
  • ヘリ
  • 令和
  • 付近
  • 出火
  • 火災
  • 爆発
  • 予定
  • 昭和
  • 開始
  • 中央


  • 提供元
  • 日付
  • 種類
  • 向き
  • カテゴリ
  • 同義語オン
  • 古い順
( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 1
  • 2
( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  • 第1920号 「同盟写真特報」
    第1920号 「同盟写真特報」


    商品コード: 2009012200268

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2011020800120

  •  フリゲート艦内を見る


    商品コード: 2013020800133

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2019062618162

  •  原子力船「むつ」いまだ漂流中

    原子力船「むつ」の原子炉近くにある機関室で保守作業をする機関員。放射線漏れ事故、太平洋上での長期漂流…。話題を呼んだ「むつ」が強行出港したあの日から1年を迎えた。新母港が決まらないまま「むつ」は、依然青い海に巨体を横たえたまま=1975(昭和50)年8月、青森県むつ市(原子力船「むつ」いまだ漂流中 強行出港から1年特集併用)

    商品コード: 2013030400427

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    第87松福丸の検証 長崎の漁船内で口論、放火


    商品コード: 2013111100129

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    ベル・アベト号 佐世保港でパナマ船が火災


    商品コード: 2014010800110

  •  Rossiya nuclear-powered vessel
    Rossiya nuclear-powered vessel

    01.01.1985 Equipment inspection in the engine room of the Rossiya nuclear-powered vessel. Владимир Чистяков、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019041810260

  •  North Atlantic
    North Atlantic

    01.07.1987 The engine room of the large refrigerated cargo fishing trawler Pavel Panin operating in the North Atlantic. Alexey Kurbatov、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122611382

  •  Building the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant
    Building the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant

    01.09.1987 Building the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. Pre-start-up operations at the engine room of the third reactor. Andrew / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022090114699

  • 放水する消防船「ひりゅう」 インド船が爆発、炎上
    放水する消防船「ひりゅう」 インド船が爆発、炎上


    商品コード: 2019082801705

  • 燃えるジャッグドゥート号 インド船が爆発、炎上
    燃えるジャッグドゥート号 インド船が爆発、炎上


    商品コード: 2019082801707

  • 貨物船ジャッグドゥート号 インド船が爆発、炎上
    貨物船ジャッグドゥート号 インド船が爆発、炎上


    商品コード: 2019082801708

  • 燃えるケミカルタンカー タンカー炎上、2人死傷
    燃えるケミカルタンカー タンカー炎上、2人死傷


    商品コード: 1993091500046

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    出火した旅客船 福山沖で旅客船から出火


    商品コード: 1994070500046

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    黒く焦げた右舷 福山沖で旅客船から出火


    商品コード: 1994070500030

  • 密航船の内部 中国人98人が潜んだ船底
    密航船の内部 中国人98人が潜んだ船底


    商品コード: 1999051400102

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    爆発を起こしたタンカー ドック内で爆発10人けが


    商品コード: 1999090800133

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    同型フェリーのイラスト カーフェリーで火災


    商品コード: 2000022800118

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    機関室から出火した貨物船 高知沖で貨物船が火災


    商品コード: 2000100800088

  • ハングル書かれた計器類 赤茶色の船体に無数の弾痕
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    商品コード: 2002100500133

  • アドリアノ軍曹 騒音の中、浮かぶ家族の顔
    アドリアノ軍曹 騒音の中、浮かぶ家族の顔


    商品コード: 2003041300055

  • 工作船の機関室付近 工作船内部を初公開
    工作船の機関室付近 工作船内部を初公開


    商品コード: 2003051400231

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    火災があったフェリー 建造中のフェリーで火災


    商品コード: 2004050900096

  • 機関室に残る遺骨 沈む船、燃える海、少女は
    機関室に残る遺骨 沈む船、燃える海、少女は


    商品コード: 2004111700179

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    新かながわ丸 野島崎沖で船舶火災


    商品コード: 2007021600092

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    爆発する英艦 フォークランド紛争

    1982年5月25日 サンカルロス湾(フォークランド諸島) 英国防省は25日、PA通信のマーチン・クリーバー記者撮影の写真を公表。写真は東フォークランド島のカルロス湾沖で、爆発炎上する英海軍フリゲート艦「アンテロープ」。アルゼンチン戦闘機が投下し、機関室に着弾した不発弾の信管を外そうとした兵士が死亡した(UPI=共同)

    商品コード: 2009030300098

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    火災を起こした貨物船 建造中の貨物船一部燃える


    商品コード: 2009032800106

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    出火した電気機関車 貨物列車の機関車から出火


    商品コード: 2013080300153

  •  USS Pampanito WWII Submarine
    USS Pampanito WWII Submarine

    November 7, 2015, San Francisco, California, U.S: Instrument panel in the engine room of the World War II submarine USS Pampanito in San Francisco. (Credit Image: © Ian L. Sitren/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Ian L. Sitren/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022083101696

  • 機関室の澤井さん夫妻 2人で支える浜のエンジン
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    商品コード: 2017022300716

  •  「新華社」スマート極地観測船「雪竜2号」のここがすごい!


    商品コード: 2018092015448

  •  長江流域初の千トン級全電動貨物船、試験航行に成功江蘇省常州市


    商品コード: 2020051102768

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2020061503984

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2020061503980

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2020061503985

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2020081401916

  •  中国の巨大電波望遠鏡「天眼」、31日より世界に開放


    商品コード: 2021040205228

  •  (4)中国の巨大電波望遠鏡「天眼」、31日より世界に開放

    30日、「天眼」のケーブル駆動機関室で機器をメンテナンスするスタッフ(メンテナンス期間中に撮影)。中国貴州省にある500メートル球面電波望遠鏡(FAST、通称「天眼」)は、31日午前0時より世界中の天文学者からの観測申請を受け付ける。海外からのプロジェクト申請の全てを審査対象とし、7月20日に審査結果を発表する。観測は8月に開始される予定。「天眼」は世界最大かつ最も感度の高い単口径電波望遠鏡で、100億光年以上離れた宇宙からの信号も受信できるという。(平塘=新華社記者/欧東衢)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年3月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021040100886

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505501

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505518

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505479

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505534

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505487

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505475

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505486

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505476

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505551

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505469

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505538

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505514

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505471

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505524

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505458

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505532

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505480

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505525

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505886

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505511

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505945

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505941

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505963

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505969

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505971

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505852

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505925

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505982

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505799

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505786

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505789

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505771

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505756

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505352

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505484

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505400

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505456

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505555

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505543

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505558

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505546

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505541

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505357

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505482

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505489

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505362

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505552

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505762

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505770

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505763

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505748

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040506015

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505938

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505547

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505359

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505563

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505550

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505508

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505549

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505564

  •  Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat
    Bangladesh: Fire breaks out in launch at Sadarghat

    March 27, 2022, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A launch named ‘‘Adventure-9‘‘ has caught fire near Sadarghat launch terminal today. ..The Barisal-bound passenger launch was anchored beside the Masjid near launch terminal no 5. Seven units of fire service have been working to bring the fire under control from 10am. After hours of trying, they were able to douse the fire around 1pm...They also said no injuries were reported till now. Incidents of launch fires are becoming frequent in Bangladesh...Earlier on 24 December, at least 40 people died after a fire broke out in ‘‘MV Abhijan-10‘‘, a river ferry, on the River Sugandha in Jhalakathi...Passengers who escaped from the fire incident said the fire broke out from the canteen and engine room and continued for hours...The reason behind the fire could not be ascertained immediately. This is one of the biggest ferry in Bangladesh. (Credit Image: © Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Mustasinur Rahman Alvi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040505553

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