
  • 食品技術研究所
  • 令和
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  • デジタル経済
  • バリスタ
  • フードテック
  • モノのインターネット
  • 人工知能
  • 効率


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  • カテゴリ
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  • 古い順
( 1 100 件を表示)
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( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 古い順
  •  Isaac Peral (1852-1895).
    Isaac Peral (1852-1895).

    Isaac Peral (1852-1895). Spanish engineer, sailor and designer of the Peral Submarine. Immersion tests verified in the Bay of Cadiz in 1889. Engraving.、クレジット:Album/Prisma/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。

    商品コード: 2020052203599

  •  Eben Norton Horsfod (1818-1893) American chemist and disciple of Liebig.
    Eben Norton Horsfod (1818-1893) American chemist and disciple of Liebig.

    Eben Norton Horsfod (1818-1893) American chemist and disciple of Liebig. Called ‘The father of American food technology‘. Discovered Baking Powder. From James Sheridan Muspratt ‘Chemistry‘ (London, c1860). Engraving. Scientist、クレジット:World History Archive/ニューズコム/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用に関してはお問合せください。

    商品コード: 2019031902084

  •  Children at Food Technology class
    Children at Food Technology class

    01.07.1970 Children from Kindergarten No.204 at Food Technology class. Valeriy Shustov / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019082303869

  •  British candidate astronaut Clive Smith
    British candidate astronaut Clive Smith

    01.01.1989 British Space Program. Four people were selected for astronaut training in the Soviet Union following a call for applicants announced in the UK: Gordon Brooks (Royal Navy physician), Major Timothy Mace (Army Air Corps), Clive Smith (Kingston University lecturer) and Helen Sharman (food technologist). Astronaut hopeful Clive Smith during the final round of the competition. Vladimir Rodionov、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022081907039

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    メタミドホス 強い毒性、亜ヒ酸に匹敵


    商品コード: 2008020500150

  • メタミドホス 殺虫剤濃度は最大1万倍
    メタミドホス 殺虫剤濃度は最大1万倍


    商品コード: 2008031300269

  • オープニングセレモニー F&Nと南洋工科大、食品技術の研究所開所
    オープニングセレモニー F&Nと南洋工科大、食品技術の研究所開所


    商品コード: 2019012403274

  •  Insects as feed for pigs and chickens
    Insects as feed for pigs and chickens

    25 March 2019, Bremen, Bremerhaven: Rainer Benning, Professor of Food Technology at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, stands in the hall where the research laboratory in which larvae with wheat bran are grown was located. Soya and fish meal as protein suppliers are central components of animal feed - and controversial. Insects could be an alternative. Photo: Carmen Jaspersen/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019040304006

  •  「新華社」世界最大級の食品見本市開幕中国製品が注目を集めるドイツ


    商品コード: 2019100800256

  •  「新華社」上海コーヒー文化ウイーク、AI搭載の「コーヒーロボット」が登場

    中国上海市で11日まで開催中の上海コーヒー文化ウイークで、さまざまな「コーヒーロボット」が技を競っている。これらのロボットは見た目がかわいらしいだけでなく、一流のバリスタに匹敵するほどの見事な技を持ち、かつ24時間休むことなく効率的にコーヒーを入れることが可能。コーヒーロボットは、人工知能(AI)、インターネット、IoT(モノのインターネット)、自動化、フードテック(食品技術)という5分野の技術が結びつき、中国のデジタル経済の流れの中で急速に発展してきた。すでに多くの海外バイヤーが中国からロボットを購入し、自国の消費者にコーヒーを提供している。(記者/王翔、黄安琪) =配信日: 2021(令和3)年4月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021040606674

  •  (2)上海コーヒー文化ウイーク、AI搭載の「コーヒーロボット」が登場

    1日、2本のアームでコーヒーを入れるロボット。中国上海市で11日まで開催中の上海コーヒー文化ウイークで、さまざまな「コーヒーロボット」が技を競っている。これらのロボットは見た目がかわいらしいだけでなく、一流のバリスタに匹敵するほどの見事な技を持ち、かつ24時間休むことなく効率的にコーヒーを入れることが可能。コーヒーロボットは、人工知能(AI)、インターネット、IoT(モノのインターネット)、自動化、フードテック(食品技術)という5分野の技術が結びつき、中国のデジタル経済の流れの中で急速に発展してきた。すでに多くの海外バイヤーが中国からロボットを購入し、自国の消費者にコーヒーを提供している。(上海=新華社記者/王翔)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年4月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021040605560

  •  (3)上海コーヒー文化ウイーク、AI搭載の「コーヒーロボット」が登場

    1日、ロボットカフェの前で列を作り、コーヒーの完成を待つ来場者。中国上海市で11日まで開催中の上海コーヒー文化ウイークで、さまざまな「コーヒーロボット」が技を競っている。これらのロボットは見た目がかわいらしいだけでなく、一流のバリスタに匹敵するほどの見事な技を持ち、かつ24時間休むことなく効率的にコーヒーを入れることが可能。コーヒーロボットは、人工知能(AI)、インターネット、IoT(モノのインターネット)、自動化、フードテック(食品技術)という5分野の技術が結びつき、中国のデジタル経済の流れの中で急速に発展してきた。すでに多くの海外バイヤーが中国からロボットを購入し、自国の消費者にコーヒーを提供している。(上海=新華社記者/王翔)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年4月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021040606676

  •  (1)上海コーヒー文化ウイーク、AI搭載の「コーヒーロボット」が登場

    3月29日、ラテアートを披露するロボット。中国上海市で11日まで開催中の上海コーヒー文化ウイークで、さまざまな「コーヒーロボット」が技を競っている。これらのロボットは見た目がかわいらしいだけでなく、一流のバリスタに匹敵するほどの見事な技を持ち、かつ24時間休むことなく効率的にコーヒーを入れることが可能。コーヒーロボットは、人工知能(AI)、インターネット、IoT(モノのインターネット)、自動化、フードテック(食品技術)という5分野の技術が結びつき、中国のデジタル経済の流れの中で急速に発展してきた。すでに多くの海外バイヤーが中国からロボットを購入し、自国の消費者にコーヒーを提供している。(上海=新華社記者/王翔)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年4月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021040606675

  •  Solemn sitting of Verkhovna Rada on 30th Independence Day
    Solemn sitting of Verkhovna Rada on 30th Independence Day

    August 24, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine: KYIV, UKRAINE - AUGUST 24, 2021 - Teacher at the National University of Food Technologies, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, MP of the 9th convocation Olha Koval delivers a speech during the solemn Verkhovna Rada sitting celebrating 30 years since the adoption of the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine, Kyiv, capital of Ukraine. (Credit Image: © Hennadii Minchenko/Ukrinform via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Hennadii Minchenko/Ukrinform via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021082507460

  •  Solemn sitting of Verkhovna Rada on 30th Independence Day
    Solemn sitting of Verkhovna Rada on 30th Independence Day

    KYIV, UKRAINE - AUGUST 24, 2021 - Teacher at the National University of Food Technologies, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, MP of the 9th convocation Olha Koval delivers a speech during the solemn Verkhovna Rada sitting celebrating 30 years since the adoption of the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine, Kyiv, capital of Ukraine. =2021(令和3)年8月24日、クレジット:Ukrinform/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021082514745

  •  Nõo meat factory
    Nõo meat factory

    10.11.2021, Tartu. Nõo Lihatööstus is Estonia´s largest meat industry based on local capital. Nõo´s portfolio includes more than 400 meat products. Food technologist Anne Värä introduces everyday work at the meat factory. Photo: KRISTJAN TEEDEMA/TARTU POSTIMEES=2021(令和3)年11月10日、クレジット:Tartu PM/Scanpix/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021111712977

  •  Nõo meat factory
    Nõo meat factory

    10.11.2021, Tartu. Nõo Lihatööstus is Estonia´s largest meat industry based on local capital. Nõo´s portfolio includes more than 400 meat products. Food technologist Anne Värä introduces everyday work at the meat factory. Photo: KRISTJAN TEEDEMA/TARTU POSTIMEES=2021(令和3)年11月10日、クレジット:Tartu PM/Scanpix/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021111713477

  •  Nõo meat factory
    Nõo meat factory

    10.11.2021, Tartu. Nõo Lihatööstus is Estonia´s largest meat industry based on local capital. Nõo´s portfolio includes more than 400 meat products. Food technologist Anne Värä introduces everyday work at the meat factory. Photo: KRISTJAN TEEDEMA/TARTU POSTIMEES=2021(令和3)年11月10日、クレジット:Tartu PM/Scanpix/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021111713446

  •  Nõo meat factory
    Nõo meat factory

    10.11.2021, Tartu. Nõo Lihatööstus is Estonia´s largest meat industry based on local capital. Nõo´s portfolio includes more than 400 meat products. Food technologist Anne Värä introduces everyday work at the meat factory. Photo: KRISTJAN TEEDEMA/TARTU POSTIMEES=2021(令和3)年11月10日、クレジット:Tartu PM/Scanpix/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021111713382

  •  Nõo meat factory
    Nõo meat factory

    10.11.2021, Tartu. Nõo Lihatööstus is Estonia´s largest meat industry based on local capital. Nõo´s portfolio includes more than 400 meat products. Food technologist Anne Värä introduces everyday work at the meat factory. Photo: KRISTJAN TEEDEMA/TARTU POSTIMEES=2021(令和3)年11月10日、クレジット:Tartu PM/Scanpix/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021111712846

  •  Nõo meat factory
    Nõo meat factory

    10.11.2021, Tartu. Nõo Lihatööstus is Estonia´s largest meat industry based on local capital. Nõo´s portfolio includes more than 400 meat products. Food technologist Anne Värä introduces everyday work at the meat factory. Photo: KRISTJAN TEEDEMA/TARTU POSTIMEES=2021(令和3)年11月10日、クレジット:Tartu PM/Scanpix/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021111713106

  •  Nõo meat factory
    Nõo meat factory

    10.11.2021, Tartu. Nõo Lihatööstus is Estonia´s largest meat industry based on local capital. Nõo´s portfolio includes more than 400 meat products. Food technologist Anne Värä introduces everyday work at the meat factory. Photo: KRISTJAN TEEDEMA/TARTU POSTIMEES=2021(令和3)年11月10日、クレジット:Tartu PM/Scanpix/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021111713422

  •  Nõo meat factory
    Nõo meat factory

    10.11.2021, Tartu. Nõo Lihatööstus is Estonia´s largest meat industry based on local capital. Nõo´s portfolio includes more than 400 meat products. Food technologist Anne Värä introduces everyday work at the meat factory. Photo: KRISTJAN TEEDEMA/TARTU POSTIMEES=2021(令和3)年11月10日、クレジット:Tartu PM/Scanpix/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021111713104

  •  Xinhua Headlines: China remains priority market for foreign enterprises
    Xinhua Headlines: China remains priority market for foreign enterprises

    (220930) -- BEIJING, Sept. 30, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Employees of Louis Dreyfus (Tianjin) food technology limited liability company load soybean meal onto a truck in north China‘s Tianjin, Feb. 18, 2020. (Xinhua/Song Rui)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100100066

  •  Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech
    Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech

    October 3, 2022, Tel Mond, Israel: Simpliigood claims to be the first company in the world to develop and operate a technology for high quality, cost effective, efficient, consistent, large scale production of fresh spirulina biomass in compliance with international food safety standards. The company applies a multidisciplinary approach that relies on expertise in the fields of biology, engineering, food technology, chemistry, computer science, nutrition and medicine to create the most dense and efficient natural food source on earth, closing the protein gap and offering a sustainable, affordable and clean labeled alternative, free of synthetic additives which is eco friendly, next generation agriculture and optimizes resource utilization while minimizing natural habitat destruction, land reclamation, fresh water utilization and pollution. (Credit Image: © Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100513433

  •  Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech
    Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech

    October 3, 2022, Tel Mond, Israel: Simpliigood claims to be the first company in the world to develop and operate a technology for high quality, cost effective, efficient, consistent, large scale production of fresh spirulina biomass in compliance with international food safety standards. The company applies a multidisciplinary approach that relies on expertise in the fields of biology, engineering, food technology, chemistry, computer science, nutrition and medicine to create the most dense and efficient natural food source on earth, closing the protein gap and offering a sustainable, affordable and clean labeled alternative, free of synthetic additives which is eco friendly, next generation agriculture and optimizes resource utilization while minimizing natural habitat destruction, land reclamation, fresh water utilization and pollution. (Credit Image: © Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100513180

  •  Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech
    Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech

    October 3, 2022, Tel Mond, Israel: Simpliigood claims to be the first company in the world to develop and operate a technology for high quality, cost effective, efficient, consistent, large scale production of fresh spirulina biomass in compliance with international food safety standards. The company applies a multidisciplinary approach that relies on expertise in the fields of biology, engineering, food technology, chemistry, computer science, nutrition and medicine to create the most dense and efficient natural food source on earth, closing the protein gap and offering a sustainable, affordable and clean labeled alternative, free of synthetic additives which is eco friendly, next generation agriculture and optimizes resource utilization while minimizing natural habitat destruction, land reclamation, fresh water utilization and pollution. (Credit Image: © Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100513273

  •  Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech
    Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech

    October 3, 2022, Tel Mond, Israel: Simpliigood claims to be the first company in the world to develop and operate a technology for high quality, cost effective, efficient, consistent, large scale production of fresh spirulina biomass in compliance with international food safety standards. The company applies a multidisciplinary approach that relies on expertise in the fields of biology, engineering, food technology, chemistry, computer science, nutrition and medicine to create the most dense and efficient natural food source on earth, closing the protein gap and offering a sustainable, affordable and clean labeled alternative, free of synthetic additives which is eco friendly, next generation agriculture and optimizes resource utilization while minimizing natural habitat destruction, land reclamation, fresh water utilization and pollution. (Credit Image: © Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100513258

  •  Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech
    Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech

    October 3, 2022, Tel Mond, Israel: Simpliigood claims to be the first company in the world to develop and operate a technology for high quality, cost effective, efficient, consistent, large scale production of fresh spirulina biomass in compliance with international food safety standards. The company applies a multidisciplinary approach that relies on expertise in the fields of biology, engineering, food technology, chemistry, computer science, nutrition and medicine to create the most dense and efficient natural food source on earth, closing the protein gap and offering a sustainable, affordable and clean labeled alternative, free of synthetic additives which is eco friendly, next generation agriculture and optimizes resource utilization while minimizing natural habitat destruction, land reclamation, fresh water utilization and pollution. (Credit Image: © Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100513415

  •  Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech
    Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech

    October 3, 2022, Tel Mond, Israel: A woman enjoys a Simpliigood spirulina coconut popsicle. Simpliigood claims to be the first company in the world to develop and operate a technology for high quality, cost effective, efficient, consistent, large scale production of fresh spirulina biomass in compliance with international food safety standards. The company applies a multidisciplinary approach that relies on expertise in the fields of biology, engineering, food technology, chemistry, computer science, nutrition and medicine to create the most dense and efficient natural food source on earth, closing the protein gap and offering a sustainable, affordable, free of synthetic additives which is eco friendly, next generation agriculture and optimizes resource utilization while minimizing natural habitat destruction, land reclamation, fresh water utilization and pollution. (Credit Image: © Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100513270

  •  Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech
    Israel: Aquaculture Sustainable Foodtech

    October 3, 2022, Tel Mond, Israel: A woman enjoys a Simpliigood spirulina coconut popsicle. Simpliigood claims to be the first company in the world to develop and operate a technology for high quality, cost effective, efficient, consistent, large scale production of fresh spirulina biomass in compliance with international food safety standards. The company applies a multidisciplinary approach that relies on expertise in the fields of biology, engineering, food technology, chemistry, computer science, nutrition and medicine to create the most dense and efficient natural food source on earth, closing the protein gap and offering a sustainable, affordable, free of synthetic additives which is eco friendly, next generation agriculture and optimizes resource utilization while minimizing natural habitat destruction, land reclamation, fresh water utilization and pollution. (Credit Image: © Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nir Alon/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100513338

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101505778

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101407048

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101407169

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101505807

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101505840

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101407043

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101407183

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101506109

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101605038

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101605030

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101407207

  •  Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!
    Italian Scientists Create Edible Sensor That Can Ensure A Perfect Frozen Pizza!

    October 12, 2022, Genoa, Liguria, Italy: Italian scientists have developed an edible sensor that can ensure your pizza has been frozen properly. . .Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) invented the first self-powered defrosting sensor. It exploits the inherent electronic properties of commonly ingested liquids or supplements, such as water, table salt, and various electrolytes to detect improper freezing of food while the sensor is placed on it. . .The new device has been described in an article published in ACS Sensors journal on October 12, 2022.. .The sensor is fully edible and is composed of two parts: a galvanic cell, operating with an aqueous electrolyte solution that generates an electrical current when defrosted; and a color-changing system indicator, based on red cabbage juice, producing an irreversible shift from reddish purple to blue when the galvanic cell produces the current. A block of beeswax keeps the two parts bound together. The temperature...

    商品コード: 2022101505406

  •  Iraq‘s Erbil hosts local food festival
    Iraq‘s Erbil hosts local food festival

    STORY: Iraq‘s Erbil hosts local food festivalDATELINE: Oct. 21, 2022LENGTH: 0:02:17LOCATION: ERBIL, IraqCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of food festival2. SOUNDBITE (Arabic): KHALED ISMAIL, Head of the Food Technology Department, Agriculture College, Salahaddin University-ErbilSTORYLINE:Erbil, the capital of Iraq‘s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, hosted Thursday a local food festival. It was organized by the Food Technology Department of Agriculture College of Salahaddin University-Erbil with the aim of promoting and urging local industries to support the Iraqi national economy.SOUNDBITE (Arabic): KHALED ISMAIL, Head of the Food Technology Department, Agriculture College, Salahaddin University-Erbil“We, the Food Technology Department of Agriculture College of Salahaddin University-Erbil, organized this festival of local food...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022102208606

  •  Xinhua Headlines: China‘s carbon emissions reduction goals attract foreign firms
    Xinhua Headlines: China‘s carbon emissions reduction goals attract foreign firms

    (221108) -- TIANJIN, Nov. 8, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Employees of Louis Dreyfus Company (Tianjin) Food Technology Co., Ltd. load soybean meal onto a truck in north China‘s Tianjin, Feb. 18, 2020. (Xinhua/Song Rui)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022110813411

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of Navarra, María Chivite (2l); the president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu (2r), and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán (1r), during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507495

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The President of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu, during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting was to promote collaboration on the common issues they share in the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507447

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: (L-R) The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu; the president of Navarra, María Chivite, and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán, during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share in the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507503

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The President of Navarra, María Chivite, and the President of Aragón, Javier Lambán, on their arrival at a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507628

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The President of Aragon, Javier Lambán, on his arrival at a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The meeting aims to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012508753

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: Flags of La Rioja, Navarra and Aragón, respectively at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507799

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The President of Navarra, María Chivite, and the President of Aragón, Javier Lambán, on their arrival at a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507626

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu (2l); the president of Navarra, María Chivite (3l), and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán (12r), on their arrival at a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The meeting aims to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507568

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: (L-R) The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu; the president of Navarra, María Chivite, and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán, intervene during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share in the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012511169

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: Employees of the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The President of Navarra, María Chivite; the President of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu, and the President of Aragón, Javier Lambán, have met to strengthen collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012508648

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu (2l); the president of Navarra, María Chivite (3l), and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán (1r), during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507480

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu (1r); the president of Navarra, María Chivite (c), and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán (1l), during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507776

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: (L-R) The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu; the president of Navarra, María Chivite, and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán, intervene during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share in the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012511294

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The President of Aragon, Javier Lambán, speaks during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues shared by the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507576

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of Navarra, María Chivite, on her arrival at a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA) on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The meeting aims to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507635

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The President of Aragon, Javier Lambán, speaks during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues shared by the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507597

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: (L-R) The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu; the president of Navarra, María Chivite, and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán, intervene during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share in the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012511183

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The President of Navarra, María Chivite, during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507569

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: (L-R) The president of Aragón, Javier Lambán; the president of Navarra, María Chivite, and the president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu, on their arrival at a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA) on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The meeting aims to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507657

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The President of Navarra, María Chivite, during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507456

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of Navarra, María Chivite, on her arrival at a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA) on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The meeting aims to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507633

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu (2l); the president of Navarra, María Chivite (1r), and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán (c), during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012511107

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of Navarra, María Chivite (2l); the president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu (2r), and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán (1r), during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507457

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu (1r); the president of Navarra, María Chivite (2l), and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán (c), during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to promote collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012511252

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu (l), and the president of Navarra, María Chivite (r), talk during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The meeting aims to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507686

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The President of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu, during a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting was to promote collaboration on the common issues they share in the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507590

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu (5l); the president of Navarra, María Chivite (c), and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán (5r), pose on their arrival at a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012508706

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: Facade of the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The President of Navarra, María Chivite; the President of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu, and the President of Aragón, Javier Lambán, have met to strengthen collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507715

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The President of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu, on her arrival at a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA) on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The meeting aims to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507608

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The president of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu (2l); the president of Navarra, María Chivite (c), and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán (1r), on their arrival at a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA) on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The meeting aims to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507623

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: The President of La Rioja, Concepción Andreu, on her arrival at a meeting at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA) on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The meeting aims to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507572

  •  The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)
    The governments of La Rioja, Aragón and Navarre meet in San Adrián (Navarre)

    January 24, 2023, San Adrián (Navarra, Spain: Flags of La Rioja, Navarra and Aragón, respectively at the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), on January 24, 2023, in San Adrián, Navarra (Spain). The purpose of the meeting is to enhance collaboration on the common issues they share around the so-called Ebro Alliance...24 JANUARY 2023;NAVARRA;GOVERNMENTS LA RIOJA;ARAGON AND NAVARRA..Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press..01/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Eduardo Sanz/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023012507811

  •  Morant presides over the Science Policy Council meeting in Paterna (Valencia)
    Morant presides over the Science Policy Council meeting in Paterna (Valencia)

    February 3, 2023, Valencia (Valencian Community, Spain: Attendees at the meeting of the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Council, at the headquarters of the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), on February 3, 2023, in Paterna, Valencia, Valencian Community (Spain). During the meeting of the Council for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Policy, which is attended by RDI policy makers from the autonomous communities and representatives from other ministries. This is the first time that the meeting is held outside Madrid...03 FEBRUARY 2023;COUNCIL;SCIENCE;POLICY;TECHNOLOGY;INNOVATION;I D I;REPRESENTATIVES;MINISTRIES..Jorge Gil / Europa Press..02/03/2023 (Credit Image: © Jorge Gil/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Jorge Gil/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023020409526

  •  Garzón presides over an event within the framework of Open Government Week
    Garzón presides over an event within the framework of Open Government Week

    March 24, 2023, Madrid, Spain: The food technologist and dietician-nutritionist Beatriz Robles speaks during the event ‘Transforming the future to improve life‘, in the framework of the Open Government Week, at the headquarters of the Ministry, on March 24, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The Open Government Week is an initiative, promoted worldwide by the Open Government Alliance (Open Gov Week), whose main objective is to bring Public Administrations closer to citizens, based on the principles of Open Government: Transparency, accountability, citizen participation, public integrity and collaboration...MARCH 24;2023;OSO Y MADROÃâO;PUERTA DEL SOL;MADRID;CONSTRUCTION WORK..Alejandro Martínez Vélez / Europa Press..03/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Alejandro MartíNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Alejandro MartíNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023032508009

  •  Garzón presides over an event within the framework of Open Government Week
    Garzón presides over an event within the framework of Open Government Week

    March 24, 2023, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) The food technologist and dietician-nutritionist Beatriz Robles; the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón and the journalist specialized in Nutrition, Laura Caorsi, intervene during the event ‘Transforming the future to improve life‘, within the framework of the Open Government Week, at the headquarters of the Ministry, on March 24, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The Open Government Week is an initiative, promoted worldwide by the Open Government Alliance (Open Gov Week), whose main objective is to bring Public Administrations closer to citizens, based on the principles of Open Government: Transparency, accountability, citizen participation, public integrity and collaboration...MARCH 24;2023;OSO Y MADROÃâO;PUERTA DEL SOL;MADRID;CONSTRUCTION WORK..Alejandro Martínez Vélez / Europa Press..03/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Alejandro MartíNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Alejandro MartíNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023032508063

  •  Garzón presides over an event within the framework of Open Government Week
    Garzón presides over an event within the framework of Open Government Week

    March 24, 2023, Madrid, Spain: The Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón and the food technologist and dietician-nutritionist Beatriz Robles on their arrival at the event ‘Transforming the future to improve life‘, within the framework of the Open Government Week, at the Ministry‘s headquarters, on March 24, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The Open Government Week is an initiative, promoted worldwide by the Open Government Partnership (Open Gov Week), whose main objective is to bring public administrations closer to citizens, based on the principles of Open Government: Transparency, accountability, citizen participation, public integrity and collaboration...MARCH 24;2023;OSO Y MADROÃâO;PUERTA DEL SOL;MADRID;CONSTRUCTION WORK..Alejandro Martínez Vélez / Europa Press..03/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Alejandro MartíNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Alejandro MartíNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023032508021

  •  Garzón presides over an event within the framework of Open Government Week
    Garzón presides over an event within the framework of Open Government Week

    March 24, 2023, Madrid, Spain: (L-R) The food technologist and dietician-nutritionist Beatriz Robles; the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón and the journalist specialized in Nutrition, Laura Caorsi, intervene during the event ‘Transforming the future to improve life‘, within the framework of the Open Government Week, at the headquarters of the Ministry, on March 24, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). The Open Government Week is an initiative, promoted worldwide by the Open Government Alliance (Open Gov Week), whose main objective is to bring Public Administrations closer to citizens, based on the principles of Open Government: Transparency, accountability, citizen participation, public integrity and collaboration...MARCH 24;2023;OSO Y MADROÃâO;PUERTA DEL SOL;MADRID;CONSTRUCTION WORK..Alejandro Martínez Vélez / Europa Press..03/24/2023 (Credit Image: © Alejandro MartíNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Alejandro MartíNez VéLez/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023032508040

  •  Int‘l food expo aims to promote Jordanian food industry
    Int‘l food expo aims to promote Jordanian food industry

    STORY: Int‘l food expo aims to promote Jordanian food industryDATELINE: Aug. 11, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:45LOCATION: AmmanCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the food expo2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Arabic): KHALIL HAJ TAWFIQ, President of the Jordan Chamber of Commerce3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Arabic): MOHAMMAD AL-NASBAN, Participant from Saudi Arabia4. various of the food expoSTORYLINE:More than 120 local and international exhibitors from 16 countries displayed their culinary innovations and signature food products during the ongoing International Food and Technology Expo 2023 which kicked off in the Jordanian capital Amman on Thursday. According to organizers, the 4-day event would spotlight the significant progress of the Jordanian food industry by showcasing diverse foodstuffs both imported and locally produced, while promoting their communication with international exhibitors...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081200071


    (231007) -- COLOGNE, Oct. 7, 2023 (Xinhua) -- A visitor takes photos at the food and beverage trade fair Anuga in Cologne, Germany, Oct. 7, 2023. Over 7,800 exhibitors are present at the world‘s leading food and beverage trade fair Anuga that kicked off here on Saturday.This year‘s Anuga will last till Oct. 11. The food and beverage trade fair was initiated in 1951 and is currently held biennially. It is widely considered as a bellwether for global food and food technology trends. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100800836


    (231007) -- COLOGNE, Oct. 7, 2023 (Xinhua) -- People visit the food and beverage trade fair Anuga in Cologne, Germany, Oct. 7, 2023. Over 7,800 exhibitors are present at the world‘s leading food and beverage trade fair Anuga that kicked off here on Saturday.This year‘s Anuga will last till Oct. 11. The food and beverage trade fair was initiated in 1951 and is currently held biennially. It is widely considered as a bellwether for global food and food technology trends. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100800840


    (231007) -- COLOGNE, Oct. 7, 2023 (Xinhua) -- A visitor tastes desserts at the food and beverage trade fair Anuga in Cologne, Germany, Oct. 7, 2023. Over 7,800 exhibitors are present at the world‘s leading food and beverage trade fair Anuga that kicked off here on Saturday.This year‘s Anuga will last till Oct. 11. The food and beverage trade fair was initiated in 1951 and is currently held biennially. It is widely considered as a bellwether for global food and food technology trends. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100800831


    (231007) -- COLOGNE, Oct. 7, 2023 (Xinhua) -- A visitor tastes a piece of ham at the food and beverage trade fair Anuga in Cologne, Germany, Oct. 7, 2023. Over 7,800 exhibitors are present at the world‘s leading food and beverage trade fair Anuga that kicked off here on Saturday.This year‘s Anuga will last till Oct. 11. The food and beverage trade fair was initiated in 1951 and is currently held biennially. It is widely considered as a bellwether for global food and food technology trends. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100800833


    (231007) -- COLOGNE, Oct. 7, 2023 (Xinhua) -- People taste pizza at the food and beverage trade fair Anuga in Cologne, Germany, Oct. 7, 2023. Over 7,800 exhibitors are present at the world‘s leading food and beverage trade fair Anuga that kicked off here on Saturday.This year‘s Anuga will last till Oct. 11. The food and beverage trade fair was initiated in 1951 and is currently held biennially. It is widely considered as a bellwether for global food and food technology trends. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100800832


    (231007) -- COLOGNE, Oct. 7, 2023 (Xinhua) -- A man visits the booth of a Chinese company at the food and beverage trade fair Anuga in Cologne, Germany, Oct. 7, 2023. Over 7,800 exhibitors are present at the world‘s leading food and beverage trade fair Anuga that kicked off here on Saturday.This year‘s Anuga will last till Oct. 11. The food and beverage trade fair was initiated in 1951 and is currently held biennially. It is widely considered as a bellwether for global food and food technology trends. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100800835


    (231007) -- COLOGNE, Oct. 7, 2023 (Xinhua) -- People visit the food and beverage trade fair Anuga in Cologne, Germany, Oct. 7, 2023. Over 7,800 exhibitors are present at the world‘s leading food and beverage trade fair Anuga that kicked off here on Saturday.This year‘s Anuga will last till Oct. 11. The food and beverage trade fair was initiated in 1951 and is currently held biennially. It is widely considered as a bellwether for global food and food technology trends. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100800838


    (231007) -- COLOGNE, Oct. 7, 2023 (Xinhua) -- People visit the booth of a Chinese company at the food and beverage trade fair Anuga in Cologne, Germany, Oct. 7, 2023. Over 7,800 exhibitors are present at the world‘s leading food and beverage trade fair Anuga that kicked off here on Saturday.This year‘s Anuga will last till Oct. 11. The food and beverage trade fair was initiated in 1951 and is currently held biennially. It is widely considered as a bellwether for global food and food technology trends. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100800825


    (231007) -- COLOGNE, Oct. 7, 2023 (Xinhua) -- People visit the booth of a Chinese company at the food and beverage trade fair Anuga in Cologne, Germany, Oct. 7, 2023. Over 7,800 exhibitors are present at the world‘s leading food and beverage trade fair Anuga that kicked off here on Saturday.This year‘s Anuga will last till Oct. 11. The food and beverage trade fair was initiated in 1951 and is currently held biennially. It is widely considered as a bellwether for global food and food technology trends. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100800837


    (231007) -- COLOGNE, Oct. 7, 2023 (Xinhua) -- People visit the food and beverage trade fair Anuga in Cologne, Germany, Oct. 7, 2023. Over 7,800 exhibitors are present at the world‘s leading food and beverage trade fair Anuga that kicked off here on Saturday.This year‘s Anuga will last till Oct. 11. The food and beverage trade fair was initiated in 1951 and is currently held biennially. It is widely considered as a bellwether for global food and food technology trends. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100800834

  •  Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye
    Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye

    ZHANGYE, CHINA - NOVEMBER 7, 2023 - Workers observes the selection of lemon slices in the lyophilized production line of fresh fruits and vegetables in Zhangye city, Gansu province, China, November 7, 2023. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Costfoto/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※NO USE CHINA

    商品コード: 2023110903142

  •  Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye
    Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye

    ZHANGYE, CHINA - NOVEMBER 7, 2023 - A staff member puts lemon slices into a freezer at a lyophilized production line for fresh fruits and vegetables in Zhangye city, Gansu province, China, Nov. 7, 2023. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Costfoto/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※NO USE CHINA

    商品コード: 2023110903133

  •  Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye
    Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye

    ZHANGYE, CHINA - NOVEMBER 7, 2023 - A quality inspector observes the quality of lemon slices that will be sent into the freezer at a lyophilized production line for fresh fruits and vegetables in Zhangye city, Gansu province, China, Nov. 7, 2023. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Costfoto/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※NO USE CHINA

    商品コード: 2023110903145

  •  Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye
    Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye

    ZHANGYE, CHINA - NOVEMBER 7, 2023 - A worker transports slices of dried lemons from the oven at a lyophilized production line for fresh fruits and vegetables in Zhangye city, Gansu province, China, November 7, 2023. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Costfoto/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※NO USE CHINA

    商品コード: 2023110903151

  •  Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye
    Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye

    ZHANGYE, CHINA - NOVEMBER 7, 2023 - A staff member observes the cleaning operation of lemons in a lyophilized production line for fresh fruits and vegetables in Zhangye city, Gansu province, China, November 7, 2023. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Costfoto/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※NO USE CHINA

    商品コード: 2023110903138

  •  Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye
    Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye

    ZHANGYE, CHINA - NOVEMBER 7, 2023 - A worker observes lemon cleaning at a lyophilized production line for fresh fruits and vegetables in Zhangye city, Gansu province, China, Nov. 7, 2023. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Costfoto/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※NO USE CHINA

    商品コード: 2023110903146

  •  Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye
    Fresh Fruits Vegetables Lyophilized Production Line in Zhangye

    ZHANGYE, CHINA - NOVEMBER 7, 2023 - Workers observe lemons slicing at a lyophilized production line for fresh fruits and vegetables in Zhangye city, Gansu province, China, November 7, 2023. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Costfoto/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ ※NO USE CHINA

    商品コード: 2023110903135

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