José RamóN Hernando/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2024010500585

  •  Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo
    Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo

    January 4, 2024, Valencia, Spain: Rappel at the exit of the funeral chapel of comedian Paco Arevalo, at the Servisa mortuary, on January 4, 2024, in Valencia, Valencia (Spain). The humorist Paco Arévalo passed away last night, January 3, at the age of 76, at his home in Valencia. He was found by his son and the cause of death is still unknown. Arevalo began his career as a humorist and comic actor and led him to participate in several films, series and plays. His greatest popularity was when he appeared in the television contest, ‘Un, dos, tres, responde otra vez‘ (One, two, three, answer again). In his beginnings, he worked in the show ‘Bombero torero‘ and in recent years, he participated as a collaborator of several television programs...、クレジット:©José RamóN Hernando/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2024010500596

  •  Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo
    Family and friends bid farewell to comedian Paco Arevalo

    January 4, 2024, Valencia, Madrid, Spain: Juan José Padilla leaves the funeral chapel of comedian Paco Arévalo, at the Servisa mortuary, on January 4, 2024, in Valencia, Valencian Community (Spain). The humorist Paco Arévalo passed away last night, January 3, at the age of 76, at his home in Valencia. He was found by his son and the cause of death is still unknown. Arevalo began his career as a humorist and comic actor and led him to participate in several films, series and plays. His greatest popularity was when he appeared in the television contest, ‘Un, dos, tres, responde otra vez‘ (One, two, three, answer again). In his beginnings, he worked in the show ‘Bombero torero‘ and in recent years, he participated as a collaborator of several television programs...、クレジット:©José RamóN Hernando/ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2024010502531

  •  Family And Friends Bid Farewell To Comedian Paco Arevalo
    Family And Friends Bid Farewell To Comedian Paco Arevalo

    January 4, 2024, Valencia (Valencian Community, Madrid, Spain: The first vice-president and conseller of Culture and Sport of the Generalitat Valenciana, Vicente Barrera, offers statements to the media on his arrival at the funeral chapel of the comedian Paco Arevalo, at the Servisa morgue, on January 4, 2024, in Valencia, Valencian Community (Spain). The comedian Paco Arevalo died last night, January 3, at the age of 76, at his home in Valencia. He was found by his son and the cause of death is still unknown. Arevalo began his career as a humorist and comic actor and led him to participate in several films, series and plays. His greatest popularity was when he appeared in the television contest, ‘Un, dos, tres, responde otra vez‘ (One, two, three, answer again)...、クレジット:©Eduardo Manzana/ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2024010502934

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