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  •  Committee On the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space - UNOOSA - Vienna
    Committee On the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space - UNOOSA - Vienna

    April 16, 2024, Vienna, Austria, Austria: MATTHIAS LINK, Deputy CEO of Luxembourg Space Agency listens at the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs Legal Subcommittee met for the 63rd session on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space to foster collaboration among nations for peaceful exploration and use of outer space. .Other duties include advising governments and nongovernmental organizations on space law. (Credit Image: © Bianca Otero/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Bianca Otero/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041701202

  •  Committee On the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space - UNOOSA - Vienna
    Committee On the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space - UNOOSA - Vienna

    April 16, 2024, Vienna, Austria, Austria: MATTHIAS LINK, Deputy CEO of Luxembourg Space Agency listens at the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs Legal Subcommittee met for the 63rd session on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space to foster collaboration among nations for peaceful exploration and use of outer space. .Other duties include advising governments and nongovernmental organizations on space law. (Credit Image: © Bianca Otero/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Bianca Otero/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041701048

  •  Committee On the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space - UNOOSA - Vienna
    Committee On the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space - UNOOSA - Vienna

    April 16, 2024, Vienna, Austria, Austria: MATTHIAS LINK, Deputy CEO of Luxembourg Space Agency listens at the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs Legal Subcommittee met for the 63rd session on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space to foster collaboration among nations for peaceful exploration and use of outer space. .Other duties include advising governments and nongovernmental organizations on space law. (Credit Image: © Bianca Otero/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Bianca Otero/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041700423

  •  Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium
    Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium

    April 11, 2024, New York, New York, United States: Brad Sims, NYCFC CEO (R) poses with fans and union memebrs as Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium at City Hall park in New York on April 11, 2024. City council approved construction of 2500 affordable housing units, soccer stadium as home for NYCFC, school and other public open space in Willets Point. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041305145

  •  Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium
    Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium

    April 11, 2024, New York, New York, United States: Brad Sims, NYCFC CEO attends as Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium at City Hall park in New York on April 11, 2024. City council approved construction of 2500 affordable housing units, soccer stadium as home for NYCFC, school and other public open space in Willets Point. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041305107

  •  Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium
    Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium

    April 11, 2024, New York, New York, United States: Brad Sims, NYCFC CEO (L) poses with fans and union memebrs as Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium at City Hall park in New York on April 11, 2024. City council approved construction of 2500 affordable housing units, soccer stadium as home for NYCFC, school and other public open space in Willets Point. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041305181

  •  Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium
    Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium

    April 11, 2024, New York, New York, United States: Jeff Blau, CEO, Related Companies speaks as Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium at City Hall park in New York on April 11, 2024. City council approved construction of 2500 affordable housing units, soccer stadium as home for NYCFC, school and other public open space in Willets Point. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041305140

  •  Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium
    Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium

    April 11, 2024, New York, New York, United States: Jeff Blau, CEO, Related Companies speaks as Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium at City Hall park in New York on April 11, 2024. City council approved construction of 2500 affordable housing units, soccer stadium as home for NYCFC, school and other public open space in Willets Point. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041305158

  •  Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium
    Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium

    April 11, 2024, New York, New York, United States: Jeff Blau, CEO, Related Companies speaks as Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium at City Hall park in New York on April 11, 2024. City council approved construction of 2500 affordable housing units, soccer stadium as home for NYCFC, school and other public open space in Willets Point. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041305149

  •  Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium
    Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium

    April 11, 2024, New York, New York, United States: Andrew Kimball, President/CEO Economic Development Council speaks as Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium at City Hall park in New York on April 11, 2024. City council approved construction of 2500 affordable housing units, soccer stadium as home for NYCFC, school and other public open space in Willets Point. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041305134

  •  Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium
    Mayor Eric Adams celebrates approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium

    April 11, 2024, New York, New York, United States: Andrew Kimball, President/CEO Economic Development Council attends Mayor Eric Adams celebration approval to build 2500 afordable housing units and soccer stadium at City Hall park in New York on April 11, 2024. City council approved construction of 2500 affordable housing units, soccer stadium as home for NYCFC, school and other public open space in Willets Point. (Credit Image: © Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Lev Radin/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041304479

  •  「新華社」「中欧班列」は沿線都市に新たなチャンスもたらす独大学教授

    ドイツ・デュースブルク・エッセン大学のベルント・ノーチェ教授はこのほど、新華社の単独インタビューに応じ、中国と欧州を結ぶ国際定期貨物列車「中欧班列」はここ数年、ルール地方に位置する物流・港湾都市デュースブルクの活力を高め、沿線地域の国と都市に新たな発展のチャンスをもたらしているとの見解を示した。デュースブルク港の運営会社デュースバーガー・ハーフェンのデータによると、中国の各都市とデュースブルクを結ぶ中欧班列の片道所要時間は12~18日間。毎週約60本の列車が同市に到着し、貨物はここからドイツのその他の港湾または欧州の隣国へと運ばれる。中欧班列の輸送サービスネットワークはユーラシア大陸のほぼ全域をカバーし、中国と沿線諸国の経済・貿易往来を効果的に拡大し、生産要素・資源の国を跨ぐ流動を加速させている。ノーチェ氏は中欧班列について、よりバランスのとれた輸送手段であり、所要時間は海上輸送や道路輸送より大幅に短く、価格も航空輸送より安いと評価。インフラ整備が進むにつれ、スピーディーで高効率なサービスが企業にビジネスチャンスを与え、沿線都市に豊富な商品をもたらし、中国と欧州のより良い相互接続を促すとの見方を示した。中欧班列が輸送手段と貿易の担い手として、沿線諸国に良質な中国商品を送り届けると同時に、沿線諸国と都市の物流・倉庫業界の発展と雇用の急速な増加も促していると指摘。グローバルサプライチェーン(供給網)の安定を守り、産業の融合と革新的な発展を推進する重要な下支えになっていると強調した。また「一帯一路」共同建設構想と「中欧班列」がもたらした相乗効果は商業活動を大幅に増やし、ドイツやカザフスタン、キルギスなど重要な国境通過地点、貨物の集散地となる国に新たな発展のチャンスを与えることができると述べた。(記者/劉宇軒、単瑋怡、劉向、張帆) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年4月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041106596

  •  Yahoo Acquires Artifact
    Yahoo Acquires Artifact

    April 2, 2024, Asuncion, Paraguay: Yahoo and Artifact logos displayed on smartphone. Yahoo today announced that it has acquired Artifact, the AI-driven news aggregation platform created by Instagram cofounders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. ‘‘Artifact will no longer operate as a standalone app, but the proprietary AI-powered personalization technology and other features will be integrated across Yahoo, including the Yahoo News app, in the months to come. Yahoo‘s acquisition of Artifact closed on March 29, 2024. Artifact‘s co-founders, CEO, Kevin Systrom and CTO, Mike Krieger, will work with Yahoo in an advisory capacity during this transition,‘‘ the company said in a press release. (Credit Image: © Andre M. Chang/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Andre M. Chang/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040304379

  •  Yahoo Acquires Artifact
    Yahoo Acquires Artifact

    April 2, 2024, Asuncion, Paraguay: Yahoo and Artifact logos displayed on smartphone. Yahoo today announced that it has acquired Artifact, the AI-driven news aggregation platform created by Instagram cofounders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. ‘‘Artifact will no longer operate as a standalone app, but the proprietary AI-powered personalization technology and other features will be integrated across Yahoo, including the Yahoo News app, in the months to come. Yahoo‘s acquisition of Artifact closed on March 29, 2024. Artifact‘s co-founders, CEO, Kevin Systrom and CTO, Mike Krieger, will work with Yahoo in an advisory capacity during this transition,‘‘ the company said in a press release. (Credit Image: © Andre M. Chang/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Andre M. Chang/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040303589

  •  Raft Motors launches 2-wheelers (EV) in Kolkata
    Raft Motors launches 2-wheelers (EV) in Kolkata

    March 29, 2024, Kolkata, West Bengal, India: Raft Motors under Cosmic Birla group lanches enviornment friendly Electric Vehicle (EV) with grand ceremony at a luxarious hotel in Kolkata,India on 28th March,2024. .Aditya Vikram Birla, Chairman, and Managing Director of Cosmic EV Ltd. & Cosmic Birla Group, alongside other notable personalities, JitendraKochar, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Vedant Mimani, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Kushal Choudhury, Chief Product Officer (CPO), Rajiv Shishir Nagar, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Coomar Sudarsan, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Aditya vikram Malu, Marketing Head (MH) (Credit Image: © Amlan Biswas/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Amlan Biswas/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024033109001

  •  Alibaba‘s e-commerce expo in Sydney highlights opportunities in China, Southeast Asia
    Alibaba‘s e-commerce expo in Sydney highlights opportunities in China, Southeast Asia

    STORY: Alibaba‘s e-commerce expo in Sydney highlights opportunities in China, Southeast AsiaSHOOTING TIME: March 15, 2024DATELINE: March 16, 2024LENGTH: 00:02:36LOCATION: SYDNEY, AustraliaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the expo2. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): PATRCIK MAYOH, New South Wales Branch CEO of Australia China Business Council3. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): JAMES HUDSON, Australian exhibitor4. various of the expoSTORYLINE:Alibaba launched a two-day e-commerce event AliExpo 2024 in Sydney on Friday to help inspire reading about opportunities in China and Southeast Asia and provide attendees with relevant information.Over 100 exhibitors from China, Australia, New Zealand and other countries and regions join in the expo. More than 20 speakers from Alibaba Group‘s affiliates and Australian and New Zealand brand leaders attended the AliExpo Business Conference...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031610368

  •  Ex-Google Engineer Charged With Stealing AI Trade Secrets
    Ex-Google Engineer Charged With Stealing AI Trade Secrets

    March 7, 2024, Asuncion, Paraguay: Google logo is displayed behind cut out paper figure and computer workstation. A U.S. federal grand jury indicted Linwei Ding, aka Leon Ding, charging him with four counts of theft of trade secrets in connection with an alleged plan to steal from Google LLC proprietary information related to artificial intelligence (AI) technology. According to the indictment unsealed Wednesday, Ding, 38, a national of the People‘s Republic of China and resident of Newark, California, transferred sensitive Google trade secrets and other confidential information from Google‘s network to his personal account while secretly affiliating himself with PRC-based companies in the AI industry. Ding was arrested Wednesday in Newark, according to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs press release. (Credit Image: © Andre M. Chang/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Andre M. Chang/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024030805292

  •  Ex-Google Engineer Charged With Stealing AI Trade Secrets
    Ex-Google Engineer Charged With Stealing AI Trade Secrets

    March 7, 2024, Asuncion, Paraguay: Google logo is displayed behind cut out paper figure and computer workstation. A U.S. federal grand jury indicted Linwei Ding, aka Leon Ding, charging him with four counts of theft of trade secrets in connection with an alleged plan to steal from Google LLC proprietary information related to artificial intelligence (AI) technology. According to the indictment unsealed Wednesday, Ding, 38, a national of the People‘s Republic of China and resident of Newark, California, transferred sensitive Google trade secrets and other confidential information from Google‘s network to his personal account while secretly affiliating himself with PRC-based companies in the AI industry. Ding was arrested Wednesday in Newark, according to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs press release. (Credit Image: © Andre M. Chang/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Andre M. Chang/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024030805295

  •  USA News - January 31, 2024
    USA News - January 31, 2024

    January 31, 2024: Leyan ‘‘Lee‘‘ Phillips, co-founder of Digital Health Institute for Transformation, speaks about the mission of the newly formed Digital Safety Alliance during a news conference at Nicklaus Children‘s Hospital near South Miami on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024. Other speakers, from left, include Dr. Jennifer McCafferty-Fernandez, senior vice president of external affairs at Nicklaus Children‘s Hospital near South Miami; Dr. Marisa Azaret, clinical director of the psychology department at Nicklaus; Michelle Appelrouth-Radar, a parent and former teacher who is part of Nicklaus family advisory council; Bill Brady, Troomi CEO; and Lokesh Ramamoorthi, associate program director of innovation technology and design at the University of Miami College of Engineering. (Credit Image: © Michelle Marchante/Miami Herald via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Michelle Marchante/TNS via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020112343

  •  「新華社」天津港、南米産チェリーの直行航路開通

    中国の天津港に16日夜、南米産チェリーを積んだ大型コンテナ定期船「バッハ号」が入港し、同港初となる南米産チェリーの直行航路「チェリーエクスプレス」が正式に開通した。チリのサンアントニオ港を出発し、天津港に直行する。第1便となったバッハ号は約2500トンのチェリーを輸送した。今後1週間でさらにチリのチェリー貨物船2隻が天津港に入港し、合計8300トンのチェリーとその他の南米産品を陸揚げする計画となっている。複数の物流会社の担当者によると、中国北部の京津冀(北京・天津・河北2市1省)などの地域に運ばれるチェリーの大半はこれまで、中国南部の港で積み替えられ、約2日かかって到着していた。天津港から京津冀の主要市場までは約5時間で輸送できるという。(記者/李帥、張宇琪) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011909462

  •  Canada News - January 17, 2024
    Canada News - January 17, 2024

    January 17, 2024, Saint John, Nb, Canada: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tours Port Saint John with Port Saint John president and CEO along with Saint John Mayor Donna Reardon, Saint John-Rothesay MP Wayne Long and other guests in Saint John, N.B., Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024. (Credit Image: © Michael Hawkins/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Michael Hawkins/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT

    商品コード: 2024011806512

  •  Canada News - January 17, 2024
    Canada News - January 17, 2024

    January 17, 2024, Saint John, Nb, Canada: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tours Port Saint John with Port Saint John president and CEO along with Saint John Mayor Donna Reardon, Saint John-Rothesay MP Wayne Long and other guests in Saint John, N.B., Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024. (Credit Image: © Michael Hawkins/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Michael Hawkins/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT

    商品コード: 2024011806550

  •  Canada News - January 17, 2024
    Canada News - January 17, 2024

    January 17, 2024, Saint John, Nb, Canada: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tours Port Saint John with Port Saint John president and CEO along with Saint John Mayor Donna Reardon, Saint John-Rothesay MP Wayne Long and other guests in Saint John, N.B., Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024. (Credit Image: © Michael Hawkins/The Canadian Press via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Michael Hawkins/Canadian Press via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Canada and U.S. RIGHTS OUT

    商品コード: 2024011806508

  •  CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)
    CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 10: Philip Moyer, Google Cloud AI Business Global Vice President, speaks during the Keynote Speech of HD Huyundai as part of CES 2024 at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 10, 2024. HD Hyundai, a prominent global entity renowned for its expertise in specialized construction equipment and energy solutions, is making significant strides in fostering a more sustainable future through innovative tech-first strategies. The company stands out for its commitment to advancing eco-friendly infrastructure technology and undertaking ambitious projects such as retrofitting carriers and shipyards. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking num...

    商品コード: 2024011105448

  •  CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)
    CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 10: Philip Moyer, Google Cloud AI Business Global Vice President, speaks during the Keynote Speech of HD Huyundai as part of CES 2024 at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 10, 2024. HD Hyundai, a prominent global entity renowned for its expertise in specialized construction equipment and energy solutions, is making significant strides in fostering a more sustainable future through innovative tech-first strategies. The company stands out for its commitment to advancing eco-friendly infrastructure technology and undertaking ambitious projects such as retrofitting carriers and shipyards. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking num...

    商品コード: 2024011105457

  •  CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)
    CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 10: Philip Moyer, Google Cloud AI Business Global Vice President, speaks during the Keynote Speech of HD Huyundai as part of CES 2024 at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 10, 2024. HD Hyundai, a prominent global entity renowned for its expertise in specialized construction equipment and energy solutions, is making significant strides in fostering a more sustainable future through innovative tech-first strategies. The company stands out for its commitment to advancing eco-friendly infrastructure technology and undertaking ambitious projects such as retrofitting carriers and shipyards. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking num...

    商品コード: 2024011105446

  •  CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)
    CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 10: Philip Moyer, Google Cloud AI Business Global Vice President, speaks during the Keynote Speech of HD Huyundai as part of CES 2024 at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 10, 2024. HD Hyundai, a prominent global entity renowned for its expertise in specialized construction equipment and energy solutions, is making significant strides in fostering a more sustainable future through innovative tech-first strategies. The company stands out for its commitment to advancing eco-friendly infrastructure technology and undertaking ambitious projects such as retrofitting carriers and shipyards. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking num...

    商品コード: 2024011105455

  •  CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)
    CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 10: Philip Moyer, Google Cloud AI Business Global Vice President, speaks during the Keynote Speech of HD Huyundai as part of CES 2024 at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 10, 2024. HD Hyundai, a prominent global entity renowned for its expertise in specialized construction equipment and energy solutions, is making significant strides in fostering a more sustainable future through innovative tech-first strategies. The company stands out for its commitment to advancing eco-friendly infrastructure technology and undertaking ambitious projects such as retrofitting carriers and shipyards. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking num...

    商品コード: 2024011105453

  •  CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)
    CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 10: Philip Moyer, Google Cloud AI Business Global Vice President, speaks during the Keynote Speech of HD Huyundai as part of CES 2024 at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 10, 2024. HD Hyundai, a prominent global entity renowned for its expertise in specialized construction equipment and energy solutions, is making significant strides in fostering a more sustainable future through innovative tech-first strategies. The company stands out for its commitment to advancing eco-friendly infrastructure technology and undertaking ambitious projects such as retrofitting carriers and shipyards. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking num...

    商品コード: 2024011105449

  •  CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)
    CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 10: Philip Moyer, Google Cloud AI Business Global Vice President, speaks during the Keynote Speech of HD Huyundai as part of CES 2024 at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 10, 2024. HD Hyundai, a prominent global entity renowned for its expertise in specialized construction equipment and energy solutions, is making significant strides in fostering a more sustainable future through innovative tech-first strategies. The company stands out for its commitment to advancing eco-friendly infrastructure technology and undertaking ambitious projects such as retrofitting carriers and shipyards. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking num...

    商品コード: 2024011105451

  •  CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)
    CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 10: CTA President and CEO Gary Shapiro speaks during the Keynote Speech of HD Hyundai Co. as part of CES 2024 at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 10, 2024. HD Hyundai, a prominent global entity renowned for its expertise in specialized construction equipment and energy solutions, is making significant strides in fostering a more sustainable future through innovative tech-first strategies. The company stands out for its commitment to advancing eco-friendly infrastructure technology and undertaking ambitious projects such as retrofitting carriers and shipyards. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka...

    商品コード: 2024011105468

  •  CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)
    CES 2024 Day 2 (HD Hyundai)

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 10: CTA President and CEO Gary Shapiro speaks during the Keynote Speech of HD Hyundai Co. as part of CES 2024 at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 10, 2024. HD Hyundai, a prominent global entity renowned for its expertise in specialized construction equipment and energy solutions, is making significant strides in fostering a more sustainable future through innovative tech-first strategies. The company stands out for its commitment to advancing eco-friendly infrastructure technology and undertaking ambitious projects such as retrofitting carriers and shipyards. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka...

    商品コード: 2024011105454

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Swisstech Parvilion during the opening day of CES 2024 at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. Watches, chocolate, and swisstech! 35 innovative exhibitors, 2 swisstech Pavilions and 6 reasons for Swiss AI excellency. Learn more about Switzerland as an outstanding innovation and technology hub and convince yourself about its attractiveness for investors and foreign companies. CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-break...

    商品コード: 2024011106003

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Suresh Kumar, Chief Technology Officer of Walmart Inc., (L) and Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a recor...

    商品コード: 2024011006595

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Suresh Kumar, Chief Technology Officer of Walmart Inc., (L) and Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a recor...

    商品コード: 2024011006599

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Suresh Kumar, Chief Technology Officer of Walmart Inc., (L) and Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a recor...

    商品コード: 2024011006597

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Suresh Kumar, Chief Technology Officer of Walmart Inc., (L) and Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a recor...

    商品コード: 2024011006581

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Suresh Kumar, Chief Technology Officer of Walmart Inc., (L) and Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a recor...

    商品コード: 2024011006593

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Suresh Kumar, Chief Technology Officer of Walmart Inc., (L) and Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a recor...

    商品コード: 2024011006590

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Suresh Kumar, Chief Technology Officer of Walmart Inc., (L) and Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a recor...

    商品コード: 2024011006579

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Suresh Kumar, Chief Technology Officer of Walmart Inc., (L) and Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a recor...

    商品コード: 2024011006580

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home of breakthrough technology, demonstrating that anyone can scale an idea that will change the world.(Photo by Seokyong Lee/Penta Press).、クレジット:Penta Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011006577

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world‘s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home of breakthrough technology, demonstrating that anyone can scale an idea that will change the world.(Photo by Seokyong Lee/Penta Press).、クレジット:Penta Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011105994

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home of breakthrough technology, demonstrating that anyone can scale an idea that will change the world.(Photo by Seokyong Lee/Penta Press).、クレジット:Penta Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011006576

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home of breakthrough technology, demonstrating that anyone can scale an idea that will change the world.(Photo by Seokyong Lee/Penta Press).、クレジット:Penta Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011006570

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home of breakthrough technology, demonstrating that anyone can scale an idea that will change the world.(Photo by Seokyong Lee/Penta Press).、クレジット:Penta Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011006574

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world‘s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home of breakthrough technology, demonstrating that anyone can scale an idea that will change the world.(Photo by Seokyong Lee/Penta Press).、クレジット:Penta Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011105974

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world‘s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home of breakthrough technology, demonstrating that anyone can scale an idea that will change the world.(Photo by Seokyong Lee/Penta Press).、クレジット:Penta Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011105984

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011006601

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011006605

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011006600

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world‘s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home of breakthrough technology, demonstrating that anyone can scale an idea that will change the world.(Photo by Seokyong Lee/Penta Press).、クレジット:Penta Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011105986

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world‘s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home of breakthrough technology, demonstrating that anyone can scale an idea that will change the world.(Photo by Seokyong Lee/Penta Press).、クレジット:Penta Press/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011105981

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., (L) and Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a recor...

    商品コード: 2024011006575

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart‘s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world‘s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011105988

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011006589

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart‘s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world‘s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011105968

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart‘s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world‘s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011105982

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart‘s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world‘s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011105971

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011006587

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011006584

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011006603

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart‘s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world‘s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011105987

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart’s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world’s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011006583

  •  CES 2024 Day 1
    CES 2024 Day 1

    LAS VEGAS, USA, JAN 9: Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., speaks during the Walmart Keynote as part of the CES 2024 program at the Venetian Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on January 9, 2024. McMillon shares how Walmart‘s core purpose and values have grounded its digital transformation as they reimagine experiences to match—and exceed—evolving customer expectations.CES 2024 demonstrates its role as the venue setting the agenda for the year ahead in technology, business, and entertainment. It powered a surge in global awareness as companies debuted innovative technologies. CES, the world‘s most powerful tech platform, welcomed more than 4,000 exhibiting companies from across the globe to share their innovations and partnerships in artificial intelligence, sustainability, and other fields addressing significant global challenges. Up to 130,000 attendees and media will witness the stories of these companies, including a record-breaking number of startups in Eureka Park®, the home o...

    商品コード: 2024011105983

  •  National Defense Council
    National Defense Council

    08.01.2023. Tallinn. Press conference of National Defense Council. The National Defense Council is an advisory body to the president. It discusses key issues from the point of view of national defense and expresses its opinions on these issues. Karis said the Euro-Atlantic community needs to clearly show its support for Kyiv and stand with the country long-term. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas called on Europe, North America, and other countries to support Ukraine to the amount of 0.25 percent of GDP. Photo Eero Vabamägi, Postimees、クレジット:Postimees/Scanpix Baltics/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011012331

  •  National Defense Council
    National Defense Council

    08.01.2023. Tallinn. Press conference of National Defense Council. The National Defense Council is an advisory body to the president. It discusses key issues from the point of view of national defense and expresses its opinions on these issues. Karis said the Euro-Atlantic community needs to clearly show its support for Kyiv and stand with the country long-term. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas called on Europe, North America, and other countries to support Ukraine to the amount of 0.25 percent of GDP. Photo Eero Vabamägi, Postimees、クレジット:Postimees/Scanpix Baltics/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011012321

  •  National Defense Council
    National Defense Council

    08.01.2023. Tallinn. Press conference of National Defense Council. The National Defense Council is an advisory body to the president. It discusses key issues from the point of view of national defense and expresses its opinions on these issues. Karis said the Euro-Atlantic community needs to clearly show its support for Kyiv and stand with the country long-term. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas called on Europe, North America, and other countries to support Ukraine to the amount of 0.25 percent of GDP. Photo Eero Vabamägi, Postimees、クレジット:Postimees/Scanpix Baltics/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011013018

  •  National Defense Council
    National Defense Council

    08.01.2023. Tallinn. Press conference of National Defense Council. The National Defense Council is an advisory body to the president. It discusses key issues from the point of view of national defense and expresses its opinions on these issues. Karis said the Euro-Atlantic community needs to clearly show its support for Kyiv and stand with the country long-term. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas called on Europe, North America, and other countries to support Ukraine to the amount of 0.25 percent of GDP. Photo Eero Vabamägi, Postimees、クレジット:Postimees/Scanpix Baltics/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011013017

  •  National Defense Council
    National Defense Council

    08.01.2023. Tallinn. Press conference of National Defense Council. The National Defense Council is an advisory body to the president. It discusses key issues from the point of view of national defense and expresses its opinions on these issues. Karis said the Euro-Atlantic community needs to clearly show its support for Kyiv and stand with the country long-term. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas called on Europe, North America, and other countries to support Ukraine to the amount of 0.25 percent of GDP. Photo Eero Vabamägi, Postimees、クレジット:Postimees/Scanpix Baltics/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011013020

  •  National Defense Council
    National Defense Council

    08.01.2023. Tallinn. Press conference of National Defense Council. The National Defense Council is an advisory body to the president. It discusses key issues from the point of view of national defense and expresses its opinions on these issues. Karis said the Euro-Atlantic community needs to clearly show its support for Kyiv and stand with the country long-term. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas called on Europe, North America, and other countries to support Ukraine to the amount of 0.25 percent of GDP. Photo Eero Vabamägi, Postimees、クレジット:Postimees/Scanpix Baltics/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011013016

  •  National Defense Council
    National Defense Council

    08.01.2023. Tallinn. Press conference of National Defense Council. The National Defense Council is an advisory body to the president. It discusses key issues from the point of view of national defense and expresses its opinions on these issues. Karis said the Euro-Atlantic community needs to clearly show its support for Kyiv and stand with the country long-term. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas called on Europe, North America, and other countries to support Ukraine to the amount of 0.25 percent of GDP. Photo Eero Vabamägi, Postimees、クレジット:Postimees/Scanpix Baltics/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011013021

  •  National Defense Council
    National Defense Council

    08.01.2023. Tallinn. Press conference of National Defense Council. The National Defense Council is an advisory body to the president. It discusses key issues from the point of view of national defense and expresses its opinions on these issues. Karis said the Euro-Atlantic community needs to clearly show its support for Kyiv and stand with the country long-term. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas called on Europe, North America, and other countries to support Ukraine to the amount of 0.25 percent of GDP. Photo Eero Vabamägi, Postimees、クレジット:Postimees/Scanpix Baltics/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011013007

  •  National Defense Council
    National Defense Council

    08.01.2023. Tallinn. Press conference of National Defense Council. The National Defense Council is an advisory body to the president. It discusses key issues from the point of view of national defense and expresses its opinions on these issues. Karis said the Euro-Atlantic community needs to clearly show its support for Kyiv and stand with the country long-term. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas called on Europe, North America, and other countries to support Ukraine to the amount of 0.25 percent of GDP. Photo Eero Vabamägi, Postimees、クレジット:Postimees/Scanpix Baltics/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011013015

  •  「新華社」中国自動車技術研究センターの東南アジア事務所、タイで開業

    動車研究機関の中国自動車技術研究センター(CATARC)の東南アジア事務所がこのほど、タイ・バンコクで開業した。タイの産業誘致政策を担うタイ投資委員会(BOI)のシニアエクゼクティブアドバイザーは、事務所の設立はタイが投資先にみなされている証であると指摘。事務所が今後、タイ政府、企業、その他の利害関係者と連携し、共同で電気自動車(EV)産業の発展を推進するとの見方を示した。CATARCの周華(しゅう・か)副総経理は、私たちは東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)の自動車関連の基準や法規の動向を適宜に把握し、ASEAN諸国と自動車の検査・認証技術の交流を行い、中国自動車メーカーの「海外進出」、さらに中国とASEAN諸国の自動車技術・経験の交流を後押しすると紹介した。自動車産業はここ数年、中国とASEAN諸国の経済・貿易協力の水準を引き上げる重要な力となっている。中国の自動車メーカーも続々とタイに進出している。タイ工業連盟(FTI)のデータによると、タイの新エネルギー車(NEV)販売台数に占める中国ブランドの割合は、今年上半期(1~6月)に70%を超えた。 =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120509754

  •  Dwayne ‘The Rock‘ Johnson Visits the Pentagon
    Dwayne ‘The Rock‘ Johnson Visits the Pentagon

    November 15, 2023 - Arlington, Virginia, USA - Dwayne Johnson visits with service members at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, November. 15. 2023. Johnsonâs visit includes an office call with Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army Gen. Randy A. George, additional Army Senior Leaders and is joined by Chairwoman and owner of The Garcia Companies, Dany Garcia, CEO of Fox Sports, Eric Shanks, President of Content at ESPN, Burke Magnus, CEO/President of XFL, Russ Brandon, Chief Operating Partner at Redbird Capital Partners, Mark Dowley, Founder and Managing Partner at Redbird Capital, Gerry Cardinale and Managing Director at Redbird Capital Partners, Kevin LaForce. (Credit Image: © Henry Villarama/U.S. Army/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©U.S. Army/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120309345

  •  「新華社」中国企業建設の天然ガス処理施設、イラク油田のグリーン発展に寄与

    「中国の友人が持ってきてくれる技術設備のおかげで、大量の天然ガス資源を無駄にする心配がなくなる」。イラク南部ミサン州のハルファヤ油田で働くイラク人技師のナシャート・ディヤーさんは、来年の稼働を予定する天然ガス処理施設の建設に喜びを隠さない。イラクは石油・ガス資源が豊富で、石油の確認埋蔵量は世界5位、天然ガスの確認埋蔵量は世界12位を誇る。国民経済にとって石油・ガス産業は主導的な位置を占めている。だが天然ガスの加工設備は投資額が大きく、投資期間が長く、技術的な難度が高いことから、加工能力が限られ、各油田の採掘過程で大量に産出される随伴ガスの有効利用が進まなかった。世界銀行は今年3月の統計報告書で、イラクでは毎年170億立方メートルに上る天然ガスが浪費されていると指摘。操業主体としてハルファヤ油田に参入する中国石油大手、中国石油天然気が2019年、10億ドル(1ドル=約150円)以上を投じ、天然ガス処理施設の建設を始めた。中国石油工程建設が工事を請け負い、稼働開始は来年上半期(1~6月)になる見通し。中国石油天然気のイラク現地法人の方甲中(ほう・こうちゅう)総経理によると、油田での天然ガス処理施設の建設と総合利用実現はハルファヤ油田がイラクで初めてで、「一帯一路」の中国・イラクエネルギー協力のモデルケースとなる。生産した天然ガスは発電用として発電所に供給し、環境保護や資源節約になるほか、現地の電力不足も緩和できる。コンデンセートや硫黄などその他の製品の販売や利用も期待できる。ハルファヤ油田の天然ガス処理施設は脱硫、コンデンセート加工、硫黄回収、排ガス処理など13プロセスからなり、全体設計の基準には世界をリードする中国基準が採用された。イラク政府が重視する環境配慮や生活改善の分野のプロジェクトで、敷地面積は50万平方メートルに及び、処理能力は日量850万立方メートルに達する。ミサン州のアリ・ドゥアイ知事は「ハルファヤ天然ガス処理施設は、地元の人々が待ち望んだ重要なプロジェクトだ」とし、天然ガス工業の発展と随伴ガスの活用は政府の優先事項で、プロジェクトの機械完成はイラクと中国のエネルギー協力の一里塚となったと指摘した。イラク石油省のアリ・マアーリジュ次官は、イラクと中国のエネルギー協力は多くの成果を上げているとし、建設中の処理施設はイラクの経済・社会の発展、民生の改 =配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月4日、ク...

    商品コード: 2023110413219


    (231102) -- BLETCHLEY PARK, Nov. 2, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Wu Zhaohui (2nd L), China‘s vice minister of science and technology, attends AI Safety Summit in Bletchley Park, Britain, Nov. 1, 2023. Wu spoke at the opening plenary session of the summit on Wednesday, and the Chinese delegation participated in discussions on AI safety and other issues.The Chinese delegation promoted China‘s Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative launched at the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in Beijing on Oct. 18, and will carry out bilateral talks with relevant countries. (Xinhua/Li Ying)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110208357


    (231102) -- BLETCHLEY PARK, Nov. 2, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Wu Zhaohui (R), China‘s vice minister of science and technology, addresses AI Safety Summit in Bletchley Park, Britain, Nov. 1, 2023. Wu spoke at the opening plenary session of the summit on Wednesday, and the Chinese delegation participated in discussions on AI safety and other issues.The Chinese delegation promoted China‘s Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative launched at the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in Beijing on Oct. 18, and will carry out bilateral talks with relevant countries. (Xinhua/Li Ying)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110208358

  •  「新華社」中国企業によるBOT方式の新空港、カンボジアで供用開始

    カンボジアのシェムリアップ・アンコール国際空港(SAI)に16日午前、旅客機が初めて着陸した。これにより、中国企業がBOT(建設・運営・移転)方式で請け負った同空港が供用を開始した。カンボジア民間航空局(SSCA)のマオ・ハバナル事務局長が同日に開いた就航式典には、ボンセイ・ビソット副首相兼閣僚評議会担当相、ソク・ソケン観光相、シェムリアップ州のプラク・ソフォアン知事などの政治家や在カンボジア中国大使館の在シェムリアップ領事事務所、中国民用航空局、空港の投資・建設・運営管理を担う雲南省投資控股集団と雲南省建設投資控股集団、雲南航空産業投資集団などの企業の代表、その他の建設関係者、カンボジア旅行業協会(CATA)の代表など400人近くが参加した。新空港は、世界遺産のアンコール遺跡から約40キロ離れた場所に位置する。カンボジア政府が重点として建設した大型国際空港で、遺跡を保護し、現地の民間航空インフラのレベル向上を助け、航空輸送力に対するニーズをさらに発掘し、外国人観光客がアンコール遺跡を訪れる際の利便性を高める。乗降旅客数は年間700万人を想定し、ターミナルビルの建物面積は約8万1800平方メートル、滑走路の長さは3600メートルで、主流の大型ワイドボディ機の離着陸に対応している。(記者/呉長偉、廖泓清) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102113561

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807602

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807604

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807609

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807620

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807836

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807667

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807668

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807639

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807876

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101808179

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101808296

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101808307

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101808309

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807797

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807693

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807707

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807652

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807670

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807613

  •  Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.
    Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago.

    October 17, 2023, Santiago, Chile, USA: (SPO) Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago. October 17, 2023, Santiago , Chile: The Raising of Flags at Panamerican Games in Santiago welcome participating countries in the competition that starts officially from October 20 till November 5 with the presence of Harold Mayne Nicholls CEO of Panam, Jimena SaldaÃÆña, Panam General Secretary, and other dignitaries. There was an air display of Chilean Airforce planes during the event and different dance performances by BAFOCHI ballet folklorico Chile. .Credit: Niyi Fote/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Niyi Fote/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101807643

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