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  • 北京地下鉄
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    地下鉄11号線の駅 上海地下鉄がアジア最長に


    商品コード: 2009123100065

  •  Russia Moscow Underground
    Russia Moscow Underground

    13.11.2019 An employee works at the construction site of the new Zyuzino station on Line 11 of the Moscow Underground in Zyuzino, Moscow, Russia. Iliya Pitalev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111501945

  •  Russia Moscow Underground
    Russia Moscow Underground

    13.11.2019 Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin visits the construction site of the Zyuzino Station on Line 11 of the Moscow Underground in Zyuzino, in Moscow, Russia. Iliya Pitalev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111502023

  •  Russia Moscow Underground
    Russia Moscow Underground

    13.11.2019 Workers are pictured at the construction site of the new Zyuzino station on Line 11 of the Moscow Underground in Zyuzino, Moscow, Russia. Iliya Pitalev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111502015

  •  Russia Moscow Underground
    Russia Moscow Underground

    13.11.2019 An employee works at the construction site of the new Zyuzino station on Line 11 of the Moscow Underground in Zyuzino, Moscow, Russia. Iliya Pitalev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111501951

  •  Russia Moscow Underground
    Russia Moscow Underground

    13.11.2019 Worker is pictured near the tunnel drilling machine at the construction site of the new Zyuzino station on Line 11 of the Moscow Underground in Zyuzino, Moscow, Russia. Iliya Pitalev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111502051

  •  Russia Moscow Underground
    Russia Moscow Underground

    13.11.2019 Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin visits the construction site of the Zyuzino Station on Line 11 of the Moscow Underground in Zyuzino, in Moscow, Russia. Iliya Pitalev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111502004

  •  Russia Moscow Underground
    Russia Moscow Underground

    13.11.2019 Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin visits the construction site of the Zyuzino Station on Line 11 of the Moscow Underground in Zyuzino, in Moscow, Russia. Iliya Pitalev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111502043

  •  Russia Moscow Underground
    Russia Moscow Underground

    13.11.2019 An employee works at the construction site of the new Zyuzino station on Line 11 of the Moscow Underground in Zyuzino, Moscow, Russia. Iliya Pitalev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111502042

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    中国広東省広州市で1日午前9時28分、幹線道路が陥没し、清掃車と電動スクーターそれぞれ1台が穴に落ちた。地下では地下鉄11号線沙河駅の工事が行われていた。各方面が救助活動に当たっているが、死傷者の状況は判明していない。広州地下鉄集団が明らかにした。(記者/田建川、胥兆瑞)<映像内容>広州市で道路が陥没する様子、撮影日:2019(令和元)年12月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ ※サイズの小さい動画です。画質が良くありません。

    商品コード: 2019120200648

  •  (8)北京地下鉄の冬季五輪支線を訪ねて

    23日、北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)の車内。2022年北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック関連施設プロジェクトの一つである中国北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)は全長4・2キロで、新首鋼駅、北辛安駅、金安橋駅、模式口駅の4駅が設置されている。同区間開通後、北京の中心市街地と北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の事務エリア、冬季五輪競技会場、練習会場とのアクセスが強化され、冬季五輪の公共サービス水準が高まるほか、新首鋼ハイエンド産業総合サービスエリアの建設と地域経済・社会の構造転換・発展が促進される。(北京=新華社記者/張晨霖)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122801806

  •  (5)北京地下鉄の冬季五輪支線を訪ねて

    23日、冬季五輪のイメージが描かれた北京市地下鉄11号線西区間の車内。2022年北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック関連施設プロジェクトの一つである中国北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)は全長4・2キロで、新首鋼駅、北辛安駅、金安橋駅、模式口駅の4駅が設置されている。同区間開通後、北京の中心市街地と北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の事務エリア、冬季五輪競技会場、練習会場とのアクセスが強化され、冬季五輪の公共サービス水準が高まるほか、新首鋼ハイエンド産業総合サービスエリアの建設と地域経済・社会の構造転換・発展が促進される。(北京=新華社記者/張晨霖)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122801755

  •  (11)北京地下鉄の冬季五輪支線を訪ねて

    23日、北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)の車内。2022年北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック関連施設プロジェクトの一つである中国北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)は全長4・2キロで、新首鋼駅、北辛安駅、金安橋駅、模式口駅の4駅が設置されている。同区間開通後、北京の中心市街地と北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の事務エリア、冬季五輪競技会場、練習会場とのアクセスが強化され、冬季五輪の公共サービス水準が高まるほか、新首鋼ハイエンド産業総合サービスエリアの建設と地域経済・社会の構造転換・発展が促進される。(北京=新華社記者/張晨霖)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122801804

  •  (4)北京地下鉄の冬季五輪支線を訪ねて

    23日、北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)の金安橋駅。2022年北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック関連施設プロジェクトの一つである中国北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)は全長4・2キロで、新首鋼駅、北辛安駅、金安橋駅、模式口駅の4駅が設置されている。同区間開通後、北京の中心市街地と北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の事務エリア、冬季五輪競技会場、練習会場とのアクセスが強化され、冬季五輪の公共サービス水準が高まるほか、新首鋼ハイエンド産業総合サービスエリアの建設と地域経済・社会の構造転換・発展が促進される。(北京=新華社記者/張晨霖)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122801757

  •  (1)北京地下鉄の冬季五輪支線を訪ねて

    23日、北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)の車内。2022年北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック関連施設プロジェクトの一つである中国北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)は全長4・2キロで、新首鋼駅、北辛安駅、金安橋駅、模式口駅の4駅が設置されている。同区間開通後、北京の中心市街地と北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の事務エリア、冬季五輪競技会場、練習会場とのアクセスが強化され、冬季五輪の公共サービス水準が高まるほか、新首鋼ハイエンド産業総合サービスエリアの建設と地域経済・社会の構造転換・発展が促進される。(北京=新華社記者/張晨霖)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122801772

  •  (7)北京地下鉄の冬季五輪支線を訪ねて

    23日、北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)のプラットホーム。2022年北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック関連施設プロジェクトの一つである中国北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)は全長4・2キロで、新首鋼駅、北辛安駅、金安橋駅、模式口駅の4駅が設置されている。同区間開通後、北京の中心市街地と北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の事務エリア、冬季五輪競技会場、練習会場とのアクセスが強化され、冬季五輪の公共サービス水準が高まるほか、新首鋼ハイエンド産業総合サービスエリアの建設と地域経済・社会の構造転換・発展が促進される。(北京=新華社記者/張晨霖)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122801789

  •  (9)北京地下鉄の冬季五輪支線を訪ねて

    23日、北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)の車内。2022年北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック関連施設プロジェクトの一つである中国北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)は全長4・2キロで、新首鋼駅、北辛安駅、金安橋駅、模式口駅の4駅が設置されている。同区間開通後、北京の中心市街地と北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の事務エリア、冬季五輪競技会場、練習会場とのアクセスが強化され、冬季五輪の公共サービス水準が高まるほか、新首鋼ハイエンド産業総合サービスエリアの建設と地域経済・社会の構造転換・発展が促進される。(北京=新華社記者/張晨霖)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122801802

  •  (10)北京地下鉄の冬季五輪支線を訪ねて

    23日、冬季五輪のイメージが描かれた北京市地下鉄11号線西区間の車内。2022年北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック関連施設プロジェクトの一つである中国北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)は全長4・2キロで、新首鋼駅、北辛安駅、金安橋駅、模式口駅の4駅が設置されている。同区間開通後、北京の中心市街地と北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の事務エリア、冬季五輪競技会場、練習会場とのアクセスが強化され、冬季五輪の公共サービス水準が高まるほか、新首鋼ハイエンド産業総合サービスエリアの建設と地域経済・社会の構造転換・発展が促進される。(北京=新華社記者/張晨霖)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122801808

  •  (6)北京地下鉄の冬季五輪支線を訪ねて

    23日、冬季五輪のイメージが描かれた北京市地下鉄11号線西区間の車内。2022年北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック関連施設プロジェクトの一つである中国北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)は全長4・2キロで、新首鋼駅、北辛安駅、金安橋駅、模式口駅の4駅が設置されている。同区間開通後、北京の中心市街地と北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の事務エリア、冬季五輪競技会場、練習会場とのアクセスが強化され、冬季五輪の公共サービス水準が高まるほか、新首鋼ハイエンド産業総合サービスエリアの建設と地域経済・社会の構造転換・発展が促進される。(北京=新華社記者/張晨霖)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122801756

  •  (2)北京地下鉄の冬季五輪支線を訪ねて

    23日、北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)の列車。2022年北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック関連施設プロジェクトの一つである中国北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)は全長4・2キロで、新首鋼駅、北辛安駅、金安橋駅、模式口駅の4駅が設置されている。同区間開通後、北京の中心市街地と北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の事務エリア、冬季五輪競技会場、練習会場とのアクセスが強化され、冬季五輪の公共サービス水準が高まるほか、新首鋼ハイエンド産業総合サービスエリアの建設と地域経済・社会の構造転換・発展が促進される。(北京=新華社記者/張晨霖)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122801781

  •  (3)北京地下鉄の冬季五輪支線を訪ねて

    23日、北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)の列車。2022年北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック関連施設プロジェクトの一つである中国北京市地下鉄11号線西区間(冬季五輪支線)は全長4・2キロで、新首鋼駅、北辛安駅、金安橋駅、模式口駅の4駅が設置されている。同区間開通後、北京の中心市街地と北京冬季五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の事務エリア、冬季五輪競技会場、練習会場とのアクセスが強化され、冬季五輪の公共サービス水準が高まるほか、新首鋼ハイエンド産業総合サービスエリアの建設と地域経済・社会の構造転換・発展が促進される。(北京=新華社記者/張晨霖)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122801784


    (220118) -- TIANJIN, Jan. 18, 2022 (Xinhua) -- A staff member maintains electrical facilities at the construction site of Tianjin Subway Line 11 in north China‘s Tianjin, Jan. 17, 2022. Tianjin has taken efforts to ensure the project development of Subway Line 11 on time with strict epidemic prevention measures following a recent COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011907788


    (220118) -- TIANJIN, Jan. 18, 2022 (Xinhua) -- A staff member has his body temperature checked at the project management department of Tianjin Subway Line 11 in north China‘s Tianjin, Jan. 17, 2022. Tianjin has taken efforts to ensure the project development of Subway Line 11 on time with strict epidemic prevention measures following a recent COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011907792


    (220118) -- TIANJIN, Jan. 18, 2022 (Xinhua) -- A staff member disinfects facilities at the project management department of Tianjin Subway Line 11 in north China‘s Tianjin, Jan. 17, 2022. Tianjin has taken efforts to ensure the project development of Subway Line 11 on time with strict epidemic prevention measures following a recent COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011907832


    (220118) -- TIANJIN, Jan. 18, 2022 (Xinhua) -- A staff member maintains facilities at the construction site of Tianjin Subway Line 11 in north China‘s Tianjin, Jan. 17, 2022. Tianjin has taken efforts to ensure the project development of Subway Line 11 on time with strict epidemic prevention measures following a recent COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011907851


    (220118) -- TIANJIN, Jan. 18, 2022 (Xinhua) -- A staff member adjusts a shield tunneling machine at the construction site of Tianjin Subway Line 11 in north China‘s Tianjin, Jan. 17, 2022. Tianjin has taken efforts to ensure the project development of Subway Line 11 on time with strict epidemic prevention measures following a recent COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011907866


    (220118) -- TIANJIN, Jan. 18, 2022 (Xinhua) -- A staff member works at the construction site of Tianjin Subway Line 11 in north China‘s Tianjin, Jan. 17, 2022. Tianjin has taken efforts to ensure the project development of Subway Line 11 on time with strict epidemic prevention measures following a recent COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011907848


    (220118) -- TIANJIN, Jan. 18, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Staff members maintain electrical facilities at the construction site of Tianjin Subway Line 11 in north China‘s Tianjin, Jan. 17, 2022. Tianjin has taken efforts to ensure the project development of Subway Line 11 on time with strict epidemic prevention measures following a recent COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011907903


    (220118) -- TIANJIN, Jan. 18, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Staff members maintain a shield tunneling machine at the construction site of Tianjin Subway Line 11 in north China‘s Tianjin, Jan. 17, 2022. Tianjin has taken efforts to ensure the project development of Subway Line 11 on time with strict epidemic prevention measures following a recent COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011907843

  •  Exploring talent park in China‘s Shenzhen with Polish vlogger
    Exploring talent park in China‘s Shenzhen with Polish vlogger

    STORY: Exploring talent park in China‘s Shenzhen with Polish vloggerDATELINE: Jan. 29, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:51LOCATION: SHENZHEN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. SOUNDBITE (English): PIOTR, VloggerSTORYLINE:SOUNDBITE (English): PIOTR, Vlogger“I‘m Piotr in China, Bo Yongxuan. And today I‘m taking you for a stroll to Shenzhen talent park.The talent park is located in Houhai area, Nanshan District, very close to Shenzhen Bay, now accessible via subway line 11 Houhai station.This park was completed in 2017, and as its name implies, it was designed to celebrate talents. There are many sculptures of historical contributors dotted around the park. Let‘s check them out.So sweet. I found a few Polish accents in the park. This guy is probably Einstein. The talent park is situated in the middle of Shenzhen. What sets this park apart from the rest is the architecture surrounding it...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023012913621

  •  The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China
    The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China

    SUZHOU, CHINA - MARCH 1, 2023 - Photo taken on March 1, 2023 shows Suzhou Metro Line 11, China‘s first county-level city, taking a test run in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Suzhou Railway can transfer to Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Shanghai Railway, so as to enter the downtown of Shanghai, which can truly realize the rail connection between the central urban areas of Shanghai and Suzhou, and play a positive role in realizing the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030304035

  •  The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China
    The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China

    SUZHOU, CHINA - MARCH 1, 2023 - Photo taken on March 1, 2023 shows Suzhou Metro Line 11, China‘s first county-level city, taking a test run in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Suzhou Railway can transfer to Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Shanghai Railway, so as to enter the downtown of Shanghai, which can truly realize the rail connection between the central urban areas of Shanghai and Suzhou, and play a positive role in realizing the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030303251

  •  The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China
    The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China

    SUZHOU, CHINA - MARCH 1, 2023 - Photo taken on March 1, 2023 shows Suzhou Metro Line 11, China‘s first county-level city, taking a test run in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Suzhou Railway can transfer to Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Shanghai Railway, so as to enter the downtown of Shanghai, which can truly realize the rail connection between the central urban areas of Shanghai and Suzhou, and play a positive role in realizing the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030304176

  •  The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China
    The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China

    SUZHOU, CHINA - MARCH 1, 2023 - Photo taken on March 1, 2023 shows Suzhou Metro Line 11, China‘s first county-level city, taking a test run in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Suzhou Railway can transfer to Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Shanghai Railway, so as to enter the downtown of Shanghai, which can truly realize the rail connection between the central urban areas of Shanghai and Suzhou, and play a positive role in realizing the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030304088

  •  The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China
    The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China

    SUZHOU, CHINA - MARCH 1, 2023 - Photo taken on March 1, 2023 shows Suzhou Metro Line 11, China‘s first county-level city, taking a test run in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Suzhou Railway can transfer to Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Shanghai Railway, so as to enter the downtown of Shanghai, which can truly realize the rail connection between the central urban areas of Shanghai and Suzhou, and play a positive role in realizing the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030303484

  •  The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China
    The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China

    SUZHOU, CHINA - MARCH 1, 2023 - Photo taken on March 1, 2023 shows Suzhou Metro Line 11, China‘s first county-level city, taking a test run in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Suzhou Railway can transfer to Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Shanghai Railway, so as to enter the downtown of Shanghai, which can truly realize the rail connection between the central urban areas of Shanghai and Suzhou, and play a positive role in realizing the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030303639

  •  The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China
    The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China

    SUZHOU, CHINA - MARCH 1, 2023 - Photo taken on March 1, 2023 shows Suzhou Metro Line 11, China‘s first county-level city, taking a test run in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Suzhou Railway can transfer to Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Shanghai Railway, so as to enter the downtown of Shanghai, which can truly realize the rail connection between the central urban areas of Shanghai and Suzhou, and play a positive role in realizing the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030303663

  •  The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China
    The First Subway in County-level Cities Trial Operation in China

    SUZHOU, CHINA - MARCH 1, 2023 - Photo taken on March 1, 2023 shows Suzhou Metro Line 11, China‘s first county-level city, taking a test run in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Suzhou Railway can transfer to Huaqiao Station on Line 11 of Shanghai Railway, so as to enter the downtown of Shanghai, which can truly realize the rail connection between the central urban areas of Shanghai and Suzhou, and play a positive role in realizing the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030303359

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin visits Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway following the ceremony to open the last nine stations of the line in Moscow, Russia. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204459

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin visits Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway following the ceremony to open the last nine stations of the line in Moscow, Russia. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204434

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin visits Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway following the ceremony to open the last nine stations of the line in Moscow, Russia. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204436

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin visits Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway following the ceremony to open the last nine stations of the line in Moscow, Russia. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204471

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204509

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers are seen on the platform at Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204880

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A passenger sits on a bench at Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204461

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers are seen at Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204447

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A passenger waits for a train at Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204875

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204511

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train is seen at Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204882

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train is seen at Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204852

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Varshavskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204507

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Kashirskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204508

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers wait for a train at Klenovy Bulvar metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205049

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers are seen on the platforms at Klenovy Bulvar metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205051

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Klenovy Bulvar metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205054

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train is seen at Klenovy Bulvar metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205053

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 An interior view shows Maryina Roshcha metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Grigory Sysoev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204992

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Nagatinsky Zaton metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205027

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 An interior view shows Maryina Roshcha metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Grigory Sysoev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204990

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Nagatinsky Zaton metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205028

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Nagatinsky Zaton metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205026

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Nagatinsky Zaton metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205035

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 An interior view shows Maryina Roshcha metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Grigory Sysoev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204991

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 An interior view shows Maryina Roshcha metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Grigory Sysoev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204993

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers are seen on the platform at Nagatinsky Zaton metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204881

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Maryina Roshcha metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Grigory Sysoev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204989

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A passenger walks past a sign reading “Pechatniki“ at Pechatniki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205010

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A passenger walks past a sign reading “Pechatniki“ at Pechatniki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205004

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers walk past a sign reading “Pechatniki“ at Pechatniki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205009

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers walk past a sign reading “Pechatniki“ at Pechatniki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205008

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train is seen at Pechatniki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204843

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers are seen on the platform at Pechatniki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205011

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers are seen on the platform at Pechatniki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205006

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers are seen on the platform at Tekstilshchiki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204999

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Tekstilshchiki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205002

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Tekstilshchiki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204995

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train arrives at Tekstilshchiki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204998

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A train is seen at Tekstilshchiki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030205001

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers wait for a train at Tekstilshchiki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030206946

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 An interior view of Rizhskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line of the Moscow subway is seen through a train window in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Grigory Sysoev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204916

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 An interior view shows Rizhskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Grigory Sysoev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204830

  •  New metro line starts test runs in China‘s Suzhou
    New metro line starts test runs in China‘s Suzhou

    STORY: New metro line starts test runs in China‘s SuzhouDATELINE: March 1, 2023LENGTH: 0:00:40LOCATION: SHANGHAI, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Suzhou Metro Line 11STORYLINE:Suzhou Metro Line 11, which is connected to Shanghai Metro Line 11, started test runs on Wednesday and will officially enter service by the end of June.With a total length of 41.25 kilometers, Suzhou Metro Line 11 has 28 stops.The line starts at Weiting Station in Suzhou Industrial Park and ends at Huaqiao Station in Kunshan, which is linked with Huaqiao Station of Shanghai Metro Line 11 by lounge bridges.The opening of the new metro line is regarded as an essential step for promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region in east China.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Shanghai, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204528

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 An interior view shows Rizhskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204833

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 An interior view shows Rizhskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Grigory Sysoev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204835

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 A view shows the entrance to Rizhskaya metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Grigory Sysoev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030204865

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers are seen at Sokolniki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030206924

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers are seen at Sokolniki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030206929

  •  Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line
    Russia Moscow Metro Big Circle Line

    01.03.2023 Passengers are seen at Sokolniki metro station of Line 11 or Big Circle Line (BCL) of the Moscow subway in Moscow, Russia. The last nine stations of the line were launched during the opening ceremony on March 1. The Big Circle Line, whose length is over 70 kilometers long with 31 stations and three train depots, is one of the biggest underground construction project in the world. Launch of the BCL will improve the transport situation in 34 districts of Moscow with a population of 3.3 million people and considerably reduce the burden on other subway lines. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030206919

  •  Residents of Arganzuela and Carabanchel protest against the felling of trees during the Metro de Madrid construction work
    Residents of Arganzuela and Carabanchel protest against the felling of trees during the Metro de Madrid construction work

    March 4, 2023, Madrid, Spain: Residents of Arganzuela and Carabanchel once again rally against the felling of trees in Madrid Río and Comillas for the works of the Metro, on March 4, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). More than a thousand trees in Madrid Río and Comillas are already marked for felling after the High Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) denied the precautionary measure requested in an appeal by Ecologistas en Acción and Aedenat. In this complaint they demanded the ‘‘immediate suspension‘‘ of the works for the extension of line 11 of Metro de Madrid in the Arganzuela-Madrid Río and Comillas Parks, which include the felling of 1,027 trees and the removal of another 348, as well as the elimination of the ‘Barco Pirata‘ children‘s playground. The objective is to clear the area for the installation of the tunnel boring machine and the construction of two new metro line 11 stations in the old Arganzuela section of the Madrid Río park and in the nearby Comillas park...04 MARCH 2023..Diego Radamés /...

    商品コード: 2023030501138

  •  Residents of Arganzuela and Carabanchel protest against the felling of trees during the Metro de Madrid construction work
    Residents of Arganzuela and Carabanchel protest against the felling of trees during the Metro de Madrid construction work

    March 4, 2023, Madrid, Spain: Residents of Arganzuela and Carabanchel once again rally against the felling of trees in Madrid Río and Comillas for the works of the Metro, on March 4, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). More than a thousand trees in Madrid Río and Comillas are already marked for felling after the High Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) denied the precautionary measure requested in an appeal by Ecologistas en Acción and Aedenat. In this complaint they demanded the ‘‘immediate suspension‘‘ of the works for the extension of line 11 of Metro de Madrid in the Arganzuela-Madrid Río and Comillas Parks, which include the felling of 1,027 trees and the removal of another 348, as well as the elimination of the ‘Barco Pirata‘ children‘s playground. The objective is to clear the area for the installation of the tunnel boring machine and the construction of two new metro line 11 stations in the old Arganzuela section of the Madrid Río park and in the nearby Comillas park...04 MARCH 2023..Diego Radamés /...

    商品コード: 2023030501137

  •  No to the felling of trees in Madrid, Spain - 19 May 2022
    No to the felling of trees in Madrid, Spain - 19 May 2022

    May 19, 2023, Madrid, Spain: An activist dressed as a polar bear raises his arms above a canvas with the message ‘‘no to logging‘‘ during the rally, A hundred residents of the Madrid district of Arganzuela have been evicted from the Madrid Rio grove where works are being carried out for the expansion of line 11 of the Madrid metro..The residents grouped by the ‘‘No to logging‘‘ platform entered the area in protest of the court ruling that rejected the request of environmental groups to suspend the expansion works of Line 11 of the suburban. The execution of the works entails the removal of dozens of trees and green areas. (Credit Image: © David Canales/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©David Canales/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081602832

  •  Driverless Subway In Suzhou
    Driverless Subway In Suzhou

    Citizens take a test ride in a driverless train on Suzhou Metro Line 11 in Kunshan, Jiangsu province, China, June 19, 2023. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Costfoto/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※NO USE CHINA

    商品コード: 2023122602056

  •  Driverless Subway In Suzhou
    Driverless Subway In Suzhou

    Citizens take a test ride in a driverless train on Suzhou Metro Line 11 in Kunshan, Jiangsu province, China, June 19, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China Out

    商品コード: 2023122602036

  •  Driverless Subway In Suzhou
    Driverless Subway In Suzhou

    A view of the platform of Suzhou Metro Line 11, Culture and Art Center Station, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, China, June 19, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China Out

    商品コード: 2023122602027

  •  Driverless Subway In Suzhou
    Driverless Subway In Suzhou

    A view of the platform of Suzhou Metro Line 11, Culture and Art Center Station, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, China, June 19, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China Out

    商品コード: 2023122602030

  •  Driverless Subway In Suzhou
    Driverless Subway In Suzhou

    A view of the platform of Suzhou Metro Line 11, Culture and Art Center Station, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, China, June 19, 2023. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Costfoto/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※NO USE CHINA

    商品コード: 2023122602053

  •  Driverless Subway In Suzhou
    Driverless Subway In Suzhou

    Citizens take a test ride in a driverless train on Suzhou Metro Line 11 in Kunshan, Jiangsu province, China, June 19, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China Out

    商品コード: 2023122602028

  •  Driverless Subway In Suzhou
    Driverless Subway In Suzhou

    Citizens take a test ride in a driverless train on Suzhou Metro Line 11 in Kunshan, Jiangsu province, China, June 19, 2023. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Costfoto/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※NO USE CHINA

    商品コード: 2023122602057

  •  Driverless Subway In Suzhou
    Driverless Subway In Suzhou

    View of the platform of Yushan Square Station of Suzhou Metro Line 11 in Kunshan, Jiangsu province, China, June 19, 2023. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Costfoto/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※NO USE CHINA

    商品コード: 2023122602059

  •  Driverless Subway In Suzhou
    Driverless Subway In Suzhou

    View of the platform of Yushan Square Station of Suzhou Metro Line 11 in Kunshan, Jiangsu province, China, June 19, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China Out

    商品コード: 2023122602025

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