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  •  (9)中国ラオス鉄道の越境旅客輸送、運行1周年で18万人超す

    13日、中国の西双版納(シーサンパンナ)からラオスのルアンプラバンに向かう一番列車の車内でパフォーマンスを披露する鉄道職員。中国雲南省昆明市とラオスの首都ビエンチャンを結ぶ「中老鉄道」の国際旅客列車が13日、運行開始から1周年を迎えた。同省のラオス国境に位置する磨憨(モーハン)出入境辺防検査ステーション(出入国検査所)によると13日現在、出入境した国際旅客列車は計738本、旅客は87カ国・地域の計18万3千人を超えた。(シーサンパンナ=新華社記者/王静頤)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年4月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041410947

  •  (3)中国で春節のUターンラッシュがピーク

    17日、河南省の鄭州東駅の待合ホールで、乗客の質問に答える鉄道職員。中国では春節(旧正月)連休(2月10~17日)最終日の17日、休暇をふるさとや行楽地で過ごした人々のUターンラッシュがピークを迎えた。各地の駅などは荷物を抱えた家族連れらで混雑した。(鄭州=新華社配信/蘇筱雅)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024021805660

  •  Paris Train Strike: Half of TGVs Halted During Holiday Weekend
    Paris Train Strike: Half of TGVs Halted During Holiday Weekend

    Train ticket controllers went on strike in Paris on February 16, 2024. Train stations anticipated possible chaos for the school holiday weekend: only one in two TGVs were scheduled to run from February 16 to 18, 2024, due to the controllers‘ strike, according to the SNCF. (Photo by Adnan Farzat/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Adnan Farzat/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024021806695

  •  Paris Train Strike: Half of TGVs Halted During Holiday Weekend
    Paris Train Strike: Half of TGVs Halted During Holiday Weekend

    Train ticket controllers went on strike in Paris on February 16, 2024. Train stations anticipated possible chaos for the school holiday weekend: only one in two TGVs were scheduled to run from February 16 to 18, 2024, due to the controllers‘ strike, according to the SNCF. (Photo by Adnan Farzat/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Adnan Farzat/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024021806697

  •  Paris Train Strike: Half of TGVs Halted During Holiday Weekend
    Paris Train Strike: Half of TGVs Halted During Holiday Weekend

    Train ticket controllers went on strike in Paris on February 16, 2024. Train stations anticipated possible chaos for the school holiday weekend: only one in two TGVs were scheduled to run from February 16 to 18, 2024, due to the controllers‘ strike, according to the SNCF. (Photo by Adnan Farzat/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Adnan Farzat/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024021806671

  •  Paris Train Strike: Half of TGVs Halted During Holiday Weekend
    Paris Train Strike: Half of TGVs Halted During Holiday Weekend

    Train ticket controllers went on strike in Paris on February 16, 2024. Train stations anticipated possible chaos for the school holiday weekend: only one in two TGVs were scheduled to run from February 16 to 18, 2024, due to the controllers‘ strike, according to the SNCF. (Photo by Adnan Farzat/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Adnan Farzat/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024021806702

  •  Paris Train Strike: Half of TGVs Halted During Holiday Weekend
    Paris Train Strike: Half of TGVs Halted During Holiday Weekend

    Train ticket controllers went on strike in Paris on February 16, 2024. Train stations anticipated possible chaos for the school holiday weekend: only one in two TGVs were scheduled to run from February 16 to 18, 2024, due to the controllers‘ strike, according to the SNCF. (Photo by Adnan Farzat/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Adnan Farzat/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024021806659

  •  Railway workers demonstrate in Madrid, Spain - 30 Jan 2024
    Railway workers demonstrate in Madrid, Spain - 30 Jan 2024

    January 30, 2024, Madrid, Spain: A couple of railway employees hold banners and flags during the rally in front of the Congress of Deputies. The workers‘ union, Comisiones Obreras, has called a rally in front of the Congress of Deputies to demand the unblocking of the agreements on the elimination of entry categories in Renfe (National Network of Spanish Railways) and on the implementation of the 35-hour day in Adif (Credit Image: © David Canales/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©David Canales/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024013107188

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    24日、到着した観光客にカラフルな帽子を配る鉄道職員。中国四川省成都市から新疆ウイグル自治区のホータン(和田)方面に向け初めて運行された観光列車が24日午前、ホータン駅に到着した。これにより2019年以降、国内各地から新疆に向け運行された観光列車は393本となり、観光客延べ27万人を同自治区に送り届けた。中国国家鉄路集団の関連部門責任者は、新疆は国内で運行される観光列車の最も集中する行き先になっていると説明した。(ウルムチ=新華社記者/郝玉)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102706448

  •  (8)「一帯一路」鉄道建設協力、地域振興と人材育成を支援

    インドネシア・マディウンにあるインドネシア運輸省傘下の鉄道職員養成学校で、ジャカルタ-バンドン高速鉄道の第1期運行・保守要員養成研修のプログラムに参加する列車整備士養成コースの訓練生ら。(6月7日撮影)インドネシアの首都ジャカルタと観光都市バンドンを結ぶ全長142・3キロのジャカルタ-バンドン高速鉄道は、中国とインドネシアの発展戦略上の連携と「一帯一路」共同建設を象徴するプロジェクトとして建設が進められた。鉄道の開業は、ジャカルタ-バンドン間沿線の交通渋滞を緩和し、地元住民に利便性と生活環境の向上をもたらす。同時に中国の高速鉄道技術は、インドネシアさらには地域の経済・社会の発展と人材育成の面にも活力を与える。ここに「人々に魚を与えるのではなく、釣り方を教える」という格言を反映した、中国の取り組みが見て取れる。「一帯一路」共同建設の構想提起から10年。東アフリカ初の電化鉄道となったアディスアベバ-ジブチ鉄道から、地域の相互接続の「大動脈」モンバサ-ナイロビ標準軌鉄道(SGR)まで、「陸の孤島」ラオスを「陸のハブ」に変えるという夢をかなえた中国ラオス鉄道から、「東南アジア最速」を実現したジャカルタ-バンドン高速鉄道まで、中国の鉄道建設者たちは平和・発展・協力・ウィンウィンの理念を世界各地へ広めてきた。「一帯一路」共同建設は人類運命共同体構築の理念を実践に落とし込んだ優れた事例と言える。(マディウン=新華社記者/徐欽)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100613924


    (230704) -- LANGFANG, July 4, 2023 (Xinhua) -- A railway staff member examines the first train of a new international multimodal transport route departing from Langfang City, north China‘s Hebei Province, July 4, 2023. North China‘s Hebei Province launched its new international multimodal transport route on Tuesday, which relies on railways and highways to transport goods to Central Asian countries. On Tuesday morning, a train carrying over 1,000 tonnes of goods departed from Langfang City in Hebei. After arriving at Kashgar City in northwest China‘s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the goods will be transported via cross-border highways. They will be carried by train again after reaching Kyrgyzstan and transported to the final destination of Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan. (Photo by Jia Jun/Xinhua)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023070409382

  •  (7)「田植え専用列車」、穀倉地帯に累計180万人を輸送黒竜江省

    6日、「田植え専用列車」の乗車券を確認する鉄道職員(右)。中国黒竜江省綏化市で6日、労働者400人余りを乗せたK5151「田植え専用列車」が綏化(すいか)駅を出発し、三江平原に向かった。同列車は地域間を移動する農業従事者のために24年続けて運行され、累計180万人以上を運んできた。(綏化=新華社記者/王松)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023050906276

  •  (8)「田植え専用列車」、穀倉地帯に累計180万人を輸送黒竜江省

    6日、「田植え専用列車」の乗客を誘導する鉄道職員。中国黒竜江省綏化市で6日、労働者400人余りを乗せたK5151「田植え専用列車」が綏化(すいか)駅を出発し、三江平原に向かった。同列車は地域間を移動する農業従事者のために24年続けて運行され、累計180万人以上を運んできた。(綏化=新華社記者/王松)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023050906275

  •  (6)「田植え専用列車」、穀倉地帯に累計180万人を輸送黒竜江省

    6日、「田植え専用列車」の乗車券を確認する鉄道職員(右)。中国黒竜江省綏化市で6日、労働者400人余りを乗せたK5151「田植え専用列車」が綏化(すいか)駅を出発し、三江平原に向かった。同列車は地域間を移動する農業従事者のために24年続けて運行され、累計180万人以上を運んできた。(綏化=新華社記者/王松)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023050906277

  •  (7)「一帯一路」を行く現代の隊商、中欧班列福建省武夷山市

    18日、荷役担当者と鉄道職員の誘導を受け、コンテナを貨車に載せる武夷山陸地港の作業員。中国と欧州を結ぶ国際定期貨物列車「中欧班列」が19日、福建、浙江、江西3省の貨物を入れた40フィートコンテナ55個を積載し、福建省の武夷山駅を出発した。11日後に内モンゴル自治区の満州里口岸(通関地)に到着、ロシア鉄道でロシア各地に向かう予定。同便は武夷山駅発の今年4本目の国際定期貨物列車となる。福建省北部に位置する武夷山陸地港は、中欧班列と中亜班列(中国と中央アジアを結ぶ国際定期貨物列車)の集散拠点で、武夷山と海上・陸上シルクロードを結ぶ要衝でもある。2021年1月に中欧班列が開通して以降、中欧、中亜合わせて46本が同駅を出発。竹製品や茶葉、電気機械など、ますます多くの中国の特産品を中央アジアや欧州など「一帯一路」沿線の国・地域へ直送している。(武夷山=新華社配信/陳穎)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041908830

  •  (5)「一帯一路」を行く現代の隊商、中欧班列福建省武夷山市

    18日、荷役担当者と鉄道職員の誘導を受け、コンテナを貨車に載せる武夷山陸地港の作業員。中国と欧州を結ぶ国際定期貨物列車「中欧班列」が19日、福建、浙江、江西3省の貨物を入れた40フィートコンテナ55個を積載し、福建省の武夷山駅を出発した。11日後に内モンゴル自治区の満州里口岸(通関地)に到着、ロシア鉄道でロシア各地に向かう予定。同便は武夷山駅発の今年4本目の国際定期貨物列車となる。福建省北部に位置する武夷山陸地港は、中欧班列と中亜班列(中国と中央アジアを結ぶ国際定期貨物列車)の集散拠点で、武夷山と海上・陸上シルクロードを結ぶ要衝でもある。2021年1月に中欧班列が開通して以降、中欧、中亜合わせて46本が同駅を出発。竹製品や茶葉、電気機械など、ますます多くの中国の特産品を中央アジアや欧州など「一帯一路」沿線の国・地域へ直送している。(武夷山=新華社配信/陳穎)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041908821

  •  (3)「一帯一路」を行く現代の隊商、中欧班列福建省武夷山市

    18日、荷役担当者と鉄道職員の誘導を受け、コンテナを貨車に載せる武夷山陸地港の作業員。中国と欧州を結ぶ国際定期貨物列車「中欧班列」が19日、福建、浙江、江西3省の貨物を入れた40フィートコンテナ55個を積載し、福建省の武夷山駅を出発した。11日後に内モンゴル自治区の満州里口岸(通関地)に到着、ロシア鉄道でロシア連邦各国に向かう予定。同便は武夷山駅発の今年4本目の国際定期貨物列車となる。福建省北部に位置する武夷山陸地港は、中欧班列と中亜班列(中国と中央アジアを結ぶ国際定期貨物列車)の集散拠点で、武夷山と海上・陸上シルクロードを結ぶ要衝でもある。2021年1月に中欧班列が開通して以降、中欧、中亜合わせて46本が同駅を出発。竹製品や茶葉、電気機械など、ますます多くの中国や福建省の特産品を中央アジアや欧州など「一帯一路」沿線の国・地域へ直送している。(武夷山=新華社配信/陳穎)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041908816

  •  (4)「一帯一路」を行く現代の隊商、中欧班列福建省武夷山市

    18日、荷役担当者と鉄道職員の誘導を受け、コンテナを貨車に載せる武夷山陸地港の作業員。中国と欧州を結ぶ国際定期貨物列車「中欧班列」が19日、福建、浙江、江西3省の貨物を入れた40フィートコンテナ55個を積載し、福建省の武夷山駅を出発した。11日後に内モンゴル自治区の満州里口岸(通関地)に到着、ロシア鉄道でロシア各地に向かう予定。同便は武夷山駅発の今年4本目の国際定期貨物列車となる。福建省北部に位置する武夷山陸地港は、中欧班列と中亜班列(中国と中央アジアを結ぶ国際定期貨物列車)の集散拠点で、武夷山と海上・陸上シルクロードを結ぶ要衝でもある。2021年1月に中欧班列が開通して以降、中欧、中亜合わせて46本が同駅を出発。竹製品や茶葉、電気機械など、ますます多くの中国の特産品を中央アジアや欧州など「一帯一路」沿線の国・地域へ直送している。(武夷山=新華社配信/陳穎)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041908824

  •  (1)「一帯一路」を行く現代の隊商、中欧班列福建省武夷山市

    18日、荷役担当者と鉄道職員の誘導を受け、コンテナを貨車に載せる武夷山陸地港の作業員。中国と欧州を結ぶ国際定期貨物列車「中欧班列」が19日、福建、浙江、江西3省の貨物を入れた40フィートコンテナ55個を積載し、福建省の武夷山駅を出発した。11日後に内モンゴル自治区の満州里口岸(通関地)に到着、ロシア鉄道でロシア各地に向かう予定。同便は武夷山駅発の今年4本目の国際定期貨物列車となる。福建省北部に位置する武夷山陸地港は、中欧班列と中亜班列(中国と中央アジアを結ぶ国際定期貨物列車)の集散拠点で、武夷山と海上・陸上シルクロードを結ぶ要衝でもある。2021年1月に中欧班列が開通して以降、中欧、中亜合わせて46本が同駅を出発。竹製品や茶葉、電気機械など、ますます多くの中国の特産品を中央アジアや欧州など「一帯一路」沿線の国・地域へ直送している。(武夷山=新華社配信/陳穎)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041908823

  •  (6)「一帯一路」を行く現代の隊商、中欧班列福建省武夷山市

    18日、荷役担当者と鉄道職員の誘導を受け、コンテナを貨車に載せる武夷山陸地港の作業員。中国と欧州を結ぶ国際定期貨物列車「中欧班列」が19日、福建、浙江、江西3省の貨物を入れた40フィートコンテナ55個を積載し、福建省の武夷山駅を出発した。11日後に内モンゴル自治区の満州里口岸(通関地)に到着、ロシア鉄道でロシア各地に向かう予定。同便は武夷山駅発の今年4本目の国際定期貨物列車となる。福建省北部に位置する武夷山陸地港は、中欧班列と中亜班列(中国と中央アジアを結ぶ国際定期貨物列車)の集散拠点で、武夷山と海上・陸上シルクロードを結ぶ要衝でもある。2021年1月に中欧班列が開通して以降、中欧、中亜合わせて46本が同駅を出発。竹製品や茶葉、電気機械など、ますます多くの中国の特産品を中央アジアや欧州など「一帯一路」沿線の国・地域へ直送している。(武夷山=新華社配信/陳穎)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041908828

  •  (2)「一帯一路」を行く現代の隊商、中欧班列福建省武夷山市

    18日、荷役担当者と鉄道職員の誘導を受け、コンテナを貨車に載せる武夷山陸地港の作業員。中国と欧州を結ぶ国際定期貨物列車「中欧班列」が19日、福建、浙江、江西3省の貨物を入れた40フィートコンテナ55個を積載し、福建省の武夷山駅を出発した。11日後に内モンゴル自治区の満州里口岸(通関地)に到着、ロシア鉄道でロシア各地に向かう予定。同便は武夷山駅発の今年4本目の国際定期貨物列車となる。福建省北部に位置する武夷山陸地港は、中欧班列と中亜班列(中国と中央アジアを結ぶ国際定期貨物列車)の集散拠点で、武夷山と海上・陸上シルクロードを結ぶ要衝でもある。2021年1月に中欧班列が開通して以降、中欧、中亜合わせて46本が同駅を出発。竹製品や茶葉、電気機械など、ますます多くの中国の特産品を中央アジアや欧州など「一帯一路」沿線の国・地域へ直送している。(武夷山=新華社配信/陳穎)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041908818

  •  (4)鉄道職員の宿泊所が供用開始江蘇省南京市

    15日、南京市にある乗務員宿泊所を出る鉄道職員。中国江蘇省南京市で15日、中国鉄路上海局集団の乗務員宿泊所が正式に供用を開始した。宿泊所は南京駅に隣接し、300室にベッド722台を備えており、乗務員らに快適で温かな環境を提供している。(南京=新華社記者/季春鵬)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031711263

  •  (3)鉄道職員の宿泊所が供用開始江蘇省南京市

    15日、南京市にある乗務員宿泊所の部屋を清掃するスタッフ。中国江蘇省南京市で15日、中国鉄路上海局集団の乗務員宿泊所が正式に供用を開始した。宿泊所は南京駅に隣接し、300室にベッド722台を備えており、乗務員らに快適で温かな環境を提供している。(南京=新華社記者/季春鵬)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031711267

  •  (5)鉄道職員の宿泊所が供用開始江蘇省南京市

    15日、南京市にある乗務員宿泊所で昼食を準備する調理師。中国江蘇省南京市で15日、中国鉄路上海局集団の乗務員宿泊所が正式に供用を開始した。宿泊所は南京駅に隣接し、300室にベッド722台を備えており、乗務員らに快適で温かな環境を提供している。(南京=新華社記者/季春鵬)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031711264

  •  (6)鉄道職員の宿泊所が供用開始江蘇省南京市

    15日、南京市にある乗務員宿泊所のフロントで手続きする鉄道職員。中国江蘇省南京市で15日、中国鉄路上海局集団の乗務員宿泊所が正式に供用を開始した。宿泊所は南京駅に隣接し、300室にベッド722台を備えており、乗務員らに快適で温かな環境を提供している。(南京=新華社記者/季春鵬)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031711271

  •  (2)鉄道職員の宿泊所が供用開始江蘇省南京市

    15日、南京市にある乗務員宿泊所でアルコール検査をする鉄道職員。中国江蘇省南京市で15日、中国鉄路上海局集団の乗務員宿泊所が正式に供用を開始した。宿泊所は南京駅に隣接し、300室にベッド722台を備えており、乗務員らに快適で温かな環境を提供している。(南京=新華社記者/季春鵬)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031711265

  •  (9)鉄道職員の宿泊所が供用開始江蘇省南京市

    15日、南京市にある乗務員宿泊所で休憩する鉄道職員。中国江蘇省南京市で15日、中国鉄路上海局集団の乗務員宿泊所が正式に供用を開始した。宿泊所は南京駅に隣接し、300室にベッド722台を備えており、乗務員らに快適で温かな環境を提供している。(南京=新華社記者/季春鵬)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031711270

  •  (1)鉄道職員の宿泊所が供用開始江蘇省南京市

    15日、南京市にある乗務員宿泊所で、タイムレコーダーに情報を入力する鉄道職員。中国江蘇省南京市で15日、中国鉄路上海局集団の乗務員宿泊所が正式に供用を開始した。宿泊所は南京駅に隣接し、300室にベッド722台を備えており、乗務員らに快適で温かな環境を提供している。(南京=新華社記者/季春鵬)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031711287

  •  (10)鉄道職員の宿泊所が供用開始江蘇省南京市

    15日、南京市にある乗務員宿泊所で休憩する鉄道職員。中国江蘇省南京市で15日、中国鉄路上海局集団の乗務員宿泊所が正式に供用を開始した。宿泊所は南京駅に隣接し、300室にベッド722台を備えており、乗務員らに快適で温かな環境を提供している。(南京=新華社記者/季春鵬)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031711266

  •  (7)鉄道職員の宿泊所が供用開始江蘇省南京市

    15日、南京市にある乗務員宿泊所で出勤前に情報を記録する鉄道職員。中国江蘇省南京市で15日、中国鉄路上海局集団の乗務員宿泊所が正式に供用を開始した。宿泊所は南京駅に隣接し、300室にベッド722台を備えており、乗務員らに快適で温かな環境を提供している。(南京=新華社記者/季春鵬)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031711269

  •  (8)鉄道職員の宿泊所が供用開始江蘇省南京市

    15日、南京市にある乗務員宿泊所で昼食を取る鉄道職員。中国江蘇省南京市で15日、中国鉄路上海局集団の乗務員宿泊所が正式に供用を開始した。宿泊所は南京駅に隣接し、300室にベッド722台を備えており、乗務員らに快適で温かな環境を提供している。(南京=新華社記者/季春鵬)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031711268

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    中国上海市と雲南省昆明市を結ぶ滬昆(ここん)鉄道の貴州省区間は沿線に高い山と谷が連なり、落石や崩落が起きやすい険しい地形が続く。中国鉄路成都局集団の職員は安全運行を確保するため、春節(旧正月)の特別輸送態勢「春運」期間中も山を巡って危険を除去し、走り抜ける列車を見守っていた。(記者/陶亮) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年2月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021007417


    (230107) -- BEIJING, Jan. 7, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice Premier Liu He visits railway staff members at Beijing Railway Station when inspecting work for the Spring Festival travel rush in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 7, 2023. (Xinhua/Yin Bogu)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010800533


    (221214) -- KUNMING, Dec. 14, 2022 (Xinhua) -- A railway staff member works at Kaiyuannan Railway Station of Mile-Mengzi high-speed railway in southwest China‘s Yunnan Province, Dec. 14, 2022. The 107-km railway will link the cities of Mile and Mengzi, both located in Yunnan‘s Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture. Passenger trains operating on the railway are due to travel at 250 km per hour. (Xinhua/Wang Guansen)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022121500378

  •  Railway staff vocational skills competition held in Laos
    Railway staff vocational skills competition held in Laos

    STORY: Railway staff vocational skills competition held in LaosDATELINE: Nov. 24, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:01LOCATION: VientianeCATEGORY: ECONOMY/TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the ceremony of the railway staff skills competitionSTORYLINE:The Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. launched its first vocational skills competition in the Lao capital Vientiane on Tuesday.The three-day competition, which is held on the occasion of the first anniversary of the opening of the China-Laos Railway, aims to improve the skills of railway employees.The launching ceremony was held in Vientiane Station by the company, a joint venture based in Vientiane responsible for the operation of the railway‘s Lao section.The competition includes a total of 17 types of work in five special categories, namely driving, passenger service, freight, locomotive, and wagon maintenance...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112610640


    (221123) -- VIENTIANE, Nov. 23, 2022 (Xinhua) -- A Lao staff member attends the first vocational skills competition of the Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. (LCRC) in Vientiane, Laos, Nov. 22, 2022. The Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. held its first vocational skills competition in the Lao capital Vientiane on Tuesday, aiming to improve skills of railway employees.TO GO WITH “Laos holds 1st railway staff skills competition“ (Photo by Kaikeo Saiyasane/Xinhua)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112401565


    (221123) -- VIENTIANE, Nov. 23, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Lao staff members attend the first vocational skills competition of the Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. (LCRC) in Vientiane, Laos, Nov. 22, 2022. The Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. held its first vocational skills competition in the Lao capital Vientiane on Tuesday, aiming to improve skills of railway employees.TO GO WITH “Laos holds 1st railway staff skills competition“ (Photo by Kaikeo Saiyasane/Xinhua)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112401559


    (221123) -- VIENTIANE, Nov. 23, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Lao staff members attend the first vocational skills competition of the Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. (LCRC) in Vientiane, Laos, Nov. 22, 2022. The Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. held its first vocational skills competition in the Lao capital Vientiane on Tuesday, aiming to improve skills of railway employees.TO GO WITH “Laos holds 1st railway staff skills competition“ (Photo by Kaikeo Saiyasane/Xinhua)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112401561


    (221123) -- VIENTIANE, Nov. 23, 2022 (Xinhua) -- A Lao staff member attends the first vocational skills competition of the Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. (LCRC) in Vientiane, Laos, Nov. 22, 2022. The Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. held its first vocational skills competition in the Lao capital Vientiane on Tuesday, aiming to improve skills of railway employees.TO GO WITH “Laos holds 1st railway staff skills competition“ (Photo by Kaikeo Saiyasane/Xinhua)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112401563


    (221123) -- VIENTIANE, Nov. 23, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Staff members from Laos and China attend the first vocational skills competition of the Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. (LCRC) in Vientiane, Laos, Nov. 22, 2022. The Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. held its first vocational skills competition in the Lao capital Vientiane on Tuesday, aiming to improve skills of railway employees.TO GO WITH “Laos holds 1st railway staff skills competition“ (Photo by Kaikeo Saiyasane/Xinhua)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112401562


    (221123) -- VIENTIANE, Nov. 23, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Staff members from Laos and China attend the first vocational skills competition of the Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. (LCRC) in Vientiane, Laos, Nov. 22, 2022. The Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. held its first vocational skills competition in the Lao capital Vientiane on Tuesday, aiming to improve skills of railway employees.TO GO WITH “Laos holds 1st railway staff skills competition“ (Photo by Kaikeo Saiyasane/Xinhua)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112401566

  •  Demining process in Kherson, Ukraine - 17 Nov 2022
    Demining process in Kherson, Ukraine - 17 Nov 2022

    November 17, 2022, Kherson, Ukraine: A railway staff seen walking into a building which a mine was found in the Kherson railway station and the detonation caused the breakage of the window. Since the liberation of Ukraine southern regional capital Kherson, the Ukrainian government has been working intensively on removing land mines in the liberated territory. Around 5000 explosives have been found and destroyed since the liberation. With the lack of sufficient robotics, the de-mining process is conducted manually and that would take at least several months to clean up the whole of Kherson city. (Credit Image: © Ashley Chan/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Ashley Chan/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111904911

  •  Raquel Sánchez visits the construction site that initiates the construction of the ‘Madrid Nuevo Norte‘ project
    Raquel Sánchez visits the construction site that initiates the construction of the ‘Madrid Nuevo Norte‘ project

    November 7, 2022, Madrid, Spain: Railway personnel at the construction site for the start of the Madrid Nuevo Norte project, on Track 14 of the Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor Station, on November 7, 2022, in Madrid (Spain). During the visit, the first constructed piles were shown, which will support the covering of the track bed to the south of the Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor station and will form part of the project‘s future central park. This action precedes the urban development projects of Madrid Nuevo Norte...07 NOVEMBER 2022;MADRID;CONSTRUCTION SITE;MADRID NEW NORTH;MADRID CHAMARTIN CLARA CAMPOAMOR STATION..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..11/07/2022 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022110904903

  •  Raquel Sánchez visits the construction site that initiates the construction of the ‘Madrid Nuevo Norte‘ project
    Raquel Sánchez visits the construction site that initiates the construction of the ‘Madrid Nuevo Norte‘ project

    November 7, 2022, Madrid, Spain: Railway personnel work at the construction site to begin construction of the Madrid Nuevo Norte project, on Track 14 of the Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor Station, on November 7, 2022, in Madrid (Spain). During the visit, the first constructed piles were shown, which will support the covering of the track bed to the south of the Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor station and will form part of the project‘s future central park. This action precedes the urban development projects of Madrid Nuevo Norte...07 NOVEMBER 2022;MADRID;CONSTRUCTION SITE;MADRID NEW NORTH;MADRID CHAMARTIN CLARA CAMPOAMOR STATION..Jesús Hellín / Europa Press..11/07/2022 (Credit Image: © JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©JesúS HellíN/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022110904178

  •  Ukrainians return to Ukraine amid Russian invasion
    Ukrainians return to Ukraine amid Russian invasion

    November 2, 2022, Przemysl, Poland, Poland: A railway personnel scans e-tickets for Ukrainian passengers, as they board a train to return to Ukraine, following Russian air strikes that affected water and electricity supplies across Ukraine. Husband of Lesia has been fighting on the frontlines against Russian invaders. She said it is not time to return to her beautiful country despite the possibility of blackout and water shortage. (Credit Image: © Daniel Ceng Shou-Yi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Daniel Ceng Shou-Yi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022110402814

  •  Ukrainians return to Ukraine amid Russian invasion
    Ukrainians return to Ukraine amid Russian invasion

    November 2, 2022, Przemysl, Poland, Poland: Ukrainian woman Lesia (Central), with her two daughters Nika and Jania, show their e-tickets to a railway personnel, as they board a train returning to Ukraine, following Russian air strikes that affected water and electricity supplies across Ukraine. Husband of Lesia has been fighting on the frontlines against Russian invaders. She said it is not time to return to her beautiful country despite the possibility of blackout and water shortage. (Credit Image: © Daniel Ceng Shou-Yi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Daniel Ceng Shou-Yi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022110403160

  •  Ukrainians return to Ukraine amid Russian invasion
    Ukrainians return to Ukraine amid Russian invasion

    November 2, 2022, Przemysl, Poland, Poland: Ukrainian woman Lesia (Central), with her two daughters Nika and Jania, show their e-tickets to a railway personnel, as they board a train returning to Ukraine, following Russian air strikes that affected water and electricity supplies across Ukraine. Husband of Lesia has been fighting on the frontlines against Russian invaders. She said it is not time to return to her beautiful country despite the possibility of blackout and water shortage. (Credit Image: © Daniel Ceng Shou-Yi/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Daniel Ceng Shou-Yi/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022110402953

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604775

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604769

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604273

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604789

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604801

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604779

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604785

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604805

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604813

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102607168

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604797

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604809

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604804

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604543

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604802

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU;PIXELADA..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604870

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604791

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604529

  •  Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works
    Progress on the Sagrera-Sant Andreu high-speed train station construction works

    October 25, 2022, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain: Railway personnel at the Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station railway works, on October 25, 2022, in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Work on the new Sagrera-Sant Andreu AVE station is already more than 65% complete thanks to the 600 employees working simultaneously. Upon completion of the works, Sant Andreu de Palomar will have a new 4.3-kilometer railway line on the Barcelona-Granollers-Girona line and will unite the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu de Palomar and El Bon Pastor. The station project requires an overall investment of 100 million euros, co-financed with ‘NextGeneration‘ funds, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year...25 OCTOBER 2022;BARCELONA;CATALUNYA;CATALONIA;RAILWAY WORKS;AVE;STATION;SAGRERA SANT ANDREU..Lorena Sopêna / Europa Press..10/25/2022 (Credit Image: © Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Lorena SopêNa/Contacto via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Spain Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022102604794

  •  (3)石炭輸送の大動脈、瓦日鉄道で集中点検を実施山西省

    5日、瓦日線の架線を点検する鉄道職員。中国有数の石炭産地、山西省では鉄道が石炭輸送の主要手段となっている。大動脈の一つである瓦日線(同省呂梁市瓦塘鎮-山東省日照市)では、24日まで秋季集中点検を実施し、冬場に向けた整備を進める。(太原=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022091410446

  •  (4)石炭輸送の大動脈、瓦日鉄道で集中点検を実施山西省

    5日、瓦日線の架線を点検する鉄道職員。中国有数の石炭産地、山西省では鉄道が石炭輸送の主要手段となっている。大動脈の一つである瓦日線(同省呂梁市瓦塘鎮-山東省日照市)では、24日まで秋季集中点検を実施し、冬場に向けた整備を進める。(太原=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022091410463

  •  (2)石炭輸送の大動脈、瓦日鉄道で集中点検を実施山西省

    5日、トンネルの補修を行う鉄道職員。中国有数の石炭産地、山西省では鉄道が石炭輸送の主要手段となっている。大動脈の一つである瓦日線(同省呂梁市瓦塘鎮-山東省日照市)では、24日まで秋季集中点検を実施し、冬場に向けた整備を進める。(太原=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022091410443

  • 本画像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    21日、ファイザバード(伽師)県産プルーン「伽師新梅」を積んだコールドチェーン(低温輸送網)用コンテナの安全状況を検査する鉄道職員。中国新疆ウイグル自治区カシュガル地区のファイザバード(伽師)県産プルーン「伽師新梅」を積んだ今年初のコールドチェーン(低温輸送網)用特別列車が21日正午ごろ、陝西省に向けてカシュガルを出発した。伽師新梅は同省西安市を経て販売先の中・東部の省・区に輸送される。(ウルムチ=新華社配信/鄧有文)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022082309943

  •  Women protest against the gang-rape in the railway station
    Women protest against the gang-rape in the railway station

    July 23, 2022, New Delhi, New Delhi, India: A general view of New Delhi Railway station where a woman was gang-raped by railway employees. Women protest against the gang-rape of a woman by two railway employees in the premises of the railway station. (Credit Image: © Bibek Chettri/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Bibek Chettri/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022072406539

  •  Women protest against the gang-rape in the railway station
    Women protest against the gang-rape in the railway station

    July 23, 2022, New Delhi, New Delhi, India: Women hold placards and shout slogans raising concerns on women safety. Women protest against the gang-rape of a woman by two railway employees in the premises of the railway station. (Credit Image: © Bibek Chettri/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Bibek Chettri/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022072406529

  •  Women protest against the gang-rape in the railway station
    Women protest against the gang-rape in the railway station

    July 23, 2022, New Delhi, New Delhi, India: Women hold placards and raise slogans to protest against railway authorities regarding a recent gang-rape of a woman by railway employees. Women protest against the gang-rape of a woman by two railway employees in the premises of the railway station. (Credit Image: © Bibek Chettri/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Bibek Chettri/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022072406690


    (220421) -- DUNHUANG, April 21, 2022 (Xinhua) -- A railway staff member checks the freight train that runs via the China-Laos Railway in Dunhuang, northwest China‘s Gansu Province, April 21, 2022. A freight train departed Thursday morning from Dunhuang City for Thailand‘s Bangkok, marking the opening of Gansu‘s first international freight train that runs via the China-Laos Railway. Loaded with 530 tonnes of asbestos, the train is scheduled to arrive in Bangkok via Laos‘ Vientiane in 12 days. The Department of Commerce of Gansu said that the new passage is another efficient, economical, safe and convenient international logistics channel linking Gansu and Southeast Asian countries. (Xinhua/Chen Bin)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022042113766

  •  Railway stations tighten epidemic prevention measures in Liaoning, China
    Railway stations tighten epidemic prevention measures in Liaoning, China

    STORY: Railway stations tighten epidemic prevention measures in Liaoning, ChinaDATELINE: March 30, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:33LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of bullet trains2. various of disinfection of the railway station3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LIU TINGHUI, China Railway Shenyang Group Co., Ltd.4. various of disinfection of the bullet trainSTORYLINE:To ensure a safe journey for people during the latest novel coronavirus flare-ups, railway stations in Liaoning, China, have implemented strict epidemic prevention measures.In the city of Dalian, railway staff conduct all-round sterilization and cleaning operations at the station every day.Rail workers in the provincial capital of Shenyang carry out comprehensive disinfection of all bullet trains in the garage every night, according to the China Railway Shenyang Group...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040700962


    Railway employees are seen in a Train during the Trial run of Electric Train In Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir, India on 26 March 2022 (Photo by Nasir Kachroo/NurPhoto)=クレジット:Nasir Kachroo/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040407721

  •  「新華社」貨物駅に野生のゾウ侵入、森林警察が安全確保雲南省

    中国雲南省シーサンパンナ・ダイ族自治州の野象谷でこのほど、鉄道貨物駅に野生のゾウが侵入した。駆け付けた警察官がゾウを駅から遠ざけ、貨物とゾウの安全を確保した。鉄道職員は、駅構内に出荷前の蜂蜜が置いてあり、甘い香りが臭覚の敏感なゾウを引き寄せたと説明。警察官が現場に到着した際、雄の成獣1頭が辺りをうろついており、近くのゴムの木の林にもゾウの群れがいたという。(記者/孫敏) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031810576

  •  Russian War on Ukraine REFUGEES: Poland
    Russian War on Ukraine REFUGEES: Poland

    Mar 9, 2022 - Warsaw, Poland - A railway employee helps guide newly arrived refugees fleeing from Ukraine at the Eastern terminal in Warsaw, Poland. (Credit Image: © Seth Sidney Berry/ZUMA Press Wire Service/、クレジット:©Seth Sidney Berry/ZUMA Press Wire Service/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031406309

  •  (1)両親の鉄道の旅を支えた息子の手書き「乗車券」

    両親への思いがこもった手書きの「乗車券」。(2021年12月16日撮影)中国広西チワン族自治区南寧市の南寧東駅でこのほど、60代の夫婦が1枚のメモを手に駅員に問い合わせをしていた。それは夫婦の息子が用意した手書きの「乗車券」だった。夫婦は湖北省黄石市から南寧市の賓陽県に向かっていたが、実は2人は文字が読めなかった。そこで息子は両親のためにチケットを購入した後、さらに心を込めて手書きの「乗車券」を用意した。そこには両親が乗る列車3本の発車時刻や座席番号、料金などが記され、列車情報の間には乗り換え時間も丸囲みで書かれてあった。息子は両親を駅に送り届けた後も、困ったことがあれば「乗車券」を使って鉄道職員に尋ねるよう何度も念を押したという。鉄道職員がリレーのように手助けをし、夫婦は無事目的地に到着した。(南寧=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年1月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022010104637

  •  (4)両親の鉄道の旅を支えた息子の手書き「乗車券」

    乗客の問い合わせに対応する鉄道職員。(2021年12月16日撮影)中国広西チワン族自治区南寧市の南寧東駅でこのほど、60代の夫婦が1枚のメモを手に駅員に問い合わせをしていた。それは夫婦の息子が用意した手書きの「乗車券」だった。夫婦は湖北省黄石市から南寧市の賓陽県に向かっていたが、実は2人は文字が読めなかった。そこで息子は両親のためにチケットを購入した後、さらに心を込めて手書きの「乗車券」を用意した。そこには両親が乗る列車3本の発車時刻や座席番号、料金などが記され、列車情報の間には乗り換え時間も丸囲みで書かれてあった。息子は両親を駅に送り届けた後も、困ったことがあれば「乗車券」を使って鉄道職員に尋ねるよう何度も念を押したという。鉄道職員がリレーのように手助けをし、夫婦は無事目的地に到着した。(南寧=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年1月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022010104640

  •  (2)両親の鉄道の旅を支えた息子の手書き「乗車券」

    乗客の問い合わせに対応する鉄道職員。(2021年12月16日撮影)中国広西チワン族自治区南寧市の南寧東駅でこのほど、60代の夫婦が1枚のメモを手に駅員に問い合わせをしていた。それは夫婦の息子が用意した手書きの「乗車券」だった。夫婦は湖北省黄石市から南寧市の賓陽県に向かっていたが、実は2人は文字が読めなかった。そこで息子は両親のためにチケットを購入した後、さらに心を込めて手書きの「乗車券」を用意した。そこには両親が乗る列車3本の発車時刻や座席番号、料金などが記され、列車情報の間には乗り換え時間も丸囲みで書かれてあった。息子は両親を駅に送り届けた後も、困ったことがあれば「乗車券」を使って鉄道職員に尋ねるよう何度も念を押したという。鉄道職員がリレーのように手助けをし、夫婦は無事目的地に到着した。(南寧=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年1月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022010104636

  •  (3)両親の鉄道の旅を支えた息子の手書き「乗車券」

    乗客の問い合わせに対応する鉄道職員。(2021年12月16日撮影)中国広西チワン族自治区南寧市の南寧東駅でこのほど、60代の夫婦が1枚のメモを手に駅員に問い合わせをしていた。それは夫婦の息子が用意した手書きの「乗車券」だった。夫婦は湖北省黄石市から南寧市の賓陽県に向かっていたが、実は2人は文字が読めなかった。そこで息子は両親のためにチケットを購入した後、さらに心を込めて手書きの「乗車券」を用意した。そこには両親が乗る列車3本の発車時刻や座席番号、料金などが記され、列車情報の間には乗り換え時間も丸囲みで書かれてあった。息子は両親を駅に送り届けた後も、困ったことがあれば「乗車券」を使って鉄道職員に尋ねるよう何度も念を押したという。鉄道職員がリレーのように手助けをし、夫婦は無事目的地に到着した。(南寧=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年1月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022010104635

  •  「新華社」両親の鉄道の旅を支えた息子の手書き「乗車券」

    中国広西チワン族自治区南寧市の南寧東駅でこのほど、60代の夫婦が1枚のメモを手に駅員に問い合わせをしていた。それは夫婦の息子が用意した手書きの「乗車券」だった。夫婦は湖北省黄石市から南寧市の賓陽県に向かっていたが、実は2人は文字が読めなかった。そこで息子は両親のためにチケットを購入した後、さらに心を込めて手書きの「乗車券」を用意した。そこには両親が乗る列車3本の発車時刻や座席番号、料金などが記され、列車情報の間には乗り換え時間も丸囲みで書かれてあった。息子は両親を駅に送り届けた後も、困ったことがあれば「乗車券」を使って鉄道職員に尋ねるよう何度も念を押したという。鉄道職員がリレーのように手助けをし、夫婦は無事目的地に到着した。(記者/楊馳) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年1月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022010104661

  •  Xinhua Headlines: Tackling inflation: How China is helping mitigate global price spikes
    Xinhua Headlines: Tackling inflation: How China is helping mitigate global price spikes

    (211225) -- BEIJING, Dec. 25, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Railway staff members check a Yuxin‘ou (Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe) China-Europe freight train before it leaves the Tuanjie Village Station of southwest China‘s Chongqing Municipality, March 19, 2021. (Xinhua/Tang Yi)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122702989


    (211214) -- VIENTIANE, Dec. 14, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Lao railway staff prepare to welcome passengers of the China-Laos Railway at Vientiane Railway Station in Vientiane, Laos, Dec. 3, 2021. The China-Laos Railway created more than 110,000 jobs for Lao people during its construction. Since the railway‘s construction was launched, the project has drawn the interest of numerous local young talents who pursued their professional career on the railway, and many of them have grown into railway engineering masters. (Photo by Kaikeo Saiyasane/Xinhua)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021121509446


    (211214) -- VIENTIANE, Dec. 14, 2021 (Xinhua) -- A Lao railway staff member welcomes passengers to board Lane Xang electric multiple unit (EMU) train of the China-Laos Railway at Vientiane Railway Station in Vientiane, Laos, Dec. 3, 2021. The China-Laos Railway created more than 110,000 jobs for Lao people during its construction. Since the railway‘s construction was launched, the project has drawn the interest of numerous local young talents who pursued their professional career on the railway, and many of them have grown into railway engineering masters. (Photo by Kaikeo Saiyasane/Xinhua)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021121509608

  •  (3)中国の高速鉄道、「双11」期間中の特別輸送を開始

    1日、宅配便の貨物を高速鉄道車両に積み込む鉄道職員。中国では11日に年間最大規模のネット通販セール「双11(ダブルイレブン)」が開催される。中国鉄路ハルビン局集団は、「双11」に合わせ1日から20日まで高速列車を使った輸送サービスを実施すると発表した。同集団は今年の期間中、高速鉄道で輸送する宅配取扱量を170トンと見込んでいる。(ハルビン=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2021(令和3)年11月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110206412

  •  India: Covid vaccination on Indian railway special health train ‘Arogya‘
    India: Covid vaccination on Indian railway special health train ‘Arogya‘

    July 26, 2021, Kolkata, West Bengal, India: Railway employees wait in a special health train for Covid vaccination in Baruipur Station, West Bengal. (Credit Image: © Sudip Maiti/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Sudip Maiti/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021072700299

  •  India: Covid vaccination on Indian railway special health train ‘Arogya‘
    India: Covid vaccination on Indian railway special health train ‘Arogya‘

    July 26, 2021, Kolkata, West Bengal, India: Rail Employees queue for covid vaccination on a special health train ‘Arogya‘ in Baruipur Station,West Bengal. (Credit Image: © Sudip Maiti/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Sudip Maiti/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021072700413

  •  India: Covid vaccination on Indian railway special health train ‘Arogya‘
    India: Covid vaccination on Indian railway special health train ‘Arogya‘

    July 26, 2021, Kolkata, West Bengal, India: Rail Employees queue for covid vaccination on a special health train ‘Arogya‘ in Baruipur Station,West Bengal. (Credit Image: © Sudip Maiti/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Sudip Maiti/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021072700468

  •  India: Covid vaccination on Indian railway special health train ‘Arogya‘
    India: Covid vaccination on Indian railway special health train ‘Arogya‘

    July 26, 2021, Kolkata, West Bengal, India: Railway employees wait in a special health train for Covid vaccination in Baruipur, West Bengal. (Credit Image: © Sudip Maiti/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Sudip Maiti/Pacific Press via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021072700463


    (210711) -- YINCHUAN, July 11, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Railway staff members work at the Zhongwei section of the Zhongwei-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, in northwest China‘s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, July 10, 2021. A major high-speed railway in northwest China has entered a key phase recently, where the construction of overhead contact system has been rolled out. The railway, linking Zhongwei and Lanzhou, capital of neighboring Gansu Province, is scheduled to measure 218.5 kilometers with a maximum speed of 250 km per hour. The line, which is expected to open in 2022, will connect with another high-speed rail line linking Zhongwei with Yinchuan, capital of the region. Travel time between Lanzhou and Yinchuan will be shortened from the current 8.5 hours to just 2.5 hours. (Xinhua/Yang Zhisen)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021071305810


    (210711) -- YINCHUAN, July 11, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Aerial photo taken on July 10, 2021 shows railway staff members working at the Zhongwei section of the Zhongwei-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, in northwest China‘s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. A major high-speed railway in northwest China has entered a key phase recently, where the construction of overhead contact system has been rolled out. The railway, linking Zhongwei and Lanzhou, capital of neighboring Gansu Province, is scheduled to measure 218.5 kilometers with a maximum speed of 250 km per hour. The line, which is expected to open in 2022, will connect with another high-speed rail line linking Zhongwei with Yinchuan, capital of the region. Travel time between Lanzhou and Yinchuan will be shortened from the current 8.5 hours to just 2.5 hours. (Xinhua/Yang Zhisen)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021071305812


    (210711) -- YINCHUAN, July 11, 2021 (Xinhua) -- A railway staff member works on the overhead contact system at the Zhongwei section of the Zhongwei-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, in northwest China‘s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, July 10, 2021. A major high-speed railway in northwest China has entered a key phase recently, where the construction of overhead contact system has been rolled out. The railway, linking Zhongwei and Lanzhou, capital of neighboring Gansu Province, is scheduled to measure 218.5 kilometers with a maximum speed of 250 km per hour. The line, which is expected to open in 2022, will connect with another high-speed rail line linking Zhongwei with Yinchuan, capital of the region. Travel time between Lanzhou and Yinchuan will be shortened from the current 8.5 hours to just 2.5 hours. (Xinhua/Yang Zhisen)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021071305911


    (210711) -- YINCHUAN, July 11, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Railway staff members work at the Zhongwei section of the Zhongwei-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, in northwest China‘s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, July 10, 2021. A major high-speed railway in northwest China has entered a key phase recently, where the construction of overhead contact system has been rolled out. The railway, linking Zhongwei and Lanzhou, capital of neighboring Gansu Province, is scheduled to measure 218.5 kilometers with a maximum speed of 250 km per hour. The line, which is expected to open in 2022, will connect with another high-speed rail line linking Zhongwei with Yinchuan, capital of the region. Travel time between Lanzhou and Yinchuan will be shortened from the current 8.5 hours to just 2.5 hours. (Xinhua/Wang Peng)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021071305955


    (210711) -- YINCHUAN, July 11, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Railway staff members work at the Zhongwei section of the Zhongwei-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, in northwest China‘s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, July 10, 2021. A major high-speed railway in northwest China has entered a key phase recently, where the construction of overhead contact system has been rolled out. The railway, linking Zhongwei and Lanzhou, capital of neighboring Gansu Province, is scheduled to measure 218.5 kilometers with a maximum speed of 250 km per hour. The line, which is expected to open in 2022, will connect with another high-speed rail line linking Zhongwei with Yinchuan, capital of the region. Travel time between Lanzhou and Yinchuan will be shortened from the current 8.5 hours to just 2.5 hours. (Xinhua/Wang Peng)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021071305989


    (210711) -- YINCHUAN, July 11, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Railway staff members work at the Zhongwei section of the Zhongwei-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, in northwest China‘s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, July 10, 2021. A major high-speed railway in northwest China has entered a key phase recently, where the construction of overhead contact system has been rolled out. The railway, linking Zhongwei and Lanzhou, capital of neighboring Gansu Province, is scheduled to measure 218.5 kilometers with a maximum speed of 250 km per hour. The line, which is expected to open in 2022, will connect with another high-speed rail line linking Zhongwei with Yinchuan, capital of the region. Travel time between Lanzhou and Yinchuan will be shortened from the current 8.5 hours to just 2.5 hours. (Xinhua/Yang Zhisen)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021071305978


    (210711) -- YINCHUAN, July 11, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Railway staff members work at the Zhongwei section of the Zhongwei-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, in northwest China‘s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, July 10, 2021. A major high-speed railway in northwest China has entered a key phase recently, where the construction of overhead contact system has been rolled out. The railway, linking Zhongwei and Lanzhou, capital of neighboring Gansu Province, is scheduled to measure 218.5 kilometers with a maximum speed of 250 km per hour. The line, which is expected to open in 2022, will connect with another high-speed rail line linking Zhongwei with Yinchuan, capital of the region. Travel time between Lanzhou and Yinchuan will be shortened from the current 8.5 hours to just 2.5 hours. (Xinhua/Yang Zhisen)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021071305732


    (210711) -- YINCHUAN, July 11, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Aerial photo taken on July 10, 2021 shows railway staff members working at the Zhongwei section of the Zhongwei-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, in northwest China‘s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. A major high-speed railway in northwest China has entered a key phase recently, where the construction of overhead contact system has been rolled out. The railway, linking Zhongwei and Lanzhou, capital of neighboring Gansu Province, is scheduled to measure 218.5 kilometers with a maximum speed of 250 km per hour. The line, which is expected to open in 2022, will connect with another high-speed rail line linking Zhongwei with Yinchuan, capital of the region. Travel time between Lanzhou and Yinchuan will be shortened from the current 8.5 hours to just 2.5 hours. (Xinhua/Yang Zhisen)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021071305750


    (210711) -- YINCHUAN, July 11, 2021 (Xinhua) -- Railway staff members work at the Zhongwei section of the Zhongwei-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, in northwest China‘s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, July 10, 2021. A major high-speed railway in northwest China has entered a key phase recently, where the construction of overhead contact system has been rolled out. The railway, linking Zhongwei and Lanzhou, capital of neighboring Gansu Province, is scheduled to measure 218.5 kilometers with a maximum speed of 250 km per hour. The line, which is expected to open in 2022, will connect with another high-speed rail line linking Zhongwei with Yinchuan, capital of the region. Travel time between Lanzhou and Yinchuan will be shortened from the current 8.5 hours to just 2.5 hours. (Xinhua/Yang Zhisen)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021071305987

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