
  • 参議院議員
  • ひでお
  • 全国区
  • 昭和
  • 社会党
  • 解説委員
  • 社員
  • 衆議院議員
  • ポーズ
  • 政治


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  • 種類
  • 向き
  • カテゴリ
  • 古い順
( 1 66 件を表示)
  • 1
( 1 66 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  Laing‘s Nek - Notification of peace delivered to the Burghers.
    Laing‘s Nek - Notification of peace delivered to the Burghers.

    Laing‘s Nek - Notification of peace delivered to the Burghers.、クレジット:World History Archive/ニューズコム/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用に関してはお問合せください。

    商品コード: 2018113020295

  • (でん・ひでお) 田英夫
    (でん・ひでお) 田英夫


    商品コード: 2006013100097

  • (でん・ひでお) 田英夫
    (でん・ひでお) 田英夫


    商品コード: 1971072300011

  • (でん・ひでお) 田英夫
    (でん・ひでお) 田英夫


    商品コード: 2005092000101

  • (でん・ひでお) 田英夫
    (でん・ひでお) 田英夫


    商品コード: 1973113000013

  •  田英夫


    商品コード: 1977022800015

  •  田英夫


    商品コード: 1980061400014

  •  田英夫


    商品コード: 1981102000010

  • (でん・ひでお) 田英夫
    (でん・ひでお) 田英夫


    商品コード: 2004072300030

  • 座り込む女性平和市民団体 原爆慰霊碑前で座り込み
    座り込む女性平和市民団体 原爆慰霊碑前で座り込み


    商品コード: 2019021218905

  • 1995年04月04日

    人物 80969 ◎田英夫(でん・ひでお)、党代表、参議院議員、平和・市民、東京、平成7年(95年)参院選立候補、半・正・撮・ポーズあり、カラーネガ

    商品コード: 1998120300099

  • 1995年04月11日

    人物 81108 ◎旭堂小南陵(本名=西野康雄)、党政務、参議院議員、平和・市民、兵庫、平成7年(1995年)参院選立候補、半・正・撮・ポーズあり(カラーあり)

    商品コード: 1998121000069

  • 1995年05月24日

    人物 80799 ◎国弘正雄(くにひろ・まさお)、党副代表、参議院議員、平和・市民、平成7年(95年)参院選比例区立候補、半・正・撮・ポーズ、カラーあり

    商品コード: 1998100200069

  • 1995年06月27日

    人物 80800 ◎阿部知子、病院小児科長、新、平和・市民、平成7年(95年)参院選比例区立候補、半・正・撮・カラーネガ

    商品コード: 1998100200070

  • 平和・市民が出陣 参院選公示
    平和・市民が出陣 参院選公示


    商品コード: 1995070600037

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    人物 80801 ◎中北竜太郎、弁護士、新、平和・市民、平成7年(95年)参院選比例区立候補、半・正・撮・カラーネガ

    商品コード: 1998100200071

  • 1995年07月18日

    人物 80802 ◎有川正沙子、作詞家、新、平和・市民、平成7年(95年)参院選比例区立候補、半・正・撮・カラーあり

    商品コード: 1998100200073

  • 花束手にする田氏 東京選挙区で田氏が当選
    花束手にする田氏 東京選挙区で田氏が当選


    商品コード: 1995072300090

  • 会見する国弘氏 平和・市民、国弘氏が落選
    会見する国弘氏 平和・市民、国弘氏が落選


    商品コード: 1995072300124

  • 帰国した田中、金田議員 核抗議の田中議員ら帰国
    帰国した田中、金田議員 核抗議の田中議員ら帰国


    商品コード: 1995091800044

  • 平和市民集会に手伝いに 忘れてはいけないこと
    平和市民集会に手伝いに 忘れてはいけないこと

    )、企画81S、21日付夕刊以降使用、解禁厳守、電子カメラ  「大学1年生。先生が関係している平和市民集会に手伝いに。先生の授業は面白いけど、集会は…」=東京・両国

    商品コード: 2001082000166

  • 座り込み市民団体メンバー 軍事報復に反対し座り込み
    座り込み市民団体メンバー 軍事報復に反対し座り込み


    商品コード: 2001092100083

  • 横断幕掲げる参加者 沖縄と米自治領が連帯集会
    横断幕掲げる参加者 沖縄と米自治領が連帯集会


    商品コード: 2001110400042

  • 横断幕掲げるメンバー7人 沖縄の市民らバグダッドへ
    横断幕掲げるメンバー7人 沖縄の市民らバグダッドへ


    商品コード: 2003011300071

  • 沖縄のイラク派遣団が報告 子どもが雷を爆撃と恐れる
    沖縄のイラク派遣団が報告 子どもが雷を爆撃と恐れる


    商品コード: 2003022200136

  • 平和市民連絡会のメンバー 募金と医薬品をイラクに
    平和市民連絡会のメンバー 募金と医薬品をイラクに


    商品コード: 2003052700181

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The President of the Foundation, the actress and singer Alejandra Botto intervenes in the tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their performance during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS....

    商品コード: 2021041601719

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) Father Angel, the Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo; the President of the Foundation, the actress and singer Alejandra Botto and the Mayor of Morata de Tajuña, ÃÂngel M. Sánchez Sacristán pose during the tribute offered by the Foundation El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their performance during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those wh...

    商品コード: 2021041602419

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The President of the Foundation, the actress and singer Alejandra Botto intervenes in the tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their performance during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS....

    商品コード: 2021041602323

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) Father ÃÂngel, the Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo; the President of the Foundation, the actress and singer Alejandra Botto and the Mayor of Morata de Tajuña, ÃÂngel M. Sánchez Sacristán on their arrival at a tribute offered by the Foundation El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their performance during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for t...

    商品コード: 2021041602321

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The Regional Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo intervenes in the tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the healthcare workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on 15 April 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURIT...

    商品コード: 2021041602312

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo; Father Angel and the President of the Foundation, actress and singer Alejandra Botto plant a tree during the tribute offered by the Foundation El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to societ...

    商品コード: 2021041602457

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The Regional Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo intervenes in the tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the healthcare workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on 15 April 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURIT...

    商品コード: 2021041601542

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The President of Mensajeros de la Paz, Father Angel on his arrival at a tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS..Alberto Ortega / Europa P...

    商品コード: 2021041602187

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The President of Mensajeros de la Paz, Father Angel on his arrival at a tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS..Alberto Ortega / Europa P...

    商品コード: 2021041602318

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The President of the Foundation, the actress and singer Alejandra Botto (i) and the Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo (r) hold a conversation with the lieutenant of Civil Guard and National Police during the tribute offered by the Foundation El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the Forces and Security Corps of the State for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who con...

    商品コード: 2021041602412

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo; the President of the Foundation, the actress and singer Alejandra Botto and Father Angel plants a tree during the tribute offered by the Foundation El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the Forces and Security Forces of the State for their performance during the pandemic of Covid-19, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of a...

    商品コード: 2021041602415

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo; Father Angel and the President of the Foundation, actress and singer Alejandra Botto plant a tree during the tribute offered by the Foundation El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to societ...

    商品コード: 2021041602347

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: A health worker intervenes in the tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS..Alberto Ortega / Europa Press..04/15/2021 (Credit Image: ©...

    商品コード: 2021041602290

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Lieutenants of the National Police and Civil Guard, Civil Protection and UME plant a tree during the tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERIN...

    商品コード: 2021041602464

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The President of the Foundation, the actress and singer Alejandra Botto, with the President of Mensajeros de la Paz, Father Angel on his arrival at a tribute offered by the Noah‘s Ark Foundation and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the Forces and State Security Forces for their performance during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIV...

    商品コード: 2021041602285

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS..Alberto Ortega / Europa Press..04/15/2021 (Credit Image: © Alberto Ortega/Contacto via ZUMA ...

    商品コード: 2021041602443

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Lieutenants of the National Police and Civil Guard, Civil Protection and UME plant a tree during the tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERIN...

    商品コード: 2021041601738

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The Regional Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo at the tribute offered by the Foundation El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the healthcare workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on 15 April 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME...

    商品コード: 2021041602254

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Father ÃÂngel intervenes in the tribute offered by the Foundation El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their performance during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS..Alberto Ortega / Europa Press..04/15/2021 (Credit Image: Â...

    商品コード: 2021041602232

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: A National Police Lieutenant plants a tree in the presence of Father Angel, the Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo and the President of the Foundation, the actress and singer Alejandra Botto during the tribute offered by the Foundation El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight...

    商品コード: 2021041602479

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) Father Angel, the Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo; the President of the Foundation, the actress and singer Alejandra Botto and the Mayor of Morata de Tajuña, ÃÂngel M. Sánchez Sacristán pose during the tribute offered by the Foundation El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their performance during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those wh...

    商品コード: 2021041602422

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The Mayor of Morata de Tajuña, ÃÂngel M. Sánchez Sacristán and Father ÃÂngel during a tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS..A...

    商品コード: 2021041601816

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Lieutenants of the National Police and Civil Guard plant a tree during the tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the healthcare workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS..Alberto Ortega...

    商品コード: 2021041602348

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The President of the Foundation, the actress and singer Alejandra Botto, with the President of Mensajeros de la Paz, Father Angel on his arrival at a tribute offered by the Noah‘s Ark Foundation and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the Forces and State Security Forces for their performance during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIV...

    商品コード: 2021041602178

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The Regional Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo intervenes in the tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the healthcare workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on 15 April 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURIT...

    商品コード: 2021041601814

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: Father ÃÂngel intervenes in the tribute offered by the Foundation El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their performance during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS..Alberto Ortega / Europa Press..04/15/2021 (Credit Image: Â...

    商品コード: 2021041602252

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: The Regional Minister of Presidency, Transport and Transparency of the Community of Madrid, Eugenia Carballedo intervenes in the tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the healthcare workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on 15 April 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURIT...

    商品コード: 2021041602315

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: A Civil Guard of Morata de Tajuña on his arrival at a tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS..Alberto Ortega / Europa Press..04/15/...

    商品コード: 2021041601674

  •  Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies
    Mensajeros de la Paz‘s tribute to health and State Security Forces and Bodies

    April 15, 2021, Madrid, Madrid, Spain: A Civil Guard of Morata de Tajuña on his arrival at a tribute offered by the Fundación El Arca de Noé and Mensajeros de la Paz to the health workers, the State Security Forces and Corps for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic, on April 15, 2021, in Morata de Tajuña, Madrid (Spain). During the ceremony, representatives of the health personnel of the Community of Madrid, Civil Protection, Civil Guard, UME, Firefighters, Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112, Local Police of Morata de Tajuña, and the College of Veterinarians of Madrid, will plant more than a hundred Japanese privet and oak trees under the slogan ‘‘We give oxygen‘‘ at the headquarters of the Noah‘s Ark Foundation as a symbol of admiration and respect for those who continue to fight and the selfless commitment of all of them to society...15 APRIL 2021;COMMEMORATION;TRIBUTE;MESSENGERS OF PEACE;CIVIL GUARD;SECURITY FORCES;UME;112;POLICE;VETERINARIANS..Alberto Ortega / Europa Press..04/15/...

    商品コード: 2021041602190

  •  Salerno: Truck loading with aid for Ukrainian refugees
    Salerno: Truck loading with aid for Ukrainian refugees

    March 8, 2022, Pagani, Campania / Salerno, Italy: Pagani, Salerno, Italy - March 07,2022 :The truck transporting goods to the Ukrainian refugee camp seen at the Municipal Operational Center for emergency war Ukraine , operational headquarters at the Civil Protection ‘‘Papa Charlie‘‘. Delivered the first shipment of medicines, canned food, blankets, clothes for children and adults. Cargo destined for a reception center on the border between Poland and Ukraine. (Credit Image: © Pasquale Senatore/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Pasquale  Senatore/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031109208

  •  Salerno: Truck loading with aid for Ukrainian refugees
    Salerno: Truck loading with aid for Ukrainian refugees

    March 8, 2022, Pagani, Campania / Salerno, Italy: Pagani, Salerno, Italy - March 07,2022 :Volunteers seen to work to prepare the load to be put on the truck at the Municipal Operational Center for emergency war Ukraine , operational headquarters at the Civil Protection ‘‘Papa Charlie‘‘. Delivered the first shipment of medicines, canned food, blankets, clothes for children and adults. Cargo destined for a reception center on the border between Poland and Ukraine. (Credit Image: © Pasquale Senatore/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Pasquale  Senatore/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031109246

  •  Salerno: Truck loading with aid for Ukrainian refugees
    Salerno: Truck loading with aid for Ukrainian refugees

    March 8, 2022, Pagani, Campania / Salerno, Italy: Pagani, Salerno, Italy - March 07,2022 :Volunteers seen to work to prepare the load to be put on the truck at the Municipal Operational Center for emergency war Ukraine , operational headquarters at the Civil Protection ‘‘Papa Charlie‘‘. Delivered the first shipment of medicines, canned food, blankets, clothes for children and adults. Cargo destined for a reception center on the border between Poland and Ukraine. (Credit Image: © Pasquale Senatore/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Pasquale  Senatore/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031109311

  •  Salerno: Truck loading with aid for Ukrainian refugees
    Salerno: Truck loading with aid for Ukrainian refugees

    March 8, 2022, Pagani, Campania / Salerno, Italy: Pagani, Salerno, Italy - March 07,2022 :Volunteers seen to work to prepare the load to be put on the truck at the Municipal Operational Center for emergency war Ukraine , operational headquarters at the Civil Protection ‘‘Papa Charlie‘‘. Delivered the first shipment of medicines, canned food, blankets, clothes for children and adults. Cargo destined for a reception center on the border between Poland and Ukraine. (Credit Image: © Pasquale Senatore/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Pasquale  Senatore/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031109313

  •  Salerno: Truck loading with aid for Ukrainian refugees
    Salerno: Truck loading with aid for Ukrainian refugees

    March 8, 2022, Pagani, Campania / Salerno, Italy: Pagani, Salerno, Italy - March 07,2022 :View a woman of Ukrainian nationality writing in Ukrainian language the contents of the package at the Municipal Operational Center for emergency war Ukraine , operational headquarters at the Civil Protection ‘‘Papa Charlie‘‘. Delivered the first shipment of medicines, canned food, blankets, clothes for children and adults. Cargo destined for a reception center on the border between Poland and Ukraine. (Credit Image: © Pasquale Senatore/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Pasquale  Senatore/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031109376

  •  7th Antifascist March In Krakow
    7th Antifascist March In Krakow

    Police are patrolling during the 7th anti-fascist march, which is moving through the city streets in Krakow, Poland, on December 17, 2023. Anti-fascists are marching through the streets of the city, an event organized annually on the anniversary of President Narutowicz‘s assassination. Participants are opposing fascism, nationalism, and hatred. (Photo by Klaudia Radecka/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Klaudia Radecka/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122208259

  •  7th Antifascist March In Krakow
    7th Antifascist March In Krakow

    Police are patrolling during the 7th anti-fascist march, which is moving through the city streets in Krakow, Poland, on December 17, 2023. Anti-fascists are marching through the streets of the city, an event organized annually on the anniversary of President Narutowicz‘s assassination. Participants are opposing fascism, nationalism, and hatred. (Photo by Klaudia Radecka/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Klaudia Radecka/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122208723

  •  Pro-Palestine Vigil - White House
    Pro-Palestine Vigil - White House

    People are leaving teddy bears at a pro-Palestine vigil in front of the White House in Washington, D.C., on January 13, 2024. Tens of thousands are expected to attend a pro-Palestine march later in the day as the conflict in the region intensifies. (Photo by Aaron Schwartz/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Aaron Schwartz/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011404351

  •  Pro-Palestine Vigil - White House
    Pro-Palestine Vigil - White House

    People are leaving teddy bears at a pro-Palestine vigil in front of the White House in Washington, D.C., on January 13, 2024. Tens of thousands are expected to attend a pro-Palestine march later in the day as the conflict in the region intensifies. (Photo by Aaron Schwartz/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Aaron Schwartz/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011404354

  •  Protest In Solidarity With Ukraine In Krakow
    Protest In Solidarity With Ukraine In Krakow

    A protestor holds a banner and Ukrainian flag during a daily demonstration of solidarity with Ukraine at the Main Square in Krakow, Poland on January 13th, 2024. It has been 689 day since the begining of the Russian full scale invasion on Ukraine. Ukrainians living in Krakow and supporters gather every day to demonstrate as there is no end in sight to the war. (Photo by Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※Poland Out

    商品コード: 2024011407377

  •  National Action Network MLK Day Annual Breakfast
    National Action Network MLK Day Annual Breakfast

    Martin Luther King III, the oldest son of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., speaks at the 2024 National Action Network MLK Day Annual Breakfast at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. on January 15, 2024. (Photo by Bryan Olin Dozier/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Bryan Olin Dozier/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011601821

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