
  • スクランブル交差点
  • 昭和
  • 大勢
  • 若者
  • 街頭演説
  • 屋外
  • 山手線
  • 運休
  • 抗議
  • 建物


  • 提供元
  • 日付指定なし
  • 種類
  • 向き
  • カテゴリ
  • 新しい順
( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • ...
( 1 100 件を表示)
  • 新しい順
  •  Hachiko Statue
    Hachiko Statue

    April 14, 2024, Tokyo, Japan: The Statue of Hachiko...The Hachiko Statue in Shibuya commemorates the loyalty of a faithful dog named Hachiko. This beloved Akita faithfully waited at Shibuya Station for his owner‘s return, even after his owner‘s passing. The bronze statue symbolizes unwavering devotion and has become a popular meeting spot in Tokyo. It stands as a poignant reminder of the enduring bond between humans and animals. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041712563

  • 草間弥生さんの映像 草間弥生さんの映像
    草間弥生さんの映像 草間弥生さんの映像


    商品コード: 2024032807107

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    ウクライナ国旗を振る男性 祖国平和へ祈り、抗議も


    商品コード: 2024022410671

  • ハチ公生誕100年祝う 渋谷に秋田犬集合
    ハチ公生誕100年祝う 渋谷に秋田犬集合

    東京・渋谷駅で主人を待ち続けたことで知られる秋田犬「忠犬ハチ公」の生誕100年を記念したイベントが2日、渋谷区内であり、全国から集まった〝後輩〟秋田犬38匹が、師走でにぎわう渋谷の街を悠然と練り歩いた。 「秋田犬保存会」が企画し、インターネットなどで参加を募った。午後2時20分過ぎ、「ハチ公100年」のプラカードを持った関係者を先頭に1キロ超の散歩が始まると、行き交う人々から「かわいい」「大きい」などの声が上がった。 <映像内容>東京・渋谷で行われた「忠犬ハチ公」の生誕100年を祝うイベントの様子、菅義偉前首相らが参加、撮影日:2023(令和5)年12月2日、撮影場所:東京都渋谷区

    商品コード: 2023120408594

  • 「ゼクシィ」の屋外広告 多様な幸せ、広告で応援
    「ゼクシィ」の屋外広告 多様な幸せ、広告で応援


    商品コード: 2023120105388

  • 「ゼクシィ」の屋外広告 多様な幸せ、広告で応援
    「ゼクシィ」の屋外広告 多様な幸せ、広告で応援


    商品コード: 2023120105394

  • 結婚誌「ゼクシィ」が掲示 【速報】多様な幸せ、広告で応援
    結婚誌「ゼクシィ」が掲示 【速報】多様な幸せ、広告で応援

    「あなたが幸せなら、それでいい。」 リクルートが発行する結婚情報誌「ゼクシィ」は1日、同性同士や事実婚といったさまざまなカップルを起用した屋外広告を東京・渋谷駅周辺に掲示した。恋愛や結婚を巡る価値観が多様化する中、創刊30周年を迎えたのを機にコピーを一新し、「男女の法律婚に限らず、全てのカップルを応援したい」とのメッセージを初めて全面的に打ち出した。 <映像内容>掲示された屋外広告、撮影日:2023(令和5)年12月1日午前8時~9時、撮影場所:東京・渋谷駅周辺

    商品コード: 2023120406336

  • 再開したJR山手線 山手線、始発から通常運転
    再開したJR山手線 山手線、始発から通常運転


    商品コード: 2023112005663

  • 再開したJR山手線 山手線、始発から通常運転
    再開したJR山手線 山手線、始発から通常運転


    商品コード: 2023112005658

  •  Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction
    Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction

    November 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Construction workers hold signs notifying of service disruptions as rail workers for the JR East Railway Company work on shifting the tracks for the Yamanote Line to facilitate construction work and development projects at Shibuya Station...The Yamanote loop line is one of the world‘s busiest metro lines, serving over 5 million passengers a day. Service is suspended on November 18 and November 19 from Osaki to Ikebukero station. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111900095

  •  Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction
    Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction

    November 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Rail workers for the JR East Railway Company work on shifting the tracks for the Yamanote Line to facilitate construction work and development projects at Shibuya Station...The Yamanote loop line is one of the world‘s busiest metro lines, serving over 5 million passengers a day. Service is suspended on November 18 and November 19 from Osaki to Ikebukero station. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111900044

  •  Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction
    Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction

    November 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Rail workers for the JR East Railway Company work on shifting the tracks for the Yamanote Line to facilitate construction work and development projects at Shibuya Station...The Yamanote loop line is one of the world‘s busiest metro lines, serving over 5 million passengers a day. Service is suspended on November 18 and November 19 from Osaki to Ikebukero station. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111900065

  •  Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction
    Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction

    November 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Rail workers for the JR East Railway Company work on shifting the tracks for the Yamanote Line to facilitate construction work and development projects at Shibuya Station...The Yamanote loop line is one of the world‘s busiest metro lines, serving over 5 million passengers a day. Service is suspended on November 18 and November 19 from Osaki to Ikebukero station. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111900041

  •  Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction
    Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction

    November 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Rail workers for the JR East Railway Company work on shifting the tracks for the Yamanote Line to facilitate construction work and development projects at Shibuya Station...The Yamanote loop line is one of the world‘s busiest metro lines, serving over 5 million passengers a day. Service is suspended on November 18 and November 19 from Osaki to Ikebukero station. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111900046

  •  Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction
    Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction

    November 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: JR Shibuya Station as rail workers for the JR East Railway Company work on shifting the tracks for the Yamanote Line to facilitate construction work and development projects at Shibuya Station...The Yamanote loop line is one of the world‘s busiest metro lines, serving over 5 million passengers a day. Service is suspended on November 18 and November 19 from Osaki to Ikebukero station. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111900072

  •  Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction
    Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction

    November 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: A Saikyo Line train passes as rail workers for the JR East Railway Company work on shifting the tracks for the Yamanote Line to facilitate construction work and development projects at Shibuya Station...The Yamanote loop line is one of the world‘s busiest metro lines, serving over 5 million passengers a day. Service is suspended on November 18 and November 19 from Osaki to Ikebukero station. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111900069

  •  Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction
    Yamanote Line Service Suspended for Shibuya Station Construction

    November 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: A flagger slows down an Osaki-bound Yamanote line train as rail workers for the JR East Railway Company work on shifting the tracks for the Yamanote Line to facilitate construction work and development projects at Shibuya Station...The Yamanote loop line is one of the world‘s busiest metro lines, serving over 5 million passengers a day. Service is suspended on November 18 and November 19 from Osaki to Ikebukero station. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111903342

  •  Hachiko Statue at Shibuya Station
    Hachiko Statue at Shibuya Station

    November 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Tourists line up to take a picture with the statue of Hachiko at the Shibuya Scramble. ..Hachikà(ãÆÂãÆÂÃ¥â¦Â¬) was a Japanese Akita dog famous for waiting at Shibuya Station every day for his deceased owner HidesaburàUeno. The story of Hachiko is revered for the dog‘s loyalty and compassion and is world famous. 2023 marks Hachiko‘s 100th birthday. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111900056

  •  Hachiko Statue at Shibuya Station
    Hachiko Statue at Shibuya Station

    November 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Tourists line up to take a picture with the statue of Hachiko at the Shibuya Scramble. ..Hachikà(ãÆÂãÆÂÃ¥â¦Â¬) was a Japanese Akita dog famous for waiting at Shibuya Station every day for his deceased owner HidesaburàUeno. The story of Hachiko is revered for the dog‘s loyalty and compassion and is world famous. 2023 marks Hachiko‘s 100th birthday. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111900049

  •  Hachiko Statue at Shibuya Station
    Hachiko Statue at Shibuya Station

    November 18, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Tourists line up to take a picture with the statue of Hachiko at the Shibuya Scramble. ..Hachikà(ãÆÂãÆÂÃ¥â¦Â¬) was a Japanese Akita dog famous for waiting at Shibuya Station every day for his deceased owner HidesaburàUeno. The story of Hachiko is revered for the dog‘s loyalty and compassion and is world famous. 2023 marks Hachiko‘s 100th birthday. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111900057

  • 運休知らせる看板 山手線あすまで一部運休
    運休知らせる看板 山手線あすまで一部運休


    商品コード: 2023111806180

  • 渋谷駅の工事 山手線あすまで一部運休
    渋谷駅の工事 山手線あすまで一部運休


    商品コード: 2023111805902

  • 渋谷駅の工事 山手線あすまで一部運休
    渋谷駅の工事 山手線あすまで一部運休


    商品コード: 2023111805904

  • 渋谷駅の工事 山手線あすまで一部運休
    渋谷駅の工事 山手線あすまで一部運休


    商品コード: 2023111805706

  • 渋谷駅の工事 山手線あすまで一部運休
    渋谷駅の工事 山手線あすまで一部運休


    商品コード: 2023111805708

  •  山手線あすまで一部運休


    商品コード: 2023111804522

  •  山手線あすまで一部運休


    商品コード: 2023111804521

  •  山手線あすまで一部運休 渋谷駅工事、64万人影響
    山手線あすまで一部運休 渋谷駅工事、64万人影響

    東京都心部を一周するJR山手線の渋谷駅で18日未明、ホームと線路の高さを上げる工事が始まった。山手線は18日に外回り、19日に内回りで、それぞれ渋谷を挟む大崎―池袋間が終日運休となる。20日始発から通常運転に戻る予定。JR東日本は2日間で約64万人に影響すると見込む。JR東は18日朝、工事現場を報道陣に公開。線路の土台をジャッキで上げ、ホームの床板を外していた。数十人の作業員が「せーの」というかけ声で息を合わせ、レールを持ち上げた。 <映像内容>工事の報道公開の様子。コメントはJR東日本建設工事部の伊東寛マネジャー、撮影日:2023(令和5)年11月18日、撮影場所:東京都渋谷区

    商品コード: 2023112008888

  • 山手線と埼京線 山手線きょうから一部運休
    山手線と埼京線 山手線きょうから一部運休


    商品コード: 2023111709217

  • 山手線のホームと線路 山手線きょうから一部運休
    山手線のホームと線路 山手線きょうから一部運休


    商品コード: 2023111709220

  • 山手線のホームと線路 山手線きょうから一部運休
    山手線のホームと線路 山手線きょうから一部運休


    商品コード: 2023111709218

  •  山手線、今週末一部運休へ


    商品コード: 2023111508793

  •  山手線、今週末一部運休へ


    商品コード: 2023111508795

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    デモの参加者 ガザ攻撃に学生ら抗議


    商品コード: 2023111209567

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    スピーチするシアムさん ガザ攻撃に学生ら抗議


    商品コード: 2023111209568

  • 寝室で過ごすハチ公 忠犬ハチ公「お疲れさま」
    寝室で過ごすハチ公 忠犬ハチ公「お疲れさま」


    商品コード: 2023111208430

  • 渋谷駅前にハチ公の寝室 忠犬ハチ公「お疲れさま」
    渋谷駅前にハチ公の寝室 忠犬ハチ公「お疲れさま」


    商品コード: 2023111208427

  • 西野さんとハチ公 忠犬ハチ公「お疲れさま」
    西野さんとハチ公 忠犬ハチ公「お疲れさま」


    商品コード: 2023111208248

  •  【速報】ハチ生誕百年に「感謝」 出生地の秋田でイベント
    【速報】ハチ生誕百年に「感謝」 出生地の秋田でイベント

    1923年11月に秋田県大館市で生まれ、東京・渋谷駅で主人を待ち続けたエピソードで知られる「忠犬ハチ公」の生誕100年を祝うイベントが11日、同市の観光施設で開かれた。銅像に花輪がかけられ、地元の小学生が「ハチを通して人とのつながりができた」と感謝を伝える手紙を朗読した。 イベントは「秋田犬の里」で開かれ、ゆかりのある長谷部健渋谷区長や前葉泰幸津市長のほか、ハチ生家の斎藤良作さん(74)、地元小学生ら約50人が参加した。 <映像内容>子どもたちが参加した生誕100年を祝うイベント、撮影日:2023(令和5)年11月11日、撮影場所:秋田県大館市

    商品コード: 2023111307631

  •  Shibuya Scenes - Hachiko Statue
    Shibuya Scenes - Hachiko Statue

    November 9, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Tourists line up to take a picture with the statue of Hachiko at the Shibuya Scramble. ..Hachikà(ãÆÂãÆÂÃ¥â¦Â¬) was a Japanese Akita dog famous for waiting at Shibuya Station every day for his deceased owner HidesaburàUeno. The story of Hachiko is revered for the dog‘s loyalty and compassion and is world famous. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120505969

  • 当日の渋谷駅前 渋谷ハロウィーン混乱なく
    当日の渋谷駅前 渋谷ハロウィーン混乱なく


    商品コード: 2023110109524

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104938

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110105027

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104713

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104903

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104716

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104821

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104684

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110107950

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104751

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104944

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104838

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104922

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104879

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104852

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104748

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104950

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104728

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104034

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104876

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104785

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104947

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104859

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104676

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104980

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104755

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104696

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104840

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104827

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104891

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104739

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104797

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104731

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104898

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104762

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104812

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104694

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110103965

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104854

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104901

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104813

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104800

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104815

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104691

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110103996

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104963

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104816

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104817

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110105070

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104847

  •  Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween
    Halloween 2023: TOKYO: Shibuya Halloween

    October 31, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Revelers navigate crowd control barriers around Hachiko Square on their way to Shibuya Station after celebrating Halloween amid strict restrictions imposed by the local Shibuya city government...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110104721

  • 注意喚起の横断幕など ハロウィーン厳戒の繁華街
    注意喚起の横断幕など ハロウィーン厳戒の繁華街


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  •  Shibuya Halloween in Tokyo 2023: Saturday Night
    Shibuya Halloween in Tokyo 2023: Saturday Night

    October 28, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: JR East train employees maintain crowd control at Shibuya Station during Halloween celebrations on a Saturday night...Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe, emboldened by the Seoul Itaewon disaster, has banned Halloween celebrations and warned foreign tourists to stay away from Shibuya following a multi-year campaign to kill the popular gathering by warning of a potential crush situation despite no previous incidents involving an Itaewon-like crowd control disaster in Tokyo. Drinking and smoking are temporary prohibited in Shibuya-ku for Halloween. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102904320

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  •  Shibuya Night Scenery
    Shibuya Night Scenery

    October 21, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Traffic and advertisement screens at the Shibuya Scramble intersection...The neighborhood has undergone many changes including a massive redevelopment surrounding Shibuya station in a urban modernization effort. Japan economy, japan business. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102400060

  •  Shibuya Night Scenery
    Shibuya Night Scenery

    October 21, 2023, Tokyo, Japan: Traffic and advertisement screens at the Shibuya Scramble intersection...The neighborhood has undergone many changes including a massive redevelopment surrounding Shibuya station in a urban modernization effort. Japan economy, japan business. (Credit Image: © Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Taidgh Barron/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102407777

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