
  • 桃園国際野球場
  • 神戸
  • イタリア
  • ホテル
  • 国際ソフトボール連盟
  • 巨人
  • 米国
  • キューバ
  • 会見
  • 台湾


  • 提供元
  • 日付
  • 種類
  • 向き
  • カテゴリ
  • 同義語オン
  • 古い順
( 1 80 件を表示)
  • 1
( 1 80 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  • (ROBERT E. SMITH) ロバート・E・スミス
    (ROBERT E. SMITH) ロバート・E・スミス


    商品コード: 1999040500057

  • 国際野球連盟理事会で プロ参加問題再燃か
    国際野球連盟理事会で プロ参加問題再燃か


    商品コード: 1994112400048

  • ケースIBA専務理事 プロ容認は時代の流れ
    ケースIBA専務理事 プロ容認は時代の流れ


    商品コード: 1996012600090

  • 第一高等学校ナイン 初の国際野球試合を再現
    第一高等学校ナイン 初の国際野球試合を再現


    商品コード: 1996051300078

  • IBAのオープン化が影響 見直し迫られるドラフト
    IBAのオープン化が影響 見直し迫られるドラフト


    商品コード: 1996111300038

  • イタリア―日本 4カ国国際野球第1日
    イタリア―日本 4カ国国際野球第1日

    イタリア―日本 3回表日本1死二、三塁、東出(広島)が右越えに先制2点タイムリー二塁打を放つ=神戸

    商品コード: 2001102900127

  • イタリア―日本 4カ国国際野球第1日
    イタリア―日本 4カ国国際野球第1日


    商品コード: 2001102900128

  • イタリア―日本 4カ国国際野球第1日
    イタリア―日本 4カ国国際野球第1日

    イタリア―日本 イタリアに快勝し喜ぶ左から阿部(巨人)、高橋由(巨人)、右端は井口(ダイエー)=神戸

    商品コード: 2001102900143

  • イタリア―日本 4カ国国際野球第1日
    イタリア―日本 4カ国国際野球第1日

    イタリア―日本 9回表日本2死満塁、井端(中日)が左越えに満塁ホーマーを放つ=神戸

    商品コード: 2001102900142

  • 日本―キューバ 4カ国国際野球第2日
    日本―キューバ 4カ国国際野球第2日

    日本―キューバ 4回表、満塁のピンチを招き降板する日本先発の加藤(右端・ロッテ)=神戸(加藤康介、阿部慎之助)

    商品コード: 2001103000102

  • 日本―キューバ 4カ国国際野球第2日
    日本―キューバ 4カ国国際野球第2日

    日本―キューバ 4回表キューバ2死満塁、左越えに満塁本塁打を放ち生還するキンデラン(右)=神戸

    商品コード: 2001103000091

  • 日本―キューバ 4カ国国際野球第2日
    日本―キューバ 4カ国国際野球第2日

    日本―キューバ 8回裏日本2死一、二塁、高橋由(巨人)が中前にタイムリー打を放つ=神戸(高橋由伸)

    商品コード: 2001103000108

  • 日本―韓国 4カ国国際野球最終日
    日本―韓国 4カ国国際野球最終日

    日本―韓国 4回裏日本1死一、三塁、高橋由(巨人)が右前にタイムリー打を放つ=神戸(高橋由伸)

    商品コード: 2001103100095

  • 日本―韓国 4カ国国際野球最終日
    日本―韓国 4カ国国際野球最終日

    日本―韓国 2回裏日本1死一塁、阿部(巨人)が右中間に先制タイムリー二塁打を放つ=神戸(阿部慎之助)

    商品コード: 2001103100084

  • 日本―韓国 4カ国国際野球最終日
    日本―韓国 4カ国国際野球最終日

    日本―韓国 3回表、ピンチにマウンドの館山に駆け寄る荒木コーチ(左)=神戸(荒木大輔)

    商品コード: 2001103100086

  • 球場視察する長嶋監督ら 長嶋代表監督が合宿地視察
    球場視察する長嶋監督ら 長嶋代表監督が合宿地視察


    商品コード: 2003062400183

  • 会長と握手する長嶋監督 長嶋代表監督が合宿地視察
    会長と握手する長嶋監督 長嶋代表監督が合宿地視察


    商品コード: 2003062400181

  • 視察する長嶋日本代表監督 即断即決の長嶋監督
    視察する長嶋日本代表監督 即断即決の長嶋監督


    商品コード: 2003062500141

  • 発表するノタリ会長 五輪野球の日程を発表
    発表するノタリ会長 五輪野球の日程を発表


    商品コード: 2004032200316

  • ノタリ氏 ノタリ会長が死去
    ノタリ氏 ノタリ会長が死去


    商品コード: 2006072600172

  • 会長に選出されたシラー氏 新会長にシラー氏を選出
    会長に選出されたシラー氏 新会長にシラー氏を選出


    商品コード: 2007030200106

  • 2007年03月02日

    「カラー」【】 ◎ハービー・シラー(Harvey Schiller)、国際野球連盟(IBAF)新会長、米国オリンピック委員会(USOC)元専務理事、2007年3月2日撮影、顔

    商品コード: 2007030200158

  • あいさつするシラー氏 新会長にシラー氏を選出
    あいさつするシラー氏 新会長にシラー氏を選出


    商品コード: 2007030200107

  • 2007年03月05日

    「カラー」【】 ◎ハービー・シラー(Harvey Schiller)、米国、国際野球連盟(IBAF)会長、2007年3月2日撮影(共同)

    商品コード: 2007030500021

  • 国際野球連盟のシラー新会長 五輪復帰に意欲示す
    国際野球連盟のシラー新会長 五輪復帰に意欲示す


    商品コード: 2007042600112

  • 会見するシラー会長 タイブレーク制導入を明言
    会見するシラー会長 タイブレーク制導入を明言


    商品コード: 2008073100175

  • (Harvey Schiller) ハービー・シラー
    (Harvey Schiller) ハービー・シラー


    商品コード: 2008092900226

  • (米国) ハービー・シラー
    (米国) ハービー・シラー

    国際野球連盟(IBAF)会長、撮影日 2008.07.31、出稿日 2009.02.13

    商品コード: 2009013100222

  • 質問に答えるシラー会長 7競技のプレゼン高評価
    質問に答えるシラー会長 7競技のプレゼン高評価


    商品コード: 2009061600072

  • プレートを受け取る原監督 原監督に記念プレート贈呈
    プレートを受け取る原監督 原監督に記念プレート贈呈


    商品コード: 2010011500396

  • IBAFのフラッカリ会長 「別々に考えるのが奇妙」
    IBAFのフラッカリ会長 「別々に考えるのが奇妙」


    商品コード: 2010080400352

  • 握手する両会長 野球とソフト、五輪へ協力
    握手する両会長 野球とソフト、五輪へ協力


    商品コード: 2011071500497

  • 盾を持つ六角彩子ら 六角に表彰盾授与
    盾を持つ六角彩子ら 六角に表彰盾授与


    商品コード: 2011120900387

  • 臨時総会 ソフト、野球統合で新連盟
    臨時総会 ソフト、野球統合で新連盟


    商品コード: 2012103100036

  • フラッカリ氏とポーター氏 野球とソフト、初タッグ
    フラッカリ氏とポーター氏 野球とソフト、初タッグ


    商品コード: 2012122000313

  • 五輪復帰を訴える王会長 王氏「復活が最優先」
    五輪復帰を訴える王会長 王氏「復活が最優先」


    商品コード: 2013041400248

  • 調印する両会長 野球とソフトは正念場
    調印する両会長 野球とソフトは正念場


    商品コード: 2013052800054

  • 野球・ソフトが会見 レスリングなどがアピール
    野球・ソフトが会見 レスリングなどがアピール


    商品コード: 2013090700049

  • 引き揚げるコミッショナー 各競技団体がアピール
    引き揚げるコミッショナー 各競技団体がアピール


    商品コード: 2013090700050

  • 野球のフラッカリ会長 20年五輪実施競技を審議
    野球のフラッカリ会長 20年五輪実施競技を審議


    商品コード: 2013090800382

  • フラッカリ会長ら 五輪復帰へ節目の一歩
    フラッカリ会長ら 五輪復帰へ節目の一歩


    商品コード: 2014051500022

  • モニター機器 大リーグにならい台湾も
    モニター機器 大リーグにならい台湾も


    商品コード: 2014102400036

  • 喜ぶ福原選手 愛ちゃん、台湾で始球式
    喜ぶ福原選手 愛ちゃん、台湾で始球式


    商品コード: 2018051400002

  • 始球式に臨む福原選手 愛ちゃん、台湾で始球式
    始球式に臨む福原選手 愛ちゃん、台湾で始球式


    商品コード: 2018051400003

  •  A small Chinese town‘s encounter with baseball
    A small Chinese town‘s encounter with baseball

    STORY: A small Chinese town‘s encounter with baseballDATELINE: Sept. 4, 2021LENGTH: 00:04:32LOCATION: ZHONGSHAN, ChinaCATEGORY: SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP (English): PAUL BENAVIDES, English teacher in a school in ZhongshanSTORYLINE:STANDUP (English): PAUL BENAVIDES, English teacher in a school in Zhongshan“Good play. Good play. Watch him. Watch him. Good play. I love this game.Hi, I‘m Paul. I‘m standing in front of the intercity railway that connects Guangzhou to Zhuhai. There are trains throughout the Greater Bay Area here. On the weekends you can experience all the different lifestyles and all the different towns here. And today I‘ve come to the international baseball town located in Zhongshan.It takes less than five minutes to walk from the train station to the Panda Baseball Stadium. But the question remains: why is there such a huge baseball stadium here in this small.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021090610122

  •  GLOBALink | A small Chinese town‘s encounter with baseball
    GLOBALink | A small Chinese town‘s encounter with baseball

    Why is there such a huge baseball stadium in a small town in Zhongshan, China? Follow an Amerian to discover what‘s special about the “international baseball town“ in Zhongshan. #GLOBALinkProduced by Xinhua Global Service、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021090610148

  •  Presentazione della Coppa del Mondo di Baseball.
    Presentazione della Coppa del Mondo di Baseball.

    photo repertoire, italy: Roma 14 luglio 2009, conferenza stampa di presentazione della Coppa del Mondo di Baseball. La cerimonia, organizzata dal Presidente del Comitato Organizzatore Italia 2009 Baseball World Cup, Mauro Miccio sarà presieduta dal Ministro degli Affari Esteri, Franco Frattini,e dal ministro per l‘Ambiente, Stefania Prestigiacomo, che consegneranno simbolicamente il Trofeo, reduce dall?esposizione al Summit G8 di L?Aquila, al Sindaco di Roma, Gianni Alemanno, in presenza del Presidente della International Baseball Federation, Harvey Schiller. Nella foto franco frattini e Gianni alemanno durante la consegna della coppa. (roma - 2009-07-14, Antonio Faccilongo) p.s. la foto e‘ utilizzabile nel rispetto del contesto in cui e‘ stata scattata, e senza intento diffamatorio del decoro delle persone rappresentate (Credit Image: © Antonio Faccilongo/IPA via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Antonio Faccilongo/IPA via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Europe Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022122606845

  •  S. Korean WBC team
    S. Korean WBC team

    S. Korean WBC team Team Korea, the South Korean squad in the World Baseball Classic (WBC), poses for a group photo at Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul on March 3, 2023. The international baseball tournament is set for March 8-21. (Yonhap)/2023-03-03 15:37:24/<Copyright ⓒ 1980-2023 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. All rights reserved.>、クレジット:Yonhap News Agency/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030310430

  •  Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season
    Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season

    December 18, 2023, Mexico City, Munich, Mexico: December 16, 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico: Brennan Bernardino, pitcher of the Boston Red Sox, and Mariana Patraca, Manager of International Baseball Operations and Development for Latin America of the Arizona Diamondbacks during the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 season of the Olmeca Baseball League. (Credit Image: © Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Germany Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023122003277

  •  Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season
    Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season

    December 18, 2023, Mexico City, Munich, Mexico: December 16, 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico: Mariana Patraca, Manager of International Baseball Operations and Development for Latin America of the Arizona Diamondbacks during the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 season of the Olmeca Baseball League. (Credit Image: © Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Germany Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023122003261

  •  Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season
    Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season

    December 18, 2023, Mexico City, Munich, Mexico: December 16, 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico: Brennan Bernardino, pitcher of the Boston Red Sox, and Mariana Patraca, Manager of International Baseball Operations and Development for Latin America of the Arizona Diamondbacks during the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 season of the Olmeca Baseball League. (Credit Image: © Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Germany Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023122003276

  •  Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season
    Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season

    December 18, 2023, Mexico City, Munich, Mexico: December 16, 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico: Mariana Patraca, Manager of International Baseball Operations and Development for Latin America of the Arizona Diamondbacks during the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 season of the Olmeca Baseball League. (Credit Image: © Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Germany Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023122003274

  •  Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season
    Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season

    December 18, 2023, Mexico City, Munich, Mexico: December 16, 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico: Mariana Patraca, Manager of International Baseball Operations and Development for Latin America of the Arizona Diamondbacks during the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 season of the Olmeca Baseball League. (Credit Image: © Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Germany Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023122003273

  •  Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season
    Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season

    December 18, 2023, Mexico City, Munich, Mexico: December 16, 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico: Mariana Patraca, Manager of International Baseball Operations and Development for Latin America of the Arizona Diamondbacks during the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 season of the Olmeca Baseball League. (Credit Image: © Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Germany Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023122003282

  •  Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season
    Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season

    December 18, 2023, Mexico City, Munich, Mexico: December 16, 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico: Mariana Patraca, Manager of International Baseball Operations and Development for Latin America of the Arizona Diamondbacks throws the first ball during the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 season of the Olmeca Baseball League. (Credit Image: © Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Germany Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023122003296

  •  Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season
    Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season

    December 18, 2023, Mexico City, Munich, Mexico: December 16, 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico: Brennan Bernardino, pitcher of the Boston Red Sox, and Mariana Patraca, Manager of International Baseball Operations and Development for Latin America of the Arizona Diamondbacks during the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 season of the Olmeca Baseball League. (Credit Image: © Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Germany Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023122003286

  •  Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season
    Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season

    December 18, 2023, Mexico City, Munich, Mexico: December 16, 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico: Brennan Bernardino, pitcher of the Boston Red Sox, and Mariana Patraca, Manager of International Baseball Operations and Development for Latin America of the Arizona Diamondbacks during the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 season of the Olmeca Baseball League. (Credit Image: © Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Germany Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023122003272

  •  Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season
    Boston Red Sox Pitcher Brennan Bernardino Inagurates the Start of the Baseball Olmeca League Season

    December 18, 2023, Mexico City, Munich, Mexico: December 16, 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico: Brennan Bernardino, pitcher of the Boston Red Sox, and Mariana Patraca, Manager of International Baseball Operations and Development for Latin America of the Arizona Diamondbacks during the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 season of the Olmeca Baseball League. (Credit Image: © Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Santiago/Alto Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Germany Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023122003292

  •  Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match
    Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match

    A New York Yankees fan is wearing an Aaron Judge jersey during the exhibition game between the New York Yankees and the Diablos Rojos of Mexico at the Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 24, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032511150

  •  Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match
    Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match

    Fans of the Diablos Rojos and the New York Yankees are attending the exhibition game between the New York Yankees and the Diablos Rojos of Mexico at the Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 24, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032511145

  •  Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match
    Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match

    Fans of the Diablos Rojos and the New York Yankees are attending the exhibition game between the New York Yankees and the Diablos Rojos of Mexico at the Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 24, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032511148

  •  Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match
    Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match

    Robinson Cano #22 of Diablos Rojos del Mexico is pitching the ball during the exhibition game between the New York Yankees and the Diablos Rojos of Mexico at the Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 24, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032511159

  •  Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match
    Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match

    Giancarlo Stanton #27 of the New York Yankees is preparing to bat during the exhibition game between the New York Yankees and the Diablos Rojos of Mexico at the Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 24, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032511164

  •  Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match
    Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match

    Juan Carlos Gamboa #47 of Diablos Rojos del Mexico is receiving the ball during the exhibition game between the New York Yankees and the Diablos Rojos of Mexico at the Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 24, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032511155

  •  Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match
    Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match

    Trevor Bauer #96 of Diablos Rojos del Mexico is pitching the ball during the exhibition game between the New York Yankees and the Diablos Rojos of Mexico at the Alfredo Harp Helú Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 24, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※Please contact your Local office representative for all commercial uses: **Available for World rights**

    商品コード: 2024032511156

  •  Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match
    Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match

    Fans of the Diablos Rojos and the New York Yankees are attending the exhibition game between the New York Yankees and the Diablos Rojos of Mexico at the Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 24, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032511151

  •  Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match
    Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match

    Fans of the Diablos Rojos and the New York Yankees are attending the exhibition game between the New York Yankees and the Diablos Rojos of Mexico at the Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 24, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032511109

  •  Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match
    Diablos Del Mexico V New York Yankees Exhibition Match

    The New York Yankees team is entering the field during the exhibition game between the New York Yankees and the Diablos Rojos of Mexico at the Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 24, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032511166

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Trevor Bauer #96 of the Diablos Rojos is taking batting practice before Game Two of Spring Training between the Diablos Rojos and the New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704971

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Trevor Bauer #96 of the Diablos Rojos is taking batting practice before Game Two of Spring Training between the Diablos Rojos and the New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704972

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Victor Gonzalez #47 of the New York Yankees is throwing pitches as he warms up before the Spring Training Game Two between the Diablos Rojos and the New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704954

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Victor Gonzalez #47 of the New York Yankees is throwing pitches as he warms up before the Spring Training Game Two between the Diablos Rojos and the New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704946

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Victor Gonzalez #47 of the New York Yankees is throwing pitches as he warms up before the Spring Training Game Two between the Diablos Rojos and the New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704949

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Robinson Cano #22 of Diablos Rojos del Mexico is batting against the New York Yankees during the Spring Training Game Two between Diablos Rojos and New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704959

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Robinson Cano #22 of Diablos Rojos del Mexico is batting against the New York Yankees during the Spring Training Game Two between Diablos Rojos and New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704953

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Tomohiro Anraku #77 of Diablos Rojos del Mexico is pitching against the New York Yankees during the Spring Training Game Two between Diablos Rojos and New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704966

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Tomohiro Anraku #77 of Diablos Rojos del Mexico is pitching against the New York Yankees during the Spring Training Game Two between Diablos Rojos and New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704963

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Tomohiro Anraku #77 of Diablos Rojos del Mexico is pitching against the New York Yankees during the Spring Training Game Two between Diablos Rojos and New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704967

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Tomohiro Anraku #77 of Diablos Rojos del Mexico is pitching against the New York Yankees during the Spring Training Game Two between Diablos Rojos and New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704974

  •  MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico
    MLB New Yor Yakkees V Dablos Rojos Del Mexico

    Tomohiro Anraku #77 of Diablos Rojos del Mexico is pitching against the New York Yankees during the Spring Training Game Two between Diablos Rojos and New York Yankees at Alfredo Harp Helu Stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, on March 25, 2024. (Photo by Carlos Santiago/Eyepix Group/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Eyepix/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032704970

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