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  • 新しい順
  •  「新華社」福廈鉄道の壮麗な風景福建省

    中国福建省福州市とアモイ市を結ぶ福廈鉄道は国内初の設計時速350キロの海を跨ぐ高速鉄道で、8月31日に運行テスト段階に入った。中国鉄路南昌局集団の職員が海上大橋周辺に広がる壮麗な風景を撮影した。 =配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090406649

  •  (4)福廈高速鉄道、運行テスト段階に入る

    8月31日、福廈高速鉄道の泉州南駅に入るG55501号列車。中国福建省福州市で8月31日、G55501号列車が福州南駅を出発し、同市とアモイ(廈門)市を結ぶ福廈高速鉄道が運行テスト段階に入った。同路線の全線開通と運営開始が間近に迫ったことを意味する。(福州=新華社記者/林善伝)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090312166

  •  (3)福廈高速鉄道、運行テスト段階に入る

    8月31日、福廈高速鉄道の泉州湾跨海大橋を走行する試験運行列車。中国福建省福州市で8月31日、G55501号列車が福州南駅を出発し、同市とアモイ(廈門)市を結ぶ福廈高速鉄道が運行テスト段階に入った。同路線の全線開通と運営開始が間近に迫ったことを意味する。(福州=新華社記者/林善伝)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090312180

  •  (6)福廈高速鉄道、運行テスト段階に入る

    8月31日、福廈高速鉄道の泉州南駅の内部。中国福建省福州市で8月31日、G55501号列車が福州南駅を出発し、同市とアモイ(廈門)市を結ぶ福廈高速鉄道が運行テスト段階に入った。同路線の全線開通と運営開始が間近に迫ったことを意味する。(福州=新華社記者/林善伝)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090312184

  •  (1)福廈高速鉄道、運行テスト段階に入る

    8月29日、新たに建設された福廈高速鉄道の福州南駅。(小型無人機から)中国福建省福州市で8月31日、G55501号列車が福州南駅を出発し、同市とアモイ(廈門)市を結ぶ福廈高速鉄道が運行テスト段階に入った。同路線の全線開通と運営開始が間近に迫ったことを意味する。(福州=新華社記者/林善伝)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090312168

  •  (2)福廈高速鉄道、運行テスト段階に入る

    8月31日、試験運行列車を運転する福州機関区の運転士。中国福建省福州市で8月31日、G55501号列車が福州南駅を出発し、同市とアモイ(廈門)市を結ぶ福廈高速鉄道が運行テスト段階に入った。同路線の全線開通と運営開始が間近に迫ったことを意味する。(福州=新華社記者/林善伝)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090312179

  •  (5)福廈高速鉄道、運行テスト段階に入る

    8月29日、福州南第2動車(動力車)運用所の留置線。(小型無人機から)中国福建省福州市で8月31日、G55501号列車が福州南駅を出発し、同市とアモイ(廈門)市を結ぶ福廈高速鉄道が運行テスト段階に入った。同路線の全線開通と運営開始が間近に迫ったことを意味する。(福州=新華社記者/林善伝)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090312183

  •  「新華社」貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(記者/劉続) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062808265

  •  (10)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、発車準備をする試験列車の運転士。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707758

  •  (8)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、貴陽北駅を出発する試験列車。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707759

  •  (6)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、貴州省黔南(けんなん)プイ族ミャオ族自治州貴定県の桐子園双線特大橋を通過する試験列車。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707756

  •  (2)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、貴陽北駅で試験列車を点検する乗務員。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707716

  •  (9)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、貴陽北駅で出発を待つ試験列車。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707738

  •  (12)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、試験列車の車内で座席のヘッドレストを調整する乗務員。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707784

  •  (1)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、貴陽北駅で試験列車を点検する乗務員。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707718

  •  (3)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、貴陽北駅で乗客を迎える練習をする乗務員。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707713

  •  (11)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、貴州省黔南(けんなん)プイ族ミャオ族自治州竜里県の麻芝鋪特大橋を通過する試験列車。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707779

  •  (7)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、貴陽北駅で出発を待つ試験列車。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707749

  •  (4)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、貴陽北駅で出発を待つ試験列車。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707746

  •  (5)貴南高速鉄道、貴州区間で運行テスト始まる

    26日、貴陽北駅を出発する試験列車。中国の貴州省貴陽市-広西チワン族自治区南寧市間で建設中の貴南高速鉄道は26日、各種の試験・調整を終えた貴州区間が運行テスト段階に入った。貴南高速鉄道は、縦横各8ルートからなる中国の高速鉄道網「八縦八横」の主要路線をなす包頭-海口線の重要構成部分で、貴州-広西間で初の設計時速350キロの高速鉄道でもある。(貴陽=新華社記者/劉続)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023062707748

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002319

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002422

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002596

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002568

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002324

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002357

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002539

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002766

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002688

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002755

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002566

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002454

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002458

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002425

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002466

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002476

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002325

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002287

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002598

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002631

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092000123

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002304

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002457

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002465

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092000076

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002441

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002423

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002337

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002294

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002316

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002611

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002613

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002585

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002763

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002453

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002603

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002792

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002338

  •  Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba
    Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba

    September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil: (INT) Test phase of 100% electric buses in Curitiba. September 16, 2022, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: The mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grega, the deputy Eduardo Pimentel, the consul of Germany, Andreas Hoffrichter, among other authorities and businessmen, participate in solemnity of the test phase and implementation of 100% electric buses in the capital of Parana, on Friday (16). The implementation of electric buses is the basis of the Curitiba Sustainable Mobility Program, which is anchored in the evolution projects transportation in Curitiba, Inter 2 and Leste-Oeste, with external financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the New Development Bank (NDB), respectively. (Credit Image: © Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092002487

  •  Funcionamento integral estação Vila Sônia
    Funcionamento integral estação Vila Sônia

    May 10, 2022, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 10.05.2022: FUNCIONAMENTO INTEGRAL ESTAÃÃO VILA SÃNIA - The Vila Sônia station on the yellow line-4 began operating full-time as of this Tuesday (10), after being in a test phase for four months. (Credit Image: © Aloisio Mauricio/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Aloisio Mauricio/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022051909673

  •  Funcionamento integral estação Vila Sônia
    Funcionamento integral estação Vila Sônia

    May 10, 2022, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 10.05.2022: FUNCIONAMENTO INTEGRAL ESTAÃÃO VILA SÃNIA - The Vila Sônia station on the yellow line-4 began operating full-time as of this Tuesday (10), after being in a test phase for four months. (Credit Image: © Aloisio Mauricio/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Aloisio Mauricio/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022051909130

  •  Funcionamento integral estação Vila Sônia
    Funcionamento integral estação Vila Sônia

    May 10, 2022, São Paulo, Brazil: SÃO PAULO, SP - 10.05.2022: FUNCIONAMENTO INTEGRAL ESTAÃÃO VILA SÃNIA - The Vila Sônia station on the yellow line-4 began operating full-time as of this Tuesday (10), after being in a test phase for four months. (Credit Image: © Aloisio Mauricio/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press)、クレジット:©Aloisio Mauricio/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press/共同通信イメージズ ※Brazil, France and Switzerland Rights OUT

    商品コード: 2022051909193

  •  A City by the Sea
    A City by the Sea

    July 29, 2021, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA: Your next chicken and rice meal could come to you from out of the sky, thanks to the El Pollo Loco new drone delivery system, currently in its testing phase. (Credit Image: © John Marshall Mantel/ZUMA Press Wire)、クレジット:©John Marshall Mantel/ZUMA Press Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021073006548

  •  CNNC

    SHANGHAI, CHINA - MAY 12, 2021 - China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) attends the China Independent Brands Expo in Shanghai, China, May 12, 2021. On April 23, 2022, China National Nuclear Corporation‘s N Universe RESEARCH and development team developed a nuclear powered pet dog “Mido“, which is currently in the product‘s internal testing stage and is planned to be put on the market in the near future.=2021(令和3)年5月12日、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010607834

  •  CNNC

    SHANGHAI, CHINA - MAY 12, 2021 - China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) attends the China Independent Brands Expo in Shanghai, China, May 12, 2021. On April 23, 2022, China National Nuclear Corporation‘s N Universe RESEARCH and development team developed a nuclear powered pet dog “Mido“, which is currently in the product‘s internal testing stage and is planned to be put on the market in the near future.=2021(令和3)年5月12日、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010607842

  •  CNNC

    SHANGHAI, CHINA - MAY 12, 2021 - China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) attends the China Independent Brands Expo in Shanghai, China, May 12, 2021. On April 23, 2022, China National Nuclear Corporation‘s N Universe RESEARCH and development team developed a nuclear powered pet dog “Mido“, which is currently in the product‘s internal testing stage and is planned to be put on the market in the near future.=2021(令和3)年5月12日、クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010607717


    Walloon vice-minister president and minister of Work, Social Action, Health and Equal Opportunities Christie Morreale pictured during the test phase of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign 1A4 in Wallonia, which concerns 120.000 persons including general practitioners, nurses, dentists, family support workers and more, Friday 19 February 2021 at the Bouge vaccination center. BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE、クレジット:BELGA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021022201280


    Illustration picture shows the test phase of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign 1A4 in Wallonia, which concerns 120.000 persons including general practitioners, nurses, dentists, family support workers and more, Friday 19 February 2021 at the Bouge vaccination center.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE、クレジット:BELGA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021022201328


    Walloon Minister President Elio Di Rupo spits into a saliva test during the launch of a new testing phase for all the workers of the rest homes of Wallonia, in one of the delivery centers in Mons, Friday 13 November 2020. The government invested seven million euros for weekly saliva tests for the rest homes workers. Belgium is in a second lockdown.BELGA PHOTO VIRGINIE LEFOUR、クレジット:BELGA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020111900670


    Illustration picture shows a smartphone with the test version of the Belgian Coronalert tracing app, in Dilbeek, Saturday 19 September 2020. The Belgian app is in the final test phase, with a testing group of some 10.000 people.BELGA PHOTO NICOLAS MAETERLINCK、クレジット:BELGA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020092405713


    Illustration picture shows a smartphone with the test version of the Belgian Coronalert tracing app, in Dilbeek, Saturday 19 September 2020. The Belgian app is in the final test phase, with a testing group of some 10.000 people.BELGA PHOTO NICOLAS MAETERLINCK、クレジット:BELGA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020092405944


    Illustration picture shows a smartphone with the test version of the Belgian Coronalert tracing app, in Dilbeek, Saturday 19 September 2020. The Belgian app is in the final test phase, with a testing group of some 10.000 people.BELGA PHOTO NICOLAS MAETERLINCK、クレジット:BELGA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020092405934

  •  NBA, Heat move into critical COVID-19 testing phase ahead of planned resumption
    NBA, Heat move into critical COVID-19 testing phase ahead of planned resumption

    June 23, 2020, USA: Miami Heat coach Erik Spoelstra on Saturday discusses the NBA‘s resumption plan. (Credit Image: © TNS via ZUMA Wire)、クレジット:©TNS via ZUMA Wire/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020062503510

  •  Coronavirus, il laboratorio analisi al Covid 4 hospital di Roma
    Coronavirus, il laboratorio analisi al Covid 4 hospital di Roma

    Foto Mauro Scrobogna /LaPresse17-04-2020 Roma, ItaliaCronacaCoronavirus, emergenza sanitaria, covid 4 hospitalNella foto: Policlinico di Tor Vergata, Covid 4 hospital, laboratorio analisi, fase di sperimentazione su automatizzazione del test quantitativo, previstione operativa inizi maggioPhoto Mauro Scrobogna /LaPresseApril 17, 2020 Roma, ItalyNewsCoronavirus outbreak: health emergency covid 4 hospitalIn the picture: Policlinic of Tor Vergata in Rome, analysis laboratory, experimentation on automation of the qualitative test, expected to be operationalat the beginning of May、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020042102564

  •  Coronavirus, il laboratorio analisi al Covid 4 hospital di Roma
    Coronavirus, il laboratorio analisi al Covid 4 hospital di Roma

    Foto Mauro Scrobogna /LaPresse17-04-2020 Roma, ItaliaCronacaCoronavirus, emergenza sanitaria, covid 4 hospitalNella foto: Policlinico di Tor Vergata, Covid 4 hospital, laboratorio analisi, fase di sperimentazione su automatizzazione del test quantitativo, previstione operativa inizi maggioPhoto Mauro Scrobogna /LaPresseApril 17, 2020 Roma, ItalyNewsCoronavirus outbreak: health emergency covid 4 hospitalIn the picture: Policlinic of Tor Vergata in Rome, analysis laboratory, experimentation on automation of the qualitative test, expected to be operationalat the beginning of May、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020042102586

  •  Coronavirus, il laboratorio analisi al Covid 4 hospital di Roma
    Coronavirus, il laboratorio analisi al Covid 4 hospital di Roma

    Foto Mauro Scrobogna /LaPresse17-04-2020 Roma, ItaliaCronacaCoronavirus, emergenza sanitaria, covid 4 hospitalNella foto: Policlinico di Tor Vergata, Covid 4 hospital, laboratorio analisi, fase di sperimentazione su automatizzazione del test quantitativo, previstione operativa inizi maggioPhoto Mauro Scrobogna /LaPresseApril 17, 2020 Roma, ItalyNewsCoronavirus outbreak: health emergency covid 4 hospitalIn the picture: Policlinic of Tor Vergata in Rome, analysis laboratory, experimentation on automation of the qualitative test, expected to be operationalat the beginning of May、クレジット:LaPresse/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020042102522

  •  Icarus project begins test phase
    Icarus project begins test phase

    10 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Immenstaad-Kippenhausen: The German-Russian Icarus project for animal studies starts its testing phase. Photo: Felix Kästle/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020031200052

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: Animal welfarists hold a poster with the inscription “Animals are our fellow creatures - respect them“ at a vigil at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße. The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021400538

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: Animal welfarists hold a poster with the inscription “Animals are our fellow creatures - respect them“ at a vigil at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße. The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021401117

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: An animal welfarist stands with a poster with the inscription “Stop torturing my friends“ at a vigil at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße in front of animal welfarists wearing hare masks. The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021400786

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: Animal welfarists have built a heart with candles at a vigil at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße. The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021400968

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: A woman places candles on the floor at a vigil of animal experiment opponents at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße. The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021400970

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: An animal welfarist wearing a hare mask squats with her dog at a vigil at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße in front of a poster with the inscription “Animals are our fellow creatures - respect them! The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021400984

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: Animal welfarists have built a heart with candles at a vigil at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße. The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021401029

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: Animal welfarists hold a poster with the inscription “Animals are our fellow creatures - respect them“ at a vigil at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße. The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021400978

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: A woman wearing a vest with the inscription “We fight for animals“ places candles on the floor at a vigil of opponents of animal experiments at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße. The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021400987

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: Animal welfarists wearing rabbit masks and a sign “broken in the laboratory“ are standing at a vigil at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße. The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021400989

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: An animal welfarist wearing a hare mask squats with her dog at a vigil at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße in front of a poster with the inscription “Animals are our fellow creatures - respect them! The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021401013

  •  Vigil of opponents of animal experiments
    Vigil of opponents of animal experiments

    07 February 2020, Berlin: Animal welfarists stand with banners at a vigil at the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstraße. The animal rights activists criticise the pharmaceutical company for its test phases with animals. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2020021401019

  •  Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg
    Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg

    06 November 2019, Hamburg: Alexander Hitzinger (l), responsible for autonomous driving at Volkswagen, and Helge Neuner, Head of Autonomous Driving Volkswagen Group Innovation, are standing at an electric Golf equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar for fully automatic driving. Since April 2019, the car manufacturer VW has been testing automated driving in road traffic in Hamburg. In the test phase, five electric Golf cars, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radars, will be on their way in order to get by without the intervention of the remaining driver. Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019110707031

  •  Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg
    Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg

    06 November 2019, Hamburg: Alexander Hitzinger (l), Group Manager for Autonomous Driving at Volkswagen, and Helge Neuner, Head of Autonomous Driving Volkswagen Group Innovation, are standing at an electric Golf equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar for fully automatic driving. Since April 2019, the car manufacturer VW has been testing automated driving in road traffic in Hamburg. In the test phase, five electric golfers, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radars, will be on their way in order to get by without the intervention of the remaining driver. Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111305762

  •  Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg
    Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg

    06 November 2019, Hamburg: Alexander Hitzinger (l), Group Manager for Autonomous Driving at Volkswagen, and Helge Neuner, Head of Autonomous Driving Volkswagen Group Innovation, are standing at an electric Golf equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar for fully automatic driving. Since April 2019, the car manufacturer VW has been testing automated driving in road traffic in Hamburg. In the test phase, five electric golfers, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radars, will be on their way in order to get by without the intervention of the remaining driver. Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111306248

  •  Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg
    Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg

    06 November 2019, Hamburg: An electric Golf (l), equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar for fully automatic driving, and a Moja vehicle meet during a test drive of the autonomously driving electric Golf. Since April 2019, the car manufacturer VW has been testing automated driving in road traffic in Hamburg. In the test phase, five electric golfers, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radars, will be on their way in order to get by without the intervention of the remaining driver. Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019110706657

  •  Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg
    Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg

    06 November 2019, Hamburg: Following a press conference, Helge Neuner, Head of Autonomous Driving Volkswagen Group Innovation, stands at an electric Golf equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar for fully automatic driving. Since April 2019, the car manufacturer VW has been testing automated driving in road traffic in Hamburg. In the test phase, five electric golfers, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radars, will be on their way in order to get by without the intervention of the remaining driver. Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111306205

  •  Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg
    Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg

    06 November 2019, Hamburg: Alexander Hitzinger (l), Group Manager for Autonomous Driving at Volkswagen, and Helge Neuner, Head of Autonomous Driving Volkswagen Group Innovation, are standing at an electric Golf equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar for fully automatic driving. Since April 2019, the car manufacturer VW has been testing automated driving in road traffic in Hamburg. In the test phase, five electric golfers, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radars, will be on their way in order to get by without the intervention of the remaining driver. Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111306241

  •  Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg
    Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg

    06 November 2019, Hamburg: Alexander Hitzinger (l), Group Manager for Autonomous Driving at Volkswagen, and Helge Neuner, Head of Autonomous Driving Volkswagen Group Innovation, are standing at an electric Golf equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar for fully automatic driving. Since April 2019, the car manufacturer VW has been testing automated driving in road traffic in Hamburg. In the test phase, five electric golfers, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radars, will be on their way in order to get by without the intervention of the remaining driver. Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111306215

  •  Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg
    Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg

    06 November 2019, Hamburg: After a press conference, Alexander Hitzinger, responsible for autonomous driving at Volkswagen, stands at an electric Golf equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar for fully automatic driving. Since April 2019, the car manufacturer VW has been testing automated driving in road traffic in Hamburg. In the test phase, five electric golfers, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radars, will be on their way in order to get by without the intervention of the remaining driver. Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111305797

  •  Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg
    Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg

    06 November 2019, Hamburg: An electric Golf (l), equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar for fully automatic driving, and a Moja vehicle meet during a test drive of the autonomously driving electric Golf. Since April 2019, the car manufacturer VW has been testing automated driving in road traffic in Hamburg. In the test phase, five electric golfers, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radars, will be on their way in order to get by without the intervention of the remaining driver. Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111305853

  •  Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg
    Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg

    06 November 2019, Hamburg: A safety driver shows the laser sensors on a display during a test drive with an autonomously driving electric Golf. Since April 2019, the car manufacturer VW has been testing automated driving in road traffic in Hamburg. In the test phase, five electric Golf cars, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radars, will be on their way in order to get by without the intervention of the remaining driver. Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019110707087

  •  Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg
    Volkswagen tests autonomous driving in Hamburg

    06 November 2019, Hamburg: After a press conference, Alexander Hitzinger, responsible for autonomous driving at Volkswagen, stands at an electric Golf equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar for fully automatic driving. Since April 2019, the car manufacturer VW has been testing automated driving in road traffic in Hamburg. In the test phase, five electric golfers, equipped with laser scanners, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radars, will be on their way in order to get by without the intervention of the remaining driver. Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa、クレジット:DPA/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2019111306174

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