
  • 王立天文学会月報
  • アストロフィジカルジャーナル
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  • 古い順
( 1 10 件を表示)
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( 1 10 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  ‘Mary Somerville
    ‘Mary Somerville

    ‘Mary Somerville, born Fairfax (1780-1872) Scottish science writer and polymath, as a child. Studied mathematics and astronomy, subjects not considered suitable for a woman. In 1835 she and Caroline Herschel elected first women members of Royal Astronomical Society. Somerville College, Oxford, named for her.‘、クレジット:World History Archive/ニューズコム/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用に関してはお問合せください。

    商品コード: 2019070700244

  •  Manuel John Johnson
    Manuel John Johnson

    Manuel John Johnson, 1862. Johnson (1805-1859) observed the total solar eclipse of 27 July 1832 while in charge of the St Helena observatory. Keeper of the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford (1839-1859). President of the Royal Astronomical Society 1857-1858. Obverse of medal of the Johnson Memorial Prize for the advance of astronomy and meteorology founded in 1862.、クレジット:World History Archive/ニューズコム/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用に関してはお問合せください。

    商品コード: 2019072404306

  •  Citizen Scientists Discover Two Gaseous Planets around a Bright Sun-like Star
    Citizen Scientists Discover Two Gaseous Planets around a Bright Sun-like Star

    June 11, 2021: THIS PICTURE: In this artistââ¬â¢s rendering, two gaseous planets orbit the bright star HD 152843. These planets were discovered through the citizen science project Planet Hunters TESS, in collaboration with professional scientists..........STORY CAPTION:..A citizen science project has discovered two exoplanets. ..Planet Hunters TESS is a NASA-funded citizen science project that looks for evidence of planets beyond our solar system, or exoplanets. Citizen science is a way for members of the public to collaborate with scientists. More than 29,000 people worldwide have joined the Planet Hunters TESS effort to help scientists find exoplanets. ..Now, Planet Hunters TESS has announced the discovery of two exoplanets in a study published online in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, listing Rubio and more than a dozen other citizen scientists as co-authors. ..These exotic worlds orbit a star called HD 152843, located about 352 light-years away. This star is about the same mass as ...

    商品コード: 2021061108044

  •  UK Scientist Discovers ‘Ultramassive Black Hole‘ - One Of Largest Ever Found
    UK Scientist Discovers ‘Ultramassive Black Hole‘ - One Of Largest Ever Found

    March 28, 2023, Durham, Durham, United Kingdom: VIDEO AVAILABLE: CONTACT INFO@COVERMG.COM TO RECEIVE**..A team of astronomers, led by Dr James Nightingale from Durham Universityââ¬â¢s Department of Physics, has discovered one of the biggest black holes ever found. ..When the researchers included an ultramassive black hole in one of simulation, the path taken by the light from the faraway galaxy to reach Earth matched the path seen in real images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. .As such, the team had found an ultramassive black hole, an object over 30 billion times the mass of our Sun, in the foreground galaxy ââ¬â a scale rarely seen by astronomers. This is the first black hole found using gravitational lensing and the findings have been published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. .Most of the biggest black holes that we know about are in an active state, where matter pulled in close to the black hole heats up and releases energy in the form of light, X-rays, and...

    商品コード: 2023033103089

  •  UK Scientist Discovers ‘Ultramassive Black Hole‘ - One Of Largest Ever Found
    UK Scientist Discovers ‘Ultramassive Black Hole‘ - One Of Largest Ever Found

    March 28, 2023, Durham, Durham, United Kingdom: VIDEO AVAILABLE: CONTACT INFO@COVERMG.COM TO RECEIVE**..A team of astronomers, led by Dr James Nightingale from Durham Universityââ¬â¢s Department of Physics, has discovered one of the biggest black holes ever found. ..When the researchers included an ultramassive black hole in one of simulation, the path taken by the light from the faraway galaxy to reach Earth matched the path seen in real images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. .As such, the team had found an ultramassive black hole, an object over 30 billion times the mass of our Sun, in the foreground galaxy ââ¬â a scale rarely seen by astronomers. This is the first black hole found using gravitational lensing and the findings have been published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. .Most of the biggest black holes that we know about are in an active state, where matter pulled in close to the black hole heats up and releases energy in the form of light, X-rays, and...

    商品コード: 2023033103031

  •  UK Scientist Discovers ‘Ultramassive Black Hole‘ - One Of Largest Ever Found
    UK Scientist Discovers ‘Ultramassive Black Hole‘ - One Of Largest Ever Found

    March 28, 2023, Durham, Durham, United Kingdom: VIDEO AVAILABLE: CONTACT INFO@COVERMG.COM TO RECEIVE**..A team of astronomers, led by Dr James Nightingale from Durham Universityââ¬â¢s Department of Physics, has discovered one of the biggest black holes ever found. ..When the researchers included an ultramassive black hole in one of simulation, the path taken by the light from the faraway galaxy to reach Earth matched the path seen in real images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. .As such, the team had found an ultramassive black hole, an object over 30 billion times the mass of our Sun, in the foreground galaxy ââ¬â a scale rarely seen by astronomers. This is the first black hole found using gravitational lensing and the findings have been published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. .Most of the biggest black holes that we know about are in an active state, where matter pulled in close to the black hole heats up and releases energy in the form of light, X-rays, and...

    商品コード: 2023033102948

  •  UK Astronomer Discovers ‘Ultramassive Black Hole‘ - One Of Largest Ever Found
    UK Astronomer Discovers ‘Ultramassive Black Hole‘ - One Of Largest Ever Found

    March 28, 2023, Durham, Durham, United Kingdom: VIDEO AVAILABLE: CONTACT INFO@COVERMG.COM TO RECEIVE**..A team of astronomers, led by Dr James Nightingale from Durham Universityââ¬â¢s Department of Physics, has discovered one of the biggest black holes ever found. ..When the researchers included an ultramassive black hole in one of simulation, the path taken by the light from the faraway galaxy to reach Earth matched the path seen in real images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. .As such, the team had found an ultramassive black hole, an object over 30 billion times the mass of our Sun, in the foreground galaxy ââ¬â a scale rarely seen by astronomers. This is the first black hole found using gravitational lensing and the findings have been published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. .Most of the biggest black holes that we know about are in an active state, where matter pulled in close to the black hole heats up and releases energy in the form of light, X-rays, and...

    商品コード: 2023033102845

  •  (1)北京大学主導の研究チーム、大質量原始星集団形成過程を解明

    ジェームズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡で撮影した、分子雲(ぶんしうん)および分子雲が形成する大質量原始星の集団。(資料写真)人類が見ることのできるはるか遠くの星の光は、主に大質量恒星によるものであり、これらの巨大な体積を持つ希少な恒星は、大質量原始星の集団から誕生する。中国北京大学が主導する国際研究チームはここ数年、国内外の複数の大型電波望遠鏡を用いて高解像度かつ高感度な一連の観測研究を実施し、大質量原始星の集団が変化する様子を系統的に明らかにするとともに、完全かつ連続的な変化の動的画像の描画に成功した。研究の成果はこのほど、米国の天体物理学専門誌「アストロフィジカルジャーナル・サプリメントシリーズ」および英国の学術誌「王立天文学会月報」に掲載された。(北京=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011711911

  •  (2)北京大学主導の研究チーム、大質量原始星集団形成過程を解明

    ジェームズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡で撮影した形成中の原始星。(資料写真)人類が見ることのできるはるか遠くの星の光は、主に大質量恒星によるものであり、これらの巨大な体積を持つ希少な恒星は、大質量原始星の集団から誕生する。中国北京大学が主導する国際研究チームはここ数年、国内外の複数の大型電波望遠鏡を用いて高解像度かつ高感度な一連の観測研究を実施し、大質量原始星の集団が変化する様子を系統的に明らかにするとともに、完全かつ連続的な変化の動的画像の描画に成功した。研究の成果はこのほど、米国の天体物理学専門誌「アストロフィジカルジャーナル・サプリメントシリーズ」および英国の学術誌「王立天文学会月報」に掲載された。(北京=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011711913

  •  (3)北京大学主導の研究チーム、大質量原始星集団形成過程を解明

    大質量原始星の集団が変化する様子を示した図解イラスト。(資料写真)人類が見ることのできるはるか遠くの星の光は、主に大質量恒星によるものであり、これらの巨大な体積を持つ希少な恒星は、大質量原始星の集団から誕生する。中国北京大学が主導する国際研究チームはここ数年、国内外の複数の大型電波望遠鏡を用いて高解像度かつ高感度な一連の観測研究を実施し、大質量原始星の集団が変化する様子を系統的に明らかにするとともに、完全かつ連続的な変化の動的画像の描画に成功した。研究の成果はこのほど、米国の天体物理学専門誌「アストロフィジカルジャーナル・サプリメントシリーズ」および英国の学術誌「王立天文学会月報」に掲載された。(北京=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011711910

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