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2024年12月05日Notre-Dame Cathedral Gears Up For Reopening.December 5, 2024, Paris, France, France: Paris, France December 5, 2024 - A police ribbon indicates that parking is prohibited next to the Cathedrale Dame as part of the preparations for the opening ceremony. The cathedral is set to reopen its doors to the public on December 8...NE DAME DE PARIS, CEREMONIE DE REOUVERTURE, ILLUSTRATION, GENERIQUE, MONUMENT, TOURISME, MONUMENT, RELIGION, PARIS, ILE DE LA CITE, PATRIMOINE, PERIMETRE DE SECURITE, PROTECTION ANTITERRORISTE, DISPOSITIF DE SECURITE, FESTIVITES, PARKING, STATIONNEMENT, MISE EN FOURRIERE VEHICULE. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2024120606040
2024年04月17日Daily Life In LisbonSeveral people are walking past the tomb of the Infanta Ines de Castro, located in one of the chapels of the cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal, on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024042704800
2024年04月17日Daily Life In LisbonThe image shows the Virgin Santa Maria Maior in one of the chapels of the Cathedral of Lisbon, on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024042704798
2024年04月17日Daily Life In LisbonSeveral people are walking near the tomb of Beatriz de Castilla, the wife of King Alfonso IV, located in one of the chapels of the cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal, on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024042704806
2024年04月17日Daily Life In LisbonA person is visiting one of the chapels in the cathedral of Lisbon on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024042704834
2024年04月17日Daily Life In LisbonSeveral people are walking past the mausoleum of kings in one of the chapels of the cathedral of Lisbon, on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024042704819
2024年04月17日Daily Life In LisbonSeveral people are walking past the mausoleum of kings in one of the chapels of the cathedral of Lisbon, on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024042704820
2024年04月17日Daily Life In LisbonA person is observing one of the religious paintings in a chapel of the cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal, on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024042704823
2024年04月17日Daily Life In LisbonA person is praying near an image of the Virgin of Fatima in one of the chapels of the Cathedral of Lisbon, on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024042704821
2024年04月17日Daily Life In LisbonSeveral people are interacting near one of the stained glass windows of the Lisbon Cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal, on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024042704789
2024年04月17日Daily Life In LisbonTwo people are taking photos of one of the naves and ceilings of the Lisbon Cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal, on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024042704790
2024年04月17日Daily Life In LisbonSeveral people are walking near the facade of the Lisbon Cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal, on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Jorge Mantilla/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024042704808
2023年12月11日View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral in Ghent.December 11, 2023, Ghent, France, Belgium: Ghent, Belgium December 11, 2023 - View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral, where is exposed The Mystic Lamb (or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb) by the Van Eyck brothers, completed in 1432, is a world-renowned masterpiece and one of the most influential works in the world...GAND, BELGIQUE, ADORATION DE L‘AGNEAU MYSTIQUE, CATHEDRALE SAINT BAVON, FLANDRES, CULTURE BELGE, CHEF D OEUVRE, PEINTURE, PEINTRES PRIMITIFS FLAMANDS, JAN VAN EYCK, OEUVRE MAGISTRALE, ART, CHRIST, STATUE. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2023122709747
2023年12月11日View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral in Ghent.December 11, 2023, Ghent, France, Belgium: Ghent, Belgium December 11, 2023 - View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral, where is exposed The Mystic Lamb (or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb) by the Van Eyck brothers, completed in 1432, is a world-renowned masterpiece and one of the most influential works in the world - Head reliquary of Saint John the Baptist..GAND, BELGIQUE, ADORATION DE L‘AGNEAU MYSTIQUE, CATHEDRALE SAINT BAVON, FLANDRES, CULTURE BELGE, CHEF D OEUVRE, PEINTURE, PEINTRES PRIMITIFS FLAMANDS, JAN VAN EYCK, OEUVRE MAGISTRALE, ART, CRYPTE, VISAGE, SCULPTURE, SAINT JEAN BAPTISTE, RELIQUE EN ARGENT, CHEF RELIQUAIRE. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2023122709725
2023年12月11日View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral in Ghent.December 11, 2023, Ghent, France, Belgium: Ghent, Belgium December 11, 2023 - View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral, where is exposed The Mystic Lamb (or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb) by the Van Eyck brothers, completed in 1432, is a world-renowned masterpiece and one of the most influential works in the world - Reliekschrijn Macharius..GAND, BELGIQUE, ADORATION DE L‘AGNEAU MYSTIQUE, CATHEDRALE SAINT BAVON, FLANDRES, CULTURE BELGE, CHEF D OEUVRE, PEINTURE, PEINTRES PRIMITIFS FLAMANDS, JAN VAN EYCK, OEUVRE MAGISTRALE, ART, CRYPTE. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2023122709792
2023年12月11日View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral in Ghent.December 11, 2023, Ghent, France, Belgium: Ghent, Belgium December 11, 2023 - View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral, where is exposed The Mystic Lamb (or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb) by the Van Eyck brothers, completed in 1432, is a world-renowned masterpiece and one of the most influential works in the world...GAND, BELGIQUE, ADORATION DE L‘AGNEAU MYSTIQUE, CATHEDRALE SAINT BAVON, FLANDRES, CULTURE BELGE, CHEF D OEUVRE, PEINTURE, PEINTRES PRIMITIFS FLAMANDS, JAN VAN EYCK, OEUVRE MAGISTRALE, ART, CRYPTE, FRESQUES. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2023122709729
2023年12月11日View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral in Ghent.December 11, 2023, Ghent, France, Belgium: Ghent, Belgium December 11, 2023 - View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral, where is exposed The Mystic Lamb (or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb) by the Van Eyck brothers, completed in 1432, is a world-renowned masterpiece and one of the most influential works in the world...GAND, BELGIQUE, ADORATION DE L‘AGNEAU MYSTIQUE, CATHEDRALE SAINT BAVON, FLANDRES, CULTURE BELGE, CHEF D OEUVRE, PEINTURE, PEINTRES PRIMITIFS FLAMANDS, JAN VAN EYCK, OEUVRE MAGISTRALE, ART, CRYPTE. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2023122709728
2023年12月11日View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral in Ghent.December 11, 2023, Ghent, France, Belgium: Ghent, Belgium December 11, 2023 - View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral, where is exposed The Mystic Lamb (or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb) by the Van Eyck brothers, completed in 1432, is a world-renowned masterpiece and one of the most influential works in the world - Dressed version of Adam and Eve for the famous polyptych Adoration of the Mystic Lamb painted in the 19th century ..GAND, BELGIQUE, ADORATION DE L‘AGNEAU MYSTIQUE, CATHEDRALE SAINT BAVON, FLANDRES, CULTURE BELGE, CHEF D OEUVRE, PEINTURE, PEINTRES PRIMITIFS FLAMANDS, JAN VAN EYCK, OEUVRE MAGISTRALE, ART, CRYPTE, PUDEUR, ADAM ET EVE, NUDITE, INCOVENANT. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2023122709761
2023年12月11日View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral in Ghent.December 11, 2023, Ghent, France, Belgium: Ghent, Belgium December 11, 2023 - View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral, where is exposed The Mystic Lamb (or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb) by the Van Eyck brothers, completed in 1432, is a world-renowned masterpiece and one of the most influential works in the world - A site reminiscent of Jan Van Eyck‘s tomb..GAND, BELGIQUE, ADORATION DE L‘AGNEAU MYSTIQUE, CATHEDRALE SAINT BAVON, FLANDRES, CULTURE BELGE, CHEF D OEUVRE, PEINTURE, PEINTRES PRIMITIFS FLAMANDS, JAN VAN EYCK, OEUVRE MAGISTRALE, ART, CRYPTE, TOMBE. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2023122709794
2023年12月11日View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral in Ghent.December 11, 2023, Ghent, France, Belgium: Ghent, Belgium December 11, 2023 - View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral, where is exposed The Mystic Lamb (or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb) by the Van Eyck brothers, completed in 1432, is a world-renowned masterpiece and one of the most influential works in the world - Crucifixion Triptych, by Joos van Wassenhove..GAND, BELGIQUE, CATHEDRALE SAINT BAVON, FLANDRES, CULTURE BELGE, CHEF D OEUVRE, PEINTURE, PEINTRES PRIMITIFS FLAMANDS, JAN VAN EYCK, OEUVRE MAGISTRALE, ART, CRYPTE. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2023122709801
2023年12月11日View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral in Ghent.December 11, 2023, Ghent, France, Belgium: Ghent, Belgium December 11, 2023 - View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral, where is exposed The Mystic Lamb (or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb) by the Van Eyck brothers, completed in 1432, is a world-renowned masterpiece and one of the most influential works in the world - Reliekschrijn Macharius..GAND, BELGIQUE, CATHEDRALE SAINT BAVON, FLANDRES, CULTURE BELGE, CHEF D OEUVRE, PEINTURE, PEINTRES PRIMITIFS FLAMANDS, JAN VAN EYCK, OEUVRE MAGISTRALE, ART, CRYPTE. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2023122709797
2023年12月11日View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral in Ghent.December 11, 2023, Ghent, France, Belgium: Ghent, Belgium December 11, 2023 - View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral, where is exposed The Mystic Lamb (or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb) by the Van Eyck brothers, completed in 1432, is a world-renowned masterpiece and one of the most influential works in the world...GAND, BELGIQUE, CATHEDRALE SAINT BAVON, FLANDRES, CULTURE BELGE, CHEF D OEUVRE, PEINTURE, PEINTRES PRIMITIFS FLAMANDS, JAN VAN EYCK, OEUVRE MAGISTRALE, ART, CRYPTE. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2023122709754
2023年12月11日View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral in Ghent.December 11, 2023, Ghent, France, Belgium: Ghent, Belgium December 11, 2023 - View of the Saint Bavo s Cathedral, where is exposed The Mystic Lamb (or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb) by the Van Eyck brothers, completed in 1432, is a world-renowned masterpiece and one of the most influential works in the world...GAND, BELGIQUE, CATHEDRALE SAINT BAVON, FLANDRES, CULTURE BELGE, CHEF D OEUVRE, PEINTURE, PEINTRES PRIMITIFS FLAMANDS, JAN VAN EYCK, OEUVRE MAGISTRALE, ART, CRYPTE. (Credit Image: © Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Vincent Isore/IP3 via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany Out
商品コード: 2023122709782
2023年10月30日Daily life in Lisbon, Portugal - 30 Oct 2023October 30, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal: Main front of the cathedral of Lisbon located in the Graca district. Graca is a district in Lisbon, Portugal, known for its beautiful panoramic views of the city and authentic atmosphere with cobblestone streets and a rich history dating back to the founding of the city. (Credit Image: © Jorge Castellanos/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Jorge Castellanos/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023110209259
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401971
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401930
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401999
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401973
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401993
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401931
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401932
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061402004
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401937
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401934
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401970
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401939
2021年06月13日Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal.June 13, 2021, LISBOA, LISBOA PORTUGAL: (INT) Tourism in Lisbon, Portugal. June 13, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal: Sunny days and pleasant weather take tourists to parks and also to tourist spots, such as Jardim da Estrela and the proximity of the Lisbon Cathedral and Miradouro de Santa Luzia, on Sunday (13th). Edson de Souza/TheNews2 (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2021061401945
2018年05月12日Countries of the world. Portugal12.05.2018 A street car near the Lisbon Cathedral. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018070901067
2018年05月08日Countries of the world. Portugal08.05.2018 Lisbon Cathedral. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2018070901085
2017年04月27日Interior of Lisbon CathedralApril 27, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal: Interior of Lisbon Cathedral, Portugal (Credit Image: © Nano Calvo/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nano Calvo/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022073005428
2017年04月27日Interior of Lisbon CathedralApril 27, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal: Interior of Lisbon Cathedral, Portugal (Credit Image: © Nano Calvo/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nano Calvo/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022073005538
2017年04月27日Interior of Lisbon CathedralApril 27, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal: Interior of Lisbon Cathedral, Portugal (Credit Image: © Nano Calvo/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nano Calvo/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022073004039
2017年04月27日Interior of Lisbon CathedralApril 27, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal: Interior of Lisbon Cathedral, Portugal (Credit Image: © Nano Calvo/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nano Calvo/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2022073005431
2007年03月01日Travel News - March 1, 2007March 1, 2007, Portugal: Lisbon, Portugal, March 1 2007, A yellow tram travels past the historic San Antonio de Lisboa church and the majestic Lisbon cathedral in the heart of the city. (Credit Image: © Felipe Rodriguez / Vwpics/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Felipe Rodriguez / Vwpics/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2024102304385
-Cathedrale de Bonn./Domfirche von Bonn., Adolphe Braun (French, 1812 - 1877), 18651875, Albumen silver print.Cathedrale de Bonn./Domfirche von Bonn., Adolphe Braun (French, 1812 - 1877), 18651875, Albumen silver print.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2023042303201
-Portugal, Lisbon.Portugal, Lisbon. View of the two towers flanking the facade of the cathedral, built shortly after Alfonso I conquered the city from the Muslims in 1147. Alfama district.、クレジット:PHAS/Universal Images Group/共同通信イメージズ
商品コード: 2023010607401
-ARTE ROMANICO.ARTE ROMANICO. PORTUGAL. S. XII. CATEDRAL DE LISBOA. Edificada poco después de que Alfonso I conquistara la ciudad a los musulmanes en 1147. Detalle de una TORRE con contrafuertes de las dos que flanquean la fachada, siguiendo el esquema románico anglo-normando. LISBOA.、クレジット:Album/Prisma/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2020042707018
-Bonn Cathedral,Tombleson‘s Views of the Rhine, 1832, 19th century engraving.Bonn Cathedral,Tombleson‘s Views of the Rhine, 1832, 19th century engraving.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2021113002899
-Bonn Cathedral, Bonn Minster,Bonn Cathedral, Bonn Minster, signed: Quaglin del, J. Huguenet sc, Fig. 77, p. 251, Quaglin (del.); Huguenet, Jacques J. (sc.), 1853, Jules Gailhabaud: Monuments anciens et modernes: collection formant une histoire de l‘architecture des différents peuples à toutes les époques. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot frères, 1853.、クレジット:Album/quintlox/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2023022100866
-Germany. Bonn Minster. 11th-13th centuries. Exterior.Germany. Bonn Minster. 11th-13th centuries. Exterior.、クレジット:Album/Prisma/共同通信イメージズ ※エディトリアル使用のみ。表紙、広告、プロモーション、商業目的での利用はお問合せください。クレジットは必ず表記してください。
商品コード: 2021052711745
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