
  • 令和
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  • 高齢者
  • 開始
  • 昭和
  • 女性
  • 伝統
  • 館長
  • 登録
  • 訪問


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  • カテゴリ
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  • 古い順
( 1 100 件を表示)
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( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  川瀬善一氏


    商品コード: 2014090200395

  •  伊藤清氏


    商品コード: 2014122200713

  •  上野地下道で浮浪者(ママ)一掃


    商品コード: 2014082100225

  •  上野地下道で浮浪者一掃


    商品コード: 2014082200335

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    (Charles L.Kades) チャールズ・ケーディス


    商品コード: 2010052100084

  •  都に初の女性局長


    商品コード: 2010112200089

  • (ぬいた・ようこ) 縫田曄子
    (ぬいた・ようこ) 縫田曄子


    商品コード: 2005090700012

  •  縫田さん初登庁


    商品コード: 2010120600259

  • (ぬいた・ようこ) 縫田曄子
    (ぬいた・ようこ) 縫田曄子


    商品コード: 2007110600080

  • (ぬいた・ようこ) 縫田曄子
    (ぬいた・ようこ) 縫田曄子


    商品コード: 2005060800081

  • 縫田曄子さん 国立婦人教育館長に縫田氏
    縫田曄子さん 国立婦人教育館長に縫田氏

    抱負を語る縫田曄子(ぬいた・ようこ)さん。埼玉県比企郡嵐山町に開館予定の文部省国立婦人教育会館の初代館長に決まった縫田さん。美濃部亮吉東京都知事の要請でNHK解説委員から都民生局長に就任、約4年間、都では初めての女性局長として福祉行政の推進役をつとめた=1977(昭和52)年5月28日、文部省(52年内地 4895)(*ネガケース表書きの撮影日は「5月28日」になっている)

    商品コード: 2014090900494

  • (ぬいた・ようこ) 縫田曄子
    (ぬいた・ようこ) 縫田曄子


    商品コード: 2005011100063

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 1980081500023

  •  都民政局に女性次長


    商品コード: 2018101517288

  • (ぬいた・ようこ) 縫田曄子
    (ぬいた・ようこ) 縫田曄子


    商品コード: 2004082700140

  •  横浜市が手話を“特訓”


    商品コード: 2019032900678

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    (BEATE・SIROTA・GORDON) ベアテ・シロタ・ゴードン


    商品コード: 1996042300143

  •  C・ケーディス氏死去


    商品コード: 1996062000010

  • ケーディス、ゴードン両氏 GHQ内で赤狩り
    ケーディス、ゴードン両氏 GHQ内で赤狩り

    )、企画03S、20日付朝刊以降使用  連合国軍総司令部(GHQ)民政局(GS)のチャールズ・ケーディス大佐(左)とベアテ・シロタ・ゴードン女史(チャールズ・ケーディス=人物29897)

    商品コード: 1997081200067

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    (BEATE・SIROTA・GORDON) ベアテ・シロタ・ゴードン


    商品コード: 2006122700118

  • 1997年12月24日

    「カラー」「人物通信」 ◎ベアテ・シロタ・ゴードン(米国)、元GHQ民政局員、1997.10.31、出稿19980115

    商品コード: 1997122400060

  • 党が候補者名簿提出 立法会選挙の届け出始まる
    党が候補者名簿提出 立法会選挙の届け出始まる


    商品コード: 1998040900085

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    退避命令で人影なし 大阪市役所で爆発


    商品コード: 2001020500132

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    目録を渡す隈丸総領事 日本の援助物資引き渡し


    商品コード: 2008051900391

  • あいさつする縫田さん 都庁初の女性局長誕生
    あいさつする縫田さん 都庁初の女性局長誕生

    初登庁しあいさつする東京都庁初の女性局長(民生局長)縫田曄子さん=1971(昭和46)年6月17日、東京都千代田区の東京都庁 「ザ・クロニクル 戦後日本の70年」第6巻使用画像(P78)

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  •  国境の寒冷地で良質な介護サービスを確立チベット自治区


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  •  国境の寒冷地で良質な介護サービスを確立チベット自治区


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  •  国境の寒冷地で良質な介護サービスを確立チベット自治区


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  •  油絵のような「満族刺しゅう」伝承者の取り組み黒竜江牡丹江市


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  •  重慶市、高齢者介護サービスに年間約54億元を投資


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  •  重慶市、高齢者介護サービスに年間約54億元を投資


    商品コード: 2020111602575

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    商品コード: 2020110904653

  •  (1)ぬくもりを大切にした新スタイルの墓参り黒竜江省ハルビン市

    3日、メッセージを読み上げる皇山公墓の祭事代行師、楊柏林(よう・はくりん)さん。新型コロナウイルス感染症流行の影響を受け、中国各地では今年の清明節連休(4月3~5日)期間中に墓所を訪れての墓参りを自粛するよう通達が出された。一方で、墓参り代行サービスやオンライン墓参りなどの新しい方法を推奨し、遠隔で故人をしのび、哀悼の意を表するよう呼びかけている。黒竜江省ハルビン市では、直接墓参りができない市民のために、民政局が墓参り代行サービスを実施した。(ハルビン=新華社記者/董宝森)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040608189

  •  (4)ぬくもりを大切にした新スタイルの墓参り黒竜江省ハルビン市

    3日、ハルビン市皇山公墓で行われた共同供養。新型コロナウイルス感染症流行の影響を受け、中国各地では今年の清明節連休(4月3~5日)期間中に墓所を訪れての墓参りを自粛するよう通達が出された。一方で、墓参り代行サービスやオンライン墓参りなどの新しい方法を推奨し、遠隔で故人をしのび、哀悼の意を表するよう呼びかけている。黒竜江省ハルビン市では、直接墓参りができない市民のために、民政局が墓参り代行サービスを実施した。(ハルビン=新華社記者/董宝森)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040608190

  •  (3)ぬくもりを大切にした新スタイルの墓参り黒竜江省ハルビン市

    3日、故人に哀悼の意を示すハルビン市皇山公墓の職員。新型コロナウイルス感染症流行の影響を受け、中国各地では今年の清明節連休(4月3~5日)期間中に墓所を訪れての墓参りを自粛するよう通達が出された。一方で、墓参り代行サービスやオンライン墓参りなどの新しい方法を推奨し、遠隔で故人をしのび、哀悼の意を表するよう呼びかけている。黒竜江省ハルビン市では、直接墓参りができない市民のために、民政局が墓参り代行サービスを実施した。(ハルビン=新華社記者/董宝森)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040608192

  •  (2)ぬくもりを大切にした新スタイルの墓参り黒竜江省ハルビン市

    3日、墓前にお供え物を並べる祭事代行師、楊柏林(よう・はくりん)さんと墓参りの様子を記録する同僚。新型コロナウイルス感染症流行の影響を受け、中国各地では今年の清明節連休(4月3~5日)期間中に墓所を訪れての墓参りを自粛するよう通達が出された。一方で、墓参り代行サービスやオンライン墓参りなどの新しい方法を推奨し、遠隔で故人をしのび、哀悼の意を表するよう呼びかけている。黒竜江省ハルビン市では、直接墓参りができない市民のために、民政局が墓参り代行サービスを実施した。(ハルビン=新華社記者/董宝森)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040608233

  •  「新華社」「互助孝老食堂」で高齢者の食事問題を解決福建省福安市

    中国福建省福安市ではここ数年、都市部や農村部の高齢者、特に子どもと離れて一人暮らしの高齢者や身寄りのない高齢者の「炊事が困難」という問題を解決するため、多くの「互助孝老食堂」を建設している。80歳になる郭錦妹(かく・きんまい)さんは一人暮らしで、足が不自由なため炊事に支障があるが、互助孝老食堂の開設により、炊事をしなくても1日3食をわずか10元(1元=約20円)、1カ月300元で食事問題を解決できるようになった。互助孝老食堂は福安市民政局による福祉政策の一環。今年中に100カ所を設置する予定になっている。同市はこれまで財政特別資金1088万元を投じ、82カ所の互助孝老食堂を設置、さらに54軒が建設中となっている。計画によると、互助孝老食堂の建設により136の村の3千人余りの高齢者の食事問題を解決するという。(記者/郭圻) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年7月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022070409986

  •  (4)標高4500メートルの高山で「安心な老後」を守る女性四川省理塘県

    入居者の食事を作るザロさん。(8月17日撮影)中国四川省カンゼ・チベット族自治州理塘(りとう)県の曲登郷は標高が4500メートルを超える。同郷には1軒の敬老院(高齢者介護施設)があり、高齢者26人と介護スタッフのザロ(扎洛)さん(24)が暮らしている。曲登郷敬老院は、同自治州民政局と中国共産党理塘県委員会、同県政府の強力な支援を受け、600万元(1元=約20円)を投じて2017年に着工した。(カンゼ=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022083111425

  •  (3)標高4500メートルの高山で「安心な老後」を守る女性四川省理塘県

    入居者の足の爪を切るザロさん(左)。(2020年12月27日撮影)中国四川省カンゼ・チベット族自治州理塘(りとう)県の曲登郷は標高が4500メートルを超える。同郷には1軒の敬老院(高齢者介護施設)があり、高齢者26人と介護スタッフのザロ(扎洛)さん(24)が暮らしている。曲登郷敬老院は、同自治州民政局と中国共産党理塘県委員会、同県政府の強力な支援を受け、600万元(1元=約20円)を投じて2017年に着工した。(カンゼ=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022083111208

  •  (2)標高4500メートルの高山で「安心な老後」を守る女性四川省理塘県

    入居者の爪を切りながらおしゃべりをするザロさん(左端)。(2020年12月21日撮影)中国四川省カンゼ・チベット族自治州理塘(りとう)県の曲登郷は標高が4500メートルを超える。同郷には1軒の敬老院(高齢者介護施設)があり、高齢者26人と介護スタッフのザロ(扎洛)さん(24)が暮らしている。曲登郷敬老院は、同自治州民政局と中国共産党理塘県委員会、同県政府の強力な支援を受け、600万元(1元=約20円)を投じて2017年に着工した。(カンゼ=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022083111175

  •  (3)在宅介護サービスの質的向上を訪問介護員が後押し北京市

    9月28日、穆堃来さんの車いすを押して病院に付き添う訪問介護員の昌浩さん(右)。中国の60歳以上の高齢者人口は昨年末時点で2億6700万人に上り、総人口の18・9%となっている。中国では、伝統文化や習慣に従い、高齢者の多くが施設介護ではなく在宅介護を選択する。例えば北京市では、施設に入所する高齢者はわずか1・1%で、98・9%が在宅介護を受ける。穆さんのような要介護度が高い高齢者でも入所をせず、84・8%の人が在宅介護を選択している。介護事業を担当する同市民政局養老工作処の郭漢橋(かく・かんきょう)処長は、介護サービス事業者は市内全域に分布しているが、在宅介護と社区介護はまだ一体化されておらず、包括的な保障システムも確立できていないと指摘。「訪問介護員という橋渡し役によって、本当に介護が必要な高齢者が専門的介護サービスを受けられるようにしたい」と語った。(北京=新華社記者/邰思聡)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100505525

  •  (5)在宅介護サービスの質的向上を訪問介護員が後押し北京市

    9月28日、穆堃来さん(手前右)に声を掛ける訪問介護員の昌浩さん(手前左)。中国の60歳以上の高齢者人口は昨年末時点で2億6700万人に上り、総人口の18・9%となっている。中国では、伝統文化や習慣に従い、高齢者の多くが施設介護ではなく在宅介護を選択する。例えば北京市では、施設に入所する高齢者はわずか1・1%で、98・9%が在宅介護を受ける。穆さんのような要介護度が高い高齢者でも入所をせず、84・8%の人が在宅介護を選択している。介護事業を担当する同市民政局養老工作処の郭漢橋(かく・かんきょう)処長は、介護サービス事業者は市内全域に分布しているが、在宅介護と社区介護はまだ一体化されておらず、包括的な保障システムも確立できていないと指摘。「訪問介護員という橋渡し役によって、本当に介護が必要な高齢者が専門的介護サービスを受けられるようにしたい」と語った。(北京=新華社記者/邰思聡)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100505530

  •  (4)在宅介護サービスの質的向上を訪問介護員が後押し北京市

    9月28日、穆堃来さん(左)を自宅に送り、声を掛ける訪問介護員の昌浩さん。中国の60歳以上の高齢者人口は昨年末時点で2億6700万人に上り、総人口の18・9%となっている。中国では、伝統文化や習慣に従い、高齢者の多くが施設介護ではなく在宅介護を選択する。例えば北京市では、施設に入所する高齢者はわずか1・1%で、98・9%が在宅介護を受ける。穆さんのような要介護度が高い高齢者でも入所をせず、84・8%の人が在宅介護を選択している。介護事業を担当する同市民政局養老工作処の郭漢橋(かく・かんきょう)処長は、介護サービス事業者は市内全域に分布しているが、在宅介護と社区介護はまだ一体化されておらず、包括的な保障システムも確立できていないと指摘。「訪問介護員という橋渡し役によって、本当に介護が必要な高齢者が専門的介護サービスを受けられるようにしたい」と語った。(北京=新華社記者/邰思聡)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100505531

  •  (1)在宅介護サービスの質的向上を訪問介護員が後押し北京市

    9月28日、術前検査を受ける穆堃来さん(中央)を世話する訪問介護員の昌浩さん(左)。中国の60歳以上の高齢者人口は昨年末時点で2億6700万人に上り、総人口の18・9%となっている。中国では、伝統文化や習慣に従い、高齢者の多くが施設介護ではなく在宅介護を選択する。例えば北京市では、施設に入所する高齢者はわずか1・1%で、98・9%が在宅介護を受ける。穆さんのような要介護度が高い高齢者でも入所をせず、84・8%の人が在宅介護を選択している。介護事業を担当する同市民政局養老工作処の郭漢橋(かく・かんきょう)処長は、介護サービス事業者は市内全域に分布しているが、在宅介護と社区介護はまだ一体化されておらず、包括的な保障システムも確立できていないと指摘。「訪問介護員という橋渡し役によって、本当に介護が必要な高齢者が専門的介護サービスを受けられるようにしたい」と語った。(北京=新華社記者/邰思聡)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100505529

  •  (2)在宅介護サービスの質的向上を訪問介護員が後押し北京市

    9月28日、病院で相談する訪問介護員の昌浩さん(左)。中国の60歳以上の高齢者人口は昨年末時点で2億6700万人に上り、総人口の18・9%となっている。中国では、伝統文化や習慣に従い、高齢者の多くが施設介護ではなく在宅介護を選択する。例えば北京市では、施設に入所する高齢者はわずか1・1%で、98・9%が在宅介護を受ける。穆さんのような要介護度が高い高齢者でも入所をせず、84・8%の人が在宅介護を選択している。介護事業を担当する同市民政局養老工作処の郭漢橋(かく・かんきょう)処長は、介護サービス事業者は市内全域に分布しているが、在宅介護と社区介護はまだ一体化されておらず、包括的な保障システムも確立できていないと指摘。「訪問介護員という橋渡し役によって、本当に介護が必要な高齢者が専門的介護サービスを受けられるようにしたい」と語った。(北京=新華社記者/邰思聡)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100505527

  •  高齢者に安心の在宅介護を北京市がモデルプロジェクト開始

    目の手術を前に血液検査を受ける穆堃来(ぼく・こんらい)さん(中央の白い帽子の人物)と、付き添う介護員の昌浩(しょう・こう)さん(左)。(9月28日撮影)中国北京市民政局は10日、高齢者に対する従来型の入所介護サービスを革新・改善した在宅介護モデルプロジェクトをスタートさせたと明らかにした。同市は、高齢者在宅介護サービスが少ない、価格が高い、包括ケアサービスが不足しているなどの問題の解決に着目し、産業化・社会化された方法で介護人材を育成し、高齢者在宅介護サービスの供給システムと管理体制を整備していく。(北京=新華社記者/邰思聡)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101207294

  •  深圳市の高齢者向けスマートICカード、発行枚数100万枚を突破

    17日、「スマート養老頤年(イーニェン)カード」を使って無料で地下鉄に乗る高齢者。中国広東省深圳市民政局はこのほど、高齢者向けスマートICカードの発行枚数が100万枚を超え、同市に常住する60歳以上の高齢者の9割以上に行き渡ったと明らかにした。中国で住民の平均年齢がわずか32・5歳という「最も若い」都市の同市は、市内全域の満60歳以上の高齢者(居住証を持つ香港・マカオ・台湾地区住民を含む)を対象に、2020年4月から「スマート養老頤年(イーニェン)カード」の発行を開始した。高齢者専用のICカードとして、身分識別、無料の敬老サービス、政策的補助金の受給など、各種サービスを1枚に集約している。(広州=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023112010060

  •  12.12 Marriage
    12.12 Marriage

    QINGZHOU, CHINA - DECEMBER 12, 2023 - Couples register for marriage at the Marriage Registration Office of the Civil Affairs Bureau in Qingzhou City, East China‘s Shandong province, Dec 12, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China OUt

    商品コード: 2023121207796

  •  12.12 Marriage
    12.12 Marriage

    QINGZHOU, CHINA - DECEMBER 12, 2023 - A couple gets married at the marriage registration office of the Civil Affairs Bureau in Qingzhou City, East China‘s Shandong province, Dec 12, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China OUt

    商品コード: 2023121207807

  •  12.12 Marriage
    12.12 Marriage

    QINGZHOU, CHINA - DECEMBER 12, 2023 - A couple gets married at the marriage registration office of the Civil Affairs Bureau in Qingzhou City, East China‘s Shandong province, Dec 12, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China OUt

    商品コード: 2023121207797

  •  12.12 Marriage
    12.12 Marriage

    QINGZHOU, CHINA - DECEMBER 12, 2023 - Couples register for marriage at the Marriage Registration Office of the Civil Affairs Bureau in Qingzhou City, East China‘s Shandong province, Dec 12, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China OUt

    商品コード: 2023121207795

  •  12.12 Marriage
    12.12 Marriage

    QINGZHOU, CHINA - DECEMBER 12, 2023 - Couples register for marriage at the Marriage Registration Office of the Civil Affairs Bureau in Qingzhou City, East China‘s Shandong province, Dec 12, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China OUt

    商品コード: 2023121207798

  •  12.12 Marriage
    12.12 Marriage

    QINGZHOU, CHINA - DECEMBER 12, 2023 - A couple shows their marriage certificate at the marriage registration office of the Civil Affairs Bureau in Qingzhou city, East China‘s Shandong province, Dec 12, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China OUt

    商品コード: 2023121207809

  •  12.12 Marriage
    12.12 Marriage

    QINGZHOU, CHINA - DECEMBER 12, 2023 - A couple poses for a photo after receiving their marriage certificate at the marriage registration office of the Civil Affairs Bureau at the Qingzhou government Affairs Service Center in East China‘s Shandong province, Dec 12, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China OUt

    商品コード: 2023121207800

  •  12.12 Marriage
    12.12 Marriage

    QINGZHOU, CHINA - DECEMBER 12, 2023 - A couple poses for a photo after receiving their marriage certificate at the marriage registration office of the Civil Affairs Bureau at the Qingzhou government Affairs Service Center in East China‘s Shandong province, Dec 12, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China OUt

    商品コード: 2023121207801

  •  12.12 Marriage
    12.12 Marriage

    QINGZHOU, CHINA - DECEMBER 12, 2023 - A couple shows their marriage certificate at the marriage registration office of the Civil Affairs Bureau in Qingzhou city, East China‘s Shandong province, Dec 12, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China OUt

    商品コード: 2023121207789

  •  12.12 Marriage
    12.12 Marriage

    QINGZHOU, CHINA - DECEMBER 12, 2023 - A couple poses for a photo after receiving their marriage certificate at the marriage registration office of the Civil Affairs Bureau at the Qingzhou government Affairs Service Center in East China‘s Shandong province, Dec 12, 2023.、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ ※China OUt

    商品コード: 2023121207799

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908352

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908361

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908347

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908348

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908350

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908355

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908326

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908346

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908356

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908351

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908349

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908365

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908357

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of At-Tuwani, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the home and several olive trees with one bulldozer. They then arrested the home owner. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908362

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908345

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908354

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of At-Tuwani, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the home and several olive trees with one bulldozer. They then arrested the home owner. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908363

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of At-Tuwani, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the home and several olive trees with one bulldozer. They then arrested the home owner. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908360

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908343

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of Al-Jawaya, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the two-story home with one bulldozer and two excavators. The house was home to a family of eleven, including nine children. Since October 7th, the only access road to Al-Jawaya has been closed off by the Israeli military. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908353

  •  Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank
    Israeli Army Demolishes Palestinian Homes - West Bank

    The Israeli Civil Administration and Israeli border police demolish a home in the village of At-Tuwani, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern West Bank on May 7, 2024. The forces cleared the house out, blocked the family from entering the premise, and then demolished the home and several olive trees with one bulldozer. They then arrested the home owner. Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank are required to apply for a building permit in order to build or modify any structure on their property. Civil Administration, who is responsible for processing the permit applications, denies 98% of the requests. Therefore, a large majority of homes, barns, schools, bathrooms and water wells in Area C are subject to demolition orders from the Israeli military. Photo by Emily Glick/Middle East Images/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Middle East Images/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050908367

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