
  • トラベル
  • 飲食店
  • 要請
  • 感染対策
  • 事業者
  • 酒類
  • 菅首相
  • 表明
  • 令和
  • 出席


  • 提供元
  • 日付
  • 種類
  • 向き
  • 政治
  • 新しい順
( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 1
  • 2
( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 新しい順
  • 西野純也氏 首相発言、尹氏をサポート
    西野純也氏 首相発言、尹氏をサポート


    商品コード: 2023050712726

  • 投票支援カード カードで障害者の投票支援
    投票支援カード カードで障害者の投票支援


    商品コード: 2023031510982

  • GoTo停止案内 参院選控えGoTo封印
    GoTo停止案内 参院選控えGoTo封印

    「Go To トラベル」停止を知らせる飲食店の案内=2月、東京都内(店名を画像加工しています)

    商品コード: 2022061710935

  • 取材に応じる赤羽国交相ら 歴代政権への批判回避
    取材に応じる赤羽国交相ら 歴代政権への批判回避

    2020年7月、「Go To トラベル」を巡り、東京都を発着する旅行を割引対象から除外する方針を示した赤羽国交省(右)。左は西村経済再生相=首相官邸

    商品コード: 2022061508986

  •  首相「経済回す」と強行

    「Go To」巡る主な出来事と全国の新規感染者数推移

    商品コード: 2021060310090

  •  首相「経済回す」と強行

    「Go To」巡る主な出来事と全国の新規感染者数推移

    商品コード: 2021060310089

  •  「世論逆なで」批判渦巻く

    菅首相の忘年会参加や「Go To トラベル」を巡る与野党幹部の発言

    商品コード: 2020121609342

  •  「世論逆なで」批判渦巻く

    菅首相の忘年会参加や「Go To トラベル」を巡る与野党幹部の発言

    商品コード: 2020121609340

  • マスク外す菅首相 「世論逆なで」批判渦巻く
    マスク外す菅首相 「世論逆なで」批判渦巻く

    記者団の取材に応じる際にマスクを外す菅首相。「Go To トラベル」の全国一時停止を宣言した当日の大人数会食について反省を表明した=16日午後、首相官邸

    商品コード: 2020121609237

  • 菅首相の取材対応 「世論逆なで」批判渦巻く
    菅首相の取材対応 「世論逆なで」批判渦巻く

    首相官邸で記者団の取材に応じる菅首相。「Go To トラベル」の全国一時停止を宣言した当日の大人数会食について反省を表明した=16日午後

    商品コード: 2020121609217

  • 記者団の取材に応じる首相 「世論逆なで」批判渦巻く
    記者団の取材に応じる首相 「世論逆なで」批判渦巻く

    首相官邸で記者団の取材に応じる菅首相。「Go To トラベル」の全国一時停止を宣言した当日の大人数会食について反省を表明した=16日午後

    商品コード: 2020121609219

  •  首相、支持率急落で絶句

    「Go To トラベル」の経過(写真入り)

    商品コード: 2020121509013

  •  首相、支持率急落で絶句

    「Go To トラベル」の経過

    商品コード: 2020121509010

  •  首相、支持率急落で絶句

    「Go To トラベル」の経過

    商品コード: 2020121509007

  •  首相、支持率急落で絶句

    「Go To トラベル」の経過(写真入り)

    商品コード: 2020121509004

  •  小池百合子東京都知事の記者会見

    新型コロナウイルのス陽性者急増を受けて、年末年始の「GoToトラベル」の一時停止。「GoToイート」の食事券の利用を控える呼びかけなど、対応を伝える小池百合子 東京都知事。=2020(令和2)年12月14日、東京都新宿区の都庁、クレジット:日刊工業新聞/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020121901421

  •  小池百合子東京都知事の記者会見

    新型コロナウイルのス陽性者急増を受けて、年末年始の「GoToトラベル」の一時停止。「GoToイート」の食事券の利用を控える呼びかけなど、対応を伝える小池百合子 東京都知事。=2020(令和2)年12月14日、東京都新宿区の都庁、クレジット:日刊工業新聞/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020121901438

  •  小池百合子東京都知事の記者会見

    新型コロナウイルのス陽性者急増を受けて、年末年始の「GoToトラベル」の一時停止。「GoToイート」の食事券の利用を控える呼びかけなど、対応を伝える小池百合子 東京都知事。=2020(令和2)年12月14日、東京都新宿区の都庁、クレジット:日刊工業新聞/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020121901428

  •  小池百合子東京都知事の記者会見

    新型コロナウイルのス陽性者急増を受けて、年末年始の「GoToトラベル」の一時停止。「GoToイート」の食事券の利用を控える呼びかけなど、対応を伝える小池百合子 東京都知事。=2020(令和2)年12月14日、東京都新宿区の都庁、クレジット:日刊工業新聞/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020121901429

  •  小池百合子東京都知事の記者会見

    新型コロナウイルのス陽性者急増を受けて、年末年始の「GoToトラベル」の一時停止。「GoToイート」の食事券の利用を控える呼びかけなど、対応を伝える小池百合子 東京都知事。=2020(令和2)年12月14日、東京都新宿区の都庁、クレジット:日刊工業新聞/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020121901482

  •  小池百合子東京都知事の記者会見

    新型コロナウイルのス陽性者急増を受けて、年末年始の「GoToトラベル」の一時停止。「GoToイート」の食事券の利用を控える呼びかけなど、対応を伝える小池百合子 東京都知事。=2020(令和2)年12月14日、東京都新宿区の都庁、クレジット:日刊工業新聞/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020121901427

  •  小池百合子東京都知事の記者会見

    新型コロナウイルスの陽性者急増に対し、あらためて手洗いやうがいなどの感染症予防対策を行うよう、手振りを付けて説明する小池百合子 東京都知事。=2020(令和2)年12月14日、東京都新宿区の都庁、クレジット:日刊工業新聞/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020121901459

  •  小池百合子東京都知事の記者会見

    新型コロナウイルのス陽性者急増を受けて、年末年始の「GoToトラベル」の一時停止。「GoToイート」の食事券の利用を控える呼びかけなど、対応を伝える小池百合子 東京都知事。=2020(令和2)年12月14日、東京都新宿区の都庁、クレジット:日刊工業新聞/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020121901468

  •  小池百合子東京都知事の記者会見

    新型コロナウイルのス陽性者急増を受けて、年末年始の「GoToトラベル」の一時停止。「GoToイート」の食事券の利用を控える呼びかけなど、対応を伝える小池百合子 東京都知事。=2020(令和2)年12月14日、東京都新宿区の都庁、クレジット:日刊工業新聞/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020121901419

  •  政権窮地、苦渋の決断

    「Go To トラベル」を巡る菅首相の立場(似顔 本間康司)

    商品コード: 2020121404062

  •  政権窮地、苦渋の決断

    「Go To トラベル」を巡る菅首相の立場(似顔 本間康司)

    商品コード: 2020121404060

  •  政権窮地、苦渋の決断

    「Go To トラベル」を巡る菅首相の立場(似顔 本間康司)

    商品コード: 2020121404057

  •  政権窮地、苦渋の決断

    「Go To トラベル」を巡る菅首相の立場(似顔 本間康司)

    商品コード: 2020121404055

  •  GoTo全国一時停止 コロナ、首相が方針転換
    GoTo全国一時停止 コロナ、首相が方針転換

    菅義偉首相は14日夜、新型コロナウイルス感染症対策本部を首相官邸で開き、観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」を今月28日から来年1月11日まで、全国で一時停止すると表明した。1月12日以降の扱いは改めて判断する。感染拡大に歯止めがかからない状況を踏まえ、一部地域の利用制限から全国的な運用見直しに方針転換した。飲食店などの営業時間短縮も延長する意向を示した。年末年始の期間は協力金の単価を倍増し、最大で1カ月当たり120万円とする。 西村康稔経済再生担当相は対策本部の会合後の記者会見で「年末年始の間に感染拡大を抑えられるよう全力で取り組む」と述べた。 <映像内容>新型コロナウイルス感染症対策本部会議後の、西村康稔経済再生担当相の記者会見、撮影日:2020(令和2)年12月14日、撮影場所:東京都

    商品コード: 2020121505504

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406905

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406927

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406917

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406919

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406901

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406915

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406911

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406924

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406897

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406900

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor YURIKO KOIKE answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406909

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406914

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406894

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406921

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Logos of Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games are seen behind Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike during a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406902

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike answers questions from the press after attending a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406908

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406912

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406896

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406910

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406922

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike (C-R) attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406903

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406918

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406913

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406899

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike alongside her staff attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406906

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406898

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、モニタリング会議、出席-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406926

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406904

  •  Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting
    Tokyo COVID-19 Monitoring Meeting

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都、知事、小池知事、小池都知事、新型コロナウイルス、記者会見、取材に応じる-December 3, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike attends a Tokyo COVID-19 monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. After the meeting Koike reported 533 new COVID-19 cases in the capital on Thursday. The metropolitan government is also asking people aged 65 and older to refrain from making trips to or from the capital using the ‘Go To Travel‘ campaign. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020120406895

  • 東京都が公表した文書 高齢者自粛「全国規模で」
    東京都が公表した文書 高齢者自粛「全国規模で」

    「Go To トラベル」に関して小池百合子知事が1日に菅義偉首相と会談した際の要請文書(手前)=2日

    商品コード: 2020120209378

  • 菅首相と小池都知事 トップ会談、拍子抜け
    菅首相と小池都知事 トップ会談、拍子抜け


    商品コード: 2020120105412

  • 博多駅構内の案内 小池知事、菅首相と会談
    博多駅構内の案内 小池知事、菅首相と会談

    JR博多駅の土産店に張られた「Go To トラベル」の案内=1日夜

    商品コード: 2020120104946

  • 土産店のポスター 小池知事、菅首相と会談
    土産店のポスター 小池知事、菅首相と会談

    JR博多駅の土産店に張られた「Go To トラベル」のポスター=1日夜

    商品コード: 2020120104944

  • 店頭の掲示物 小池知事、菅首相と会談
    店頭の掲示物 小池知事、菅首相と会談

    店先に張られた「Go To トラベル」などの掲示物=1日午後、福岡市中央区

    商品コード: 2020120104865

  •  小池知事、菅首相と会談

    商品コード: 2020120104865-2

  •  小池知事、菅首相と会談

    商品コード: 2020120104865-1

  • 電光掲示板 小池知事、菅首相と会談
    電光掲示板 小池知事、菅首相と会談

    「Go To トラベル」の広告が表示された電光掲示板=1日午後、福岡市中央区

    商品コード: 2020120104798

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000564

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo Reports High Daily Infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo Reports High Daily Infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000553

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000571

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000546

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000545

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000570

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000548

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo Reports High Daily Infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo Reports High Daily Infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000566

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000550

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000563

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000561

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000538

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000541

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000556

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000544

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000543

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000558

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000565

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000560

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000559

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000540

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000542

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000554

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000562

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo Reports High Daily Infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo Reports High Daily Infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000567

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000552

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000539

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000569

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000551

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000555

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000547

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000557

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000568

  •  COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections
    COVID-19: Tokyo reports new daily high record of 570 new infections

    キーワード:小池百合子、東京都知事、小池知事、小池都知事、記者会見、新型コロナウイルス、感染対策、訴え、「Go To トラベル」、酒類提供、飲食店、事業者、営業時間短縮、時短営業、要請-November 27, 2020, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks during her regular press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building. Koike has called business to shorten their hours again to reduce the new coronavirus spread in the capital. Tokyo metropolitan government reported a single-day record of 570 new coronavirus infections in the city. (Credit Image: © Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©Rodrigo Reyes Marin/ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020113000549

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