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  •  China-Myanmar media tea party held in Yangon
    China-Myanmar media tea party held in Yangon

    STORY: China-Myanmar media tea party held in YangonSHOOTING TIME: April 8, 2024DATELINE: April 10, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:46LOCATION: YANGON, MyanmarCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the China-Myanmar media tea partySTORYLINE:A China-Myanmar media tea party was held in Yangon on Monday. The event, named “Opportunities and China,“ was attended by Zheng Zhihong, minister counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar, Liu Ming, chairman of China Enterprises Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar (CECCM), representatives from Myanmar‘s Ministry of Information and over 20 media representatives from China and Myanmar.During the event, Zheng emphasized that China remains the main engine of global growth and is committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年4月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024041012329

  •  China, Tanzania commemorate deceased Chinese experts assisting Tanzania
    China, Tanzania commemorate deceased Chinese experts assisting Tanzania

    STORY: China, Tanzania commemorate deceased Chinese experts assisting TanzaniaSHOOTING TIME: April 2, 2024DATELINE: April 3, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:02LOCATION: DAR ES SALAAM, TanzaniaCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the ceremony2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): CHEN MINGJIAN, Chinese Ambassador to Tanzania3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): MAKAME MBARAWA, Tanzanian Minister of TransportSTORYLINE:Staff of the Chinese embassy in Tanzania, representatives of Chinese companies and communities, and Tanzanian government officials on Tuesday honored the Chinese people who died during the construction of the TAZARA railway in the 1970s. More than 100 Chinese engineers, technicians and workers died on duty during the construction of the TAZARA railway...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年4月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040310026

  •  Revisiting Khesum: pioneer of Xizang‘s democratic reform
    Revisiting Khesum: pioneer of Xizang‘s democratic reform

    STORY: Revisiting Khesum: pioneer of Xizang‘s democratic reform SHOOTING TIME: March 26, 2024DATELINE: March 29, 2024LENGTH: 00:03:31LOCATION: LHASA, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. SOUNDBITE 1 (Tibetan): SONAM DONDRUP, Resident of Khesum community in China‘s Xizang2. SOUNDBITE 2 (Tibetan): SONAM DONDRUP, Resident of Khesum community in China‘s Xizang3. SOUNDBITE 3 (Tibetan): SONAM DONDRUP, Resident of Khesum community in China‘s Xizang4. SOUNDBITE 4 (Tibetan): SONAM DONDRUP, Resident of Khesum community in China‘s Xizang5. SOUNDBITE 5 (Tibetan): SONAM DONDRUP, Resident of Khesum community in China‘s Xizang6. various of Khesum community7. SOUNDBITE 6 (Tibetan): GANG TSUK, Party chief of Khesum community in China‘s Xizang8. SOUNDBITE 7 (Chinese): TASHI DELEK, Legal person of a local noodle processing factory9...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032910733

  •  Australia dims lights for Earth Hour to raise awareness of environment protection
    Australia dims lights for Earth Hour to raise awareness of environment protection

    STORY: Australia dims lights for Earth Hour to raise awareness of environment protectionSHOOTING TIME: March 23, 2024DATELINE: March 24, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:08LOCATION: SYDNEY, AustraliaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of Sydney2. various of Australia‘s landmarks turning off the lightsSTORYLINE:Australia‘s landmarks, including the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge, went dark for one hour on Saturday night as part of a global movement to raise awareness about climate change and nature loss. Earth Hour 2023 aims to raise awareness of the importance of trees and nature to wildlife, communities, and people‘s mental and physical well-being. “Switching off the lights is a symbolic gesture...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032409241

  •  「新華社」日本の大学生、中国無形文化遺産の魅力を学ぶ湖南省常徳市

    日本のびわこ学院大学(滋賀県東近江市)の教師と学生からなる研修団10人が9日、中国湖南省常徳市にある常徳開放大学の社区(コミュニティー)教育無形文化遺産体験授業に参加し、中国の茶芸や同市桃源県に伝わる桃源刺しゅうや桃源木彫などの無形文化遺産の魅力を学んだ。中国茶芸の授業では、国家1級茶芸技士で国家高級品茶師の黄愛英(こう・あいえい)氏が、中国茶文化の「行茶十式」(茶のもてなしの10の段取り)を披露し、茶を入れる方法や茶を味わう際の基本的なマナーを丁寧に解説した。無形文化遺産体験授業では、桃源刺しゅうの省級無形文化遺産継承者である羅明華(ら・めいか)氏が、刺しゅうの発展の歴史や特徴を紹介するとともに、刺しゅうの香包(匂い袋)を制作するための基本的な縫い方について説明した。▽びわこ学院大学学生・南月乃さんのメッセージ歓迎を受けて本当に嬉しかったので、機会があればもう一度、いやもう一度と言わず、何度も訪れたいと思いました。謝謝!▽びわこ学院大学教師・林育子さんのメッセージ日本の文化で「おもてなし」というのがありますけれども、日本のおもてなしよりも、中国のおもてなしがとても大陸的、大きくおおらかで、すべてを包み込んでくださるということを体験して、感動しています。(記者/程済安) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031706139

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    中国新疆ウイグル自治区では現在、高齢者人口の増加に伴い、高齢者介護の需要も急増している。同自治区は2024年に、高齢者向け食事提供サービス拠点を1万カ所建設し、特殊困難高齢者1万世帯の自宅のリフォーム工事を行い、郷・鎮(街道)エリア高齢者サービスセンターと社区(コミュニティー)高齢者デイケアセンター100カ所を建設する計画だ。同自治区民政庁によると、同自治区は昨年、統一的に各レベルの財政部門から割り当てた予算3億4600万元(1元=21円)を投じ、57の県(市・区)にコミュニティー高齢者デイケアセンター119カ所を建設した。(記者/丁磊、関俏俏) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031308318

  •  「新華社」三輪車に乗って散髪ボランティア貴州省遵義市

    中国貴州省遵義市紅花崗区に住む60代の古参党員、蔣徳兵(しょう・とくへい)さん。理髪業で生計を立てていたが、2018年に自分の店をたたみ、散髪ボランティアを始めた。自費で購入した三輪車で周辺の社区(コミュニティー)や敬老院(老人ホーム)を巡り、高齢者や病人、体不自由な障害者などに散髪サービスを無料で提供する。自分の技術を生かして人助けできるのはとても光栄なことで、大きな達成感が得られるという。(記者/呉斯洋) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024030805397

  •  South Sudan struggles to clear landmines after decades of war
    South Sudan struggles to clear landmines after decades of war

    STORY: South Sudan struggles to clear landmines after decades of warSHOOTING TIME: March 1, 2024DATELINE: March 3, 2024LENGTH: 00:03:02LOCATION: JubaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of deminers2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): ANITA KOKUI GBEHO, Resident Coordinator in South Sudan, United Nations/Deputy Special Representative for UNMISS3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): ZEHRUDIN SUKANOVIC, Chief, Mine Action, Head of Project Unit/Chief of Operations, UNMAS4. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): MIKE FULA RASHID, Director-General, National Mine Action AuthoritySTORYLINE:The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), an integral part of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), responded swiftly when residents in Amadi in Eastern Equatoria State suspected the presence of explosive remnants of war in their community...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024030313295

  •  Chinese New Year celebrated in various countries
    Chinese New Year celebrated in various countries

    STORY: Chinese New Year celebrated in various countriesSHOOTING TIME: Recent footageDATELINE: Feb. 6, 2024LENGTH: 00:02:53LOCATION: BARCELONA, Spain/Kigali/Valletta/Addis AbabaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of celebrations in Addis Ababa2. various of celebrations in Valletta3. various of celebrations in Kigali4. various of celebrations in BarcelonaSTORYLINE:The 2024 Spring Festival, or the Chinese New Year, falls on Feb. 10, kicking off the Year of the Dragon. Many cultural activities were held to celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year in various places around the world. In Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, a cultural troupe performed a stunning show of Chinese martial arts, opera, and acrobatics to the delight of the audience, including the Chinese community and Ethiopian government officials...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020700068

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    辰(たつ)年の春節(旧正月)が近づき、中国新疆ウイグル自治区のコルラ市永安街道育才社区(コミュニティー)で、竜舞や獅子舞、泥塑(でいそ、泥人形)、剪紙(せんし、切り絵細工)などの民俗イベントが行われた。人々は春節の雰囲気を味わい、伝統的な中国文化の魅力を感じていた。(記者/阿曼) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020608416

  •  Folk art performances held in Beijing‘s community to welcome Spring Festival
    Folk art performances held in Beijing‘s community to welcome Spring Festival

    STORY: Folk art performances held in Beijing‘s community to welcome Spring FestivalSHOOTING TIME: Feb. 1, 2024DATELINE: Feb. 3, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:48LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of folk art performances2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LUO ZIJIE, Local resident3. various of folk art performancesSTORYLINE:A temple fair was held in Beijing‘s Dongcheng District to celebrate the Chinese Xiaonian festival, also known as the Little New Year or the Kitchen God Day, on Thursday.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LUO ZIJIE, Local resident“I saw lion dances, Huaban (a folk art form) performances, and Pingju opera performances. I feel that this event is full of traditional atmospheres. Wish everyone a happy Spring Festival!“This year‘s Xiaonian falls on Feb. 2...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020312204

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    中国新疆ウイグル自治区はここ数年、高齢者向けサービス体系の構築を加速し、高齢者向け事業の成長を促進、高齢者の在宅生活のニーズを満たし、在宅生活を基盤として社区(コミュニティー)が支え、専門施設が補完するサービス体系を築いている。高齢者福祉のインフラ施設の整備は着実に進み、医療や介護が一体となった新たなサービス体系が形成されつつある。(記者/丁磊、関俏俏) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020205462

  •  Chinese New Year celebration held in Uganda
    Chinese New Year celebration held in Uganda

    STORY: Chinese New Year celebration held in UgandaSHOOTING TIME: Jan. 28, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 30, 2024LENGTH: 00:02:32LOCATION: KampalaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the event2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): ZHANG LIZHONG, Chinese Ambassador to Uganda3. various of Ugandan learning to write Chinese character4. various of Ugandan and Chinese painting together5. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): BRUNO RUGANZU, Ugandan painter6. various of people attending the festival7. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): MAGNUS BRUUN RASMUSSEN, Visitor8. various of performances at the festivalSTORYLINE:Thousands of Ugandans and the Chinese community on Sunday thronged Kololo Independence Grounds in the Ugandan capital of Kampala for a “temple fair,“ a traditional cultural event that features Chinese folk art, to celebrate the upcoming Year of the Dragon...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024013009874

  •  Chinese community donates supplies to help Zambia‘s cholera fight
    Chinese community donates supplies to help Zambia‘s cholera fight

    STORY: Chinese community donates supplies to help Zambia‘s cholera fightSHOOTING TIME: Jan. 17, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 18, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:19LOCATION: LusakaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the donation by the China Zambia Association to the DMMU Coordinator2. various of the handover ceremony3. various of Wu Ming, the executive president of the Zambia Chinese Association4. various of the donated items being unloaded from a truck5. various of the DMMU Coordinator Gabriel Pollen6. Cutaway shot of the Handover ceremony7. SOUNDBITE (English): GABRIEL POLLEN, Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit National Coordinator8. various of the handover ceremony of donated materials9...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011809261

  •  「新華社」4千本の竹箸で記憶の中の家を再現福建省仙遊県

    中国福建省莆田(ほでん)市仙遊県の楊秀清(よう・しゅうせい)さんが、竹箸4千本近くをつなぎ合わせ、家族や近所の人々がかつて住んでいた家を再現した模型が話題になっている。楊さんが住んでいた同県の鯉城街道万福社区(コミュニティー)は2018年に政府収用により移転となった。幼少時代に遊んだ家のことをいつも思い出していたという楊さんは、記憶を頼りに模型の制作をスタート。1カ月以上をかけ、50室余りからなる2階建ての家の模型を完成させた。楊さんはこの模型を「七間廂」と命名した。入り口は二つあり、入り組んだ巧みな構造が細かく再現されている。門から軒、広間、廂房(母屋の両側にある建屋)、屋根裏まで全てそろい、当時を知る近所の人たちもこれぞ記憶の中の家だと感嘆している。(記者/郭圻) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011605818

  •  Festive fever grips Abidjan as Africa Cup of Nations kicks off
    Festive fever grips Abidjan as Africa Cup of Nations kicks off

    STORY: Festive fever grips Abidjan as Africa Cup of Nations kicks offSHOOTING TIME: Jan. 12, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 13, 2024LENGTH: 00:03:32LOCATION: ABIDJAN, Cote d‘IvoireCATEGORY: SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. various of Abidjan2. various of exciting citizens3. SOUNDBITE 1 (French): SEVEREIN KOUASSI, Resident4. SOUNDBITE 2 (French): YANN KOUADIO MIEZAN, Resident5. SOUNDBITE 3 (French): SERGES KOUADI, Resident6. SOUNDBITE 4 (French): SARAN KAMAGATE, ResidentSTORYLINE:The 34th Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) kicks off in Abidjan, the economic capital of Cote d‘Ivoire on Saturday.The streets, community playgrounds, and shopping malls are abuzz with excitement, brimming with AFCON elements.High spirits reign as people eagerly await this African sporting feast...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011310404

  •  「新華社」高齢者の食事支援充実へ、サービス拠点増加内モンゴル自治区

    中国内モンゴル自治区はここ数年、高齢者の食事、配食、出前サービスなどのニーズを満たすため、都市部と農村部をカバーした高齢者食事支援サービスネットワークを積極的に構築している。同自治区は2020年から、高齢者向け食堂を含む在宅社区(コミュニティー)介護サービス施設の建設に力を入れている。高齢者向けに食事サービスを提供する施設は増加傾向にあり、都市部の社区では20年末の118カ所から734カ所に、農村・牧畜地区では33カ所から420カ所にそれぞれ増えている。(記者/王雪氷、蔣婧) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010808394

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    中国新疆ウイグル自治区各地の総工会(労働組合)はここ数年、社区(コミュニティー)や市街地で屋外労働者向けの休憩所「工会ステーション」の設置を進めている。イリ・カザフ自治州タルバガタイ地区烏蘇(ウス)市では厳しい寒さの中、業務を終えた配達員や清掃員などがステーションの暖かい室内で休憩している。施設にはソファや椅子、テーブル、給水機、電子レンジなどを備え、飲料水や食事を温めるなどのサービスを提供している。(記者/丁磊、関俏俏) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010507924

  •  Chinese orchestra adds harmonizing culture to Christmas tale in Los Angeles
    Chinese orchestra adds harmonizing culture to Christmas tale in Los Angeles

    STORY: Chinese orchestra adds harmonizing culture to Christmas tale in Los AngelesSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 25, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 28, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:32LOCATION: LOS ANGELES, U.S.CATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the Chinese Musician Association of Southern California playing music STORYLINE:Following the Western tradition of performing Christmas carols at the homes of friends and neighbors, the Chinese Musician Association of Southern California, led by composer/conductor James Chiao, embarked on their holiday mission this year to bring music and good cheer to an American community on Christmas Day.The orchestra performed in Los Angeles‘ famous “Candy Cane Lane,“ a fun and festive holiday destination for whole families to visit each year at Christmas...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122807747

  •  「新華社」老後の生活に彩りを添える高齢者の学び貴州省遵義市

    中国貴州省遵義市新蒲新区の新中街道文化社区(コミュニティー)は2年前、高齢者向けの「文化詩書講座」を設立した。書道と詩の愛好家である謝正剛(しゃ・せいごう)さんはボランティア講師として、地域の高齢者が学び、老後を楽しむ手助けをしている。報酬を顧みることなく努力を続ける謝さんの活気あふれる授業に魅せられ、多くの受講者がともに書道を学んでいる。(記者/劉勤兵) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122608566

  •  Multi-pronged measures taken to tackle strong cold wave in China
    Multi-pronged measures taken to tackle strong cold wave in China

    STORY: Multi-pronged measures taken to tackle strong cold wave in ChinaSHOOTING TIME: recent footageDATELINE: Dec. 20, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:49LOCATION: Beijing/ZHENGZHOU/KAILI/SHENYANG/HENGSHUI/TIANJIN/GUILIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of China in cold wave2. various of Beijing3. various of Zhengzhou, Henan4. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): HAN YAN, Zhengzhou Power Supply Company, State Grid Corporation of China5. various of Kaili, Guizhou6. various of Shenyang, Liaoning7. various of Hengshui, Hebei8. various of Fengyuyuan Community, Tianjin9. Guilin, GuangxiSTORYLINE:As a strong cold wave sweeps across most parts of China, multi-pronged measures have been taken to ensure the normal life of residents.Strengthened efforts have been made to inspect the conditions of power infrastructure and ensure the safe and smooth operations of power grids...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122012183

  •  Int‘l coconut industry forum concludes in south China‘s Hainan
    Int‘l coconut industry forum concludes in south China‘s Hainan

    STORY: Int‘l coconut industry forum concludes in south China‘s HainanSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 13, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 14, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:53LOCATION: HAIKOU, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the forum2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): MRIDULA KOTTEKATE, Assistant director of the International Coconut Community (ICC)3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): DAVID PRAK, Secretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cambodia4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): SUI PENGFEI, Director general of int‘l cooperation department of China‘s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs5. various of coconutsSTORYLINE:The 2023 China (Hainan) International Coconut Industry Forum concluded in the city of Wenchang, south China‘s island province of Hainan, on Thursday, with a focus on the sustainable and healthy development of the global coconut industry...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121412737

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    中国貴州省遵義市余慶県の積善社区(コミュニティー)は県内最大の貧困支援移転居住区で、1361世帯5307人が暮らしている。若者の大多数が出稼ぎに行っているため、家に残った高齢者や女性は近場での就業を望む傾向がある。県は住民のニーズに応え、靴の甲部分を加工する「積善鞋業」を開設。工場が操業を開始してからは貧困脱却者67人を含む100人余りが自宅近くで就業を実現した。(記者/崔暁強) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121406735

  •  「新華社」無形文化遺産の泥哨に新たな息吹貴州省

    中国貴州省黔東南(けんとうなん)ミャオ族トン族自治州黄平県ではここ数年、国家級無形文化遺産の泥哨(でいしょう、土笛)の保護と伝承に力を入れている。泥哨作りの教材制作、泥哨体験館や教育拠点の設立などにより、学校や社区(コミュニティー)、景勝地に泥哨を浸透させ、無形文化遺産新たな息吹を吹き込んでいる。(記者/楊楹) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121113803

  •  Qout Market Food Festival held in Kuwait
    Qout Market Food Festival held in Kuwait

    STORY: Qout Market Food Festival held in KuwaitSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 9, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 10, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:46LOCATION: Kuwait CityCATEGORY: CULTURE/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of people visiting Qout Market Food Festival2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): HANAN AL-MUTAWA, Pie shop owner3. various of people visiting Qout Market Food Festival4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Arabic): HAYAH ALFAS, Customer5. various of people visiting Qout Market Food FestivalSTORYLINE:The Qout Market Food Festival was held Saturday in Capital Governorate, Kuwait, attracting nearly 100 local companies to participate.The event aims to support local micro and small catering businesses and attract, incubate, and highlight the homegrown artisan community.SOUNDBITE 1 (English): HANAN AL-MUTAWA, Pie shop owner“I started this business at home back in 2013. And now we have expanded. We have a shop and a caravan...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121013250

  •  「新華社」河川の生態系保護に尽力貴州省仁懐市

    中国貴州省仁懐市五馬鎮生態環境保護協会の郭小勇(かく・しょうゆう)副会長(56)は日常的に、会員を組織して定期的な河川パトロール・保護活動を行っているほか、赤水河支流の五馬河漁箐溝区間のパトロールを自ら進んで引き受けている。長江上流の重要な支流の赤水河は、雲南省に源を発し、貴州省を経由して四川省で長江に合流する。仁懐市南部を流れる五馬河は、仁懐区間で最大の赤水河支流となっている。五馬河をよりしっかりと保護するため、郭さんは2017年、志を同じくする人たちと同協会を設立した。郭さんによると「現在、協会の会員は500人を超え、環境保護知識の宣伝や河川パトロール・清掃、違法漁業に対する説得や制止などの活動を行っている」という。郭さんは、週2回の自主的な河川パトロールを5年間続けてきた。また、時間を作っては学校や社区(コミュニティー)を訪れ、多彩な環境保護イベントを開いている。郭さんは「将来、私の河川パトロール日誌を絵本や書籍にして、子どもたちに川の四季の変化を見てもらいたいと考えている。また、より多くの若者に河川パトロール隊への参加を呼びかけたい」と話している。(記者/劉勤兵、周宣妮) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120409710

  •  Türkiye‘s innovation fair concludes in Istanbul
    Türkiye‘s innovation fair concludes in Istanbul

    STORY: Türkiye‘s innovation fair concludes in IstanbulSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 23, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 26, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:01LOCATION: ISTANBUL, TürkiyeCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGY/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the innovation fair2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): WEI XIAODONG, Consul general of China in Istanbul3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Turkish): IBRAHIM SINAN AK, Head of Zorlu EnergySTORYLINE:Türkiye‘s innovation fair concluded on Saturday in Istanbul, showcasing numerous projects, inspiring ideas, and innovative products to bring solutions to large-scale problems.Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, Türkiye Innovation Week (TIW) brought together many young entrepreneurs, the business community, and technology leaders from around the world.Mustafa Gultepe, head of the Turkish Exporters‘ Assembly (TIM), said TIW aims to make innovation a way of life, especially for young people...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023112612552

  •  Thailand steps up digital capabilities with smart city developments
    Thailand steps up digital capabilities with smart city developments

    STORY: Thailand steps up digital capabilities with smart city developmentsSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 22, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 23, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:52LOCATION: BangkokCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of opening ceremony of Thailand Smart City Expo 20232. various of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Phumtham Wechayachai speaking at the opening ceremony3. various of Thailand Smart City Expo 20234. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): SHELDON WANG, Senior Vice President of the Enterprise Department at Huawei Thailand5. various of Thailand Smart City Expo 2023STORYLINE:Thailand is accelerating the development of smart cities, aiming to enhance the country‘s digital capabilities and the quality of life for urban communities towards a sustainable future...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023112312623

  •  Malta conducts tsunami response exercise
    Malta conducts tsunami response exercise

    STORY: Malta conducts tsunami response exerciseSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 7, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 8, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:57LOCATION: MARSAXLOKK, MaltaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of tsunami response exerciseSTORYLINE:Malta‘s Civil Protection Department on Tuesday conducted a tsunami response exercise in collaboration with the University of Malta in Marsaxlokk, southern Malta, simulating a widespread tsunami threat situation throughout the Eastern and Central Mediterranean.The purpose of this exercise was to evaluate local tsunami response plans, increase tsunami preparedness, and improve coordination throughout the community.During the exercise, sirens were activated and a group of school children were evacuated.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Marsaxlokk, Malta.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110811556

  •  「新華社」高齢者らに昼食を無料提供する「おばあちゃん食堂」貴州省貴陽市

    中国貴州省貴陽市にある貴陽誠善助老慈善公益サービスセンターは、健康な高齢者を中心とするボランティアグループが、若いボランティアたちと一緒に設立した団体で、多くの社区(コミュニティー)で公益食堂を運営している。食堂では、身寄りのない高齢者や空巣老人(一人または夫婦のみで生活する高齢者)、一人暮らしの高齢者、最低生活保障(生活保護)受給者、要介護高齢者、障害者など1日平均千人以上に、栄養のある昼食を無料で提供している。人々はこの食堂を、親しみを込めて「奶奶食堂(おばあちゃん食堂)」と呼ぶ。同センターは過去9年間で、訪問配膳サービスを6万3千回、高齢者のための無償ボランティアサービスを28万8千回、無償の食事を延べ190万人分提供した。(記者/劉勤兵、崔暁強) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110305948

  •  「新華社」介護サービスの向上で高齢者の生活をより幸せに貴州省遵義市

    中国各地ではここ数年、高齢化に対応するため、在宅介護とコミュニティー介護、施設介護を融合した介護サービスの構築に力を入れ、地域のすみずみまで介護サービスレベルを高めている。貴州省遵義市紅花岡区の康寧世紀老人ホームでは、さまざまなレクリエーション活動に参加する高齢者たちの笑顔と歓声が絶えない。地元の関連部門はさらに、トイレや入浴時の安全、屋内歩行の利便性、居住環境の改善、補助器具の適合などについて、困難を抱える高齢者の自宅のリフォーム工事を行い、生活をより安全で便利なものにしている。(記者/呉斯洋) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110209299

  •  Namibia‘s Living Earth Expo promotes environmental protection, sustainability
    Namibia‘s Living Earth Expo promotes environmental protection, sustainability

    STORY: Namibia‘s Living Earth Expo promotes environmental protection, sustainabilityDATELINE: Oct. 31, 2023LENGTH: 0:02:21LOCATION: WindhoekCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the event2. SOUNDBITE (English): SHEYA GOTLIEB, ExhibitorSTORYLINE:From exhibits of eco-friendly products and organic food to artistic items, the groundbreaking Living Earth Expo, held in the Namibian capital of Windhoek on Saturday, delved into promoting environmental protection and sustainability.The expo featured about 50 exhibitors showcasing a diverse array of community development projects, nurseries, art, health, second-hand goods, renewable energy, and greener solutions.Selma Nasheya, the expo organizer, said the one-day event brought together individuals, organizations and communities to foster connections, learn and collaborate on the building blocks of a sustainable future...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023103106734

  •  Hurricane Otis leaves at least 27 dead in southern Mexico
    Hurricane Otis leaves at least 27 dead in southern Mexico

    STORY: Hurricane Otis leaves at least 27 dead in southern MexicoDATELINE: Oct. 28, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:52LOCATION: GUERRERO, MexicoCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of damages by hurricaneSTORYLINE:Hurricane Otis left at least 27 people dead and several missing after sweeping the southern Mexican state of Guerrero earlier this week.Otis made landfall close to Guerrero‘s famed Pacific Coast resort of Acapulco early Wednesday as a category 5 storm on the Saffir-Simpson scale. The speed with which it intensified has led meteorologists to consider it an “atypical“ phenomenon. Otis blew out windows, ripped off roofs, flooded streets and knocked down trees and light poles across Mexico‘s port city of Acapulco and surrounding communities, leaving unprecedented wreckage. Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Guerrero, Mexico.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102807907

  •  Palestinian-Israeli conflict: Fire exchange continues as int‘l community steps up efforts in providing aid
    Palestinian-Israeli conflict: Fire exchange continues as int‘l community steps up efforts in providing aid

    STORY: Palestinian-Israeli conflict: Fire exchange continues as int‘l community steps up efforts in providing aidDATELINE: Oct. 20, 2023LENGTH: 0:02:20LOCATION: Ramallah/Jerusalem/CairoCATEGORY: POLITICS/MILITARYSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP 1 (English): OHOOD AL-JAGHOUB, Xinhua reporter in Ramallah2. STANDUP 2 (English): WANG ZHUOLUN, Xinhua correspondent in Jerusalem3. STANDUP 3 (English): YANG YIRAN, Xinhua correspondent in Cairo4. STANDUP 4 (English): AHMED GOMAA, Xinhua reporter5...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102307384

  •  Thousands of Jordanians rally in support of Palestinians
    Thousands of Jordanians rally in support of Palestinians

    STORY: Thousands of Jordanians rally in support of PalestiniansDATELINE: Oct. 14, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:31LOCATION: AmmanCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the demonstration in AmmanSTORYLINE:Thousands of Jordanians participated in several demonstrations across the kingdom on Friday in support of the Palestinian people, expressing their rejection of Israeli violations in the Gaza Strip.Chanting slogans in support of the Palestinian resistance, the protesters in downtown Amman denounced the ongoing Israeli violations against the people of Gaza and the targeting of infrastructure, hospitals, schools and residential communities...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101408079

  •  China releases white paper on Belt and Road cooperation
    China releases white paper on Belt and Road cooperation

    STORY: China releases white paper on Belt and Road cooperationDATELINE: Oct. 10, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:22LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of street views in Beijing2. various of BRI projects 3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LI KEXIN, Director-general of the Department of International Economic Affairs of China‘s Foreign MinistrySTORYLINE:China‘s State Council Information Office on Tuesday released a white paper titled “The Belt and Road Initiative: A Key Pillar of the Global Community of Shared Future.“The white paper will give the international community a better understanding of the value of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), facilitate high-quality cooperation under it, and ultimately deliver benefits to more countries and peoples...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101013269

  •  「新華社」高齢者の食事支援に注力黒竜江省

    中国黒竜江省はここ数年、高齢者向けの食堂や食事提供所の整備に力を入れている。徒歩15分以内に利用できる食事支援サービス圏を構築し、都市部の在宅介護サービス能力と水準の向上を目指している。同省ハルビン市松北区では、手厚く行き届いた高齢者向け食事支援サービスネットワークを構築。これまでに社区(コミュニティー)の「シニア食堂」が10カ所完成している。(記者/王大禹、董宝森) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100710326

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    実態は雇用、労基署判断 アマゾン配達員を労災認定


    商品コード: 2023100411492

  •  Chinese community in Ethiopia celebrates 74th founding anniversary of PRC
    Chinese community in Ethiopia celebrates 74th founding anniversary of PRC

    STORY: Chinese community in Ethiopia celebrates 74th founding anniversary of PRCDATELINE: Sept. 30, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:05LOCATION: Addis AbabaCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the event 2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): MONIQUE NSANZABAGANWA, Deputy Chairperson of AU Commission3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): MULATU TESHOME, Former Ethiopian President4. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): SHEN QINMIN, Minister-counselor at Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia5. various of the eventSTORYLINE:The Chinese community in Ethiopia on Tuesday celebrated the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People‘s Republic of China (PRC), which falls on Oct. 1...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023093010493

  •  Indian gov‘t extends duties remission scheme to support exporters
    Indian gov‘t extends duties remission scheme to support exporters

    STORY: Indian gov‘t extends duties remission scheme to support exportersDATELINE: Sept. 29, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:33LOCATION: New DelhiCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of India gate2. various of wholesale market area3. various of export containersSTORYLINE:The Indian government on Tuesday extended support under the Scheme for Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) till June 30 next year at the same rates as the existing export items, according to a statement of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.“This will help our exporting community to negotiate export contracts in the present international environment on better terms,“ added the statement.The scheme, which is World Trade Organisation (WTO) compatible, was introduced by the federal government as a duty remission scheme on exports and was implemented with effect from Jan. 1, 2021...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092907766

  •  Chinese doctors provide free clinical services for Ghanaian workers, low-income residents
    Chinese doctors provide free clinical services for Ghanaian workers, low-income residents

    STORY: Chinese doctors provide free clinical services for Ghanaian workers, low-income residentsDATELINE: Sept. 11, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:23LOCATION: AccraCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Chinese doctors providing medical services2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): DU YUSHAN, Head of 12th Chinese medical team dispatched to Ghana3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): BENJAMIN ANNIM, Ghanaian worker of SinohydroSTORYLINE:The 12th Chinese medical team dispatched to Ghana concluded on Sunday a three-day initiative providing free clinical service for more than 100 Ghanaian workers, and residents of a low-income community in Ghana‘s Eastern Region.The beneficiaries include local employees of Sinohydro, a Chinese state-owned company, and low-income residents in the Akuse community who have been struggling to pay their medical bills...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023091112652

  •  Indonesia unveils Jakarta-Bandung HSR EMU educational, cultural exchange base
    Indonesia unveils Jakarta-Bandung HSR EMU educational, cultural exchange base

    STORY: Indonesia unveils Jakarta-Bandung HSR EMU educational, cultural exchange baseDATELINE: Sept. 11, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:01LOCATION: JakartaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of high-speed train2. various of the ceremony3. various of high-speed train4. SOUNDBITE 1 (Indonesian): RUSDIANTO, Member of Rail Fans Indonesia Community5. SOUNDBITE 2 (Indonesian): HERMANTO DWIATMOKO, Chair of Railway Society6. various of high-speed trainSTORYLINE:The opening ceremony of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway (HSR) Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) Educational and Cultural Exchange Base, along with the first Open Day for Rail Enthusiasts event, was held in Indonesia‘s Bandung on Saturday...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023091112617

  •  93 potential unmarked child, infant graves found in Canada
    93 potential unmarked child, infant graves found in Canada

    STORY: 93 potential unmarked child, infant graves found in CanadaDATELINE: Sept. 1, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:09LOCATION: SASKATCHEWAN, CanadaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the cemetery2. various of the old school photosSTORYLINE:CTV News reported Tuesday that a First Nation has found 79 suspected child grave sites and 14 potential infant grave sites at a former residential school in Saskatchewan, Canada.Ninety-three pink flags were placed to mark each anomaly.The findings are expected to impact 16 communities in the northwest, both First Nations and Metis, which had children attend the school.English River First Nation said its ground-penetrating radar (GPR) search began two years ago. The initial area was searched because of stories told by survivors. The search of the school grounds is next and will continue to be guided by stories of survivors...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090208578

  •  Giant panda cub born at Moscow Zoo
    Giant panda cub born at Moscow Zoo

    STORY: Giant panda cub born at Moscow ZooDATELINE: Aug. 31, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:51LOCATION: MoscowCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of giant panda and cub2. SOUNDBITE (Russian): SVETLANA AKULOVA, Head of the Moscow Zoo3. various of giant panda and cubSTORYLINE:A giant panda cub has been born at the Moscow Zoo, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Wednesday. The cub, weighing about 150 grams, was born last week to a young pair of giant pandas, Ruyi (male) and Dingding (female), that arrived in Moscow in April 2019 from China‘s southwestern province of Sichuan. “This unique and very rare event is the result of the coordinated work of our specialists and our Chinese colleagues,“ Sobyanin said in a Telegram post, describing the birth of the cub as a significant event for Russia and the global environmental community as a whole...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023083109109

  •  Maui residents grapple with wildfire devastation
    Maui residents grapple with wildfire devastation

    STORY: Maui residents grapple with wildfire devastationDATELINE: Aug. 23, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:54LOCATION: MAUI, U.S.CATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the views in Maui2. STANDUP: (English) TAN JINGJING, Xinhua correspondentSTORYLINE:STANDUP: (English) TAN JINGJING, Xinhua correspondent“Behind me is the historic seaside town of Lahaina, in Maui Island. This is home to about 13,000 people.Since Maui wildfires engulfed the whole area since Aug. 8, Lahaina has been a scene of charred devastation. Block after block of blackened wreckage and ash.Many homes, apartments, restaurants, shops and art galleries that populated this historic Hawaiian community have now been burned down to their foundations.In and around Lahaina, there is still a strong smell of smoldering debris and chemicals in the air...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082313917

  •  BRICS members cooperate for win-win world: Zimbabwean official
    BRICS members cooperate for win-win world: Zimbabwean official

    STORY: BRICS members cooperate for win-win world: Zimbabwean officialDATELINE: Aug. 22, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:25LOCATION: JOHANNESBURG, South AfricaCATEGORY: POLITICS/ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of street views in South Africa2. SOUNDBITE (English): CHRISTOPHER MUTSVANGWA, Member of Political Bureau of Central Committee of ZANU-PFSTORYLINE:A senior Zimbabwean official has said that the BRICS Summit “is a big community of humanity coming together for shared human progress,“ and BRICS members “can cooperate for a mutually beneficial and win-win world.“Christopher Mutsvangwa, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), made the remarks in an interview with Xinhua ahead of the 15th BRICS Summit to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082408563

  •  Indonesia celebrates 78th Independence Day
    Indonesia celebrates 78th Independence Day

    STORY: Indonesia celebrates 78th Independence DayDATELINE: Aug. 18, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:01LOCATION: JakartaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of celebration and parade in Jakarta2. various of celebration in Central Papua3. various of celebration at Aquarium in JakartaSTORYLINE:Indonesia marked its 78th Independence Day on Thursday. The celebration ceremony commenced with a cultural parade from the National Monument to the Merdeka Palace.Immersed in a sea of red and white hues, Indonesians waved national flags with big smiles of national pride and participated in grand parades, community gatherings, and sack races, among other cultural activities.Indonesia‘s Independence Day, also known as “Hari Merdeka,“ is celebrated annually on Aug. 17 to commemorate the Southeast Asian country‘s independence from the Dutch colonial rule...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081809526

  •  Kenya hosts 3rd CMG Media Cooperation Forum
    Kenya hosts 3rd CMG Media Cooperation Forum

    STORY: Kenya hosts 3rd CMG Media Cooperation ForumDATELINE: Aug. 16, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:17LOCATION: NairobiCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the conference2. various of China‘s Minister of Culture and Tourism Hu Heping at the conference3. various of guests at the conference4. various of speeches5. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): JULIANA YIAPAN, Deputy principal secretary of Kenya‘s Ministry of ICT6. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): CHURCHILL OTIENO, President of East Africa Editorial Association7. various of launch of the short video contest8. various of guests at the conferenceSTORYLINE:The third annual CMG Media Cooperation Forum was held on Monday in Nairobi, Kenya, under the theme “Deepening communication between Chinese and African civilizations and promoting a China-Africa community with a shared future in a new era“...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081613210

  • 米ハワイ州マウイ島の山火事で大きな被害を受けた西部ラハイナ Scenes of utter devastation as Maui residents return to charred remains of historic town
    米ハワイ州マウイ島の山火事で大きな被害を受けた西部ラハイナ Scenes of utter devastation as Maui residents return to charred remains of historic town

    Associated Press journalists witnessed the devastation, with nearly every building flattened to debris on Front Street, the heart of the Maui community and the economic hub of the island.Incinerated cars crushed by downed telephone poles. Charred elevator shafts standing as testaments to the burned down apartment buildings they once served. Pools filled with charcoal colored water. Trampolines and children’s scooters mangled by the extreme heat.The roosters known to roam Hawaii streets meandered through the ashes of what was left, including an eerie traffic jam of the charred remains of dozens of cars that didn‘t make it out of the inferno.Residents of the Lahaina were being allowed back home on Friday for the first time since wildfires that have killed at least 55 people turned large swaths of the centuries-old town into a hellscape of ashen rubble. 、クレジット:AP/共同通信イメージズ ※テレビ番組利用はできません。販売価格が異なりますので、別途お問合わせ下さい。

    商品コード: 2023122605364

  •  China steps up restoration work in flood-affected northern regions
    China steps up restoration work in flood-affected northern regions

    STORY: China steps up restoration work in flood-affected northern regionsDATELINE: Aug. 10, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:20LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of floods in Beijing and its surrounding regionsSTORYLINE:As floodwaters recede in north China‘s Hebei Province, Tianjin and Beijing, the disaster relief efforts in the regions are transitioning from emergency rescue and evacuation to recovery.Zhuozhou City is one of the worst-affected areas in Hebei.Residents, volunteers and rescue personnel are actively involved in dredging, disinfection, and drainage works to repair the damage in affected communities.Floodwaters in the Haihe River Basin that pass through Tianjin were caused by rainstorms brought by Typhoon Doksuri.China has earmarked 1 billion yuan (about 139.69 million U.S...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081009306

  •  Jordan stresses int‘l community‘s role in protecting Palestinians
    Jordan stresses int‘l community‘s role in protecting Palestinians

    STORY: Jordan stresses int‘l community‘s role in protecting PalestiniansDATELINE: Aug. 9, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:49LOCATION: AmmanCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the welcome ceremony2. various of the meeting of the two leadersSTORYLINE:King Abdullah II of Jordan on Tuesday stressed the importance of the international community‘s support in protecting the Palestinians, reiterating Jordan‘s unwavering position towards the Palestinian issue. The king made the remarks at a meeting in Amman with visiting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, where he said Jordan will continue to safeguard Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, under the Hashemite Custodianship, according to a statement by the Royal Hashemite Court...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080913508

  •  UN agencies warn of catastrophic food crisis in South Sudan
    UN agencies warn of catastrophic food crisis in South Sudan

    STORY: UN agencies warn of catastrophic food crisis in South SudanDATELINE: Aug. 4, 2023LENGTH: 00:04:26LOCATION: JubaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of community members from Apada Boma welcoming the arrival of the delegation2. various of community members retrieving water from a newly-built shallow well3. various of farmers preparing the rice demonstration plot4. various of community members watering the vegetable garden5. FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu leading the group into the vegetable garden6. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): QU DONGYU, FAO director-general7. various of students from Udhaba Primary School8. various of WFP executive director Cindy McCain serving students hot meals9. various of students from Udhaba Primary School eating their school meals inside the classroom10. various of delegations 11. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): ALVARO LARIO, President of IFAD12...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080412950

  •  Mangrove conservation takes root in Madagascar
    Mangrove conservation takes root in Madagascar

    STORY: Mangrove conservation takes root in MadagascarDATELINE: July 30, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:56LOCATION: MORONDAVA, MadagascarCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of the village of Kivalo2. various of fishing by the side of mangroves3. SOUNDBITE (Malagasy): JUSTIN RAMANAHIRANA, President of a community organization managing mangrove conservationSTORYLINE:To arrive in the village of Kivalo in southwestern Madagascar, an island country in the Indian Ocean, visitors have to take a 45-minute boat ride through beautiful mangroves from the nearest land point. Thanks to the efforts of grassroots communities and their global partners, the village now serves as an example of nature conservation that benefits both the environment and the people.“A hundred years ago, Kivalo was directly exposed to the Mozambique Channel, when the mangroves were not there yet...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023073009775

  •  Afghan official urges int‘l community to help orphans, disabled people
    Afghan official urges int‘l community to help orphans, disabled people

    STORY: Afghan official urges int‘l community to help orphans, disabled peopleDATELINE: July 27, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:05LOCATION: KabulCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of people with disabilities in Kabul, Afghanistan2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Pashto): MAWLAWI SHAH MOHAMMAD DOST, Chief of office of the Acting Minister for the Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs of Afghanistan3. various of people with disabilities in Kabul, Afghanistan4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Pashto): MAWLAWI SHAH MOHAMMAD DOST, Chief of office of the Acting Minister for the Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs of Afghanistan5. various of people with disabilities in Kabul, Afghanistan6. SOUNDBITE 3 (Pashto): MAWLAWI SHAH MOHAMMAD DOST, Chief of office of the Acting Minister for the Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs of Afghanistan7...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072802024

  •  Torch festival of Yi ethnic group celebrated in SW China
    Torch festival of Yi ethnic group celebrated in SW China

    STORY: Torch festival of Yi ethnic group celebrated in SW ChinaDATELINE: July 21, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:50LOCATION: CHENGDU, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the torch festival of the Yi ethnic groupSTORYLINE:A torch festival of the Yi ethnic group was celebrated Thursday in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China‘s Sichuan. This year‘s festival runs from July 20 to August 30.The festival features bonfire dancing, cultural heritage displays, and traditional ethnic sports competitions, etc.The torch festival is a traditional festival of the Yi people. It is celebrated in Yi communities in places like Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Chengdu, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072110866

  •  Solar-powered tablets jointly rolled out by Chinese, Kenyan firms empower locals in rural Kenya
    Solar-powered tablets jointly rolled out by Chinese, Kenyan firms empower locals in rural Kenya

    STORY: Solar-powered tablets jointly rolled out by Chinese, Kenyan firms empower locals in rural KenyaDATELINE: July 7, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:07LOCATION: NairobiCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the village2. various of the tablets3. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): CALEB KIOKO, “Solar media“ beneficiary4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): LI XIA, Founder and CEO of Shenzhen Solar Run Energy Co., Ltd.5. SOUNDBITE 3 (Swahili): REHEMA YUSUF, “Solar media“ beneficiarySTORYLINE:A partnership between a Chinese solar company and a Kenyan enterprise has brought solar-powered tablets, or “solar media,“ to remote areas of Kenya that lack electricity.The tablets are used to provide vocational training and information to marginalized communities, helping them improve their livelihoods...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071807921

  •  Xi inspects historic and cultural block in Suzhou in E China
    Xi inspects historic and cultural block in Suzhou in E China

    STORY: Xi inspects historic and cultural block in Suzhou in E ChinaDATELINE: July 7, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:17LOCATION: SUZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of Suzhou2. photos of Xi visiting a historic and cultural block of Pingjiang Road3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): ZHANG YINGYING, Director of Niujiaxiang Community, Pingjiang Street, Gusu District, Suzhou City4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WU JIAWEN, Suzhou Pingtan performer5. various of Pingtan performance6. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): LU JIANYING, Inheritor of Suzhou embroidery7. various of embroidery artworksSTORYLINE:Chinese President Xi Jinping visited a historic and cultural block of Pingjiang Road in Suzhou, east China‘s Jiangsu Province, on Thursday.Pingjiang Road, located in the northeast of Suzhou, gathers a variety of historic relics and cultural sites...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090506225

  •  SCO meeting focuses on building common future for int‘l community: Turkish expert
    SCO meeting focuses on building common future for int‘l community: Turkish expert

    STORY: SCO meeting focuses on building common future for int‘l community: Turkish expertDATELINE: July 6, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:19LOCATION: ISTANBUL, TürkiyeCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of SCO2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): SELCUK COLAKOGLU, Director of Turkish Center for Asia-Pacific Studies3. various of SCO4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): SELCUK COLAKOGLU, Director of Turkish Center for Asia-Pacific StudiesSTORYLINE:A Turkish expert said that the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has focused on building a common future for the international community via mutual cooperation.Selcuk Colakoglu, director of the Ankara-based Turkish Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, made the remarks after the meeting of the SCO was held on Tuesday...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020308078

  •  Expert hails reappearance of rare Iberian lynx in Spanish capital
    Expert hails reappearance of rare Iberian lynx in Spanish capital

    STORY: Expert hails reappearance of rare Iberian lynx in Spanish capitalDATELINE: July 6, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:36LOCATION: MadridCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of Iberian lynxes at a breeding center in Spain2. various of the Iberian lynx spotted in Sevilla La Nueva3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Spanish): LUIS SUAREZ, WWF Conservation Coordinator4. various of Iberian lynxes at Andalucia region5. SOUNDBITE 2 (Spanish): LUIS SUAREZ, WWF Conservation Coordinator6. various of Iberian lynxes at Andalucia regionSTORYLINE:Experts and authorities have positively assessed the reappearance of the critically endangered Iberian lynx in the Spanish capital, as they are studying how to reintroduce the feline in the community of Madrid...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010408377

  •  At least 3 killed, 8 injured in U.S. Texas shooting
    At least 3 killed, 8 injured in U.S. Texas shooting

    STORY: At least 3 killed, 8 injured in U.S. Texas shootingDATELINE: July 5, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:50LOCATION: HOUSTON, U.S.CATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST:1. various of traffic2. various of people mourning and taking interviews3. various of the police stationSTORYLINE:At least three people were killed and eight others were injured in a shooting just before midnight on Monday in downtown Fort Worth, south central U.S. state Texas, authorities said on Tuesday. The victims were 10 adults and a juvenile, the Fort Worth Police Department said in a news release. Officers responded to reports of a shooting during the annual community gathering known as “ComoFest,“ and when they arrived, they found multiple shooting victims in a parking lot, police said...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023070513114

  •  China committed to building closer SCO community with shared future
    China committed to building closer SCO community with shared future

    STORY: China committed to building closer SCO community with shared future DATELINE: July 3, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:58LOCATION: BEIJINGCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of Shanghai2. various of views of SCO member countries3. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): SELCUK COLAKOGLU, Director of Turkish Center for Asia-Pacific Studies4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): JALAL BAZWAN, Lecturer of Kabul-based Kardan University5. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): MUHAMMAD KAMIL, Managing director of Pak Link Enterprises, Pakistan6. SOUNDBITE 4 (Chinese): NADEJDA NAZAROVA, Chief Operating Officer, Abrau Alcohol Beverage Industry (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Russia7. SOUNDBITE 5 (Russian): SERGEY MANASSARIAN, Armenian ambassador to China8. various of cooperative projects of SCOSTORYLINE:The 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will be held on Tuesday...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023070404043

  •  Zimbabwean artist uses invasive plant to make giant sculptures
    Zimbabwean artist uses invasive plant to make giant sculptures

    STORY: Zimbabwean artist uses invasive plant to make giant sculpturesDATELINE: June 30, 2023LENGTH: 00:05:20LOCATION: DOMBOSHAVA, ZimbabweCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of Zata harvesting Lantana Camara2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): JOE ZATA, Artist3. various of Zata‘s artworks4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): JOE ZATA, Artist5. various of Zata‘s artworks6. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): JOE ZATA, ArtistSTORYLINE:On a hot afternoon in the rural community of Domboshava, about 45 km north of Harare, 48-year-old artist Joe Zata harvested Lantana camara as raw material to create various giant animal sculptures and furniture products.Lantana is an invasive and perennial plant that grows up to 2-4 meters in Zimbabwe. It has spread aggressively throughout the country and is considered dangerous to the environment and livestock, but for Zata, lantana has transformed his life for better...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010105561

  •  American students impressed by story of friendship in China‘s Guling
    American students impressed by story of friendship in China‘s Guling

    STORY: American students impressed by story of friendship in China‘s GulingDATELINE: June 30, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:29LOCATION: FUZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Fuzhou City and Guling2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): BEHLAND ERIN ELISE, American student at Peking University3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): BUESCHER DEVAN JORDAN DONALD, American student at Peking UniversitySTORYLINE:American students invited to a trip in China‘s Fuzhou said it‘s fascinating to learn about the stories of Guling, which is located in the suburbs of Fuzhou.The story of an American couple‘s touching journey to find Guling is well-known among the local community.Decades ago, an American couple tried in vain to locate Guling, where the husband Milton Gardner had spent nine years of his childhood before returning to the U.S. in 1911.With help from the Chinese government, Mrs...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010103875

  •  Yemeni athletes with disabilities defy challenges of conflicts
    Yemeni athletes with disabilities defy challenges of conflicts

    STORY: Yemeni athletes with disabilities defy challenges of conflictsDATELINE: June 30, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:01LOCATION: SanaaCATEGORY: SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. various of disabled girls playing wheelchair basketball2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Arabic): JASMINE BASIR, Wheelchair Basketball Player3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Arabic): AMAL HAZAA, Event OrganizerSTORYLINE:The Para Sports Festival for people with disabilities kicked off Thursday in Yemen, drawing the participation of 73 men and women athletes, competing in 11 sports, including sitting volleyball, wheelchair basketball and table tennis.Organized by the Yemeni Paralympic Committee for People with Disabilities, the event seeks to enhance the quality of life and foster social inclusion for disabled individuals.SOUNDBITE 1 (Arabic): JASMINE BASIR, Wheelchair Basketball Player“Our presence here today is a powerful statement to the community...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023123113276

  •  Muslim communities across world celebrate Eid al-Adha
    Muslim communities across world celebrate Eid al-Adha

    STORY: Muslim communities across world celebrate Eid al-AdhaDATELINE: June 30, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:51LOCATION: Baghdad/Bishkek/New Delhi/KhartoumCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of Iraqi people at al-Zawraa Park during the Eid al-Adha holiday in Baghdad2. various of people celebrating the Eid al-Adha holiday in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan3. various of people celebrating the Eid al-Adha holiday in New Delhi4. various of people celebrating the Eid al-Adha holiday in SudanSTORYLINE:Muslims across the world are celebrating Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice which marks the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage.In Iraq, some people including 40-year-old Khalid Hameed‘s family, are celebrating the four-day festival with family in a park...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023123113252

  •  「新華社」中国企業、コートジボワールの農業発展に寄与

    西アフリカのコートジボワールで中国企業が現地の農業発展に一役買った。自然条件に恵まれた同国は西アフリカの重要な農業国。天然ゴムの生産はアフリカ最大を誇るが、加工能力が弱いことで、かつては付加価値の低い原材料しか輸出できず、天然ゴム農家の収入は極めて少なかった。その局面を転換したのが農産品の取引を世界的に手掛ける美蘭集団(香港)である。20年に同国初のゴム一次加工工場を稼働させ、2年後には二つ目の工場を開いた。年間加工能力は26万トンと、同国の年間ゴム生産量の4分の1の規模を誇る。コートジボワールの農業研究・支援専門職種間基金(FIRCA)のブル・ボナバンチュール氏によると、同国の天然ゴムはかつて、正規の販売ルートの不足からなかなか売れず、買い付け業者の買いたたきが横行、農家の収入に深刻な影響を与えていた。中国企業の加工工場はこれらの農家に、安定した出荷が可能で価格も合理的な取引ルートを提供。農家は販売量を増やし、栽培規模を相次ぎ拡大した。天然ゴムの加工は中国とコートジボワールの農業協力の始まりにすぎない。22年2月には美蘭集団、湖南建設投資集団、岳陽観盛投資発展などがコートジボワールとの協力プロジェクトの協定を締結、両国の農業分野の協力を引き続き拡大した。関係企業は協定に基づき、コートジボワールに農産物の一次加工工場、中国に高度加工工場を設立する。湖南建設投資集団の蔡典維(さい・てんい)董事長は、コートジボワールはゴムやパーム油、綿花、大豆、トウモロコシなどの農産物の生産が盛んで、一次加工工場を設立することで、現地の農産物の付加価値を高め、雇用機会を創出し、工業発展を促進、現地の経済社会の持続可能な発展に新たな原動力を注ぐことができると述べた。美蘭集団の張亮(ちょう・りょう)副総経理は、すでに稼働している加工工場2カ所は1千以上の雇用機会を創出しているとし、建設中の2カ所はさらに1千の雇用機会を提供し、周辺のコミュニティーの経済発展をけん引するとの見解を示した。コートジボワールと中国の農業協力は現地農村の若者の流出問題も解決した。「中国企業が適正な価格でゴムの買い付けを行うことで、若者が農村に残り、農業栽培に従事したいと思うようになった」とボナバンチュール氏は語った。(記者/周楚昀、鄭揚子、李成、丁春雨、劉佑民) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062805510

  •  Garfield Sobers Gymnasium, a bridge connecting China and Barbados
    Garfield Sobers Gymnasium, a bridge connecting China and Barbados

    STORY: Garfield Sobers Gymnasium, a bridge connecting China and BarbadosDATELINE: June 26, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:37LOCATION: BridgetownCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of Barbados2. various of Garfield Sobers Gymnasium3. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): NEIL MURRELL, Director of sport at the National Sports Council of Barbados4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): CHARLES GRIFFITH, Barbados‘ Minister of Youth, Sports and Community EmpowermentSTORYLINE:Over the past four decades, China and Barbados have forged an enduring bond of cooperation and friendship since establishing diplomatic relations in 1977.Sir Garfield Sobers, the esteemed cricketer who earned numerous honors, holds a special place as a “national hero“ in the hearts of Barbadians. His achievements inspire and resonate in Barbados and across the Caribbean region. In the parish of St...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062611274

  •  「新華社」端午節の民俗イベントを楽しむ人々貴州省余慶県

    中国の伝統的な節句、端午節(旧暦5月5日)を迎えた22日、貴州省遵義市余慶県ではさまざまな民俗イベントが行われ、多くの人々が参加した。白泥鎮満渓村では、田んぼの中でアヒルと魚のつかみ取り大会を開催。貧困対策による移住者が集まる積善社区(コミュニティー)では「端午投壷」(とうこ、矢をつぼに向けて投げ、入った矢の数を競うゲーム)や「挟紅豆」(もち米とあずきの入ったお椀から、箸でつまみ出したあずきの数を競うゲーム)、陸上ドラゴンボートレース、ちまき包み競争などに住民が参加した。羽翅幼稚園では、園児たちが運動場で陸上ドラゴンボート競走を楽しんだ。(記者/崔暁強) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062407106

  •  Dragon Boat Festival celebration held in Pakistan
    Dragon Boat Festival celebration held in Pakistan

    STORY: Dragon Boat Festival celebration held in PakistanDATELINE: June 22, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:25LOCATION: IslamabadCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the activity2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LA JIE LIAN, President of Chinese Association Pakistan3. various of the activity4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): NASIR KHAN, President of Ex-Chinese Association RawalpindiSTORYLINE:A food festival was held in Pakistan‘s Islamabad on Tuesday by the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, to celebrate China‘s Dragon Boat Festival.Local Chinese and Pakistani communities taste some specialty foods from both countries like Zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves.Participants also learned about the origin, history, and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122706487

  •  Druze clash with Israeli police in Golan Heights over wind farm construction
    Druze clash with Israeli police in Golan Heights over wind farm construction

    STORY: Druze clash with Israeli police in Golan Heights over wind farm constructionDATELINE: June 22, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:17LOCATION: JerusalemCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of clashes between Israeli Police and the Druze community (Handed out by Police)2. various of Druze village in the Golan Heights (file)3. various of Golan Heights (file)STORYLINE:Thousands of Druze protesters clashed with Israeli police in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Wednesday during a demonstration against the construction of a wind farm in the area. At least two protesters were critically injured, according to a statement released by Israel‘s Magen David Adom rescue service. The Israeli police said in a statement that about a dozen police officers were lightly injured during the clashes and at least five protesters have been arrested...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062212730

  •  Fijian students demonstrate Chinese language proficiency in competition
    Fijian students demonstrate Chinese language proficiency in competition

    STORY: Fijian students demonstrate Chinese language proficiency in competitionDATELINE: June 22, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:45LOCATION: SuvaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of students competing in the Chinese Bridge contest2. various of students performing3. various of students being awardedSTORYLINE:Fiji held the 16th Chinese Bridge-Chinese Proficiency Competition for foreign secondary school students on Wednesday, with eight students from the Suva-based Yat Sen School participating in the annual event. The competition, with the theme of “Fly High With Chinese“, featured talent shows and speeches in Chinese at the auditorium of Yat Sen School, attracting an audience of hundreds of teachers, students and representatives of the local Chinese communities...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062211416

  •  Hindu community in Bangladesh celebrates Rath Yatra
    Hindu community in Bangladesh celebrates Rath Yatra

    STORY: Hindu community in Bangladesh celebrates Rath YatraDATELINE: June 21, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:28LOCATION: DhakaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of Hindu community celebrating Rath YatraSTORYLINE:The Hindu community in Bangladesh on Tuesday attended a rally in the capital Dhaka to celebrate Rath Yatra or the Chariot Festival.Rath Yatra holds tremendous significance in the Hindu faith. With colorful banners and festoons, Hindu devotees in traditional dresses assembled for the procession from different parts of Dhaka.Devotees pulled the decorated chariots in the procession from the Swamibagh Temple to Dhakeshwari National Temple, and participated in various religious ceremonies.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Dhaka.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122606439

  •  Chinese community in Rwanda donates relief supplies to flood-affected school
    Chinese community in Rwanda donates relief supplies to flood-affected school

    STORY: Chinese community in Rwanda donates relief supplies to flood-affected schoolDATELINE: June 19, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:24LOCATION: KigaliCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of areas affected by flood2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): YIN QINGRI, Chairman of Chinese community in Rwanda3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Kinyarwanda): ONESPHORE NTAWIGOMWA, Director of Groupe Scolaire St Paul RuremboSTORYLINE:The Chinese community in Rwanda on Saturday donated a supply of relief aid to Groupe Scolaire St Paul Rurembo in Nyabihu district, western province, which was among those affected by recent floods and landslides.SOUNDBITE 1 (English): YIN QINGRI, Chairman of Chinese community in Rwanda“Because of the big rain, the biggest damaged areas are western and northern provinces. That‘s why we chose the western province...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023061910891

  •  A visit to a green community in China‘s largest desert
    A visit to a green community in China‘s largest desert

    STORY: A visit to a green community in China‘s largest desertDATELINE: June 18, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:00LOCATION: URUMQI, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP 1 (English): GOU LIFENG, Xinhua correspondent2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): ZHU MINHUA, Worker of the Tazhong oil and gas production management area of Tarim Oilfield3. STANDUP 2 (English): GOU LIFENG, Xinhua correspondent4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): ZHOU HAIXIA, Worker of the Tazhong oil and gas production management area of Tarim OilfieldSTORYLINE:Despite severe weather conditions, oil workers have cultivated their own vegetable and fruit gardens in the center of the Taklimakan Desert, the largest desert in China.STANDUP 1 (English): GOU LIFENG, Xinhua correspondent“Guess where I am now? At a vegetable base? No, I am now in the Taklimakan Desert...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122503750

  •  Fijian ambassador hails development in China‘s Tibet
    Fijian ambassador hails development in China‘s Tibet

    STORY: Fijian ambassador hails development in China‘s TibetDATELINE: June 16, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:08LOCATION: LHASA, ChinaCATEGORY: POLITICS/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Tibet2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): MANASA R. TAGICAKIBAU, Fijian Ambassador to China3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): MANASA R. TAGICAKIBAU, Fijian Ambassador to ChinaSTORYLINE:Fijian Ambassador to China Manasa R. Tagicakibau said he is impressed by the rapid development in southwest China‘s Tibet and how local people have found new ways of increasing incomes after visiting several communities in the region.SOUNDBITE 1 (English): MANASA R. TAGICAKIBAU, Fijian Ambassador to China“I have spent four years in China, but this is my first time in Tibet. What I have seen here in Tibet is actually astonishing...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023061613986

  •  Rwanda helps refugees beat adversity with job and business opportunities
    Rwanda helps refugees beat adversity with job and business opportunities

    STORY: Rwanda helps refugees beat adversity with job and business opportunitiesDATELINE: June 10, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:49LOCATION: KigaliCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of refugee camps in Kigali, Rwanda2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Kinyarwanda): ESPERANCE MUSANGANIRE, DRC refugee in Kigeme refugee camp3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Kirundi): ALAIN GUSTAVE NGWIJE, Burundian refugee in Mahama refugee camp4. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): JEANNETTE UWIMANA, Acting project manager of “Jya Mbere“STORYLINE:Esperance Musanganire, a native of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), fled her war-torn homeland and arrived in Rwanda in 2012, in search of safety and a better future.Despite numerous challenges facing refugees like her, Musanganire is determined to rebuild her life and contribute positively to her new community in Kigeme refugee camp, in Nyamagabe, a district in Rwanda‘s Southern Province...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023061007054

  •  Turkish scholar hails China‘s vision of building global community of health for all
    Turkish scholar hails China‘s vision of building global community of health for all

    STORY: Turkish scholar hails China‘s vision of building global community of health for allDATELINE: June 7, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:50LOCATION: ISTANBUL, TürkiyeCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of China2. various of Baris Doster3. various of WHO4. SOUNDBITE 1 (Turkish): BARIS DOSTER, Scholar with the Istanbul-based Marmara University5. various of ChinaSTORYLINE:A Turkish scholar said that China‘s concept of building a global community of health for all reflects the country‘s strong state capacity.Baris Doster, a professor with Istanbul-based Marmara University, made the remarks in a recent interview with Xinhua.In 2020, China put forward the vision of building a global community of health for all...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023060712595

  •  Chinese company provides assistance for flood-stricken Ghanaian school
    Chinese company provides assistance for flood-stricken Ghanaian school

    STORY: Chinese company provides assistance for flood-stricken Ghanaian schoolDATELINE: June 4, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:53LOCATION: AccraCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of reconstructions of a Ghanaian school hit by floods2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): PAUL BOATENG, Headmaster of the school3. various of the rescue4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): JIN XIAODONG, General manager of the fishing port project5. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): PAUL BOATENG, Headmaster of the schoolSTORYLINE:A Chinese company on Thursday came to the rescue of a Ghanaian school hit by floods, enabling it to resume classes soon.The Christ the King of Kings preparatory school, located in Jamestown, a fishing community in Ghana‘s capital, has recently been plagued by flooding caused by constant downpours...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111605929

  •  Rural women drive Zimbabwe‘s green transition
    Rural women drive Zimbabwe‘s green transition

    STORY: Rural women drive Zimbabwe‘s green transitionDATELINE: June 1, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:19LOCATION: WEDZA, ZimbabweCATEGORY: TECHONOLY/ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of villagers driving an electric tricycle2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Shona): ADEFI MTAMBO, Local villager3. various of technical workers4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): MARILYN MAPONGA, Research and Community Engagement Coordinator, Mobility for Africa5. various of villagers using tricycle and delivering grocery orders6. various of a villager arriving with a load of firewood on her tricycle7. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): RUMBIDZAI CHINGOSHO, Assistant Engineer, Mobility for Africa8. various of tricycles leaving the workshopSTORYLINE: As a rural woman from Wedza, about 140 kilometers from Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, 53-year-old Adefi Mtambo never imagined herself in the driver‘s seat...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110308449

  •  Psychological trauma haunts children in Gaza amid conflicts
    Psychological trauma haunts children in Gaza amid conflicts

    STORY: Psychological trauma haunts children in Gaza amid conflictsDATELINE: June 1, 2023LENGTH: 00:04:24LOCATION: GAZA, PalestineCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of an Israeli airstrike against a Palestinian house in Gaza2. various of Palestinian children3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Arabic): HANIN ABU OBAID, Palestinian girl4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Arabic): MOHAMMED AL-DIRAWI, Palestinian boy5. various of Palestinian children6. SOUNDBITE 3 (Arabic): INTISAR AL-MASRI, Local woman who lost her house during the conflict7. various of Palestinian children8. SOUNDBITE 4 (Arabic): SAMI OWAIDA, Gaza-based psychiatrist and head of the nongovernmental Gaza Community Mental Health ProgrammeSTORYLINE:Nightmares haunt Hanin Abu Obaid, an 11-year-old girl in the Gaza Strip after she lost her family‘s houses during the Israeli airstrikes earlier in May...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023060114047

  •  Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu amazes Southern Californians
    Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu amazes Southern Californians

    STORY: Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu amazes Southern CaliforniansDATELINE: May 30, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:44LOCATION: LOS ANGELES, U.S.CATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the Shaolin Kung Fu performance2. various of the eventSTORYLINE:A stunning performance showcasing the intricate technique, astounding imagery and lightning moves of Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu amazed hundreds of audiences at Bowers Museum in Southern California on Sunday. The Kung Fu demonstration by Shaolin warrior monks was a highlight of the 2023 Shaolin Cultural Day, a cultural extravaganza for the Orange County community in Southern California...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102502493

  •  Media outlets pledge to contribute to building China-Central Asia community with shared future
    Media outlets pledge to contribute to building China-Central Asia community with shared future

    STORY: Media outlets pledge to contribute to building China-Central Asia community with shared futureDATELINE: May 24, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:22LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the China-Central Asia News Agency Forum2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Russian): ABROR AKHRAROVICH GULYAMOV, Deputy head of the International Department of the Uzbekistan National News Agency3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Russian): SUBHIDDIN SHAMSIDDINZODA, Head of the Khovar News Agency of Tajikistan4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Russian): MEDERBEK SHERMETALIEV, Head of the Kabar News Agency of Kyrgyzstan5. SOUNDBITE 4 (Russian): TLEGEN ABISHEV, Deputy head of the Television and Radio Complex of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan6...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082611964

  •  House of Chinese-Colombian Culture expands facilities for cultural exchange activities
    House of Chinese-Colombian Culture expands facilities for cultural exchange activities

    STORY: House of Chinese-Colombian Culture expands facilities for cultural exchange activitiesDATELINE: May 24, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:52LOCATION: BogotaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of House of Chinese-Colombian Culture in Bogota2. SOUNDBITE (Spanish): JAIME ALEJANDRO RESTREPO, Director of commercial and cultural agency Brigada SOS3. various of House of Chinese-Colombian Culture in BogotaSTORYLINE:The House of Chinese-Colombian Culture in the Colombian capital Bogota has expanded its facilities for cultural exchange activities, such as teaching Chinese to Colombian citizens and Spanish to the Chinese community living in Bogota...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082609413

  •  Fijian ambassador hails China‘s efforts in balancing development and tradition in Tibet
    Fijian ambassador hails China‘s efforts in balancing development and tradition in Tibet

    STORY: Fijian ambassador hails China‘s efforts in balancing development and tradition in TibetDATELINE: May 22, 2023LENGTH: 0:02:46LOCATION: LHASA, ChinaCATEGORY: CULTURE/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1 various of views in Tibet2 SOUNDBITE 1 (English): MR. MANASA R. TAGICAKIBAU, Ambassador of the Republic of Fiji to China3 SOUNDBITE 2 (English): MR. MANASA R. TAGICAKIBAU, Ambassador of the Republic of Fiji to China4 various of the group visiting TibetSTORYLINE:Fijian Ambassador to China Manasa R. Tagicakibau has hailed China‘s efforts in preserving traditional Tibetan culture and lifestyle while boosting economic development in the country‘s Tibet Autonomous Region.Tagicakibau paid a visit to several communities in Nyingchi, Tibet last week.SOUNDBITE 1 (English): MR. MANASA R...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082202242

  •  Jockey Club Sha Tin Rowing Center extension project complete in Hong Kong
    Jockey Club Sha Tin Rowing Center extension project complete in Hong Kong

    STORY: Jockey Club Sha Tin Rowing Center extension project complete in Hong KongDATELINE: May 16, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:23LOCATION: HONG KONG, ChinaCATEGORY: SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. various of the ceremony2. various of the center3. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): MIKE TANNER, President of Hong Kong Rowing Association4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): PAUL CHENG CHING-WAN, Commissioner for Sports, Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau5. various of the centerSTORYLINE:An opening ceremony was held in Hong Kong on Monday to celebrate the completion of the Jockey Club Sha Tin Rowing Center extension project.The new center will become the training base for the Hong Kong rowing team.With an increased area of over 1,500 square meters, the center will also open to the public as a community hub to encourage a wide range of participation in the sport...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080412745

  •  Chinese artists brew tea in Rewi Alley‘s hometown to enhance cultural exchanges
    Chinese artists brew tea in Rewi Alley‘s hometown to enhance cultural exchanges

    STORY: Chinese artists brew tea in Rewi Alley‘s hometown to enhance cultural exchangesDATELINE: May 14, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:43LOCATION: CHRISTCHURCH, New ZealandCATEGORY: SOCIETY/CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the eventSTORYLINE:A group of Chinese artists have staged a delicate tea culture display with the performance of Guqin and Dunhuang dance in the hometown of Rewi Alley, who opened the door for New Zealand-China friendly ties.The event, dubbed Tea and the World, was held in a community library in Christchurch, New Zealand‘s South Island, on Friday and Rewi Alley Chinese School on Saturday, aiming to enhance cultural exchanges between the two countries...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023051605924

  •  London holds Chinese Language Day event
    London holds Chinese Language Day event

    STORY: London holds Chinese Language Day eventDATELINE: May 13, 2023LENGTH: 00:04:21LOCATION: LondonCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of Chinese Language Day event2. SOUNDBITE (English): JOAN DESLANDES, Head teacher of Kingsford Community School in east LondonSTORYLINE:More than 100 British secondary school students and teachers participated in an International Chinese Language Day event in London on Thursday.The event, hosted by the Chinese Bridge Club and the Chinese Proficiency Test UK Committee, marked the end of the 2023 International Chinese Language Day activities across Britain. Teachers of six Confucius Institutes from London, Oxford and Nottingham brought different workshops showcasing traditional Chinese culture, covering Chinese calligraphy, paper folding, paper painting and rubbing, Chinese opera face painting and Chinese Kongfu, among other activities...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072701267

  •  U.S. President Biden warns of dire consequences of debt default
    U.S. President Biden warns of dire consequences of debt default

    STORY: U.S. President Biden warns of dire consequences of debt defaultDATELINE: May 12, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:40LOCATION: NEW YORK, the United StatesCATEGORY: POLITICS/ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. SOUNDBITE (English): JOE BIDEN, U.S. President2. various of the eventSTORYLINE:U.S. President Joe Biden has warned of the dire consequences of a possible default by the U.S. government on its debt obligation as early as June 1.Speaking at SUNY Westchester Community College in New York on Wednesday, Biden said the U.S. economy would fall into recession with 8 million Americans losing their jobs, and its international reputation would be damaged in the extreme in the case of a debt default.SOUNDBITE (English): JOE BIDEN, U.S. President“America defaults on our debt. Higher interest rates for credit cards, car loans, mortgages, payments for social security, medicare...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023051313303

  •  China‘s high-quality development to have positive spillover effects: celebrated politicians
    China‘s high-quality development to have positive spillover effects: celebrated politicians

    STORY: China‘s high-quality development to have positive spillover effects: celebrated politiciansDATELINE: April 21, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:55LOCATION: GUANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO, Former Philippine President2. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): KHUESHID MAHMUD KASURI, Former minister of Foreign Affairs, PakistanSTORYLINE:China‘s pursuit of high-quality development will produce notable positive spillover effects for the world, celebrated politicians said at an international conference in China‘s Guangzhou.The three-day conference, Understanding China -- Greater Bay Area Dialogue, concluded on Thursday.The event has attracted celebrated figures from the global political, academic and economic communities, from both home and abroad...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023042407499

  •  China has first International Dark Sky Community
    China has first International Dark Sky Community

    STORY: China has first International Dark Sky CommunityDATELINE: April 12, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:13LOCATION: SHENZHEN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of Xichong community in Shenzhen2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese):MEI LIN, Research associate at Shenzhen Astronomical Observatory3. various of Xichong community in Shenzhen4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): RUSKIN KENDALL HARTLEY, Executive Chairman of International Dark-Sky Association5. various of Xichong community in ShenzhenSTORYLINE:Xichong community in the southern Chinese metropolis of Shenzhen was awarded as an International Dark Sky Community on Monday...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023050602074

  •  E China city promotes communications among cross-Strait families
    E China city promotes communications among cross-Strait families

    STORY: E China city promotes communications among cross-Strait familiesDATELINE: April 9, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:37LOCATION: FUZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the cross-Strait families pairing activity2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): YE GUANPING, Resident in Guixi Community, Fuzhou3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): KOU SHIH HSIEN, Resident in Guixi Community from Taiwan, Fuzhou4. various of the Guixi Community5. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): CHEN WENJING, Official of Guixi Community, FuzhouSTORYLINE:Seven pairs of families from both sides of the Taiwan Strait on Saturday participated in a cross-Strait family pairing event in east China‘s Fuzhou City...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041101973

  •  Shenzhen‘s Xichong named first International Dark Sky Community in China
    Shenzhen‘s Xichong named first International Dark Sky Community in China

    STORY: Shenzhen‘s Xichong named first International Dark Sky Community in ChinaDATELINE: April 7, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:22LOCATION: SHENZHEN, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGY/OTHERSSHOTLIST:1. screenshot of the website2. various of Community of Xichong in ShenzhenSTORYLINE:The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) announced on Thursday that the community of Xichong in Shenzhen City of south China‘s Guangdong Province has been recognized as the first International Dark Sky Community in China.According to the IDA, the recognition is a milestone for Shenzhen to achieve equilibrium between urbanization development and dark sky protection and promote green urban development while retaining the coexistence of humans, nature, and the city...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023040901940

  •  China, Tanzania remember deceased Chinese experts assisting Tanzania
    China, Tanzania remember deceased Chinese experts assisting Tanzania

    STORY: China, Tanzania remember deceased Chinese experts assisting TanzaniaDATELINE: April 5, 2023LENGTH: 0:05:22LOCATION: DAR ES SALAAM, TanzaniaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of people and delegates who attended the tomb-sweeping ceremony2. various of people putting flowers on various tombs3. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): ATUPELE MWAKIBETE, Tanzania‘s Deputy Minister for Works and Transport4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): SUO PENG, Charge d‘affaires ad interim of the Chinese embassy in TanzaniaSTORYLINE:Tanzanian senior government officials on Monday joined the Chinese community living in the country at the Tomb-Sweeping Day memorial ceremony for Chinese experts who died during the construction of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway (TAZARA) and the implementation of other China-Tanzania cooperation projects...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023040708072

  •  Xi‘s initiatives even more relevant as West moves towards blocs, says expert
    Xi‘s initiatives even more relevant as West moves towards blocs, says expert

    STORY: Xi‘s initiatives even more relevant as West moves towards blocs, says expertDATELINE: April 1, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:04LOCATION: NEW YORK, U.S.CATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of views in China2. various of Sourabh Gupta, the interviewee3. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): SOURABH GUPTA, Senior fellow at Washington-based Institute for China-America Studies4. various of views in China5. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): SOURABH GUPTA, Senior fellow at Washington-based Institute for China-America Studies6. various of the UN headquartersSTORYLINE:A U.S. scholar said that the idea of building a community with a shared future for mankind, initiated by Chinese President Xi Jinping 10 years ago, is “even more relevant“ and “being recognized today in spades.“Sourabh Gupta is a senior fellow at the Washington-based Institute for China-America Studies...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023040213200

  •  Chinese Embassy in Tunisia holds award ceremony for essay contest
    Chinese Embassy in Tunisia holds award ceremony for essay contest

    STORY: Chinese Embassy in Tunisia holds award ceremony for essay contestDATELINE: April 1, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:03LOCATION: TunisCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of speech of Chinese ambassador to Tunisia2. various of award ceremonySTORYLINE:The Chinese Embassy in Tunisia held an award ceremony for the essay contest “Building a China-Arab Community with a Shared Future in the New Era“ on Friday.Nearly 20 winners were selected by Chinese and Tunisian experts.In his speech, the Chinese ambassador to Tunisia Wan Li said that through reading the submissions for the essay contest, he fully felt the recognition and enthusiasm of Tunisian people for China-Tunisia and China-Arab friendship.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Tunis.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023040206474

  •  China-proposed GSI receives extensive recognition from int‘l community: diplomat
    China-proposed GSI receives extensive recognition from int‘l community: diplomat

    STORY: China-proposed GSI receives extensive recognition from int‘l community: diplomatDATELINE: March 29, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:28LOCATION: BOAO, ChinaCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2023 in China‘s Hainan.2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): Nong Rong, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): Nong Rong, China‘s Assistant Minister of Foreign AffairsSTORYLINE:The appeal and influence of the China-proposed Global Security Initiative (GSI) has been growing since it was proposed one year ago at the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference in China‘s Hainan.That‘s according to Nong Rong, China‘s assistant minister of foreign affairs, during an address at a session of the BFA Annual Conference 2023, which is currently underway in Hainan...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023033102576

  •  Community with shared future represents China‘s efforts for world development: Hungarian expert
    Community with shared future represents China‘s efforts for world development: Hungarian expert

    STORY: Community with shared future represents China‘s efforts for world development: Hungarian expertDATELINE: March 27, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:41LOCATION: BudapestCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the interview2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LEVENTE HORVATH, Director of the Eurasia Center of the John von Neumann University in Hungary3. various of views in Hungary4. various of the Hungarian-Serbian railway5. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LEVENTE HORVATH, Director of the Eurasia Center of the John von Neumann University in HungarySTORYLINE:The idea of a community with a shared future for mankind represents China‘s efforts for world peace, cooperation, and harmony, a Hungarian expert has said in an interview with Xinhua...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023032800562

  •  Australia dims lights for Earth Hour to raise awareness of environment protection
    Australia dims lights for Earth Hour to raise awareness of environment protection

    STORY: Australia dims lights for Earth Hour to raise awareness of environment protectionDATELINE: March 26, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:33LOCATION: SYDNEY, AustraliaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of Australia‘s landmarks switching off lightsSTORYLINE:Australia‘s landmarks, including the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge, went dark for one hour on Saturday night as part of a global movement to raise awareness about climate change and nature loss.Earth Hour 2023 aims to raise awareness of the importance of trees and nature to wildlife, communities, and people‘s mental and physical well-being.According to WWF Australia, continued deforestation and industrial logging are major contributors to climate change, noting that every year an estimated 70 million trees are being destroyed or damaged in the country...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023032608461

  •  Spanish wildfire burns 4,000 hectares, forces evacuation of 1,500
    Spanish wildfire burns 4,000 hectares, forces evacuation of 1,500

    STORY: Spanish wildfire burns 4,000 hectares, forces evacuation of 1,500DATELINE: March 26, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:17LOCATION: MadridCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST: (courtesy of Fire Brigade from the Provincial Council of Castellon and Service of Wildfire Brigade of the Valencian Community)1. various of the wildfire2. various of firefighters and police evacuating people from towns3. various of the fire4. various of firefighters workingSTORYLINE:A recent wildfire in eastern Spain has burnt around 4,000 hectares of natural landscape and forced 1,500 people to evacuate from their homes. The wildfire, which began on Thursday between the provinces of Castellon and Teruel, is under control now...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023032608448

  •  Building a community with a shared future for mankind is “extremely important“: Former Egyptian PM
    Building a community with a shared future for mankind is “extremely important“: Former Egyptian PM

    STORY: Building a community with a shared future for mankind is “extremely important“: Former Egyptian PMDATELINE: March 25, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:49LOCATION: CairoCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of China2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): ESSAM SHARAF, Former Egyptian Prime Minister3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): ESSAM SHARAF, Former Egyptian Prime MinisterSTORYLINE:It has been 10 years since the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind was proposed.Former Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf told Xinhua that this concept is “extremely important,“ and will prevail in the near future.SOUNDBITE 1 (English): ESSAM SHARAF, Former Egyptian Prime Minister“For me, the concept is extremely important, especially under the current global conditions. The world is highly connected and interconnected. Therefore, no single country can withstand global threats and challenges alone...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023032600322

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