
  • 麦わら帽子
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  • 新しい順
  •  (1)運河沿いの無形文化遺産呉橋雑技の保護と伝承

    17日、麦わら帽子を使った演技を練習する河北呉橋雑技芸術学校の生徒。中国の北京と浙江省杭州を結ぶ京杭大運河は河北省滄州市を南北200キロ余りわたって貫き、呉橋、東光、南皮など8県(県級市、区)を流れる。同市は近年、「大運河文化帯」の建設を推進しており、複数の国家級無形文化遺産が保護と継承、発展の過程にある。呉橋県は「雑技の里」として2千年以上の歴史を持ち、演技、道具、運営、継承などに関する独自の規則を確立し、業界文化を形成してきた。呉橋雑技は2006年に第1次国家級無形文化遺産に登録された。(石家荘=新華社記者/牟宇)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年12月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024122404976

  •  Harvest At Gembloux
    Harvest At Gembloux

    September 14, 2024, Brussels, Belgium: A father and son, both wearing straw hats, walk through the organized rows of crops in the research fields of the Gembloux Agricultural University in Belgium. (Credit Image: © Wiktor Dabkowski/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Wiktor Dabkowski/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024091508963

  • 紙すきする利用者 ヤギのふんから和紙、前橋
    紙すきする利用者 ヤギのふんから和紙、前橋


    商品コード: 2024083101856

  • ヤギと理事長 ヤギのふんから和紙、前橋
    ヤギと理事長 ヤギのふんから和紙、前橋


    商品コード: 2024083101851

  •  (5)受け継がれる伝統の花籠編み技術広西チワン族自治区百色市

    21日、百色市巴別郷三坡村の民俗文化伝承館で、陸新睿(りく・しんえい)さん(14)に花籠の編み方を教える梁秀群さん(右)。中国広西チワン族自治区百色市巴別郷三坡村には、麦わらで花籠を編む風習が400年にわたり続いている。花籠は小麦の麦わらを用い、四角形やひし形、平形、円形などに編み、周りを花、鳥、魚、虫などの文様で飾る。「福」「寿」「平安」「吉祥」などおめでたい文字を刺しゅうしたものもある。麦わら花籠編み技術の自治区級無形文化遺産伝承者、梁秀群(りょう・しゅうぐん)さん(72)は、12歳の時に近所の人から花籠編み技術を学び始めた。梁さんは技術を磨き続け、花籠の見た目と形に革新を加えた。技術を郷里の人々に教え、巴別三坡麦わら花籠編みチームも結成した。梁さんが模範となり、村内だけでも30人以上が麦わら花籠編みの仕事に従事するようになった。(百色=新華社記者/周華)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年8月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082909403

  •  (3)受け継がれる伝統の花籠編み技術広西チワン族自治区百色市

    21日、百色市巴別郷三坡村の民俗文化伝承館で自身が獲得した賞状を持つ梁秀群さん。中国広西チワン族自治区百色市巴別郷三坡村には、麦わらで花籠を編む風習が400年にわたり続いている。花籠は小麦の麦わらを用い、四角形やひし形、平形、円形などに編み、周りを花、鳥、魚、虫などの文様で飾る。「福」「寿」「平安」「吉祥」などおめでたい文字を刺しゅうしたものもある。麦わら花籠編み技術の自治区級無形文化遺産伝承者、梁秀群(りょう・しゅうぐん)さん(72)は、12歳の時に近所の人から花籠編み技術を学び始めた。梁さんは技術を磨き続け、花籠の見た目と形に革新を加えた。技術を郷里の人々に教え、巴別三坡麦わら花籠編みチームも結成した。梁さんが模範となり、村内だけでも30人以上が麦わら花籠編みの仕事に従事するようになった。(百色=新華社記者/周華)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年8月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082909398

  •  (2)受け継がれる伝統の花籠編み技術広西チワン族自治区百色市

    21日、百色市巴別郷三坡村の民俗文化伝承館で、チームの人々と一緒に花籠を編む梁秀群さん(右から2人目)。中国広西チワン族自治区百色市巴別郷三坡村には、麦わらで花籠を編む風習が400年にわたり続いている。花籠は小麦の麦わらを用い、四角形やひし形、平形、円形などに編み、周りを花、鳥、魚、虫などの文様で飾る。「福」「寿」「平安」「吉祥」などおめでたい文字を刺しゅうしたものもある。麦わら花籠編み技術の自治区級無形文化遺産伝承者、梁秀群(りょう・しゅうぐん)さん(72)は、12歳の時に近所の人から花籠編み技術を学び始めた。梁さんは技術を磨き続け、花籠の見た目と形に革新を加えた。技術を郷里の人々に教え、巴別三坡麦わら花籠編みチームも結成した。梁さんが模範となり、村内だけでも30人以上が麦わら花籠編みの仕事に従事するようになった。(百色=新華社記者/周華)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年8月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082909395

  •  (1)受け継がれる伝統の花籠編み技術広西チワン族自治区百色市

    21日、百色市巴別郷三坡村で花籠を編む梁秀群さんの手元。中国広西チワン族自治区百色市巴別郷三坡村には、麦わらで花籠を編む風習が400年にわたり続いている。花籠は小麦の麦わらを用い、四角形やひし形、平形、円形などに編み、周りを花、鳥、魚、虫などの文様で飾る。「福」「寿」「平安」「吉祥」などおめでたい文字を刺しゅうしたものもある。麦わら花籠編み技術の自治区級無形文化遺産伝承者、梁秀群(りょう・しゅうぐん)さん(72)は、12歳の時に近所の人から花籠編み技術を学び始めた。梁さんは技術を磨き続け、花籠の見た目と形に革新を加えた。技術を郷里の人々に教え、巴別三坡麦わら花籠編みチームも結成した。梁さんが模範となり、村内だけでも30人以上が麦わら花籠編みの仕事に従事するようになった。(百色=新華社記者/周華)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年8月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082909393

  •  (4)受け継がれる伝統の花籠編み技術広西チワン族自治区百色市

    21日、百色市巴別郷三坡村で花籠を編む梁秀群さん。中国広西チワン族自治区百色市巴別郷三坡村には、麦わらで花籠を編む風習が400年にわたり続いている。花籠は小麦の麦わらを用い、四角形やひし形、平形、円形などに編み、周りを花、鳥、魚、虫などの文様で飾る。「福」「寿」「平安」「吉祥」などおめでたい文字を刺しゅうしたものもある。麦わら花籠編み技術の自治区級無形文化遺産伝承者、梁秀群(りょう・しゅうぐん)さん(72)は、12歳の時に近所の人から花籠編み技術を学び始めた。梁さんは技術を磨き続け、花籠の見た目と形に革新を加えた。技術を郷里の人々に教え、巴別三坡麦わら花籠編みチームも結成した。梁さんが模範となり、村内だけでも30人以上が麦わら花籠編みの仕事に従事するようになった。(百色=新華社記者/周華)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年8月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024082909396

  •  Florida News - August 14, 2024
    Florida News - August 14, 2024

    August 14, 2024, Tampa, Florida, USA: Xander Escobedo, an airfield maintenance worker, wears a straw hat to help cover himself from the sun, while he works on the apron at the Tampa International Airport on Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024, in Tampa. (Credit Image: © Jefferee Woo/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Jefferee Woo/Tampa Bay Times/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024081504746

  •  (4)黒竜江省ハルビンの東北虎林園を訪ねて

    29日、東北虎林園でトラをテーマにした麦わら細工を作る職人。「世界トラの日」に当たる29日、中国黒竜江省ハルビン市の東北虎(アムールトラ)林園でテーマイベント「アムールトラの世界世界のアムールトラ」が開かれ、多くの観光客や市民が訪れた。同園は世界最大のアムールトラ人工飼育繁殖基地、横道河子ネコ科動物飼育繁殖センターの重要な拠点の一つとなっている。(ハルビン=新華社記者/張濤)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年7月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024073010015

  •  Metropolitan Museum Of Art In New York
    Metropolitan Museum Of Art In New York

    ‘Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat‘ (obverse: The Potato Peeler) painting by Vincent van Goghat the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, United States of America on July 15th, 2024. (Photo by Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024102009794

  •  Metropolitan Museum Of Art In New York
    Metropolitan Museum Of Art In New York

    ‘Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat‘ (obverse: The Potato Peeler) painting by Vincent van Goghat the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, United States of America on July 15th, 2024. (Photo by Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024102009795

  •  Metropolitan Museum Of Art In New York
    Metropolitan Museum Of Art In New York

    ‘Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat‘ (obverse: The Potato Peeler) painting by Vincent van Goghat the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, United States of America on July 15th, 2024. (Photo by Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024102009769

  •  Metropolitan Museum Of Art In New York
    Metropolitan Museum Of Art In New York

    ‘Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat‘ (obverse: The Potato Peeler) painting by Vincent van Goghat the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, United States of America on July 15th, 2024. (Photo by Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024102009763

  •  Metropolitan Museum Of Art In New York
    Metropolitan Museum Of Art In New York

    ‘Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat‘ (obverse: The Potato Peeler) painting by Vincent van Goghat the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, United States of America on July 15th, 2024. (Photo by Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024102009804

  •  (1)麦わらをバイオマス発電に利用、農家と企業に利益も河南省封丘県

    5日、河南省封丘県馮村郷東王村で、収穫後の麦畑で行われるレーキによる作業。中国河南省封丘県では「三夏」と呼ばれる夏季の収穫・播種・農地管理の時期に、収穫した小麦のわらの総合利用をに推進している。「政府が主導し、企業が先導し、農家が参加する」メカニズムを通じ、わら束は農地から新エネルギー火力発電所に直接に運ばれ、バイオマス発電の燃料となる。これにより低炭素・環境保護、農民の増収、企業の効率向上の「グリーン(環境配慮型)産業チェーン」を結び付けた。(封丘=新華社配信/孟慶軍)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年6月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024061205675

  •  (3)麦わらをバイオマス発電に利用、農家と企業に利益も河南省封丘県

    5日、河南省封丘県馮村郷東王村で、ロール状に成形した麦わらをトラックに積み込むローダー。中国河南省封丘県では「三夏」と呼ばれる夏季の収穫・播種・農地管理の時期に、収穫した小麦のわらの総合利用をに推進している。「政府が主導し、企業が先導し、農家が参加する」メカニズムを通じ、わら束は農地から新エネルギー火力発電所に直接に運ばれ、バイオマス発電の燃料となる。これにより低炭素・環境保護、農民の増収、企業の効率向上の「グリーン(環境配慮型)産業チェーン」を結び付けた。(封丘=新華社配信/孟慶軍)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年6月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024061205680

  •  (5)麦わらをバイオマス発電に利用、農家と企業に利益も河南省封丘県

    5日、河南省封丘県馮村郷東王村の麦畑で、隊列を組んで作業をするコンバイン。中国河南省封丘県では「三夏」と呼ばれる夏季の収穫・播種・農地管理の時期に、収穫した小麦のわらの総合利用をに推進している。「政府が主導し、企業が先導し、農家が参加する」メカニズムを通じ、わら束は農地から新エネルギー火力発電所に直接に運ばれ、バイオマス発電の燃料となる。これにより低炭素・環境保護、農民の増収、企業の効率向上の「グリーン(環境配慮型)産業チェーン」を結び付けた。(封丘=新華社配信/孟慶軍)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年6月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024061205690

  •  (4)麦わらをバイオマス発電に利用、農家と企業に利益も河南省封丘県

    5日、河南省封丘県馮村郷東王村で、ロール状に成形された麦わらを新エネルギー火力発電所に運ぶトラック。中国河南省封丘県では「三夏」と呼ばれる夏季の収穫・播種・農地管理の時期に、収穫した小麦のわらの総合利用をに推進している。「政府が主導し、企業が先導し、農家が参加する」メカニズムを通じ、わら束は農地から新エネルギー火力発電所に直接に運ばれ、バイオマス発電の燃料となる。これにより低炭素・環境保護、農民の増収、企業の効率向上の「グリーン(環境配慮型)産業チェーン」を結び付けた。(封丘=新華社配信/孟慶軍)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年6月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024061205674

  •  (2)麦わらをバイオマス発電に利用、農家と企業に利益も河南省封丘県

    5日、河南省封丘県馮村郷東王村で、ロール状に成形した麦わらを排出するロールベーラー。中国河南省封丘県では「三夏」と呼ばれる夏季の収穫・播種・農地管理の時期に、収穫した小麦のわらの総合利用をに推進している。「政府が主導し、企業が先導し、農家が参加する」メカニズムを通じ、わら束は農地から新エネルギー火力発電所に直接に運ばれ、バイオマス発電の燃料となる。これにより低炭素・環境保護、農民の増収、企業の効率向上の「グリーン(環境配慮型)産業チェーン」を結び付けた。(封丘=新華社配信/孟慶軍)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年6月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024061205676

  •  Princess Dianaâs Elegance and A Royal Collection
    Princess Dianaâs Elegance and A Royal Collection

    May 22, 2024, New York, New York, USA: Princess Diana owned Rayne Two-Tone White and Red Leather Clutch estimate $2,000 - $4,000 and Princess Diana owned 1985 Australia Tour, Attributed Philip Somerville Red and Cream Straw Hat, estimate $10,000 - $20,000, seen during the press preview for Julienââ¬â¢s Auctions ââ¬ËPrincess Dianaââ¬â¢s Elegance and A Royal Collectionââ¬â¢ held The Carlyle. (Credit Image: © Nancy Kaszerman/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Nancy Kaszerman/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024052308366

  •  The Fourth Grand Flaneur Walk in London, UK - 05 May 2024
    The Fourth Grand Flaneur Walk in London, UK - 05 May 2024

    May 5, 2024, London, Mayfair, United Kingdom: A gentleman wearing a white suit and a straw hat poses outside a shop front. Ladies and Gentlemen dressed in their finest outfits gather at the Beau Brummell statue on Jermyn Street London for the Fourth Grand Flaneur Walk. (Credit Image: © James Willoughby/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©James Willoughby/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024050612363

  •  夏の装い、麦わら帽子で


    商品コード: 2024041304380

  •  夏の装い、麦わら帽子で


    商品コード: 2024041304374

  • 帽子を作る道具 夏の装い、麦わら帽子で
    帽子を作る道具 夏の装い、麦わら帽子で


    商品コード: 2024041301591

  •  The community of the Dominican Republic celebrates Independence Day. Rome, Italy.
    The community of the Dominican Republic celebrates Independence Day. Rome, Italy.

    February 18, 2024, Rome, Italy: A man with a straw hat looks ahead in the procession to celebrate independence from the Government of Haiti organized by the community of the Dominican Republic in Rome. In 1844 a popular uprising movement led by Juan Pablo Duarte led to the independence of the Dominican Republic sanctioned by a manifesto that marked the equality of all people, without discrimination. (Credit Image: © Marcello Valeri/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Marcello Valeri/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024022408691

  • 小嶺忠敏さんの麦わら帽子 全国高校サッカー1回戦
    小嶺忠敏さんの麦わら帽子 全国高校サッカー1回戦


    商品コード: 2023122911737

  •  2023 New York City‘s Halloween Parade
    2023 New York City‘s Halloween Parade

    October 31, 2023, New York, United States: A reveler dressed as a Van Gogh painting of a man in straw hat participates in the New York City‘s 50th Annual Village Halloween Parade themed ‘‘Upside/Down : Inside/Out! (Credit Image: © Ron Adar/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Ron Adar/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110206464

  •  Farmers Thresh Paddy In Pakistan
    Farmers Thresh Paddy In Pakistan

    October 24, 2023, Larkana, Pakistan: Children are carrying paddy fodder on their heads passing .through a field at Gullan Jeho village in Larkana. (Credit Image: © PPI via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©PPI/PPI via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ ※Pakistan Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2023103103272

  •  JT Vintage Historical Archive
    JT Vintage Historical Archive

    October 20, 2023, Washington, DC, USA: High angle view of two women wearing print dresses and large straw hats, sitting on park bench, Washington, D.C., USA, David Myers, U.S. Farm Security Administration, 1939 (Credit Image: © JT Vintage via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©JT Vintage/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110204271

  •  Burt Young 1940-2023 ‘Rocky‘ Actor
    Burt Young 1940-2023 ‘Rocky‘ Actor

    October 19, 2023: Burt Young, the Oscar-nominated actor who played Paulie, the rough hewn, grumbling best friend, corner man to Sylvester Stallone in the “Rocky“ franchise, has died. Young died Oct. 8 in Los Angeles, his daughter, Anne Morea Steingieser, said. He was 83. FILE IMAGE SHOT ON: January 9, 1976, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Actor Burt Young wearing his signature straw hat as ‘Paulie‘ in a scene form the film Rocky in 1976. (Credit Image: © Movie Star News via ZUMA Press Wire Service)、クレジット:©Movie Star News/MSN via ZUMA Press Wire Service/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102004780

  •  Burt Young 1940-2023 ‘Rocky‘ Actor
    Burt Young 1940-2023 ‘Rocky‘ Actor

    October 19, 2023: Burt Young, the Oscar-nominated actor who played Paulie, the rough hewn, grumbling best friend, corner man to Sylvester Stallone in the ‘‘Rocky‘‘ franchise, has died. Young died Oct. 8 in Los Angeles, his daughter, Anne Morea Steingieser, said. He was 83. FILE IMAGE SHOT ON: January 9, 1976, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Actor Burt Young wearing his signature straw hat as ‘Paulie‘ in a scene form the film Rocky in 1976. (Credit Image: © Movie Star News via ZUMA Press Wire Service)、クレジット:©Movie Star News/MSN via ZUMA Press Wire Service/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102007222


    (231011) -- TEHRAN, Oct. 11, 2023 (Xinhua) -- A woman demonstrates a straw hat she made during a traditional cultural event in Tehran, Iran, Oct. 10, 2023. (Xinhua/Shadati)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101106315

  •  Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change
    Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change

    September 22, 2023, Berlin, Germany: The streets of Berlin witnessed an unregistered march on September 22, 2023, organized by the activist group Last Generation, drawing attention to the pressing issue of climate change. Their rallying cry: ‘‘Current policies have deadly consequences.‘‘ Among the protesters were healthcare workers, emphasizing the increasing number of heat-related fatalities. As a symbolic gesture, many participants wore straw hats, representing those who have succumbed to the extreme temperatures. In a dramatic finale to the march, the activists set fire to a straw hat, signaling the lethal heat that is taking lives attributed to climate change...、クレジット:©Michael Kuenne/PRESSCOV via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092303513

  •  Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change
    Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change

    September 22, 2023, Berlin, Germany: The streets of Berlin witnessed an unregistered march on September 22, 2023, organized by the activist group Last Generation, drawing attention to the pressing issue of climate change. Their rallying cry: ‘‘Current policies have deadly consequences.‘‘ Among the protesters were healthcare workers, emphasizing the increasing number of heat-related fatalities. As a symbolic gesture, many participants wore straw hats, representing those who have succumbed to the extreme temperatures. In a dramatic finale to the march, the activists set fire to a straw hat, signaling the lethal heat that is taking lives attributed to climate change...、クレジット:©Michael Kuenne/PRESSCOV via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092304093

  •  Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change
    Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change

    September 22, 2023, Berlin, Germany: The streets of Berlin witnessed an unregistered march on September 22, 2023, organized by the activist group Last Generation, drawing attention to the pressing issue of climate change. Their rallying cry: ‘‘Current policies have deadly consequences.‘‘ Among the protesters were healthcare workers, emphasizing the increasing number of heat-related fatalities. As a symbolic gesture, many participants wore straw hats, representing those who have succumbed to the extreme temperatures. In a dramatic finale to the march, the activists set fire to a straw hat, signaling the lethal heat that is taking lives attributed to climate change...、クレジット:©Michael Kuenne/PRESSCOV via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092304108

  •  Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change
    Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change

    September 22, 2023, Berlin, Germany: The streets of Berlin witnessed an unregistered march on September 22, 2023, organized by the activist group Last Generation, drawing attention to the pressing issue of climate change. Their rallying cry: ‘‘Current policies have deadly consequences.‘‘ Among the protesters were healthcare workers, emphasizing the increasing number of heat-related fatalities. As a symbolic gesture, many participants wore straw hats, representing those who have succumbed to the extreme temperatures. In a dramatic finale to the march, the activists set fire to a straw hat, signaling the lethal heat that is taking lives attributed to climate change...、クレジット:©Michael Kuenne/PRESSCOV via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092304114

  •  Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change
    Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change

    September 22, 2023, Berlin, Germany: The streets of Berlin witnessed an unregistered march on September 22, 2023, organized by the activist group Last Generation, drawing attention to the pressing issue of climate change. Their rallying cry: ‘‘Current policies have deadly consequences.‘‘ Among the protesters were healthcare workers, emphasizing the increasing number of heat-related fatalities. As a symbolic gesture, many participants wore straw hats, representing those who have succumbed to the extreme temperatures. In a dramatic finale to the march, the activists set fire to a straw hat, signaling the lethal heat that is taking lives attributed to climate change...、クレジット:©Michael Kuenne/PRESSCOV via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092304151

  •  Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change
    Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change

    September 22, 2023, Berlin, Germany: The streets of Berlin witnessed an unregistered march on September 22, 2023, organized by the activist group Last Generation, drawing attention to the pressing issue of climate change. Their rallying cry: ‘‘Current policies have deadly consequences.‘‘ Among the protesters were healthcare workers, emphasizing the increasing number of heat-related fatalities. As a symbolic gesture, many participants wore straw hats, representing those who have succumbed to the extreme temperatures. In a dramatic finale to the march, the activists set fire to a straw hat, signaling the lethal heat that is taking lives attributed to climate change...、クレジット:©Michael Kuenne/PRESSCOV via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092303991

  •  Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change
    Germany: Protest in Berlin Stresses Health Risks of Climate Change

    September 22, 2023, Berlin, Germany: The streets of Berlin witnessed an unregistered march on September 22, 2023, organized by the activist group Last Generation, drawing attention to the pressing issue of climate change. Their rallying cry: ‘‘Current policies have deadly consequences.‘‘ Among the protesters were healthcare workers, emphasizing the increasing number of heat-related fatalities. As a symbolic gesture, many participants wore straw hats, representing those who have succumbed to the extreme temperatures. In a dramatic finale to the march, the activists set fire to a straw hat, signaling the lethal heat that is taking lives attributed to climate change...、クレジット:©Michael Kuenne/PRESSCOV via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092304138

  •  A Peaceful Moment Of Contemplation In The Life Of A Senior Citizen
    A Peaceful Moment Of Contemplation In The Life Of A Senior Citizen

    An elderly man sits quietly on a bench in a shaded courtyard in Erlangen, Germany, on September 8, 2023, his straw hat shielding him from the soft sunlight. (Photo by Michael Nguyen/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Michael Nguyen/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024121101657

  • 徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic
    徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic

    As the night advances, dancers are continuing to perform the Awa Odori dance while wearing their ‘‘Torioigasa‘‘, the braided straw hat, in Tokushima, Japan on August 12th, 2023. (Photo by Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081306854

  • 徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic
    徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic

    Tokushima, Japan, on August 12, 2023, a dancer is smiling while performing while wearing her ‘‘Torioigasa‘‘, the braided straw hat. (Photo by Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081306855

  • 徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic
    徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic

    Dancers are performing the Awa Odori dance while wearing their ‘‘Torioigasa‘‘, the braided straw hat, in Tokushima, Japan on August 12th, 2023. (Photo by Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081306840

  • 徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic
    徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic

    Dancers are performing the Awa Odori dance while wearing their ‘‘Torioigasa‘‘, the braided straw hat, in Tokushima, Japan on August 12th, 2023. (Photo by Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081306843

  • 徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic
    徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic

    Children are performing the traditional Awa Odori dance during one of the processions in Tokushima, Japan, on August 12th, 2023, clad in the traditional kimono and straw hat of the Awa Odori festival. (Photo by Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081306835

  • 徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic
    徳島、阿波おどり Awa Odori Returns In Full Form After Being Curtailed During The Pandemic

    Children are performing the traditional Awa Odori dance during one of the processions in Tokushima, Japan, on August 12th, 2023, clad in the traditional kimono and straw hat of the Awa Odori festival. (Photo by Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Marc Fernandes/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081306832

  •  Russia Weather
    Russia Weather

    05.08.2023 A woman walks on a hot summer day in central Moscow, Russia. Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik、クレジット:Sputnik/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080511508

  •  (5)内モンゴル・バヤンノール市で小麦の収穫本格化

    23日、バヤンノール国家農業ハイテク産業モデル区の硬質小麦モデル区で、脱穀した麦わらを回収する農家の人。。中国内モンゴル自治区バヤンノール市で20日から小麦の収穫が本格化している。同市は農作物栽培の黄金地帯とされる北緯40度に位置し、「塞外(万里の長城以北)の穀倉」と呼ばれ、国内の良質な中間質小麦、硬質小麦の主要産地となっている。今年の作付面積は約80万ムー(約5万3千ヘクタール)で、2022年より18万500ムー(約1万2千ヘクタール)広く、総生産量は28万5千トンを見込む。確実に収穫を得るために、地元ではコンバイン800台余りをフル稼働させ、月末の作業完了を目指す。(バヤンノール=新華社記者/李雲平)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072508445

  •  (6)内モンゴル・バヤンノール市で小麦の収穫本格化

    23日、バヤンノール国家農業ハイテク産業モデル区の硬質小麦モデル区で、脱穀した麦わらを回収する農家の人。中国内モンゴル自治区バヤンノール市で20日から小麦の収穫が本格化している。同市は農作物栽培の黄金地帯とされる北緯40度に位置し、「塞外(万里の長城以北)の穀倉」と呼ばれ、国内の良質な中間質小麦、硬質小麦の主要産地となっている。今年の作付面積は約80万ムー(約5万3千ヘクタール)で、2022年より18万500ムー(約1万2千ヘクタール)広く、総生産量は28万5千トンを見込む。確実に収穫を得るために、地元ではコンバイン800台余りをフル稼働させ、月末の作業完了を目指す。(バヤンノール=新華社記者/李雲平)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072508441

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    サニー号トレイン 麦わらの一味、出航!

    人気漫画「ONE PIECE(ワンピース)」をモチーフにした南阿蘇鉄道の「サニー号トレイン」=22日午前、熊本県南阿蘇村の立野駅

    商品コード: 2023072205469

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    出発するサニー号トレイン 麦わらの一味、出航!

    立野駅を出発する、人気漫画「ONE PIECE(ワンピース)」をモチーフにした南阿蘇鉄道の列車=22日午前、熊本県南阿蘇村

    商品コード: 2023072205315

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    15日、新疆ウイグル自治区昌吉回族自治州フトビ県二十里店鎮寧州戸村で、畑で機械を操作して麦わらを結束する農家の人。(小型無人機から)中国新疆ウイグル自治区は1年で最も暑い時期に入り、夏穀物の収穫が山場を迎えている。収量を確保するため、人的・物的リソースを積極的に調整、手配して、全力で収穫作業に取り組んでいる。夏穀物の買い付けを保障するため、同自治区は容量456万トンの食糧備蓄倉庫を準備、買い付け量は小麦330万トンを見込んでいる。現時点で自治区全域の小麦の収穫面積は1千万ムー(約66万6700ヘクタール)を超え、作業は全体の半分以上進んでいる。これまでに収穫した小麦の単位面積当たりの収量と品質は前年より良好となっている。(ウルムチ=新華社記者/丁磊)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071906898

  • カットされる麦わら 麦で「本物」ストロー生産
    カットされる麦わら 麦で「本物」ストロー生産


    商品コード: 2023070801444

  • China Henan Crop Straw Recycling China Henan Crop Straw Recycling
    China Henan Crop Straw Recycling China Henan Crop Straw Recycling

    Farmers bundle wheat straw for sale in the farmland in Huaxian county in central China‘s Henan province Wednesday, June 07, 2023. The burning of the crop straw is banned now, and farmers can sell the straw to plant of organic fertilizers and animal feed.、クレジット:Featurechina/共同通信イメージズ ※中国での使用禁止。

    商品コード: 2023060712508

  • China Henan Crop Straw Recycling China Henan Crop Straw Recycling
    China Henan Crop Straw Recycling China Henan Crop Straw Recycling

    Farmers bundle wheat straw for sale in the farmland in Huaxian county in central China‘s Henan province Wednesday, June 07, 2023. The burning of the crop straw is banned now, and farmers can sell the straw to plant of organic fertilizers and animal feed.、クレジット:Featurechina/共同通信イメージズ ※中国での使用禁止。

    商品コード: 2023060712516

  • China Henan Crop Straw Recycling China Henan Crop Straw Recycling
    China Henan Crop Straw Recycling China Henan Crop Straw Recycling

    Farmers bundle wheat straw for sale in the farmland in Huaxian county in central China‘s Henan province Wednesday, June 07, 2023. The burning of the crop straw is banned now, and farmers can sell the straw to plant of organic fertilizers and animal feed.、クレジット:Featurechina/共同通信イメージズ ※中国での使用禁止。

    商品コード: 2023060712513

  • China Henan Crop Straw Recycling China Henan Crop Straw Recycling
    China Henan Crop Straw Recycling China Henan Crop Straw Recycling

    Farmers bundle wheat straw for sale in the farmland in Huaxian county in central China‘s Henan province Wednesday, June 07, 2023. The burning of the crop straw is banned now, and farmers can sell the straw to plant of organic fertilizers and animal feed.、クレジット:Featurechina/共同通信イメージズ ※中国での使用禁止。

    商品コード: 2023060712514

  • China Henan Crop Straw Recycling China Henan Crop Straw Recycling
    China Henan Crop Straw Recycling China Henan Crop Straw Recycling

    Farmers bundle wheat straw for sale in the farmland in Huaxian county in central China‘s Henan province Wednesday, June 07, 2023. The burning of the crop straw is banned now, and farmers can sell the straw to plant of organic fertilizers and animal feed.、クレジット:Featurechina/共同通信イメージズ ※中国での使用禁止。

    商品コード: 2023060712515

  •  最盛期を迎えている麦わら帽子作り


    商品コード: 2023061407439

  •  メジャー6年目、さらなる高みへ


    商品コード: 2023051114481

  •  メジャー6年目、さらなる高みへ


    商品コード: 2023051113962

  •  The Bat Who Lived! Toronto Zoo‘s Newest Winged Arrival Is Recovers After Traumatic Birth
    The Bat Who Lived! Toronto Zoo‘s Newest Winged Arrival Is Recovers After Traumatic Birth

    February 24, 2023, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: VIDEO AVAILABLE: CONTACT INFO@COVERMG.COM TO RECEIVE**..In late January, African straw-coloured fruit bat Jessica gave birth. At 18 years old (the average life expectancy for this species), she was one of the oldest straw-coloured fruit bats to give birth in human care. ...As a result of her advanced age and the weight of the pup - a sixth of her 300 gram bodyweight - Jessica experienced a critical injury after giving birth. She was humanely euthaniSed due to the significant nature of the injury and the very poor chance of making a recovery....The Zooââ¬â¢s African Rainforest team immediately stepped in to begin hand-rearing the pup, now named Jesse in honour of his mom. He received around-the-clock care, including feedings every four hours: the Zooââ¬â¢s Nutrition team designed a special milk formula that is made fresh every 24 hours just for him. .Hand-rearing cases like Jesse are undertaken with the intention of returning the animal to their natural social ...

    商品コード: 2023032202547

  •  The Bat Who Lived! Toronto Zoo‘s Newest Winged Arrival Is Recovers After Traumatic Birth
    The Bat Who Lived! Toronto Zoo‘s Newest Winged Arrival Is Recovers After Traumatic Birth

    February 24, 2023, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: VIDEO AVAILABLE: CONTACT INFO@COVERMG.COM TO RECEIVE**..In late January, African straw-coloured fruit bat Jessica gave birth. At 18 years old (the average life expectancy for this species), she was one of the oldest straw-coloured fruit bats to give birth in human care. ...As a result of her advanced age and the weight of the pup - a sixth of her 300 gram bodyweight - Jessica experienced a critical injury after giving birth. She was humanely euthaniSed due to the significant nature of the injury and the very poor chance of making a recovery....The Zooââ¬â¢s African Rainforest team immediately stepped in to begin hand-rearing the pup, now named Jesse in honour of his mom. He received around-the-clock care, including feedings every four hours: the Zooââ¬â¢s Nutrition team designed a special milk formula that is made fresh every 24 hours just for him. .Hand-rearing cases like Jesse are undertaken with the intention of returning the animal to their natural social ...

    商品コード: 2023032202551

  •  Florida News - February 1, 2023
    Florida News - February 1, 2023

    February 1, 2023, St.Petersburg, Florida, USA: Boy With a Straw Hatââ¬Â, an oil-on-canvas painting by Paul Cézanne, is displayed in the ââ¬ÅTrue Nature: Rodin and the Age of Impressionism‘‘ exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023, in St.Petersburg. (Credit Image: © Angelica Edwards/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Angelica Edwards/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023020202908

  •  New Year‘s Eve celebration and clothing drive in Toronto, Canada - 31 Dec 2022
    New Year‘s Eve celebration and clothing drive in Toronto, Canada - 31 Dec 2022

    December 31, 2022, Toronto, Canada: Ice skaters wearing a top and straw hat brave the cold on a skate trail. The Beltway Polar Bear Skate is a clothing drive organized by The Beltway Conservancy to collect warm winter clothes and celebrate the end of the year under the Gardiner Expressway in Toronto. (Credit Image: © Katherine Cheng/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Katherine Cheng/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010106754

  •  New Year‘s Eve celebration and clothing drive in Toronto, Canada - 31 Dec 2022
    New Year‘s Eve celebration and clothing drive in Toronto, Canada - 31 Dec 2022

    December 31, 2022, Toronto, Canada: An Ice skater dressed in a bathing suit and straw hat braves the cold on a skate trail. The Beltway Polar Bear Skate is a clothing drive organized by The Beltway Conservancy to collect warm winter clothes and celebrate the end of the year under the Gardiner Expressway in Toronto. (Credit Image: © Katherine Cheng/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Katherine Cheng/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010106784

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Germany - 19 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Germany - 19 Nov 2022

    November 19, 2022, Bavaria, Germany: In this photo illustration, a Vintage porcelain doll green-eyed red-haired girl with curls, pearl beads around her neck, in a green sundress and a white straw hat with a flower. Porcelain dolls were popular in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually, such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. (Credit Image: © Igor Golovniov/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Igor Golovniov/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112009485

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Germany - 19 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Germany - 19 Nov 2022

    November 19, 2022, Bavaria, Germany: In this photo illustration, a Vintage porcelain doll green-eyed red-haired girl with curls, pearl beads around her neck, in a green sundress and a white straw hat with a flower. Porcelain dolls were popular in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually, such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. (Credit Image: © Igor Golovniov/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Igor Golovniov/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112009445

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Germany - 19 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Germany - 19 Nov 2022

    November 19, 2022, Bavaria, Germany: In this photo illustration, a Vintage porcelain doll green-eyed red-haired girl with curls, pearl beads around her neck, in a green sundress and a white straw hat with a flower. Porcelain dolls were popular in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually, such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. (Credit Image: © Igor Golovniov/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Igor Golovniov/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112009366

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Germany - 19 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Germany - 19 Nov 2022

    November 19, 2022, Bavaria, Germany: In this photo illustration, a Vintage porcelain doll green-eyed red-haired girl with curls, pearl beads around her neck, in a green sundress and a white straw hat with a flower. Porcelain dolls were popular in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually, such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. (Credit Image: © Igor Golovniov/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Igor Golovniov/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112009437

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022

    November 17, 2022, Garham, Bavaria, Germany: Vintage porcelain doll girl with blue eyes with brown braids in a pink dress and a white apron with a toy in the pocket and a straw hat. Porcelain dolls appeared in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. A little later, the production of dolls was put on an industrial basis and children of wealthy parents began to play with them. Naturally, such beautiful pieces attracted the attention of collectors and became even more popular..Actually, the head, arms and legs are made from unglazed porcelain, and the rag body is stuffed with cotton. The main doll productions in Europe are located in France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. In recent years, they have been joined by China, which produces excellent replicas of the best European products. Now it is almost impossible to get an Italian doll. Due to the high popularit...

    商品コード: 2022111807241

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022

    November 17, 2022, Garham, Bavaria, Germany: Vintage porcelain doll girl with blue eyes with brown braids in a pink dress and a white apron with a toy in the pocket and a straw hat. Porcelain dolls appeared in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. A little later, the production of dolls was put on an industrial basis and children of wealthy parents began to play with them. Naturally, such beautiful pieces attracted the attention of collectors and became even more popular..Actually, the head, arms and legs are made from unglazed porcelain, and the rag body is stuffed with cotton. The main doll productions in Europe are located in France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. In recent years, they have been joined by China, which produces excellent replicas of the best European products. Now it is almost impossible to get an Italian doll. Due to the high popularit...

    商品コード: 2022111807238

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022

    November 17, 2022, Garham, Bavaria, Germany: Vintage porcelain doll girl with blue eyes with brown braids in a pink dress and a white apron with a toy in the pocket and a straw hat. Porcelain dolls appeared in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. A little later, the production of dolls was put on an industrial basis and children of wealthy parents began to play with them. Naturally, such beautiful pieces attracted the attention of collectors and became even more popular..Actually, the head, arms and legs are made from unglazed porcelain, and the rag body is stuffed with cotton. The main doll productions in Europe are located in France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. In recent years, they have been joined by China, which produces excellent replicas of the best European products. Now it is almost impossible to get an Italian doll. Due to the high popularit...

    商品コード: 2022111807713

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022

    November 17, 2022, Garham, Bavaria, Germany: Vintage porcelain doll girl with blue eyes with brown braids in a pink dress and a white apron with a toy in the pocket and a straw hat. Porcelain dolls appeared in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. A little later, the production of dolls was put on an industrial basis and children of wealthy parents began to play with them. Naturally, such beautiful pieces attracted the attention of collectors and became even more popular..Actually, the head, arms and legs are made from unglazed porcelain, and the rag body is stuffed with cotton. The main doll productions in Europe are located in France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. In recent years, they have been joined by China, which produces excellent replicas of the best European products. Now it is almost impossible to get an Italian doll. Due to the high popularit...

    商品コード: 2022111807632

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022

    November 17, 2022, Garham, Bavaria, Germany: Vintage porcelain doll girl with blue eyes with brown braids in a pink dress and a white apron with a toy in the pocket and a straw hat. Porcelain dolls appeared in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. A little later, the production of dolls was put on an industrial basis and children of wealthy parents began to play with them. Naturally, such beautiful pieces attracted the attention of collectors and became even more popular..Actually, the head, arms and legs are made from unglazed porcelain, and the rag body is stuffed with cotton. The main doll productions in Europe are located in France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. In recent years, they have been joined by China, which produces excellent replicas of the best European products. Now it is almost impossible to get an Italian doll. Due to the high popularit...

    商品コード: 2022111807578

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022

    November 17, 2022, Garham, Bavaria, Germany: Vintage porcelain doll golden-haired girl with flowing hair with brown eyes in a pink dress and a straw hat. Porcelain dolls appeared in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. A little later, the production of dolls was put on an industrial basis and children of wealthy parents began to play with them. Naturally, such beautiful pieces attracted the attention of collectors and became even more popular..Actually, the head, arms and legs are made from unglazed porcelain, and the rag body is stuffed with cotton. The main doll productions in Europe are located in France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. In recent years, they have been joined by China, which produces excellent replicas of the best European products. Now it is almost impossible to get an Italian doll. Due to the high popularity of these dolls among touri...

    商品コード: 2022111807747

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022

    November 17, 2022, Garham, Bavaria, Germany: Vintage porcelain doll golden-haired girl with flowing hair with brown eyes in a pink dress and a straw hat. Porcelain dolls appeared in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. A little later, the production of dolls was put on an industrial basis and children of wealthy parents began to play with them. Naturally, such beautiful pieces attracted the attention of collectors and became even more popular..Actually, the head, arms and legs are made from unglazed porcelain, and the rag body is stuffed with cotton. The main doll productions in Europe are located in France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. In recent years, they have been joined by China, which produces excellent replicas of the best European products. Now it is almost impossible to get an Italian doll. Due to the high popularity of these dolls among touri...

    商品コード: 2022111807280

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022

    November 17, 2022, Garham, Bavaria, Germany: Vintage porcelain doll golden-haired girl with flowing hair with brown eyes in a pink dress and a straw hat. Porcelain dolls appeared in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. A little later, the production of dolls was put on an industrial basis and children of wealthy parents began to play with them. Naturally, such beautiful pieces attracted the attention of collectors and became even more popular..Actually, the head, arms and legs are made from unglazed porcelain, and the rag body is stuffed with cotton. The main doll productions in Europe are located in France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. In recent years, they have been joined by China, which produces excellent replicas of the best European products. Now it is almost impossible to get an Italian doll. Due to the high popularity of these dolls among touri...

    商品コード: 2022111807291

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022

    November 17, 2022, Garham, Bavaria, Germany: Vintage porcelain doll golden-haired girl with flowing hair with brown eyes in a pink dress and a straw hat. Porcelain dolls appeared in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. A little later, the production of dolls was put on an industrial basis and children of wealthy parents began to play with them. Naturally, such beautiful pieces attracted the attention of collectors and became even more popular..Actually, the head, arms and legs are made from unglazed porcelain, and the rag body is stuffed with cotton. The main doll productions in Europe are located in France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. In recent years, they have been joined by China, which produces excellent replicas of the best European products. Now it is almost impossible to get an Italian doll. Due to the high popularity of these dolls among touri...

    商品コード: 2022111807192

  •  Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022
    Vintage porcelain dolls in Garham, Germany - 17 Nov 2022

    November 17, 2022, Garham, Bavaria, Germany: Vintage porcelain doll golden-haired girl with flowing hair with brown eyes in a pink dress and a straw hat. Porcelain dolls appeared in the 18th century in France. They were used to promote French fashion in the world. Usually such dolls were supplied with a large number of clothes and sent to customers as mini mannequins. A little later, the production of dolls was put on an industrial basis and children of wealthy parents began to play with them. Naturally, such beautiful pieces attracted the attention of collectors and became even more popular..Actually, the head, arms and legs are made from unglazed porcelain, and the rag body is stuffed with cotton. The main doll productions in Europe are located in France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. In recent years, they have been joined by China, which produces excellent replicas of the best European products. Now it is almost impossible to get an Italian doll. Due to the high popularity of these dolls among touri...

    商品コード: 2022111807290

  •  New York City‘s Halloween Parade in US - 31 Oct 2022
    New York City‘s Halloween Parade in US - 31 Oct 2022

    October 31, 2022, New York, United States: A reveler dressed as a Van Gogh painting of a man in straw hat participates in New York City‘s 49th Annual Village Halloween Parade in New York City. This year‘s theme was ‘‘Freedom‘ (Credit Image: © Ron Adar/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Ron Adar/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022110306448

  •  Lecture from space: Drinking juice with super-long straw
    Lecture from space: Drinking juice with super-long straw

    STORY: Lecture from space: Drinking juice with super-long strawDATELINE: Oct. 12, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:01LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: SCIENCESHOTLIST:1. various of the experiment in the Wentian lab module2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LIU YANG, China‘s Shenzhou-14 astronautSTORYLINE:Is it possible to suck juice through a 2-meter-long drinking straw? Chinese astronauts show you the experiment from China‘s space station.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LIU YANG, China‘s Shenzhou-14 astronaut“Today I‘m going to use a 2-meter-long drinking straw to drink. I‘ve sucked my mango juice. It‘s pretty easy. Due to the gravity on the ground, the longer the straw is, the more effort it takes to suck. But the space station is a microgravity environment...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101309832

  •  芸術で大きく変わった秦嶺山脈北麓の村陝西省

    蔡家坡村の収穫後の麦畑で踊る観光客。(6月12日撮影)中国陝西省西安市にある西安美術学院教授の武小川(ぶ・しょうせん)氏は2018年、実験芸術系の学生たちを率い、同市鄠邑(こゆう)区の石井街道蔡家坡村で制作活動を行った。秦嶺山脈の終南山の麓に広がる黄金の麦畑を創作空間として、麦わらで作られた像やインスタレーションアートが畑の中に設置された。それからの5年間に、村人、アーティスト、行政が一体となって模索を続け、麦畑での交響楽や民間伝統演劇「秦腔(しんこう)」などの上演を相次いで行った。また、麦を刈り取った鎌、実をむき取った後のトウモロコシの芯、漬け物用の古いかめなどが写真に収められ、改装された村の美術館で展示された。文化と芸術で地域を活性化させることを目的に同区が任命した「芸術村長」や農村振興顧問、ミュージシャン、観光客などがひっきりなしに訪れるようになり、これまであまり知られていなかった小さな村は日に日に活気づいている。(西安=新華社記者/李一博)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101005582

  •  Italy: ‘Van Gogh‘ exhibition in Rome
    Italy: ‘Van Gogh‘ exhibition in Rome

    October 7, 2022, Rome, Italy: ‘‘Still life with straw hat‘‘ by Vincent Van Gogh exhibited in the exhibition ‘‘Van Gogh. Masterpieces from the Kroller-Muller Museum‘ (Credit Image: © Matteo Nardone/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Matteo Nardone/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100813690

  • ルフィ像 麦わらの一味像に観光客
    ルフィ像 麦わらの一味像に観光客


    商品コード: 2022082909130

  • ルフィ像に集まる人たち 麦わらの一味像に観光客
    ルフィ像に集まる人たち 麦わらの一味像に観光客


    商品コード: 2022082909120

  • チョッパー像 麦わらの一味像に観光客
    チョッパー像 麦わらの一味像に観光客


    商品コード: 2022082909126

  •  The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture
    The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture

    August 23, 2022, Piornero, Spain: Ernesto passes in front of a hórreo and a palloza covered with cement block, in the pre-Roman village of Piornedo, on August 23, 2022, in Piornedo, in the parish of Donís, in the municipality of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia (Spain). The pallozas are pre-Roman constructions, inhabited by animals and people until 1970, when the village was connected by road and its inhabitants took the opportunity to build their homes with other types of tools and materials. The pallozas have a circular stone structure, with a cone-shaped roof and are made with rye straw, materials that make their care very expensive and the owners could not afford it. These shelters were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), thanks to their uniqueness typical of the high mountains of Lugo and Leon...25 AUGUST 2022;VILLAGE;PRE-ROMAN;LUGO;BIC;CULTURAL INTEREST PROPERTY;HOUSING;GALICIA..Carlos Castro / Europa Press..08/23/2022 (Credit Image: © Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Cast...

    商品コード: 2022082706749

  •  The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture
    The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture

    August 23, 2022, Piornero, Spain: Ernesto observes the structure of the basement of the palloza, composed of centenary oak trees, in the pre-Roman village of Piornedo, on August 23, 2022, in Piornedo, in the parish of Donís, in the municipality of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia (Spain). The pallozas are pre-Roman constructions, inhabited by animals and people until 1970, when the village was connected by road and its inhabitants took the opportunity to build their homes with other types of tools and materials. The pallozas have a circular stone structure, with a cone-shaped roof and are made with rye straw, materials that make their care very expensive and the owners could not afford it. These shelters were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), thanks to their uniqueness typical of the high mountains of Lugo and Leon...25 AUGUST 2022;VILLAGE;PRE-ROMAN;LUGO;BIC;CULTURAL INTEREST PROPERTY;HOUSING;GALICIA..Carlos Castro / Europa Press..08/23/2022 (Credit Image: © Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレ...

    商品コード: 2022082708037

  •  The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture
    The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture

    August 23, 2022, Piornero, Spain: A palloza in the pre-Roman village of Piornedo, on August 23, 2022, in Piornedo, in the parish of Donís, in the municipality of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia (Spain). The pallozas are pre-Roman constructions, inhabited by animals and people until 1970, when the village was connected by road and its inhabitants took the opportunity to build their homes with other types of tools and materials. The pallozas have a circular stone structure, with a cone-shaped roof and are made with rye straw, materials that make their care very expensive and the owners could not afford it. These shelters were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), thanks to their uniqueness typical of the high mountains of Lugo and Leon...25 AUGUST 2022;VILLAGE;PRE-ROMAN;LUGO;BIC;CULTURAL INTEREST PROPERTY;HOUSING;GALICIA..Carlos Castro / Europa Press..08/23/2022 (Credit Image: © Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022082708039

  •  The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture
    The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture

    August 23, 2022, Piornero, Spain: Ernesto is handling the rye sprouts he is storing from the recent harvest and with which he intends to gradually restore the roof of his palloza, in the pre-Roman village of Piornedo, on August 23, 2022, in Piornedo, in the parish of Donís, in the municipality of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia (Spain). The pallozas are pre-Roman constructions, inhabited by animals and people until 1970, when the village was connected by road and its inhabitants took the opportunity to build their homes with other types of tools and materials. The pallozas have a circular stone structure, with a cone-shaped roof and are made with rye straw, materials that make their care very expensive and the owners could not afford it. These shelters were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), thanks to their uniqueness typical of the high mountains of Lugo and Leon...25 AUGUST 2022;VILLAGE;PRE-ROMAN;LUGO;BIC;CULTURAL INTEREST PROPERTY;HOUSING;GALICIA..Carlos Castro / Europa Press..08/23/2022 (Credit I...

    商品コード: 2022082706750

  •  The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture
    The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture

    August 23, 2022, Piornero, Spain: View of the pallozas in the pre-Roman village of Piornedo, on August 23, 2022, in Piornedo, in the parish of Donís, in the municipality of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia (Spain). The pallozas are pre-Roman constructions, inhabited by animals and people until 1970, when the village was connected by road and its inhabitants took the opportunity to build their homes with other types of tools and materials. The pallozas have a circular stone structure, with a cone-shaped roof and are made with rye straw, materials that make their care very expensive and the owners could not afford it. These shelters were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), thanks to their uniqueness typical of the high mountains of Lugo and Leon...25 AUGUST 2022;VILLAGE;PRE-ROMAN;LUGO;BIC;CULTURAL INTEREST PROPERTY;HOUSING;GALICIA..Carlos Castro / Europa Press..08/23/2022 (Credit Image: © Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022082707810

  •  The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture
    The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture

    August 23, 2022, Piornero, Spain: A granary in the pre-Roman village of Piornedo, on August 23, 2022, in Piornedo, in the parish of Donís, in the municipality of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia (Spain). The pallozas are pre-Roman constructions, inhabited by animals and people until 1970, when the village was connected by road and its inhabitants took the opportunity to build their homes with other types of tools and materials. The pallozas have a circular stone structure, with a cone-shaped roof and are made with rye straw, materials that make their care very expensive and the owners could not afford it. These shelters were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), thanks to their uniqueness typical of the high mountains of Lugo and Leon...25 AUGUST 2022;VILLAGE;PRE-ROMAN;LUGO;BIC;CULTURAL INTEREST PROPERTY;HOUSING;GALICIA..Carlos Castro / Europa Press..08/23/2022 (Credit Image: © Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022082707896

  •  The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture
    The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture

    August 23, 2022, Piornero, Spain: Rye straw roof inside a palloza, in the pre-Roman village of Piornedo, on August 23rd, 2022, in Piornedo, in the parish of Donís, in the municipality of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia (Spain). The pallozas are pre-Roman constructions, inhabited by animals and people until 1970, when the village was connected by road and its inhabitants took the opportunity to build their homes with other types of tools and materials. The pallozas have a circular stone structure, with a cone-shaped roof and are made with rye straw, materials that make their care very expensive and the owners could not afford it. These shelters were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), thanks to their uniqueness typical of the high mountains of Lugo and Leon...25 AUGUST 2022;VILLAGE;PRE-ROMAN;LUGO;BIC;CULTURAL INTEREST PROPERTY;HOUSING;GALICIA..Carlos Castro / Europa Press..08/23/2022 (Credit Image: © Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain ...

    商品コード: 2022082706732

  •  The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture
    The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture

    August 23, 2022, Piornero, Spain: Rye straw roof inside a palloza, in the pre-Roman village of Piornedo, on August 23rd, 2022, in Piornedo, in the parish of Donís, in the municipality of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia (Spain). The pallozas are pre-Roman constructions, inhabited by animals and people until 1970, when the village was connected by road and its inhabitants took the opportunity to build their homes with other types of tools and materials. The pallozas have a circular stone structure, with a cone-shaped roof and are made with rye straw, materials that make their care very expensive and the owners could not afford it. These shelters were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), thanks to their uniqueness typical of the high mountains of Lugo and Leon...25 AUGUST 2022;VILLAGE;PRE-ROMAN;LUGO;BIC;CULTURAL INTEREST PROPERTY;HOUSING;GALICIA..Carlos Castro / Europa Press..08/23/2022 (Credit Image: © Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Carlos Castro/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain ...

    商品コード: 2022082706716

  •  The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture
    The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture

    August 23, 2022, Piornero, Spain: Ernesto laments the lack of responsibility of the administrations for the maintenance of the pallozas, declared of Cultural Interest, in the pre-Roman village of Piornedo, on August 23, 2022, in Piornedo, in the parish of Donís, in the municipality of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia (Spain). The pallozas are pre-Roman constructions, inhabited by animals and people until 1970, when the village was connected by road and its inhabitants took the opportunity to build their homes with other types of tools and materials. The pallozas have a circular stone structure, with a cone-shaped roof and are made with rye straw, materials that make their care very expensive and the owners could not afford it. These shelters were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), thanks to their uniqueness typical of the high mountains of Lugo and Leon...25 AUGUST 2022;VILLAGE;PRE-ROMAN;LUGO;BIC;CULTURAL INTEREST PROPERTY;HOUSING;GALICIA..Carlos Castro / Europa Press..08/23/2022 (Credit Image: © Car...

    商品コード: 2022082707959

  •  The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture
    The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture

    August 23, 2022, Piornero, Spain: Ernesto is handling the rye sprouts he is storing from the recent harvest and with which he intends to gradually restore the roof of his palloza, in the pre-Roman village of Piornedo, on August 23, 2022, in Piornedo, in the parish of Donís, in the municipality of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia (Spain). The pallozas are pre-Roman constructions, inhabited by animals and people until 1970, when the village was connected by road and its inhabitants took the opportunity to build their homes with other types of tools and materials. The pallozas have a circular stone structure, with a cone-shaped roof and are made with rye straw, materials that make their care very expensive and the owners could not afford it. These shelters were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), thanks to their uniqueness typical of the high mountains of Lugo and Leon...25 AUGUST 2022;VILLAGE;PRE-ROMAN;LUGO;BIC;CULTURAL INTEREST PROPERTY;HOUSING;GALICIA..Carlos Castro / Europa Press..08/23/2022 (Credit I...

    商品コード: 2022082706670

  •  The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture
    The Pallozas de Piornedo (Lugo), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for its traditional architecture

    August 23, 2022, Piornero, Spain: Ernesto is handling the rye sprouts he is storing from the recent harvest and with which he intends to gradually restore the roof of his palloza, in the pre-Roman village of Piornedo, on August 23, 2022, in Piornedo, in the parish of Donís, in the municipality of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia (Spain). The pallozas are pre-Roman constructions, inhabited by animals and people until 1970, when the village was connected by road and its inhabitants took the opportunity to build their homes with other types of tools and materials. The pallozas have a circular stone structure, with a cone-shaped roof and are made with rye straw, materials that make their care very expensive and the owners could not afford it. These shelters were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), thanks to their uniqueness typical of the high mountains of Lugo and Leon...25 AUGUST 2022;VILLAGE;PRE-ROMAN;LUGO;BIC;CULTURAL INTEREST PROPERTY;HOUSING;GALICIA..Carlos Castro / Europa Press..08/23/2022 (Credit I...

    商品コード: 2022082707874

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