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  •  「新華社」傷ついたマガンを救助河北省平泉市

    中国河北省平泉市の野生動物保護ステーションはこのほど、住民の連絡を受け、国道508号線そばで負傷した野生のマガンを発見した。現場に駆け付けた職員が国家2級保護野生動物のマガンと確認し、保護ステーションで応急処置を施した。詳細な検査の結果、マガンは頸部に軽傷を負っていることが判明。職員の手当てにより少しずつ回復し、完治を待って自然に返された。同市はここ数年、環境保護・整備に力を入れ、生態環境が改善している。負傷したシベリアノロジカ、オオバン、ワシミミズクなどを迅速に治療しており、野生動物の種類と数が年々増加している。(記者/馮維健) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年4月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040905176

  •  Death toll rises to 29 in Istanbul‘s fire: governor‘s office
    Death toll rises to 29 in Istanbul‘s fire: governor‘s office

    STORY: Death toll rises to 29 in Istanbul‘s fire: governor‘s officeSHOOTING TIME: April 2, 2024DATELINE: April 3, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:30LOCATION: ISTANBUL, TürkiyeCATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST:1. various of the incident scene2. various of the rescue workSTORYLINE:The death toll in a fire on Tuesday in Türkiye‘s largest city, Istanbul, has risen to 29, according to the Istanbul governor‘s office. The office said the fire broke out during renovation works in a nightclub in the basement of a 16-story building in the Gayrettepe neighborhood of the Besiktas district on the European side of the city. “The treatment of one person injured in the fire is ongoing, and the teams are continuing their work in the building,“ the office said in its latest announcement...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年4月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040305406

  •  Guardian of black-necked cranes on “roof of the world“
    Guardian of black-necked cranes on “roof of the world“

    STORY: Guardian of black-necked cranes on “roof of the world“SHOOTING TIME: March 25, 2024DATELINE: March 26, 2024LENGTH: 00:00:56LOCATION: LHASA, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of black-necked cranes2. SOUNDBITE (Tibetan): NYIMA DONDRUP, Wildlife conservatorSTORYLINE:A Rag Wetland, situated within Damxung County in southwest China‘s Xizang, stands at an average altitude of 4,300 meters. Its unique ecological environment nurtures a variety of wild animals, including black-necked crane, a species under first-class state protection in China.In October last year, Nyima Dondrup, a wildlife conservator at the wetland saved an injured black-necked crane during a routine patrol.Thanks to a five-month treatment and rehabilitation process, the crane recovered and was released back into its natural habitat recently as the migration season is approaching...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032609373

  •  「新華社」中国の「希望の町」海南省ボアオのハイエンド医療パーク

    経済や環境など世界の問題を幅広く議論するボアオ・アジアフォーラムの2024年年次総会が26日に開幕する。世界の目は再び南中国海沿岸にある小さな町、海南省瓊海(けいかい)市博鰲(ボアオ)鎮に注がれる。ヤシの木が生い茂り、青い海と緑の自然が交錯するボアオの万泉河畔には「希望の町」と呼ばれるボアオ楽城国際医療観光先行区がある。一面の荒野から国内屈指の現代化ハイエンド医療パークに姿を変えた肥沃な土地には、全国に先駆けて新たな試みを行う「先行先試」の種が芽吹き、花を咲かせている。既に開業した医療機関は28カ所に上り、さらに20以上が建設中または建設準備段階にある。緊急の臨床ニーズがある輸入医薬品・医療機器の導入は2023年末時点で370種類を超え、新薬を必要とする国内患者に多くの治療選択肢を提供している。世界の最新の医薬品・医療機器が中国市場に迅速に参入するための重要なチャネルにもなっている。楽城は今や、多くの国内患者にとっての「希望の町」であるだけでなく、対外開放を進める中国医療の窓口でもある。(記者/趙玉和、黎多江、王軍鋒、郭良川) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032509959

  •  「新華社」中国の研究者、薬物送達機能の磁気駆動軟体ロボットを開発

    中国科学院深圳先進技術研究院は15日、同研究院のチームがドラッグ・デリバリー(薬物送達)機能を備えた磁気駆動軟体ロボットを開発したと明らかにした。ロボットは、器官内部の環境特性に従って適切な運動モードを選択することで、薬物の標的送達を実現すると同時に放出制御もできるという。研究成果はこのほど、米国化学会の学術誌「ACSNano」に掲載された。軟体ロボットは、高い柔軟性と変形能力を備え、医療サービス、ヒューマンマシンインタラクション(HMI)、薬物治療などの分野で幅広い応用価値があるが、正確な制御、材料選択、生体適合性、安全性などについては依然さらなる研究と改善が必要で、特に卵管などの小さな管の中での細胞と薬物の送達では、より複雑な体内環境に直面するため、手術器具や軟体ロボットにはより高い精度が求められる。研究では、研究者は卵管内での薬物の標的送達の新たな手段を発案、磁気駆動軟体ロボットが移動中にイン・サイチュ(In-Situ)プログラミングと運動モードの切り替えを行うことで、卵管内の複雑な環境変化に適応し、最終的に狭い空間を通過後、制御可能な薬物を放出する。特別に設計された磁気駆動軟体ロボットは、長さ約2・7センチ、幅、高さがそれぞれ1ミリの細長い長方形で、転動、反転、回転、滑走など多様な運動モードを実現でき、さまざまな障害の状況に適応する。研究者は、ブタから取り出した卵管を用いて磁気駆動軟体ロボットの性能を検証した。その結果、磁場の作用下で、ロボットが目標領域に向かって前進し、100秒以内に55ミリ移動、目標領域で薬物を迅速に放出したことが明らかになり、磁気駆動軟体ロボットが相当程度ブタの卵管環境に適応できることを示した。論文の責任著者で、同研究院副研究員の徐海峰(じょ・かいほう)氏は、今後チームが細胞と薬物輸送の動物での生体実験に力を注ぎ、磁気駆動軟体ロボットと既存の低侵襲手術器具を組み合わせ、細胞治療、生殖補助医療など精密医療技術についてさらに模索すると明らかにした。(記者/陳宇軒) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032308973

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    中国新疆ウイグル自治区和田(ホータン)地区の山岳地帯でこのほど、小型SUV(スポーツタイプ多目的車)が事故を起こし、車内にいた5人が負傷した。現場は標高約4千メートルの高地で、最も近い県城(中心市街地)からは360キロ離れていた。負傷者の1人は緊急に輸血を受ける必要があり、救助に当たった賽図拉(サイトゥーラ)辺境派出所は直ちに警察官を集め、献血を行った。負傷した5人は現在、命に別状はなく、引き続き治療を受けている。(記者/張嘯誠) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032008053

  •  Chinese firm donates equipment to support Ghanaian hospital‘s efforts to treat diabetes
    Chinese firm donates equipment to support Ghanaian hospital‘s efforts to treat diabetes

    STORY: Chinese firm donates equipment to support Ghanaian hospital‘s efforts to treat diabetesSHOOTING TIME: March 14, 2024DATELINE: March 16, 2024LENGTH: 00:03:08LOCATION: AccraCATEGORY: SOCIETY/HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the donating ceremony2. various of the hospital3. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): AKUA GYIMAH-ASANTE, Medical superintendent of the LEKMA Hospital in Accra4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): AKUA GYIMAH-ASANTE, Medical superintendent of the LEKMA Hospital in Accra5. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): QU HONGYING, Director of the Guangdong Second Provincial General HospitalSTORYLINE:A Chinese medical company on Thursday donated an assortment of medical equipment to the LEKMA Hospital in Accra, the capital of Ghana, to support its efforts to treat complications caused by diabetes...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年3月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031610369

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    前線の負傷者搬送 兵士向け「医療列車」公開

    ウクライナ国鉄は14日、前線で負傷した兵士を搬送する「医療列車」をメディアに初めて公開した。できるだけ早く治療を施し、医療環境の整った安全な場所に運ぶ目的で2022年2月の侵攻開始直後から活用されてきた。 <映像内容>医療列車の外観、内観、公開の様子など、撮影日:2024(令和6)年3月14日、撮影場所:ウクライナ・キーウ

    商品コード: 2024031807560

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    中国新疆ウイグル自治区の地震救援指揮部(対策本部)は27日、アクス地区ウシュトゥルファン県で23日に起きたマグニチュード(M)7・1級地震で発令していた2級地震災害緊急対応(4段階の上から2番目)を解除した。指揮部によると、同地震の緊急救援活動は既に終了しており、被災者は適切に避難し、負傷者も有効な治療を受けている。犠牲者と遺族に対する対応も着実に進んでいる。電力や通信、交通、水利などのインフラが復旧したことで正常な生活秩序がほぼ回復し、被災者の基本的な生活需要は保障されている。自治区応急管理庁の発表によると、今回の地震では3人が死亡し、5人が負傷した。(記者/張嘯誠、李響、馬鍇) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012810493

  •  Chinese charity groups facilitate free eye treatment in Pakistan
    Chinese charity groups facilitate free eye treatment in Pakistan

    STORY: Chinese charity groups facilitate free eye treatment in PakistanSHOOTING TIME: Jan. 24, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 27, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:28LOCATION: IslamabadCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP 1 (English): ALI JASWAL, Xinhua reporter2. various of surgeries3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Urdu): RAB NAWAZ, Cataract patient4. SOUNDBITE 2 (URDU): HAMID, Cataract patient5. various of surgeries6. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): AMMAR AFZAL TARAR, Eye surgeon of the campaignSTORYLINE:STANDUP 1 (English): ALI JASWAL, Xinhua reporter“Chinese and Pakistani volunteers have launched a free eye screening and cataract surgery campaign here in Pakistan for needy people...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012712267

  •  Int‘l medic recalls tough time working in war-torn Gaza
    Int‘l medic recalls tough time working in war-torn Gaza

    STORY: Int‘l medic recalls tough time working in war-torn GazaSHOOTING TIME: Jan. 19, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 22, 2024LENGTH: 0:02:00LOCATION: CairoCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Gaza-related footage2. SOUNDBITE (English): ENRICO VALLAPERTA, Italian intensive care nurse with MSFSTORYLINE: A medic from Doctors Without Borders, or Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), has given first-hand perspective about the challenges and experiences he had while working in a Gaza hospital during the Israel-Hamas conflict. During a press conference held in Cairo on Friday, Enrico Vallaperta, an Italian intensive care nurse with the MSF who left Gaza on Thursday, said he had worked in central Gaza‘s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital for several weeks amid very tough and dangerous conditions...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012306473

  •  Chinese doctors join efforts in combatting cholera outbreak in Zambia
    Chinese doctors join efforts in combatting cholera outbreak in Zambia

    STORY: Chinese doctors join efforts in combatting cholera outbreak in ZambiaSHOOTING TIME: Jan. 18, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 19, 2024LENGTH: 00:00:59LOCATION: LusakaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the Cholera treatment center2. various of the Chinese-donated materials3. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): DU XIAOHUI, Chinese Ambassador to Zambia4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): SYLVIA MASEBO, Zambian Health minister5. various of the Cholera treatment centerSTORYLINE:Chinese doctors joined local health workers on Thursday in providing healthcare services to cholera patients in Lusaka, the Zambian capital. A total of 10 doctors from the 24th Chinese Medical Team and the 26th Chinese Military Medical Expert Team were present at the National Heroes Stadium, designated as a national treatment center, to offer services to patients...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011911460

  •  Explosion kills 2, injures scores in southwest Nigeria
    Explosion kills 2, injures scores in southwest Nigeria

    STORY: Explosion kills 2, injures scores in southwest NigeriaSHOOTING DATE: Jan. 16, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 18, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:21LOCATION: AbujaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of rescue operations ongoing at the site of the explosion2. various of damaged buildings and vehicles around the site of the explosionSTORYLINE:At least two people were killed and scores of others injured in an explosion in a residential area in Nigeria‘s southwestern state of Oyo, Seyi Makinde, the state governor said early Wednesday. “So far, a total of 77 injured people have been rescued and sent to the hospital for treatment after the explosion at a private residence in Bodija, a district in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo,“ said Makinde after an on-the-spot assessment of the incident late Tuesday...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011809426

  •  「新華社」大学間の多層的な国際交流、中医薬の海外進出を後押し吉林省長春市

    カンボジア・シェムリアップ州出身のキエフ・ケン(KHIEVKEN)さん(22)は中国伝統医学に強い関心を抱き、3年前から吉林省の長春中医薬大学で中医学を専攻している。キエフさんにとって中医学は幅広い学識が詰まった奥深い学問だという。学業を終えた後は中医学の知識を母国へ持ち帰り、故郷の人々により良い医療サービスを提供したいと考えている。ダリハさんも同大で学ぶ留学生の一人。故郷のカザフスタンで西洋医学を学んでいたダリハさんは、中医の治療が地元の顔面まひの患者に驚くべき効果を発揮するのを目の当たりにし、中国で中医学を学びたいと思うようになった。長春中医薬大学では、彼女たちのような留学生が他にも数多く学んでいる。同大国際教育学院の付耕南(ふ・こうなん)副院長は、学校が用意した短期研修や海外育成コースは内容が豊富で、多くの国や地域の教員・学生から好評を得ている。留学生の育成に加え、国際交流・協力事業も中医学の「海外進出」をさらに後押ししている。大学間の多層的かつ多様な国際協力により、中医薬は海外でますます「ファン」を増やしつつある。(記者/周万鵬、宋心平) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024011005460

  •  Zambian president calls for enhanced efforts to tackle cholera
    Zambian president calls for enhanced efforts to tackle cholera

    STORY: Zambian president calls for enhanced efforts to tackle choleraSHOOTING TIME: Jan. 5, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 7, 2024LENGTH: 00:00:57LOCATION: LusakaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of anti-cholera program and street views2. various of Minister of Health Sylvia Masebo visiting Kanyama Level One Hospital for inspection3. various of the treatment centreSTORYLINE:Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema on Friday called for concerted efforts to tackle rising cholera cases in the country, especially in Lusaka, the country‘s capital. The Zambian president said the government was monitoring the cholera outbreak and would continue implementing measures to contain its spread. “We can defeat cholera if we work together. Take measures to avoid contracting the disease is our call to action,“ he said in a post on his Facebook page...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010709701

  •  Flu cases in Italy rise, hospitals overcrowded
    Flu cases in Italy rise, hospitals overcrowded

    STORY: Flu cases in Italy rise, hospitals overcrowdedSHOOTING TIME: Jan. 4, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 5, 2024LENGTH: 00:00:53LOCATION: RomeCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of hospital in Rome2. various of pharmacies in RomeSTORYLINE:The spread of the flu virus in Italy is “extremely worrying,“ the Italian Federation of Health and Hospital Companies (FIASO) has said. The number of flu-related intensive-care unit cases has nearly doubled in the last week, according to a FIASO survey. Flu cases are rising as coronavirus cases decline, which is having a greater overall impact on the country‘s healthcare system. “Coronavirus cases are giving way to the flu,“ said FIASO President Giovanni Migliore...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010506686

  •  14 injured in multi-vehicle pileups in S. Korea
    14 injured in multi-vehicle pileups in S. Korea

    STORY: 14 injured in multi-vehicle pileups in S. KoreaSHOOTING TIME: Jan. 4, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 4, 2024LENGTH: 0:01:00LOCATION: SEJONG, South KoreaCATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST:1. various of multi-vehicle pileups in S. KoreaSTORYLINE:At least 14 people were injured early Thursday morning from two multi-vehicle pileups in South Korea, according to Yonhap news agency.About 30 vehicles collided one after another at around 5:24 a.m. local time (2024 GMT Wednesday) on a bridge in Sejong, some 110 km south of the capital Seoul. Five drivers were taken to a hospital for the treatment of minor injuries. Another pileup involving eight vehicles occurred at about 6:27 a.m. local time (2127 GMT Wednesday) on a separate bridge in Sejong. Nine people suffered minor injuries from the accident...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010407797

  •  Chinese doctors provide free treatment for residents in Solomon Islands
    Chinese doctors provide free treatment for residents in Solomon Islands

    STORY: Chinese doctors provide free treatment for residents in Solomon IslandsSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 20, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 29, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:10LOCATION: SYDNEY, AustraliaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Chinese medical team providing medical services2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): Local resident3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): Local resident4. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): DAVID GAPIRONGO, Secretary of Helena Goldie Hospital in MundaSTORYLINE:The second batch of Chinese medical team dispatched to the Solomon Islands recently provided free medical services for six days in the Munda region, receiving high recognition from local residents and medical personnel.This is the third time the team has conducted medical services on outer islands since they arrived in the Solomon Islands in March this year.SOUNDBITE 1 (English): Local resident“I have been treated...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122910525

  •  11 killed after multi-vehicle crash in Türkiye
    11 killed after multi-vehicle crash in Türkiye

    STORY: 11 killed after multi-vehicle crash in TürkiyeSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 28, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 28, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:02LOCATION: SAKARYA, TürkiyeCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the accident in Sakarya, TürkiyeSTORYLINE:At least 11 people were killed, and 57 others were injured in a chain traffic accident on Thursday on a highway in Türkiye, the state-run TRT broadcaster reported.The accident occurred on the Northern Marmara highway at a location near the northwestern Sakarya province. Seven vehicles, including three buses and a truck, were involved in the chain accident caused by dense fog in the Dagdibi area of the Istanbul direction of the highway.The transportation in the Istanbul direction of the highway came to a halt after the accident.Sakarya Governor Yasar Karadeniz told the broadcaster that the injured were being treated in 10 different hospitals...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122811026

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    原告入り・旗出しと囲み 捜査捏造訴訟、賠償命令 原告入り・旗出しと囲み


    商品コード: 2024010606482

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    原告記者会見 【速報】捜査捏造訴訟、賠償命令


    商品コード: 2024010507770

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    原告記者会見 捜査捏造訴訟、賠償命令


    商品コード: 2024010606472

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    中国甘粛省臨夏回族自治州積石山パオアン族トンシャン族サラール族自治県で18日午後11時59分(日本時間19日午前0時59分)、マグニチュード(M)6・2の地震があり、これまでに100人の死亡が確認された。震源地とその周辺では、住宅や水道、電気、道路などのインフラに被害が出ている。地震発生後、同省関係部門と州、県は直ちに救助隊を派遣し、捜索・救助や負傷者の治療、避難誘導、被害調査、損壊したインフラの補修などに当たっている。(記者/張智敏) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121906819

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    中国の北京市交通委員会は15日、地下鉄昌平線の西二旗駅と生命科学園駅の上り区間で14日午後6時57分(日本時間同7時57分)、車両の追突事故が起き、負傷者が出たと発表した。発表によると、14日午後11時ごろまでに515人が病院に搬送され、うち102人が骨折、死者はいなかった。15日午前6時現在、423人が退院し、25人が病院で経過観察、67人が入院して治療を受けている。(記者/王修楠) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121513198

  •  Response measures in effect as child respiratory cases decline in China
    Response measures in effect as child respiratory cases decline in China

    STORY: Response measures in effect as child respiratory cases decline in ChinaSHOOTING TIME: Recent footageDATELINE: Dec. 14, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:28LOCATION: GUANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of pediatric medical institutions in China2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): WANG BIN, Head of pediatric department, Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical UniversitySTORYLINE:Facing the recent high incidences of respiratory infectious diseases among children, medical authorities across China have coordinated medical resources and taken multiple measures to optimize diagnosis and treatment process to improve efficiency.Currently, pediatric medical institutions nationwide continue to run around the clock, providing necessary medical support for minor patients timely...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121413268

  •  China sees decline in child respiratory cases at medical facilities
    China sees decline in child respiratory cases at medical facilities

    STORY: China sees decline in child respiratory cases at medical facilitiesSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 8, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 13, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:45LOCATION: Beijing/GUANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the hospitalsSTORYLINE:China has recorded a fluctuating decrease in the overall diagnosis and treatment volume of pediatric respiratory diseases at its secondary and higher-level medical institutions nationwide, the Chinese health authority said Sunday.According to the National Health Commission, the previously increased caseload at some large children‘s specialty hospitals and general hospitals has recently shown a degree of decline. The outpatient numbers for respiratory diseases at fever clinics and emergency departments have remained relatively stable...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121400118

  •  Traditional Chinese medicine captivates Cambodian medical practitioners
    Traditional Chinese medicine captivates Cambodian medical practitioners

    STORY: Traditional Chinese medicine captivates Cambodian medical practitionersSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 11, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 12, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:41LOCATION: Phnom PenhCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of acupuncture treatment by Chinese doctor2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Khmer): YON SARAT, Nurse at private-owned Polyclinic Hong En in Phnom Penh3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): YUAN GENG, Head of Chinese medical aid teamSTORYLINE:A training seminar on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) opened on Monday in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh, presenting TCM treatment techniques for Cambodian medical practitioners.Cambodian medical practitioner Yon Sarat said the training seminar would give him a better insight into the use of TCM in disease diagnosis and treatment...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121207009

  •  「新華社」武漢市の協和医院、陽子線腫瘍治療システムを導入湖北省

    中国湖北省武漢市の華中科技大学同済医学院付属協和医院の質子(陽子)医学センターでこのほど、米バリアンメディカルシステムズ社製陽子線治療システム「ProBeam360」の設置が完了し、陽子線ビームの誘導に成功した。これは中国における腫瘍プレシジョン・メディシン(精密医療)を加速させる新たな一里塚を迎えたことを意味し、湖北省、さらには中国中部地域の腫瘍放射線治療レベルを大幅に向上させることにつながる。(記者/閆叡、熊琦) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120702848

  •  Chinese embassy in Croatia joins charity event in Zagreb
    Chinese embassy in Croatia joins charity event in Zagreb

    STORY: Chinese embassy in Croatia joins charity event in ZagrebSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 3, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 4, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:57LOCATION: ZagrebCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the charity event2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): QI QIANJIN, Chinese ambassador to Croatia3. various of the charity event4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): ANITA PRKA DJURASIC, IWCZ communications manager5. various of the charity eventSTORYLINE:The International Women‘s Club Zagreb (IWCZ) organized a Christmas Bazaar on Sunday, with supports of embassies and Croatian organizations in Zagreb, capital of Croatia.All proceeds of the Christmas Bazaar will be donated to the Association of Multiple Sclerosis in Croatia, which promotes treatment, research and protection for people who are suffering from serious disease.The Chinese embassy also attended the charity event...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120407875

  •  Türkiye provides medical assistance to people in Gaza
    Türkiye provides medical assistance to people in Gaza

    STORY: Türkiye provides medical assistance to people in GazaSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 29, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 30, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:13LOCATION: AnkaraCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of a Turkish military plane carrying medicines and medical supplies for the people of the Gaza Strip (courtesy of Turkish Defense Ministry)2. various of Turkish health teams identifying possible locations for the field hospital‘s services in the Gaza Strip (courtesy of Turkish Health Ministry)3. various of the Gazan patients arriving at Türkiye for treatment in the capital Ankara (courtesy of ihlas news agency)4. SOUNDBITE (Turkish): FAHRETTIN KOCA, Turkish Health Minister (courtesy of ihlas news agency)5...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023113013406

  •  Egypt to open Rafah crossing for Palestinians stranded in North Sinai
    Egypt to open Rafah crossing for Palestinians stranded in North Sinai

    STORY: Egypt to open Rafah crossing for Palestinians stranded in North SinaiSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 23, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 24, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:48LOCATION: CairoCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the Rafah border crossingSTORYLINE:Egypt announced on Thursday that the Rafah border crossing will open on Friday for Palestinian citizens who are stranded in North Sinai and wish to return to the Gaza Strip.According to al Ahram state-owned newspaper, the crossing will also be open for Palestinians stranded in other Egyptian governorates, including Cairo, as of Saturday.Over the past weeks, Egypt has evacuated some foreigners who were stranded in war-torn Gaza and received dozens of seriously injured Palestinians for treatment in Egyptian hospitals...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023112408687

  • 73歳 小説「機関車先生」やエッセー 作家の伊集院静さん死去
    73歳 小説「機関車先生」やエッセー 作家の伊集院静さん死去

    小説「機関車先生」やエッセー「大人の流儀」シリーズで知られる作家伊集院静(いじゅういん・しずか)さんが24日、死去した。73歳。山口県出身。告別式は近親者で行う。肝内胆管がんのため治療中だった。 <映像内容>2021年12月、都内で開かれたイベントでコメントする伊集院さん。2014年11月、都内で開かれたウイスキーに関するイベントでコメントする伊集院さん。※音声は一部を除いてオフにしています、撮影日:2023(令和5)年11月24日、撮影場所:東京都内

    商品コード: 2023112708924

  •  Kuwait provides humanitarian supplies to Gaza
    Kuwait provides humanitarian supplies to Gaza

    STORY: Kuwait provides humanitarian supplies to GazaSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 22, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 23, 2023LENGTH: 0:00:43LOCATION: Kuwait CityCATEGORY: POLITICS/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of a plane of the Kuwait Air Force loaded with humanitarian supplies preparing to take off from the Kuwaiti airportSTORYLINE:Kuwait provided a batch of supplies to Gaza as humanitarian aid, including eight ambulances and basic medical supplies for resuscitation and first aid, such as basic therapeutic tools for childbirth, initial artificial breathing tubes, oxygen masks, wound disinfectants, and bronchodilators.The supplies were loaded on a plane of the Kuwait Air Force which took off on Wednesday. It‘s scheduled to land at Egypt‘s al-Arish Airport.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Kuwait City.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023112305798

  •  More than 60 Gazan patients arrive in Türkiye for treatment
    More than 60 Gazan patients arrive in Türkiye for treatment

    STORY: More than 60 Gazan patients arrive in Türkiye for treatmentSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 20, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 21, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:34LOCATION: AnkaraCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the Gazan patients brought to Türkiye by Turkish Health Ministry for treatment (Date: Nov. 20, 2023) (courtesy of Turkish Health Ministry)2. various of the Gazan patients arriving in Türkiye (date: Nov. 20, 2023) (courtesy of ihlas news agency)3. various of the press briefing of Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca (date: Nov. 20, 2023) (courtesy of ihlas news agency)4. various of the meeting of Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan at the parliament (date: Oct. 20, 2023) (courtesy of Turkish Foreign Ministry)5. various of some Turkish citizens who left Gaza arriving at the Istanbul airport (date: Nov...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023112107079

  •  Palestinian death toll in Gaza surpasses 12,000
    Palestinian death toll in Gaza surpasses 12,000

    STORY: Palestinian death toll in Gaza surpasses 12,000SHOOTING TIME: Nov. 17, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 18, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:42LOCATION: Ramallah/Jerusalem/CairoCATEGORY: POLITICS/MILITARYSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP 1 (English): OHOOD AL-JAGHOUB, Xinhua reporter in Ramallah2. STANDUP 2 (English): ZHANG TIANLANG, Xinhua correspondent in Jerusalem3. STANDUP 3 (English): YAO BING, Xinhua correspondent in CairoSTORYLINE:STANDUP 1 (English): OHOOD AL-JAGHOUB, Xinhua reporter in Ramallah“Al-Shifa Hospital has become a big prison and a mass grave, said its director as they lost all patients in intensive care units. The Israeli soldiers continue their raid of the medical compound for the third day (Nov. 17), while about 7,000 patients and displaced Palestinians are still trapped inside...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111808063

  •  Chinese-invested hospital helps advance healthcare in Ethiopia
    Chinese-invested hospital helps advance healthcare in Ethiopia

    STORY: Chinese-invested hospital helps advance healthcare in EthiopiaSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 4, 2023 DATELINE: Nov. 17, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:11LOCATION: Addis AbabaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the Chinese-invested Addis Ababa Silk Road General Hospital2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): ZHANG QIANG, Doctor at Addis Ababa Silk Road General Hospital3. various of the patients getting treatment4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Amharic): ETENESH SISAY, Patient5. various of the patients getting treatment6. SOUNDBITE 3 (Amharic): BITEW SEWUNET, PatientSTORYLINE:Inside the Chinese-invested Addis Ababa Silk Road General Hospital, a team of specialized medical professionals conducted Africa‘s first advanced vein care and treatment.The operation led by Zhang Qiang marks a new milestone in the hospital‘s fast-growing reputation as the leading healthcare service provider in the East African country...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111712283

  •  Report calls on Australia to reduce antibiotic use amid rise in drug-resistant infections
    Report calls on Australia to reduce antibiotic use amid rise in drug-resistant infections

    STORY: Report calls on Australia to reduce antibiotic use amid rise in drug-resistant infectionsSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 17, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 16, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:41LOCATION: CanberraCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of pharmacies in CanberraSTORYLINE:Australia is losing the war against drug-resistant infections, a government report has warned. The report, published on Thursday by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, found that bacteria that cause golden staph infections, gastroenteritis and gonorrhea are growing increasingly resistant to the antibiotic drugs that treat them - a phenomenon known as antimicrobial resistance (AMR). According to the report, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a 19 percent drop in antibiotic use in Australia between 2019 and 2022, but the country still has one of the highest consumption rates in the developed world...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111708787

  •  Patients from Gaza Strip arrive in Türkiye for treatment: official
    Patients from Gaza Strip arrive in Türkiye for treatment: official

    STORY: Patients from Gaza Strip arrive in Türkiye for treatment: officialSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 16, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 17, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:44LOCATION: AnkaraCATEGORY: POLITICS/HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP (English): LI ZHENBEI, Xinhua correspondent2. various of cancer patients from Gaza Strip (courtesy of ihlas news agency)3. various of Ankara Bilkent City Hospital (courtesy of ihlas news agency)STORYLINE:STANDUP (English): LI ZHENBEI, Xinhua correspondent“Twenty-seven Gazan patients arrived at Türkiye‘s Ankara Bilkent City Hospital on early Thursday, Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said. The patients were the first Gazans to travel from Egypt to another country for treatment.“Twenty-seven patients from Gaza and their 13 attendants, who passed through the Rafah border crossing from the Gaza Strip to Egypt, arrived in Türkiye‘s capital here on early Thursday...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111707554

  •  Chinese cultural center in Kuwait holds traditional Chinese medicine promotion event
    Chinese cultural center in Kuwait holds traditional Chinese medicine promotion event

    STORY: Chinese cultural center in Kuwait holds traditional Chinese medicine promotion eventSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 6, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 7, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:59LOCATION: HAWALLI, KuwaitCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of eventSTORYLINE:Chinese Cultural Center in Kuwait held a traditional Chinese medicine and treatment event on Monday in Hawalli Governorate, attracting nearly 100 people from all walks of life in Kuwait. Four experts from the 15th batch of China (Jilin) medical team to Kuwait elaborated on simple traditional Chinese medicine coping methods for facial paralysis, insomnia, common pediatric diseases, and cervical spondylosis at the event...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110712368

  •  Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake
    Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake

    STORY: Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquakeSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 4, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 4, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:20LOCATION: KathmanduCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of sites hit by earthquakeSTORYLINE:The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday.The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement.The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts at 23:47 local time on Friday night, with a depth of 10-15 km, according to the authorities.Nepal Police, Nepal Armed Police Force and Nepali Army participated in the rescue operation, as the government has prioritized the rescue and treatment of the injured...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023110412617

  •  「新華社」施設のバリアフリー化で高齢者のリハビリを支援黒竜江省ハルビン市

    中国黒竜江省ハルビン市の黒竜江省社会康復(リハビリテーション)医院では、通路の段差解消やトイレの手すり設置、床の滑り止め対策などバリアフリー改造を行ったことで、高齢者の治療やリハビリがより円滑になっている。同省はここ数年、高齢者向けのリフォーム事業に力を入れており、各地で高齢者向け製品産業やリハビリテーションを革新的に発展させることで、多様性のある療養サービスと関連産業の発展成果を実用化している。(記者/王大禹、董宝森) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102410839

  •  Tensions escalate along Israeli-Lebanese border
    Tensions escalate along Israeli-Lebanese border

    STORY: Tensions escalate along Israeli-Lebanese borderDATELINE: Oct. 21, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:16LOCATION: JerusalemCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of IDF carring out a number of attacks in Lebanese territory (courtesy of IDF)2. various of paramedics treating 3 victims (courtesy of Magen David Adom)3. various of the F-16I (Sufa) fighter jets activity over the last few days (courtesy of IDF)STORYLINE:Tensions near the border between Israel and Lebanon have escalated in recent days.According to Lebanese media reports, heavy rockets were fired towards Israel from southern Lebanon on Thursday. The Israeli army responded with air strikes and artillery shelling. The frequent rocket and missile exchanges prompted Israel to evacuate Kiryat Shmona, a northern Israeli city bordering Lebanon on Friday...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102106821

  •  Nobel laureate Kariko underscores groundbreaking potential of mRNA technology
    Nobel laureate Kariko underscores groundbreaking potential of mRNA technology

    STORY: Nobel laureate Kariko underscores groundbreaking potential of mRNA technologyDATELINE: Oct. 15, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:32LOCATION: SZEGED, HungaryCATEGORY: SCIENCESHOTLIST:1. various of the panel discussionSTORYLINE:Biochemist Katalin Kariko, 2023 Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine, underscored the application potential of mRNA technology in a panel discussion at her alma mater, University of Szeged, on Thursday evening.Originally focused on cancer vaccines, mRNA‘s versatility has broadened to encompass various therapeutic applications, particularly in the rapidly evolving field of therapy drugs, she explained to an audience made up mostly of university students in response to a question from Xinhua.“Definitely, the messenger RNA (mRNA) as a therapy will be used for many, many applications, many different treatments, and therapies,“ she said...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101510314

  •  China-Cambodia traditional Chinese medicine center inaugurated in Phnom Penh
    China-Cambodia traditional Chinese medicine center inaugurated in Phnom Penh

    STORY: China-Cambodia traditional Chinese medicine center inaugurated in Phnom PenhDATELINE: Oct. 13, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:10LOCATION: Phnom PenhCATEGORY: HEALTH SHOTLIST:1. various of the ceremony2. SOUNDBITE (Khmer): MEY SITHACH, Deputy director of Cambodia-China Friendship Preah Kossamak HospitalSTORYLINE:The China-Cambodia Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Center was launched in Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia, on Thursday, with an aim to develop TCM in the Southeast Asian country.SOUNDBITE (Khmer): MEY SITHACH, Deputy director of Cambodia-China Friendship Preah Kossamak Hospital“The center is very useful, offering medical diagnosis and serving the healthcare need of the Cambodian people as well as the Chinese people living in Cambodia.It (TCM) is very useful to help treat Cambodian people who have suffered from chronic diseases...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101313153

  •  12 killed, 11 injured in road accident in Pakistan‘s Sindh
    12 killed, 11 injured in road accident in Pakistan‘s Sindh

    STORY: 12 killed, 11 injured in road accident in Pakistan‘s SindhDATELINE: Oct. 12, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:02LOCATION: IslamabadCATEGORY: OTHERS SHOTLIST:1. various of the road accidentSTORYLINE:At least 12 people were killed and 11 others injured on Wednesday evening in a road accident in the Khairpur district of Pakistan‘s southern Sindh province, an official said.Deputy Commissioner of the district Ahmed Fawad Shah told the media that a passenger van and a car collided with each other near the Babarloi Bypass area of Khairpur, leaving seven people dead on the spot and 16 others injured.Police and rescue teams rushed to the site and shifted the bodies and injured to a nearby hospital.The official added that five of the injured succumbed to their injuries during their treatment at the hospital, increasing the death toll to 12...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023101210742

  •  At least 21 dead after bus falls from overpass in Venice, Italy
    At least 21 dead after bus falls from overpass in Venice, Italy

    STORY: At least 21 dead after bus falls from overpass in Venice, ItalyDATELINE: Oct. 4, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:37LOCATION: RomeCATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST:1. various of the accident siteSTORYLINE:At least 21 people were dead Tuesday after a bus fell from an overpass near the Italian canal city of Venice and then caught fire after falling onto train tracks, local media reported.Reports varied widely on the number of the injured, with estimates ranging between 12 and 40 people hurt. Among them, at least two were in critical condition and multiple others were seriously injured. Additionally, “several“ others were reported as missing.The death toll could still rise as the injured are treated in area hospitals, reports said...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年10月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023100411409

  •  Chinese medical team provides free TCM healthcare in Myanmar
    Chinese medical team provides free TCM healthcare in Myanmar

    STORY: Chinese medical team provides free TCM healthcare in MyanmarDATELINE: Sept. 29, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:52LOCATION: YANGON, MyanmarCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the charity traditional Chinese medicine clinicSTORYLINE:A team of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners from China on Thursday provided free medical services to people in Myanmar‘s largest city Yangon.With the support of the Fujian General Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar, the Returned Overseas Chinese Federation of Fujian Province set up a temporary clinic in Yangon.The team of five TCM doctors aided by medical staff provided diagnosis and treatment to about 300 local residents during their clinic‘s operation.“Our purpose is to take care of overseas Chinese people and to promote the essence of traditional Chinese medicine,“ Zhang Yao, a member of the federation, told Xinhua...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023092907774

  •  Chinese doctors deliver free medical services to remote Kiribati islands
    Chinese doctors deliver free medical services to remote Kiribati islands

    STORY: Chinese doctors deliver free medical services to remote Kiribati islandsDATELINE: Sept. 15, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:04LOCATION: SYDNEY, AustraliaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Chinese doctors treating patientsSTORYLINE:Two Chinese doctors on Thursday finished a four-day visit to Tamana and Tabiteuea North, two islands of Kiribati located more than 300 kilometers southeast of the capital Tarawa, after delivering free medical services to local residents.At the invitation of Kiribati Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Cao Lijun and Che Xiaoshuang from the second batch of the Chinese medical team stationed in the Pacific island country departed from Tarawa on Monday, heading to their destinations by plane...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023091513559

  •  Mexican doctors show growing interest in Chinese acupuncture: expert
    Mexican doctors show growing interest in Chinese acupuncture: expert

    STORY: Mexican doctors show growing interest in Chinese acupuncture: expertDATELINE: Sept. 6, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:44LOCATION: Mexico CityCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of medical students2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Spanish): JULIO CESAR ALMANZA, Coordinator of specialization in Acupuncture and Phytotherapy, UAM3. various of acupuncture treatment4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Spanish): JULIO CESAR ALMANZA, Coordinator of specialization in Acupuncture and Phytotherapy, UAM5. various of medical students taking a classSTORYLINE:The interest of Mexican doctors in practicing Chinese acupuncture has grown in recent years, and this ancient technique has become an effective tool for treating people with chronic degenerative diseases in Mexico...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090612172

  •  Rare oriental white stork gets beak transplant in NE China
    Rare oriental white stork gets beak transplant in NE China

    STORY: Rare oriental white stork gets beak transplant in NE ChinaDATELINE: Aug. 31, 2023LENGTH: 0:00:58LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of the injured oriental white stork under medical treatment2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): ZHU BAOGUANG, Staff member of Honghe National Nature Reserve3. various of the oriental white stork being sent to the wildSTORYLINE:An injured oriental white stork with a broken beak was brought to the Honghe National Nature Reserve in northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province for surgery recently. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): ZHU BAOGUANG, Staff member of Honghe National Nature Reserve“To rescue this oriental stork, we considered multiple options, and the best one was to provide it with an artificial beak as soon as possible. Thus, we reached out to a company specializing in simulated specimens and customized a lifelike beak for it...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090109707

  •  7 killed, 8 injured in van-truck collision in southern Pakistan
    7 killed, 8 injured in van-truck collision in southern Pakistan

    STORY: 7 killed, 8 injured in van-truck collision in southern PakistanDATELINE: Aug. 25, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:42LOCATION: IslamabadCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the accident sceneSTORYLINE:At least seven people were killed and eight others injured on Thursday in a collision between a van and a truck in Thatta district of Pakistan‘s southern Sindh province, the rescue service reported. According to the reports, the accident took place in the morning on the National Highway near Jhirk area of the city when the vehicles coming from opposite directions, on a single-track road, collided with each other. Upon receiving the information, the rescue workers reached the site and shifted the victims to a local hospital, said the rescue service, adding that some of the patients were later taken to another hospital for further treatment...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082508916

  •  2 killed in Peru forest fire
    2 killed in Peru forest fire

    STORY: 2 killed in Peru forest fireDATELINE: Aug. 23, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:06LOCATION: LimaCATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST:1. various of forest fireSTORYLINE:At least two people were killed, 12 others injured and another two remained missing in a major forest fire in the southern Peruvian region of Apurimac, said the National Emergency Operations Center in a statement Tuesday. The fire started on Sunday in the district of Ihuayllo, causing significant damage to livestock and the natural environment, it said. The injured people were being treated at a regional hospital and at a health center in Chalhuanca, local media reported. Several of them were in a “serious“ condition and will be transferred by army helicopters to Lima...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082311906

  •  認知症新薬、承認を審議 厚労省専門部会の頭撮り
    認知症新薬、承認を審議 厚労省専門部会の頭撮り

    厚生労働省の専門部会は21日、製薬大手エーザイと米バイオジェンが共同開発したアルツハイマー病治療薬「レカネマブ」の製造販売承認を審議した。承認されれば、病気の進行につながる物質の除去を狙った初の認知症薬となる。 <映像内容>東京都内の厚生労働省の外観と、専門部会の頭撮り、撮影日:2023(令和5)年8月21日、撮影場所:東京都

    商品コード: 2023082206551

  •  Cholera outbreak in eastern DR Congo threatening displaced persons: UN
    Cholera outbreak in eastern DR Congo threatening displaced persons: UN

    STORY: Cholera outbreak in eastern DR Congo threatening displaced persons: UNDATELINE: Aug. 18, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:45LOCATION: KinshasaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of an internally displaced persons (IDP) site of Bulengo2. SOUNDBITE (French): AMINA BAKUNDA, Doctor at the Cholera Treatment Center3. various of a Red Cross worker talking to displaced people on choleraSTORYLINE:A cholera outbreak in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) threatens more than 1 million displaced persons, many living precariously, UN humanitarians said on Monday.The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said the outbreak is in North Kivu province, with areas of Goma, Karisimbi, Masisi and Nyiragongo particularly impacted...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081813318

  •  Clashes in Libya‘s Tripoli kill 27, injure over 100
    Clashes in Libya‘s Tripoli kill 27, injure over 100

    STORY: Clashes in Libya‘s Tripoli kill 27, injure over 100DATELINE: Aug. 16, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:09LOCATION: TripoliCATEGORY: SOCIETY/POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the military forcesSTORYLINE:The Medical Emergency Department of the Libyan Ministry of Health on Tuesday said that 27 people have been killed and more than 100 injured in clashes that erupted in the capital Tripoli Monday night.The department said that more than 234 families have been evacuated from clash areas in Tripoli and that three emergency field hospitals were set up to treat the wounded.Violent clashes erupted in parts of Tripoli later on Monday between the 444 Brigade and the Special Deterrence Force following the force‘s reported arrest of a powerful 444 Brigade commander...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081707242

  •  Xinjiang, My home: A caring nurse‘s daily life
    Xinjiang, My home: A caring nurse‘s daily life

    STORY: Xinjiang, My home: A caring nurse‘s daily lifeDATELINE: Aug. 14, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:00LOCATION: URUMQI, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Feng Xueping working2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): FENG XUEPING, NurseSTORYLINE:SOUNDBITE (Chinese): FENG XUEPING, Nurse“I am Feng Xueping, 23 years old. I‘m working at Wusu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a nurse at the Geriatric Encephalopathy Department.Elderly people are like children. When they get sick, they always feel stressed. So at our department, we need to console them and help them receive treatment without worries.Do you feel better, auntie?(Yes, I do feel better. Thank you for taking care of me these days.)It‘s no big deal. I am doing my job. Please take medicines on time at home. Take care of yourself.(Okay. Thank you!)I like watching Douyin in my spare time...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081412379

  •  Gen Z physiotherapists promote Tai Chi to further improve TCM efficacy
    Gen Z physiotherapists promote Tai Chi to further improve TCM efficacy

    STORY: Gen Z physiotherapists promote Tai Chi to further improve TCM efficacyDATELINE: Aug. 9, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:06LOCATION: NANNING, ChinaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of practice of Tai Chi2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): WEN SHENG, Senior physiotherapist3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LIANG DONGLING, Gen Z physiotherapist4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): WU YUFENG, Gen Z physiotherapist5. SOUNDBITE 4 (Chinese): Ms. LU, Trainee of Tai Chi in rehabilitationSTORYLINE:At a local hospital in south China‘s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, two Gen Z physiotherapists are practicing Tai Chi.The traditional Chinese martial art focuses on exploiting human body‘s inner energy to achieve physical and mental harmony.In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Tai Chi has been used to help cure diseases as a physical therapy...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080913736

  •  Bubonic plague case reported in Mongolian capital
    Bubonic plague case reported in Mongolian capital

    STORY: Bubonic plague case reported in Mongolian capitalDATELINE: Aug. 9, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:35LOCATION: Ulan BatorCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of marmots on grasslands in MongoliaSTORYLINE:One case of bubonic plague was confirmed in Mongolia‘s capital on Tuesday, according to the country‘s National Center for Zoonotic Diseases (NCZD). The infected man ate marmot meat last week, the NCZD said, adding that he and five others in close contact with him are now being isolated and treated. While hunting marmots is illegal in Mongolia, many Mongolians regard the rodent as a delicacy and ignore the law. Of all the 21 Mongolian provinces, 17 are still at risk of the bubonic plague, the center said, urging the public not to hunt marmots or eat marmot meat...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080912933

  •  China-funded free surgery program brings back joyful life to Lao children
    China-funded free surgery program brings back joyful life to Lao children

    STORY: China-funded free surgery program brings back joyful life to Lao childrenDATELINE: August 2, 2023LENGTH: 0:02:20LOCATION: VientianeCATEGORY: SOCIETY/HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Pasahak suliya2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Lao): PASAHAK SULIYA, 11-year-old girl in Oudomxay3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Lao): VONGPHET SULIYA, Pasahak‘s father4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Lao): VONGPHET SULIYA, Pasahak‘s fatherSTORYLINE:An 11-year-old girl from northern Laos‘ hilly Oudomxay province has returned to a joyful life after she had her congenital heart disease (CHD) remedied by Chinese surgeons.SOUNDBITE 1 (Lao): PASAHAK SULIYA, 11-year-old girl in Oudomxay“Before the surgery, I got tired so easily. I felt tired after running for just a short time...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080213765

  •  Turkish employee injured in armed attack on Swedish consulate in Izmir
    Turkish employee injured in armed attack on Swedish consulate in Izmir

    STORY: Turkish employee injured in armed attack on Swedish consulate in IzmirDATELINE: Aug. 2, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:50LOCATION: ISTANBUL, TürkiyeCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of security team trying to neutralize armed attacker2. various of a man in plastic handcuffs lying on the floor3. various of paramedics carrying the wounded to the ambulance4. various of the building of the Swedish Consulate General in IzmirSTORYLINE:A “mentally disabled“ person attacked the Swedish consulate in Türkiye‘s Izmir Province on Tuesday, seriously injuring a Turkish employee of the consulate, the Izmir governor‘s office said in a statement.The wounded Turkish citizen was sent to Tepecik Training and Research Hospital for treatment after the attack that occurred at 12:45 p.m. local time (0945 GMT), according to the statement...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080206526

  •  WFP to suspend malnutrition prevention in Yemen due to funding shortfall
    WFP to suspend malnutrition prevention in Yemen due to funding shortfall

    STORY: WFP to suspend malnutrition prevention in Yemen due to funding shortfallDATELINE: Aug. 1, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:46LOCATION: SanaaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of a hospital for treating malnourished children in Sanaa, Yemen2. STANDUP (English): MOHAMMED MOHAMMED, Xinhua reporter3. various of a malnourished childSTORYLINE:STANDUP (English): MOHAMMED MOHAMMED, Xinhua reporter“The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) has stated that it will suspend its interventions to prevent malnutrition in Yemen starting in August, due to a severe funding shortfall, which will affect 2.4 million malnourished people in the country, who are among the most vulnerable.“The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has said it would suspend its life-saving malnutrition interventions in Yemen in August due to a severe funding shortfall...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080109962

  •  Injured Amur tiger gets intensive care at reproduction center in Moscow
    Injured Amur tiger gets intensive care at reproduction center in Moscow

    STORY: Injured Amur tiger gets intensive care at reproduction center in MoscowDATELINE: July 29, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:42LOCATION: MoscowCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of the tiger2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Russian): IRINA KOVZEL, Tiger keeper3. various of the tiger4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Russian): IRINA KOVZEL, Tiger keeper5. SOUNDBITE 3 (Russian): PAVEL ROZHKOV, Deputy head of Moscow Zoo‘s Center for Reproduction of Rare Animal SpeciesSTORYLINE:This female Amur tiger was supposed to be a majestic predator roaming the forests of Russia‘s Far East.But in December 2021, she was found severely wounded in Primorsky Krai with a shattered lower jaw and a severed tail. After undergoing several surgeries, she was transferred to Moscow Zoo‘s Center for Rare Animal Species Reproduction in August 2022, where she received specialized care and rehabilitation...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072910022

  •  Traditional Chinese medicine becomes popular with Ghanaians
    Traditional Chinese medicine becomes popular with Ghanaians

    STORY: Traditional Chinese medicine becomes popular with GhanaiansDATELINE: July 29, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:44LOCATION: AccraCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Ghanaian patients receiving traditional Chinese medicine treatment2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): RICHLOVE AGYEPONG, Patient from Bono Region in western Ghana3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): CHEN GAO, Member of the Chinese medical team to Ghana4. various of Ghanaian patients receiving traditional Chinese medicine treatment5. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): SANDRA ASHONG, Head of the herbal medicine unit at the hospitalSTORYLINE:Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has become an increasingly popular option for patients in the West African country of Ghana thanks to its simplicity, high healing effects and affordability...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072909837

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    中国黒竜江省穆棱市でこのほど、けがをしたフクロウ1羽が派出所に飛んで来た。翼に約6センチの傷が見つかったため、警察官が医療機関に送った。治療の後、回復を待って自然に返すという。鑑定の結果、フクロウは国家2級保護動物のトラフズクと判明した。(記者/劉赫垚) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072712804

  •  11 injured after powerful storm smashes airport glass wall in S. Yemen
    11 injured after powerful storm smashes airport glass wall in S. Yemen

    STORY: 11 injured after powerful storm smashes airport glass wall in S. YemenDATELINE: July 25, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:56LOCATION: ADEN, YemenCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. a surveillance footage of the Aden International Airport under the storm‘s attack2. various of the Aden International Airport under the storm‘s attackSTORYLINE:At least 11 people were injured as a powerful storm, accompanied by heavy rains and strong winds, struck Yemen‘s southern port city of Aden early Monday.The sudden storm caused a glass facade to collapse in the departure hall of Aden International Airport, injuring at least 11 passengers, including children, a local medical official told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.The injured have been taken to nearby hospitals for medical treatment, the official added...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072506928

  •  Roe deer stuck in iron fence rescued in NE China
    Roe deer stuck in iron fence rescued in NE China

    STORY: Roe deer stuck in iron fence rescued in NE ChinaDATELINE: July 24, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:46 LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of the roe deer being rescuedSTORYLINE:A roe deer stuck in an iron fence was rescued recently in Suifenhe City, NE China‘s Heilongjiang Province.Local forestry officials rushed to the site after receiving a report that a roe deer had been found stuck.After examination, the roe deer was found minor abrasions and was in good condition.The animal received medical treatment before being released back into the wild.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072413340

  •  Italy rolls out new measures to help tackle intense heatwave
    Italy rolls out new measures to help tackle intense heatwave

    STORY: Italy rolls out new measures to help tackle intense heatwaveDATELINE: July 18, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:20LOCATION: RomeCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of emergency room and hospital in Rome2. various of streets in FlorenceSTORYLINE:Italy on Monday unveiled new measures to protect those suffering from what is expected to be the country‘s hottest summer on record.In a circular, the Ministry of Health outlined a series of recommendations to help the country‘s regional governments manage the impacts of the intense heatwave gripping the country.The Ministry of Health recommended that state-run hospitals activate a special “heat code“ in emergency rooms that will give special fast-track access to care for those admitted with heat stroke or other heat-related health issues...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071809013

  •  2 Chinese tourists remain in hospital after tour bus overturns in Thailand
    2 Chinese tourists remain in hospital after tour bus overturns in Thailand

    STORY: 2 Chinese tourists remain in hospital after tour bus overturns in ThailandDATELINE: July 10, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:54LOCATION: BangkokCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the rescue efforts and the bus that overturnedSTORYLINE:Two Chinese tourists are still being treated in the hospital but not in severe condition after a bus overturned in Thailand, the Chinese embassy in Thailand said Monday.According to the embassy, the bus was carrying 24 Chinese tourists from the eastern Rayong Province to the resort city of Pattaya when it overturned due to heavy rain and slippery roads on Sunday afternoon.Injured passengers were immediately sent to a local hospital for treatment. As of Monday morning, 2 tourists are still in the hospital for treatment, while the rest have been discharged...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032911746

  •  Chinese doctors help enhance wellbeing for Solomon Islands people
    Chinese doctors help enhance wellbeing for Solomon Islands people

    STORY: Chinese doctors help enhance wellbeing for Solomon Islands peopleDATELINE: July 10, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:03LOCATION: HoniaraCATEGORY: HEALTH/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of local residents at the hospital2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): REX FOUKONA, Local resident3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): MARTIN POPOT, Local resident4. various of the Solomon Islands5. various of the hospital6. various of George Wilson Malefoasi7. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): WILSON MALEFOASI, CEO of National Referral Hospital8. various of the Chinese medical team treating patients9. SOUNDBITE 4 (English): WILSON MALEFOASI, CEO of National Referral Hospital10...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024032903949

  •  Global experts pool wisdom on minimally invasive, non-invasive treatment in China‘s Chongqing
    Global experts pool wisdom on minimally invasive, non-invasive treatment in China‘s Chongqing

    STORY: Global experts pool wisdom on minimally invasive, non-invasive treatment in China‘s ChongqingDATELINE: July 8, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:57LOCATION: CHONGQING, ChinaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the forum2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): DAVID CRANSTON, President of International Society of Minimally Invasive and Virtual Surgery3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): ESTEVE PICOLA, CEO of MutuaTerrassaSTORYLINE:The Fifth Yangtze International Summit of Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine & 2023 “Belt and Road“ Innovation Forum on Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine opened in southwest China‘s Chongqing Municipality on Saturday.The two-day event is organized by the International Society of Minimally Invasive and Virtual Surgery and Chongqing Medical University, attracting over 500 experts from over 20 countries and regions...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024031907317

  •  Building collapses in Nigerian capital, several feared trapped under debris
    Building collapses in Nigerian capital, several feared trapped under debris

    STORY: Building collapses in Nigerian capital, several feared trapped under debrisDATELINE: July 5, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:06LOCATION: AbujaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of building collapse site2. various of officials at the site of the building collapse3. SOUNDBITE (English): AMIOLA ADEBAYO, Head of operations, FCT Fire ServiceSTORYLINE:Several people are feared trapped under the debris after a multi-story building under construction in the Nigerian capital collapsed, local authorities said Tuesday.The building in downtown Abuja collapsed on Monday afternoon.SOUNDBITE (English): AMIOLA ADEBAYO, Head of operations, FCT Fire Service“The search and rescue continue. Nine of them have been rescued, six were discharged from the hospital and three are still in the hospital receiving treatment...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023070510835

  •  Chinese medical team provides free clinical service to seniors in Kiribati
    Chinese medical team provides free clinical service to seniors in Kiribati

    STORY: Chinese medical team provides free clinical service to seniors in KiribatiDATELINE: June 30, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:39LOCATION: TarawaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the Chinese medical team in KiribatiSTORYLINE:The Chinese medical team in Kiribati carried out free medical service to local seniors in Bairiki of Tarawa, the capital of the South Pacific island country, on Wednesday.This is the first time for the Chinese medical team to deliver such a service to the local elders.Members of the medical team conducted health checkups for more than 30 seniors and explained to them the symptoms of diseases that commonly occur in the elderly group, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cataracts, and how to prevent and cure such diseases...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023123113250

  •  Malaysian girl hopes to bring TCM to more people back home
    Malaysian girl hopes to bring TCM to more people back home

    STORY: Malaysian girl hopes to bring TCM to more people back homeDATELINE: June 24, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:22LOCATION: XIAMEN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Wong treating patients2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): WONG ZE RU, Malaysian student3. various of patients4. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): WONG ZE RU, Malaysian studentSTORYLINE:A 24-year-old Malaysian student majoring in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), develops a strong interest in TCM and plans to bring it back to Malaysia to benefit more locals.SOUNDBITE 1 (English): WONG ZE RU, Malaysian student“I‘ve been exposed to Chinese culture since young, and I have also taken Chinese medicine before when I was sick. People around me also undergo TCM treatment and the effect is quite impressive. It helps to cure their pain...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062411855

  •  Traditional Chinese Medicine protects health of Namibians
    Traditional Chinese Medicine protects health of Namibians

    STORY: Traditional Chinese Medicine protects health of NamibiansDATELINE: June 23, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:04LOCATION: WindhoekCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the Katutura Hospital in Windhoek2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): SALOMO ANGULA, Patient3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): LI BANGWEI, Head of the Chinese medical team in NamibiaSTORYLINE:Since 1996, 15 batches of Chinese medical teams have come to Namibia, providing medical assistance including TCM treatment, such as acupuncture and cupping, to local people.Salomo Angula, a 34-year-old man living in the informal settlement of Katutura in the capital, suffered from nerve damage after his head was struck by a brick.SOUNDBITE 1 (English): SALOMO ANGULA, Patient“It is my fifth time coming here. I was assaulted with a brick by someone...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122803462

  •  Lao children receive CHD screening, treatment by Chinese medical team
    Lao children receive CHD screening, treatment by Chinese medical team

    STORY: Lao children receive CHD screening, treatment by Chinese medical teamDATELINE: June 23, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:03LOCATION: VientianeCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the opening ceremony2. various of the speech3. various of the screening4. SOUNDBITE 1 (Lao): SOMPHONE SENGSULICHANH, Mother of a patient5. SOUNDBITE 2 (Lao): SIVILAY VANNAVONG, Mother of a six-year-old patient6. various of the surgery7. SOUNDBITE 3 (Lao): CHANDAVONE SOUKKASEUM, Medical expert in the pediatric department of Mahosot Hospital8. various of the screening in the Aphai primary schoolSTORYLINE:A five-day congenital heart disease (CHD) screening and treatment program has been carried out by a Chinese medical team in Laos, while children with surgical indications will receive free treatment.An official opening ceremony was held in Lao capital Vientiane on Tuesday...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122712858

  • 中国飲食店で爆発31人死亡 爆発した焼き肉店 31 dead after barbecue restaurant explosion in northwest China
    中国飲食店で爆発31人死亡 爆発した焼き肉店 31 dead after barbecue restaurant explosion in northwest China

    STORY: 31 dead after barbecue restaurant explosion in northwest ChinaDATELINE: June 22, 2023 LENGTH: 00:00:35 LOCATION: YINCHUAN, China CATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST: 1. various of the explosion sceneSTORYLINE:The death toll from an explosion which ripped through a barbecue restaurant in China‘s Yinchuan on Wednesday night has risen to 31, local authorities said Thursday.The blast happened at around 8:40 p.m. on a busy street in Xingqing District of Yinchuan, due to a leakage of liquefied petroleum gas from the operating area of a barbecue restaurant.The explosion resulted in 38 casualties, with 31 people confirmed dead despite rescue efforts, while seven individuals, including one in critical condition, are currently receiving medical treatment, according to Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regional Committee of the Communist Party of China...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月22日、中国寧夏回族自治区銀川市、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062212729

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    中国寧夏回族自治区銀川市興慶区民族南街にある飲食店の作業場で、21日午後8時40分(日本時間同9時40分)ごろ、液化石油ガス(LPG)が漏れ出したことが原因とみられる爆発事故が起き、38人が死傷した。うち31人は応急手当を受けたが、その後死亡が確認された。残りの7人は病院で治療を受けている。同自治区共産党委員会が明らかにした。(記者/劉海、王鵬) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062210461

  •  Chinese acupuncture technique promotion center inaugurated in Algeria
    Chinese acupuncture technique promotion center inaugurated in Algeria

    STORY: Chinese acupuncture technique promotion center inaugurated in AlgeriaDATELINE: June 20, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:38LOCATION: AlgiersCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the inauguration ceremony2. SOUNDBITE (Arabic): HAFSA ZIDANE, Director of Ben Aknoun Hospital3. various of the inauguration ceremony STORYLINE:A Chinese acupuncture technique promotion center was inaugurated Monday in Ben Aknoun Hospital in Algiers, in the presence of members of the Chinese medical team and representatives of the hospital. The center serves as a platform for promoting and advancing traditional Chinese acupuncture practices and knowledge in Algeria. It will focus on triple puncture technique, which is simple and convenient to operate and is very effective in treating pain problems...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122605322

  •  Timorese doctor hails Chinese medical team‘s work
    Timorese doctor hails Chinese medical team‘s work

    STORY: Timorese doctor hails Chinese medical team‘s workDATELINE: June 13, 2023LENGTH: 0:02:05LOCATION: DiliCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Timor-Leste2. various of the Chinese medical team3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): CLAUDIA, Doctor, Guido Valadares National Hospital in Timor-LesteSTORYLINE:Officially independent in 2002, Timor-Leste is one of the youngest countries in the world and also one of the least developed countries.With a total population of 1.34 million, the country suffers a serious shortage of medical resources.In 2004, China sent its first medical team to support Timor-Leste. Up to now, China has sent nine medical teams with a total of 111 personnel, which have treated more than 300,000 local patients in addition to regular donations of medical equipment.Besides medical support, China has also helped the country cultivate its own medical resources...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121600002

  •  4 Colombian children found alive after 40 days in jungle
    4 Colombian children found alive after 40 days in jungle

    STORY: 4 Colombian children found alive after 40 days in jungleDATELINE: June 11, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:23LOCATION: BogotaCATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST:1. photos of the rescue scene2. SOUNDBITE (Spanish): GUSTAVO PETRO, Colombian President3. various of the children being airliftedSTORYLINE:Four children have been rescued in the Colombian jungle 40 days after a plane crash and transferred to a military hospital in Bogota to receive medical treatment.The minors were siblings aged between one and 13 years old. They were spotted by rescuers in a jungle region of the southern department of Guaviare on Friday, after their plane crashed on May 1.The aircraft and the bodies of the pilot, an indigenous leader, and the children‘s mother were found on May 15...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023061110387

  •  「新華社」ホンジュラスの歯科医師「中国はチャンスの扉を開いてくれた」

    ホンジュラスの首都テグシガルパで5日、中国大使館が正式に開館した。中国で5年近く働いていたパオラ・パラシオスさんは非常に興奮していた。中国への再訪をずっと心待ちにしていたパラシオスさんは、中国訪問のための手続きをすでにスケジュールに入れている。ホンジュラスの歯科医のパラシオスさんは今年33歳になる。大学を卒業して間もない2017年末、縁あって中国北京市の歯科医院で働くことになり、歯科医としてのキャリアをスタートさせた。テグシガルパでこのほどインタビューに応じたパラシオスさんは、「あの時の経験を振り返ると、中国はチャンスの扉を開いてくれ、中国で過ごした数年間は私の人生を変えたと思う」と話した。パラシオスさんは当時、アシスタントとして約半年働き、検査やスケーリングなどの基本的な作業から始めた。徐々に難しい技術を習得し、比較的複雑なインプラント治療を一人で担当するようになった。職場では毎週、毎月トレーニングがあり、多くの収穫を得た。「キャリアパスにおいて成長し続けたと思うし、常に新しい知識を吸収していた。住み慣れた環境を離れ、困難や挫折に直面して自分自身が強くなった」と語るパラシオスさんは、さらに職場に馴染めるよう中国語を学び始めた。働き始めたばかりの頃、患者とのコミュニケーションが上手くできずに悩んでいると、同い年の中国人医師が熱心に助けてくれた。パラシオスさんは「高齢の患者に接する彼女の話し方を真似て、患者との距離を縮めた」と振り返った。2人の医師はやがて親友になった。パラシオスさんは徐々に多くの患者と友情を深めていった。患者から錦旗(感謝の意を表す旗)や手紙をもらったり、別の患者を紹介してもらったりしたこともあった。誠実な人柄のパラシオスさんは、中国人の同僚からも同じように愛された。中国で一人ぼっちだったパラシオスさんの誕生日を中国人の同僚は毎年一緒に祝い、パラシオスさんは異国の地で家庭的な温もりを感じた。パラシオスさんは22年、家庭の事情でホンジュラスに帰国した。今年3月26日、中国とホンジュラスが正式に国交を樹立すると、再び中国に戻り中国語をより体系的に学んで中国文化を理解したいと考えるようになった。「より多くのホンジュラス人に私が中国で経験してきたことを伝えたいし、中国人に私のふるさとの様子をもっといろいろと紹介したい。ホンジュラス、中国両国 =配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月11日、クレジット:...

    商品コード: 2023061109375

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    中国貴州省黔東南(けんとうなん)ミャオ族トン族自治州雷山県はここ数年、粤黔(えつけん、広東省と貴州省)協力を通して、広東省広州市黄埔区にある家庭での教育を支援する機関、三生家庭教育研究院のプロジェクトを取り入れ、移住者向け居住地の青少年にメンタルヘルス・サービスを提供している。専門的な治療と指導により、出稼ぎ中の親に伴って出生地を離れた「流動児童」や出稼ぎ中の親と離れて暮らす「留守児童」の心の問題が緩和された。(記者/楊欣) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023060507638

  •  Myanmar extends COVID-19 restrictions until end of June
    Myanmar extends COVID-19 restrictions until end of June

    STORY: Myanmar extends COVID-19 restrictions until end of JuneDATELINE: June 2, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:26LOCATION: YANGON, MyanmarCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the street views in Yangon2. various of a vaccination site in YangonSTORYLINE:Myanmar has decided to extend COVID-19 preventive measures until June 30, according to the Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of COVID-19. The extension includes all COVID-19 restrictions that were set to expire on May 31, with the exception of those that will be gradually eased, the committee said late Tuesday. This extension applies to all orders, announcements and directives issued by relevant government organizations and ministries in their efforts to curb the spread of the pandemic, it said...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111102824

  •  7-year-old boy perfects jump rope skill despite hypertonia in China‘s Guangxi
    7-year-old boy perfects jump rope skill despite hypertonia in China‘s Guangxi

    STORY: 7-year-old boy perfects jump rope skill despite hypertonia in China‘s GuangxiDATELINE: June 2, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:09LOCATION: NANNING, ChinaCATEGORY: SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. various of Liu Jinhan practicing rope jumping2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LIU JINHAN, First grader3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LIU GUOCHENG, Liu Jinhan‘s father4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): LIU JINHAN, First grader5. SOUNDBITE 4 (Chinese): LIU GUOCHENG, Liu Jinhan‘s father6. SOUNDBITE 5 (Chinese): LIU JINHAN, First graderSTORYLINE:Liu Jinhan, a 7-year-old boy from south China‘s Guangxi, is gearing up for a national rope jumping contest after about two years of practice.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LIU JINHAN, First grader“I can do 164 jumps in 30 seconds. It‘s quite good.“Despite being diagnosed with hypertonia years ago, his condition has improved following a period of rehabilitation treatment...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023111100767

  •  China-funded compassionate home brings hope, healing to underprivileged children in Pakistan
    China-funded compassionate home brings hope, healing to underprivileged children in Pakistan

    STORY: China-funded compassionate home brings hope, healing to underprivileged children in PakistanDATELINE: June 2, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:37LOCATION: IslamabadCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the charity venue2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): SOBIA ADNAN, Pakistani director of Islamabad China-Pakistan Youth One Heart Step and Cure Home (ICOSH)3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): QIU XU, Chinese director of ICOSH4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): LI YUE, Counselor of consular affairs with Chinese Embassy in PakistanSTORYLINE:Chinese and Pakistani charity organizations have inaugurated a compassionate home to provide temporary accommodation for Pakistani relatives of children treated in hospitals for serious diseases...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023060300241

  •  Infectious disease kills 2 in Afghanistan
    Infectious disease kills 2 in Afghanistan

    STORY: Infectious disease kills 2 in AfghanistanDATELINE: June 2, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:14LOCATION: KabulCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of a hospital in Afghanistan‘s northern Jawzjan provinceSTORYLINE:Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus has claimed the lives of two persons including a medical doctor in Afghanistan‘s northern Jawzjan province over the past two weeks, provincial director for public health Zabiullah Hussaini said on Thursday.The contagious disease was transmitted from a sick butcher who visited the civil hospital for receiving medical treatment to health workers including a medical doctor weeks ago, the official said, adding that five more patients have recovered.This is the second time that health officials have reported the spread of such disease in the northern region of Afghanistan...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月2日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023060208263

  •  Accommodation facility co-funded by Chinese and Pakistani charities offers help to Pakistani children
    Accommodation facility co-funded by Chinese and Pakistani charities offers help to Pakistani children

    STORY: Accommodation facility co-funded by Chinese and Pakistani charities offers help to Pakistani childrenDATELINE: May 30, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:31LOCATION: IslamabadCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. wide of the inauguration2. various of the ICOSH3. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): SOBIA ADNAN, Pakistani director of the ICOSH4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): QIU XU, Chinese director of the ICOSH5. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): LI YUE, counselor of consular affairs with Chinese Embassy in PakistanSTORYLINE:An accommodation facility funded and operated by Chinese and Pakistani charities was inaugurated Sunday in Islamabad.The Islamabad China-Pakistan Youth One Heart Step and Cure Home (ICOSH) provides shelter and food to orphans and children receiving medical treatments, as well as their families...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023102502837

  •  Seven-year-old‘s desperate struggle for medical service in battle-torn Yemen
    Seven-year-old‘s desperate struggle for medical service in battle-torn Yemen

    STORY: Seven-year-old‘s desperate struggle for medical service in battle-torn YemenDATELINE: May 27, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:38LOCATION: HAJJAH, YemenCATEGORY: HEALTH/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the Al-Jada village2. various of the ailing child3. SOUNDBITE (Arabic): MUHAMMAD AATI, Father of the ailing child4. various of the village and the ailing child5. various of a local medical center crowded with children waiting for treatmentSTORYLINE:Seven-year-old Yemeni boy Ibrahim has endured excruciating pain from large, swollen lumps on his back and stomach for more than three years.In late 2019, he found it difficult to play, walk, or even sleep due to the pain. The pain only gets worse with each passing day...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023052715384

  •  Chinese medical team offers free clinical services in Paola, Malta
    Chinese medical team offers free clinical services in Paola, Malta

    STORY: Chinese medical team offers free clinical services in Paola, MaltaDATELINE: May 23, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:29LOCATION: PAOLA, MaltaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the donation of medical supplies2. various of the ceremonySTORYLINE:The 18th Chinese medical team for Malta from the Mediterranean Regional Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine (MRCTCM) provided on Monday free clinical services to elderly residents at the city hall of Paola in Malta and donated medical supplies, including plasters and safflower oil, to the local council. Following a brief lecture on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment of insomnia given by Shi Xinying, member of the medical team, four doctors offered complimentary services, such as health consultations, blood pressure checks, acupuncture and cupping therapy...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082600747

  •  Chinese doctors cure women with cervical cancer in Zanzibar
    Chinese doctors cure women with cervical cancer in Zanzibar

    STORY: Chinese doctors cure women with cervical cancer in ZanzibarDATELINE: May 21, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:12LOCATION: ZANZIBAR, TanzaniaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Chinese doctors2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): ZHOU HUAIJUN, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital3. various of local people4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Swahili): LEMI SHIJA MBAYA, Beneficiary of the programSTORYLINE:Many local women with cervical cancer in Tanzania‘s Zanzibar have been cured, thanks to the Chinese medical teams.Over the last 59 years, the Chinese government has been assigning 32 groups of medical teams to Zanzibar to provide medical services for the local people, train local medical personnel and promote the development of Zanzibar‘s health care...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081902112

  •  Chinese Medical Team in Tunisia offers free treatment at Huawei Tunisia
    Chinese Medical Team in Tunisia offers free treatment at Huawei Tunisia

    STORY: Chinese Medical Team in Tunisia offers free treatment at Huawei TunisiaDATELINE: May 20, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:37LOCATION: TunisCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Huawei Tunisia office2. various of Chinese doctors treating patientsSTORYLINE:The Chinese Medical Team in Tunisia visited Huawei Tunisia on Friday, offering free medical consultations and promoting Chinese medical culture to the local Tunisian people.Xu Zexuan, the captain of the Chinese Medical Team in Tunisia, said that this year marks the 60th anniversary of China‘s medical aid to Africa and the 50th anniversary of China‘s medical aid to Tunisia. This year, the Chinese medical team has visited local hospitals and Chinese-funded enterprises in Tunisia, offering free consultations and receiving warm appreciation from the local people.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Tunis.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081603745

  •  Kazakh student‘s passion for traditional Chinese medicine
    Kazakh student‘s passion for traditional Chinese medicine

    STORY: Kazakh student‘s passion for traditional Chinese medicineDATELINE: May 18, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:58LOCATION: XI‘AN, ChinaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Mukhamed Lyushlin2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): MUKHAMED LYUSHLIN, Kazakh student3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): MUKHAMED LYUSHLIN, Kazakh student4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): MUKHAMED LYUSHLIN, Kazakh studentSTORYLINE:Mukhamed Lyushlin, a 29-year-old Kazakh man, is a third-year graduate student majoring in acupuncture and massage at Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine.Attracted by Chinese culture, Lyushlin came to China to study traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in 2015.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): MUKHAMED LYUSHLIN, Kazakh student“My parents had experienced traditional Chinese medicine in Kazakhstan. My dad once felt unwell, then he received acupuncture treatment and took traditional Chinese medicine...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081013734

  •  Maltese students learn Chinese acupressure techniques
    Maltese students learn Chinese acupressure techniques

    STORY: Maltese students learn Chinese acupressure techniquesDATELINE: May 17, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:50LOCATION: VallettaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Maltese students learning Chinese acupressure techniquesSTORYLINE:A program on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is helping Maltese students learn about the benefits of Chinese acupressure techniques.In an online class held Tuesday at St. Margaret College Secondary School in Cospiqua, a teacher from Nanjing Vocational Health College in east China‘s Jiangsu Province gave a detailed demonstration of the techniques and guided the students to practice on their own bodies. Acupressure is used to treat irritations such as headache, toothache, period pain, and neck and back pain.The program is part of activities organized by “China Corner,“ which was set up at St...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080902140

  •  Injured sea turtle released into sea after treatment in Israel
    Injured sea turtle released into sea after treatment in Israel

    STORY: Injured sea turtle released into sea after treatment in IsraelDATELINE: May 15, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:44LOCATION: JerusalemCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of a loggerhead sea turtle equipped with a GPS tracker being released into seaSTORYLINE:A rescued sea turtle has been released into the Mediterranean Sea on northern Israel‘s beach prior to this year‘s World Sea Turtle Day, which falls on May 23.The sea turtle named by the rescuers as Micha was released after a two-month treatment at Israel‘s National Sea Turtle Rescue Center.Micha‘s return to the sea was witnessed by its rescuers and many local people.Such turtle-release activities are held from time to time by the center.Once the “seeing-off“ date is set, the center will inform the public, usually attracting many parents and children to attend the activity...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023051508509

  •  7 dead, 14 injured as bus turns turtle in northern Afghanistan
    7 dead, 14 injured as bus turns turtle in northern Afghanistan

    STORY: 7 dead, 14 injured as bus turns turtle in northern AfghanistanDATELINE: May 14, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:09LOCATION: KabulCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various shots of injured victims receiving medical treatment at a hospital in Badakhshan province, AfghanistanSTORYLINE:At least seven commuters were killed and 14 others injured in a road accident in Afghanistan‘s northern Badakhshan province, head of the provincial department of information and culture Qari Maazudin Ahmadi said Saturday.The accident occurred in Kezer village of Khash district on Friday evening when a bus overturned due to technical problems, killing seven people, including women and children, on the spot and injuring 14 others, some in critical condition, Ahmadi said...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023051605906

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    中国の黄土高原西部、陝西省延安市黄陵県にある橋山は、伝説の皇帝「黄帝」の陵墓とされる。漢代の歴史書「史記」にも「黄帝崩、葬橋山(黄帝崩じ、橋山に葬る)」の記載がある。黄帝は名を軒轅(けんえん)といい、中国で民族の礎を築いた文明の先駆者とされ、歴代王朝でも敬慕されてきた。黄帝陵も中華民族の祖陵と見なされている。黄帝陵の傍らには軒轅廟があり、創建は前漢の始めとされる。黄帝陵管理局ガイドセンターの郭嬋(かく・せん)副主任は「漢が建国されると、高祖劉邦(りゅう・ほう)が皇帝陵の傍らには廟宇を建てると規定したため、黄帝陵にも軒轅廟が建てられた」と説明した。軒轅廟の入り口には「黄帝手植柏」と呼ばれるコノデカシワの古木がある。樹高19・4メートルで幹回りは11メートルを超す。樹齢は5千年余りで「中華第一柏」の誉れ高く、黄帝の手植えと伝わる。軒轅廟の「人文始祖」大殿はかつて黄帝を祭った正殿で、中央に黄帝の全身浮き彫りレリーフが安置されている。山東省の武梁寺に残る後漢時代の画像石を基にしており、墨玉(黒い軟玉)に彫刻されている。高さ3・9メートル、重さ11トンで、黄帝は質素な衣服、真剣な面持ちで東に向かって歩き、左手で前方を指し、顔は西を振り返る姿勢をとっている。黄帝は古代中国の部族連合の指導者であり、治世中に衣服や船、車を作り、養蚕を教え、数々の穀物や草木の種をまいたとされる。徳によって人々を感化して諸侯を従え、賢者を登用し、岐伯(ぎはく、古代の名医)にはあらゆる薬草を試すように命じて、医者として人々の病気を治療させ、倉頡(そうけつ)には鳥の足跡から文字を作らせた。臣民とともに中国5千年の文明史を開いた。橋山に登ると黄帝陵園がある。陵前の祭亭は明清時代の建築で、中央には現代中国の文学者・歴史家・政治家の郭沫若(かく・まつじゃく)が揮毫した「黄帝陵」碑がある。祭亭の後ろが黄帝の陵墓で、高さは3・6メートル、周囲は48メートル。青れんがで囲いをした環丘墓で、正面の石碑には黄帝が竜に乗って天に昇った伝説に由来する「橋山竜馭」の四文字が記されている。黄帝陵園には漢代の「漢武仙台」遺跡も残る。高さ13・5メートル、上部の周囲22・5メートル、下部の周囲120メートルで、今も古風で雄渾な風貌を残す。前漢の元封元(紀元前110)年に武帝が北方を行幸した際、18万の兵士が長衣に土をくるんで運び、昼 =配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月4...

    商品コード: 2023050411015

  •  Palestinians clash with Israeli army in northern Ramallah
    Palestinians clash with Israeli army in northern Ramallah

    STORY: Palestinians clash with Israeli army in northern RamallahDATELINE: May 3, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:38LOCATION: RAMALLAH, PalestineCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of clashes between Palestinians and the Israeli forces in the north of Ramallah city in the West BankSTORYLINE:Dozens of Palestinians in the West Bank city of Ramallah clashed with the Israeli forces after the announcement of Palestinian detainee Khader Adnan‘s death.According to the Ramallah-based health ministry, the Israeli army wounded at least seven Palestinians who were transferred to local hospitals to receive their treatment.Earlier in the day, the Palestinian Prisoners‘ Club Association, a non-governmental organization, said in a press statement that Khader Adnan died after a hunger strike for 86 days...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023050406244

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    ウクライナ兵士、精子保存し前線へ 人口減懸念、無料実施も


    商品コード: 2023050809244

  •  Traditional Chinese medicine to help insomniacs with specialist clinic in Malta
    Traditional Chinese medicine to help insomniacs with specialist clinic in Malta

    STORY: Traditional Chinese medicine to help insomniacs with specialist clinic in MaltaDATELINE: April 22, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:48LOCATION: ValettaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the opening ceremonySTORYLINE:The Mediterranean Regional Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicine (MRCTCM) on Friday opened an insomnia specialist clinic in Paola, Malta, offering TCM treatment for sleep disorders. Chinese Ambassador to Malta Yu Dunhai said that the opening of the clinic marks a significant milestone for the MRCTCM and reflects the strong bilateral relations between China and Malta. This year commemorates the 60th anniversary of China sending its first medical aid team abroad, as well as the 30th anniversary of China dispatching its first medical team to Malta, Yu added...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023042512945

  •  UN chief calls for 3-day truce in Sudan
    UN chief calls for 3-day truce in Sudan

    STORY: UN chief calls for 3-day truce in SudanDATELINE: April 21, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:50LOCATION: UN HeadquartersCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres walking to podium2. SOUNDBITE (English): ANTONIO GUTERRES, UN Secretary-General3. various of Guterres walking to reporters4. various of Guterres leavingSTORYLINE:UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday called for a three-day ceasefire in Sudan to allow trapped civilians to flee.SOUNDBITE (English): ANTONIO GUTERRES, UN Secretary-General“As an immediate priority, I appeal for a ceasefire to take place for at least three days, marking the Eid al-Fitr celebrations, to allow civilians trapped in conflict zones to escape and to seek medical treatment, food, and other essential supplies...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

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