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  •  「新華社」湖北省武漢で経済貿易商談会世界上位500社の対話会も

    中国湖北省政府が主催する経済貿易商談会「2024相約春天賞桜花(春に桜を愛でる)」が22日までの3日間、省都武漢市で開かれ、各国使節や政府関係者、経済関連機関の代表ら600人余りが出席した。商談会の目的は沿海部の優良企業やプロジェクトを同省に誘致することで、期間中に世界上位500社に名を連ねる企業を招いた対話会も実施した。21日の開会式では新エネルギーやインテリジェント・コネクテッド・ビークル(ICV)、省エネ・環境保護、ハイエンド設備、新素材などの分野で総額1200億元(1元=約21円)を超える重点プロジェクト計24件が締結された。(記者/潘志偉) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032410511

  •  「新華社」山中の大規模蓄電所、2時間で38万kWhの蓄電可能貴州省

    中国貴州省安順市紫雲ミャオ族プイ族自治県の山中では現在、原発大手、中国核工業集団傘下の中核紫雲蓄電所が稼働している。これは同省初の集中型デジタルインテリジェント大規模電気化学エネルギー蓄電所で、主に118個のバッテリーパックと60個のコンバーター・ブースター一体型パックで構成されている。同蓄電所は2時間で38万キロワット時を蓄電でき、住民4万7千世帯のピーク時の電力需要を賄うことができる。(記者/呉斯洋) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012309448

  •  Brussels Auto Show goes big on sustainable mobility
    Brussels Auto Show goes big on sustainable mobility

    STORY: Brussels Auto Show goes big on sustainable mobilitySHOOTING TIME: Jan. 17, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 18, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:11LOCATION: BrusselsCATEGORY: ECONOMY/TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the Brussels Auto ShowSTORYLINE:This year‘s Brussels Auto Show (BAS) kicked off on Wednesday in the Belgian capital, presenting over 400 cars, motorcycles, and trucks from more than 150 companies, putting sustainable mobility in the limelight.The five-day event started with an Automobility Conference, bringing together industry leaders, CEOs, visitors, fleet managers, VIP guests, and the press. They discussed new developments and trends in the electric mobility sector, as well as scientific breakthroughs and innovative, intelligent and sustainable transport solutions at the service of green mobility...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011807698

  •  China-Mongolia border port sees record-high goods volume in 2023
    China-Mongolia border port sees record-high goods volume in 2023

    STORY: China-Mongolia border port sees record-high goods volume in 2023SHOOTING TIME: Dec. 20, 2023DATELINE: Jan. 2, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:05LOCATION: HOHHOT, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the Ganqmod PortSTORYLINE:The volume of goods handled in 2023 by Ganqmod Port, the largest highway port on the China-Mongolia border, reached 37.86 million tonnes, up 98.54 percent year on year, hitting a record high since the port was opened.According to Qin Ruiqiang, deputy director of the management committee of the port, in 2023, the port continued to promote the construction of intelligent customs clearance, special passages for cross-border unmanned vehicle and special customs supervision zone, as well as significant improvement in customs clearance efficiency.In 2023, Ganqmod Port invested more than 40 million yuan (about 5.65 million U.S...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010211579

  •  Intelligent fault repair system assists with stable power supply in E China
    Intelligent fault repair system assists with stable power supply in E China

    STORY: Intelligent fault repair system assists with stable power supply in E ChinaSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 11, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 12, 2023LENGTH: 0:03:23LOCATION: XUZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of landmarks in Xuzhou, Jiangsu2. various of power grid maintenance 3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): BAI JINHUA, Director of the Power Supply Service Command Center of the State Grid Xuzhou Power Supply CompanySTORYLINE:The State Grid Xuzhou Power Supply Company in east China‘s Jiangsu Province has recently built an intelligent fault repair system to ensure safe operation and prompt emergency response during the cold wave.When the power grid fails, its intelligent sensing system can automatically identify the fault area in time and restore power, reducing the power outage time by about 20 minutes compared with manual maintenance...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121300009

  •  「新華社」中国甘粛省、自動運転実証実験用ナンバープレートを交付同省初

    国甘粛省の交通運輸庁と工業・情報化庁、公安庁は6日、同省初となる自動運転実証実験用ナンバープレートを交付した。同省初の自動運転による旅客・貨物輸送の実証用道路も発表され、自動運転の実証事業が同省で正式に始まった。3部門は2021年以降、自動運転インテリジェントコネクテッドビークル(ICV)の道路走行テストを共同で推進している。第1弾として全長13キロの道路3本でのICV道路走行テストと実証・応用を認め、道路走行テスト用ナンバープレート2枚を交付した。同省ではこれまでに5923キロ、228時間に及ぶ走行試験が行われている。省交通運輸庁の李樹峰(り・じゅほう)副庁長は「甘粛省はICVの実証に必要なソフト・ハード面の条件がほぼ整っている。初の自動運転実証用ナンバープレートの交付は省が本格的にICVの有人による実証段階に入ったことを意味する」と述べた。 =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121113503

  •  「新華社」深圳市の戦略的新興産業、1~9月の付加価値額8・3%増

    中国広東省深圳市では今年第1~3四半期(1~9月)、戦略的新興産業の増加値(付加価値額)が前年同期比8・3%増加し、域内総生産(GDP)も5・4%増となった。厳しく複雑な外部環境を前に、改革開放の最前線とされる深圳は、戦略的新興産業の発展、未来産業の育成を新たな生産力を生み出す重要な手掛かりとしている。深圳に本社を置く電気自動車(EV)大手の比亜迪(BYD)は11月24日、600万台目となる新エネルギー車(NEV)がラインオフしたと発表した。最初の100万台到達には13年を要したが、500万台目から600万台目までに要したのはわずか3カ月余りだった。同市統計局のデータによると、1~9月の新エネ車生産台数は2・3倍となった。新エネ車は戦略的新興産業の急速な発展の縮図に過ぎない。深圳は2022年、「戦略的新興産業クラスターの発展、未来産業の育成・発展に関する意見」を発表し、「20+(プラス)8」産業クラスターの育成・発展を目指すとした。すなわち、先進製造業を主体とする20の戦略的新興産業クラスターを発展させ、八大未来産業に前もって布石を打つという。新エネ車を含む「インテリジェント・コネクテッド・ビークル(ICV)」も20の戦略的新興産業クラスターの一つだ。同市人民政府発展研究センター経済発展処の欧陽仁堂(おうよう・じんどう)処長は「戦略的新興産業の1~9月の増加値は8・3%増の1兆393億3900万元(1元=約21円)に上り、GDPに占める割合は19年の37・7%、22年の41・1%からさらに拡大して42・5%になった」とし、戦略的新興産業は現在、同市の質の高い発展の重要なエンジンになっていると紹介した。戦略的新興産業の急速な発展の背景には、長期的に取り組んできた「工業立市」戦略がある。同市工業情報化局の余錫権(よ・しゃくけん)局長は「深圳は先進製造業センターをけん引役に、戦略的新興産業の集積を推進、加速させている」と述べた。新たな投資は新たな優位性を育成している。1~9月のハイテク製造業投資は73・7%増となり、うち電子・通信設備製造業向け投資は75・9%増だった。深圳を本拠地とする通信機器大手の華為技術(ファーウェイ)がこのほど発表したスマートフォンの一部の新機種は、発売から間もなく「なかなか手に入らない」状況となった。同社の1~9月の売上高は前年同期比2 =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月6日、クレ...

    商品コード: 2023120602744

  •  「新華社」自動運転バスによる観光路線、運行開始湖北省武漢市

    中国湖北省武漢市でこのほど、自動運転の小型バスを利用した観光路線の運行が始まった。全長24キロで、地下鉄16号線の小軍山駅を起点に、設法山三国歴史文化公園や鳥語林、竜霊山などの観光地を片道35分で巡る。運賃はわずか1分(1元の100分の1、1元=約20円)。国有自動車大手、東風汽車集団傘下の東風悦亨科技が開発した自動運転車両7台で運行する。定員は運転席の安全員を含めて10人。車体には三国志の「三顧の礼」や「桃園の誓い」などの歴史故事が描かれている。武漢経済技術開発区にある国家インテリジェント・コネクテッド・ビークル(ICV)試験モデル区内を走る。モデル区は広さ490平方キロメートルで、国内で6番目、中部地区では初めての国家級ICV実証実験エリアとなる。(記者/龔聯康) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101511651

  •  GLOBALink | French sporting goods retailer scales up business in China‘s Shenzhen
    GLOBALink | French sporting goods retailer scales up business in China‘s Shenzhen

    STORY: French sporting goods retailer scales up business in China‘s ShenzhenDATELINE: Sept. 23, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:28LOCATION: SHENZHEN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of Decathlon Group in Shenzhen2. SOUNDBITE (English): SERVANDO QUEVEDO, Vice President of Decathlon ChinaSTORYLINE:French sporting goods retailer Decathlon opened its 10th store in China‘s Shenzhen on Thursday. Decathlon has deeply rooted itself in the Shenzhen market for nearly 30 years. Since it established its first production office in Shenzhen in 1995, Decathlon has since operated 10 physical stores and one intelligent manufacturing production office in the city. SOUNDBITE (English): SERVANDO QUEVEDO, Vice President of Decathlon China“As Decathlon‘s first physical store in Luohu District, the opening of the Hongling Store is an important step for Decathlon to expand...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092403778

  •  「新華社」中国の空飛ぶ車、都市部の湘江で初飛行湖南省長沙市

    中国湖南省長沙市で26日、中国初の空飛ぶ車による湘江横断運行を想定した初飛行および実用化に向けた調印式が行われ、中国の電気自動車(EV)メーカー、小鵬汽車傘下の広東匯天航空航天科技(小鵬匯天)が開発した空飛ぶ車「旅航者X2」が、湘江西岸の湘江基金小鎮から東岸の三館一庁まで初の横断デモ飛行を行った。「旅航者X2」は、小鵬匯天が独自に開発、製造した2人乗りのインテリジェント電動垂直離着陸機(eVTOL)で、空車重量680キロ、有効積載量160キロ、最大航続時間は25分となっている。(記者/丁春雨、史凱麗) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082713046

  •  Russian expat finds ideal place for personal growth in E China
    Russian expat finds ideal place for personal growth in E China

    STORY: Russian expat finds ideal place for personal growth in E ChinaDATELINE: Aug. 23, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:03LOCATION: HANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): ROMAN BUZUNOV, Russian expat2. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): ROMAN BUZUNOV, Russian expat3. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): ROMAN BUZUNOV, Russian expat4. SOUNDBITE 4 (English): ROMAN BUZUNOV, Russian expat5. various of Roman‘s daily life in ChinaSTORYLINE:SOUNDBITE 1 (English): ROMAN BUZUNOV, Russian expat“My name is Roman, I‘m from Russia, and now I live and work in China, in Changxing, Huzhou city, Zhejiang province, a beautiful city next to Taihu Lake and not far away from Shanghai, only 200 kilometers away.I came to Changxing at the end of 2014, and I like this city very much. I joined Noblelift Intelligent Equipment by the end of the year and became a member of the company...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082408465

  •  China-Mongolia border port sees goods volume up 172 pct
    China-Mongolia border port sees goods volume up 172 pct

    STORY: China-Mongolia border port sees goods volume up 172 pctDATELINE: Aug. 2, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:11LOCATION: HOHHOT, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the Ganqmod PortSTORYLINE:The volume of goods handled by Ganqmod Port, the largest highway port on the China-Mongolia border, hit nearly 20 million tonnes in the first seven months of this year, up 172.61 percent year on year.Notably, the port handled more than 19 million tonnes of imported coal during the period, a surge of 188.55 percent year on year, said the port administration on Tuesday.Last year alone, the port completed the customs clearance of over 19 million tonnes of goods, more than twice that of 2021. Since the beginning of this year, it has adopted intelligent and streamlined customs clearance measures in a bid to further improve its efficiency...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080213591

  •  Huawei vows to boost support for “intelligent Bangladesh“
    Huawei vows to boost support for “intelligent Bangladesh“

    STORY: Huawei vows to boost support for “intelligent Bangladesh“DATELINE: July 24, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:10LOCATION: DhakaCATEGORY: SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of Huawei‘s 25th-anniversary celebration event in Dhaka2. various of the President of Huawei South Asia and CEO of Huawei Bangladesh Pan Junfeng speaking at the event3. various of Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen speaking 4. various of Bangladeshi Post and Telecommunications Minister Mustafa Jabbar speaking 5. various of Bangladeshi Planing Minister MA Mannan speaking 6...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072411490

  •  China-Mongolia border port handles record high goods volume in H1
    China-Mongolia border port handles record high goods volume in H1

    STORY: China-Mongolia border port handles record high goods volume in H1DATELINE: July 6, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:05LOCATION: Hohhot, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the Ganqmod PortSTORYLINE:The total volume of goods handled by Ganqmod Port, the largest highway port on the China-Mongolia border, has surpassed 16 million tonnes in the first half of this year, the port administration said Thursday. From January to June, the port handled a total of nearly 16.33 million tonnes of goods, up 200.26 percent year on year, hitting a record high, said the port administration, attributing this growth to intelligent and streamlined customs clearance. Among these goods, imported coal totaled about 15.78 million tonnes, up 222.71 percent year on year, while imported refined copper powder totaled 434,700 tonnes, a 6.43 percent increase year on year...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020308234

  •  China‘s 1st intelligent research vessel with digital twin system makes maiden voyage
    China‘s 1st intelligent research vessel with digital twin system makes maiden voyage

    STORY: China‘s 1st intelligent research vessel with digital twin system makes maiden voyageDATELINE: July 2, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:01LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the vesselSTORYLINE:“Haitun 1,“ China‘s first intelligent research vessel equipped with digital twin system, set out on its maiden voyage on Friday in Penglai City, east China‘s Shandong Province.Heading for Qingdao, the capital city of Shandong, the vessel will conduct a series of experiments along the way using the latest technologies including panoramic lidar, 360-degree panoramic infrared vision system, and sound signal recognition system.The vessel, developed by Harbin Engineering University, is 25 meters long with a displacement of about 100 tons.It can accurately detect tiny targets 0.5 meters above the water surface within a distance of two nautical miles...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010111899

  •  German company sees China as promising market
    German company sees China as promising market

    STORY: German company sees China as promising marketDATELINE: June 28, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:58LOCATION: TIANJIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMY SHOTLIST:1. various of the manufacturing factory of Big Dutchman2. SOUNDBITE (English): WALTER BENZ, President of Big Dutchman China3. various of the manufacturing factory of Big Dutchman4. various of the Chinese economy5. various of the manufacturing factory of Big Dutchman STORYLINE:A 12,000-square-meter manufacturing factory of German company Big Dutchman in north China‘s Tianjin Municipality is in full swing. Poultry farming equipment rolled off automated production lines, with a few workers operating the intelligent system. Established in 1938, Big Dutchman is one of the world‘s largest suppliers of feeding systems and housing equipment for modern pig and poultry production...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062811600

  •  China-Mongolia border port handles record-high volume of daily goods
    China-Mongolia border port handles record-high volume of daily goods

    STORY: China-Mongolia border port handles record-high volume of daily goodsDATELINE: June 24, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:15LOCATION: HOHHOT, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the Ganqmod PortSTORYLINE:The daily volume of goods handled by Ganqmod Port, the largest highway port on the China-Mongolia border, has surpassed 170,000 tonnes so far this year, the port administration said Thursday. This figure marks a record-high volume of daily goods handled by the port. In 2022, the port completed the customs clearance of over 19 million tonnes of goods, more than twice that of 2021. As of Thursday, the port had already handled more than 15 million tonnes of goods, a year-on-year growth of over 200 percent, said the port administration, attributing this growth to the intelligent and streamlined customs clearance...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122807218

  •  Logistics center of Hangzhou Asian Games officially opened
    Logistics center of Hangzhou Asian Games officially opened

    STORY: Logistics center of Hangzhou Asian Games officially openedDATELINE: June 23, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:47LOCATION: HANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the logistics centerSTORYLINE:The logistics center of the Hangzhou Asian Games was officially opened on Wednesday in Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou, east China‘s Zhejiang Province.The center is a storage facility for sports equipment, technical equipment, logistics supplies, and other materials for the games.It also provides all kinds of logistics services such as the distribution, delivery, and retrieval of goods, customs clearance coordination, and general planning of goods distribution.The center consists of two conjoined intelligent logistics warehouses, which will respectively coordinate the storage and allocation of goods from home and abroad...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122803966

  •  Digital technology applied in Yellow River management
    Digital technology applied in Yellow River management

    STORY: Digital technology applied in Yellow River managementDATELINE: June 17, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:00LOCATION: ZHENGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the Yellow River2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): WANG QIN, Researcher, Henan Intelligent Yellow River Institute3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LI TAO, Researcher, Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research4. various of the display of the Yellow River digital managementSTORYLINE:Digital technology has been applied in the flood control and disaster mitigation of the Yellow River, the second-longest river in China.In central China‘s Henan Province, a research team is checking some “stones“ along the Yellow River.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): WANG QIN, Researcher, Henan Intelligent Yellow River Institute“This is a ‘smart stone,‘ which consists of an MCU (Micro Control Unit) module and a battery...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062109477

  •  Science, technology support sowing in China‘s Henan
    Science, technology support sowing in China‘s Henan

    STORY: Science, technology support sowing in China‘s HenanDATELINE: June 16, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:49LOCATION: ZHENGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: AGRICULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of tractors2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): DONG WENQUAN, Local agriculture official3. various of sowing processSTORYLINE:Farmers in central China‘s Henan Province have taken advantage of science and technology to improve sowing this summer.In Xunxian County of Henan, many sowing tractors have installed the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System‘s intelligent terminal so that the machine can work automatedly, efficiently and accurately...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122300014

  •  China exports 100 intelligent heavy-duty trucks to Kazakhstan
    China exports 100 intelligent heavy-duty trucks to Kazakhstan

    STORY: China exports 100 intelligent heavy-duty trucks to KazakhstanDATELINE: May 20, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:43LOCATION: CHONGQING, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LIU YU, General manager, SAIC Hongyan Central Asia/Russia Sales and Service Center2. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LIU YU, General manager, SAIC Hongyan Central Asia/Russia Sales and Service CenterSTORYLINE:A total of 100 intelligent heavy-duty trucks, produced by SAIC Hongyan Automotive Co. in China‘s Chongqing, were recently delivered to Kazakhstan.It was the first time that this company exported intelligent heavy-duty trucks in bulk to Central Asia...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081605404

  •  Intelligent farming system helps rice planting in N China
    Intelligent farming system helps rice planting in N China

    STORY: Intelligent farming system helps rice planting in N ChinaDATELINE: May 18, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:35LOCATION: TIANJIN, ChinaCATEGORY: AGRICULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of farmlandSTORYLINE:An intelligent farming system has been used at a demonstration farm in north China‘s Tianjin to manage agricultural facilities.The farm, which covers an area of 20,000 mu (about 1,300 hectares), belongs to Sinochem, China‘s leading operator of fertilizer, seeds and agrochemicals.The platform provides real-time data on crop growth, enabling one agro-technician to manage 4,000 mu (about 266 hectares) of paddy field through a smartphone app.The system has been applied in various areas in Tianjin.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Tianjin, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081011751

  •  Intelligent machines help farming in China‘s breadbasket province
    Intelligent machines help farming in China‘s breadbasket province

    STORY: Intelligent machines help farming in China‘s breadbasket provinceDATELINE: May 14, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:09LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of farming machinesSTORYLINE:Intelligent machines are helping with farming in northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province, saving manpower and improving efficiency.As China‘s breadbasket province, Heilongjiang‘s mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvest has reached 98 percent by November last year.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023051706963

  •  Digital technologies power strawberry planting in E China
    Digital technologies power strawberry planting in E China

    STORY: Digital technologies power strawberry planting in E ChinaDATELINE: May 10, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:41LOCATION: HEFEI, ChinaCATEGORY: AGRICULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the planting base2. STANDUP 1 (English): ZHAO JINZHENG, Xinhua correspondent3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): WANG QIUCHEN, Digital demonstration garden operator4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): YAO JUN, Deputy Director of Integrated Innovation Center5. STANDUP 2 (English): ZHAO JINZHENG, Xinhua correspondentSTORYLINE:STANDUP 1 (English): ZHAO JINZHENG, Xinhua correspondent“It is surprising to see all these smart devices like agricultural sensors, automatic robots and intelligent watering and fertilizing system are used for planting strawberries...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023070705294

  •  「新華社」第133回広州交易会の輸出成約額216・9億ドル

    中国広東省広州市で開かれていた第133回中国輸出入商品交易会(広州交易会)が5日、閉幕した。オンラインプラットフォームの運営は引き続き行われる。今回は展示面積が150万平方メートル、出展企業が3万5千社、累計の来館者が290万人超と、いずれも過去最高を更新。220を超える国・地域から外国人バイヤーが会場とオンラインで参加した。会場を訪れた外国人バイヤーは約13万人で、うち「一帯一路」沿線国のバイヤーが約半数を占めた。会場での輸出成約額は216億9千万ドル(1ドル=約135円)に上った。「工業自動化とスマート製造」「新エネルギーとインテリジェント・コネクテッド・ビークル(ICV)」「スマート生活」など新設の展示エリアが活況を呈し、イノベーション製品やグリーン(環境配慮型)・低炭素型製品が人気を集めた。多くの企業に工場見学の申し込みが殺到しており、閉幕後も成約額が増えることが見込まれる。会期内の各指標は中国貿易の力強さと活力を体現し、世界の商工業界が中国経済に期待を寄せ、今後の経済・貿易協力の深化に十分な自信を持っていることを示している。(記者/丁楽、欧陽建嘉) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023050705308

  •  Digital technology makes Xiong‘an more intelligent
    Digital technology makes Xiong‘an more intelligent

    STORY: Digital technology makes Xiong‘an more intelligentDATELINE: April 4, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:13LOCATION: XIONG‘AN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of Xiong‘an2. various of Xiong‘an Urban Computing Center3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): YUAN XIAODONG, CTO of Xiong‘an Yunwang Technology Co., Ltd.4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): YUAN XIAODONG, CTO of Xiong‘an Yunwang Technology Co., Ltd.STORYLINE:With smart transportation, government services and living, digital technology makes north China‘s Xiong‘an, the “city of the future,“ more intelligent.The Xiong‘an Urban Computing Center, located in the Rongdong area of Xiong‘an New Area, is operated as the city‘s “brain.“SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): YUAN XIAODONG, CTO of Xiong‘an Yunwang Technology Co., Ltd...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023040510458

  •  Rice seedling breeding goes smart in NE China‘s Heilongjiang
    Rice seedling breeding goes smart in NE China‘s Heilongjiang

    STORY: Rice seedling breeding goes smart in NE China‘s HeilongjiangDATELINE: March 29, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:04LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: AGRICULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of rice seedling breeding in Jiansanjiang STORYLINE:Rice seedling breeding goes smart in Jiansanjiang, an important grain-production base in northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province.The base has used a series of intelligent breeding equipment to boost the survival rate of rice seedlings. Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023033003382

  •  Container greenhouses offer easy access to fresh vegetables
    Container greenhouses offer easy access to fresh vegetables

    STORY: Container greenhouses offer easy access to fresh vegetablesDATELINE: March 28, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:22LOCATION: SHOUGUANG, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGY/AGRICULTURESHOTLIST:1 various of the container greenhouses2 SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LIU SHOUCHENG, Manager of Shouguang Xiangtian Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.3 various of vegetable plants in the container greenhouses4 SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LIU PENGPENG, President of Shouguang Xiangtian Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.5 various of the container greenhousesSTORYLINE:Farmers in China‘s Shouguang have turned shipping containers into intelligent greenhouses, offering easy access to fresh vegetables.Shouguang City is a major vegetable production base in east China‘s Shandong Province.Each vegetable greenhouse has a plant room and a control room, and is equipped with an intelligent control system...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023032906004

  •  China, Laos sign MoU to build potash fertilizer industrial park
    China, Laos sign MoU to build potash fertilizer industrial park

    STORY: China, Laos sign MoU to build potash fertilizer industrial parkDATELINE: March 28, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:55LOCATION: VientianeCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the signing ceremonySTORYLINE:The Lao government and a China-Lao joint venture have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the project of the Asia-Potash International Intelligent Circular Industrial Park.Tong Yongheng, general manager of the Sino-Agri International Potash Company, and Khamchanh Vongsaenboun, the Lao deputy minister of planning and investment, signed the MoU on Friday in the Lao capital Vientiane, with the attendance of representatives from both sides.The project aims to promote agriculture, industrialization, urbanization, investment and service industry in Laos...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023032808989

  •  Exploring high-tech “tomato forest“ in Beijing
    Exploring high-tech “tomato forest“ in Beijing

    STORY: Exploring high-tech “tomato forest“ in BeijingDATELINE: March 28, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:12LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of tomatoes2. STANDUP 1 (English): HONG YAN, Xinhua correspondent3. various of Cuihu Intelligent Agricultural Innovation Plant4. STANDUP 2 (English): HONG YAN, Xinhua correspondent5. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LI SHUSHAN, Production director, Cuihu Intelligent Agricultural Innovation Plant6. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LI XINXU, General manager, Cuihu Intelligent Agricultural Innovation Plant7. various of Li Xinxu working8. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): LI XINXU, General manager, Cuihu Intelligent Agricultural Innovation Plant9. various of Cuihu Intelligent Agricultural Innovation Plant10. STANDUP 3 (English): HONG YAN, Xinhua correspondent11. various of Cuihu Intelligent Agricultural Innovation PlantSTORYLINE:This is a tomato...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023032808986

  •  Chinese hospital donates self-developed laparoscopy training system to Mozambique
    Chinese hospital donates self-developed laparoscopy training system to Mozambique

    STORY: Chinese hospital donates self-developed laparoscopy training system to MozambiqueDATELINE: March 24, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:17LOCATION: MaputoCATEGORY: MEDICINESHOTLIST:1. various of self-developed laparoscopy training systems presenting2. various of the handover ceremony3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Portuguese): MOUZINHO SAIDE, Director of Maputo Central Hospital of Mozambique4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): ZHANG HAO, Leader of Chinese medical team to Mozambique5. various of patients waiting for seeing doctors6. exterior view of the hospitalSTORYLINE:The West China Hospital of Sichuan University donated an intelligent laparoscopy training and assessment system to Maputo Central Hospital of Mozambique on Wednesday.Developed by Professor Liu Lunxu and his team, the system incorporated technologies such as image recognition...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023032506270

  •  Smart tech makes farming easier in China‘s Hubei
    Smart tech makes farming easier in China‘s Hubei

    STORY: Smart tech makes farming easier in China‘s HubeiDATELINE: March 18, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:57LOCATION: WUHAN, ChinaCATEGORY: AGRICULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of spring plowing in central China2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): TAO ZHE, Farming machine operator, Wuhan Yongwang Agricultural Products Cooperative3. various of smart machines in the fields4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): HU DAN, Manager of Wuhan Yongwang Agricultural Products CooperativeSTORYLINE:Spring plowing started in central China‘s Hubei Province.Intelligent farming machines and systems are applied in the plowing process.At Wuhan Yongwang Agricultural Products Cooperative, farming machines navigated by China‘s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System have been introduced here since 2021...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031901695

  •  China‘s manufacturers embrace transition to green, smart construction equipment
    China‘s manufacturers embrace transition to green, smart construction equipment

    STORY: China‘s manufacturers embrace transition to green, smart construction equipmentDATELINE: March 17, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:09LOCATION: LAS VEGAS, U.S.CATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the show of CONEXPO-CON/AGG2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): DONG YUZHONG, Vice president, Research institute of XCMG‘s Excavating Machinery Division3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): BRUCE LIU, General manager assistant with Zoomlion InternationalSTORYLINE:Chinese manufacturers of construction equipment are ready to embrace a greener and more intelligent future, as they present electric vehicles and the application of smart technologies at North America‘s largest construction trade show.The massive show of CONEXPO-CON/AGG is held in Las Vegas from Tuesday through Saturday, showcasing the latest equipment advances and newest technology applications in every field of construction...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031712501

  •  China‘s Chongqing strives to expand NEV exports
    China‘s Chongqing strives to expand NEV exports

    STORY: China‘s Chongqing strives to expand NEV exportsDATELINE: March 9, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:02LOCATION: CHONGQING, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of automobile productionSTORYLINE:As an important automobile production base in China, Chongqing has been striving to expand the exports of new energy vehicles (NEVs).The city has been promoting the electrification and intelligent upgrading of automobiles and the optimization of product structure in recent years.A number of medium and high-end NEVs have hit the market, driving the increase in NEV exports. In 2022, Chongqing‘s auto exports increased by nearly 90 percent year-on-year...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031003569

  •  Young woman scientist strives to make Chinese extra-terrestrial explorers smarter
    Young woman scientist strives to make Chinese extra-terrestrial explorers smarter

    STORY: Young woman scientist strives to make Chinese extra-terrestrial explorers smarterDATELINE: March 8, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:24LOCATION: HANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of Zhejiang Lab2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LI YUEHUA, Researcher, Zhejiang Lab3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LI YUEHUA, Researcher, Zhejiang Lab4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): LI YUEHUA, Researcher, Zhejiang LabSTORYLINE:A post-90s woman scientist in east China‘s Zhejiang is working to make China‘s extraterrestrial exploration more intelligent with a group of young colleagues.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LI YUEHUA, Researcher, Zhejiang Lab“We‘ve developed some intelligence-sensing and intelligence-understanding algorithms to apply AI to the robot...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030900958

  •  Intelligent manufacturing empowers China‘s automaker
    Intelligent manufacturing empowers China‘s automaker

    STORY: Intelligent manufacturing empowers China‘s automakerDATELINE: March 5, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:54LOCATION: GUIYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the workshop of Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. in Guiyang2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): GU JIANGANG, Deputy manager of Guizhou Geely Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.STORYLINE:Highly automated and flexible assembly lines have enabled Chinese automaker Geely‘s factory in Guiyang, southwest China‘s Guizhou Province, to build a unique product portfolio to tap into the global market.Last year, Geely‘s first methanol-electric hybrid sedan rolled off the production line at this plant.Now, it works to upgrade and modify its current models to better meet market demands overseas.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): GU JIANGANG, Deputy manager of Guizhou Geely Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030506841

  •  China‘s Henan sees spring farming going smart
    China‘s Henan sees spring farming going smart

    STORY: China‘s Henan sees spring farming going smartDATELINE: March 3, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:01LOCATION: ZHENGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of farmlands in Henan2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): FENG SUQUAN, Deputy manager of a local agricultural company3. various of technicians working4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): JIN HAILIN, Local agricultural expertSTORYLINE:Intelligent agriculture has helped Henan Province, a major grain-producing base in central China, better manage the farmlands with over 85 million mu (about 5.7 million hectares) of wheat during the spring farming season.In Xunxian County, Hebi City, sprinklers are working based on the information provided by an intelligent agriculture control center...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023030400807

  •  Automakers in China‘s Jilin ramp up production to secure overseas orders
    Automakers in China‘s Jilin ramp up production to secure overseas orders

    STORY: Automakers in China‘s Jilin ramp up production to secure overseas ordersDATELINE: Feb. 12, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:08LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the production of autos2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LI ZHE, Deputy director of final assembly workshop, FAW Jiefang3. various of the production of autos4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WANG CHAO, General manager of Changchun Jetty Automotive Parts Co., Ltd.STORYLINE:Auto companies are ramping up production to secure orders for exports in Changchun, capital of northeast China‘s Jilin Province.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LI ZHE, Deputy director of final assembly workshop, FAW Jiefang“Staff from our special assembly workshop and intelligent workshop have come to help the final assembly workshop to ensure that we can complete the production task in time...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年2月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021302227

  •  Intelligent agricultural system helps farms grow tropical fruits in NE China
    Intelligent agricultural system helps farms grow tropical fruits in NE China

    STORY: Intelligent agricultural system helps farms grow tropical fruits in NE ChinaDATELINE: Feb. 7, 2023LENGTH: 0:00:43LOCATION: QIQIHAR, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of greenhousesSTORYLINE:An intelligent agricultural system enables tropical fruits to grow in extremely cold areas.The system precisely controls the temperature, light and humidity inside the greenhouses.It has boosted development of modern agriculture and increased incomes for local farmers.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Qiqihar, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年2月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023020804755

  •  Dutch capital opens large bicycle parking facility
    Dutch capital opens large bicycle parking facility

    STORY: Dutch capital opens large bicycle parking facilityDATELINE: Feb. 4, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:21LOCATION: AmsterdamCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the new bicycle parking facility at the Amsterdam Central StationSTORYLINE:A huge bicycle parking facility has opened in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, after four years of construction.With spaces for 7,000 bicycles, the parking facility at the Amsterdam Central Station is the largest of its kind in the city.Using a space for the first 24 hours is free of charge, then 1.35 euros each day thereafter.Thanks to intelligent systems, unattended bicycles will be removed after 28 days.The city aims to build additional 8,500 bicycle parking spaces by 2029.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Amsterdam.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年2月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023020411284

  •  Most frost-resistant Fuxing bullet trains operate well in NE China
    Most frost-resistant Fuxing bullet trains operate well in NE China

    STORY: Most frost-resistant Fuxing bullet trains operate well in NE ChinaDATELINE: Feb. 2, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:21LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the “Fuxing“ bullet trains2. various of passengers during the Spring Festival travel rushSTORYLINE:China‘s “Fuxing“ bullet trains are operating at their highest latitude and in their coldest temperatures during the Spring Festival travel rush.According to the China Railway Harbin Group Co., Ltd., the “Fuxing“ CR400BF-GZ EMU (Electric Multiple Unit) is the fastest, most frost-resistant and most intelligent bullet train in the “Fuxing“ series.The train made its debut on Jan. 16 in China‘s northernmost Heilongjiang Province.It was independently designed and manufactured in China and has an operating speed of 350 kilometers per hour...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年2月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023020307659

  •  Intelligent unmanned research ship delivered for use in S. China
    Intelligent unmanned research ship delivered for use in S. China

    STORY: Intelligent unmanned research ship delivered for use in S. ChinaDATELINE: Jan. 13, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:35LOCATION: GUANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the intelligent unmanned research ship ZhuhaiyunSTORYLINE:Zhuhaiyun, an intelligent unmanned research ship, was officially delivered for use on Thursday in south China‘s Guangdong Province.It has successfully completed various sea trials and returned to its home port. The research vessel has autonomous navigation and remote control functions. Its power system, propulsion system, intelligence system and operation support system have all been independently developed by China. It will help solve practical problems in marine scientific research.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Guangzhou, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011401997

  •  More intelligent bullet trains put into use ahead of Spring Festival travel rush
    More intelligent bullet trains put into use ahead of Spring Festival travel rush

    STORY: More intelligent bullet trains put into use ahead of Spring Festival travel rushDATELINE: Jan. 5, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:52LOCATION: GUANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the intelligent Fuxing bullet trainsSTORYLINE:China Railway Guangzhou Group Co., Ltd. has equipped with some intelligent Fuxing bullet trains to better prepare for the upcoming Spring Festival travel rush, also known as Chunyun.The 40-day travel season will begin on Saturday. Many Chinese people will travel to reunite with their families for the Chinese Lunar New Year, which falls on Jan. 22 this year.The new generation of Fuxing high-speed trains is filled with intelligent and user-friendly designs.It‘s equipped with technologies and services including intelligent data analysis, a wireless network based on 5G technology, and energy-efficient air conditioning units...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010612290

  •  Chinese tech giant Huawei expects 2022 revenue at 636.9 bln yuan
    Chinese tech giant Huawei expects 2022 revenue at 636.9 bln yuan

    STORY: Chinese tech giant Huawei expects 2022 revenue at 636.9 bln yuanDATELINE: Dec. 31, 2022LENGTH: 0:02:08LOCATION: SHENZHEN, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of Eric Xu2. various of HuaweiSTORYLINE:Chinese tech giant Huawei expects its revenue for 2022 to reach 636.9 billion yuan (about 91.59 billion U.S. dollars), according to the company‘s rotating chairman Eric Xu.The performance was in line with the forecast, Xu said in the company‘s annual New Year‘s message Friday.Over the past year, Huawei‘s ICT infrastructure business maintained steady growth, and the decline in device business has abated. It achieved rapid growth in digital power and Huawei Cloud, and took the competitiveness and user experience of intelligent automotive components to new heights, Xu said.“In 2022, we successfully pulled ourselves out of crisis mode. The U.S...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010505030

  •  「新華社」「中国天眼」の優位性生かし、高速電波バーストの起源探求進む

    宇宙で散発的に起こる電波爆発現象の一種、高速電波バースト(FRB)は2007年、その存在が初めて確認され、瞬く間に天文学研究の注目テーマの一つとなった。中国の科学者は、貴州省にある500メートル球面電波望遠鏡(FAST、通称「中国天眼」)と世界トップレベルのインテリジェントコンピューティング力により、FRBの起源探究で世界の最前線に立っている。今年1月、中国天眼が偏光分析により星間磁場を正確に測定した成果が英科学誌「ネイチャー」の表紙を飾った。これは、宇宙信号の偏光特性を正確に測定できる中国天眼の優位性を示しており、こうした優位性はFRBの起源探究にも活用されている。中国天眼が高周波宇宙偏光特性を正確に測定した科学研究成果は26日、国際学術誌「科学通報(ChineseScienceBulletin)」(英語版)の表紙に掲載された。(記者/呉斯洋、斉健、劉勤兵) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022123005689

  •  GLOBALink | Chinese ports‘ container throughput reflects resilience, vitality of economy
    GLOBALink | Chinese ports‘ container throughput reflects resilience, vitality of economy

    China‘s major ports have seen increased throughput and made great progress in digital and intelligent construction in 2022, reflecting the resilience and vitality of the Chinese economy.Produced by Xinhua Global Service= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122507683

  •  Exploring new trends of driverless vehicles in Hefei, China
    Exploring new trends of driverless vehicles in Hefei, China

    STORY: Exploring new trends of driverless vehicles in Hefei, ChinaDATELINE: Dec. 6, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:18LOCATION: HEFEI, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP 1 (English): LIU FANGQIANG, Xinhua correspondent2. various of driverless vehicles3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): HE JIJUN, Senior R&D engineer, Beijing Nebula Link Technology Co., Ltd.4. various of driverless vehicles5. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): SONG ZHIWEI, President of Singpilot (Anhui) Co., Ltd.6. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): HU CHANGCHUN, Deputy general manager, Hefei Zhongguancun Intelligent Connected Vehicle ParkSTORYLINE:STANDUP 1 (English): LIU FANGQIANG, Xinhua correspondent“Autonomous driving has been widely used in China‘s society today and I tried some of its applications a few days ago, such as the autonomous driving tour bus, autonomous driving delivery vehicle...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120802298

  •  Exploring intelligent park in China‘s Hefei
    Exploring intelligent park in China‘s Hefei

    STORY: Exploring intelligent park in China‘s HefeiDATELINE: Dec. 5, 2022LENGTH: 0:02:40LOCATION: HEFEI, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of autonomous driving vehicles2. STANDUP 1 (English): LIU FANGQIANG, Xinhua correspondent3. STANDUP 2 (English): LIU FANGQIANG, Xinhua correspondent4. STANDUP 3 (English): LIU FANGQIANG, Xinhua correspondent5. STANDUP 4 (English): LIU FANGQIANG, Xinhua correspondent6. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LIU FANGQIANG, Xinhua correspondent7. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WANG CHAOZHENG, Engineer of the autonomous driving tour buses8. STANDUP 5 (English): LIU FANGQIANG, Xinhua correspondent9. STANDUP 6 (English): LIU FANGQIANG, Xinhua correspondent10...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120705165

  •  Swiss tech giant ABB opens mega factory in Shanghai
    Swiss tech giant ABB opens mega factory in Shanghai

    STORY: Swiss tech giant ABB opens mega factory in ShanghaiDATELINE: Dec. 2, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:46LOCATION: SHANGHAI, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMY SHOTLIST:1. various of ABB mega factory in Shanghai2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): RUI LIANG, Head of ABB Robotics Division ChinaSTORYLINE:A factory where robots are made by other robots.Swiss tech giant ABB on Friday officially opened its largest and fully automated robotics factory in Shanghai.The much-anticipated mega factory is ABB‘s largest robotics R&D, manufacturing, and application base.It involved an investment of 150 million U.S. dollars and covers an area of 67,000 square meters in the Pudong New Area.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): RUI LIANG, Head of ABB Robotics Division China“Our mega factory features digitalization and intelligent and low-carbon operation...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120501250

  •  Construction industry turning smart in NE China
    Construction industry turning smart in NE China

    STORY: Construction industry turning smart in NE ChinaDATELINE: Nov. 29, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:53LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of Shenyang2. various of a construction site3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): JIANG HUANHUAN, Chief engineer of Zhonghai Project, China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Ltd.4. various of Fushun5. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): NIU ZHANYU, Secretary general of Shenyang Construction Industry AssociationSTORYLINE:Liaoning Province in northeast China has been developing intelligent construction as China is working to push its construction industry onto a greener, smarter and safer path.At a shopping mall under construction in the provincial capital of Shenyang, technicians are checking the dome installation data collected by an on-site robot...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120107803

  •  World Internet of Things Exposition kicks off in east China
    World Internet of Things Exposition kicks off in east China

    STORY: World Internet of Things Exposition kicks off in east ChinaDATELINE: Nov. 27, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:40LOCATION: WUXI, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the exposition2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): XU XIAOJIN, Manager, Jiuzhongjiu Robotics Co., Ltd.3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): CHEN QIU, Director, Wuxi Checheng Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.4. various of the expositionSTORYLINE:The 2022 World Internet of Things (IoT) Exposition opened Friday in the city of Wuxi, east China‘s Jiangsu Province.The three-day event includes a summit, an exhibition featuring the latest IoT applications and products, and several forums focusing on themes like the industrial internet, intelligent sensing and intelligent connected vehicles...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112905184

  •  How rice is harvested at unmanned farm in China‘s Guangzhou
    How rice is harvested at unmanned farm in China‘s Guangzhou

    STORY: How rice is harvested at unmanned farm in China‘s GuangzhouDATELINE: Nov. 24, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:31LOCATION: GUANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the unmanned farmSTORYLINE:An unmanned farm in south China‘s Guangzhou has been harvesting as two harvesters automatically transport grain to an unmanned carrier.The group led by Luo Xiwen, professor with the South China Agricultural University, has carried out full automation of the cultivation, management, collection, and production of crops. It allows the realization of intelligent agriculture through smart technology.Other provinces like Sichuan and Guizhou also adopt unmanned tech in growing rice, wheat, maize and peanut.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Guangzhou, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112611254

  •  China‘s courier sector well-prepared for annual online shopping bonanza
    China‘s courier sector well-prepared for annual online shopping bonanza

    STORY: China‘s courier sector well-prepared for annual online shopping bonanzaDATELINE: Nov. 12, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:11LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of logistics hubs2. various of online shopping2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LIU PINGCHUAN, Public affairs department, SF Express (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): HU RICAI, Hangzhou transfer center, Shentong Express4. various of logistics hubsSTORYLINE:Supported by intelligent technology, China‘s courier sector has been well-prepared for the annual e-commerce bonanza known as “Double 11.“Initiated in 2009, the once-a-year “Double 11“ shopping festival has evolved into one of the most expected shopping festivals in China.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LIU PINGCHUAN, Public affairs department, SF Express (Tianjin) Co., Ltd...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111304718

  •  Technology helps China‘s logistics industry better handle “Double 11“ shopping festival
    Technology helps China‘s logistics industry better handle “Double 11“ shopping festival

    STORY: Technology helps China‘s logistics industry better handle “Double 11“ shopping festivalDATELINE: Nov. 11, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:16LOCATION: CHENGDU, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Chengdu “Asia No. 1“ smart warehouseSTORYLINE:China‘s annual e-commerce bonanza, known as “Double 11“, usually kicks off in late October and embraces a climax on Nov. 11. This year‘s shopping festival witnesses further development of China‘s logistics industry supported by intelligent technology.The Chengdu “Asia No. 1“ smart warehouse is one of the logistics centers of JD Logistics, the supply chain arm under Chinese online retailer covers an area of 365 mu (about 24 hectares), and is the largest modern logistics warehouse in southwest China. It deals with purchase orders of five provinces...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111211525

  •  China‘s “Double 11“ shopping fest brings opportunities for global brands
    China‘s “Double 11“ shopping fest brings opportunities for global brands

    STORY: China‘s “Double 11“ shopping fest brings opportunities for global brandsDATELINE: Nov. 11, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:52LOCATION: HANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): YANG GUANG, President of Industrial Development and Operation Center of Taobao and Tmall2. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): MU SHAN, General Manager, Marketing Department of Taobao and Tmall3. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): ZHANG PENG, Head of JD Logistics Asia One Chengdu Intelligent Industrial ParkSTORYLINE:China‘s Singles‘ Day shopping festival, also known as “Double 11“ as it falls on Nov. 11, is a carnival for online shoppers.Kicking off in late October, the online shopping spree is also proved to be a bonanza for global brands as consumers‘ demand for imported goods is robust...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111209798

  •  Autumn harvest in full swing in Yunnan, SW China
    Autumn harvest in full swing in Yunnan, SW China

    STORY: Autumn harvest in full swing in Yunnan, SW ChinaDATELINE: Oct. 25, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:48LOCATION: KUNMING, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMY/AGRICULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of paddy fields in Longchuan County, Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China‘s Yunnan Province2. various of farmers harvestingSTORYLINE:Autumn harvest is in full swing in southwest China‘s Yunnan Province.Farmers are busy working in the fields. Some people utilize intelligent tractors and smart combines in the farmlands to effectively reap the crops, while others harvest in a traditional way.This year, over 10,000 hectares of paddies in Longchuan County are expected to yield nearly 60,000 tonnes of rice.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Kunming, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022102604141

  •  Tunisia hosts int‘l agricultural investment, tech exhibition
    Tunisia hosts int‘l agricultural investment, tech exhibition

    STORY: Tunisia hosts int‘l agricultural investment, tech exhibitionDATELINE: Oct. 14, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:23LOCATION: TunisCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the exhibition center2. various of the exhibitionSTORYLINE:The 14th edition of the International Exhibition of Agricultural Investment and Technology (SIAT 2022) opened on Wednesday in the northern suburb of Tunisia‘s capital Tunis. Under the theme “Intelligent Investment for Sustainable Development,“ the four-day event was organized by the Agricultural Investment Promotion Agency (APIA) and inaugurated by Prime Minister Najla Bouden Romdhane.“SIAT 2022 offers farmers and investors an opportunity to exhibit their new technologies and learn about the opportunities available for the promotion of agricultural production,“ APIA‘s Director General Inji Douggui was quoted as saying by Tunis Afrique Presse...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101503259

  •  Smart agriculture helps farmers increase output in NE China
    Smart agriculture helps farmers increase output in NE China

    STORY: Smart agriculture helps farmers increase output in NE ChinaDATELINE: Oct. 11, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:51LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the farm2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): XIAO YAO, Local farm managerSTORYLINE:A farm in the county of Yongji, northeast China‘s Jilin Province has adopted smart technologies to boost agricultural production during the autumn harvest season.A multi-layered control and monitoring system made up of intelligent technologies, including ground cameras, low-altitude drones and remote sensing satellites, is applied to analyze data on crop growth, diseases and pests and fertilizers.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): XIAO YAO, Local farm manager“Since a smart farm was built, the management and operation have become very simple for us. Many procedures have adopted electrical automation which saves labor...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101201074

  •  Shanghai Metro uses intelligent robots for inspection
    Shanghai Metro uses intelligent robots for inspection

    STORY: Shanghai Metro uses intelligent robots for inspectionDATELINE: Oct. 9, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:52LOCATION: SHANGHAI, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of robots working in Shanghai MetroSTORYLINE:Intelligent robots have been used on trial to conduct routine checks on trains in Shanghai Metro, which ranks first in the world in terms of operating length.Equipped with a wireless multi-sensor detection system, autonomous positioning and navigation system, and cloud technology, the robots can assess the condition of key components on the underside of the trains, which could greatly improve efficiency.It is estimated that the robots can help complete 80 percent of the manual inspection work under the trains with an accuracy rate of 98 percent.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Shanghai, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101000645

  •  「新華社」中国GEMが過半出資の車載電池部材工場、インドネシアで稼働

    中国の電池リサイクル大手、格林美(GEM)はこのほど、インドネシア中部スラウェシ州のモロワリ工業団地で進めるリチウムイオン電池向けニッケル・コバルト化合物などを製造する合弁プロジェクトについて、第1期生産ラインが稼働し、現地で記念式典が開かれたと発表した。プロジェクトは、格林美や車載電池大手、寧徳時代新能源科技(CATL)などの傘下企業からなる中国企業連合と日本の大手商社、阪和興業、韓国系企業が出資する合弁会社「QMBニューエナジーマテリアルズ」が進める。格林美の出資比率は63%。第1期ではリチウムイオン電池の原料となる高純度ニッケル・コバルト化合物(MHP)を年間3万トン生産する。式典には、ルフット・パンジャイタン海洋・投資担当調整相らインドネシアの政府高官が出席。パンジャイタン氏は、プロジェクトの理念である「科学技術+インテリジェント+環境への配慮」と環境配慮型工場が持つ模範的な意義を高く評価し、QMBが同国で冶金(やきん)技術者を育成することによって、関連技術の現地化に前向きな影響がもたらされると述べた。QMBの許開華(きょ・かいか)董事長もあいさつに立ち、インドネシアの低品位ラテライト・ニッケルを利用して新エネ材料の生産規模を拡大する技術を積極的に研究し、世界トップクラスの産業チェーンとエンジニアリングのイノベーション体系を整備していく方針を明らかにした。(記者/孫磊) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100109564

  •  Intelligent technologies aid rice production, harvest in NE China
    Intelligent technologies aid rice production, harvest in NE China

    STORY: Intelligent technologies aid rice production, harvest in NE ChinaDATELINE: Sept. 26, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:46LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: AGRICULTURESHOTLIST:1. STANDUP (English): DAI JINRONG, Xinhua correspondent2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): YE ZHIFENG, Deputy general manager of Puyang Farm Co., Ltd. of Beidahuang GroupSTORYLINE:STANDUP (English): DAI JINRONG, Xinhua correspondent“Now I am in a paddy field in Beidahuang Group, Hegang City, northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province.This year, the rice‘s estimated production of this field can reach around 600 kilograms per mu (0.0667 hectares), which means this farm can really enjoy a rice bumper harvest. Now rice is mature. Sophisticated combines are cutting the rice and separating the grain from the stalks...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092901863

  •  China‘s Optics Valley tells story of indigenous innovation
    China‘s Optics Valley tells story of indigenous innovation

    STORY: China‘s Optics Valley tells story of indigenous innovationDATELINE: Sept. 22, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:53LOCATION: WUHAN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of history views of China‘s Optics Valley2. aerial view of China‘s Optics ValleySTORYLINE:China‘s Optics Valley, or the East Lake High-tech Development Zone, in Wuhan of central China‘s Hubei Province, is well known for its optoelectronic industry chain which attracts global enterprises in the optical fiber, integrated chip and display screen fields.Over the past decade, Hubei has witnessed a tech boom, with rapid development in emerging industries including optoelectronic information, intelligent manufacturing and high-tech services. And the Optics Valley is the epitome of the province‘s innovation-driven growth...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092505097

  •  「新華社」北京で世界ICV会議自動運転や「つながる車」の魅力伝える

    中国北京市順義区の中国国際展覧センター新館で16日、世界のインテリジェント・コネクテッド・ビークル(ICV)業界関係者が一堂に集う「2022世界ICV会議(WICV)」が開幕した。新エネルギー車(NEV)やICVの展示会なども同時に開かれ、世界各地の有名企業213社が新鋭モデル191点を披露している。会期は19日まで。(記者/任超、陳旭) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022091713300

  •  Intelligent greenhouses in NW China help farmers realize smart agriculture
    Intelligent greenhouses in NW China help farmers realize smart agriculture

    STORY: Intelligent greenhouses in NW China help farmers realize smart agricultureDATELINE: Sept. 16, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:38LOCATION: YANGLING, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. aerial view of greenhouses in Yangling, Shaanxi2. various of a greenhouse where dragon fruits are grown3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): GUO JUANRU, Dragon fruit farmer4. various of smart greenhouse control system5. various of a production line6. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): ZHU XIAOLEI, Head of a local agro-tech company7. shot of fruitsSTORYLINE:Before, in simple and primitive greenhouses, farmers in northwest China used to toil to grow their crops.However, nowadays, with the help of intelligent greenhouses, they just need to monitor agricultural production in a hands-off way...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022091907653

  •  Chinese market ideal for challenge lovers: Italian businessman
    Chinese market ideal for challenge lovers: Italian businessman

    STORY: Chinese market ideal for challenge lovers: Italian businessmanDATELINE: Sept. 16, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:35LOCATION: GUANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:various of Matteo TerigiSOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): MATTEO TERIGI, Sales Director, Guangdong Fosber Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.various of people working in Guangdong Fosber Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): MATTEO TERIGI, Sales Director, Guangdong Fosber Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.STORYLINE:Italian businessman Matteo Terigi never expected that his career would prosper in China.He came to China in 2014 when the Italian company he worked for decided to set up a joint venture in China.As a fluent Chinese speaker, Terigi soon helped his company expand in the Chinese market...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022091905718

  •  Explore cool technologies, products at 2022 World AI Conference in Shanghai
    Explore cool technologies, products at 2022 World AI Conference in Shanghai

    STORY: Explore cool technologies, products at 2022 World AI Conference in ShanghaiDATELINE: Sept. 2, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:34LOCATION: SHANGHAI, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the 2022 World Artificial Intelligence Conference2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): ZHOU ZHIYONG, General Manager of Brand Dept., Zhuhai Yunzhou Intelligent Technology Ltd.3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WANG YAXIN, Tencent Youtu Lab4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): MANDY, Marketing Manager of SenseTimeSTORYLINE:With the theme of “Intelligent Connectivity, Infinite Multiverse“, the 2022 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) kicked off in east China‘s Shanghai on Thursday.This year‘s event drew more than 200 companies from home and abroad to showcase their latest achievements in artificial intelligence...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022090310459

  •  China‘s first commercial sky train rolls off production line
    China‘s first commercial sky train rolls off production line

    STORY: China‘s first commercial sky train rolls off production lineDATELINE: Aug. 27, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:50LOCATION: QINGDAO, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:various of the sky trainSTORYLINE:China‘s first commercial sky train, a type of suspended monorail vehicle, rolled off the production line on Friday in Qingdao, east China‘s Shandong Province.The two-carriage train, with a maximum speed of 70 kph, will be able to carry 200 passengers on one trip.According to its manufacturer CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co. Ltd., the train is equipped with an intelligent system that allows a series of automatic operations, including automatic driving.Besides, energy consumption of the train will be reduced by 15 percent per 100 km through energy-saving technologies.The sky train is expected to have wide application in scenic areas, mountainous regions, and major cities...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022082709717

  •  Products highlighted at World Robot Conference
    Products highlighted at World Robot Conference

    STORY: Products highlighted at World Robot ConferenceDATELINE: August 24, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:14LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:various of Beijing World Robot Conference 2022SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): XU SHOUJUN, Project director of Shenyang Aerospace Xinguang Group Co., LtdSOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LIU RUJIA, Project manager of Aerospace Science and Industry Intelligent Robot Co., Ltdvarious of Beijing World Robot Conference 2022STORYLINE:From cutting-edge biomimetic robots, medical robots to agricultural robots, more than 500 sets of them have shown up at the just concluded World Robot Conference 2022 (WRC 2022), which have brought visitors closer to what life will be like in the future.Robots such as intelligent refueling robots and bionic finless porpoises based on aviation technology have attracted much attention...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022082503493

  •  GLOBALink | Products highlighted at World Robot Conference
    GLOBALink | Products highlighted at World Robot Conference

    From cutting-edge biomimetic robots, medical robots to agricultural robots, more than 500 sets of them have shown up at the just concluded World Robot Conference 2022 (WRC 2022), which have brought visitors closer to what life will be like in the future.Robots such as intelligent refueling robots and bionic finless porpoises based on aviation technology have attracted much attention.The intelligent refueling robot can work in the scenario of unmanned gas station.The event, held from Aug. 18 to 21, featured three major events including forum, expo and competition.Produced by Xinhua Global Service= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022082503492

  •  New farming robots displayed at 2022 World Robot Conference
    New farming robots displayed at 2022 World Robot Conference

    STORY: New farming robots displayed at 2022 World Robot ConferenceDATELINE: Aug. 20, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:15LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP (English): YANG ZHIXIANG, Xinhua correspondent2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): TIAN XIAONA, Assistant to general manager, Beijing Focused Loong Technology Co., Ltd.3. various of Focused Loong smart pig husbandry robot working4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WU JIAFENG, Regional sales manager, Hangzhou Qogori Tech Co., Ltd.5. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): YIN BENQIANG, CEO, Qingdao Webull Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd6. various of a fruit-picking robot picking Kiwi fruit8. various of a crop-dust robot spraying9. various of a picking robotSTORYLINE:STANDUP (English): YANG ZHIXIANG, Xinhua correspondent“The World Robot Conference 2022 (WRC 2022) is underway here in Beijing. More than 500 sets of robots are displayed...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022082104018

  •  China‘s 100 million tons oilfield completes 14 units in Tianjin
    China‘s 100 million tons oilfield completes 14 units in Tianjin

    STORY: China‘s 100 million tons oilfield completes 14 units in TianjinDATELINE: Aug. 10, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:40LOCATION: TIANJIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the oilfieldSTORYLINE:Kenli 6-1 oilfield completed its 14 units on Tuesday in the Tianjin Intelligent Manufacturing Base of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC).As the largest crude oil production increase project under construction in Bohai Oilfield, Kenli 6-1 oilfield is the first large-scale oilfield of 100 million tons discovered by exploration in the northern part of Laizhou Bay in the Bohai Sea.The oilfield is expected to reach its peak production of about 4,000 barrels of crude oil per day in 2022.Its parent company China National Offshore Oil Corporation, headquartered in Beijing, is the country‘s largest producer of offshore crude oil and natural gas...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022081103139

  •  Visit to a smart tailored clothing shop in E China
    Visit to a smart tailored clothing shop in E China

    STORY: Visit to a smart tailored clothing shop in E ChinaDATELINE: July 24, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:06LOCATION: FUZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of outdoor exhibition2. various of customized demonstrations3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LI PAN, Founder of Zhifu Technology (Fujian) Co., LTD.4. various of production technologies demonstration5. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LI PAN, Founder of Zhifu Technology (Fujian) Co., LTD.STORYLINE:As the host city of the annual Digital China Summit, east China‘s Fuzhou has been working to build a city of digital applications and contribute to the building of a “digital China.“In the city‘s Taijiang District, a smart tailored clothing shop has attracted many customers.Through intelligent measurement and image analysis technology, customers can try on clothes virtually through a smart interactive screen...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年7月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022072503233

  •  「新華社」北京市で無人自動運転タクシーの商用サービス開始百度と小馬智行が先行

    中国北京市は20日、無人自動運転タクシーによる商用サービスを実施するモデル地区を国内で初めて設置した。第1陣として営業免許を取得したインターネット検索大手の百度(バイドゥ)と自動運転技術の新興企業、小馬智行(ポニー・エーアイ)が北京経済技術開発区の中心エリア60平方キロの範囲に無人の自動運転車両30台を投入し、有料サービスを展開する。北京市ハイレベル自動運転モデル区工作弁公室は、今回の無人化・商用化のモデル事業実施に当たり、北京市インテリジェント・コネクテッド・ビークル(ICV)政策先行区が条件や環境を蓄積してきたと説明した。昨年4月、同弁公室が初めて公道試験用ナンバープレートを交付。今年4月には運転席無人で助手席に保安要員を乗せて走る自動運転タクシーサービスを試験的に実施するモデル地区を国内で初めて設置した。無人自動運転タクシーによる公道試験の走行距離は累計30万キロを超え、自動運転タクシーの試験サービスの利用者は延べ43万人を超える。(記者/龐元元、郭宇靖) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年7月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022072212691

  •  Shanghai‘s first self-driving test lane put into use
    Shanghai‘s first self-driving test lane put into use

    STORY: Shanghai‘s first self-driving test lane put into useDATELINE: July 19, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:16LOCATION: SHANGHAI, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Shanghai‘s first self-driving test lane2. various of smart heavy-duty trucks3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LI ZHONGXIN, General manager of smart heavy-duty truck assembly line, Shanghai Utopilot Technology Co., Ltd.4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): ZHANG XIANHONG, Deputy general manager of Intelligent Driving Center, Shanghai Utopilot Technology Co., Ltd.STORYLINE:Shanghai‘s first self-driving test lane was put into use on a cross-sea bridge on Monday.Test run of smart heavy-duty trucks in highway scenario started on the Donghai Bridge.The 30-kilometer bridge has six lanes in total. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on weekdays, the outermost lanes in both directions are designated as ones for the test...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年7月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022072109838

  •  Smart technologies help with teaching in Tianjin school
    Smart technologies help with teaching in Tianjin school

    STORY: Smart technologies help with teaching in Tianjin schoolDATELINE: July 7, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:19LOCATION: TIANJIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the Tianjin Eco-City School Affiliated To Beijing Normal UniversitySTORYLINE:On the campus of the Tianjin Eco-City School Affiliated To Beijing Normal University, a series of intelligent applications have brought new possibilities to teaching and learning.“OK, boys and girls. What is this? Now please choose the right answer, ABC or D.“The tablets loaded with teaching materials can help teachers and students realize efficient interaction in class.“Today we are going to learn about carrier rockets. Please collect all the cards and put them on the desk.“The VR/AR classroom is equipped with all-in-one VR machines and AR intelligent desks...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年7月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022071005631

  •  601-tonne deck piece of WHPA West Block completed in base of China‘s Tianjin
    601-tonne deck piece of WHPA West Block completed in base of China‘s Tianjin

    STORY: 601-tonne deck piece of WHPA West Block completed in base of China‘s TianjinDATELINE: June 15, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:48LOCATION: TIANJIN, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the Tianjin Intelligent Manufacturing Base of China Offshore Oil Engineering CorporationSTORYLINE:A 601-tonne deck piece of the WHPA West Block of the Bozhong 29-6 oilfield development project was successfully completed on Wednesday in the Tianjin Intelligent Manufacturing Base of China Offshore Oil Engineering Corporation (COOEC) in north China‘s Tianjin, marking the country‘s first offshore oil and gas equipment “intelligent manufacturing“ project achieved the capping of the main structure of the first block construction unit.  The Bozhong 29-6 oilfield development project aims to increase the production of oil and gas in the Bohai Oilfield...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年6月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022061812124

  •  GLOBALink | China launches nine Geely-01 satellites
    GLOBALink | China launches nine Geely-01 satellites

    China on Thursday launched a Long March-2C carrier rocket to place a group of nine commercial satellites in space.The Geely-01 constellation consisting of nine satellites were lifted at 12:00 p.m. (Beijing Time) from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China‘s Sichuan Province and entered the preset orbit.Owned by GeeSpace, a subsidiary of Geely Technology Group, the satellite constellation will be mainly used to research and validate technologies, such as travel services of intelligent connected vehicles, and vehicle/mobile phone and satellite interaction. It will also provide data support for marine environmental protection.This was the 422nd flight mission of the Long March rocket series.Produced by Xinhua Global Service= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年6月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022060600401

  •  「新華社」中国、「吉利星座01」衛星9基の打ち上げに成功

    国は2日正午(日本時間午後1時)、四川省の西昌衛星発射センターから運搬ロケット「長征2号C」を使って「吉利星座01」衛星9基を打ち上げた。衛星は予定の軌道に乗り、打ち上げは成功した。同衛星群はインテリジェント・コネクテッド・ビークル(ICV)による配車サービスや車両・スマートフォンと衛星間の通信などの関連技術の研究・検証に用いられ、海洋環境の保護や公益活動の支援にも使用される。 =配信日: 2022(令和4)年6月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022060211094

  •  World‘s 1st 100,000-tonne intelligent aquaculture ship to supply fish this fall
    World‘s 1st 100,000-tonne intelligent aquaculture ship to supply fish this fall

    STORY: World‘s 1st 100,000-tonne intelligent aquaculture ship to supply fish this fallDATELINE: May 23, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:08LOCATION: QINGDAO, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the 100,000-tonne intelligent aquaculture shipSTORYLINE:The world‘s first 100,000-tonne intelligent aquaculture ship was ready to begin operation on Friday in east China‘s port city of Qingdao.According to the Qingdao Conson Development (Group) Co., Ltd., the ship is 249.9 meters long and houses 15 breeding cabins with a total water holding capacity of nearly 90,000 cubic meters. The breeding cabins can be used to cultivate fish species such as large yellow croaker, garrupa and Atlantic salmon. Around 450 million yuan (about 67 million U.S. dollars) has been invested in the ship...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年5月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022053105188

  •  Digital technologies help farmers work smart in central China
    Digital technologies help farmers work smart in central China

    STORY: Digital technologies help farmers work smart in central ChinaDATELINE: May 17, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:38LOCATION: ZHENGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1 various of the farmland2 SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): PENG NING, Project leader, Pilot digital demonstration farmland in Xiayi County3 various of the farmland4 SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): HAN SHIQUAN, Farmer in Minquan CountySTORYLINE:Digital technologies, such as drone-based multi-functional monitoring system, Beidou navigation system, big data analysis and intelligent irrigation control system, have been applied in central China‘s Henan Province to assist farming and harvest.In a pilot digital demonstration farmland in Xiayi County, central China‘s Henan Province, a drone equipped with the Beidou navigation system is used to carry out plant protection operation...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年5月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022052208665

  •  China‘s intelligent auto industry in eyes of Indian car designer
    China‘s intelligent auto industry in eyes of Indian car designer

    STORY: China‘s intelligent auto industry in eyes of Indian car designerDATELINE: May 3, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:43LOCATION: ZHENGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGY/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Indian car designer Sushanth Sumanth working in China‘s Zhengzhou2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): SUSHANTH SUMANTH, Indian car designer3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): SUSHANTH SUMANTH, Indian car designer4. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): SUSHANTH SUMANTH, Indian car designer5. SOUNDBITE 4 (English): SUSHANTH SUMANTH, Indian car designerSTORYLINE:What‘s China‘s intelligent auto industry like in the eyes of an Indian car designer? Sushanth Sumanth, who has worked in a Chinese bus manufacturing company in central China‘s Henan Province for over three years, shares his thoughts and insights.SOUNDBITE 1 (English): SUSHANTH SUMANTH, Indian car designer“My name is Sushanth. I‘m from India...= 配信日: (令和4)年月日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022051310504

  •  Two companies licensed to provide self-driving pilot services in Beijing
    Two companies licensed to provide self-driving pilot services in Beijing

    STORY: Two companies licensed to provide self-driving pilot services in BeijingDATELINE: April 28, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:49LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the autonomous vehicles2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): WEI DONG, Vice President and Chief Safety Operation Officer of Baidu Intelligent Driving Business GroupSTORYLINE:The first group of two companies on Thursday were licensed to provide self-driving pilot services in Beijing without the presence of safety drivers.The two companies are China‘s tech giant Baidu and self-driving start-up has put 10 autonomous vehicles into service in the city‘s economic development zone covering an area of 60 square kilometers. 30 more vehicles will be put into service in the near future...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022050806586

  •  Smart disinfection robots aid Shanghai‘s epidemic fight
    Smart disinfection robots aid Shanghai‘s epidemic fight

    STORY: Smart disinfection robots aid Shanghai‘s epidemic fight DATELINE: April 27, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:51LOCATION: SHANGHAI, ChinaCATEGORY: HEALTH/TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:various of the disinfection robotsvarious of the makeshift hospitalsSTORYLINE:Makeshift hospitals in China‘s Shanghai have introduced intelligent robots for disinfection amid the latest COVID-19 resurgence.The disinfection robots, which work 24 hours a day, are expected to reduce the risk of cross-infection and the workload of medical staff.China‘s Shanghai reported over 1,600 confirmed locally transmitted COVID-19 cases and about 11,950 local asymptomatic carriers on Tuesday.The municipal health commission said Wednesday that the city registered 48 COVID-19-related deaths on Tuesday. The oldest among the deceased was 99 years old and their average age was 80.85...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022050703263

  •  Beijing Daxing Int‘l Airport comprehensive bonded zone starts operation
    Beijing Daxing Int‘l Airport comprehensive bonded zone starts operation

    STORY: Beijing Daxing Int‘l Airport comprehensive bonded zone starts operationDATELINE: April 26, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:24LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of trucks at customs checkpoints2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): YAO ZHENHAI, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chengrong Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): YIN JIAO, Official with Beijing CustomsSTORYLINE:Ten fully loaded trucks carrying goods worth over 13 million U.S. dollars drove through the No. 3 customs checkpoint of the comprehensive bonded zone of Beijing Daxing International Airport Monday morning, marking the official operation of the economic zone.An intelligent system is installed at the checkpoint which can identify the license plate numbers of the vehicles and quickly release the goods...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022050409113

  •  Driverless vehicles deliver food on campus in N. China
    Driverless vehicles deliver food on campus in N. China

    STORY: Driverless vehicles deliver food on campus in N. ChinaDATELINE: April 14, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:43LOCATION: TAIYUAN, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of driverless vehicles delivering foodSTORYLINE:Driverless vehicles are delivering food for university students in north China‘s Shanxi Province.The Shanxi University is under closed-off management due to the COVID-19 resurgence and needs to deliver meals to the student dormitories.Six intelligent driverless cars are working on the campus. They include three for food delivery, two for epidemic prevention and sterilization and one for security purposes.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Taiyuan, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022042003841

  •  Unmanned: spring farming of cotton underway in Xinjiang, China
    Unmanned: spring farming of cotton underway in Xinjiang, China

    STORY: Unmanned: spring farming of cotton underway in Xinjiang, ChinaDATELINE: April 12, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:46LOCATION: URUMQI, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of unmanned tractors used in sowing cotton seeds in XinjiangSTORYLINE:Spring farming of cotton started in Xinjiang, China.Unmanned tractors are used in sowing cotton seeds in Xinjiang. The tractor is guided by China‘s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System.The intelligent agricultural machinery greatly reduces cotton farming costs and improves planting efficiency.As cotton yields rise, growing cotton is more profitable than other crops in Xinjiang.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Urumqi, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022041800969

  •  Exploring intelligent bus terminal in China‘s Zhengzhou
    Exploring intelligent bus terminal in China‘s Zhengzhou

    STORY: Exploring intelligent bus terminal in China‘s ZhengzhouDATELINE: April 12, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:47LOCATION: ZHENGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the intelligent bus terminal2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): WANG SHUO, Product manager, Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd.3. various of the intelligent bus terminal4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WANG SHUO, Product manager, Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd.STORYLINE:China‘s leading bus maker Yutong has implemented the “5G-enabled intelligent mobility solution“ in central China‘s Zhengzhou, the city where Yutong has its headquarters.To the extent of demonstrating the system, Yutong showcases an intelligent bus terminal where buses park, charge, move and depart with no human operation.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): WANG SHUO, Product manager, Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022041800681

  •  Xiong‘an, a city taking on a new look with each passing day
    Xiong‘an, a city taking on a new look with each passing day

    STORY: Xiong‘an, a city taking on a new look with each passing dayDATELINE: April 1, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:43LOCATION: SHIJIAZHUANG, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1 various of the Xiong‘an area2 SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): HUANG XIWANG, Office director, Infrastructure Construction Co., Ltd, China Xiong‘an Group3 SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WANG SHUAI, Assistant Secretary-General, Xiong‘an Intelligent City Innovation Federation4 SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): ZHENG ZHANFENG, Design consultant, Ecological Construction Investment Co., Ltd, China Xiong‘an GroupSTORYLINE:Dubbed China‘s youngest city and a “city of the future,“ Xiong‘an New Area marks its fifth anniversary on Friday...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040600935

  •  Construction of China‘s “City of Future“ in full swing
    Construction of China‘s “City of Future“ in full swing

    STORY: Construction of China‘s “City of Future“ in full swingDATELINE: March 31, 2022LENGTH: 0:02:44LOCATION: SHIJIAZHUANG, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMY/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of China‘s Xiong‘an New Area2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): HUANG XIWANG, Office director, Infrastructure Construction Co., Ltd, China Xiong‘an Group3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WANG SHUAI, Assistant Secretary-General, Xiong‘an Intelligent City Innovation Federation4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): WU FANGFANG, Head of landscape department, Ecological Construction Investment Co., Ltd, China Xiong‘an GroupSTORYLINE:Xiong‘an in north China‘s Hebei Province is about 100 km away from Beijing.On April 1, 2017, China announced plans to establish Xiong‘an New Area to relieve Beijing of functions non-essential to its role as the national capital, and advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022041202698

  •  National lawmaker dedicated to latest technologies in auto industry
    National lawmaker dedicated to latest technologies in auto industry

    STORY: National lawmaker dedicated to latest technologies in auto industryDATELINE: March 7, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:21LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:various of a FAW Group complexSOUNDBITE 1 (English): QI SONGYU, Electrician with FAW Group Co. Ltd.various of Qi Songyu workingSOUNDBITE 2 (English): QI SONGYU, Electrician with FAW Group Co. Ltd.STORYLINE:Qi Songyu, a senior electrician with China‘s leading automaker FAW Group, is a deputy to the 13th National People‘s Congress (NPC). As a national lawmaker, he focuses on autonomous driving.SOUNDBITE 1 (English): QI SONGYU, Electrician with FAW Group Co. Ltd.“When performing my duties as an NPC deputy, because I‘m involved in a lot of research and development work on what we call intelligent connected vehicles, I‘ve put forward relevant proposals centered on driverless technologies...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022030905714

  •  「新華社」スマート農業を実現する「スペクトルコード」安徽省馬鞍山市

    中国安徽省の馬鞍山経済開発区にあるバイオテクノロジー企業の植物工場では現在、生物学的なライティング技術を利用し、植物を栽培している。長年の研究開発と実験を経て、研究者は生物学的成長や生産ニーズに適した「スペクトルコード」を発見、独自の知的財産権を持つグリーン(環境配慮型)インテリジェント光環境システムを通じて、動物や植物の成長段階に応じたスペクトルを設定している。(記者/曹力) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年2月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022022102127

  •  Power grids go smarter in NW China province
    Power grids go smarter in NW China province

    STORY: Power grids go smarter in NW China provinceDATELINE: Feb. 7, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:26LOCATION: LANZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of robot in Yincheng electricity substation of Baiyin branch of the State Grid2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): CHAI XUEGUI, Deputy head of Yincheng electricity substation, State Grid Baiyin Power Supply Company3. various of robot in Yincheng electricity substation of Baiyin Branch of the State Grid4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): ZHANG XUEWEN, Head of operation of Yincheng electricity substation, State Grid Baiyin Power Supply CompanySTORYLINE:The power grids in northwest China‘s Gansu Province have gone smarter since 2019, thanks to the adoption of intelligent devices.In an electricity substation of the State Grid Baiyin Power Supply Company, robots have been applied to make inspections.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): CHAI XUEGUI, Deputy head.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022020810205

  •  Exploring zero-carbon terminal at China‘s Tianjin Port
    Exploring zero-carbon terminal at China‘s Tianjin Port

    STORY: Exploring zero-carbon terminal at China‘s Tianjin PortDATELINE: Dec. 16, 2021LENGTH: 00:00:53LOCATION: TIANJIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMY/ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of the terminalSTORYLINE:The smart green energy system at a smart container terminal with zero carbon emissions in north China‘s Tianjin Port has been connected to grid, and started generating electricity. The terminal was built in 21 months. It is the world‘s first “smart“ and “zero-carbon“ terminal -- an example of the intelligent upgrade and low-carbon development of ports all over the world, said Chu Bin, chairman of the board of the Tianjin Port (Group) Co., Ltd. The terminal has an “intelligent brain.“ Based on AI technology, the brain can automatically give the best loading and unloading plans and control each piece of equipment, leading to 20 percent higher efficiency compared to traditi.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021121713839

  •  NW. China‘s Lanzhou starts on-road testing of self-driving cars
    NW. China‘s Lanzhou starts on-road testing of self-driving cars

    STORY: NW. China‘s Lanzhou starts on-road testing of self-driving carsDATELINE: Dec. 16, 2021LENGTH: 00:01:08LOCATION: LANZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the test drive2. SOUNDBITE (English): WANG ZIXUAN, Xinhua correspondentSTORYLINE:Four autonomous cars based on 5G technology have started their on-road testing in Lanzhou New Area, northwest China‘s Gansu Province.SOUNDBITE (English): WANG ZIXUAN, Xinhua correspondent“Hello, everyone! I‘m Wang Zixuan with Xinhua news agency, now I‘m in northwest China‘s Lanzhou New Area. Recently, here comes four autonomous cars based on 5G technology. This kind of car has no accelerator or brake, they don‘t even need a driver.“The self-driving cars, various in size, are all installed with intelligent detection systems.But to ensure road safety during the test, security officers are in the vehicles to monitor the.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021121713801

  •  Greater Bay Science Forum 2021 concludes in Guangzhou, China
    Greater Bay Science Forum 2021 concludes in Guangzhou, China

    STORY: Greater Bay Science Forum 2021 concludes in Guangzhou, ChinaDATELINE: Dec. 14, 2021LENGTH: 00:01:52LOCATION: GUANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of Greater Bay Science Forum 2021STORYLINE:A science forum for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) concluded on Monday in Guangzhou, capital city of South China‘s Guangdong Province.The Greater Bay Science Forum 2021 (GSF), themed “Exploring the Future, Sharing Scientific Achievement,“ brought together more than 100 leading scientists and organizations around the world to discuss scientific trends and promote exchanges.During the four-day event, attendees from online and offline shared their thoughts on science frontiers such as life sciences, nanoscience, network communication, sustainable development, marine science and intelligent industrial software.The forum was initiated by the Alli.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021121509815

  •  「新華社」一汽VW、吉林省長春市に新技術開発センター落成

    中国自動車大手の中国第一汽車集団とドイツ自動車大手フォルクスワーゲン(VW)の合弁会社、一汽大衆汽車(一汽VW)は29日、中国吉林省長春市で新技術開発センターの落成式を行った。同社の技術革新と研究開発力を強化し、電動化とデジタル化へのモデル転換の加速を後押しするプロジェクトで、総投資額は10億元(1元=約18円)を超える。同センターの延べ床面積は7万平方メートル余り。完成車の燃費・排出ガス試験センター、駆動系試験センター、車体部品試験センター、衝突安全性試験センター、インテリジェント照明システム試験センター、新エネルギー車試作・試験場の六つのエリアからなる。車両の安全性能や新エネルギー車の試験などで最先端の設備を備え、国内市場の開拓に向け科学的なサポートを提供する。(記者/張建) =配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021113013408

  •  Green, low-carbon vehicles exhibited at CIIE
    Green, low-carbon vehicles exhibited at CIIE

    STORY: Green, low-carbon vehicles exhibited at CIIEDATELINE: Nov. 10, 2021LENGTH: 00:01:52LOCATION: SHANGHAI, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the auto exhibition of CIIE2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): KAMRAN VOSSOUGHI, President and CEO of Michelin China3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LIU YANG, Head of Product Communication, Tesla China4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): JIANG JIAN, Vice President of Bosch China STORYLINE:The auto exhibition of the fourth China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai features low-carbon and intelligent technology.Over 50 carmakers around the world are showcasing their latest achievements at the expo.Leading tire manufacturer Michelin has launched its Mission H24 racing car at the CIIE.The car made its Asian debut at the fourth CIIE. It is powered by hydrogen and nearly half of the raw materials of its tires can be recycled.SOUNDBITE .....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021111300511

  •  China import expo helps U.S. radiotherapy firm grow in Chinese market
    China import expo helps U.S. radiotherapy firm grow in Chinese market

    STORY: China import expo helps U.S. radiotherapy firm grow in Chinese marketDATELINE: Nov. 10, 2021LENGTH: 00:01:26LOCATION: SHANGHAI, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMY/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the CIIE2. SOUNDBITE (English): CHRIS TOTH, CEO of Varian Medical SystemsSTORYLINE:The fourth China International Import Expo (CIIE) concludes on Wednesday in Shanghai, China.Varian Medical Systems, a leading U.S. company in radiotherapy, has showcased new products and technologies in cancer care there.SOUNDBITE (English): CHRIS TOTH, CEO of Varian Medical Systems“We see CIIE as the best stage for the debut of new products and technologies in our vast intelligent cancer care portfolio.We plan to make it possible to adapt radiation treatment for each patient, and looking at the tumor to help avoid healthy tissue. This revolutionary approach adds artificial intelligence to the cancer ca.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021111300448

  •  China‘s smart base for offshore oil, gas equipment manufacturing in trial operation
    China‘s smart base for offshore oil, gas equipment manufacturing in trial operation

    STORY: China‘s smart base for offshore oil, gas equipment manufacturing in trial operationDATELINE: Oct. 29, 2021LENGTH: 00:00:49LOCATION: TIANJIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the intelligent manufacturing baseSTORYLINE:China‘s first smart base for offshore oil, gas equipment manufacturing has started trial operation in the northern Tianjin Municipality.The base has adopted an intelligent manufacturing model and is equipped with an information-based system to manage production.The system can monitor production, track project progress and realize quality tracing.The base started construction in 2019.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Tianjin, China.(XHTV)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110105580

  •  World Internet of Things Exposition concludes in east China
    World Internet of Things Exposition concludes in east China

    STORY: World Internet of Things Exposition concludes in east ChinaDATELINE: Oct. 26, 2021LENGTH: 00:00:50LOCATION: NANJING, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the expositionSTORYLINE:The 2021 World Internet of Things (IoT) Exposition, China‘s top IoT event, wrapped up on Monday in the city of Wuxi, east China‘s Jiangsu Province. The three-day event included a summit, an exhibition featuring the latest IoT applications and products, and 10 forums focusing on themes like 5G, big data and intelligent transportation. The IoT industry has become one of the key industries for the development of the digital economy in China, with its scale exceeding 2.4 trillion yuan (375.8 billion U.S. dollars) by the end of 2020, Wang Zhijun, vice minister of industry and information technology, said at the summit. Dubbed an “IoT city,“ Wuxi currently has more than 3,000 Io.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021102714124

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