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-Cotinga cayana, Print, The spangled cotinga (Cotinga cayana) is a species of bird in the family Cotingidae, the cotingasCotinga cayana, Print, The spangled cotinga (Cotinga cayana) is a species of bird in the family Cotingidae, the cotingas. It is found in the canopy of the Amazon Rainforest in South America., 1700-1880.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2023060711618
-Pericrocotus peregrinus, Print,Pericrocotus peregrinus, Print, The minivets are passerine birds belonging to the genus Pericrocotus in the cuckooshrike family Campephagidae. There are about 15 species, occurring mainly in forests in southern and eastern Asia. They are fairly small, slender birds with long tails and an erect posture. Many species have bright red or yellow markings. They feed mainly on insects, foraging in groups in the tree canopy., 1796-1808.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2023060711386
-Three White Storks (Ciconia ciconia) in their nests on willow treesThree White Storks (Ciconia ciconia) in their nests on willow trees, against blue sky, Parque de Cigogne, Route de Ribeauville, Hunawihr, Alsace, France, Europe、クレジット:imageBROKER.com/Helmut Meyer zur Capellen/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022101400070
-Cotinga cayana, Print, The spangled cotinga (Cotinga cayana) is a species of bird in the family Cotingidae, the cotingasCotinga cayana, Print, The spangled cotinga (Cotinga cayana) is a species of bird in the family Cotingidae, the cotingas. It is found in the canopy of the Amazon Rainforest in South America., 1700-1880.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2023053012596
-Three White Storks (Ciconia ciconia) in their nests on willow treesThree White Storks (Ciconia ciconia) in their nests on willow trees, against blue sky, Parque de Cigogne, Route de Ribeauville, Hunawihr, Alsace, France, Europe、クレジット:imageBROKER.com/Helmut Meyer zur Capellen/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022101400067
1981年11月01日Tree crown trimming machine01.11.1981 A tree crown trimming machine in the inter-collective farm orchard Pamyat Ilyichu, Moldovan SSR. Khvorov、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023101112754
商品コード: 2018121020945
商品コード: 2020120704805
商品コード: 2020120704845
商品コード: 2019090500965
商品コード: 2018121021110
2018年11月02日空中散歩道と博物館 空中散歩道、琵琶湖一望も滋賀県立琵琶湖博物館(左奥)と空中散歩道「樹冠トレイル」=1日、滋賀県草津市
商品コード: 2018110229855
2018年11月02日樹冠トレイル 空中散歩道、琵琶湖一望も完成した空中散歩道「樹冠トレイル」=1日、滋賀県草津市
商品コード: 2018110229879
商品コード: 2018121021076
商品コード: 2018121020804
2019年02月17日Sunset, wood, condense trail, contrailsSunset behind the forest ridge. Orange shine on remains of clouds. White condensation traces from aircraft on a dark blue sky. Silhouettes of tree crowns. (CTK Photo/Roman Krompolc)、クレジット:CTK/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019022600794
2019年02月17日Moon, sky, treeMoon on a dark blue sky. Silhouettes of tree crowns. (CTK Photo/Roman Krompolc)、クレジット:CTK/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019022600769
商品コード: 2019090500963
商品コード: 2019090500960
商品コード: 2019090500973
商品コード: 2019090500972
商品コード: 2019090500977
商品コード: 2019090500961
商品コード: 2019090500982
商品コード: 2019090500959
商品コード: 2019090402719
商品コード: 2020081402381
商品コード: 2020081402421
商品コード: 2020120704694
2020年12月06日四季折々の表情見せる「メタセコイアの王様」湖北省利川市夏を迎えた「メタセコイアの王様」。(ビデオ映像のキャプチャー画像)中国湖北省恩施トゥチャ族ミャオ族自治州利川市謀道鎮の鳳凰山麓を流れる磨刀渓の岸辺に生えているメタセコイアは、樹齢600年以上、高さ35メートル、幹周り2・4メートル、樹冠幅22メートル。「メタセコイアの王様」と呼ばれており、世界最古で最大の胸高直径を持つメタセコイアの母樹としても知られる。1億4千万年余り前、メタセコイアは恐竜のように全盛期を迎えていたが、第四紀の氷河期になると、恐竜を含む動植物の大部分が絶滅した。メタセコイアはかつて、化石しか発見されておらず、1941年冬に「メタセコイアの王様」が発見されるまで、完全に絶滅したと考えられていた。1948年に中国の植物学者が論文を発表。「メタセコイアは絶滅した」という定説を覆し、世界の植物学界を驚かせた。(恩施=新華社配信)=撮影日:撮影日不明、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ ※ファイルサイズの小さい画像です。※画像が荒れています。
商品コード: 2020120704775
商品コード: 2020121805205
2020年12月06日四季折々の表情見せる「メタセコイアの王様」湖北省利川市冬を迎えた「メタセコイアの王様」。(ビデオ映像のキャプチャー画像)中国湖北省恩施トゥチャ族ミャオ族自治州利川市謀道鎮の鳳凰山麓を流れる磨刀渓の岸辺に生えているメタセコイアは、樹齢600年以上、高さ35メートル、幹周り2・4メートル、樹冠幅22メートル。「メタセコイアの王様」と呼ばれており、世界最古で最大の胸高直径を持つメタセコイアの母樹としても知られる。1億4千万年余り前、メタセコイアは恐竜のように全盛期を迎えていたが、第四紀の氷河期になると、恐竜を含む動植物の大部分が絶滅した。メタセコイアはかつて、化石しか発見されておらず、1941年冬に「メタセコイアの王様」が発見されるまで、完全に絶滅したと考えられていた。1948年に中国の植物学者が論文を発表。「メタセコイアは絶滅した」という定説を覆し、世界の植物学界を驚かせた。(恩施=新華社配信)=撮影日:撮影日不明、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ ※ファイルサイズの小さい画像です。※画像が荒れています。
商品コード: 2020120704898
01:10.302021年08月16日「新華社」サウジのデーツが収穫期有機農場も大忙しサウジアラビアでは、毎年7月末から8月初めにデーツ(ナツメヤシの実)が熟し始める。収穫の季節を迎え、同国アル・ガートの有機農場で従業員が忙しく働いている。はしご車を使う人、ナツメヤシの樹冠に登る人など炎天下で収穫に励んでいる。デーツはアラブの特産品で、ビタミンやミネラル、天然糖分、たんぱく質など人体に必要な多くの栄養素を豊富に含む。携行や保存も便利で「砂漠のパン」とも呼ばれ、砂漠に住む人々の重要な代用食となっている。(記者/王海洲、胡冠) =配信日: 2021(令和3)年8月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021081607436
2021年11月24日(6)「街路樹を雪から守れ」幹線道路で除雪作業黒竜江省鶴岡市23日、鶴岡市の振興広場で、竹竿を手に除雪作業に向かう園芸作業員。中国黒竜江省鶴岡市はこのほど、大雪に見舞われ、都市管理総合執法局園林センターが、市街地の針葉樹の積雪による樹冠の破損や倒木を防ぐための対策に追われている。除雪用の6メートルの竹竿計60本を各広場に設置し、除雪作業員や運転手、積み下ろし作業員計100人と除雪車やクレーン車など16台を動員。市街地の各幹線道路の街路樹の除雪作業を実施し、市民の安全な移動を保証している。(鶴岡=新華社記者/謝剣飛)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112406999
2021年11月24日(1)「街路樹を雪から守れ」幹線道路で除雪作業黒竜江省鶴岡市23日、鶴岡市の振興広場で、木に積もった雪を落とす園芸作業員。中国黒竜江省鶴岡市はこのほど、大雪に見舞われ、都市管理総合執法局園林センターが、市街地の針葉樹の積雪による樹冠の破損や倒木を防ぐための対策に追われている。除雪用の6メートルの竹竿計60本を各広場に設置し、除雪作業員や運転手、積み下ろし作業員計100人と除雪車やクレーン車など16台を動員。市街地の各幹線道路の街路樹の除雪作業を実施し、市民の安全な移動を保証している。(鶴岡=新華社記者/謝剣飛)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112406991
2021年11月24日(2)「街路樹を雪から守れ」幹線道路で除雪作業黒竜江省鶴岡市23日、鶴岡市の振興広場の倉庫で、除雪作業のための竹竿を取り出す園芸作業員。中国黒竜江省鶴岡市はこのほど、大雪に見舞われ、都市管理総合執法局園林センターが、市街地の針葉樹の積雪による樹冠の破損や倒木を防ぐための対策に追われている。除雪用の6メートルの竹竿計60本を各広場に設置し、除雪作業員や運転手、積み下ろし作業員計100人と除雪車やクレーン車など16台を動員。市街地の各幹線道路の街路樹の除雪作業を実施し、市民の安全な移動を保証している。(鶴岡=新華社記者/謝剣飛)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112406992
2021年11月24日(4)「街路樹を雪から守れ」幹線道路で除雪作業黒竜江省鶴岡市23日、鶴岡市の振興広場で、木に積もった雪を落とす園芸作業員。中国黒竜江省鶴岡市はこのほど、大雪に見舞われ、都市管理総合執法局園林センターが、市街地の針葉樹の積雪による樹冠の破損や倒木を防ぐための対策に追われている。除雪用の6メートルの竹竿計60本を各広場に設置し、除雪作業員や運転手、積み下ろし作業員計100人と除雪車やクレーン車など16台を動員。市街地の各幹線道路の街路樹の除雪作業を実施し、市民の安全な移動を保証している。(鶴岡=新華社記者/謝剣飛)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112406998
2021年11月24日(8)「街路樹を雪から守れ」幹線道路で除雪作業黒竜江省鶴岡市23日、鶴岡市の振興広場で、木に積もった雪を落とす園芸作業員。中国黒竜江省鶴岡市はこのほど、大雪に見舞われ、都市管理総合執法局園林センターが、市街地の針葉樹の積雪による樹冠の破損や倒木を防ぐための対策に追われている。除雪用の6メートルの竹竿計60本を各広場に設置し、除雪作業員や運転手、積み下ろし作業員計100人と除雪車やクレーン車など16台を動員。市街地の各幹線道路の街路樹の除雪作業を実施し、市民の安全な移動を保証している。(鶴岡=新華社記者/謝剣飛)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112407003
2021年11月24日(10)「街路樹を雪から守れ」幹線道路で除雪作業黒竜江省鶴岡市23日、鶴岡市の振興広場で、木に積もった雪を落とす園芸作業員。中国黒竜江省鶴岡市はこのほど、大雪に見舞われ、都市管理総合執法局園林センターが、市街地の針葉樹の積雪による樹冠の破損や倒木を防ぐための対策に追われている。除雪用の6メートルの竹竿計60本を各広場に設置し、除雪作業員や運転手、積み下ろし作業員計100人と除雪車やクレーン車など16台を動員。市街地の各幹線道路の街路樹の除雪作業を実施し、市民の安全な移動を保証している。(鶴岡=新華社記者/謝剣飛)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112407005
2021年11月24日(7)「街路樹を雪から守れ」幹線道路で除雪作業黒竜江省鶴岡市23日、鶴岡市の振興広場で、木に積もった雪を落とす園芸作業員。中国黒竜江省鶴岡市はこのほど、大雪に見舞われ、都市管理総合執法局園林センターが、市街地の針葉樹の積雪による樹冠の破損や倒木を防ぐための対策に追われている。除雪用の6メートルの竹竿計60本を各広場に設置し、除雪作業員や運転手、積み下ろし作業員計100人と除雪車やクレーン車など16台を動員。市街地の各幹線道路の街路樹の除雪作業を実施し、市民の安全な移動を保証している。(鶴岡=新華社記者/謝剣飛)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112407002
2021年11月24日(9)「街路樹を雪から守れ」幹線道路で除雪作業黒竜江省鶴岡市23日、鶴岡市の振興広場で、木に積もった雪を落とす園芸作業員。中国黒竜江省鶴岡市はこのほど、大雪に見舞われ、都市管理総合執法局園林センターが、市街地の針葉樹の積雪による樹冠の破損や倒木を防ぐための対策に追われている。除雪用の6メートルの竹竿計60本を各広場に設置し、除雪作業員や運転手、積み下ろし作業員計100人と除雪車やクレーン車など16台を動員。市街地の各幹線道路の街路樹の除雪作業を実施し、市民の安全な移動を保証している。(鶴岡=新華社記者/謝剣飛)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112407004
2021年11月24日(5)「街路樹を雪から守れ」幹線道路で除雪作業黒竜江省鶴岡市23日、鶴岡市の振興広場で、木に積もった雪を落とす園芸作業員。中国黒竜江省鶴岡市はこのほど、大雪に見舞われ、都市管理総合執法局園林センターが、市街地の針葉樹の積雪による樹冠の破損や倒木を防ぐための対策に追われている。除雪用の6メートルの竹竿計60本を各広場に設置し、除雪作業員や運転手、積み下ろし作業員計100人と除雪車やクレーン車など16台を動員。市街地の各幹線道路の街路樹の除雪作業を実施し、市民の安全な移動を保証している。(鶴岡=新華社記者/謝剣飛)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112406997
2021年11月24日(3)「街路樹を雪から守れ」幹線道路で除雪作業黒竜江省鶴岡市23日、鶴岡市の振興広場で、木に積もった雪を落とす園芸作業員。中国黒竜江省鶴岡市はこのほど、大雪に見舞われ、都市管理総合執法局園林センターが、市街地の針葉樹の積雪による樹冠の破損や倒木を防ぐための対策に追われている。除雪用の6メートルの竹竿計60本を各広場に設置し、除雪作業員や運転手、積み下ろし作業員計100人と除雪車やクレーン車など16台を動員。市街地の各幹線道路の街路樹の除雪作業を実施し、市民の安全な移動を保証している。(鶴岡=新華社記者/謝剣飛)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021112407000
00:50.562022年01月14日「新華社」樹齢千年、重慶市の古木を訪ねて中国の重慶市都市管理局はこのほど、第5回都市古木・名木調査の結果を発表した。江津区白沙鎮復建村にある樹齢約千年のバンヤンイチジクが市内最古の木と確認された。このバンヤンイチジクは幹回りが10・13メートルあり、大人10人が手をつないでやっと取り囲める。平均樹冠幅は29メートルに達している。地元の関連部門は現在、古木を保護するための措置を講じている。(記者/張海舟、周密) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年1月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022011409376
商品コード: 2022070100995
商品コード: 2022070100996
商品コード: 2022070100997
商品コード: 2022070100998
商品コード: 2022082609835
商品コード: 2022082609842
商品コード: 2022082609839
商品コード: 2022082609844
2022年09月08日Entertainment News - September 7, 2022September 7, 2022, St. Paul, Minneapolis, United States: The Frogtown neighborhood‘s tree canopy is characterized by bald patches amidst dark green mature trees, on Sept. 7, 2022, in St. Paul, Minnesota. (Credit Image: © Mark Vancleave/Star Tribune via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mark Vancleave/Star Tribune via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022100204197
2022年10月30日HUMAN-INTEREST/INDIAThe black-hooded oriole (Oriolus xanthornus) is a member of the oriole family of medium-sized yellow passerine birds and is a resident breeder in tropical wooded gardens and open forests of southern Asia from India and Sri Lanka east to Indonesia. This bird nest is built in a tree and contains two eggs. Its food is insects and fruit, especially figs, found in the tree canopies where they spend much of their time. This bird‘s song is rich, fluty, and mellow. Calls include raspy, nasal notes that can sound like a croak. A juvenile black-hooded oriole is sitting on a tree of a forest at Tehatta, West Bengal; India on October 30, 2022 . (Photo by Soumyabrata Roy/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Soumyabrata Roy/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022110102740
2022年10月30日HUMAN-INTEREST/INDIAThe black-hooded oriole (Oriolus xanthornus) is a member of the oriole family of medium-sized yellow passerine birds and is a resident breeder in tropical wooded gardens and open forests of southern Asia from India and Sri Lanka east to Indonesia. This bird nest is built in a tree and contains two eggs. Its food is insects and fruit, especially figs, found in the tree canopies where they spend much of their time. This bird‘s song is rich, fluty, and mellow. Calls include raspy, nasal notes that can sound like a croak. A juvenile black-hooded oriole is sitting on a tree of a forest at Tehatta, West Bengal; India on October 30, 2022 . (Photo by Soumyabrata Roy/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Soumyabrata Roy/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022110102687
2022年10月30日HUMAN-INTEREST/INDIAThe black-hooded oriole (Oriolus xanthornus) is a member of the oriole family of medium-sized yellow passerine birds and is a resident breeder in tropical wooded gardens and open forests of southern Asia from India and Sri Lanka east to Indonesia. This bird nest is built in a tree and contains two eggs. Its food is insects and fruit, especially figs, found in the tree canopies where they spend much of their time. This bird‘s song is rich, fluty, and mellow. Calls include raspy, nasal notes that can sound like a croak. A juvenile black-hooded oriole is sitting on a tree of a forest at Tehatta, West Bengal; India on October 30, 2022 . (Photo by Soumyabrata Roy/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Soumyabrata Roy/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022110102585
2022年10月30日HUMAN-INTEREST/INDIAThe black-hooded oriole (Oriolus xanthornus) is a member of the oriole family of medium-sized yellow passerine birds and is a resident breeder in tropical wooded gardens and open forests of southern Asia from India and Sri Lanka east to Indonesia. This bird nest is built in a tree and contains two eggs. Its food is insects and fruit, especially figs, found in the tree canopies where they spend much of their time. This bird‘s song is rich, fluty, and mellow. Calls include raspy, nasal notes that can sound like a croak. A juvenile black-hooded oriole is sitting on a tree of a forest at Tehatta, West Bengal; India on October 30, 2022 . (Photo by Soumyabrata Roy/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Soumyabrata Roy/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022110102465
2022年10月30日HUMAN-INTEREST/INDIAThe black-hooded oriole (Oriolus xanthornus) is a member of the oriole family of medium-sized yellow passerine birds and is a resident breeder in tropical wooded gardens and open forests of southern Asia from India and Sri Lanka east to Indonesia. This bird nest is built in a tree and contains two eggs. Its food is insects and fruit, especially figs, found in the tree canopies where they spend much of their time. This bird‘s song is rich, fluty, and mellow. Calls include raspy, nasal notes that can sound like a croak. A juvenile black-hooded oriole is sitting on a tree of a forest at Tehatta, West Bengal; India on October 30, 2022 . (Photo by Soumyabrata Roy/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Soumyabrata Roy/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022110102785
2022年12月28日Tragédia em CampinasDecember 28, 2022, Campinas, Brazil: CAMPINAS, SP - 28.12.2022: TRAGÃDIA EM CAMPINAS - A 40-year-old man who was inside a car hit by the fall of a large tree died this Wednesday morning (28), in Campinas. He was driving the vehicle along Rua General Marcondes Salgado when the huge trunk hit the car. The tree was in the inner area of Bosque dos Jequitibás, and probably fell because of the soggy soil. Shallow roots and crown weight due to excess water may explain the decline. (Credit Image: © Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122912016
2022年12月28日Tragédia em CampinasDecember 28, 2022, Campinas, Brazil: CAMPINAS, SP - 28.12.2022: TRAGÃDIA EM CAMPINAS - A 40-year-old man who was inside a car hit by the fall of a large tree died this Wednesday morning (28), in Campinas. He was driving the vehicle along Rua General Marcondes Salgado when the huge trunk hit the car. The tree was in the inner area of Bosque dos Jequitibás, and probably fell because of the soggy soil. Shallow roots and crown weight due to excess water may explain the decline. (Credit Image: © Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122911943
2022年12月28日Tragédia em CampinasDecember 28, 2022, Campinas, Brazil: CAMPINAS, SP - 28.12.2022: TRAGÃDIA EM CAMPINAS - A 40-year-old man who was inside a car hit by the fall of a large tree died this Wednesday morning (28), in Campinas. He was driving the vehicle along Rua General Marcondes Salgado when the huge trunk hit the car. The tree was in the inner area of Bosque dos Jequitibás, and probably fell because of the soggy soil. Shallow roots and crown weight due to excess water may explain the decline. (Credit Image: © Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122911940
2022年12月28日Tragédia em CampinasDecember 28, 2022, Campinas, Brazil: CAMPINAS, SP - 28.12.2022: TRAGÃDIA EM CAMPINAS - A 40-year-old man who was inside a car hit by the fall of a large tree died this Wednesday morning (28), in Campinas. He was driving the vehicle along Rua General Marcondes Salgado when the huge trunk hit the car. The tree was in the inner area of Bosque dos Jequitibás, and probably fell because of the soggy soil. Shallow roots and crown weight due to excess water may explain the decline. (Credit Image: © Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122911885
2022年12月28日Tragédia em CampinasDecember 28, 2022, Campinas, Brazil: CAMPINAS, SP - 28.12.2022: TRAGÃDIA EM CAMPINAS - A 40-year-old man who was inside a car hit by the fall of a large tree died this Wednesday morning (28), in Campinas. He was driving the vehicle along Rua General Marcondes Salgado when the huge trunk hit the car. The tree was in the inner area of Bosque dos Jequitibás, and probably fell because of the soggy soil. Shallow roots and crown weight due to excess water may explain the decline. (Credit Image: © Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122911961
2022年12月28日Tragédia em CampinasDecember 28, 2022, Campinas, Brazil: CAMPINAS, SP - 28.12.2022: TRAGÃDIA EM CAMPINAS - A 40-year-old man who was inside a car hit by the fall of a large tree died this Wednesday morning (28), in Campinas. He was driving the vehicle along Rua General Marcondes Salgado when the huge trunk hit the car. The tree was in the inner area of Bosque dos Jequitibás, and probably fell because of the soggy soil. Shallow roots and crown weight due to excess water may explain the decline. (Credit Image: © Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122911950
2022年12月28日Tragédia em CampinasDecember 28, 2022, Campinas, Brazil: CAMPINAS, SP - 28.12.2022: TRAGÃDIA EM CAMPINAS - A 40-year-old man who was inside a car hit by the fall of a large tree died this Wednesday morning (28), in Campinas. He was driving the vehicle along Rua General Marcondes Salgado when the huge trunk hit the car. The tree was in the inner area of Bosque dos Jequitibás, and probably fell because of the soggy soil. Shallow roots and crown weight due to excess water may explain the decline. (Credit Image: © Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122912018
2022年12月28日Tragédia em CampinasDecember 28, 2022, Campinas, Brazil: CAMPINAS, SP - 28.12.2022: TRAGÃDIA EM CAMPINAS - A 40-year-old man who was inside a car hit by the fall of a large tree died this Wednesday morning (28), in Campinas. He was driving the vehicle along Rua General Marcondes Salgado when the huge trunk hit the car. The tree was in the inner area of Bosque dos Jequitibás, and probably fell because of the soggy soil. Shallow roots and crown weight due to excess water may explain the decline. (Credit Image: © Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122911988
2022年12月28日Tragédia em CampinasDecember 28, 2022, Campinas, Brazil: CAMPINAS, SP - 28.12.2022: TRAGÃDIA EM CAMPINAS - A 40-year-old man who was inside a car hit by the fall of a large tree died this Wednesday morning (28), in Campinas. He was driving the vehicle along Rua General Marcondes Salgado when the huge trunk hit the car. The tree was in the inner area of Bosque dos Jequitibás, and probably fell because of the soggy soil. Shallow roots and crown weight due to excess water may explain the decline. (Credit Image: © Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122912009
2022年12月28日Tragédia em CampinasDecember 28, 2022, Campinas, Brazil: CAMPINAS, SP - 28.12.2022: TRAGÃDIA EM CAMPINAS - A 40-year-old man who was inside a car hit by the fall of a large tree died this Wednesday morning (28), in Campinas. He was driving the vehicle along Rua General Marcondes Salgado when the huge trunk hit the car. The tree was in the inner area of Bosque dos Jequitibás, and probably fell because of the soggy soil. Shallow roots and crown weight due to excess water may explain the decline. (Credit Image: © Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Leandro Ferreira/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT
商品コード: 2022122911976
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists at the RWE village in Lutzerath during the partial evection by police and security forces. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying the centra...
商品コード: 2023011502468
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists at the RWE village in Lutzerath during the partial evection by police and security forces. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying the centra...
商品コード: 2023011503153
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists harnessed to ropes meters above the ground, during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying...
商品コード: 2023011503119
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists harnessed to ropes meters above the ground, during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying...
商品コード: 2023011503109
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Utopia village and the make-shift homes built from recycled building material, during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny m...
商品コード: 2023011503091
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Police in RWE - Utopia village, removing tents once occupied by visiting climate activistÃs, during the evection and security clamp-down. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny...
商品コード: 2023011502474
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists sit on the platform in a tree canopy, during the evection and security clamp-down. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying the central wing o...
商品コード: 2023011503089
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists harnessed to ropes meters above the ground, during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying...
商品コード: 2023011503061
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: View of Open-Pit mine in Lutzerath and the ëGiant bucket-wheel excavatorà for removing coal in Open-Pit mining. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying the c...
商品コード: 2023011503026
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists harnessed to ropes meters above the ground, during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying...
商品コード: 2023011503009
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: View of Open-Pit mine in Lutzerath and the ëGiant bucket-wheel excavatorà for removing coal in Open-Pit mining. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying the c...
商品コード: 2023011503010
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: View of Open-Pit mine in Lutzerath and the ëGiant bucket-wheel excavatorà for removing coal in Open-Pit mining. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying the c...
商品コード: 2023011503223
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists harnessed to ropes meters above the ground, during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying...
商品コード: 2023011503050
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: View of Open-Pit mine in Lutzerath and the ëGiant bucket-wheel excavatorà for removing coal in Open-Pit mining. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying the c...
商品コード: 2023011503216
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: View of Open-Pit mine in Lutzerath and the ëGiant bucket-wheel excavatorà for removing coal in Open-Pit mining. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying the c...
商品コード: 2023011503037
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists harnessed to ropes meters above the ground, during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying...
商品コード: 2023011503222
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists harnessed to ropes meters above the ground, during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying...
商品コード: 2023011502455
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Utopia village and the make-shift homes built from recycled building material, during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny m...
商品コード: 2023011503071
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Utopia village and the make-shift homes built from recycled building material, during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny m...
商品コード: 2023011503007
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: View of Open-Pit mine in Lutzerath during the evection and security clamp-down. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying the central wing of the complex threw s...
商品コード: 2023011503363
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: View of Open-Pit mine and two signs, one says ëSTOPà and the other states ëCOALà during the evection and security clamp-down. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority...
商品コード: 2023011503243
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists harnessed to ropes meters above the ground, due to be cut-down and detained by security police, during the evection and security clamp-down. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peacef...
商品コード: 2023011503255
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists harnessed to ropes meters above the ground, due to be cut-down and detained by security police, during the evection and security clamp-down. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peacef...
商品コード: 2023011503204
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists harnessed to ropes meters above the ground, during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occupying...
商品コード: 2023011503348
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Heavy equipment and police start to dismantle barricades, platforms and debris used by climate activists during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very pe...
商品コード: 2023011503198
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Heavy equipment and police start to dismantle barricades, platforms and debris used by climate activists during the evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very pe...
商品コード: 2023011503232
2023年01月11日Demolition and mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany - 11 Jan 2023January 11, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Climate activists sit on the roof of main building, before police remove them, during the evection and security clamp-down. The German town of Lutzerath, not too far from the Dutch border, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in mass and totaling 1000 strong, to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. Checkpoints manned all entry points leading to and from the village. The accommodation consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, and also- platforms and tree houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activists. A tiny minority occup...
商品コード: 2023011503355
2023年01月12日Mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany -12 Jan 2023January 12, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Hard-line climate activists, with masked faces are escorted by police to detention center to be booked, during todayâs evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath Lutzerath, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two-years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in-mass totaling 1000 to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. All entry points leading to and from the village were manned by checkpoints. The settlement consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, also- platforms and tree-houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activist. A very small minority occupying central wing o...
商品コード: 2023011604571
2023年01月12日Mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany -12 Jan 2023January 12, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Hard-line climate activists, with masked faces are escorted by police to detention center to be booked, during todayâs evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. Lutzerath, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two-years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in-mass totaling 1000 to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. All entry points leading to and from the village were manned by checkpoints. The settlement consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, also- platforms and tree-houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activist. A very small minority occupying central wing ...
商品コード: 2023011604592
2023年01月12日Mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany -12 Jan 2023January 12, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Hard-line climate activists, with masked faces are escorted by police to detention center to be booked, during todayâs evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. Lutzerath, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two-years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in-mass totaling 1000 to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. All entry points leading to and from the village were manned by checkpoints. The settlement consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, also- platforms and tree-houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activist. A very small minority occupying central wing ...
商品コード: 2023011604570
2023年01月12日Mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany -12 Jan 2023January 12, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Hard-line climate activists are carried by police to the temporary detention and charged after redusing to cooperate with authorities during todayâs evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. Lutzerath, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two-years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in-mass totaling 1000 to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. All entry points leading to and from the village were manned by checkpoints. The settlement consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, also- platforms and tree-houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activist. A very small mi...
商品コード: 2023011604597
2023年01月12日Mass eviction of the makeshift climate village in Lutzerath, Germany -12 Jan 2023January 12, 2023, Lutzerath, Germany: Hard-line climate activists are carried by police to the temporary detention and charged after redusing to cooperate with authorities during todayâs evection and security clamp-down in Lutzerath. Lutzerath, has had a makeshift village occupied by climate activists for the better part of two-years. All came to an abrupt end this week, as police arrived in-mass totaling 1000 to dismantle, arrest and evict the village occupiers from the settlement they refer to as âUtopiaâ. All entry points leading to and from the village were manned by checkpoints. The settlement consists of makeshift homes, built from discarded recycled building material, some with solar panels and some structures measuring meters in height, also- platforms and tree-houses secured to the tree canopy. The complex has one main building as a community food and hygiene area, this was to be one of the last strongholds. Today, the building housed on the whole a group of very peaceful activist. A very small mi...
商品コード: 2023011604548
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