
  • 令和
  • カンヌ国際映画祭
  • 受賞
  • 監督賞
  • 記者
  • フランス
  • 開始
  • 卒業
  • 故郷
  • 若者


  • 提供元
  • 日付
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  • 向き
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  • 古い順
( 1 100 件を表示)
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( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  琴天山が廃業


    商品コード: 2023051106545

  •  琴天山が廃業


    商品コード: 2023051106550

  • 説明する呂万鉄さん 亡命者が北の衣服展で説明
    説明する呂万鉄さん 亡命者が北の衣服展で説明


    商品コード: 1994080100063

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    大本営命令の要領 「ずばり天皇の決心書け」

    )、社会434S、8月24日付朝刊用、解禁厳守  玉砕の地サイパン最後の日本軍司令部跡に残る旧日本軍の高射砲=1985年6月(資料A22728)

    商品コード: 1995082200103

  • 対決心待ちにするシモン 記録より五輪金メダル
    対決心待ちにするシモン 記録より五輪金メダル


    商品コード: 2003041900002

  • メッセージ手にした父 「新しい人生を歩む決心」
    メッセージ手にした父 「新しい人生を歩む決心」


    商品コード: 2003101700196

  • 写真展の深川宗俊さん 病身の歌人、判決心待ち
    写真展の深川宗俊さん 病身の歌人、判決心待ち


    商品コード: 2005011500057

  • 車に乗る安倍氏 「逃げるな」で決心
    車に乗る安倍氏 「逃げるな」で決心


    商品コード: 2006092000087

  • 東海大相模高の大田 王さんの言葉でプロ決心
    東海大相模高の大田 王さんの言葉でプロ決心


    商品コード: 2008102400225

  • 掲げられたスローガン 攻勢強める北朝鮮
    掲げられたスローガン 攻勢強める北朝鮮


    商品コード: 2012041100662

  • 必勝誓う海老沼匡 亡き恩師に健闘誓う
    必勝誓う海老沼匡 亡き恩師に健闘誓う


    商品コード: 2012071100738

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    金正恩氏 「国家的重大措置を決心」


    商品コード: 2013012700017

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    担当者を招集した金正恩氏 「国家的重大措置を決心」


    商品コード: 2013012700038

  •  California Entertainment - September 11, 2013
    California Entertainment - September 11, 2013

    September 11, 2013, Anaheim, California, USA: Tony Baxter says he was determined to find an opportunity to reintroduce Submarine Voyage to Disneyland...//ADDITIONAL INFO: disney.baxter - 9/11/13 - PHOTO BY JOSHUA SUDOCK, ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER -- Tony Baxter, a longtime head Disney Imagineer, who is responsible for major projects like Big Thunder, Star Tours, etc. will be getting a window on Main Street this fall. We walk around Disneyland and talk about his career in advance of the honor...Picture made at Disneyland in Anaheim Wednesday, September 11, 2013. (Credit Image: © Joshua Sudock/Orange County Register via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Joshua Sudock/Orange County Register via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Tabloid Rights Out

    商品コード: 2021042809871

  •  California Entertainment - September 11, 2013
    California Entertainment - September 11, 2013

    September 11, 2013, Anaheim, California, USA: Tony Baxter says he was determined to find an opportunity to reintroduce Submarine Voyage to Disneyland...//ADDITIONAL INFO: disney.baxter - 9/11/13 - PHOTO BY JOSHUA SUDOCK, ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER -- Tony Baxter, a longtime head Disney Imagineer, who is responsible for major projects like Big Thunder, Star Tours, etc. will be getting a window on Main Street this fall. We walk around Disneyland and talk about his career in advance of the honor...Picture made at Disneyland in Anaheim Wednesday, September 11, 2013. (Credit Image: © Joshua Sudock/Orange County Register via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Joshua Sudock/Orange County Register via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Tabloid Rights Out

    商品コード: 2021042810154

  • ポーズとる石浦 語学留学先で角界入り決心
    ポーズとる石浦 語学留学先で角界入り決心


    商品コード: 2015012800532

  • 会見する石浦 語学留学先で角界入り決心
    会見する石浦 語学留学先で角界入り決心


    商品コード: 2015012800533

  • 石浦 語学留学先で角界入り決心
    石浦 語学留学先で角界入り決心


    商品コード: 2015012800534

  • 対決心待ちの田中 米大リーグ・田中
    対決心待ちの田中 米大リーグ・田中


    商品コード: 2017062300478

  • 伴さんとスタッフ 教え子との対決、心待ち
    伴さんとスタッフ 教え子との対決、心待ち


    商品コード: 2018031100395

  • 伴一彦さん 教え子との対決、心待ち
    伴一彦さん 教え子との対決、心待ち


    商品コード: 2018031100418

  • 崔相龍・元駐日大使 日本文化開放、早くに決心
    崔相龍・元駐日大使 日本文化開放、早くに決心


    商品コード: 2018092826115

  •  中国国際輸入博ボラ宣誓式開催ユニ、テーマソング初公開


    商品コード: 2018102216792

  •  中国国際輸入博ボラ宣誓式開催ユニ、テーマソング初公開


    商品コード: 2018102217224

  •  中国国際輸入博ボラ宣誓式開催ユニ、テーマソング初公開


    商品コード: 2018102217029

  •  中国国際輸入博ボラ宣誓式開催ユニ、テーマソング初公開


    商品コード: 2018102216773

  •  中国国際輸入博ボラ宣誓式開催ユニ、テーマソング初公開


    商品コード: 2018102217235

  •  中国国際輸入博ボラ宣誓式開催ユニ、テーマソング初公開


    商品コード: 2018102216717

  •  ミャオ族「画家」伝統絵画への思い貴州省竜里県


    商品コード: 2018112615197

  •  ミャオ族「画家」伝統絵画への思い貴州省竜里県


    商品コード: 2018112615444

  •  ミャオ族「画家」伝統絵画への思い貴州省竜里県


    商品コード: 2018112615402

  •  ミャオ族「画家」伝統絵画への思い貴州省竜里県


    商品コード: 2018112615377

  •  ミャオ族「画家」伝統絵画への思い貴州省竜里県


    商品コード: 2018112615201

  •  ミャオ族「画家」伝統絵画への思い貴州省竜里県


    商品コード: 2018112615821

  •  「新華社」伝統文化を幼稚園の授業に導入寧夏隆徳


    商品コード: 2019030502610

  • 決心を固めた男性 顔を出して仲間に伝える
    決心を固めた男性 顔を出して仲間に伝える


    商品コード: 2019041801881

  •  中国商人、日本で花椒栽培に乗り出す海外市場に活路


    商品コード: 2019060403020

  •  中国商人、日本で花椒栽培に乗り出す海外市場に活路


    商品コード: 2019060402999

  •  中国商人、日本で花椒栽培に乗り出す海外市場に活路


    商品コード: 2019060301536

  •  中国商人、日本で花椒栽培に乗り出す海外市場に活路


    商品コード: 2019060301553

  •  中国商人、日本で花椒栽培に乗り出す海外市場に活路


    商品コード: 2019060301550

  •  中国商人、日本で花椒栽培に乗り出す海外市場に活路


    商品コード: 2019060301535

  •  Crummey

    August 8, 2019, St. John‘s, NL, Canada: Author Michael Crummey poses for a picture on Middle Cove Beach, just outside St. John‘s on Thursday, August 8, 2019. When it came time for Crummey to write his latest novel, he decided he wouldn‘t make it easy for himself âÃî or his reader. (Credit Image: © Paul Daly/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Paul Daly/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT

    商品コード: 2023092902198

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102830

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102788

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102825

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102826

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102770

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102780

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102709

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102773

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102787

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102775

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102778

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102756

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102789

  •  帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051102783

  •  「新華社」帰郷した若者が農業のライブ配信でインフルエンサーに


    商品コード: 2020051402417

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: People on tractors during the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613286

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: People wait for the 4th of July tractor parade to start in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613266

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: Young people on an ATV ride in the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613315

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: People on tractors during the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613334

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: Spectators cheer during the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613344

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: A man plays the saxophone during the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613290

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: Spectators cheer during the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613311

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: People on tractors during the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613329

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: Young people on an ATV ride in the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613335

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: A man on a tractor waves the American flag during the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613310

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: A man on a tractor throws candy during the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613312

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: Spectators cheer during the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613283

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: A family waits for the final unit to pass them during the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613277

  •  4th of July in Iowa
    4th of July in Iowa

    July 4, 2020, Runnells, Iowa, U.S: People on horseback bring up the end of the 4th of July tractor parade in Runnells, a small community about 25 miles from Des Moines. Most of the Independence Day parades in central Iowa were cancelled because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. People in Runnells made the decision to go ahead with their parade, the first 4th of July parade in the town in recent memory. Most of the people in the parade were farmers, who drove their tractors through the town. (Credit Image: © Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020070613347

  • 演説する金正恩氏 金氏「苦難の行軍」決心
    演説する金正恩氏 金氏「苦難の行軍」決心


    商品コード: 2021040904283

  • 金正恩総書記 金氏「苦難の行軍」決心
    金正恩総書記 金氏「苦難の行軍」決心


    商品コード: 2021040904285

  •  (3)2021年中国ブランドデーのイベントが始動上海市

    10日、洋上風力発電設備設置船(SEP船)「決心」シリーズの模型を見つめる来場者。中国上海市の上海展覧センターで10日、2021年「中国ブランドデー」のイベントが開催された。(上海=新華社記者/方喆)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年5月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021051111174

  •  Cannes -Closing Ceremony - Day 12- DN
    Cannes -Closing Ceremony - Day 12- DN

    Park Chan-Wook recieves an award for Best Director for “Heojil Kyolshim (Decision to Leave)“ with his wife Kim Eun-hee at the closing ceremony for the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals on May 28, 2022 in Cannes, France . Photo by David Niviere/ABACAPRESS.COM=2021(令和3)年5月28日、クレジット:Niviere David/ABACAPRESS.COM/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022053007062

  •  Cannes -Closing Ceremony - Day 12- DN
    Cannes -Closing Ceremony - Day 12- DN

    Park Chan-Wook recieves an award for Best Director for “Heojil Kyolshim (Decision to Leave)“ with his wife Kim Eun-hee at the closing ceremony for the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals on May 28, 2022 in Cannes, France . Photo by David Niviere/ABACAPRESS.COM=2021(令和3)年5月28日、クレジット:Niviere David/ABACAPRESS.COM/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022053007041

  •  平壌で音楽公演開始 国務委演奏団が存在感
    平壌で音楽公演開始 国務委演奏団が存在感

    北朝鮮の首都平壌(ピョンヤン)の三池淵(サムジヨン)劇場で2日、「国務委員会演奏団」の公演が始まった。北朝鮮メディアは6月20日、金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)朝鮮労働党総書記が党幹部と共に同演奏団の公演を観覧したと報じていた。今回は市民向けとみられ、金氏観覧時と違って観客はみなマスク姿だった。<映像内容> 冒頭~三池淵劇場、00・39~「国務委員会演奏団公演」、02・34~スクリーンに映し出された金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記、03・06~事務員の韓英愛さん(26)「今日の公演を見てとても感動しました。どの演目も手が痛くなるのも気づかず熱狂して拍手し、素敵な公演を見せてくれた出演者たちに感謝したい」、03・20~教員の洪麗さん(24)は「管弦楽と合唱がうまく、独唱の歌手の実力も高い。とくに母に関する歌が印象に残った」、03・34~市民の李明進さん(73)「敬愛する元帥様(金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記)によりよく仕えなければならないとの決心が固まった」、撮影日:2021(令和3)年7月4日、撮影場所:北朝鮮・平壌

    商品コード: 2021070503571

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    September 19, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus...

    商品コード: 2021111201324

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    September 19, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus...

    商品コード: 2021111201299

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    September 19, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus...

    商品コード: 2021111201369

  •  News - October 1, 2021
    News - October 1, 2021

    October 1, 2021, Albuquerque, NEW MEXICO, USA: Roberto E. Rosales.Sandia‘s halfback Gauge Berlint(Cq),center, tries to scores as Santa Fe‘s defense gets there to try and push him out of bounds Friday evening at Wilson Stadium. .Albuquerque, New Mexico/Roberto E. Rosales/Albuquerque Journal. (Credit Image: © Roberto E. Rosales/Albuquerque Journal via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Roberto E. Rosales/Albuquerque Journal via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021100210377


    (211104) -- DAXIN, Nov. 4, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Zhao Jianbai waves goodbye to a villager after an on-call service at Ren‘ai Village, Xialei Township, Daxin County of south China‘s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nov. 3, 2021. Zhao Jianbai, a native to Ren‘ai Village along the border between China and Vietnam, has been serving as a village doctor since he accomplished his professional training and returned to his hometown in 1998.Ren‘ai, remotely located in mountainous areas, used to be inaccessible to motor vehicles and scarce with medical resources. When ill, villagers usually relied on themselves to heal, and they sought medical treatment on foot from hospitals far away in urban areas only if their diseases went beyond their natural healing capacity.Having seen so many people close to him suffering from health problems, Zhao made up his mind to devote his service to the villages. He al.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110600968


    (211104) -- DAXIN, Nov. 4, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Zhao Jianbai organizes medicines in a clinic at Ren‘ai Village, Xialei Township, Daxin County of south China‘s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nov. 3, 2021. Zhao Jianbai, a native to Ren‘ai Village along the border between China and Vietnam, has been serving as a village doctor since he accomplished his professional training and returned to his hometown in 1998.Ren‘ai, remotely located in mountainous areas, used to be inaccessible to motor vehicles and scarce with medical resources. When ill, villagers usually relied on themselves to heal, and they sought medical treatment on foot from hospitals far away in urban areas only if their diseases went beyond their natural healing capacity.Having seen so many people close to him suffering from health problems, Zhao made up his mind to devote his service to the villages. He always responds to call.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110601154


    (211104) -- DAXIN, Nov. 4, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Zhao Jianbai is on call at Ren‘ai Village, Xialei Township, Daxin County of south China‘s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nov. 3, 2021. Zhao Jianbai, a native to Ren‘ai Village along the border between China and Vietnam, has been serving as a village doctor since he accomplished his professional training and returned to his hometown in 1998.Ren‘ai, remotely located in mountainous areas, used to be inaccessible to motor vehicles and scarce with medical resources. When ill, villagers usually relied on themselves to heal, and they sought medical treatment on foot from hospitals far away in urban areas only if their diseases went beyond their natural healing capacity.Having seen so many people close to him suffering from health problems, Zhao made up his mind to devote his service to the villages. He always responds to calls for help, near or f.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110600673


    (211104) -- DAXIN, Nov. 4, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Zhao Jianbai performs a medical check at Ren‘ai Village, Xialei Township, Daxin County of south China‘s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nov. 3, 2021. Zhao Jianbai, a native to Ren‘ai Village along the border between China and Vietnam, has been serving as a village doctor since he accomplished his professional training and returned to his hometown in 1998.Ren‘ai, remotely located in mountainous areas, used to be inaccessible to motor vehicles and scarce with medical resources. When ill, villagers usually relied on themselves to heal, and they sought medical treatment on foot from hospitals far away in urban areas only if their diseases went beyond their natural healing capacity.Having seen so many people close to him suffering from health problems, Zhao made up his mind to devote his service to the villages. He always responds to calls for h.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110601106


    (211104) -- DAXIN, Nov. 4, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Zhao Jianbai performs a medical check in a clinic at Ren‘ai Village, Xialei Township, Daxin County of south China‘s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nov. 3, 2021. Zhao Jianbai, a native to Ren‘ai Village along the border between China and Vietnam, has been serving as a village doctor since he accomplished his professional training and returned to his hometown in 1998.Ren‘ai, remotely located in mountainous areas, used to be inaccessible to motor vehicles and scarce with medical resources. When ill, villagers usually relied on themselves to heal, and they sought medical treatment on foot from hospitals far away in urban areas only if their diseases went beyond their natural healing capacity.Having seen so many people close to him suffering from health problems, Zhao made up his mind to devote his service to the villages. He always responds to.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110601429


    (211104) -- DAXIN, Nov. 4, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Zhao Jianbai performs a medical check at Ren‘ai Village, Xialei Township, Daxin County of south China‘s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nov. 3, 2021. Zhao Jianbai, a native to Ren‘ai Village along the border between China and Vietnam, has been serving as a village doctor since he accomplished his professional training and returned to his hometown in 1998.Ren‘ai, remotely located in mountainous areas, used to be inaccessible to motor vehicles and scarce with medical resources. When ill, villagers usually relied on themselves to heal, and they sought medical treatment on foot from hospitals far away in urban areas only if their diseases went beyond their natural healing capacity.Having seen so many people close to him suffering from health problems, Zhao made up his mind to devote his service to the villages. He always responds to calls for h.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110600509


    (211104) -- DAXIN, Nov. 4, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Zhao Jianbai performs a medical check at Ren‘ai Village, Xialei Township, Daxin County of south China‘s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nov. 3, 2021. Zhao Jianbai, a native to Ren‘ai Village along the border between China and Vietnam, has been serving as a village doctor since he accomplished his professional training and returned to his hometown in 1998.Ren‘ai, remotely located in mountainous areas, used to be inaccessible to motor vehicles and scarce with medical resources. When ill, villagers usually relied on themselves to heal, and they sought medical treatment on foot from hospitals far away in urban areas only if their diseases went beyond their natural healing capacity.Having seen so many people close to him suffering from health problems, Zhao made up his mind to devote his service to the villages. He always responds to calls for h.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110601092


    (211104) -- DAXIN, Nov. 4, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Zhao Jianbai demonstrates the proper way of hand-washing for elementary school students at Ren‘ai Village, Xialei Township, Daxin County of south China‘s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nov. 3, 2021. Zhao Jianbai, a native to Ren‘ai Village along the border between China and Vietnam, has been serving as a village doctor since he accomplished his professional training and returned to his hometown in 1998.Ren‘ai, remotely located in mountainous areas, used to be inaccessible to motor vehicles and scarce with medical resources. When ill, villagers usually relied on themselves to heal, and they sought medical treatment on foot from hospitals far away in urban areas only if their diseases went beyond their natural healing capacity.Having seen so many people close to him suffering from health problems, Zhao made up his mind to devote his service .....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110601331

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    November 11, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus ...

    商品コード: 2021111201280

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    November 11, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus ...

    商品コード: 2021111201302

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    November 11, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus ...

    商品コード: 2021111201350

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    November 11, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus ...

    商品コード: 2021111201368

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    November 11, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus ...

    商品コード: 2021111201278

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    November 11, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus ...

    商品コード: 2021111201293

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    November 11, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus ...

    商品コード: 2021111201285

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    November 11, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus ...

    商品コード: 2021111201359

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    November 11, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus ...

    商品コード: 2021111201356

  •  New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor
    New Dinosaur Discovered By Retired Doctor

    November 11, 2021, Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom: A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by scientists at the University of Portsmouth and UK Natural History Museum..The new species, named Brighstoneus simmondsi, was discovered by a retired General Practitioner (GP), Dr. Jeremy Lockwood, who was determined to prove that the two most common dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight - known as the ââ¬Ëcattle of the Cretaceousââ¬â¢ ââ¬â were not alone..He embarked on the arduous task of going through every single Iguanodon bone ever discovered on the Isle of Wight in the collections at the Natural History Museum in London and Dinosaur Isle Museum and found a remarkable nasal bone like no other..Jeremy, who is currently studying for a PhD in the School of Environment, Geography and Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: ââ¬ÅFor over 100 years, weââ¬â¢d only seen two types of dinosaur on the Isle of Wight ââ¬â the plant-eating Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus ...

    商品コード: 2021111201340

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