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  •  「新華社」クロツラヘラサギの捕食の瞬間福建省

    中国福建省福州市の閩江(びんこう)河口湿地にこのほど、絶滅危惧種のクロツラヘラサギ数十羽が姿を見せた。捕食方法は俊敏かつ正確で、長く平たいくちばしを干潟の泥の中に差し込み、口を半開きにして浅瀬を歩きながら、水と泥を左右にかき分ける。獲物を感知して魚やエビなどを捕らえると、くちばしでしっかり挟み、頭を上げて飲み込む。クロツラヘラサギは国家1級重点保護野性鳥類に指定されている。ロシア北東部や中国東北部、朝鮮半島で繁殖し、冬になると中国南東部の沿海地域まで南下する。(記者/魏培全) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年4月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024040412627

  •  「新華社」仏人シェフ、中国東北地方の市場で人々の暮らしに触れる

    中国在住のフランス人シェフ、コランタン・デルクロワさんは春節(旧正月)期間の早朝、吉林省延辺朝鮮族自治州延吉市を訪れ、水上市場の活気に目を見張った。同市場は市内最大の朝市で、ここ数年は早朝に最もにぎわう場所の一つとなっている。地元の軽食や特産品が並び、人々の暮らしの息遣いを伝える。(記者/姜明明) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024021809613

  •  「新華社」仏人ミシュランシェフが中国東北地方の春節を満喫

    フランス出身のシェフ、コランタン・デルクロワさんはこのほど、中国吉林省公主嶺市響水鎮で開かれた春節(旧正月)の市場を訪れ、食べ歩きをしながら農村の新年を楽しんだ。デルクロワさんはフランス・ミシュランガイドの星付きシェフ。中国滞在歴18年で、国内各地を訪ね歩いて特色ある料理を研究してきた。今回初めて同市を訪れ、大勢の人でにぎわう市場で熱々の紅豆餡餅(あずきパイ)や氷糖葫芦(果物のあめがけ)を味わい、凍梨(冷凍ナシ)や春聯(縁起の良い対句)を買い求めた。市場のあちこちから上がる呼び込みの声を聞きながら、東北地方の旧正月の雰囲気を堪能した。(記者/姜明明) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024021206391

  •  「新華社」大連-北九州の直行便が運航再開

    中国遼寧省の大連国際空港は8日、大連と日本の北九州を結ぶ直行便が同日から運航を再開したと発表した。同路線は天津航空が運営し、週2便運航する。大連は北九州にとって中国本土唯一の直航便運航都市であり、再開により中国東北部と北九州との人的往来や経済・貿易交流を強化するための空の橋が架けられることになる。大連国際空港によると、同路線は2019年8月に開設されたが、その後新型コロナウイルス感染症流行の影響により20年2月から運航が停止されていた。24年は大連市と北九州市の友好都市提携45周年に当たり、両市の経済・貿易協力と友好交流をいっそう強化するため、今回正式に運航を再開することになった。(記者/張博群、郭翔) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010908886

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    中国新疆ウイグル自治区庫爾勒(コルラ)市を流れる杜鵑河(とけんが)にこのほど、シロカモメが姿を現した。シロカモメは北極海の沿岸や島で繁殖し、ユーラシア大陸と北アメリカの北極圏に広く分布。中国東北部の沿岸地域では冬鳥としてまれに確認される。同自治区では2016年1月に石河子市に現れたのが最初で、今回は2回目となる。(記者/阿曼) =配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024010906154

  •  Winter tourism thrives in China‘s “ice city“
    Winter tourism thrives in China‘s “ice city“

    STORY: Winter tourism thrives in China‘s “ice city“SHOOTING DATE: Dec. 23, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 26, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:23LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the 25th Harbin Ice and Snow World2. STANDUP 1 (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondent3. various of the 25th Harbin Ice and Snow World4. STANDUP 2 (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondent5. various of ice collecting in the Songhua River6. various of the 25th Harbin Ice and Snow World7. various of performances8. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): BIAN YUAN, Tourist9. various of performances10. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): ZHENG SAN, Tourist11. various of a giant snowman in Harbin12. various of the 25th Harbin Ice and Snow WorldSTORYLINE:STANDUP 1 (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondent“Now I‘m in Harbin, the capital city of northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122608661

  •  12 dead, 13 injured in coal mine accident in China‘s Heilongjiang
    12 dead, 13 injured in coal mine accident in China‘s Heilongjiang

    STORY: 12 dead, 13 injured in coal mine accident in China‘s HeilongjiangSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 21, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 21, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:33LOCATION: JIXI, ChinaCATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST:1. various of the coal mine accident site in northeast China‘s Heilongjiang ProvinceSTORYLINE:A coal mine accident has left 12 dead and 13 others injured in Jixi City, northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province, local authorities said.The accident, which involved a coal wagon, took place at 3:50 p.m. Wednesday in the Kunyuan coal mine in Hengshan District, Jixi, according to the information office of the district government.The cause of the accident is being investigated.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Jixi, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023122113538

  •  「新華社」東北文化がテーマの観光列車、黒竜江省を快走

    中国東北地方の民俗文化をテーマにした列車が15日、黒竜江省を走り抜けた。列車はハルビン市を出発し、省北部の漠河市へ向かうK7041号。乗客は窓を飾る切り絵「窓花」や民間舞踊「大秧歌(ヤンコ踊り)」を鑑賞し、冷凍した梨や柿を試食して楽しんだ。中国鉄路ハルビン局集団旅客輸送部門の担当者によると、同社鉄道部門は個性的な旅行へのニーズに応え、氷雪観光の質の高い発展を目指す取り組みを進めているという。(記者/王松、徐凱鑫) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121909471

  •  Students enjoy skating on ice-covered ground at school in NE China
    Students enjoy skating on ice-covered ground at school in NE China

    STORY: Students enjoy skating on ice-covered ground at school in NE ChinaSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 11, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 12, 2023LENGTH: 0:02:48LOCATION: MUDANJIANG, ChinaCATEGORY: SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. various of students skating on the ice-covered ground at a school in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province 2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): YIN MEISHU, Student3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): XUAN SONGYAN, Headmaster STORYLINE:As the morning school bell signals the end of class, students quickly shift into skaters, donning skating shoes and putting on protective gear to revel in the joy of skating on the ice-covered ground at a school in northeast China.For years, students of the Mudanjiang Korean ethnic minority primary school in the city of Mudanjiang, located in northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province, have honored this tradition...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121212916

  •  China‘s “ice city“ prepares for tourist peak season
    China‘s “ice city“ prepares for tourist peak season

    STORY: China‘s “ice city“ prepares for tourist peak seasonSHOOTING TIME: Dec. 8, 2023DATELINE: Dec. 9, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:57LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of ice collecting in the Songhua river2. various of the construction site of 25th Harbin Ice and Snow World3. STANDUP 1 (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondent4. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): WU WENQING, Tourist5. STANDUP 2 (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondent6. STANDUP 3 (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondentSTORYLINE:STANDUP 1 (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondent“It‘s a bitterly cold morning. Now I am standing on the frozen surface of Songhua River, the mother river of Harbin, capital city of northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province. The river flows quietly under a thick layer of ice...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120908577

  •  「新華社」東方文化交流協会、「25年の歩み」発行記念式典開催東京都

    日本のNPO法人東方文化交流協会の「25年の歩み」発行記念式典が2日、東京都新宿区の戸塚地域センターで開かれた。式典には同協会の高山英子理事長と新井藤夫副理事長、日中友好協会の永田哲二常務理事、日中協会の長瀬野清水理事長、東京話劇芸術協会の凌慶成(りょう・けいせい)会長らが出席し、あいさつした。同記念誌は、中日平和友好条約締結45周年を祝って制作された。東方文化交流協会が1995年から2020年までに行ってきた文化交流や教育交流、視察訪問などの活動を振り返りまとめている。式典では在日中国人声楽家、劉子真(りゅう・ししん)さんが中国曲「越人歌」と日本の「見上げてごらん空の星を」を歌い、拍手喝采を浴びた。また、参加者全員で「北国の春」を合唱し、中国東北地域に伝わる舞踊の秧歌(ヤンコ踊り)を楽しんだ。高山理事長は、これまでに交流活動に参加した学生たちから最近、多くのメッセージをもらい、とても感動していると述べた。また、文化交流、特に青年の交流は両国にとって非常に重要であり、さまざまな民間交流活動を通じて、両国の人々が互いの文化を体験し、人と人との交流を促進するために、これからも自分の役割を果たしていきたいとの考えを示した。凌会長は、上の世代の中日友好人士が道を切り開き、国交正常化51年の道のりを歩んできたと指摘、「私たちは共に中日友好の旗を高く掲げ、新たな明るい未来に向かって歩みを進みたい」と述べた。東方文化交流協会は、アジア諸国、主に中国との友好関係の発展に尽力している。文化交流や人的交流の促進を通じて、理解と信頼に基づくアジア諸国との友好関係を築き、広く公益に資する活動に取り組んでいる。(記者/馮翀、胡暁格) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年12月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023120604216

  •  「新華社」収穫期に漂うシソの香り黒竜江省樺南県

    中国黒竜江省佳木斯(ジャムス)市樺南県では9月に入り、栽培面積10万ムー(約6667ヘクタール)余りのシソが収穫期を迎えた。同県は中国東北地域におけるシソの主要産地かつ集散地で、シソの種の生産量が全国の約30%を占めることから「シソの町」と呼ばれている。シソ産業チェーンの強化に取り組んできたことで、加工品への転換率は45%に上る。県内のシソ産業パークには現在、生産加工企業が6社進出しており、産業チェーン全体の生産額は3億5千万元(1元=約20円)に達し、地元の郷村振興を力強く後押ししている。(記者/陳益宸、何山、王大禹、張啓明) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年9月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023090506717

  •  Northeast China steps up flood control, disaster relief
    Northeast China steps up flood control, disaster relief

    STORY: Northeast China steps up flood control, disaster reliefDATELINE: Aug. 14, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:14LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the flood in northeast China2. various of rescue operations in Yanshou County3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LI JIAYING, Local official4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WANG YALING, Relocated resident5. various of disaster relief operations in Shulan City6. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): SHI WANCHUN, Deputy director of Shulan agro-tech extension center7. SOUNDBITE 4 (Chinese): CHEN XIANGYU, Deputy production manager of State Grid Jilin Shulan City Power Supply Co., Ltd.8. various of rescue operationsSTORYLINE:Northeast China has intensified flood relief and reconstruction efforts after being battered by torrential rains caused by Typhoon Khanun and Typhoon Doksuri...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081412327

  •  NE China continues to guard against floods
    NE China continues to guard against floods

    STORY: NE China continues to guard against floodsDATELINE: Aug. 13, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:31LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of flood-hit regions in northeast China2. various of No.3 High School of Shulan City in Jilin Province3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): SUN GUOMIN, Principal of No.3 High School of Shulan City in Jilin Province4. various of a resettlement site in Changting Township5. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WU LEI, Head of Changting Township, Hailin City in Heilongjiang ProvinceSTORYLINE:Flood relief and reconstruction efforts have been intensified in flood-hit regions in northeast China.Local governments of Heilongjiang and Jilin have ramped up efforts to repair roads, restore power supply, relocate affected people, carry out disinfection and monitor the weather and water quality to restore normalcy to the lives and production...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023081311789

  •  Int‘l students witness rural revitalization in NE China
    Int‘l students witness rural revitalization in NE China

    STORY: Int‘l students witness rural revitalization in NE ChinaDATELINE: July 26, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:34LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of village scenes in Panjin, Liaoning Province2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): MAIMOUNA AMATOU RAHMANE THIAM, Int‘l student from SenegalSTORYLINE:A total of 24 international students from 20 countries have participated in a tour in Panjin City, northeast China‘s Liaoning Province from July 20 to 23, to experience the vitality of China‘s rural revitalization.In a rice-crab co-culture production base in Ping‘an village, international students had the chance to learn about the local rice planting techniques and how rice and crabs can be grown together in the same field.They also shared with local students the agriculture and rural development in other parts of the world...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072612997

  •  「新華社」小興安嶺山脈の避暑旅行が人気黒竜江省

    中国東北部に位置する黒竜江省伊春市ではこのところ、小興安嶺山脈の涼やかな森の風景が熱い注目を集めている。湯旺河林海奇石風景区は市内唯一の国家5A級観光地(最高ランク)で、生物多様性に富み、トウヒやモミなど110種以上の貴重な樹木が生育する。アジア随一のチョウセンゴヨウの原生林もあり、植生被覆率は99・8%に上る。同風景区の劉樹良(りゅう・じゅりょう)総経理によると、観光事業は非常に好調で、現在1日平均約2千人の来訪者数は近日中に4千人に達する見込みだという。(記者/楊喆、金地) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023071806013

  •  German auto supplier ZF opens new e-mobility plant in NE China
    German auto supplier ZF opens new e-mobility plant in NE China

    STORY: German auto supplier ZF opens new e-mobility plant in NE ChinaDATELINE: June 14, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:44LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the groundbreaking ceremony2. SOUNDBITE (English): STEPHAN VON SCHUCKMANN, Member of the Board of Management of the ZF GroupSTORYLINE:German auto supplier ZF Friedrichshafen AG broke ground on a new electric mobility plant in China on Tuesday.The plant, located in Shenyang, capital of northeast China‘s Liaoning Province, will primarily produce electric axle drives. Its first-phase operations will start in 2025.The company said it is working on expanding its presence in China, as the country has moved to the fore when it comes to future trends like electromobility...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年6月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023121607619

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    シアのモスクワ南東にあるカリトニコフ墓地に建つ黒い墓碑。表には胸に勲章を着け優しい笑みをたたえた老人の姿が、裏には雄壮な橋が刻まれている。ここにはソ連の橋梁専門家で、中国から「人民友好使者」の称号を授与されたコンスタンチン・シリン氏が眠っている。墓碑の裏に刻まれた橋は、ソ連の中国支援事業で建設され、シリン氏が総設計師(チーフデザイナー)として設計と建設に関わった「長江第一橋」の武漢長江大橋だ。同橋をきっかけに、70年近くにわたり続いてきたシリン家の人々と中国との縁が始まった。記者がシリン氏の家族を訪ねると、長女のエレナさん(76)と次女のアンナさん(68)がドアを開けて温かく迎えてくれた。「父と中国との関わりは古く、今も続いている」とエレナさんは目の前の出来事のように生き生きと語った。シリン氏は1948年、ソ連の橋梁専門家として中国東北部に派遣され、鉄道と橋の建設に携わった。49年には中国鉄道部の顧問となり、成渝鉄道(四川省成都-重慶)や天蘭鉄道(甘粛省天水-蘭州)、蘭新鉄道(蘭州-新疆ウイグル自治区阿拉山口市)の建設に関わった。54年、ソ連政府は武漢での橋の建設を支援するため28人の専門家からなるチームを派遣。シリン氏は57年9月に橋が完成するまでチームのリーダーを務めた。この間、エレナさんとアンナさんは、両親と共に中国で暮らした。武漢長江大橋は後に、シリン氏にとって生涯で最も誇れる作品となった。中国に来た当初、わずか生後1カ月だったアンナさんは、大人になって、父親の跡を継いで橋梁専門家となった。シリン氏と共に武漢長江大橋の建設に尽力した趙煜澄(ちょう・いくちょう)氏はかつてシリン氏について、衣食住にはこだわらなかったが仕事には非常に真面目で厳格であり、「真の共産主義と国際主義の精神を備えた人」だったと回想している。シリン氏の貢献をたたえ中国国務院は、周恩来(しゅう・おんらい)総理が署名した感謝状を授与した。武漢長江大橋の記念碑には、シリン氏を含む28人のソ連の専門家の功績が金銅の文字で鋳造されている。中国人民対外友好協会は95年、シリン氏に「人民友好使者」の称号を授与した。アンナさんは「父は中国に対して、非常に特別な思いを抱いていた。中国から戻って来るとき、父のまなざしと表情はいつも喜びに満ちていた。父は中国の人々を深く愛していた」と語った =配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月21日、クレジット:新華...

    商品コード: 2023032110353

  •  Russian expat in China helps enhance understanding between two peoples
    Russian expat in China helps enhance understanding between two peoples

    STORY: Russian expat in China helps enhance understanding between two peoplesDATELINE: March 16, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:22LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Mitina Polina in office2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): MITINA POLINA, Russian working in ChinaSTORYLINE:Mitina Polina, a Russian who has been working in China for 16 years, is helping enhance understanding between Chinese and Russian people.After studying Chinese language in Heilongjiang University in northeast China‘s Harbin, Polina started to work in a travel agency in the city in 2007. The agency receives tens of thousands of Russians every year.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): MITINA POLINA, Russian working in China“Before I came to China, I didn‘t know much about the country. After I came here, I hope to let more Chinese people know about Russians through my efforts...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年3月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023031615191

  •  China‘s “Snow Town“ attracts tourists with unique snow views
    China‘s “Snow Town“ attracts tourists with unique snow views

    STORY: China‘s “Snow Town“ attracts tourists with unique snow viewsDATELINE: Feb. 20, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:25LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the “Snow Town“ in China‘s Heilongjiang ProvinceSTORYLINE:Located about 280 kilometers from Harbin, the capital of northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province, the “Snow Town“ attracts visitors with its unique snow views.Used to be a forest farm, the snow town has seen a sea change over the past two decades after embracing tourism.The snow season here can last up to seven months a year, and the annual average snowfall thickness can reach 2.6 meters.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年2月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023022103378

  •  Breathtaking night view of China‘s “Snow Town“
    Breathtaking night view of China‘s “Snow Town“

    STORY: Breathtaking night view of China‘s “Snow Town“DATELINE: Feb. 13, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:41LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the night view of “Snow Town“2. various of touristsSTORYLINE:In about two decades, a village transformed from a forest farm into China‘s “Snow Town.“Located about 280 km from Harbin, the capital of northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province, the “Snow Town“ embraces visitors with stunning snow views.The snow season at Shuangfeng Forest Farm can last up to seven months a year, and the annual average snowfall thickness can reach 2.6 meters.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年2月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021403489

  •  Automakers in China‘s Jilin ramp up production to secure overseas orders
    Automakers in China‘s Jilin ramp up production to secure overseas orders

    STORY: Automakers in China‘s Jilin ramp up production to secure overseas ordersDATELINE: Feb. 12, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:08LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the production of autos2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LI ZHE, Deputy director of final assembly workshop, FAW Jiefang3. various of the production of autos4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WANG CHAO, General manager of Changchun Jetty Automotive Parts Co., Ltd.STORYLINE:Auto companies are ramping up production to secure orders for exports in Changchun, capital of northeast China‘s Jilin Province.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LI ZHE, Deputy director of final assembly workshop, FAW Jiefang“Staff from our special assembly workshop and intelligent workshop have come to help the final assembly workshop to ensure that we can complete the production task in time...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年2月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021302227

  •  Tourists celebrate Spring Festival in China‘s “Snow Town“
    Tourists celebrate Spring Festival in China‘s “Snow Town“

    STORY: Tourists celebrate Spring Festival in China‘s “Snow Town“DATELINE: Jan. 23, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:56LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: CULTURE/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the “Snow Town“ in Heilongjiang, ChinaSTORYLINE:Located about 280 km from Harbin, the capital of northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province, China‘s “Snow Town“ embraces visitors with stunning snow views during Spring Festival.Various traditional activities are held in the small town to celebrate the Chinese New Year.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023012405143

  •  Winter tourism festival opens in China‘s Yanji
    Winter tourism festival opens in China‘s Yanji

    STORY: Winter tourism festival opens in China‘s YanjiDATELINE: Jan. 12, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:26LOCATION: YANJI, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the festival opened in Yanji City2. SOUNDBITE 1(Chinese): LIU YINGYING, Tourist3. SOUNDBITE 2(Chinese): HAN YAN, Tourist4. SOUNDBITE 3(Chinese): WANG QINGFENG, Local official for tourism in YanjiSTORYLINE:A winter tourism festival opened in Yanji City of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, northeast China‘s Jilin Province, attracting many visitors with its festive events and shows.The city takes advantage of its winter tourism to integrate local culture, tourism, sports and other industries.SOUNDBITE 1(Chinese): LIU YINGYING, Tourist“I think we have lots to eat and drink in Yanji, and I feel the people here are very welcoming...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011303832

  •  China aims to build world‘s largest national park system
    China aims to build world‘s largest national park system

    STORY: China aims to build world‘s largest national park systemDATELINE: Jan. 12, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:02LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of the Sanjiangyuan National Park2. various of the Giant Panda National Park3. various of the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park4. various of the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park5. various of the Wuyishan National Park6. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): HUANG JINCHENG, Director of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park administration7. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): FAN DEXING, Tea farmer8. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): TIAN JUNLIANG, Deputy director, Sanjiangyuan National Park Administration Bureau9...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011303466

  •  「新華社」昔ながらの木造住宅並ぶ村落、氷雪観光が人気集める吉林省

    中国吉林省は現在、1年で最も寒い時期を迎えている。中国東北地域にあって最も標高が高い氷雪地域の長白山風景区にはこのところ、各地から観光客が訪れ、一面に広がる森林や雪原の絶景や氷雪レジャーを楽しみ、昔ながらの建築的特徴を残す木造家屋が立ち並ぶ村落に魅了されている。同省白山市撫松県漫江鎮錦江村の民家50棟は全て丸太でできており、木の壁や木瓦、木の煙突が真っ白な雪に映え、冬の東北部ならではの独特な景観を作り出している。歴史や民俗、文化で知られる同村にはここ数年、氷雪観光の要素が多数加わった。冬に訪れた観光客は、昔ながらの民家を鑑賞したり、そり遊び、スノーチューブ滑り台など氷雪観光ならではのアトラクションを体験したりすることができる。 =配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010612286

  •  “Kingdom of snowman“ grabs attention in China‘s “ice city“
    “Kingdom of snowman“ grabs attention in China‘s “ice city“

    STORY: “Kingdom of snowman“ grabs attention in China‘s “ice city“DATELINE: Dec. 23, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:26LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the “kingdom of snowman“STORYLINE:An old man has created a “kingdom of snowman“ in his own yard in Harbin, capital of northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province, grabbing the attention of people passing by.Harbin, dubbed China‘s “ice city,“ becomes a pleasure ground in winter for both kids and adults.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV) = 配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022122508859

  •  「新華社」グリーンリスト選出の長白山自然保護区、生態保護で効果

    国際自然保護連合(IUCN)は10日、カナダ・モントリオールで開かれた生物多様性条約第15回締約国会議(COP15)で、管理が良好な世界の保護区を評価する「グリーンリスト」の最新版を公表した。中国からは吉林省の長白山国家級自然保護区など11の自然保護区が選ばれた。中国東北部に位置する長白山は、北東アジア地域における重要な生態障壁で、世界でも珍しい「種の遺伝子バンク」や「自然の博物館」として知られている。同保護区は中国で最も早く設立された自然保護区の一つで、地元では生態環境保護や生態文明建設が進み、地域の社会・経済が力強く発展し、生態保護の著しい効果を得た。(記者/邵美琦、司暁帥) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022121508673

  •  Japanese abbot donates historical materials of Nanjing Massacre
    Japanese abbot donates historical materials of Nanjing Massacre

    STORY: Japanese abbot donates historical materials of Nanjing MassacreDATELINE: Dec. 13, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:50LOCATION: KYOTO, JapanCATEGORY: POLITICS/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Enkoji Temple2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Japanese): DAITO SATOSHI, Abbot, Enkoji Temple3. various of Satoshi doing research4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Japanese): DAITO SATOSHI, Abbot, Enkoji Temple5. SOUNDBITE 3 (Japanese): DAITO SATOSHI, Abbot, Enkoji TempleSTORYLINE:Daito Satoshi is the abbot of Enkoji Temple in Kyoto, Japan.He majored in modern Japanese history in college. In his junior year, he traveled to northeast China, where he visited places such as the site of Unit 731, a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Japanese Imperial Army, and learned about the atrocities committed by Japanese invaders...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022121706645

  •  「新華社」見渡す限り氷の世界、青くきらめく淡水湖黒竜江省

    中国東北地方最大の淡水湖、興凱湖が結氷期に入った。太陽の光を浴びた湖面は、青く透き通った宝石のようにきらめき、「千里の結氷」と呼ばれる壮大な光景が広がった。興凱湖の結氷期は長く、毎年12月から翌年5月まで続く。(記者/張濤) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022121300827

  •  “ID officer“ of Siberian tigers witnesses return of “King of Forest“
    “ID officer“ of Siberian tigers witnesses return of “King of Forest“

    STORY: “ID officer“ of Siberian tigers witnesses the return of “King of Forest“DATELINE: Dec. 3, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:16LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): DUAN LIANRU, Researcher, Hunchun bureau branch (in Jilin Province) of Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park Administration 2. various of the tigers3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): DUAN LIANRU, Researcher, Hunchun bureau branch (in Jilin Province) of Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park Administration 4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): DUAN LIANRU, Researcher, Hunchun bureau branch (in Jilin Province) of Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park Administration 5. SOUNDBITE 4 (Chinese): DUAN LIANRU, Researcher, Hunchun bureau branch (in Jilin Province) of Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park Administration 6...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120512259

  •  A glimpse of massive drift ice on Heilongjiang River in NE China
    A glimpse of massive drift ice on Heilongjiang River in NE China

    STORY: A glimpse of massive drift ice on Heilongjiang River in NE ChinaDATELINE: Nov. 20, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:55LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of massive drift ice in sections of the Heilongjiang RiverSTORYLINE:With dipping temperature over days, massive drift ice appears in sections of the Heilongjiang River in northeast China, creating spectacular winter scenery.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022112006742

  •  「新華社」中国東北部の森林地帯で野生動物が増加黒竜江省

    初冬を迎え、中国黒竜江省の大海林林業局が管理する海浪河畔ではコウライアイサ数十羽が南下の準備をしている。生息数はここ数年で十数羽から100羽近くまで増加した。コウライアイサは中国の国家1級保護動物で、国際自然保護連合(IUCN)のレッドリストでも絶滅危惧種(EN)に指定されている。環境変化に非常に敏感で、典型的な河川環境指標種となっている。中国東北部の森林地帯では近年、環境保護の取り組み強化により森林や湿地帯の生態系が回復。野生動物の生息環境も改善した。また東北虎(アムールトラ)や東北豹(アムールヒョウ)の活動域が拡大し、コウノトリなど国家重点保護野生動物の個体数も急増している。(記者/王君宝) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111712987

  •  Siberian tigers and Amur leopards caught on camera in NE China‘s national park
    Siberian tigers and Amur leopards caught on camera in NE China‘s national park

    STORY: Siberian tigers and Amur leopards caught on camera in NE China‘s national parkDATELINE: Nov. 16, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:24LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of Siberian tigers and leopards captured by the infrared cameraSTORYLINE:Activities of Siberian tigers and Amur leopards have been caught on camera at the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park in China‘s Heilongjiang Province.Staff of the national park found the footages of these rare species when maintaining the infrared camera recently.Siberian tigers and Amur leopards, both listed among the world‘s most endangered species, live mostly in northeast China and Russia‘s Far East.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV) = 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111701830

  •  BMW to invest 10 bln yuan in battery production project in China
    BMW to invest 10 bln yuan in battery production project in China

    STORY: BMW to invest 10 bln yuan in battery production project in ChinaDATELINE: Nov. 15, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:57LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of BMW‘s manufacturing process2. SOUNDBITE (English): FRANZ DECKER, President and CEO of BBASTORYLINE:BMW Group‘s joint venture in China, BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd. (BBA), will invest 10 billion yuan (about 1.4 billion U.S. dollars) into a new battery production project in northeast China‘s Liaoning Province.The signing ceremony of the project was held Friday in Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning. The signed agreement will see BBA expand battery production capacity at its Shenyang production base.Franz Decker, president and CEO of BBA, noted that the company has full confidence in the Chinese market, and the investment is a “crucial next step“ in the BMW e-mobility strategy in China...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111604893

  •  Restoring wetland ecology in oil-producing city
    Restoring wetland ecology in oil-producing city

    STORY: Restoring wetland ecology in oil-producing cityDATELINE: Nov. 12, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:35LOCATION: PANJIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of wetland in Panjin, northeast China‘s Liaoning Province2. various of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands3. shot of the accreditation ceremony4. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LIU YE, Panjin Forestry and Wetland Protection Administration Bureau5. various of wildlife in Panjin‘s wetland6. various of the “red beach“ in PanjinSTORYLINE:China‘s Panjin is known as “a city of wetlands,“ where three major rivers empty into the sea.The city, an oil production base in Liaoning Province, had long suffered from environmental degradation owing to petrochemical and other industries in the past.Since 2002, local authorities have rolled out wetland protection measures and adopted plans to establish nature reserves across the city...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111302703

  •  「新華社」効果高まるアムールトラの保護活動黒竜江省

    東北虎(アムールトラ)は、世界の生物多様性保護における代表的な種の一つで、主に中国東北部やロシア・シベリアの寒冷地に分布し、「世界で最も絶滅が危惧される動物上位10種」に数えられる。黒竜江省にある中国横道河子ネコ科動物飼育繁殖センターはここ数年、アムールトラの科学研究や野生化訓練、野外救助などにさらに注力し、アムールトラの繁殖レベルを高め、より多くのアムールトラを山野に返している。同センターの重要拠点の一つ、黒竜江省海林市の東北虎林園では今年、トラの赤ちゃん66頭が誕生した。同園の劉丹(りゅう・たん)チーフエンジニアによると、ここ数年、中国の野生トラ個体数は効果的に回復し、安定的に増加している。最新データによると、1万4千平方キロを超える東北虎・東北豹(アムールヒョウ)国家公園では、野生のアムールトラが2017年の27頭から50頭に、アムールヒョウが42頭から60頭にそれぞれ増えており、新たに子どものトラ10頭以上とヒョウ7頭以上が誕生している。東北虎林園では、アムールトラの自然生息地により広い野生復帰エリアを設ける予定で、人工飼育下のアムールトラから優秀な個体を選び、野生での繁殖、イノシシや梅花鹿(ハナジカ)などの獲物を捕まえる能力の訓練など、高度な野生化訓練を行うとともに、野外で生まれた子どもの野生の回復と訓練も進めていく。劉氏は「トラ約100頭の遺伝子シーケンスを行い、トラ個体群の遺伝子が純粋かどうかを確認し、強い母性と優れた形質を持つトラを繁殖させ、その後、トラの健康状態を評価、検査する」と説明。現在は技術手段が成熟し、野生化訓練基地にもスマート観測システムが導入されていると述べた。専門家は、野生復帰には野生化の土台が欠かせないとし、トラが野外で生き残る能力を備え、健康評価に合格してから野生に返すことで、アムールトラの中核個体群の質を保証できるとの認識を示した。野生化訓練への注力に加え、野生アムールトラの野外救助も個体群保護の重要な一環とされている。野生アムールトラの捕獲後、専門スタッフは自然環境や人口圧力、野生動物の密度などの資源調査結果に基づき、元の生息地に放すか別の地域に放すかを選択する。人々と野生動物の安全を確保するため、横道河子ネコ科動物飼育繁殖センターでは、充実した専門技術人材と整備された医療・応急処置施設や設備を利用し、アムールト =配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月2日、クレジッ...

    商品コード: 2022110210127

  •  Culture park donned in autumn colors in NE China‘s Harbin
    Culture park donned in autumn colors in NE China‘s Harbin

    STORY: Culture park donned in autumn colors in NE China‘s HarbinDATELINE: Oct. 30, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:59LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of autumn scenery in Volga Manor2. STANDUP (English): DAI JINRONG, Xinhua correspondent3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): TENG LIANRONG, Tourist4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): YANG YUHUA, Tourist5. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): YAN YONGLIANG, TouristSTORYLINE:SOUNDBITE (English): DAI JINRONG, Xinhua correspondent“Autumn is the second spring when every leaf is a flower. In suburban Harbin, capital of northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province, the beautiful scenery in late autumn attracts tourists from near places. Volga Manor, a culture-themed park, has a collection of majestic buildings, artworks, and picturesque landscape for pleasure and enjoyment.“Such northern autumn days make visitors feel comfortable and cozy...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022103105287

  •  Rehabilitation reserve helps endangered tigers return to wild
    Rehabilitation reserve helps endangered tigers return to wild

    STORY: Rehabilitation reserve helps endangered tigers return to wildDATELINE: Oct. 23, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:59LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Siberian tigers2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LIU DAN, Chief designer of Siberian Tiger Park3. various of Siberian tigersSTORYLINE:Over 1,000 Siberian tigers live in the Siberia Tiger Park in northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province. Thanks to wildlife rehabilitation programs, these big cats may return to the wild in the future.Siberian tigers, mainly living in northeast China and Siberia in Russia, are known as one of the world‘s most endangered species.Artificially-raised tigers were considered incapable of living in the wild, as they lack key survival skills and may wander into traps...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022102408382

  •  A paradise of birds in Jilin, NE China
    A paradise of birds in Jilin, NE China

    STORY: A paradise of birds in Jilin, NE ChinaDATELINE: Oct. 22, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:36LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of birds hovering over wetlandsSTORYLINE:Over 2,000 hectares of wetlands in Taonan City of northeast China‘s Jilin Province attract tens of thousands of birds to rest here in late autumn.The wetlands see an improving ecological system thanks to a series of protection measures in recent years.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Changchun, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022102308304

  •  China‘s Heilongjiang sees bumper harvest of lion‘s mane mushrooms
    China‘s Heilongjiang sees bumper harvest of lion‘s mane mushrooms

    STORY: China‘s Heilongjiang sees bumper harvest of lion‘s mane mushroomsDATELINE: Oct. 22, 2022LENGTH: 0:00:54LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMY/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the mushroom planting base2. various of workers picking and processing the mushroom3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): XIE GUOQIANG, Local officialSTORYLINE:Lion‘s mane mushroom growers in northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province have a bumper harvest this autumn.At a planting base for the mushroom in Hailin City, farmers are busy picking the fungi.So far, more than 10,000 households in the city have participated in growing lion‘s mane mushrooms which have become a pillar industry that could generate 454 million yuan (about 62.65 million U.S. dollars) annually...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022102307847

  •  China‘s ice city Harbin starts providing central heating for residents
    China‘s ice city Harbin starts providing central heating for residents

    STORY: China‘s ice city Harbin starts providing central heating for residentsDATELINE: Oct. 21, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:23LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of a heating company in Harbin, northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): WANG YONGHAI, Deputy general manager of Jieneng Thermal Power Station Co., Ltd.3. various of schoolSTORYLINE:Heating suppliers in northeast China have started services in response to the recent cold snap.The ice city of Harbin in Heilongjiang Province started to provide central heating for residents on Thursday.Workers of heating suppliers are busy ensuring a smooth operation of service so that people could enjoy comfortable indoor temperatures.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): WANG YONGHAI, Deputy general manager of Jieneng Thermal Power Station Co., Ltd...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022102204594

  •  Soil preparation underway in China‘s “grain barn“
    Soil preparation underway in China‘s “grain barn“

    STORY: Soil preparation underway in China‘s “grain barn“DATELINE: Oct. 20, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:21LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: AGRICULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of soil preparation2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LI JINBO, FarmerSTORYLINE:The high-powered machinery of Beidahuang Group is preparing the fields right after the autumn harvest with high efficiency and quality in northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province.Soil preparation is of vital importance for grain production in the province, known as China‘s “grain barn.“Large machines will be used to plow the fields, burying leaves, straws, and other crop residues underground.This allows for the faster and more thorough decomposition of the residues, thus effectively increasing the absorbable organic matter in the soil...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022102101909

  •  Smart agriculture helps farmers increase output in NE China
    Smart agriculture helps farmers increase output in NE China

    STORY: Smart agriculture helps farmers increase output in NE ChinaDATELINE: Oct. 11, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:51LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the farm2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): XIAO YAO, Local farm managerSTORYLINE:A farm in the county of Yongji, northeast China‘s Jilin Province has adopted smart technologies to boost agricultural production during the autumn harvest season.A multi-layered control and monitoring system made up of intelligent technologies, including ground cameras, low-altitude drones and remote sensing satellites, is applied to analyze data on crop growth, diseases and pests and fertilizers.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): XIAO YAO, Local farm manager“Since a smart farm was built, the management and operation have become very simple for us. Many procedures have adopted electrical automation which saves labor...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022101201074

  •  New soybean yield record set in NE China
    New soybean yield record set in NE China

    STORY: New soybean yield record set in NE ChinaDATELINE: Oct. 6, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:19LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of soybean fields2. various of the soybean production competition3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): GONG ZHENPING, Head of the soybean production assessment expert panel4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LI KUN, Agricultural technician of 854 Farm Co., Ltd.5. various of soybean fieldsSTORYLINE:A new national soybean yield record has been set in a high-yield soybean production competition in northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province. It was recognized by an expert panel authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100707986

  •  「新華社」野生のアムールトラ生息数、5年間で約2倍黒竜江省

    中国黒竜江省ハルビン市にある東北虎(アムールトラ)林園は横道河子ネコ科動物飼育繁殖センターに属する三つのトラ飼育施設の一つで、アムールトラ400頭余りを飼育している。アムールトラはかつて中国東北部に広く分布していたが、約100年前にさまざまな理由により野生の個体群が急速に縮小した。1998年の合同調査では国内に12~16頭しか生息していないと判断された。中国はここ10年、国家公園の設置、国際協力の強化、科学技術の活用などの取り組みを積極的に進め、個体群の回復を促してきた。最新データでは、面積1万4千平方キロ超の東北虎・東北ヒョウ(アムールヒョウ)国家公園で、野生のアムールトラは2017年の27頭から現在では50頭に、アムールヒョウは42頭から60頭に増えた。 =配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100512034

  •  Old factories transformed into cultural parks in China‘s Shenyang
    Old factories transformed into cultural parks in China‘s Shenyang

    STORY: Old factories transformed into cultural parks in China‘s ShenyangDATELINE: Oct. 4, 2022LENGTH: 0:02:37LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of cultural parks in China‘s ShenyangSTORYLINE:In Shenyang, northeast China‘s Liaoning Province, a number of industrial plants built in the 20th century have been turned into centers of cultural and creative startups, studios and workshops, attracting many young people to visit during the National Day holiday.1905 Art Re-Creative Space, covering an area of 4,000 square meters, was transformed in 2012 from an abandoned factory. It has now become a re-creative space integrating art space, small theater and independent brand block.On this National Day holiday, more than 100 stall owners came here to bring tourists all kinds of good things...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100601282

  •  Intelligent technologies aid rice production, harvest in NE China
    Intelligent technologies aid rice production, harvest in NE China

    STORY: Intelligent technologies aid rice production, harvest in NE ChinaDATELINE: Sept. 26, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:46LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: AGRICULTURESHOTLIST:1. STANDUP (English): DAI JINRONG, Xinhua correspondent2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): YE ZHIFENG, Deputy general manager of Puyang Farm Co., Ltd. of Beidahuang GroupSTORYLINE:STANDUP (English): DAI JINRONG, Xinhua correspondent“Now I am in a paddy field in Beidahuang Group, Hegang City, northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province.This year, the rice‘s estimated production of this field can reach around 600 kilograms per mu (0.0667 hectares), which means this farm can really enjoy a rice bumper harvest. Now rice is mature. Sophisticated combines are cutting the rice and separating the grain from the stalks...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092901863

  •  Morning market full of vitality during autumn harvest in NE China
    Morning market full of vitality during autumn harvest in NE China

    STORY: Morning market full of vitality during autumn harvest in NE ChinaDATELINE: Sept. 23, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:14LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the market2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): WEI CHUNLING, Vendor at Minglian morning market3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): FU GUIQIN, Local residentSTORYLINE:Filled with hustle and bustle, the Minglian morning market in northeast China‘s Shenyang comes into full swing well before 7 a.m. in early autumn.Tucked between the busy streets in Huanggu District, the vibrant market has a length of over 2,000 meters, attracting early birds with a broad range of products, including fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, seafood, etc.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): WEI CHUNLING, Vendor at Minglian morning market“We get up at three o‘clock every morning. After getting up, we come here to sell vegetables in the market...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092602933

  •  Chinese museum exhibits gun camera used by Japanese aggressors during invasion of China
    Chinese museum exhibits gun camera used by Japanese aggressors during invasion of China

    STORY: Chinese museum exhibits gun camera used by Japanese aggressors during invasion of ChinaDATELINE: Sept. 18, 2022LENGTH: 0:00:59LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST:1. various of the gun cameraSTORYLINE:To commemorate the 91st anniversary of the September 18 Incident, the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army Museum in northeast China‘s Harbin exhibited a rare gun camera used by the Japanese aggressors during the invasion of China.The 97-centimeter-long gun camera has a barrel with a diameter of 8.3 centimeters.It‘s believed that the device was used by Japanese air forces in shooting training and combat activities.The camera shutter was connected with the trigger to record the shootings.The gun camera has empirical value for the study of the history of Japan‘s invasion of China...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092111525

  •  GLOBALink | China commemorates war against Japanese aggression
    GLOBALink | China commemorates war against Japanese aggression

    Air-raid sirens sounded and bells tolled across Shenyang, northeast China‘s Liaoning Province, on Sunday morning to commemorate the 91st anniversary of the September 18 Incident, which marked the start of Japan‘s 14-year invasion of China. #GLOBALinkProduced by Xinhua Global Service= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092109929

  •  China commemorates war against Japanese aggression
    China commemorates war against Japanese aggression

    STORY: China commemorates war against Japanese aggressionDATELINE: Sept. 18, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:11LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST:1. various of the event in Shenyang, ChinaSTORYLINE:Air-raid sirens sounded and bells tolled across the city of Shenyang, northeast China‘s Liaoning Province, on Sunday morning to commemorate the 91st anniversary of the September 18 Incident, which marked the start of Japan‘s 14-year invasion of China.At the 9.18 Historical Museum, nearly 300 people from all walks of life gathered and held a ceremony to commemorate the September 18 Incident and the Chinese People‘s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022092109917

  •  Remains of 88 Chinese soldiers killed in Korean War returned to homeland
    Remains of 88 Chinese soldiers killed in Korean War returned to homeland

    STORY: Remains of 88 Chinese soldiers killed in Korean War returned to homelandDATELINE: Sept. 16, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:03LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST:1 various of the arrival the Y-20 transport aircraft2 various of the ceremony held at the Taoxian International Airport3 various of the handover ceremony held at the Incheon International AirportSTORYLINE:The remains of 88 Chinese soldiers killed in the 1950-53 Korean War were returned to China from South Korea on Friday.Escorted by two J-20 stealth fighter jets, a Y-20 transport aircraft carrying the remains and belongings of the fallen soldiers landed at the Taoxian International Airport in Shenyang, the capital of northeast China‘s Liaoning Province at 11 a.m.Earlier on the day, a ceremony was held at the Incheon International Airport, west of Seoul...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年9月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022091907240

  •  Xi inspects northeastern Chinese city of Jinzhou
    Xi inspects northeastern Chinese city of Jinzhou

    Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on Tuesday inspected the city of Jinzhou, northeast China‘s Liaoning Province.Xi visited the Liaoshen Campaign Memorial and a forest park in Jinzhou, looking back into the history of the liberation of northeast China and the Liaoshen Campaign, one of the major campaigns during the War of Liberation more than seven decades ago.He was also briefed about the province‘s efforts of flood control and ecological restoration and conservation, and made instructions on how to improve flood control work and sharpen the capacity to prevent natural disasters.Produced by Xinhua Global Service= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022081909414

  •  Xi inspects northeastern Chinese city of Jinzhou
    Xi inspects northeastern Chinese city of Jinzhou

    STORY: Xi inspects northeastern Chinese city of JinzhouDATELINE: Aug. 18, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:23LOCATION: JINZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of JinzhouSTORYLINE:Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on Tuesday inspected the city of Jinzhou, northeast China‘s Liaoning Province.Xi visited the Liaoshen Campaign Memorial and a forest park in Jinzhou, looking back into the history of the liberation of northeast China and the Liaoshen Campaign, one of the major campaigns during the War of Liberation more than seven decades ago.He was also briefed about the province‘s efforts of flood control and ecological restoration and conservation, and made instructions on how to improve flood control work and sharpen the capacity to prevent natural disasters...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022081909412

  •  Couple designs creative digital animation to tell story of raptor rescue
    Couple designs creative digital animation to tell story of raptor rescue

    STORY: Couple designs creative digital animation to tell story of raptor rescueDATELINE: Aug. 17, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:59LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of animation on raptor rescue2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): FAN DANDAN, Volunteer of Shenyang Raptor Rescue Center3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): SHANG KAIYU, Volunteer of Shenyang Raptor Rescue CenterSTORYLINE:Fan Dandan and her husband Shang Kaiyu are both volunteers of Shenyang Raptor Rescue Center, northeast China‘s Liaoning Province. They used digital animation to design a “raptor digital universe,“ sharing more stories about bird protection.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): FAN DANDAN, Volunteer of Shenyang Raptor Rescue Center“My name is Fan Dandan, I am a volunteer of Shenyang Raptor Rescue Center...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022081810583

  •  「新華社」唐~遼代の女真族集落遺跡を発見黒竜江省で初

    中国黒竜江省ハルビン市方正県の関係部門は13日、同省の文化財部門が同県で発見した望江楼東北遺跡が唐から遼代にかけての女真族の集落遺跡だったと発表した。女真族はツングース系の民族で中国東北部に居住し、12世紀に金王朝、17世紀には満州族として清王朝を建国した。黒竜江省で唐~遼代の女真族集落遺跡が見つかったのは初めて。遺跡は、方正県天門郷沿江村望江楼屯の北東約500メートルに位置する緩やかな尾根の上にある。松花江本流の右岸からは約200メートル離れており、面積は約3千平方メートル。高速道路建設に伴い2021年11月に実施された埋蔵物調査で存在が確認され、当初は遼~金代の住居跡と判断された。黒竜江省文物考古研究所が22年7月上旬に緊急発掘調査を開始し、これまでに約300平方メートルを発掘。住居跡2カ所、灰坑26カ所、灰溝2カ所、窯跡1カ所、環壕1本を発見し、陶器や陶網墜(陶製の漁網の重り)、陶紡輪(陶製の紡錘車)、錐形骨器、鉄刀、石斧、砥石などの遺物標本200点余りが出土した。考古学スタッフによると、遺跡は遺構や遺物の特徴から、唐~遼代の女真人の大型集落跡と推定される。同地域の女真族の歴史と文化、生産生活、集落形態、生態環境などの研究を深める上で貴重な実物資料になるという。(記者/楊思琪) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022081706141

  •  Students in China‘s Liaoning enjoy summer vacation under “double reduction“ policy
    Students in China‘s Liaoning enjoy summer vacation under “double reduction“ policy

    STORY: Students in China‘s Liaoning enjoy summer vacation under “double reduction“ policyDATELINE: Aug. 10, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:18LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of students doing extracurricular activities2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): LI XIAOBEI, Student, Second primary school of Hunnan District, Shenyang3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): HAN YAOBIN, Student, Ninth primary school of Hunnan District, Shenyang4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): YAO CHUNYAN, Parent5. various of students doing extracurricular activitiesSTORYLINE:Primary school students in northeast China‘s Liaoning Province are enjoying a colorful summer vacation thanks to the “double reduction“ policy which was launched last year to alleviate academic stress for school students...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022081103144

  •  Wild tiger conservation pays dividends in China
    Wild tiger conservation pays dividends in China

    STORY: Wild tiger conservation pays dividends in ChinaDATELINE: Aug. 5, 2022LENGTH: 0:02:19LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of wild tigers in northeast China2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): FENG LIMIN, Official, National Forestry and Grassland Administration3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): FENG LIMIN, Official, National Forestry and Grassland Administration4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): YUAN ZHENFA, Park rangerSTORYLINE:China has seen an increasing number of wild tigers and leopards, thanks to its persistent efforts in feline conservation.The latest data shows that the population of wild Siberian tigers in the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park has rebounded to 50, while the figure was 27 around five years ago.Meanwhile, the number of Amur leopards in the park has increased from 42 in 2017 to 60...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年8月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022080600948

  •  Twin Siberian tiger cubs grow strong in NE China zoo
    Twin Siberian tiger cubs grow strong in NE China zoo

    STORY: Twin Siberian tiger cubs grow strong in NE China zooDATELINE: July 30, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:10LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. Aerial view of Shenyang Forest Zoological Garden2. various of the keeper of tiger cubs3. various of the two tiger cubs4. various of tigers in the zoological gardenSTORYLINE:Two Siberian tiger cubs are growing strong at Shenyang Forest Zoological Garden in northeast China‘s Liaoning Province.Born on May 15 this year, the two tiger cubs are twin sisters.Fang Xiaolei, keeper of the tiger cubs, said that the two cubs have different features and it‘s easy to tell them apart. “The older sister‘s eyebrows are flat, and the younger one‘s are curved,“ said Fang.The twin cubs haven‘t been weaned yet...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年7月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022073006867

  •  Xinjiang, My home: A Uygur girl‘s happy family life
    Xinjiang, My home: A Uygur girl‘s happy family life

    STORY: Xinjiang, My home: A Uygur girl‘s happy family life DATELINE: July 16, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:02LOCATION: URUMQI, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:various of Hudez Shinar and her familySOUNDBITE (Chinese): HUDEZ SHINAR, Xinjiang residentSTORYLINE:Hudez Shinar, a Uygur girl living in Fuhai County, China‘s Xinjiang, is about to start her university life in a city in northeast China. Being the youngest child in the family, she lives in a household of happiness and love.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): HUDEZ SHINAR, Xinjiang resident“Hello everyone, I‘m Hudez Shinar. I have finished my preparatory courses and I‘m going to Dalian University of Foreign Languages to start my college life.This is my mom. She is a housewife, doing household chores.My father is learning how to drive a car, hoping to get his driver‘s license...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年7月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022071712405

  •  Dance training program helps boost China-Laos cultural exchange
    Dance training program helps boost China-Laos cultural exchange

    STORY: Dance training program helps boost China-Laos cultural exchangeDATELINE: July 9, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:00LOCATION: VientianeCATEGORY: CULTURE/ENTERTAINMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of performanceSTORYLINE:A Chinese dance training program in Laos has worked to boost cultural exchange between China and the Southeast Asian country, most recently providing more than one month of intensive training courses for 35 Lao dancers.The Chinese dance training class 2022 ran from June 1 to Friday at the Lao National School of Performing Arts based in capital Vientiane.It was jointly launched by the China Cultural Center in Laos, the culture and tourism department of northeast China‘s Liaoning Province, and the Lao National School of Performing Arts.The trainees included students from the National University of Laos and professional dancers from the Lao national art troupe...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年7月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022071203860

  •  Heavy rains batter parts of China
    Heavy rains batter parts of China

    STORY: Heavy rains batter parts of ChinaDATELINE: July 8, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:06LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:various of the affected siteSTORYLINE:Persistent heavy rains have continued to batter parts of China, inundating roads and trapping people. Local governments are going all out to protect residents and their property.On Thursday, some areas of Maoming City in south China‘s Guangdong Province issued a red alert for floods. Fourteen people, including two infants, a pregnant woman and an elderly man, were trapped in Huangyang Village of Maoming.They were evacuated to safety after three rounds of rescue in two hours.Heavy rains also hit northeast China‘s Liaoning Province, halting railway transportation.China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. took emergency response measures and dispatched working groups to clean up silts along rail lines...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年7月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022071010334

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    中国の送電大手、国家電網は5日、黒竜江省尚志市で揚水発電所の建設工事を始め、「着工動員大会」を開催した。同社の辛保安(しん・ほあん)董事長は、新たに建設する尚志揚水発電所について、設備容量は120万キロワットで、稼働後は黒竜江省と中国東北部の送電網のピーク調整力や事故対応への備えが大幅に向上すると説明した。発電電力量は年間20億キロワット時、揚水電力量は年間26億8千万キロワット時を見込む。稼働後は、原炭消費量を年間22万3千トン、二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量を年間37万7千トン削減する見通し。建設工事の総投資額は83億6千万元(1元=約20円)で、稼働後は地方財政収入が年間約1億元増えると見込まれる。(記者/王建威) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年7月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022070809770

  •  Audi FAW NEV project breaks ground in NE China
    Audi FAW NEV project breaks ground in NE China

    STORY: Audi FAW NEV project breaks ground in NE ChinaDATELINE: June 30, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:35LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the press conference2. various of manufacture of vehiclesSTORYLINE:Audi FAW new-energy vehicle (NEV) project broke ground on Tuesday in Changchun, capital of northeast China‘s Jilin Province.The joint venture project, with an investment of over 30 billion yuan (about 4.5 billion U.S. dollars), is designed to have an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles.The facility, Audi‘s first production base specifically for purely electric vehicles in China, is expected to be completed and go into operation at the end of 2024. It will firstly produce high-end models of the A6 e-tron and Q6 e-tron.Audi holds a majority stake in the NEV joint venture with major Chinese automaker FAW...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年6月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022070400811

  •  GLOBALink | BMW opens new factory in NE China
    GLOBALink | BMW opens new factory in NE China

    STORY: BMW opens new factory in NE ChinaDATELINE: June 24, 2022LENGTH: 0:00:47LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of Plant Lydia of BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd.STORYLINE:A new factory of BMW Group‘s joint venture in China opened Thursday in Shenyang, northeast China‘s Liaoning Province, with an investment totaling 15 billion yuan (about 2.2 billion U.S. dollars). Plant Lydia of BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd. (BBA), a joint venture between BMW and Chinese carmaker Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd., will boost BMW‘s annual output in China to 830,000 vehicles, the automaker said. It is the biggest single investment of the German automaker in China. Located in the Tiexi District of Shenyang, Plant Lydia covers a total area of 2.9 million square meters...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年6月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022062712170

  •  Makerspace in NE China becomes launchpad for startups
    Makerspace in NE China becomes launchpad for startups

    STORY: Makerspace in NE China becomes launchpad for startupsDATELINE: May 31, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:42LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMY/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. aerial view of Shenbei New District2. various of Ma Qingshu working in the space3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): MA QINGSHU, General manager, Shenyang Qucheng Entrepreneurial Service Platform Co., Ltd.4. various of workingSTORYLINE:A makerspace for startups in Shenyang of northeast China‘s Liaoning Province has helped many young people start their careers with government support.Shenbei New District has been focusing on innovation in the city‘s revitalization and development in recent years. The local government has given full support to emerging industries.Ma Qingshu seized the opportunity and started his business in Shenbei New District in his junior year at university...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年5月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022060401187

  •  「新華社」伝統の「樺樹皮」文化が放つ新たな魅力黒竜江省

    「樺樹皮」(カバノキ属樹木の樹皮)文化は3千年以上の歴史を持ち、中国、ロシア、日本などカバノキ資源の豊かな国や地域に広がっている。中国東北地方で暮らすオロチョン族、エベンキ族、ホーチョ族などの少数民族は、程度の差はあるが、伝統的な樺樹皮文化を今も守り続けている。オロチョン族の張玉霞(ちょう・ぎょくか)さん(67)は、黒竜江省無形文化遺産、樺樹皮制作技術の代表的な伝承者。長年にわたり、創造性と無形文化遺産を融合させ、作品に現代的な美意識と情緒を取り入れることで、無形文化遺産の伝承と観光・文化クリエイティブ製品の開発を両立させている。(記者/劉赫垚) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年5月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022052906791

  •  「新華社」カンムリカイツブリの子育て日記吉林省長春市

    中国東北師範大学の科学研究員がこのほど、吉林省長春市にある南渓湿地公園でカンムリカイツブリが繁殖に成功し、ヒナが巣立ちして水中で生活するまでの様子を撮影した。同公園は松花江の重要な支流、伊通河のほとりに位置し、近年同市に建設された大型都市湿地公園の一つで、人々がレジャーを楽しむ場所となっている。ここ数年、生態環境が改善し、カンムリカイツブリが湿地公園に移動して、繁殖活動や子育てをするようになった。同大学自然博物館の王拓(おう・たく)さんは、公園内ではこれまでに渡り鳥を中心とする100種以上の野鳥が観察され、うち10種類以上が繁殖していると説明した。(記者/張建) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年5月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022052408691

  •  NE China province launches first int‘l freight train service via China-Laos Railway
    NE China province launches first int‘l freight train service via China-Laos Railway

    STORY: NE China province launches first int‘l freight train service via China-Laos RailwayDATELINE: April 22, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:42LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the freight train2. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): WANG HUIYU, Assistant manager, Chengtong Industrial Investment Co., Ltd3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LIU DAWEI, Executive deputy chief of Shenbei New District in ShenyangSTORYLINE:Northeast China‘s Liaoning Province launched its first international freight train that runs via the China-Laos Railway on Friday. At 10:18 a.m. Friday, Liaoning‘s first China-Laos international freight train departed from Shenyang, the capital city of the province, for Laotian capital Vientiane, loaded with 25 forty-foot containers of cargo including mechanical and electrical products, daily necessities and auto parts...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月22日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022043006932

  •  GLOBALink | China‘s leading automaker resumes production in Changchun
    GLOBALink | China‘s leading automaker resumes production in Changchun

    STORY: China‘s leading automaker resumes production in ChangchunDATELINE: April 18, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:46LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the factoriesSTORYLINE:Five factories of China FAW Group Co., Ltd. in Changchun, capital of northeast China‘s Jilin Province, have resumed production as of Sunday, with a total of 7,438 workers back to work, the city government has said.Another over 25,000 workers from FAW‘s 276 auto parts suppliers have also returned to work.Operation of the group‘s five factories in Changchun had been suspended since March 13 according to anti-epidemic requirements.As a pillar enterprise of Jilin and an important part of domestic and global automotive industrial chains, the group sold 3.5 million vehicles in 2021, with its revenue hitting 707 billion yuan (about 110.6 billion U.S. dollars)...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022042307888

  •  Northeast China‘s Changchun City halts community transmission of COVID-19
    Northeast China‘s Changchun City halts community transmission of COVID-19

    STORY: Northeast China‘s Changchun City halts community transmission of COVID-19DATELINE: April 14, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:42LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the views in ChangchunSTORYLINE:Changchun, capital of northeast China‘s Jilin Province, has cut off all COVID-19 transmission chains out of its quarantine areas, according to a press conference held on Thursday.The announcement was made following the results of Changchun‘s latest citywide nucleic acid testing, said local authorities. The city, a northeastern manufacturing hub and national commodity grain base, will resume normal life and production in an orderly manner and prepare for spring farming while maintaining relevant COVID-19 prevention and control measures.Differentiated measures will be taken to maintain the stable operation of industrial and supply chains...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022042011479

  •  Hard-won gains against COVID-19 resurgence achieved in China‘s Jilin
    Hard-won gains against COVID-19 resurgence achieved in China‘s Jilin

    STORY: Hard-won gains against COVID-19 resurgence achieved in China‘s JilinDATELINE: April 11, 2022LENGTH: 00:05:12LOCATION: JILIN, ChinaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the people fighting against the COVID-192. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): YU LEI, Head of Infectious Disease Department, Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): SONG RAN, Community worker in Jilin City4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): ZHANG JINLING, Volunteer in Jilin CitySTORYLINE:Northeast China‘s Jilin City has cut off all COVID-19 transmission chains in communities, based on the results of its latest citywide nucleic acid testing. The city, which has been hit hard by COVID-19 resurgence, reported its first locally transmitted case of this outbreak on March 2. It had registered more than 13,700 confirmed cases by the end of Sunday...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月11日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022041702054

  •  Artificially bred red-crowned cranes released into wild in NE China
    Artificially bred red-crowned cranes released into wild in NE China

    STORY: Artificially bred red-crowned cranes released into wild in NE ChinaDATELINE: April 10, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:25LOCATION: PANJIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of the red-crowned cranes in the nature reserve2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): ZHAO SHIWEI, Forestry and Wetland Protection Service Center in Panjin City3. various of the red-crowned cranes in the nature reserve4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): ZHAO SHIWEI, Forestry and Wetland Protection Service Center in Panjin City5. various of the red-crowned cranes in the nature reserveSTORYLINE:Thirty-nine artificially bred red-crowned cranes have been released into the wild recently in northeast China‘s Liaoning Province to replenish the wild population of the endangered species.The red-crowned crane is a species under first-class state protection in China...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月10日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022041603944

  •  Xinjiang, my home: Snowmobile rider shares happy life
    Xinjiang, my home: Snowmobile rider shares happy life

    STORY: Xinjiang, my home: Snowmobile rider shares happy lifeDATELINE: April 7, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:36LOCATION: URUMQI, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): HANAT TURSUNHAN2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): Tourists3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): HANAT TURSUNHAN and familySTORYLINE:SOUNDBITE (Chinese): HANAT TURSUNHAN“My name is Hanat. I‘m a snowmobile rider at an international ski resort in Hemu of Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang. These tourists came in the morning. They are adjusting their gear and about to go skiing up on the mountain. They come to Xinjiang to ski from places such as Inner Mongolia, Beijing, Qingdao, and northeast China.Go, go. Be careful. Slow down. Because the Altay Mountains have good quality snow, skiers like it so much, so do I.“SOUNDBITE (Chinese): Tourists“Hello. Food is great no matter what you eat. The scenery is great. The snow is also great...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022041103689

  •  Adonis amurensis in full bloom in northeast China
    Adonis amurensis in full bloom in northeast China

    STORY: Adonis amurensis in full bloom in northeast ChinaDATELINE: April 7, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:44LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of the Adonis amurensis flowersSTORYLINE:As spring arrives, Adonis amurensis plants in Dongfeng County, northeast China‘s Jilin Province, are blooming.The golden flowers are peeking out of the thawing ground, swaying in the breeze.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Changchun, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022041103369

  •  GLOBALink | China‘s Shenyang turns convention center into makeshift hospital in 9 days
    GLOBALink | China‘s Shenyang turns convention center into makeshift hospital in 9 days

    STORY: GLOBALink | China‘s Shenyang turns convention center into makeshift hospital in 9 daysDATELINE: March 31, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:53LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: HEALTH/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the makeshift hospitalSTORYLINE:The city of Shenyang, capital of northeast China‘s Liaoning Province, converted a convention center into a makeshift hospital in nine days.With 1,000 beds and a storage area of 13,000 square meters, the facility will be put into use soon.It is equipped with basic furniture, air conditioners, bathrooms, shower facilities, water purifiers and Wi-Fi service.Shenyang is stepping up efforts to enhance its emergency response capability in combating COVID-19.The city on Wednesday reported seven new confirmed cases and 26 asymptomatic carriers.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Shenyang, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月31日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022041202737

  •  Volunteer helps student with hearing impairment take nucleic acid test
    Volunteer helps student with hearing impairment take nucleic acid test

    STORY: Volunteer helps student with hearing impairment take nucleic acid testDATELINE: March 27, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:10LOCATION: KAIYUAN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. SOUNDBITE (Sign language): CHENG YING, Teacher2. SOUNDBITE (Sign language): HUANG, Student3. various of nucleic acid testing siteSTORYLINE:Cheng Ying, a teacher at a special education school in Kaiyuan, northeast China‘s Liaoning Province, signed up as a volunteer in the community where she lives after the city stepped up prevention and control measures against the COVID-19 pandemic.Recently, Kaiyuan city carried out nucleic acid testing for all residents. To help a student with hearing impairment in her class take a nucleic acid test, Cheng picked up the student early in the morning...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040506329

  •  Migratory birds flock to NE China‘s coastal wetland city
    Migratory birds flock to NE China‘s coastal wetland city

    STORY: Migratory birds flock to NE China‘s coastal wetland cityDATELINE: March 18, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:58LOCATION: PANJIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENT/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of migratory birds in the wetland2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LI YUXIANG, Director, Forestry and Wetland Protection Service Center in Panjin City3. various of migratory birds in the wetlandSTORYLINE:Northeast China‘s coastal wetland city of Panjin has witnessed a growing number of migratory birds during the peak migrating season.Since early March, more and more migratory birds, including red-crowned cranes, oriental white storks and black-headed gulls have been spotted in the city‘s wetland...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022032400479

  •  Makeshift hospital in NE China starts to receive patients amid COVID-19 resurgence
    Makeshift hospital in NE China starts to receive patients amid COVID-19 resurgence

    STORY: Makeshift hospital in NE China starts to receive patients amid COVID-19 resurgenceDATELINE: March 17, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:00LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the makeshift hospital2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): CHEN MINGQIANG, Local hospital officialSTORYLINE:Northeast China‘s Jilin Province is stepping up efforts building makeshift hospitals and temporary quarantine facilities to combat the latest resurgence of COVID-19.The province reported 742 confirmed locally transmitted COVID-19 cases and 415 local asymptomatic carriers Wednesday.On Tuesday evening, a convention center-turned makeshift hospital with 1,500 beds was put into use in the capital city of Changchun...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022032007484

  •  NE China‘s Heilongjiang plans to raise soybean output
    NE China‘s Heilongjiang plans to raise soybean output

    STORY: NE China‘s Heilongjiang plans to raise soybean outputDATELINE: March 17, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:22LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: AGRICULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the soybean planting area (file)STORYLINE:Northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province plans to increase soybean output this year to increase the supply for the domestic market.It will expand the soybean planting area by 10 million mu (about 670,000 hectares) this year.Heilongjiang is the largest production and supply base of high-quality soybeans in China.By the end of last year, 23 new soybean varieties had been bred in Heilongjiang Province, with an average yield per mu exceeding 250 kg.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV) = 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022032007452

  •  GLOBALink | China guards against strong rebound of COVID-19
    GLOBALink | China guards against strong rebound of COVID-19

    China is taking strict and rapid measures to address the new wave of COVID-19 infections, as multiple regions have seen cases rising. The National Health Commission said Monday that the Chinese mainland on Sunday reported 1,337 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases. The government has vowed to prevent a large-scale coronavirus outbreak by expanding the scope of tests, speeding up the screening process, and more. Northeast China‘s Jilin Province is among the hardest-hit regions as Omicron spreads. Its capital city Changchun and second largest city Jilin city were placed under closed management. Residents were asked not to leave home unless necessary. The city of Jilin has conducted 7 rounds of COVID-19 tests for the entire population over the past 11 days...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031808152

  •  China guards against strong rebound of COVID-19
    China guards against strong rebound of COVID-19

    STORY: China guards against strong rebound of COVID-19DATELINE: March 14, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:45LOCATION: CHANGCHUN/QINGDAO, ChinaCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of epidemic prevention2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): SUN DIANWEI, Chief of Jilin City‘s Center for Disease Control and Prevention3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): SUI RUWEN, Deputy mayor of QingdaoSTORYLINE:China is taking strict and rapid measures to address the new wave of COVID-19 infections, as multiple regions have seen cases rising.The National Health Commission said Monday that the Chinese mainland on Sunday reported 1,337 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases.The government has vowed to prevent a large-scale coronavirus outbreak by expanding the scope of tests, speeding up the screening process, and more.Northeast China‘s Jilin Province is among the hardest-hit regions as Omicron spreads...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031807417

  •  National lawmaker expects long-term benefits of China‘s “double reduction“ policy
    National lawmaker expects long-term benefits of China‘s “double reduction“ policy

    STORY: National lawmaker expects long-term benefits of China‘s “double reduction“ policyDATELINE: March 9, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:00LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: EDUCATIONSHOTLIST:1. various of Cao Yongming, a primary school headmaster from Harbin2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): CAO YONGMING, National lawmakerSTORYLINE:Cao Yongming, a primary school headmaster from Harbin, northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province, is a deputy to the 13th National People‘s Congress (NPC). As a national lawmaker, she believes in the long-term benefits of China‘s “double reduction“ policy.China launched its “double reduction“ policy in 2021 to ease academic stress for elementary and junior high school students.The policy has reduced excessive homework and curbed the frequency of exams and after-school tutoring in core school subjects...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022031105492

  •  How to make Winter Paralympic mascot Shuey Rhon Rhon out of red sock
    How to make Winter Paralympic mascot Shuey Rhon Rhon out of red sock

    STORY: How to make Winter Paralympic mascot Shuey Rhon Rhon out of red sockDATELINE: March 7, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:57LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of teacher making Paralympic mascot Shuey Rhon Rhon out of red sockSTORYLINE:Wishing to get a Paralympic mascot Shuey Rhon Rhon? You can make it by yourself.Follow a teacher from China‘s Harbin to make a Paralympic mascot out of a pair of red socks.Zhang Xiufang is a teacher of No. 125 Middle School in Harbin, the capital city of northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province. She recorded the mascot-making process and shared it with the children.Shuey Rhon Rhon, the fluffy red lantern-shaped Paralympic mascot, draws inspiration from lanterns widely used during the Chinese Spring Festival.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022030903648

  •  Ballet in remembrance of China‘s altruism paragon Lei Feng debuts in Shenyang
    Ballet in remembrance of China‘s altruism paragon Lei Feng debuts in Shenyang

    STORY: Ballet in remembrance of China‘s altruism paragon Lei Feng debuts in ShenyangDATELINE: March 6, 2022LENGTH: 00:03:16LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the performance2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): ZHAO YIFEI, Art director of the show3. various of the performanceSTORYLINE:A ballet show featuring China‘s altruism paragon Lei Feng made its debut Saturday night at the Liaoning Grand Theater in Shenyang, capital of northeast China‘s Liaoning Province.The performance, named “Role Model,“ is the original production of Liaoning Ballet of China. It highlights the spirit of Lei Feng, a People‘s Liberation Army soldier renowned for his generosity and altruistic deeds. The national hero devoted almost all of his spare time and money to helping others.The show incorporates various art forms...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022030813917

  •  Skating coach dedicated to training young athletes in NE China
    Skating coach dedicated to training young athletes in NE China

    STORY: Skating coach dedicated to training young athletes in NE ChinaDATELINE: March 5, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:19LOCATION: HULUNBUIR, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. various of children learning skating2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): CHEN BO, Skating coach3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): WANG YUQING, Chen‘s studentSTORYLINE:Chen Bo from northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province is now working as a skating coach in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. As a coach, he wants to pass his passion for skating on to the younger generations.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): CHEN BO, Skating coach“I‘m Chen Bo. In 2020, I set up a skating club in Molidawa Daur Nationality Autonomous Banner. It‘s for the kids here to have a rink to skate on. It‘s the happiest thing for me. Many children in Molidawa love skating, which lights up my heart...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022030813898

  •  Wild Siberian tigers‘ population in China largely increases through captive breeding
    Wild Siberian tigers‘ population in China largely increases through captive breeding

    STORY: Wild Siberian tigers‘ population in China largely increases through captive breedingDATELINE: Feb. 27, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:18LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondent2. various of the Siberian tigers at Hengdaohezi Feline Breeding Center in China‘s Heilongjiang3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LIU DAN, Chief engineer of Hengdaohezi Feline Breeding CenterSTORYLINE:STANDUP (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondent“Now I am in Harbin, capital of northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province. Behind me is the Siberian Tiger Park. More than 400 Siberian tigers are living here, which is also a breeding center for this endangered species. Visitors can often see lovely pairs of tigers taking a stroll in the snow or cuddling during a nap.“Siberian tigers are one of the world‘s most endangered species...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年2月27日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022030312632

  •  「新華社」吉林省で「アウディ一汽NEVプロジェクト」始動、投資額300億元超

    中国吉林省長春市でこのほど、「アウディ一汽新エネルギー車(NEV)プロジェクト」が始動した。投資額は300億元(1元=約18円)超を見込む。中国自動車大手の中国第一汽車集団(FAW)とドイツ自動車大手フォルクスワーゲン(VW)グループ、同グループ傘下アウディの戦略的協力深化の重要な成果となる。関係者によると、同プロジェクトでは、アウディが中国で初めてとなる純電気自動車(BEV)専用の生産拠点を長春自動車経済技術開発区に設ける。年間生産能力は15万台を計画。2024年末の稼働を目指す。拠点の完成後、まずは「PPEハイエンドBEVプラットフォーム」をベースにした3モデルの生産に入る。最初に生産するモデルには、EVのスポーツタイプ多目的車(SUV)とEVセダンが含まれるという。アナリストは、同プロジェクトについて、未来志向のNEVプロジェクトで、中独協力のウィンウィンの勢いを示す強いシグナルだと指摘。生産拠点の竣工後には、中国東北地方の旧工業基地の活性化や自動車産業の構造転換と高度化にプラスになるだけでなく、NEV産業チェーンを育てることにも繋がり、さらにはアウディの中国でのNEV販売台数の向上にも貢献することが見込まれるとの見方を示している。(記者/張建) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年2月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022022101473

  •  GLOBALink | 10-year-old girl from SE China tries skiing in NE China
    GLOBALink | 10-year-old girl from SE China tries skiing in NE China

    A winter sports fever is sweeping across China as the country hosts the 2022 Olympic Winter Games. A 10-year-old girl who comes from south China‘s Guangzhou enjoys skiing in northeast China‘s Jilin. #GLOBALinkProduced by Xinhua Global Service 、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022022412957

  •  Audi, FAW launch 30-billion-yuan NEV project in China
    Audi, FAW launch 30-billion-yuan NEV project in China

    STORY: Audi, FAW launch 30-billion-yuan NEV project in ChinaDATELINE: Feb. 19, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:37LOCATION: CHANGCHUN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the launch conference2. various of the workshop of Audi-FAW joint ventureSTORYLINE:China‘s leading automaker First Automotive Works (FAW) and German automaker Audi on Friday officially launched a project to produce pure electric vehicles in Changchun, capital of northeast China‘s Jilin Province. Bearing a total investment of more than 30 billion yuan (about 4.74 billion U.S. dollars), the joint project will be put into operation around the end of 2024, and is expected to have an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles. The project is expected to fuel economic and trade cooperation between China and Europe and northeast China‘s revitalization. The new base will be Audi‘s first one for pure electr.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022022412996

  •  New Year celebrations in NE China highlight intangible cultural heritage
    New Year celebrations in NE China highlight intangible cultural heritage

    STORY: New Year celebrations in NE China highlight intangible cultural heritageDATELINE: Feb. 6, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:32LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: CULTURE/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1 various of the event2 SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): ZHAO LINGLING, Paper-cutting inheritor3 various of the event4 SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): REN XIAODONG, Folk artistSTORYLINE:Putting on a shadow puppet show, learning paper-cutting and staging a local opera performance... Local people in northeast China‘s Liaoning Province celebrated the Chinese New Year, featuring intangible cultural heritage.In Yingkou City, locals experienced traditional Chinese folk arts and crafts with intangible cultural heritage inheritors.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): ZHAO LINGLING, Paper-cutting inheritor“I‘m holding a paper-cutting work of the Chinese character ‘Fu‘ in my hands. Because during the Chinese New Year, everyone writes the w.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022020709732

  •  「新華社」中ロ国境の通関地、コロナ対策を強化黒竜江省綏芬河市

    中国東北地区の丁字形に敷設された線路の東端、ロシアとの国境に位置する黒竜江省綏芬河(すいふんが)鉄道口岸(通関地)は100年にわたる歴史を持ち、24時間対応の通関手続きを実施している。綏芬河市では1月25日、新型コロナウイルスの感染者が確認された。冬に貿易の最盛期を迎える同口岸では中ロ貿易への影響を最小限に抑える措置を講じ、作業場の管理と消毒を強化することで荷役作業を後押ししている。(記者/董宝森、朱悦) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年2月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022020509683

  •  GLOBALink | Folk artist greets Spring Festival with sugar sculptures
    GLOBALink | Folk artist greets Spring Festival with sugar sculptures

    STORY: Folk artist greets Spring Festival with sugar sculpturesDATELINE: Feb. 1, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:14LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of Li Fengyan making sugar-sculpting tiger2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LI FENGYAN, Folk artistSTORYLINE:Using a spoon as a “brush“ and malt sugar as “ink,“ sugar art master Li Fengyan makes sugar sculptures with the pattern of tiger, to greet the Year of the Tiger.This is a magic skill to cast boiled syrup on a stone into art pieces by back-and-forth motions.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): LI FENGYAN, Sugar art master“Sugar represents happiness. Making a sugar sculpture or sending a sugar sculpture as a gift shows people‘s best wishes to each other.“The sugar sculpture of the Li family was listed as an intangible cultural heritage by the city of Shenyang, capital of northeast China‘s Liaoning Province.As the fifth-generati.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022020208208

  •  Yabuli, cradle of Chinese winter sports
    Yabuli, cradle of Chinese winter sports

    STORY: Yabuli, cradle of Chinese winter sportsDATELINE: Jan. 24, 2021LENGTH: 00:01:11LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. various of skiers training at Yabuli Ski Resort in HarbinSTORYLINE:Yabuli, located in northeastern China‘s Heilongjiang Province, is the cradle of China‘s winter sports. Boasting a professional ski area, Yabuli Ski Resort has hosted many national, continental and international winter games like FIS Snowboard World Cup, World Winter Universiade and the Asian Winter Games.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Harbin, China.(XHTV)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022012603305

  •  “Rail Doctor“ helps China‘s high-speed railway to run normally during Spring Festival travel season
    “Rail Doctor“ helps China‘s high-speed railway to run normally during Spring Festival travel season

    STORY: “Rail Doctor“ helps China‘s high-speed railway to run normally during Spring Festival travel seasonDATELINE: Jan. 23, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:49LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:various of the railway stationvarious of the rail flaw detection vehicleSOUNDBITE (Chinese): ZHOU GE, Shenyang Railway Bureauvarious of people operating the rail flaw detection vehicleSTORYLINE:To ensure safe operation during the Spring Festival travel season in the frigid zone of northeast China, engineers from the Shenyang Railway Bureau use the rail flaw detection vehicle, dubbed “Rail Doctor,“ to check the rail‘s situation.After all trains back to the garage, the “rail doctor“ will set off at 24:00 and begin to scan the rails at a speed of 60 km per hour.SOUNDBITE (Chinese): ZHOU GE, Shenyang Railway Bureau“During the operation of a high-speed train, various damages will occu.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022012412236

  •  Chinese New Year market on train
    Chinese New Year market on train

    STORY: Chinese New Year market on trainDATELINE: Jan. 23, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:03LOCATION: SHENYANG, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the No. 4318 slow train2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): JIN MINGSHUO, Conductor of Train No. 43183. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): JIN MINGSHUO, Conductor of Train No. 4318STORYLINE:As the traditional Spring Festival shopping spree is in full swing, railway authorities in the mountainous regions of northeast China‘s Liaoning Province have devoted efforts to turn the slow trains into “New Year markets.“Residents living in scattered settlements in mountains welcomed the New Year markets on trains.For residents like 68-year-old Liu Yingming, a villager in Shicheng Town, a ride of no more than an hour means the sold-out of all her 80 goose eggs.SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): JIN MINGSHUO, Conductor of Train No. 4318“We‘ve run the ‘train market‘ since 201.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022012412218

  •  NE China ports bustling with China-Europe freight trains
    NE China ports bustling with China-Europe freight trains

    STORY: NE China ports bustling with China-Europe freight trainsDATELINE: Jan. 20, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:22LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondent2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): MENG YANG, Deputy director of Harbin Int‘l Container Center Station3. various of Harbin International Container CenterSTORYLINE:STANDUP (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondent“Now, I am at the Harbin International Container Center in Harbin, capital of northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province. With the zoom of the gantry crane, we can see containers are loaded onto a China-Europe freight train that is ready to depart for Europe. Please follow my camera to check it out.“China‘s land ports of Manzhouli and Suifenhe on the China-Russia border have seen over 15,000 China-Europe freight trains since operations started in 2013.A total of 15,001 cro.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022012112566

  •  Ice sculpture of Mexican pyramid displayed in China‘s ice-themed park
    Ice sculpture of Mexican pyramid displayed in China‘s ice-themed park

    STORY: Ice sculpture of Mexican pyramid displayed in China‘s ice-themed parkDATELINE: Jan. 20, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:41LOCATION: HARBIN, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:various ofice replica of the Kukulkan PyramidSTANDUP (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondentvarious of workers building PyramidSOUNDBITE (Chinese): CUI JIAMING, TouristSTORYLINE:An ice replica of the Kukulkan Pyramid is being displayed in China‘s largest ice-themed park, as part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Mexico diplomatic relations.STANDUP (English): SUN XIAOYU, Xinhua correspondent“Now I‘m in Harbin, capital of northeast China‘s Heilongjiang Province. Behind me is the 23rd Harbin Ice and Snow World. Covering 820,000 square meters and themed with ‘The light of the Winter Olympics shines all over the world,‘ the winter wonderland this year has more than 65 sites.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022012112571

  •  Chinese researchers develop skiing robot
    Chinese researchers develop skiing robot

    STORY: Chinese researchers develop skiing robotDATELINE: Jan. 19, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:45LOCATION: SHANGHAI, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGY/SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. various of the skiing robotSTORYLINE:A six-legged skiing robot has been unveiled on snow slopes in Shenyang, capital of northeast China‘s Liaoning Province.The robotic skier, developed by researchers from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, resembles a “smart dog“ with four legs fixed on its body for balance and the remaining two installed with ski poles.The robot is highly adaptable to real skiing scenarios. It can avoid obstacles, analyze routes, make nimble turns and clean braking in fast skiing.The robot will execute routine tasks including patrol and rescue in an icy and snowy environment.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Shanghai, China.(XHTV)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022012008260

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