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00:48.732023年05月14日「新華社」アジアゾウ生息地の職員、子ゾウと友達に雲南省中国雲南省西双版納(シーサンパンナ)ダイ族自治州にある野象谷風景区の職員、田竜(でん・りゅう)さんは年間を通じて熱帯雨林で働き、ゾウの活動を撮影し続けている。公開された映像では田さんも子ゾウと一緒に水や砂で遊んだり、坂を上ったりしており、楽しそうな姿が子ども時代の記憶を呼び起こすとしてネット上で人気を集めた。シーサンパンナはアジアゾウの主要な生息地の一つで、野象谷風景区にあるアジアゾウ救護・繁殖センターでは野生のゾウ数頭を保護している。(記者/孫敏) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023051409297
2021年02月24日Allotment garden - Lüneburg24 February 2021, Lower Saxony, Lüneburg: Joana Hinz sorts dishes in her gazebo. In the Corona crisis the interest in the allotment garden has strongly increased. Especially in the cities the demand is high. Photo: Philipp Schulze/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030808965
2021年02月24日Allotment garden - Lüneburg24 February 2021, Lower Saxony, Lüneburg: Jean (l) and Joana Hinz stand in their allotment. In the Corona crisis the interest in the allotment garden has strongly increased. Especially in the cities the demand is high. Photo: Philipp Schulze/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030808942
2021年02月24日Allotment garden - Lüneburg24 February 2021, Lower Saxony, Lüneburg: Chantal (r) works with her son Finn, on the family allotment. In the Corona crisis the interest in the allotment garden has strongly increased. Especially in the cities the demand is high. Photo: Philipp Schulze/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030809177
2021年02月24日Allotment garden - Lüneburg24 February 2021, Lower Saxony, Lüneburg: Jean Hinz pushes material into his allotment on a wheelbarrow. In the Corona crisis the interest in the allotment garden has strongly increased. Especially in the cities the demand is high. Photo: Philipp Schulze/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030809032
2021年02月24日Allotment garden - Lüneburg24 February 2021, Lower Saxony, Lüneburg: Joana Hinz sorts dishes in her gazebo. In the Corona crisis the interest in the allotment garden has strongly increased. Especially in the cities the demand is high. Photo: Philipp Schulze/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030808967
2021年02月24日Allotment garden - Lüneburg24 February 2021, Lower Saxony, Lüneburg: Jean Hinz spreads bark mulch on a newly created path in his allotment. During the Corona crisis the interest in allotment gardens has increased considerably. Especially in the cities the demand is high. Photo: Philipp Schulze/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030809046
2021年02月24日Allotment garden - Lüneburg24 February 2021, Lower Saxony, Lüneburg: Jean (l) and Joana Hinz work in their allotment. In the Corona crisis the interest in the allotment garden has strongly increased. Especially in the cities the demand is high. Photo: Philipp Schulze/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030809161
2021年02月24日Allotment garden - Lüneburg24 February 2021, Lower Saxony, Lüneburg: Chantal (r) stands with her son Finn in the family allotment. In the Corona crisis the interest in the allotment garden has strongly increased. Especially in the cities the demand is high. Photo: Philipp Schulze/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030808995
2021年02月24日Allotment garden - Lüneburg24 February 2021, Lower Saxony, Lüneburg: A sign stands at the playground on the site of the allotment garden association Ilmenau. During the Corona crisis the interest in allotment gardens has increased considerably. Especially in the cities the demand is high. Photo: Philipp Schulze/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021030808926
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: The reception of the camping site Großer Weserbogen. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102805966
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: A sign with the inscription “Reception“ is located at the camping site Großer Weserbogen. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102805972
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: Caravans are available at the camping ground Großer Weserbogen. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102806355
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: A camper van is parked at the Großer Weserbogen campsite. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102806041
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: A German flag flutters on the camping ground Großer Weserbogen. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102806377
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: A sign hangs over the access road of the Großer Weserbogen campsite. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102806113
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: Campers can be found at the Großer Weserbogen campsite. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102806107
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: Caravans are available at the camping ground Großer Weserbogen. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102805965
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: A sign shows the way to the camping site Großer Weserbogen. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102806006
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: There is a campsite sign at the Großer Weserbogen campsite. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102806141
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: A flag “Finally pensioner!“ flutters on the camping ground Großer Weserbogen. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102806438
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: A miniature lighthouse stands between caravans at the Großer Weserbogen campsite. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102805991
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: Caravans are available at the camping ground Großer Weserbogen. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102806370
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: There is a campsite sign at the Großer Weserbogen campsite. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102806368
2020年10月27日Camping ground in the Schwarzbuch 2020/2127 October 2020, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: A camper van is parked at the Großer Weserbogen campsite. The weekend and holiday recreation facility, which belongs to the town of Porta Westfalica and the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is in the red and is listed in the Black Book 2020/21 of the Taxpayers‘ Association. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020102806081
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: The luge athletes Tobias Arlt (l) and Tobias Wendl are riding the mountain bikes during summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204258
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Arlt climbs a rock during boulder training. The luge athletes train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204204
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Wendl climbs a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204418
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Wendl climbs a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204552
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Felix Loch, luge athlete, rides his mountain bike during summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204521
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Felix Loch, luge athlete, rides his mountain bike during summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204634
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athletes Tobias Arlt (l) and Tobias Wendl climbing a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051301240
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athletes Tobias Arlt (l) and Tobias Wendl climbing a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204510
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Arlt climbs a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204506
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: The luge athletes Tobias Wendl (l-r), Tobias Arlt and Felix Loch will be riding the mountain bikes during the summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051301211
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Luge athletes Tobias Wendl (l) and Tobias Arlt train in the fitness room at the performance centre of the Bavarian Bobsleigh and Sled Sports Association with a medicine ball. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204289
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athletes Tobias Wendl (l) and Tobias Arlt climbing a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051301290
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athletes Tobias Wendl (l) and Tobias Arlt climbing a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204618
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: The luge athletes Tobias Arlt (l) and Tobias Wendl are riding the mountain bikes during summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204493
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: The luge athletes Tobias Arlt (r) and Tobias Wendl are riding the mountain bikes during summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051301348
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Wendl trains with pulling ropes in the fitness room of the performance center of the Bavarian Bobsleigh and Sled Sports Association. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordinative skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051301278
2020年05月07日Luge athlete Tobias Arlt07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Arlt, admitted to the performance center of the Bavarian Bobsleigh and Luge Federation. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordinative skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051203480
2020年05月07日Luge athlete Tobias Wendl07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Wendl, admitted to the performance center of the Bavarian Bobsleigh and Luge Federation. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordinative skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051203354
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: The luge athletes Tobias Wendl (r) and Tobias Arlt are riding the mountain bikes during summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204467
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athletes Tobias Arlt (l) and Tobias Wendl climbing a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204517
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Felix Loch, luge athlete, rides his mountain bike during summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204635
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: The luge athletes Felix Loch (r-l), Tobias Wendl and Tobias Arlt will be riding the mountain bikes during the summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204581
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: The luge athletes Tobias Wendl (l) and Tobias Arlt are riding the mountain bikes during summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051301248
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Wendl trains with pull ropes in the fitness room of the Bavarian Bobsleigh and Sled Sports Association‘s performance center. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordinative skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204150
2020年05月07日Luge athlete Tobias Arlt07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Arlt, admitted to the performance center of the Bavarian Bobsleigh and Luge Federation. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordinative skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051203724
2020年05月07日Luge athlete Tobias Wendl07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Wendl, admitted to the performance center of the Bavarian Bobsleigh and Luge Federation. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordinative skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051203448
2020年05月07日Luge athlete Tobias Arlt07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Arlt, admitted to the performance center of the Bavarian Bobsleigh and Luge Federation. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordinative skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051203610
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Wendl trains with pull ropes in the fitness room of the Bavarian Bobsleigh and Sled Sports Association‘s performance center. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordinative skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204412
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athletes Tobias Arlt (l) and Tobias Wendl climbing a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051301214
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Felix Loch, luge athlete, rides his mountain bike during summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051301316
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Felix Loch, luge athlete, rides his mountain bike during summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204556
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athletes Tobias Arlt (in front) and Tobias Wendl climbing a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051301289
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athletes Tobias Wendl (in front) and Tobias Arlt climbing a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204451
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: The luge athletes Tobias Wendl and Tobias Arlt will ride the mountain bikes during the summer training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204620
2020年05月07日Summer training of the luge athletes07 May 2020, Bavaria, Schönau Am Königssee Bei Berchtesgaden: Luge athletes Tobias Wendl (l) and Tobias Arlt climbing a rock during boulder training. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordination skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051204593
2020年05月07日Luge athlete Tobias Wendl07 May 2020, Bavaria, Berchtesgaden: Luge athlete Tobias Wendl, admitted to the performance center of the Bavarian Bobsleigh and Luge Federation. The German lugers train in different disciplines in early summer to strengthen basic fitness and versatile coordinative skills. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2020051203444
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there is a stuffed wolf. This two year old male (l.) did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a preparator of the LWL. The second wolf (r) is the last wolf shot in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405320
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum a taxidermist closes the box with a stuffed wolf using a cordless screwdriver. This two year old male did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a preparator of the LWL. The second wolf is the last one shot in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405325
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there is a stuffed wolf. This two year old male (r) did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a preparator of the LWL. The second wolf (l) is the last wolf shot in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405534
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there is a stuffed wolf. This two year old male did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a preparator of the LWL. The second wolf is the last one shot in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405319
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there is a stuffed wolf. This two year old male did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a preparator of the LWL. The second wolf is the last one shot in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405550
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there is a stuffed wolf. This two year old male did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a preparator of the LWL. The second wolf is the last one shot in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405327
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there is a stuffed wolf. This two year old male did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a preparator of the LWL. The second wolf is the last one shot in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405293
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there are two stuffed wolves. To the right in the picture stands the last shot wolf in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. On the left is a two year old male who did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a taxidermist of the LWL. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405634
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum a taxidermist with a cordless screwdriver closes the box with a stuffed wolf. This two year old male did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a preparator of the LWL. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405142
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there are two stuffed wolves. To the right in the picture stands the last shot wolf in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. On the left is a two year old male who did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a taxidermist of the LWL. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405337
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there are two stuffed wolves. To the right in the picture stands the last shot wolf in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. On the left is a two year old male who did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a taxidermist of the LWL. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405540
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there is a stuffed wolf. This two year old male did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a preparator of the LWL. The second wolf is the last one shot in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405514
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there is a stuffed wolf. This two year old male did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a preparator of the LWL. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405636
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there are two stuffed wolves. To the right in the picture stands the last shot wolf in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. On the left is a two year old male who did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a taxidermist of the LWL. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120404815
2019年12月03日Stuffed wolves in the LWL Museum of Natural History03 December 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: In the LWL Museum für Naturkunde of the Westfälisches Landesmuseum there is a stuffed wolf. This two year old male did not survive a traffic accident in April 2017 near Petershagen in the district Minden Lübbeke and was stuffed by a preparator of the LWL. The second wolf is the last one shot in Westphalia. This was shot on 19 January 1835 near Ascheberg-Herbern in the district of Coesfeld. The preparations can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Westfalen im Wandel“. Photo: Guido Kirchner/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019120405644
2019年11月19日BSD Media Day19 November 2019, Saxony, Dresden: The luge athlete Felix Loch (r) and his father Norbert Loch, national luge coach, will be attending the opening press conference of the German Bobsleigh and Toboggan Federation (BSD) in the BMW branch before the start of the season. Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019112103337
2019年11月19日BSD Media Day19 November 2019, Saxony, Dresden: The luge doubles Toni Eggert (l) and Sascha Benecken will be at the BMW branch before the start of the season opening press conference of the Bobsleigh and Luge Federation for Germany (BSD). Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019112103418
2019年11月19日BSD Media Day19 November 2019, Saxony, Dresden: Luge athlete Felix Loch is about to start the season opening press conference of the Bobsleigh and Luge Federation for Germany (BSD) in the BMW branch. Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019112103400
2019年11月19日BSD Media Day19 November 2019, Saxony, Dresden: The luge doubles Toni Eggert (l) and Sascha Benecken will be at the BMW branch before the start of the season opening press conference of the Bobsleigh and Luge Federation for Germany (BSD). Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019112103363
2019年11月19日BSD Media Day19 November 2019, Saxony, Dresden: Luge athlete Julia Taubitz is about to start the season opening press conference of the Bobsleigh and Luge Federation for Germany (BSD) at the BMW branch. Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019112103408
2019年07月10日Fire at former power station in Porta Westfalicadpatop - 10 July 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: Two men observe the burning former power station Veltheim. A former pumping station of the plant is in flames, said a spokesman of the police Minden-Lübbecke. Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019071102707
2019年07月10日Fire at former power station in Porta Westfalica10 July 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: Rauch rises from the former Veltheim power station. A former pumping station of the plant is in flames, said a spokesman of the police Minden-Lübbecke. Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019071102992
2019年07月10日Fire at former power station in Porta Westfalica10 July 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: Two men observe the burning former power station Veltheim. A former pumping station of the plant is in flames, said a spokesman of the police Minden-Lübbecke. Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019071102824
2019年07月10日Fire at former power station in Porta Westfalica10 July 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: Smoke and flames are rising from the former Veltheim power station. A former pumping station of the plant is in flames, said a spokesman of the police Minden-Lübbecke. Photo: Vanessa Sadler/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019071103046
2019年07月10日Fire at former power station in Porta Westfalica10 July 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: Fire engines are standing in front of the burning former power station Veltheim. A former pumping station of the plant is in flames, said a spokesman of the police Minden-Lübbecke. Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019071102821
2019年07月10日Fire at former power station in Porta Westfalica10 July 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, Porta Westfalica: Rauch rises from the former Veltheim power station. A former pumping station of the plant is in flames, said a spokesman of the police Minden-Lübbecke. Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019071103084
2019年06月17日The grand final parade of 7th edition Armada - RouenDutch schooner (Goelette) Gulden Leeuw on the port of Rouen, during the grand final parade of the 7th edition of the Armada in Rouen, France on June 16, 2019. Photo by Tesson/ANDBZ/ABACAPRESS.COM Photo via Newscom、クレジット:ABACA/ニューズコム/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019061900611
-White storks (Ciconia ciconia)White storks (Ciconia ciconia), pair at their nest in the early morning, backlit, Minden-Luebbecke district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe、クレジット:imageBROKER.com/Alexander von Dueren/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022102702529
-White stork (Ciconia ciconia) standing in its nestWhite stork (Ciconia ciconia) standing in its nest, Minden-Luebbecke district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe、クレジット:imageBROKER.com/Alexander von Dueren/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022102702752
-White stork (Ciconia ciconia) standing in its nest during a thunderstormWhite stork (Ciconia ciconia) standing in its nest during a thunderstorm, Minden-Luebbecke district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe、クレジット:imageBROKER.com/Alexander von Dueren/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022102702701
-White stork (Ciconia ciconia)White stork (Ciconia ciconia), approaching its nest, Minden-Luebbecke district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe、クレジット:imageBROKER.com/Alexander von Dueren/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022102702486
-White storks (Ciconia ciconia)White storks (Ciconia ciconia), pair at their nest in the early morning, backlit, Minden-Luebbecke district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe、クレジット:imageBROKER.com/Alexander von Dueren/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022102702767
-White stork (Ciconia ciconia) standing in its nestWhite stork (Ciconia ciconia) standing in its nest, Minden-Luebbecke district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe、クレジット:imageBROKER.com/Alexander von Dueren/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022102702483
-Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal Porta Westfalica Kreis Minden-Luebbecke Nordrhein-Westfalen DeutschlandImperial Wilhelm‘s monument, Porta Westfalica, circle of Minden-Luebbecke, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal.、クレジット:Bildagentur-online/Joko/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019110803585
-Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal Porta Westfalica Kreis Minden-Luebbecke Nordrhein-Westfalen DeutschlandImperial Wilhelm‘s monument, Porta Westfalica, circle of Minden-Luebbecke, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal.、クレジット:Bildagentur-online/Joko/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2019110803557
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