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  • 新しい順
  •  31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran
    31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran

    March 31, 2024, Tehran, Iran: Iranian people wear Virtual Reality (VR) headsets to watch a simulation of Imam Hussein and the battle of Karbala at Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque during the 31st edition of the International Koran Exhibition in the holy month of Ramadan in Tehran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040201189

  •  31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran
    31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran

    March 31, 2024, Tehran, Iran: A veiled Iranian woman wears a Virtual Reality (VR) headset to watch a simulation of Imam Hussein and the battle of Karbala at Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque during the 31st edition of the International Koran Exhibition in the holy month of Ramadan in Tehran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040200479

  •  31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran
    31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran

    March 31, 2024, Tehran, Iran: A veiled Iranian woman wears a Virtual Reality (VR) headset to watch a simulation of Imam Hussein and the battle of Karbala at Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque during the 31st edition of the International Koran Exhibition in the holy month of Ramadan in Tehran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040200989

  •  31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran
    31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran

    March 31, 2024, Tehran, Iran: A veiled Iranian woman wears a Virtual Reality (VR) headset to watch a simulation of Imam Hussein and the battle of Karbala at Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque during the 31st edition of the International Koran Exhibition in the holy month of Ramadan in Tehran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040201195

  •  31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran
    31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran

    March 31, 2024, Tehran, Iran: A veiled Iranian woman wears a Virtual Reality (VR) headset to watch a simulation of Imam Hussein and the battle of Karbala at Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque during the 31st edition of the International Koran Exhibition in the holy month of Ramadan in Tehran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040200991

  •  31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran
    31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran

    March 31, 2024, Tehran, Iran: A veiled Iranian woman wears a Virtual Reality (VR) headset to watch a simulation of Imam Hussein and the battle of Karbala at Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque during the 31st edition of the International Koran Exhibition in the holy month of Ramadan in Tehran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040200972

  •  31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran
    31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran

    March 31, 2024, Tehran, Iran: A veiled Iranian woman wears a Virtual Reality (VR) headset to watch a simulation of Imam Hussein and the battle of Karbala at Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque during the 31st edition of the International Koran Exhibition in the holy month of Ramadan in Tehran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040200984

  •  31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran
    31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran

    March 31, 2024, Tehran, Iran: A veiled Iranian woman wears a Virtual Reality (VR) headset to watch a simulation of Imam Hussein and the battle of Karbala at Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque during the 31st edition of the International Koran Exhibition in the holy month of Ramadan in Tehran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040200966

  •  31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran
    31st International Holy Quran Fair in Tehran

    March 31, 2024, Tehran, Iran: A veiled Iranian woman wears a Virtual Reality (VR) headset to watch a simulation of Imam Hussein and the battle of Karbala at Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque during the 31st edition of the International Koran Exhibition in the holy month of Ramadan in Tehran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040200858

  •  (2)中国の在外公館、春節レセプションを開催

    1月25日、在イラン中国大使館が主催したテヘランでの迎春レセプションで、あいさつを述べる中国の常華(じょう・か)駐イラン大使。辰(たつ)年の春節(旧正月、今年は2月10日)が近づき、中国の在外公館はさまざまなイベントを開催した。各国各界の友好人士、華僑・華人、中国系機関や企業、中国人留学生の代表などが集い、新春を共に祝い、交流と協力について共に語り、より良い未来を共に願った。(テヘラン=新華社記者/沙達提)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020504419

  •  (7)中国の在外公館、春節レセプションを開催

    1月25日、イラン・テヘランで行われた遊園イベントに参加した人々。在イラン中国大使館は同日、テヘランで迎春レセプションを主催し、遊園イベントを行った。辰(たつ)年の春節(旧正月、今年は2月10日)が近づき、中国の在外公館はさまざまなイベントを開催した。各国各界の友好人士、華僑・華人、中国系機関や企業、中国人留学生の代表などが集い、新春を共に祝い、交流と協力について共に語り、より良い未来を共に願った。(テヘラン=新華社記者/沙達提)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020504424

  •  「新華社」イラン・テヘランで第3回「中国映画週間」開幕

    イランの首都テヘランにあるファラビ・シネマ財団で6日、第3回「中国映画週間」が開幕した。開幕式には、中国の常華(じょう・か)駐イラン大使やイランの文化・イスラム指導副大臣でイラン映画機構理事長のハザイ氏ら200人余りが出席した。常大使はあいさつで、映画は異なる文化の交流・相互参考を促進する上で重要な役割を担うと指摘。ここ数年、中国の上海国際映画祭や北京国際映画祭で多くのイラン映画が何度も大賞を受賞しており、中国人がイラン社会や国民に対する理解を深めていると紹介し、同様にますます多くの優れた中国の映画やテレビ作品がイランの人々に届き中国を知る窓口となっていると述べた。映画週間は10日まで開催。期間中、「流転の地球(原題:流浪地球)」や「クライマーズ(原題:攀登者)」など人気の中国映画6作品が上映される。(記者/沙達提) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023050810751

  •  「新華社」イラン、中国からの観光客増加に期待

    イラン文化遺産・観光・手工芸省のシャールバーフィヤーン観光担当次官は11日、首都テヘランのサアダーバード宮殿で行われた中国観光団の歓迎式典であいさつし、より多くの中国人観光客がイランを訪れることへの期待感を示した。中国の常華(じょう・か)駐イラン大使は、中国とイランは伝統的な友好国で、近年は両国の全面的な戦略的パートナーシップが着実に発展していると強調した。イランは古くから文明が栄えた国であり、ユネスコの世界遺産に登録された文化・自然遺産が多く、豊かな観光資源を持つとし、中国はすでにイランを第2弾の海外団体旅行解禁対象国に加えており、両国の人的・文化的交流を一段と深め、民心の疎通を促進することへの期待感を示した。常氏とシャールバーフィヤーン氏は式典終了後に会談を行った。常氏は、イランとの観光協力を強化していきたいとする中国側の意向を明らかにした。また、イラン側がより多くの特色ある良質な観光ルートを開発し、観光施設や観光関連サービスの改善を続け、中国人観光客により多くの便宜を図り、中国人観光客の安全と健康を確実に保障することを望んでいるとした。(記者/高文成) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041813318

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    A picture of Hassan Nasrallah the secretary-general of  Lebanon Hezbollah next to UN building near the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106667

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Hezbollah forces near the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106850

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, scan the area for any movement on Hezbollah forces qt the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106945

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, scan the area for any movement on Hezbollah forces qt the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107065

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, with Israeli army (IDF) in the area for any movement on Hezbollah forces the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106735

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, scan the area for any movement on Hezbollah forces qt the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106856

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, with Israeli army (IDF) in the area for any movement on Hezbollah forces the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106937

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, scan the area for any movement on Hezbollah forces qt the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107027

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, scan the area for any movement on Hezbollah forces qt the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106934

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, standing next to the concrete separation wall at the kidnapping point betwin Israel and Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107042

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, standing next to the concrete separation wall at the kidnapping point betwin Israel and Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106993

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, standing next to the concrete separation wall at the kidnapping point betwin Israel and Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106665

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, visiting a IDF discovered complete attack tunnels made by Hezbollah, on the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106931

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, visiting a IDF discovered complete attack tunnels made by Hezbollah, on the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107013

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, visiting a IDF discovered complete attack tunnels made by Hezbollah, on the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107052

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, visiting a IDF discovered complete attack tunnels made by Hezbollah, on the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107057

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, visiting a IDF discovered complete attack tunnels made by Hezbollah, on the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107061

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, the founder of Alma center, visiting a IDF discovered complete attack tunnels made by Hezbollah, on the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107045

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Hezbollah forces tower watch near the kidnapping point Israel Lebanon border. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107066

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center working with her office staff, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106995

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center working with her office staff, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107018

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center working with her office staff, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107053

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center working with her office staff, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107047

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center working with her office staff, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106652

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center working with her office staff, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107041

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center working with her office staff, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106895

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center working with her office staff, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107033

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106846

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107051

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107025

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021107029

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106847

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106922

  •  Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel
    Sarit Zehavi, CEO and Founder of Alma Research and Education Center - Israel

    Iranian origin Sarit Zehavi, at Alma center, specialist in the Revolutionary Guards. former lieutenant-colonel who served in the intelligence services of the Israeli army (IDF). created a few years ago Alma center, an independent research center which investigates the terrorism, trafficking of the Corps of the Revolutionary Guards , the Al Quds Force and Hezbollah. Nahariyya. Israel. January 16, 2023. Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM=2023(令和5)年1月16日、クレジット:SalamPix/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021106706

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI, the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), is pictured at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011307842

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI, the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), is pictured at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312743

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI, the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), speaks to the media at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312832

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI, the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), speaks to the media at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011307744

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI (2L), the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), speaks to the media at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312764

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI (C), the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), speaks to the media at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312316

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI (R), the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), speaks to the media at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312643

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI, the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), is pictured at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312761

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI, the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), is pictured at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312807

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI, the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), is pictured at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312635

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI, the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), speaks to the media at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312633

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI, the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), speaks to the media at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312499

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI, the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), speaks to the media at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312446

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI, the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), is pictured at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011307648

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI (2L), the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), is pictured at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312496

  •  Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)
    Mehdi Khatibi, CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO)

    January 10, 2023, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI KHATIBI (L), the CEO of Iran Khodro Automaker Company (IKCO), is pictured at the Iran Khodro automobile manufacturing plant, in western Tehran, Iran. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011312417

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI (C), is seen during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912574

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI (C), is seen during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912615

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI, is seen during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912591

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI (C), is seen during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912449

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI (C), is seen during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912437

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI (C), is seen during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912433

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI, speaks during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912436

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI, speaks during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912397

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI, speaks during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912382

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI, speaks during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912584

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI, is seen during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912606

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI, is seen during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912562

  •  Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation
    Abdulali Ali-Asgari, CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation

    December 18, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: The chairman of the board of directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry Commercial Company (PGPICC) and the former director-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), ABDULALI ALI-ASGARI, is seen during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran. PGPICC is an Iranian public holding company. It is mainly active in investing and administrating natural-gas processing plants, chemical factories, oil, and polymer. (Credit Image: © Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Rouzbeh Fouladi via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122912565

  •  39th Tehran International Short Film Festival
    39th Tehran International Short Film Festival

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102304151

  •  Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022
    Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102307206

  •  39th Tehran International Short Film Festival
    39th Tehran International Short Film Festival

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102304135

  •  Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022
    Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102307203

  •  Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022
    Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102307162

  •  39th Tehran International Short Film Festival
    39th Tehran International Short Film Festival

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102304153

  •  Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022
    Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102307179

  •  39th Tehran International Short Film Festival
    39th Tehran International Short Film Festival

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102304139

  •  39th Tehran International Short Film Festival
    39th Tehran International Short Film Festival

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102304174

  •  Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022
    Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102307144

  •  39th Tehran International Short Film Festival
    39th Tehran International Short Film Festival

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102304180

  •  Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022
    Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102307241

  •  39th Tehran International Short Film Festival
    39th Tehran International Short Film Festival

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102304178

  •  Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022
    Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102307224

  •  Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022
    Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102307243

  •  39th Tehran International Short Film Festival
    39th Tehran International Short Film Festival

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102304144

  •  Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022
    Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102307165

  •  39th Tehran International Short Film Festival
    39th Tehran International Short Film Festival

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102304186

  •  Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022
    Tehran International Short Film Festival 2022

    October 16, 2022, Tehran, Tehran, Iran: MEHDI AZARPENDAR, CEO of the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, as well as president of the 39th Tehran International Short Film Festival, speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran, on October 16, 2022. Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) is one of the most prominent and prestigious short film events all across the world and is Oscar-qualified; the 39th round of this festival presided over by Mehdi Azarpendar and held by Iranian Youth Cinema Society, heralding the motto of ‘‘Variety in Genre‘‘ with a focus on the subject of the genre, consists of two competition categories of national and international cinema. With in-person participation, the festival is slated to screen more than 60 short including fiction, documentary, animation, and instrumental films made by directors coming from 35 countries all around the globe besides 99 short films by Iranian filmmakers all across the country. The jury comprises members from Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania, Romani...

    商品コード: 2022102307230

  •  Demonstration In Solidarity With Iranian Women‘s Protests - Bangladesh
    Demonstration In Solidarity With Iranian Women‘s Protests - Bangladesh

    Bangladeshi social activists take part in a demonstration in solidarity with Iranian women‘s protests following the death of Mahsa Amini, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15 October 2022. Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman, was arrested in Tehran on 13 September by the police unit responsible for enforcing Iran‘s strict dress code for women. She fell into a coma while in police custody and was declared dead on 16 September. Photo by Kanti Das Suvra/ABACAPRESS.COM=2022(令和4)年10月15日、クレジット:Suvra Kanti Das/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101708207

  •  Demonstration In Solidarity With Iranian Women‘s Protests - Bangladesh
    Demonstration In Solidarity With Iranian Women‘s Protests - Bangladesh

    Bangladeshi social activists take part in a demonstration in solidarity with Iranian women‘s protests following the death of Mahsa Amini, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15 October 2022. Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman, was arrested in Tehran on 13 September by the police unit responsible for enforcing Iran‘s strict dress code for women. She fell into a coma while in police custody and was declared dead on 16 September. Photo by Kanti Das Suvra/ABACAPRESS.COM=2022(令和4)年10月15日、クレジット:Suvra Kanti Das/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101707754

  •  Demonstration In Solidarity With Iranian Women‘s Protests - Bangladesh
    Demonstration In Solidarity With Iranian Women‘s Protests - Bangladesh

    Bangladeshi social activists take part in a demonstration in solidarity with Iranian women‘s protests following the death of Mahsa Amini, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15 October 2022. Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman, was arrested in Tehran on 13 September by the police unit responsible for enforcing Iran‘s strict dress code for women. She fell into a coma while in police custody and was declared dead on 16 September. Photo by Kanti Das Suvra/ABACAPRESS.COM=2022(令和4)年10月15日、クレジット:Suvra Kanti Das/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101707979

  •  Demonstration In Solidarity With Iranian Women‘s Protests - Bangladesh
    Demonstration In Solidarity With Iranian Women‘s Protests - Bangladesh

    Bangladeshi social activists take part in a demonstration in solidarity with Iranian women‘s protests following the death of Mahsa Amini, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15 October 2022. Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman, was arrested in Tehran on 13 September by the police unit responsible for enforcing Iran‘s strict dress code for women. She fell into a coma while in police custody and was declared dead on 16 September. Photo by Kanti Das Suvra/ABACAPRESS.COM=2022(令和4)年10月15日、クレジット:Suvra Kanti Das/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101708202

  •  Demonstration In Solidarity With Iranian Women‘s Protests - Bangladesh
    Demonstration In Solidarity With Iranian Women‘s Protests - Bangladesh

    Bangladeshi social activists take part in a demonstration in solidarity with Iranian women‘s protests following the death of Mahsa Amini, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15 October 2022. Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman, was arrested in Tehran on 13 September by the police unit responsible for enforcing Iran‘s strict dress code for women. She fell into a coma while in police custody and was declared dead on 16 September. Photo by Kanti Das Suvra/ABACAPRESS.COM=2022(令和4)年10月15日、クレジット:Suvra Kanti Das/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101708256

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