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  •  Chandra X-Ray Marks 25 Years In Space With 25 Stunning New Images
    Chandra X-Ray Marks 25 Years In Space With 25 Stunning New Images

    July 23, 2024: This image shows: This composite image features a double star cluster, a blue-tinted cloud, and several neon purple dots. This double cluster is part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, a companion galaxy to the Milky Way. The bright, golden stars in the larger cluster fill the upper center of the image. The other cluster is much smaller and coincides with one of the neon purple circles located slightly above and to the right of the imageââ¬â¢s center. This and the other purple circles are X-ray sources detected with Chandra. To our left of the combined cluster is a vertical streak of blue-tinted cloud...、クレジット:©Chandra X-Ray Observatory Center/Cover Images via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※United Kingdom Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2024072500491

  •  Travel News - October 16, 2022
    Travel News - October 16, 2022

    October 16, 2022, Alberta, Canada: The autumn constellations of Perseus and Cassiopeia above, with bright Capella in Auriga and the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus, at bottom, rising in the northeast over Lake Edith in Jasper National Park, on a clear autumn night. The Double Cluster is at centre, above the larger group of stars around Mirfak called the Perseus Association...This is a blend of a single tracked 2-minute exposure for the sky and water with the reflected stars, with a stack of two untracked 3-minute exposure for the rest of the ground, both at f/2.8 with the Canon RF15-35mm lens at 17mm and Canon R5 at ISO 1600. I shot this October 16, 2022. The tracker was the Star Adventurer Mini. ..The reflected stars are trailed not just because of the water movement but also because the tracker is following the stars in the sky, not the water. Having untrailed reflected stars would require polar aligning the tracker on the reflected celestial pole, in this case some 53ð below the horizon due north. Mil...

    商品コード: 2022111610812

  •  Travel News - October 1, 2022
    Travel News - October 1, 2022

    October 1, 2022, Alberta, Canada: The famous Double Cluster (NGC 869, right and NGC 884, left) in Perseus, in a wide-field shot that incl;udes the large and sparse cluster Stock 2, aka the Muscle Man Cluster, is at top, looking here as if it outlined by a square border of stars. The field is filled with yellow supergiant stars. ..This is a stack of 12 x 5-minute exposures with the SharpStar 76EDPH refractor with its reducer/flattener at f/4.5, and the Canon R5 at ISO 800. Autoguided with the MGENIII, on the Star Adventurer GTi mount taken as part of testing the mount. Taken from home October 1, 2022. (Credit Image: © Alan Dyer/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Alan Dyer/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111610852

  •  Travel News - September 28, 2022
    Travel News - September 28, 2022

    September 28, 2022, Alberta, Canada: A framing of most of the constellation of Perseus, with the brightest star in the constellation, Mirfak or Alpha Persei at centre. At lower right is Algol, the Demon Star. At top is the Double Cluster of stars, aka NGC 868 and 884, while at top left is the Heart and Soul Nebula complex, aka IC 1805 and IC 1848. The small star cluster NGC 1245 lies between Mirfak and Algol. The bright Messier cluster M34 is just off frame at right. The bright blue stars surrounding Mirfak are the Perseus OB3 Association, or Melotte 20, aka the Alpha Persei Moving Group...The field is about 16ð by 24ð. ..This is a stack of 8 x 2-minute exposures with the Rokinon RF85mm lens at f/2.8 on the Canon R5 at ISO 800. An additional exposure through an Alyn Wallace/Kase Star Glow filter added the star glows to emphasize their colours and prominence. All stacking, alignment and layering in Photoshop. The camera was on the Star Adventurer. Taken from home on a very clear night, September 27, 202...

    商品コード: 2022111610936

  •  Travel News - September 25, 2022
    Travel News - September 25, 2022

    September 25, 2022, Alberta, Canada: The famous Double Cluster (NGC 869, right and NGC 884, left) in Perseus, in a wide-field shot that includes the nearby stars clusters NGC 957 to the left, and Trumpler 2 at bottom left. The large and sparse cluster Stock 2, aka the Muscle Man Cluster, is at upper right. The field is filled with yellow supergiant stars. The field of view is similar to that of binoculars. ..This is a stack of 20 (!) x 3-minute exposures with the SharpStar 61EDPH II refractor with its reducer/flattener at f/4.5, and the Canon Ra at ISO 800. Autoguided with the MGENIII, on the Star Adventurer GTi mount taken as part of testing the mount. A slight camera tilt from the reducer‘s rotator mechanism being a bit loose produces slightly soft stars on the left side of the frame. Taken from home September 25, 2022. (Credit Image: © Alan Dyer/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Alan Dyer/VW Pics via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111607636

  •  Travel News - September 21, 2022
    Travel News - September 21, 2022

    September 21, 2022, Alberta, Canada: A framing of some of the main star clusters (and some nebulas) in Cassiopeia and Perseus. ..At left are the Heart and Soul Nebulas in Cassiopeia, aka IC 1805 and IC 1848 respectively, plus the smaller and more intense patch of nebulosity NGC 896. With these nebulas are the star clusters NGC 1027 and Mel 15. At bottom is the famous Double Cluster, NGCs 884 and 869. The small cluster NGC 957 is to the left of the Double Cluster. At upper right below the line joining the two bright stars in Cassiopeia is the prominent star cluster NGC 663, with NGC 654 above and M103 to the right. The reddened object left of NGC 663 is the cluster IC 166. At far right is NGC 457, the ET Cluster. ..This is a stack of 15 x 2-minute tracked but unguided exposures with the Canon EF135mm lens at f/2.8 and Canon Ra at ISO 1250, with a NISI Natural Night broadband filter on the lens to enhance the nebulosity. Taken from home on a very clear night September 20, 2022. Taken with the Star Adventurer...

    商品コード: 2022111610856

  •  Travel News - September 2, 2022
    Travel News - September 2, 2022

    September 2, 2022, Alberta, Canada: This is a portrait of Cassiopeia the Queen that takes in the red emission nebulas in the constellation as well as recording some of the larger star clusters. The area is also laced with dark lanes of dust. ..At lower left are the Heart and Soul Nebulas IC 1848 and IC 1805; at upper right of centre are the nebulas NGC 7822 and Ced214; at lower right is the Pacman Nebula NGC 281; while in the upper right corner are the nebulas around the star cluster M52. The star cluster NGC 7789 is prominent to the right of Caph, the righthand star of the W. The star clusters NGC 663 and NGC 457 are visible near the star Ruchbah, the second star of the W. At lower left is the bright Double Cluster in Perseus. At upper left is the large and loose cluster Collinder 463...This is a stack of 25 x 2-minute exposures with the Canon RF28-70mm lens at 59mm and f/2.8, on the red-sensitive Canon Ra at ISO 1600, all on the Star Adventurer Mini tracker. The lens was also equipped with an URTH light ...

    商品コード: 2022111610800

  •  Travel News - July 9, 2022
    Travel News - July 9, 2022

    July 9, 2022, Alberta, Canada: The northern autumn constellations of Pegasus (partially seen at right), Andromeda (across the centre), Perseus (at lower left) and Cassiopeia (at upper left) rising over moonlit formations at Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta. Illumination is from the waxing gibbous Moon, setting in the southwest so it is providing a warm ‘‘bronze-hour‘‘ light. The Andromeda Galaxy, M31, is at centre. The star clusters NGC 752, M34 and the Double Cluster are at left, as well as the Perseus OB Association of stars. Some of the small star clusters in Cassiopeia are resolved as well. ..Some green bands of airglow also tint the sky, otherwise lit blue by the moonlight. ..The scene provides a nice contrast of warm earth and cool sky tones. ..Taken July 8, 2022, this is a blend of tracked (for the sky) and untracked (for the ground) exposures ââ¬â a stack of 2 for the ground but only one for the sky: 2 minutes at f/5.6 and ISO 800 for the ground and 1 minute at f/2.8 and ISO 400 for the sky, all ...

    商品コード: 2022111610947

  •  Travel News - July 1, 2022
    Travel News - July 1, 2022

    July 1, 2022, Alberta, Canada: The constellation of Andromeda with the famous Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31) rising on an early summer night at Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta. This was June 30, 2022. ..The Square of Pegasus is at right. Several star clusters are at left: the Double Cluster at upper left, M34 below it, and NGC 752 to the right of M34. To the right of NGC 752 is the fuzzy patch of Messier 33, the Triangulum Galaxy. The main three stars of Triangulum are just rising above the hill at left. ..Green airglow tints the sky, as well as blue from the perpetual twilight at this time of year and latitude of 50ð N...This is a blend of tracked exposures for the sky and untracked for the ground: all 2 minutes at f/2 with the RF28-70mm lens at 28mm and Canon R5 at ISO 800. The tracker was the Star Adventurer Mini. As the camera was aimed east to the rising sky, I took the static untracked shots first, followed by the tracked shots, so the ground would better cover the blurry horizon in the tracked sh...

    商品コード: 2022111610861

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