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  • 新しい順
  •  「新華社」天津港、1週間に3隻のクルーズ船寄港インバウンド観光の回復加速

    中国天津市の天津国際クルーズ母港に13日、モナコに本社を置くクルーズ会社シルバーシー・クルーズが運航するバハマ船籍の客船「シルバーシャドー」が到着した。中国北方地域最大のクルーズ母港である同港はここ1週間の間に、米ロイヤル・カリビアン・インターナショナルが運航するバハマ船籍の「セレナーデ・オブ・ザ・シーズ」、米シーボーン・クルーズ・ラインが運航するバハマ船籍の「シーボーン・オデッセイ」、そして今回の「シルバーシャドー」と、世界の高級クルーズ船3隻を相次いで迎え入れた。「シルバーシャドー」が天津を訪れるのは今年初で、通算では17回目の寄港になる。今回は同港に2日間停泊し、21カ国・地域からの乗客200人余りが主に北京と天津を観光した。中国を訪れる外国人観光客の数は今年着実に増え、インバウンド観光市場の回復を加速している。クルーズ船に乗り、天津から入国して中国旅行をスタートさせる海外の観光客がますます増えており、天津のクルーズ口岸(通関地)では今年に入ってからクルーズ船8隻の寄港を受け入れ、外国人旅客9千人近くの出入境手続きを行なった。(記者/李帥) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年4月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041607746

  •  (10)上海に外国客船の寄港相次ぐ、インバウンド市場が着実に回復

    6日、クルーズ船の乗客にスマートフォンを使った決済方法を説明する金融機関の担当者。中国上海市のフェリーターミナルはクルーズ船の入港が相次いでおり、インバウンド市場が着実に回復している。上海呉淞口国際クルーズ港では6日、ドイツやオーストリア、スイスなどの乗客2500人余りを乗せた「メインシフ5」が寄港した。乗客は2日間のスケジュールで陸家嘴や外灘、豫園、上海博物館、衡山路-復興路歴史文化区、朱家角古鎮などを訪れた。翌7日には、乗客300人余りを乗せた「シルバー・シャドー」が市内の港に到着した。上海市文化・観光局によると、23年に同市を訪れたインバウンド観光客は前年比約5・8倍の延べ364万4600人に上った。(上海=新華社記者/陳愛平)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年4月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040905900

  •  (2)ピースボートの「パシフィック・ワールド号」が深圳初入港

    23日、深圳市の蛇口クルーズ船母港に入港したパシフィック・ワールド号。世界一周クルーズ船、ピースボートの「パシフィック・ワールド号」が23日、中国広東省深圳市の蛇口クルーズ船母港に初入港した。新型コロナウイルスの影響で中止されていた中国の国際クルーズ船事業が2023年9月に全面再開されて以降、深圳に入港した最初の外国籍国際クルーズ船となった。(深圳=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032608178

  •  (1)ピースボートの「パシフィック・ワールド号」が深圳初入港

    23日、深圳市の蛇口クルーズ船母港に入港したパシフィック・ワールド号。世界一周クルーズ船、ピースボートの「パシフィック・ワールド号」が23日、中国広東省深圳市の蛇口クルーズ船母港に初入港した。新型コロナウイルスの影響で中止されていた中国の国際クルーズ船事業が2023年9月に全面再開されて以降、深圳に入港した最初の外国籍国際クルーズ船となった。(深圳=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032608177

  •  (4)クルーズ船「ザイデルダム」が天津に初寄港乗客1100人超

    11日、天津国際クルーズ母港に停泊する「ザイデルダム」。(小型無人機から)中国天津市の天津国際クルーズ母港に11日、米クルーズ会社ホーランドアメリカライン(HAL)が運航するオランダ船籍の客船「ザイデルダム」が到着した。(天津=新華社記者/宋瑞)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031213104

  •  (2)クルーズ船「ザイデルダム」が天津に初寄港乗客1100人超

    11日、天津国際クルーズ母港に停泊する「ザイデルダム」。(小型無人機から)中国天津市の天津国際クルーズ母港に11日、米クルーズ会社ホーランドアメリカライン(HAL)が運航するオランダ船籍の客船「ザイデルダム」が到着した。(天津=新華社記者/宋瑞)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031213042

  •  (6)クルーズ船「ザイデルダム」が天津に初寄港乗客1100人超

    11日、天津国際クルーズ母港で外国人観光客を迎えた太鼓や獅子舞のパフォーマンス。中国天津市の天津国際クルーズ母港に11日、米クルーズ会社ホーランドアメリカライン(HAL)が運航するオランダ船籍の客船「ザイデルダム」が到着した。(天津=新華社記者/宋瑞)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031213189

  •  (1)クルーズ船「ザイデルダム」が天津に初寄港乗客1100人超

    11日、天津国際クルーズ母港に停泊する「ザイデルダム」。(小型無人機から)中国天津市の天津国際クルーズ母港に11日、米クルーズ会社ホーランドアメリカライン(HAL)が運航するオランダ船籍の客船「ザイデルダム」が到着した。(天津=新華社記者/宋瑞)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031213037

  •  (7)クルーズ船「ザイデルダム」が天津に初寄港乗客1100人超

    11日、天津国際クルーズ母港に停泊する「ザイデルダム」。(小型無人機から)中国天津市の天津国際クルーズ母港に11日、米クルーズ会社ホーランドアメリカライン(HAL)が運航するオランダ船籍の客船「ザイデルダム」が到着した。(天津=新華社記者/宋瑞)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031213106

  •  (3)クルーズ船「ザイデルダム」が天津に初寄港乗客1100人超

    11日、天津国際クルーズ母港で外国人観光客を迎えた太鼓や獅子舞のパフォーマンス。中国天津市の天津国際クルーズ母港に11日、米クルーズ会社ホーランドアメリカライン(HAL)が運航するオランダ船籍の客船「ザイデルダム」が到着した。(天津=新華社記者/宋瑞)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031213190

  •  「新華社」クルーズ船「ザイデルダム」が天津に初寄港乗客1100人超

    中国天津市の天津国際クルーズ母港に11日、米クルーズ会社ホーランドアメリカライン(HAL)が運航するオランダ船籍の客船「ザイデルダム」が到着した。中国3カ所目の寄港地で、同船が天津市に寄港するのは初めて。ザイデルダムは総トン数8万2千トン、全長285メートル、幅32メートル。今回は米国、カナダ、英国、オランダなど30カ国・地域の乗客1100人余りが乗船している。乗客のほとんどは事前のツアー予約または自由旅行で北京・天津の観光を予約している。一部の乗客は西安市への観光を計画している。同船は12日に中国香港に向けて出港する。中国のクルーズ産業は徐々に回復しており、今年はさらに多くのクルーズ船が天津に寄港する。同市の東疆辺防検査站(出入境検査所)によると、天津国際クルーズ母港では今年すでに延べ7万人が出入境審査を受けており、国際クルーズ船の入港数は通年で120隻余りに上る見通しだという。(記者/李帥) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031213170

  •  (2)中国のクルーズ市場が回復春節の需要旺盛

    14日、天津市にある東疆辺防検査站(出入国検査所)で、クルーズ船「メディテラニア」で到着した乗客の入国手続きをする職員。中国では今年の春節(旧正月)、国際クルーズ船の運航が全面的に再開されて初めての春節となったことから、クルーズ旅行の需要が一気に高まり、旺盛な消費の活力を見せた。天津国際クルーズ母港には春節連休5日目となる14日、中国のクルーズ会社、愛達郵輪(アドラクルーズ)傘下のクルーズ船「メディテラニア」が帰港した。乗客1600人を乗せ、日本の福岡や韓国の済州島などに立ち寄った同船は、その日のうちに新たな旅へと出発した。主要クルーズ会社は2023年から順次運航を再開している。世界クルーズ大手、ロイヤル・カリビアン・インターナショナルのクルーズ船「スペクトラム・オブ・ザ・シーズ」は今年4月27日、上海を母港とした運航を開始する。同社のグローバルシニアバイスプレジデントでアジア地区代表の劉淄楠(りゅう・しなん)氏は「販売開始3日間の消費者の反応はすさまじく、初日の予約数は過去最高水準の2倍となった」と語る。すでに25年1月出航便の予約を始める消費者もいるという。(天津=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024022705330

  •  (3)中国のクルーズ市場が回復春節の需要旺盛

    ロイヤル・カリビアン・インターナショナルのクルーズ船「スペクトラム・オブ・ザ・シーズ」の外観。(資料写真)中国では今年の春節(旧正月)、国際クルーズ船の運航が全面的に再開されて初めての春節となったことから、クルーズ旅行の需要が一気に高まり、旺盛な消費の活力を見せた。天津国際クルーズ母港には春節連休5日目となる14日、中国のクルーズ会社、愛達郵輪(アドラクルーズ)傘下のクルーズ船「メディテラニア」が帰港した。乗客1600人を乗せ、日本の福岡や韓国の済州島などに立ち寄った同船は、その日のうちに新たな旅へと出発した。主要クルーズ会社は2023年から順次運航を再開している。世界クルーズ大手、ロイヤル・カリビアン・インターナショナルのクルーズ船「スペクトラム・オブ・ザ・シーズ」は今年4月27日、上海を母港とした運航を開始する。同社のグローバルシニアバイスプレジデントでアジア地区代表の劉淄楠(りゅう・しなん)氏は「販売開始3日間の消費者の反応はすさまじく、初日の予約数は過去最高水準の2倍となった」と語る。すでに25年1月出航便の予約を始める消費者もいるという。(天津=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024022705363

  •  (4)中国のクルーズ市場が回復春節の需要旺盛

    ロイヤル・カリビアン・インターナショナルのクルーズ船「スペクトラム・オブ・ザ・シーズ」のメインダイニング。(資料写真)中国では今年の春節(旧正月)、国際クルーズ船の運航が全面的に再開されて初めての春節となったことから、クルーズ旅行の需要が一気に高まり、旺盛な消費の活力を見せた。天津国際クルーズ母港には春節連休5日目となる14日、中国のクルーズ会社、愛達郵輪(アドラクルーズ)傘下のクルーズ船「メディテラニア」が帰港した。乗客1600人を乗せ、日本の福岡や韓国の済州島などに立ち寄った同船は、その日のうちに新たな旅へと出発した。主要クルーズ会社は2023年から順次運航を再開している。世界クルーズ大手、ロイヤル・カリビアン・インターナショナルのクルーズ船「スペクトラム・オブ・ザ・シーズ」は今年4月27日、上海を母港とした運航を開始する。同社のグローバルシニアバイスプレジデントでアジア地区代表の劉淄楠(りゅう・しなん)氏は「販売開始3日間の消費者の反応はすさまじく、初日の予約数は過去最高水準の2倍となった」と語る。すでに25年1月出航便の予約を始める消費者もいるという。(天津=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024022705350

  •  (5)中国のクルーズ市場が回復春節の需要旺盛

    14日、天津国際クルーズ母港に停泊するクルーズ船「メディテラニア」。(小型無人機から)中国では今年の春節(旧正月)、国際クルーズ船の運航が全面的に再開されて初めての春節となったことから、クルーズ旅行の需要が一気に高まり、旺盛な消費の活力を見せた。天津国際クルーズ母港には春節連休5日目となる14日、中国のクルーズ会社、愛達郵輪(アドラクルーズ)傘下のクルーズ船「メディテラニア」が帰港した。乗客1600人を乗せ、日本の福岡や韓国の済州島などに立ち寄った同船は、その日のうちに新たな旅へと出発した。主要クルーズ会社は2023年から順次運航を再開している。世界クルーズ大手、ロイヤル・カリビアン・インターナショナルのクルーズ船「スペクトラム・オブ・ザ・シーズ」は今年4月27日、上海を母港とした運航を開始する。同社のグローバルシニアバイスプレジデントでアジア地区代表の劉淄楠(りゅう・しなん)氏は「販売開始3日間の消費者の反応はすさまじく、初日の予約数は過去最高水準の2倍となった」と語る。すでに25年1月出航便の予約を始める消費者もいるという。(天津=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024022705349

  •  Social media CEOs at Senate Judiciary Committee hearing
    Social media CEOs at Senate Judiciary Committee hearing

    Shou Chew, CEO of TikTok, answers a question from Sen. Ted Cruz during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the crisis of online child sexual abuse and exploitation in Washington, DC, January 31, 2024. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports a 97.5% increase in online enticement from 2019 to 2020. (Photo by Allison Bailey/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Allison Bailey/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020103934

  •  Social media CEOs at Senate Judiciary Committee hearing
    Social media CEOs at Senate Judiciary Committee hearing

    Shou Chew, CEO of TikTok, answers a question from Sen. Ted Cruz during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the crisis of online child sexual abuse and exploitation in Washington, DC, January 31, 2024. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports a 97.5% increase in online enticement from 2019 to 2020. (Photo by Allison Bailey/NurPhoto)、クレジット:Allison Bailey/NurPhoto/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020107716

  •  Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington
    Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington

    Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun arrives at the office of United States Senator Ted Cruz (Republican of Texas) in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, Thursday, January 25, 2024. Photo by Rod Lamkey/CNP/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lamkey Rod/CNP/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012601318

  •  Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington
    Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington

    Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun arrives at the office of United States Senator Ted Cruz (Republican of Texas) in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, Thursday, January 25, 2024. Photo by Rod Lamkey/CNP/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lamkey Rod/CNP/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012601316

  •  Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington
    Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington

    Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun arrives at the office of United States Senator Ted Cruz (Republican of Texas) in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, Thursday, January 25, 2024. Photo by Rod Lamkey/CNP/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lamkey Rod/CNP/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012601319

  •  Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington
    Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington

    Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun arrives at the office of United States Senator Ted Cruz (Republican of Texas) in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, Thursday, January 25, 2024. Photo by Rod Lamkey/CNP/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lamkey Rod/CNP/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012601320

  •  Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington
    Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington

    Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun arrives at the office of United States Senator Ted Cruz (Republican of Texas) in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, Thursday, January 25, 2024. Photo by Rod Lamkey/CNP/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lamkey Rod/CNP/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012601312

  •  Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington
    Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington

    Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun arrives at the office of United States Senator Ted Cruz (Republican of Texas) in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, Thursday, January 25, 2024. Photo by Rod Lamkey/CNP/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lamkey Rod/CNP/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012601311

  •  Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington
    Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington

    Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun arrives at the office of United States Senator Ted Cruz (Republican of Texas) in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, Thursday, January 25, 2024. Photo by Rod Lamkey/CNP/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lamkey Rod/CNP/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012601315

  •  Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington
    Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington

    Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun arrives at the office of United States Senator Ted Cruz (Republican of Texas) in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, Thursday, January 25, 2024. Photo by Rod Lamkey/CNP/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lamkey Rod/CNP/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012601284

  •  Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington
    Boeing CEO Meets US Senators - Washington

    Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun arrives at the office of United States Senator Ted Cruz (Republican of Texas) in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, Thursday, January 25, 2024. Photo by Rod Lamkey/CNP/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lamkey Rod/CNP/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012601317

  •  (3)中国初の国産大型クルーズ船に貨物を搬入上海税関が監督

    21日、「愛達・魔都号」へ搬入する物資を検査する上海税関の職員。中国上海税関はこのほど、中国初の国産大型クルーズ船「愛達・魔都号(アドラ・マジックシティー)」の初就航を前に、船内で販売される宝飾品や腕時計、アパレルなど総額5500万元(1元=約20円)相当の商品が同税関管轄下の宝山税関の監督下で、同号に積み込まれたと明らかにした。船上ショップでは商品10万点近くを用意しておく必要があり、毎月約3万点が補充されるという。今回搬入した商品はコンテナ9箱分で、世界でまとめて調達した上で上海浦東外高橋港区を経由して保税区に保管された。必要な物資の通関に遅れが出ないよう、税関は予約を受けて24時間体制の通関サービスを実施している。(上海=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023123109335

  •  (2)中国初の国産大型クルーズ船に貨物を搬入上海税関が監督

    20日、「愛達・魔都号」初就航で必要な物資に対するスピード通関を実施する税関職員。中国上海税関はこのほど、中国初の国産大型クルーズ船「愛達・魔都号(アドラ・マジックシティー)」の初就航を前に、船内で販売される宝飾品や腕時計、アパレルなど総額5500万元(1元=約20円)相当の商品が同税関管轄下の宝山税関の監督下で、同号に積み込まれたと明らかにした。船上ショップでは商品10万点近くを用意しておく必要があり、毎月約3万点が補充されるという。今回搬入した商品はコンテナ9箱分で、世界でまとめて調達した上で上海浦東外高橋港区を経由して保税区に保管された。必要な物資の通関に遅れが出ないよう、税関は予約を受けて24時間体制の通関サービスを実施している。(上海=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023123109337

  •  (1)中国初の国産大型クルーズ船に貨物を搬入上海税関が監督

    15日、間もなく初就航を迎える「愛達・魔都号」。中国上海税関はこのほど、中国初の国産大型クルーズ船「愛達・魔都号(アドラ・マジックシティー)」の初就航を前に、船内で販売される宝飾品や腕時計、アパレルなど総額5500万元(1元=約20円)相当の商品が同税関管轄下の宝山税関の監督下で、同号に積み込まれたと明らかにした。船上ショップでは商品10万点近くを用意しておく必要があり、毎月約3万点が補充されるという。今回搬入した商品はコンテナ9箱分で、世界でまとめて調達した上で上海浦東外高橋港区を経由して保税区に保管された。必要な物資の通関に遅れが出ないよう、税関は予約を受けて24時間体制の通関サービスを実施している。(上海=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023123109334

  •  Photo illustration in China.
    Photo illustration in China.

    November 3, 2023, China: In this photo illustration, the cruise line company Silversea logo seen displayed on a smartphone with an Artificial intelligence (AI) chip and symbol in the background. (Credit Image: © Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120500453

  •  Photo illustration in China.
    Photo illustration in China.

    November 3, 2023, China: In this photo illustration, the cruise line company Seabourn logo seen displayed on a smartphone with an Artificial intelligence (AI) chip and symbol in the background. (Credit Image: © Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120501310

  •  Photo illustration in China.
    Photo illustration in China.

    November 3, 2023, China: In this photo illustration, the cruise line company Regent Seven Seas Cruises logo seen displayed on a smartphone with an Artificial intelligence (AI) chip and symbol in the background. (Credit Image: © Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120501424

  •  Photo illustration in China - 3 Nov 2023
    Photo illustration in China - 3 Nov 2023

    November 3, 2023, Hong Kong, China: In this photo illustration, the cruise line company Princess Cruises logo seen displayed on a smartphone with an Artificial intelligence (AI) chip and symbol in the background. (Credit Image: © Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120800882

  •  Photo illustration in China - 3 Nov 2023
    Photo illustration in China - 3 Nov 2023

    November 3, 2023, Hong Kong, China: In this photo illustration, the cruise line company Cunard logo seen displayed on a smartphone with an Artificial intelligence (AI) chip and symbol in the background. (Credit Image: © Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120800869

  •  Logos displayed on smartphones in China - 03 Nov 2023
    Logos displayed on smartphones in China - 03 Nov 2023

    November 3, 2023, China: In this photo illustration, the cruise line company Crystal Cruises logo seen displayed on a smartphone with an Artificial intelligence (AI) chip and symbol in the background. (Credit Image: © Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120902725

  •  Logos displayed on smartphones in China - 03 Nov 2023
    Logos displayed on smartphones in China - 03 Nov 2023

    November 3, 2023, China: In this photo illustration, the cruise line company Carnival Corporation & Plc (NYSE: CCL) logo seen displayed on a smartphone with an Artificial intelligence (AI) chip and symbol in the background. (Credit Image: © Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120902631

  •  Logos displayed on smartphones in China - 03 Nov 2023
    Logos displayed on smartphones in China - 03 Nov 2023

    November 3, 2023, China: In this photo illustration, the cruise line company Costa logo seen displayed on a smartphone with an Artificial intelligence (AI) chip and symbol in the background. (Credit Image: © Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120902756

  •  Logos displayed on smartphones in China - 03 Nov 2023
    Logos displayed on smartphones in China - 03 Nov 2023

    November 3, 2023, China: In this photo illustration, the cruise line company Oceania Cruises logo seen displayed on a smartphone with an Artificial intelligence (AI) chip and symbol in the background. (Credit Image: © Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120902789

  •  Logos displayed on smartphones in China - 03 Nov 2023
    Logos displayed on smartphones in China - 03 Nov 2023

    November 3, 2023, China: In this photo illustration, the cruise line company Holland America Line logo seen displayed on a smartphone with an Artificial intelligence (AI) chip and symbol in the background. (Credit Image: © Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120902818

  • 記者会見のホンダ社長ら ホンダ26年に無人タクシー
    記者会見のホンダ社長ら ホンダ26年に無人タクシー


    商品コード: 2023101906738

  •  「新華社」天津港、まもなく国際クルーズ船の運航再開ふ頭に2隻の客船

    中国天津市の天津国際クルーズターミナルで22日、バハマ船籍のクルーズ客船「メディテラネア」がシンガポールから到着し、既に接岸しているリベリア船籍の「ドリーム」と並んだ。メディテラネアは3年ぶりに天津で入国した国際クルーズ船で、天津港に2隻のクルーズ船が並ぶのも3年ぶりとなった。ドリームは現在、出航の準備が着々と進められている。ドイツのクルーズ会社「アイーダ・クルーズ」は、メディテラネアが30日に天津港を母港とする国際クルーズ航路に就航すると既に発表している。(記者/李帥) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092706886

  •  (2)海南省三亜市、国際クルーズ船の運航再開

    25日、三亜港に入港するクルーズ船「リゾート・ワールドワン」。中国海南省三亜市で、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で中止されていた国際クルーズ船の運航が再開された。25日には、再開後最初のクルーズ船となる「リゾート・ワールドワン」が香港特別行政区から乗客1800人余りを乗せて国際クルーズターミナルに到着した。同ターミナルは今後、三亜-香港間のクルーズ船を隔週の月・木曜に運航する。(三亜=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092608276

  •  (3)海南省三亜市、国際クルーズ船の運航再開

    25日、三亜港に停泊中のクルーズ船「リゾート・ワールドワン」。中国海南省三亜市で、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で中止されていた国際クルーズ船の運航が再開された。25日には、再開後最初のクルーズ船となる「リゾート・ワールドワン」が香港特別行政区から乗客1800人余りを乗せて国際クルーズターミナルに到着した。同ターミナルは今後、三亜-香港間のクルーズ船を隔週の月・木曜に運航する。(三亜=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092608277

  •  (1)海南省三亜市、国際クルーズ船の運航再開

    25日、三亜港に入港するクルーズ船「リゾート・ワールドワン」。中国海南省三亜市で、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で中止されていた国際クルーズ船の運航が再開された。25日には、再開後最初のクルーズ船となる「リゾート・ワールドワン」が香港特別行政区から乗客1800人余りを乗せて国際クルーズターミナルに到着した。同ターミナルは今後、三亜-香港間のクルーズ船を隔週の月・木曜に運航する。(三亜=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092608279

  •  (4)海南省三亜市、国際クルーズ船の運航再開

    25日、三亜港に停泊中のクルーズ船「リゾート・ワールドワン」。中国海南省三亜市で、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で中止されていた国際クルーズ船の運航が再開された。25日には、再開後最初のクルーズ船となる「リゾート・ワールドワン」が香港特別行政区から乗客1800人余りを乗せて国際クルーズターミナルに到着した。同ターミナルは今後、三亜-香港間のクルーズ船を隔週の月・木曜に運航する。(三亜=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092608281

  •  Princess Alexia of the Netherlands launches the dredger Vox Alexia and christened in Rotterdam - 09 Sept 2023
    Princess Alexia of the Netherlands launches the dredger Vox Alexia and christened in Rotterdam - 09 Sept 2023

    September 9, 2023, Rotterdam, Netherlands: Princess Alexia of the Netherlands, on her first public engagement is with Peter van Oord, CEO of Van Oord. The dredger âVox Alexiaâ is named after Her Royal Highness Princess Alexia of the Netherlands, the middle daughter of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima. After the christening, the Princess was given a tour of the ship and spoke with crew members and employees of the Young Van Oord association. The Vox Alexia is a trailing suction hopper dredger. This is a type of dredger that can, for example, suck up sand, clay, silt and even gravel from a sea or waterway. The ship is run on liquefied natural gas (LNG), this has a significantly lower CO2 footprint than conventional trailing suction hopper dredgers and are in line with Van Oord‘s strategy to make the fleet more economical and sustainable...、クレジット:©Charles M Vella/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023091103281

  •  Princess Alexia of the Netherlands launches the dredger Vox Alexia and christened in Rotterdam - 09 Sept 2023
    Princess Alexia of the Netherlands launches the dredger Vox Alexia and christened in Rotterdam - 09 Sept 2023

    September 9, 2023, Rotterdam, Netherlands: Princess Alexia of the Netherlands, on her first public engagement is with Peter van Oord, CEO of Van Oord. The dredger âVox Alexiaâ is named after Her Royal Highness Princess Alexia of the Netherlands, the middle daughter of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima. After the christening, the Princess was given a tour of the ship and spoke with crew members and employees of the Young Van Oord association. The Vox Alexia is a trailing suction hopper dredger. This is a type of dredger that can, for example, suck up sand, clay, silt and even gravel from a sea or waterway. The ship is run on liquefied natural gas (LNG), this has a significantly lower CO2 footprint than conventional trailing suction hopper dredgers and are in line with Van Oord‘s strategy to make the fleet more economical and sustainable...、クレジット:©Charles M Vella/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023091103311

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: BEN SULAYEM Mohammed (uae), President of the FIA, DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, portrait during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104145

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: National Anthem: DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, VIEGAS Jorge, President of the FIM, portrait, during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104678

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: KRACK Mike (ger), Team Principal and CEO of Aston Martin F1 Team, WACHE Pierre (fra), Technical Director of Red Bull Racing, portrait, during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073110642

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: BEN SULAYEM Mohammed (uae), President of the FIA, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, portrait during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104412

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: BEN SULAYEM Mohammed (uae), President of the FIA, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, Jorge Viegas, President of the FIM, DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, VASSEUR Frederic (fra), Team Principal & General Manager of the Scuderia Ferrari, portrait, starting grid, grille de depart, during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Paul Vaicle/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Paul Vaicle/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Paul Vaicle/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104765

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: National Anthem: DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, VIEGAS Jorge, President of the FIM, portrait, during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104398

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: BEN SULAYEM Mohammed (uae), President of the FIA, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, Jorge Viegas, President of the FIM, DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, VASSEUR Frederic (fra), Team Principal & General Manager of the Scuderia Ferrari, portrait, starting grid, grille de depart, during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Paul Vaicle/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Paul Vaicle/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Paul Vaicle/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104858

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: BEN SULAYEM Mohammed (uae), President of the FIA, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, portrait, starting grid, grille de depart, during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Paul Vaicle/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Paul Vaicle/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Paul Vaicle/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104957

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: National Anthem: DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, VIEGAS Jorge, President of the FIM, portrait, during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104673

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: National Anthem: DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, VIEGAS Jorge, President of the FIM, portrait, during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104421

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: BEN SULAYEM Mohammed (uae), President of the FIA, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, portrait during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104386

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, HORNER Christian (gbr), Team Principal of Red Bull Racing, portrait during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104789

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: BROWN Zak (usa), CEO of of McLaren Racing, portrait during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073111270

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: BEN SULAYEM Mohammed (uae), President of the FIA, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, portrait during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104361

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: KRACK Mike (ger), Team Principal and CEO of Aston Martin F1 Team, WACHE Pierre (fra), Technical Director of Red Bull Racing, portrait, during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104743

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: BEN SULAYEM Mohammed (uae), President of the FIA, DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, portrait during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104322

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: National Anthem: DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, VIEGAS Jorge, President of the FIM, portrait, during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Florent Gooden/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Florent Gooden/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Florent Gooden/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104536

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023 - RACE, , Belgium

    July 30, 2023, Belgium: BEN SULAYEM Mohammed (uae), President of the FIA, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, DOMENICALI Stefano (ita), Chairman and CEO Formula One Group FOG, portrait starting grid, grille de depart, during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Paul Vaicle/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Paul Vaicle/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Paul Vaicle/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023073104801

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023, , Belgium

    July 28, 2023, Belgium: KRACK Mike (ger), Team Principal and CEO of Aston Martin F1 Team, portrait, press conference during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Paul Viacle/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Paul Viacle/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Paul Viacle/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023072901392

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023, , Belgium

    July 28, 2023, Belgium: FAMIN Bruno (fra), Vice President of Alpine Motorsports, KRACK Mike (ger), Team Principal and CEO of Aston Martin F1 Team, ALUNNI BRAVI Alessandro (ita), Managing Director of Sauber Group & Team Representative, HORNER Christian (gbr), Team Principal of Red Bull Racing, portrait, press conference during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Paul Viacle/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Paul Viacle/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Paul Viacle/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023072901393

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023, , Belgium

    July 28, 2023, Belgium: KRACK Mike (ger), Team Principal and CEO of Aston Martin F1 Team, ALUNNI BRAVI Alessandro (ita), Managing Director of Sauber Group & Team Representative, portrait, press conference during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Paul Viacle/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Paul Viacle/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Paul Viacle/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023072901389

  •  Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023, , Belgium
    Formula 1 Championship - F1 - BELGIAN GRAND PRIX 2023, , Belgium

    July 28, 2023, Belgium: KRACK Mike (ger), Team Principal and CEO of Aston Martin F1 Team, portrait, press conference during the 2023 Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix, 12th round of the 2023 Formula One World Championship from July 28 to 30, 2023 on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, in Stavelot, Belgium - Photo Paul Viacle/DPPI. (Credit Image: © Paul Viacle/LPS via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Paul Viacle/Dppi/LPS via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy And Spain Rights Out

    商品コード: 2023072901390

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra pose next to Notre Dame as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105341

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra pose next to Notre Dame as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081911232

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra pose next to Notre Dame as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081911221

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra pose next to Notre Dame as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105339

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra pose next to Notre Dame as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105334

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra pose next to Notre Dame as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081911177

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra pose next to Notre Dame as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081911245

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra pose next to Notre Dame as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105348

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra pose next to Notre Dame as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105351

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra pose next to Notre Dame as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081911225

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra speaks to the press as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081911226

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedra speaks to the press as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105305

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud speaks to the press as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105309

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud speaks to the press as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105293

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud speaks to the press as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105298

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud speaks to the press as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105288

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud speaks to the press as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105289

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud speaks to the press as a boat along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105297

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud ride on a barge as it cruises along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105280

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud ride on a barge as it cruises along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105269

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, waves as he stands next to French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud ride on a barge as it cruises along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105263

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud ride on a barge as it cruises along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105271

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud ride on a barge as it cruises along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105299

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, waves as he stands next to French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud ride on a barge as it cruises along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105264

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud ride on a barge as it cruises along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105257

  •  First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    First truss delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune and Directeur général de Voies navigables de France Thierry Guimbaud ride on a barge as it cruises along the River Seine carrying the timber trusses to be delivered to the cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak. Eight oak trees have also been selected to be used in the reconstruction of the roof cut from the Berce forest in Jupilles, western France. Photo by Raphael Lafargue/ABACAPRESS.COM、クレジット:Lafargue Raphael/ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071105272

  •  Firsts trusses delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris
    Firsts trusses delivered to Notre Dame by a barge cruises along the Seine - Paris

    Handout picture shows Jean-Louis Georgelin, former chief of staff of the armies, CEO of the Public Establishment in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, French Junior Minister for Transports Clement Beaune, Mayor of Paris Centre Ariel Weil, Regional councillor Ile-de-France Delphine Burkli, and the teams of carpenters of the group of the four companies awarded works of reconstruction of the structure of the arrow and the two arms of the transept : Le Bras Freres (representative), Asselin, Cruard Charpente and Mdb Metiers du Bois as the 3 firsts trusses - 15 meters long and 10 meters high - to be delivered to the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral during its restoration following a massive fire 4-years-ago, in Paris on July 11, 2023. Notre-Dame de Paris, which was partially destroyed by fire in 2019, is due to reopen at the end of 2024 with brand-new liturgical furnishings in dark-brown bronze, as well as 1,500 openwork design chairs in solid oak...、クレジット:ABACA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071710863

  •  (2)バイキングクルーズ、中国市場向けの欧州クルーズ事業再開

    1日、オランダの首都アムステルダムに停泊するクルーズ船で歓迎の横断幕にサインする中国人乗客。世界的なクルーズ会社のバイキングクルーズが1日、中国市場向けの欧州リバークルーズ事業を再開した。中国人観光客100人余りが同日、オランダの首都アムステルダムに停泊していたクルーズ船に乗り込み、11日間にわたるライン川クルーズに出発した。マリウス・バレンシア・アンドリエス船長がクルーを率いて中国語で乗船客一人一人を出迎え、記念写真にも応じた。アンドリエス船長は新華社の取材に対し、中国市場へのサービス再開は3年ぶりで中国人観光客により良いサービス、より多彩な商品を提供する準備ができていると述べた。バイキングクルーズ中国のブレンドン・タンゼイ董事総経理は新華社の書面インタビューに応じ、中国の経済見通しと市場潜在力を楽観視しているとし、クルーズ事業の再開は同社の中国市場への投資に対する約束を果たしたと述べた。同社は2016年に中国市場に参入、中国人に特化した欧州リバークルーズ事業を開始した。(アムステルダム=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023060707200

  •  (3)バイキングクルーズ、中国市場向けの欧州クルーズ事業再開

    1日、オランダの首都アムステルダムに停泊するクルーズ船で記念写真を撮影する乗組員と中国人観光客。世界的なクルーズ会社のバイキングクルーズが1日、中国市場向けの欧州リバークルーズ事業を再開した。中国人観光客100人余りが同日、オランダの首都アムステルダムに停泊していたクルーズ船に乗り込み、11日間にわたるライン川クルーズに出発した。マリウス・バレンシア・アンドリエス船長がクルーを率いて中国語で乗船客一人一人を出迎え、記念写真にも応じた。アンドリエス船長は新華社の取材に対し、中国市場へのサービス再開は3年ぶりで中国人観光客により良いサービス、より多彩な商品を提供する準備ができていると述べた。バイキングクルーズ中国のブレンドン・タンゼイ董事総経理は新華社の書面インタビューに応じ、中国の経済見通しと市場潜在力を楽観視しているとし、クルーズ事業の再開は同社の中国市場への投資に対する約束を果たしたと述べた。同社は2016年に中国市場に参入、中国人に特化した欧州リバークルーズ事業を開始した。(アムステルダム=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023060707201

  •  (1)バイキングクルーズ、中国市場向けの欧州クルーズ事業再開

    1日、オランダのアムステルダムでクルーズ船に乗り込む中国人観光客。世界的なクルーズ会社のバイキングクルーズが1日、中国市場向けの欧州リバークルーズ事業を再開した。中国人観光客100人余りが同日、オランダの首都アムステルダムに停泊していたクルーズ船に乗り込み、11日間にわたるライン川クルーズに出発した。マリウス・バレンシア・アンドリエス船長がクルーを率いて中国語で乗船客一人一人を出迎え、記念写真にも応じた。アンドリエス船長は新華社の取材に対し、中国市場へのサービス再開は3年ぶりで中国人観光客により良いサービス、より多彩な商品を提供する準備ができていると述べた。バイキングクルーズ中国のブレンドン・タンゼイ董事総経理は新華社の書面インタビューに応じ、中国の経済見通しと市場潜在力を楽観視しているとし、クルーズ事業の再開は同社の中国市場への投資に対する約束を果たしたと述べた。同社は2016年に中国市場に参入、中国人に特化した欧州リバークルーズ事業を開始した。(アムステルダム=新華社配信)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023060707202

  •  「新華社」バイキングクルーズ、中国市場向けの欧州クルーズ事業再開

    世界的なクルーズ会社のバイキングクルーズが1日、中国市場向けの欧州リバークルーズ事業を再開した。中国からやって来た100人余りの乗客が同日、オランダの首都アムステルダムに停泊していたクルーズ船に乗り込み、11日間にわたるライン川クルーズに出発した。マリウス・バレンシア・アンドリエス船長がクルーを率いて中国の客人を中国語で出迎え、記念写真も撮った。アンドリエス船長は新華社の取材に対し、中国市場へのサービス再開は3年ぶりになるとし、中国人観光客により良いサービス、より多彩な商品を提供する準備ができていると述べた。同社は2016年に中国市場に参入、中国人に特化した欧州リバークルーズ事業を開始した。バイキングクルーズ中国のマネージングディレクター、ブレンドン・タンゼイ氏は新華社の書面インタビューに対し、中国の経済見通しと市場潜在力を楽観視しているとし、中国市場向けの欧州リバークルーズ事業の再開は中国市場への投資に対する同社の確固たるコミットメントを裏付けたと述べた。 =配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023060607922

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