
  • 昭和
  • 街頭演説
  • 歌舞伎町
  • 緊急事態宣言
  • 有権者
  • 新型コロナウイルス
  • 中央
  • 桜を見る会
  • スタート
  • 公示


  • 提供元
  • 日付
  • 種類
  • 向き
  • カテゴリ
  • 新しい順
( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 1
  • 2
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  • 6
  • ...
( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 新しい順
  • 新宿の高層ビル群 関東の大雪、ピーク過ぎる
    新宿の高層ビル群 関東の大雪、ピーク過ぎる


    商品コード: 2024020605783

  • 東京・新宿の雑観 【速報】関東甲信各地で大雪警報
    東京・新宿の雑観 【速報】関東甲信各地で大雪警報

    本州の南岸を進む低気圧の影響で5日は関東甲信の各地で雪が降り、気象庁は群馬や神奈川、山梨、長野などの各県と東京・多摩に大雪警報を出した。注意報も東京23区など広範囲に及んだ。気象庁と国土交通省は、6日朝にかけて山沿いや山地を中心に大雪となり、東京23区を含む平地も雪が積もる見通しだとして交通への影響に警戒を呼びかけた。 <映像内容>東京・新宿の雑観(撮影は午後4時40分ごろ~5時半ごろ)、撮影日:2024(令和6)年2月5日、撮影場所:東京都新宿区

    商品コード: 2024020607099

  • あいさつする安倍首相 「桜」の悪夢、裏金中止
    あいさつする安倍首相 「桜」の悪夢、裏金中止


    商品コード: 2024011911151

  •  Xinhua Headlines: Major earthquake hits central Japan on New Year‘s Day, causing casualties, widespread structural damage
    Xinhua Headlines: Major earthquake hits central Japan on New Year‘s Day, causing casualties, widespread structural damage

    (240102) -- TOKYO, Jan. 2, 2024 (Xinhua) -- A timetable shows train delays caused by earthquakes at Shinjuku Station in Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 1, 2024. (Xinhua/Zhang Xiaoyu)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010213320


    (240101) -- TOKYO, Jan. 1, 2024 (Xinhua) -- A timetable shows train delays caused by earthquakes at Shinjuku Station in Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 1, 2024. Central Japan may experience earthquakes with maximum intensity on its seven-tier scale system in the coming week, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) said on Monday.The remarks were made during a briefing after an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.6 rocked a wide area on the Sea of Japan coast on Monday afternoon, with a large tsunami warning issued for the central prefecture of Ishikawa. (Xinhua/Zhang Xiaoyu)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月1日、東京の新宿駅、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010111709

  •  警視総監が歌舞伎町巡視

    商品コード: 2023122209794-1

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    巡視する小島警視総監 警視総監が歌舞伎町巡視


    商品コード: 2023122209794

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    巡視する小島警視総監 警視総監が歌舞伎町巡視


    商品コード: 2023122209780

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    巡視する小島警視総監 警視総監が歌舞伎町巡視


    商品コード: 2023122209784

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    巡視する小島警視総監 警視総監が歌舞伎町巡視


    商品コード: 2023122209776

  • 記者会見の巻田氏ら 18、19歳新規来店お断り
    記者会見の巻田氏ら 18、19歳新規来店お断り


    商品コード: 2023121309635

  •  老いる日本、未来の縮図か


    商品コード: 2023112910693

  •  老いる日本、未来の縮図か


    商品コード: 2023112910690

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    視察する露木長官一行 警察庁長官、ホスト街視察


    商品コード: 2023112711507

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    視察する露木長官一行 警察庁長官、ホスト街視察


    商品コード: 2023112711505

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    視察する露木長官一行 警察庁長官、ホスト街視察


    商品コード: 2023112711506

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    視察する露木長官 警察庁長官、ホスト街視察


    商品コード: 2023112711436

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    質問に答える露木長官 警察庁長官、ホスト街視察


    商品コード: 2023112711433

  •  Meiji Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Trees
    Meiji Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Trees

    October 14, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: The Olympic Cauldron for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, now outside the Japan National Stadium...The Japan National Stadium, or Kokuritsu Kyogijo (Ã¥âºÂ½Ã§Â«â¹Ã§Â«Â¶Ã¦Å â¬Ã¥Â Â´) in Japanese, is a world-class sports venue located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Completed in 2019, it serves as a symbol of Japan‘s commitment to excellence in athletics and culture, hosting major events, including the 2020 Summer Olympics and Paralympics. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102010131

  •  Meiji Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Trees
    Meiji Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Trees

    October 14, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: The Olympic Cauldron for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, now outside the Japan National Stadium...The Japan National Stadium, or Kokuritsu Kyogijo (Ã¥âºÂ½Ã§Â«â¹Ã§Â«Â¶Ã¦Å â¬Ã¥Â Â´) in Japanese, is a world-class sports venue located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Completed in 2019, it serves as a symbol of Japan‘s commitment to excellence in athletics and culture, hosting major events, including the 2020 Summer Olympics and Paralympics. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102009440

  •  Meiji Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Trees
    Meiji Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Trees

    October 14, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: The Olympic Cauldron for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, now outside the Japan National Stadium...The Japan National Stadium, or Kokuritsu Kyogijo (Ã¥âºÂ½Ã§Â«â¹Ã§Â«Â¶Ã¦Å â¬Ã¥Â Â´) in Japanese, is a world-class sports venue located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Completed in 2019, it serves as a symbol of Japan‘s commitment to excellence in athletics and culture, hosting major events, including the 2020 Summer Olympics and Paralympics. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102010115

  • 無印良品の店舗 ユニクロ、古着を限定販売
    無印良品の店舗 ユニクロ、古着を限定販売


    商品コード: 2023101110481

  •  (1)第1回東京国際美術展書道や油絵など約80点を展示

    6日、東京国際美術展の開幕式でテープカットする来賓。中日平和友好条約締結45周年を記念する2023年第1回東京国際美術展が6日、東京新宿区のアーロンギャラリーで開幕した。中国内外の芸術家100人近くの協力の下、書道や油絵など約80点を15日まで展示する。同展は東京国際美術展実行委員会と全日本華僑華人社団連合会が共催。中日文化交流と世界各国の芸術家の交流促進を目的に、在日中国人芸術家らの長年にわたる活動の成果を紹介している。(東京=新華社記者/楊光)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100808842

  •  (4)第1回東京国際美術展書道や油絵など約80点を展示

    6日、美術展で作品を鑑賞する来賓。中日平和友好条約締結45周年を記念する2023年第1回東京国際美術展が6日、東京新宿区のアーロンギャラリーで開幕した。中国内外の芸術家100人近くの協力の下、書道や油絵など約80点を15日まで展示する。同展は東京国際美術展実行委員会と全日本華僑華人社団連合会が共催。中日文化交流と世界各国の芸術家の交流促進を目的に、在日中国人芸術家らの長年にわたる活動の成果を紹介している。(東京=新華社記者/楊光)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100808839

  •  (3)第1回東京国際美術展書道や油絵など約80点を展示

    6日、美術展で作品を鑑賞する来賓。中日平和友好条約締結45周年を記念する2023年第1回東京国際美術展が6日、東京新宿区のアーロンギャラリーで開幕した。中国内外の芸術家100人近くの協力の下、書道や油絵など約80点を15日まで展示する。同展は東京国際美術展実行委員会と全日本華僑華人社団連合会が共催。中日文化交流と世界各国の芸術家の交流促進を目的に、在日中国人芸術家らの長年にわたる活動の成果を紹介している。(東京=新華社記者/楊光)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100808840

  •  (5)第1回東京国際美術展書道や油絵など約80点を展示

    6日、会場に展示されているパンダの絵。中日平和友好条約締結45周年を記念する2023年第1回東京国際美術展が6日、東京新宿区のアーロンギャラリーで開幕した。中国内外の芸術家100人近くの協力の下、書道や油絵など約80点を15日まで展示する。同展は東京国際美術展実行委員会と全日本華僑華人社団連合会が共催。中日文化交流と世界各国の芸術家の交流促進を目的に、在日中国人芸術家らの長年にわたる活動の成果を紹介している。(東京=新華社記者/楊光)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100808841

  •  (2)第1回東京国際美術展書道や油絵など約80点を展示

    6日、美術展の開幕式で唐詩「春江花月夜」を朗読する東京話劇芸術協会の会員と女性画家。中日平和友好条約締結45周年を記念する2023年第1回東京国際美術展が6日、東京新宿区のアーロンギャラリーで開幕した。中国内外の芸術家100人近くの協力の下、書道や油絵など約80点を15日まで展示する。同展は東京国際美術展実行委員会と全日本華僑華人社団連合会が共催。中日文化交流と世界各国の芸術家の交流促進を目的に、在日中国人芸術家らの長年にわたる活動の成果を紹介している。(東京=新華社記者/楊光)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100808843

  • フォッセ氏の特設コーナー ヨン・フォッセ氏に文学賞
    フォッセ氏の特設コーナー ヨン・フォッセ氏に文学賞


    商品コード: 2023100512784

  • フォッセ氏の特設コーナー ヨン・フォッセ氏に文学賞
    フォッセ氏の特設コーナー ヨン・フォッセ氏に文学賞


    商品コード: 2023100512783

  • 新宿駅前の街頭演説 国民民主、存在感じわり
    新宿駅前の街頭演説 国民民主、存在感じわり


    商品コード: 2023090112288

  • 演説する玉木代表 玉木、前原氏が最後の訴え
    演説する玉木代表 玉木、前原氏が最後の訴え


    商品コード: 2023083112111

  • 演説する前原代表代行 玉木、前原氏が最後の訴え
    演説する前原代表代行 玉木、前原氏が最後の訴え


    商品コード: 2023083112115

  •  全国28%で人出コロナ前超


    商品コード: 2023081109715

  •  全国28%で人出コロナ前超


    商品コード: 2023081109713

  • 国葬に反対する集会 日本の衰運を可視化
    国葬に反対する集会 日本の衰運を可視化


    商品コード: 2023063004054

  • 新宿で開く店舗 カインズ初、都心に出店
    新宿で開く店舗 カインズ初、都心に出店

    29日に東京・新宿で開店する「カインズ ハンズ新宿店」=28日午後

    商品コード: 2023062811258

  • 記者会見する村井氏 「最高、最強のメンバー」
    記者会見する村井氏 「最高、最強のメンバー」


    商品コード: 2023061811594

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    東京の高層ビル 長周期地震動


    商品コード: 2023051608258

  •  High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023
    High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023

    April 15, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: People are seen waiting for high-speed and long-distance buses at Busta Shinjuku, located in Shinjuku Ward. Busta Shinjuku is a high-speed bus terminal located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It serves as a hub for various bus companies that provide transportation to different parts of Tokyo, Kanto region, Chubu region, Hokuriku region, Hokkaido, Tohoku region, and even some international destinations. As for the facilities, there are multiple bus bays, waiting rooms, automatic ticket machines, restaurants, convenience stores, toilets, shower rooms, luggage storage, ATMs, and even a tourist information center and Wi-Fi hotspot. Busta Shinjuku is conveniently located within a few minutes‘ walk from the South Exit of Shinjuku Station, making it a popular transportation hub for tourists and business travelers alike...、クレジット:©James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041709396

  •  High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023
    High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023

    April 15, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: A woman is seen waiting for high-speed and long-distance buses at Busta Shinjuku, located in Shinjuku Ward. Busta Shinjuku is a high-speed bus terminal located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It serves as a hub for various bus companies that provide transportation to different parts of Tokyo, Kanto region, Chubu region, Hokuriku region, Hokkaido, Tohoku region, and even some international destinations. As for the facilities, there are multiple bus bays, waiting rooms, automatic ticket machines, restaurants, convenience stores, toilets, shower rooms, luggage storage, ATMs, and even a tourist information center and Wi-Fi hotspot. Busta Shinjuku is conveniently located within a few minutes‘ walk from the South Exit of Shinjuku Station, making it a popular transportation hub for tourists and business travelers alike...、クレジット:©James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041710012

  •  High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023
    High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023

    April 15, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: People are seen waiting for high-speed and long-distance buses at Busta Shinjuku, located in Shinjuku Ward. Busta Shinjuku is a high-speed bus terminal located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It serves as a hub for various bus companies that provide transportation to different parts of Tokyo, Kanto region, Chubu region, Hokuriku region, Hokkaido, Tohoku region, and even some international destinations. As for the facilities, there are multiple bus bays, waiting rooms, automatic ticket machines, restaurants, convenience stores, toilets, shower rooms, luggage storage, ATMs, and even a tourist information center and Wi-Fi hotspot. Busta Shinjuku is conveniently located within a few minutes‘ walk from the South Exit of Shinjuku Station, making it a popular transportation hub for tourists and business travelers alike...、クレジット:©James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041710007

  •  High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023
    High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023

    April 15, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: A high-speed bus staff member seen working at Busta Shinjuku, located in Shinjuku Ward. Busta Shinjuku is a high-speed bus terminal located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It serves as a hub for various bus companies that provide transportation to different parts of Tokyo, Kanto region, Chubu region, Hokuriku region, Hokkaido, Tohoku region, and even some international destinations. As for the facilities, there are multiple bus bays, waiting rooms, automatic ticket machines, restaurants, convenience stores, toilets, shower rooms, luggage storage, ATMs, and even a tourist information center and Wi-Fi hotspot. Busta Shinjuku is conveniently located within a few minutes‘ walk from the South Exit of Shinjuku Station, making it a popular transportation hub for tourists and business travelers alike. (Credit Image: © James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041709389

  •  High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023
    High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023

    April 15, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: People are seen waiting for high-speed and long-distance buses at Busta Shinjuku, located in Shinjuku Ward. Busta Shinjuku is a high-speed bus terminal located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It serves as a hub for various bus companies that provide transportation to different parts of Tokyo, Kanto region, Chubu region, Hokuriku region, Hokkaido, Tohoku region, and even some international destinations. As for the facilities, there are multiple bus bays, waiting rooms, automatic ticket machines, restaurants, convenience stores, toilets, shower rooms, luggage storage, ATMs, and even a tourist information center and Wi-Fi hotspot. Busta Shinjuku is conveniently located within a few minutes‘ walk from the South Exit of Shinjuku Station, making it a popular transportation hub for tourists and business travelers alike...、クレジット:©James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041709398

  •  High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023
    High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023

    April 15, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: A man seen waiting for high-speed and long-distance buses at Busta Shinjuku, located in Shinjuku Ward. Busta Shinjuku is a high-speed bus terminal located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It serves as a hub for various bus companies that provide transportation to different parts of Tokyo, Kanto region, Chubu region, Hokuriku region, Hokkaido, Tohoku region, and even some international destinations. As for the facilities, there are multiple bus bays, waiting rooms, automatic ticket machines, restaurants, convenience stores, toilets, shower rooms, luggage storage, ATMs, and even a tourist information center and Wi-Fi hotspot. Busta Shinjuku is conveniently located within a few minutes‘ walk from the South Exit of Shinjuku Station, making it a popular transportation hub for tourists and business travelers alike...、クレジット:©James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041709640

  •  High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023
    High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023

    April 15, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: People are seen waiting for high-speed and long-distance buses at Busta Shinjuku, located in Shinjuku Ward. Busta Shinjuku is a high-speed bus terminal located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It serves as a hub for various bus companies that provide transportation to different parts of Tokyo, Kanto region, Chubu region, Hokuriku region, Hokkaido, Tohoku region, and even some international destinations. As for the facilities, there are multiple bus bays, waiting rooms, automatic ticket machines, restaurants, convenience stores, toilets, shower rooms, luggage storage, ATMs, and even a tourist information center and Wi-Fi hotspot. Busta Shinjuku is conveniently located within a few minutes‘ walk from the South Exit of Shinjuku Station, making it a popular transportation hub for tourists and business travelers alike...、クレジット:©James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041709650

  •  High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023
    High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023

    April 15, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: A woman is seen waiting for high-speed and long-distance buses at Busta Shinjuku, located in Shinjuku Ward. Busta Shinjuku is a high-speed bus terminal located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It serves as a hub for various bus companies that provide transportation to different parts of Tokyo, Kanto region, Chubu region, Hokuriku region, Hokkaido, Tohoku region, and even some international destinations. As for the facilities, there are multiple bus bays, waiting rooms, automatic ticket machines, restaurants, convenience stores, toilets, shower rooms, luggage storage, ATMs, and even a tourist information center and Wi-Fi hotspot. Busta Shinjuku is conveniently located within a few minutes‘ walk from the South Exit of Shinjuku Station, making it a popular transportation hub for tourists and business travelers alike...、クレジット:©James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041707224

  •  High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023
    High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023

    April 15, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: A woman is seen waiting for high-speed and long-distance buses at Busta Shinjuku, located in Shinjuku Ward. Busta Shinjuku is a high-speed bus terminal located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It serves as a hub for various bus companies that provide transportation to different parts of Tokyo, Kanto region, Chubu region, Hokuriku region, Hokkaido, Tohoku region, and even some international destinations. As for the facilities, there are multiple bus bays, waiting rooms, automatic ticket machines, restaurants, convenience stores, toilets, shower rooms, luggage storage, ATMs, and even a tourist information center and Wi-Fi hotspot. Busta Shinjuku is conveniently located within a few minutes‘ walk from the South Exit of Shinjuku Station, making it a popular transportation hub for tourists and business travelers alike...、クレジット:©James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041709397

  •  High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023
    High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023

    April 15, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: People are seen waiting for high-speed and long-distance buses at Busta Shinjuku, located in Shinjuku Ward. Busta Shinjuku is a high-speed bus terminal located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It serves as a hub for various bus companies that provide transportation to different parts of Tokyo, Kanto region, Chubu region, Hokuriku region, Hokkaido, Tohoku region, and even some international destinations. As for the facilities, there are multiple bus bays, waiting rooms, automatic ticket machines, restaurants, convenience stores, toilets, shower rooms, luggage storage, ATMs, and even a tourist information center and Wi-Fi hotspot. Busta Shinjuku is conveniently located within a few minutes‘ walk from the South Exit of Shinjuku Station, making it a popular transportation hub for tourists and business travelers alike...、クレジット:©James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041709715

  •  High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023
    High-speed bus terminal in Tokyo, Japan - 15 Apr 2023

    April 15, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: People are seen waiting for high-speed and long-distance buses at Busta Shinjuku, located in Shinjuku Ward. Busta Shinjuku is a high-speed bus terminal located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It serves as a hub for various bus companies that provide transportation to different parts of Tokyo, Kanto region, Chubu region, Hokuriku region, Hokkaido, Tohoku region, and even some international destinations. As for the facilities, there are multiple bus bays, waiting rooms, automatic ticket machines, restaurants, convenience stores, toilets, shower rooms, luggage storage, ATMs, and even a tourist information center and Wi-Fi hotspot. Busta Shinjuku is conveniently located within a few minutes‘ walk from the South Exit of Shinjuku Station, making it a popular transportation hub for tourists and business travelers alike...、クレジット:©James Matsumoto/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041707275

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    新宿の大型ビジョン コロナの猛威、政権翻弄


    商品コード: 2023040714249


    (230403) -- TOKYO, April 3, 2023 (Xinhua) -- A customer visits an area dedicated to the works of late Japanese composer and musician Ryuichi Sakamoto at a record store in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, April 3, 2023. Renowned Japanese composer and musician Ryuichi Sakamoto has died at the age of 71, his agency reported Sunday. The award-winning artist passed away on March 28th, according to an announcement by Japan‘s record label Avex. (Xinhua/Zhang Xiaoyu)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023040400118

  •  Daily life In Tokyo, Japan - 16 Mar 2023
    Daily life In Tokyo, Japan - 16 Mar 2023

    March 16, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Pedestrians walk over a crossroad in front of Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. Japan eased COVID-19 guidelines for mask-wearing on March 13, 2023. (Credit Image: © Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031707015

  •  Daily life In Tokyo, Japan - 16 Mar 2023
    Daily life In Tokyo, Japan - 16 Mar 2023

    March 16, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Pedestrians walk over a crossroad in front of Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. Japan eased COVID-19 guidelines for mask-wearing on March 13, 2023. (Credit Image: © Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031706890

  •  Daily life In Tokyo, Japan - 16 Mar 2023
    Daily life In Tokyo, Japan - 16 Mar 2023

    March 16, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: People take photos of a blooming Sakura tree near Shinjuku station. Japan eased COVID-19 guidelines for mask-wearing on March 13, 2023. (Credit Image: © Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031707106

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2023030107741

  • マイク握る家島昌志さん 被爆国で揺らぐ非核
    マイク握る家島昌志さん 被爆国で揺らぐ非核


    商品コード: 2023022808484

  • 署名活動する家島さん 被爆国で揺らぐ非核
    署名活動する家島さん 被爆国で揺らぐ非核


    商品コード: 2023022808489

  • 試着するバイヤー 「着るビーズクッション」
    試着するバイヤー 「着るビーズクッション」


    商品コード: 2023021009129

  • 試着する男性 「着るビーズクッション」
    試着する男性 「着るビーズクッション」


    商品コード: 2023021009130

  • 東京・新宿行き交う人たち コロナ、4月にも5類移行
    東京・新宿行き交う人たち コロナ、4月にも5類移行


    商品コード: 2023012012797

  •  Shinjuku Retail
    Shinjuku Retail

    January 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Host clubs, maid cafes and girls clubs in a Shinjuku building. ..The Japanese economy remains stagnant as workers‘ wages have not increased in 30 years at the same time as the Bank of Japan‘s longtime negative interest rates have caused the Yen to struggle against the US Dollar due to the United States‘ Fed Funds rate hikes to combat inflation. This has promoted severe international trade concerns as Japan is a major trading partner with America. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023012405816

  •  Shinjuku Retail
    Shinjuku Retail

    January 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Host clubs, maid cafes and girls clubs in a Shinjuku building. ..The Japanese economy remains stagnant as workers‘ wages have not increased in 30 years at the same time as the Bank of Japan‘s longtime negative interest rates have caused the Yen to struggle against the US Dollar due to the United States‘ Fed Funds rate hikes to combat inflation. This has promoted severe international trade concerns as Japan is a major trading partner with America. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023012406113

  •  Shinjuku Retail
    Shinjuku Retail

    January 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Host clubs, maid cafes and girls clubs in a Shinjuku building. ..The Japanese economy remains stagnant as workers‘ wages have not increased in 30 years at the same time as the Bank of Japan‘s longtime negative interest rates have caused the Yen to struggle against the US Dollar due to the United States‘ Fed Funds rate hikes to combat inflation. This has promoted severe international trade concerns as Japan is a major trading partner with America. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023012405223

  •  Shinjuku Retail
    Shinjuku Retail

    January 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Host clubs, maid cafes and girls clubs in a Shinjuku building. ..The Japanese economy remains stagnant as workers‘ wages have not increased in 30 years at the same time as the Bank of Japan‘s longtime negative interest rates have caused the Yen to struggle against the US Dollar due to the United States‘ Fed Funds rate hikes to combat inflation. This has promoted severe international trade concerns as Japan is a major trading partner with America. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023012405813

  • 昨年11月27日、73歳で死去 崔洋一さん
    昨年11月27日、73歳で死去 崔洋一さん


    商品コード: 2023011208246

  •  Shinjuku Scenes
    Shinjuku Scenes

    January 6, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: The Hotel Century South Tower (left) and the JR East Headquarters Building (right) viewed at night from Shinjuku Station...Shinjuku Station is operated by East Japan Railway Company (JR East). It serves as a major transportation hub in Tokyo, connecting multiple train lines, including the JR East Yamanote Line, Chuo Line, Sobu Line, the Narita Express and Saikyo Line, as well as several private railway lines, such as the Odakyu Electric Railway, Keio Corporation, and Tokyo Metro. With its vast number of platforms and tracks, it‘s a central hub for both local and long-distance trains, with connections to destinations all over the Greater Tokyo Area and beyond...Shinjuku is a central business district and a special ward of Tokyo, known for its vibrant nightlife, shopping and entertainment. It is home to the busiest railway station in the world (JR East Shinjuku Station) and the city‘s skyscraper district in Nishi-Shinjuku. It‘s also a center of local governmental administration...

    商品コード: 2023011112922

  • 募金リレーのセレモニー 6千万円超寄付に謝意
    募金リレーのセレモニー 6千万円超寄付に謝意


    商品コード: 2022121707562

  •  COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: Spike In Cases Following Re-opening
    COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: Spike In Cases Following Re-opening

    December 16, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Metropolitan Fire Department firefighters wearing isolation gown uniforms while taking up from a emergency medical services call in Shinjuku. ..Japan has recently re-opened its borders for the first time since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and is now experiencing a daily count of over 100,000 new COVID-19 cases a day, with Tokyo making up roughly a fifth of those cases caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122108177

  •  COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: Spike In Cases Following Re-opening
    COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: Spike In Cases Following Re-opening

    December 16, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Metropolitan Fire Department firefighters wearing isolation gown uniforms while taking up from a emergency medical services call in Shinjuku. ..Japan has recently re-opened its borders for the first time since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and is now experiencing a daily count of over 100,000 new COVID-19 cases a day, with Tokyo making up roughly a fifth of those cases caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122108117

  •  COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: Spike In Cases Following Re-opening
    COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: Spike In Cases Following Re-opening

    December 16, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Metropolitan Fire Department firefighters wearing isolation gown uniforms while taking up from a emergency medical services call in Shinjuku. ..Japan has recently re-opened its borders for the first time since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and is now experiencing a daily count of over 100,000 new COVID-19 cases a day, with Tokyo making up roughly a fifth of those cases caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122108124

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    巡視に臨む小島警視総監 警視総監、歌舞伎町を巡視


    商品コード: 2022121611519

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    巡視に臨む小島警視総監 警視総監、歌舞伎町を巡視


    商品コード: 2022121611507

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    巡視する小島警視総監 警視総監、歌舞伎町を巡視


    商品コード: 2022121611502

  •  Holiday Shopping in Shinjuku
    Holiday Shopping in Shinjuku

    December 16, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Holiday shoppers checking out products on the street outside Yodobashi Camera, a major electronics chain store and retail outlet in Shinjuku. Yodabashi is one of the largest retail chains in Japan, along with it‘s main competitor BIC CAMERA, with 15 stores in the Kanto Region alone. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122108128

  • 映画監督の崔洋一 安保政策の転換図る
    映画監督の崔洋一 安保政策の転換図る


    商品コード: 2022121301981

  • 着物合わせるコピーニさん 異邦人独自の古典芸能
    着物合わせるコピーニさん 異邦人独自の古典芸能


    商品コード: 2022120611041

  •  宗教の在り方に社会が注目


    商品コード: 2022120207656

  •  アウトローたちの生命力


    商品コード: 2022112810274

  •  アウトローたちの生命力


    商品コード: 2022112810270

  •  アウトローたちの生命力


    商品コード: 2022112810267

  • 笑顔を見せる崔洋一監督 崔監督、最後も映画に情熱
    笑顔を見せる崔洋一監督 崔監督、最後も映画に情熱


    商品コード: 2022112809110

  • 笑顔の崔洋一監督 崔監督、最後も映画に情熱
    笑顔の崔洋一監督 崔監督、最後も映画に情熱


    商品コード: 2022112809104

  •  Shinjuku Scenes
    Shinjuku Scenes

    November 1, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Commuters waiting for bus routes in front of a pokemon mural during the evening rush hour in Shinjuku (æâ°å®¿åź)..Japan has recently reopened to tourism after over two years of travel bans due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Yen has greatly depreciated against the USD US Dollar, creating economic turmoil for international trade and the Japanese economy. Tourists can shop tax free in Japan on a Temporary Visitor visa. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022110402336

  •  Shinjuku Scenes
    Shinjuku Scenes

    November 1, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Commuters waiting for bus routes in front of a pokemon mural during the evening rush hour in Shinjuku (æâ°å®¿åź)..Japan has recently reopened to tourism after over two years of travel bans due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Yen has greatly depreciated against the USD US Dollar, creating economic turmoil for international trade and the Japanese economy. Tourists can shop tax free in Japan on a Temporary Visitor visa. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022110402704

  •  Shinjuku Scenes
    Shinjuku Scenes

    November 1, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Evening in Shinjuku (æâ°å®¿åź) as office workers commute home in the evening rush hour amid restaurants, shops and the Japan Post (æâ¥æŎƵæâ¿åâ¦Â¬Ã§Â¤Â¾) Shinjuku Post Office in the background. ..Japan has recently reopened to tourism after over two years of travel bans due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Yen has greatly depreciated against the USD US Dollar, creating economic turmoil for international trade and the Japanese economy. Tourists can shop tax free in Japan on a Temporary Visitor visa. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022110402775

  •  Shinjuku Scenes
    Shinjuku Scenes

    November 1, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: Evening in Shinjuku (æâ°å®¿åź) as office workers commute home in the evening rush hour amid restaurants, shops and the Japan Post (æâ¥æŎƵæâ¿åâ¦Â¬Ã§Â¤Â¾) Shinjuku Post Office in the background. ..Japan has recently reopened to tourism after over two years of travel bans due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Yen has greatly depreciated against the USD US Dollar, creating economic turmoil for international trade and the Japanese economy. Tourists can shop tax free in Japan on a Temporary Visitor visa. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022110402048

  • 東京・新宿駅と周辺 資料・新宿駅西口エリア
    東京・新宿駅と周辺 資料・新宿駅西口エリア


    商品コード: 2022102811982

  • 小田急百貨店新宿店本館など 資料・新宿駅西口エリア
    小田急百貨店新宿店本館など 資料・新宿駅西口エリア


    商品コード: 2022102811984

  • 小田急百貨店新宿店本館など 資料・新宿駅西口エリア
    小田急百貨店新宿店本館など 資料・新宿駅西口エリア


    商品コード: 2022102811981

  • 小田急百貨店新宿店本館 資料・小田急百貨店新宿店本館
    小田急百貨店新宿店本館 資料・小田急百貨店新宿店本館


    商品コード: 2022102811980

  •  Shinjuku Stock
    Shinjuku Stock

    October 18, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: A Tokyo Fire Department Ambulance responding to a medical emergency in Shinjuku. Public Safety EMS Emergency Medical Services. Paramedics...Stock scenes from Shinjuku, a major commercial thoroughfare neighborhood in Tokyo with many commercial businesses, offices, restaurants, retail stores, hotels and a major train station with the JR East Lines, Keio and Tokyo Metro public transportation heavy rail lines...Japan has recently reopened to international tourism for the first time in nearly three years after instituting a travel ban on foreigners at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and maintaining the ban through the Omicron variant wave. The Japanese Government only reopened the country after the Yen was sent tumbling against the USD US Dollar. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101907878

  •  Shinjuku Stock
    Shinjuku Stock

    October 18, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: A Tokyo Fire Department Ambulance responding to a medical emergency in Shinjuku. Public Safety EMS Emergency Medical Services. Paramedics...Stock scenes from Shinjuku, a major commercial thoroughfare neighborhood in Tokyo with many commercial businesses, offices, restaurants, retail stores, hotels and a major train station with the JR East Lines, Keio and Tokyo Metro public transportation heavy rail lines...Japan has recently reopened to international tourism for the first time in nearly three years after instituting a travel ban on foreigners at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and maintaining the ban through the Omicron variant wave. The Japanese Government only reopened the country after the Yen was sent tumbling against the USD US Dollar. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101907889

  •  Shinjuku Stock
    Shinjuku Stock

    October 18, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: A private bus company ‘‘Non Step Bus‘‘ departing Shinjuku Station...Stock scenes from Shinjuku, a major commercial thoroughfare neighborhood in Tokyo with many commercial businesses, offices, restaurants, retail stores, hotels and a major train station with the JR East Lines, Keio and Tokyo Metro public transportation heavy rail lines...Japan has recently reopened to international tourism for the first time in nearly three years after instituting a travel ban on foreigners at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and maintaining the ban through the Omicron variant wave. The Japanese Government only reopened the country after the Yen was sent tumbling against the USD US Dollar. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101907901

  •  Shinjuku Stock
    Shinjuku Stock

    October 18, 2022, Tokyo, Japan: A private bus company ‘‘Non Step Bus‘‘ departing Shinjuku Station...Stock scenes from Shinjuku, a major commercial thoroughfare neighborhood in Tokyo with many commercial businesses, offices, restaurants, retail stores, hotels and a major train station with the JR East Lines, Keio and Tokyo Metro public transportation heavy rail lines...Japan has recently reopened to international tourism for the first time in nearly three years after instituting a travel ban on foreigners at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and maintaining the ban through the Omicron variant wave. The Japanese Government only reopened the country after the Yen was sent tumbling against the USD US Dollar. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101907949

  • 繁華街で五輪反対訴える人 小池都知事が主導した
    繁華街で五輪反対訴える人 小池都知事が主導した


    商品コード: 2022100711146

  • 書店のエルノーさんの原書 仏作家にノーベル文学賞
    書店のエルノーさんの原書 仏作家にノーベル文学賞


    商品コード: 2022100613533

  • 書店のエルノーさんの原書 仏作家にノーベル文学賞
    書店のエルノーさんの原書 仏作家にノーベル文学賞


    商品コード: 2022100613529

  • 書店のエルノーさんの原書 仏作家にノーベル文学賞
    書店のエルノーさんの原書 仏作家にノーベル文学賞


    商品コード: 2022100613531

  •  「正当性ない」「強制だ」

    商品コード: 2022092611140-3

  • 抗議集会の旗 「正当性ない」「強制だ」
    抗議集会の旗 「正当性ない」「強制だ」


    商品コード: 2022092611140

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