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1998年08月11日陳沢憲主任 「法の下の平等」を体現中国社会科学院法学研究所の陳沢憲氏
商品コード: 1998081100098
2002年11月21日今里滋氏 九州大教授が出馬の意向九州大大学院法学研究院教授の今里滋氏
商品コード: 2002112100030
2003年02月12日会見する今里滋氏 今里氏が九大教授退官福岡県知事選出馬のため、九州大法学研究院教授を退官し記者会見する今里滋氏=12日午後、福岡市東区
商品コード: 2003021200143
2003年05月29日協定書交換する両大学 法科大学院の連携で調印法科大学院の教育連携で協定書を交換する吾郷真一九州大大学院法学研究院長(右)と辰村吉康鹿児島大法文学部長=29日午前、福岡市東区の九州大学
商品コード: 2003052900145
2005年01月05日「カラー」「人物通信」【】 ◎位田隆一(いだ・りゅういち) 顔 京都大学大学院法学研究科教授、撮影日 2004.11.09、出稿日 2005.01.28
商品コード: 2005010500044
2005年07月22日「カラー」「人物通信」【】 ◎辻村みよ子(つじむら・みよこ) 顔 憲法学者、東北大学大学院法学研究科教授、撮影日 2005.05.23、出稿日 2005.08.12
商品コード: 2005072200042
2006年06月23日「カラー」「人物通信」【】 ◎小林節(こばやし・せつ) 顔 慶応大学法学部兼大学院法学研究科教授、撮影日 2006.04.24、出稿日 2006.07.14
商品コード: 2006062300135
2007年12月13日「カラー」【】 ◎国分良成(こくぶん・りょうせい) 慶応大学法学部教授、大学院法学研究科委員長、顔、2007年11月28日撮影
商品コード: 2007121300027
2007年12月13日「カラー」【】 ◎片山善博(かたやま・よしひろ) 慶応大学大学院法学研究科教授、前鳥取県知事、顔、2007年11月27日撮影
商品コード: 2007121300024
2009年04月27日(やまもと・かずひこ) 山本和彦一橋大学大学院法学研究科教授、2009年4月27日撮影
商品コード: 2009042700358
2012年09月05日(なかじま・たけし) 中島岳志北海道大学大学院法学研究科准教授、2012年9月5日撮影
商品コード: 2012090500329
2014年06月13日法相に提言を手渡し 司法予備試験見直し提言谷垣法相(左端)に予備試験に関する提言を手渡す京都大大学院法学研究科の洲崎博史教授(左から2人目)ら=13日午後、法務省(谷垣禎一)
商品コード: 2014061300868
2015年09月15日坂元一哉氏 参院平和安全法制特別委参院平和安全法制特別委の中央公聴会で、意見を述べる公述人の坂元一哉大阪大学大学院法学研究科教授=15日午後
商品コード: 2015091500660
2018年08月31日Pk on wage dispute at university hospitals31 August 2018, Germany, Duesseldorf: Ekkehard Zimmer (l-r), Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of the University Hospital Düsseldorf, Jochen Werner, Chairman of the Executive Board of the University Hospital Essen, Wilfried Jacobs, former Chairman of the Executive Board of AOK Rheinland/Hamburg and Schlichter in the collective bargaining dispute, Ulrich Preis, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Cologne and Schlichter in the collective bargaining dispute, and Wolfgang Pieper, Member of the Federal Executive Board of Verdi, sit at a press conference to settle the dispute between the University Clinics Düsseldorf and Essen. Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018090721557
2018年08月31日Pk on wage dispute at university hospitals31 August 2018, Germany, Duesseldorf: Wilfried Jacobs (2nd from left), former chairman of the board of AOK Rheinland/Hamburg and mediator in the wage dispute, and Ulrich Preis (2nd from right), dean of the law faculty of the University of Cologne and mediator in the wage dispute, sit at a press conference to mediate in the dispute between the university clinics of Düsseldorf and Essen. Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018090721605
2018年08月31日Pk on wage dispute at university hospitals31 August 2018, Germany, Duesseldorf: Ekkehard Zimmer (back, l-r), Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Düsseldorf University Hospital, Jochen Werner, Chairman of the Executive Board of Essen University Hospital, Wilfried Jacobs, former Chairman of the Executive Board of AOK Rheinland/Hamburg and Schlichter in the collective bargaining dispute, Ulrich Preis, Dean of the Faculty of Law at Cologne University and Schlichter in the collective bargaining dispute, and Wolfgang Pieper, member of Verdi‘s Federal Executive Board, at a press conference to settle the dispute at Düsseldorf and Essen University Hospitals. Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018090721584
2019年01月28日新潟大と神戸大の調印式 法曹コース設置で連携協定協定書に調印した新潟大の馬場健法学部長(左)と神戸大の大西裕法学研究科長=28日午後、神戸市
商品コード: 2019012821740
2020年01月16日Russia Putin Constitution16.01.2020 From left, Director of the Russian Government‘s Institute of Legislation and Comparative Jurisprudence Taliya Khabriyeva, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee for Constitutional Legislation and State Development Andrei Klishas and Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Anton Vaino talk before a meeting to prepare amendments to the Russian constitution at Novo-Ogarevo residence, outside Moscow, Russia. Mikhail Klimentyev / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020011704073
2020年02月26日Russia Putin Сonstitution26.02.2020 Director of the Russian Government‘s Institute of Legislation and Comparative Jurisprudence Taliya Khabriyeva, left, and Chairman of the Federation Council Committee for Constitutional Legislation and State Development Andrei Klishas talk before a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with members of the working group on proposals for amendments to the Russian constitution, in Moscow, Russia. Sergey Mamontov / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020022812889
2020年09月19日Supreme Court Candidate Frontrunner: AMY CONEY BARRETTNew Orleans, Louisiana, USA: AMY CONEY BARRETT, 48, (born January 28, 1972) is a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit who previously served as the Diane and M.O. Miller Research Chair of Law and Professor of Law at Notre Dame Law School. (Credit Image: © University of Notre Dame/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©University of Notre Dame/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020092407596
2021年10月28日Pilar Llop attends the delivery of offices to the XXX Promotion of Forensic DoctorsOctober 28, 2021, Madrid, Spain: The Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, makes a statement to the media before attending the ceremony for the awarding of diplomas to the XXX Promotion of Forensic Doctors, at the Centre for Legal Studies-CEJ, on 28 October 2021, in Madrid (Spain)...28 OCTOBER 2021;PILAR LLOP;OFFICES;FORENSIC PHYSICIANS;PROMOTION..Alberto Ortega / Europa Press..10/28/2021 (Credit Image: © Alberto Ortega/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Alberto Ortega/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany, and UK Rights OUT
商品コード: 2021102904412
2021年10月28日Pilar Llop attends the delivery of offices to the XXX Promotion of Forensic DoctorsOctober 28, 2021, Madrid, Spain: The Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, makes a statement to the media before attending the ceremony for the awarding of diplomas to the XXX Promotion of Forensic Doctors, at the Centre for Legal Studies-CEJ, on 28 October 2021, in Madrid (Spain)...28 OCTOBER 2021;PILAR LLOP;OFFICES;FORENSIC PHYSICIANS;PROMOTION..Alberto Ortega / Europa Press..10/28/2021 (Credit Image: © Alberto Ortega/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Alberto Ortega/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany, and UK Rights OUT
商品コード: 2021102904407
2021年10月28日Pilar Llop attends the delivery of offices to the XXX Promotion of Forensic DoctorsOctober 28, 2021, Madrid, Spain: The Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, makes a statement to the media before attending the ceremony for the awarding of diplomas to the XXX Promotion of Forensic Doctors, at the Centre for Legal Studies-CEJ, on 28 October 2021, in Madrid (Spain)...28 OCTOBER 2021;PILAR LLOP;OFFICES;FORENSIC PHYSICIANS;PROMOTION..Alberto Ortega / Europa Press..10/28/2021 (Credit Image: © Alberto Ortega/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Alberto Ortega/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany, and UK Rights OUT
商品コード: 2021102904410
2021年10月28日Pilar Llop attends the delivery of offices to the XXX Promotion of Forensic DoctorsOctober 28, 2021, Madrid, Spain: The Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, makes a statement to the media before attending the ceremony for the awarding of diplomas to the XXX Promotion of Forensic Doctors, at the Centre for Legal Studies-CEJ, on 28 October 2021, in Madrid (Spain)...28 OCTOBER 2021;PILAR LLOP;OFFICES;FORENSIC PHYSICIANS;PROMOTION..Alberto Ortega / Europa Press..10/28/2021 (Credit Image: © Alberto Ortega/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Alberto Ortega/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※France, Germany, and UK Rights OUT
商品コード: 2021102904569
2021年12月28日CHINA-BEIJING-HONG KONG-DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS-EXPERTS-WHITE PAPER (CN)(211227) -- BEIJING, Dec. 27, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Wang Zhenmi (2nd L), head of the Center for Hong Kong and Macao Studies at Tsinghua University, Han Dayuan (2nd R), professor at the Renmin University of China, and Zhi Zhenfeng (1st R), a researcher with the Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, attend a briefing on a white paper on Hong Kong‘s democratic progress in Beijing, capital of China, Dec. 27, 2021. The white paper, titled “Hong Kong: Democratic Progress Under the Framework of One Country, Two Systems,“ was released by China‘s State Council Information Office on Dec. 20. TO GO WITH “Prospects bright for democracy in HK: experts“ (Photo by Liu Jian/Xinhua)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021122906425
2023年05月02日Judiciary Hearing - WashingtonFrom left to right: Jeremy Fogel, Executive Director, Berkeley Judicial Institute and former United States District Judge for the Northern District of California; Michael B. Mukasey, former US Attorney General and former US District Judge for the Southern District of New York; Kedric Payne, Vice President, General Counsel, & Senior Director of Ethics Campaign Legal Center; Thomas H. Dupree Jr., Partner and Co-Chair of the Appellate and Constitutional Law Practice Group Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher; and Amanda Frost, John A. Ewald Jr. Research Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law; are sworn-in to testify before the US Senate Committee on the Judiciary Hearing âSupreme Court Ethics Reformâ on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, USA, Tuesday, May 2, 2023. Photo by Rod Lamkey/CNP/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年5月2日、クレジット:Lamkey Rod/CNP/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023051313820
2024年01月16日Bolaños inaugurates the 62nd promotion of access to the tax careerJanuary 16, 2024, Madrid, Spain: The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Félix Bolaños, speaks during the inauguration of the 62nd promotion of access to the prosecutor‘s career, at the Center for Legal Studies, on January 16, 2024, in Madrid (Spain). Bolaños announced today that the Government will promote 219 prosecutors as a measure of ‘‘recognition of the work of the Public Prosecutor‘s Office‘‘...16 JANUARY 2024..Alejandro MartÃÂnez Vélez / Europa Press..01/16/2024 (Credit Image: © Alejandro MartÃÂNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Alejandro MartÃÂNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2024011701575
2024年01月16日Bolaños inaugurates the 62nd promotion of access to the tax careerJanuary 16, 2024, Madrid, Spain: The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Félix Bolaños, speaks during the inauguration of the 62nd promotion of access to the prosecutor‘s career, at the Center for Legal Studies, on January 16, 2024, in Madrid (Spain). Bolaños announced today that the Government will promote 219 prosecutors as a measure of ‘‘recognition of the work of the Public Prosecutor‘s Office‘‘...16 JANUARY 2024..Alejandro MartÃÂnez Vélez / Europa Press..01/16/2024 (Credit Image: © Alejandro MartÃÂNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Alejandro MartÃÂNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT
商品コード: 2024011701584
2024年02月19日Cali‘s Universidad del Valle Inaugurates Law SchoolCali, Colombia‘s Universidad del Valle ‘UNIVALLE‘ rector of the university Guillermo Murillo Vargas participates during the inauguration of the new law school of the university, on February 19, 2024. in Cali, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Marmolejo/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024022107552
2024年02月19日Cali‘s Universidad del Valle Inaugurates Law SchoolCali, Colombia‘s Universidad del Valle ‘UNIVALLE‘ rector of the university Guillermo Murillo Vargas participates during the inauguration of the new law school of the university, on February 19, 2024. in Cali, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Marmolejo/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024022107548
2024年02月19日Cali‘s Universidad del Valle Inaugurates Law SchoolCali, Colombia‘s Universidad del Valle ‘UNIVALLE‘ rector of the university Guillermo Murillo Vargas participates during the inauguration of the new law school of the university, on February 19, 2024. in Cali, Colombia. Photo by: Sebastian Marmolejo/Long Visual Press/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Long Visual Press/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024022107549
2024年11月14日(さとう・けん) 佐藤健情報・システム研究機構人工知能法学研究支援センター長、2024年11月14日撮影、東京・内幸町の日本記者クラブ
商品コード: 2024111405688
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