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  •  Multicultural residential compound‘s dual festivals in Lhasa
    Multicultural residential compound‘s dual festivals in Lhasa

    STORY: Multicultural residential compound‘s dual festivals in LhasaSHOOTING TIME: Feb. 9, 2024DATELINE: Feb. 17, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:40LOCATION: LHASA, ChinaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of Sun Jianxue‘s home in China‘s Xizang2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): SUN JIANXUE, Resident in Ngangpa Kangchung compound in Lhasa3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Tibetan): SONAM BADRAN, Sun Jianxue‘s wife4. various of the couple working in their house5. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): SUN JIANXUE, Resident in Ngangpa Kangchung compound in Lhasa6. SOUNDBITE 4 (Tibetan): SONAM BADRAN, Sun Jianxue‘s wife7. various of Sun Jianxue having a video call with his friend8. SOUNDBITE 5 (Chinese): SUN JIANXUE, Resident in Ngangpa Kangchung compound in Lhasa9...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年2月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024021713027

  •  St. Petersburg marks 80th anniversary of breaking Leningrad siege
    St. Petersburg marks 80th anniversary of breaking Leningrad siege

    STORY: St. Petersburg marks 80th anniversary of breaking Leningrad siegeSHOOTING TIME: Jan. 27, 2024DATELINE: Jan. 28, 2024LENGTH: 00:01:02LOCATION: ST. PETERSBURG, RussiaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the ceremonySTORYLINE:Several ceremonial and memorial events were held here and in the nearby Leningrad region Saturday to commemorate the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege.On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of lifting the Leningrad blockade, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Landmark Stone monument at the Nevsky Pyatachok military-historical complex in St. Petersburg and the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery in Leningrad region.According to St. Petersburg‘s officials, various events, including commemorative rallies, concerts, lectures, themed exhibitions and interactive projects have been held recently in the city...= 配信日: 2024(令和6)年1月28日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024012812678

  •  4 die in coal mine accident in south Poland
    4 die in coal mine accident in south Poland

    STORY: 4 die in coal mine accident in south PolandSHOOTING TIME: Nov. 28, 2023DATELINE: Nov. 30, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:29LOCATION: WarsawCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the exterior of the Sobieski Mine2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Polish): MARCIN MASLAK, Spokesman for Tauron3. various of the Sobieski Mine4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Polish): MARCIN MASLAK, Spokesman for Tauron5. various of mine shaft6. SOUNDBITE 3 (Polish): MARCIN MASLAK, Spokesman for Tauron7. various of Tauron company logo8. SOUNDBITE 4 (Polish): MARCIN MASLAK, Spokesman for Tauron9. various of workers walking inside the mine complexSTORYLINE:Four people died in a coal mine accident in the Silesia province in south Poland, the state mining authority (WUG) said on Tuesday. The accident occurred at 3:30 p.m...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年11月30日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023113010217

  • 年3千万人来訪、東京 麻布台ヒルズが開業
    年3千万人来訪、東京 麻布台ヒルズが開業

    不動産大手の森ビル(東京)は24日、東京都港区の巨大複合施設「麻布台ヒルズ」の開業式典を開いた。高さ日本一のビルや敷地一面に広がる緑地が見どころで、年間3千万人の来訪を見込む。 区域面積は8・1ヘクタール、事業費は約6400億円に上る。全体の3割が緑地で、森ビルは「緑に包まれた広場のような街」とPRする。 式典には辻慎吾(つじ・しんご)社長や地権者らが参加し、テープカットで開業を祝った。午前11時前にオープンすると、多くの買い物客が吸い込まれるように足を踏み入れた。 <映像内容>東京都港区の「麻布台ヒルズ」の開業式典の様子、撮影日:2023(令和5)年11月24日、撮影場所:東京都港区

    商品コード: 2023112410612

  •  【速報】佐藤春夫しのび筆供養 出身地の和歌山・新宮市
    【速報】佐藤春夫しのび筆供養 出身地の和歌山・新宮市

    和歌山県新宮市出身の作家佐藤春夫(さとう・はるお)(1892~1964年)をしのぶ筆供養が3日、市内で営まれた。文化の日に合わせた市の主催行事で、市民約50人が参列。文化複合施設敷地内の石碑「筆塚」前に、市民が使い古した筆を供えた。 石碑は66年に建立され、佐藤と信仰が深かった詩人堀口大学(ほりぐち・だいがく)(1892~1981年)が「筆塚」と揮毫(きごう)した。石碑の下には佐藤が愛用した万年筆と毛筆が納められている。 <映像内容>和歌山県新宮市で行われた作家佐藤春夫をしのぶ筆供養の様子、撮影日:2023(令和5)年11月3日、撮影場所:和歌山県新宮市

    商品コード: 2023110608054

  •  Russia thwarts Ukraine‘s drone attack on Moscow: defense ministry
    Russia thwarts Ukraine‘s drone attack on Moscow: defense ministry

    STORY: Russia thwarts Ukraine‘s drone attack on Moscow: defense ministryDATELINE: Aug. 23, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:46LOCATION: MoscowCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of streets2. various of damaged buildingSTORYLINE:Russia has thwarted an attempt by Ukraine to attack Moscow with three drones, said the defense ministry Wednesday.The Russian air defense forces, it said, intercepted and destroyed two drones over the Mozhaysky and Khimki districts of the Moscow region, while the third one was jammed by electronic warfare and crashed into a building under construction in the Moscow-City complex.No casualties were reported, the ministry said.The Moscow airports Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo, Domodedovo and Zhukovsky resumed normal operations, which were interrupted earlier by the drone attack, local media reported.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Moscow.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082313919

  •  Russia says Moscow attacked by Ukrainian drones
    Russia says Moscow attacked by Ukrainian drones

    STORY: Russia says Moscow attacked by Ukrainian dronesDATELINE: Aug. 1, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:22LOCATION: MoscowCATEGORY: POLITICS/MILITARYSHOTLIST:1. various of the building attacked by dronesSTORYLINE:Ukraine launched an attack on Moscow and the Moscow region with three unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), with two of them shot down and the third having crashed after being jammed by electronic warfare, said Russian authorities on Tuesday.According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the attempt was foiled by air defense systems that destroyed two Ukrainian UAVs over the Odintsovo and Naro-Fominsky districts of the Moscow region.One more drone, affected by electronic warfare, had lost control and crashed into the non-residential Moscow-City building complex, said the ministry...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年8月1日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023080111672

  •  「新華社」安徽省合肥市、新エネ車の大型充電施設が試運転開始

    中国安徽省合肥市の経済技術開発区でこのほど、同市初の新エネルギー車(NEV)充電複合施設プロジェクトが試運転を開始した。充電スペース197カ所を設置、うち185カ所が普通自動車用、12カ所が大型トラック用だった。施設の運営を手掛ける合肥市電動汽車充電設施投資運営の陳晶晶(ちん・しょうしょう)副総経理は同プロジェクトについて、合肥経済技術開発区での新エネ車の充電難や駐車難の問題を効果的に緩和し、1日当たり3万キロワット時、1千台分以上の新エネ車充電ニーズに対応できると説明した。屋上には1100平方メートルのソーラーパネルを設置。晴天時の1日当たり発電量は800キロワット時で、施設の照明や換気などの電力ニーズを満たし、余った電力は新エネ車の充電に用いることもできる。外部にはさらに雨水回収装置も備える。中国ではここ数年、新エネ車産業が急速に発展、新エネ充電施設は新型都市の重要な公共施設となり、新エネ車の発展と普及に不可欠なインフラとなった。合肥市の2022年の新エネ車産業チェーン生産額は1千億元(1元=約19円)を超えた。安徽江淮汽車集団(JAC)や上海蔚来汽車(NIO)、比亜迪(BYD)、重慶長安汽車、安徽安凱汽車、大衆汽車(安徽)などの完成車メーカーが集まるほか、産業チェーン関連企業500社以上が集結、従業員数は10万人に上る。国際的影響力のある「新エネ車の都」を目指す同市では、新エネ車が至る所に浸透しており、新エネ車の普及と応用を試行する全国第1陣の「ダブルモデル」都市にも選ばれ、さらなる普及に向けた多様な措置を講じた。中国送電大手・国家電網傘下で同市の送配電を担う国網安徽省電力合肥供電はすでに、新エネ車の「4S店(販売・整備・部品・情報サービスを一体化した店舗)」20店以上と協力協定を締結、自動車購入・充電器設置・電力提供のワンストップサービスを提供している。新エネ車の農村への普及という国の呼び掛けに応えるため、郷鎮への充電ネットワークを整備し、県域路線バスターミナルや充電ニーズの多い村、宿泊施設・観光地での充電器設置を進め、充電施設ネットワークの農村(郷級)の「フルカバー」を実現した。(記者/郭晨、劉方強) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月21日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023072106899

  •  「新華社」湖南省長沙、人気観光都市を支える「共創」

    中国湖南省長沙市はここ数年、独特の自然景観と文化環境を生かし、国内でも人気の高い観光都市となっている。繁華街「五一広場」と周辺には買い物や飲食、娯楽を一体化した現代的文化エリアが形成され、世界各地から観光客を集めている。薄暗い照明、入り組んだ路地、巧みに配置された住居…。飲食や文化、観光、物販などの店舗が集まる複合施設「長沙文和友」は、現在の長沙で最も人気のある観光スポットといえる。ビルの7フロアを使った2万平方メートルの空間には150室余りの古民家が再現され、60の店舗がひしめく。施設内の飲食店には計600卓余りが用意され、2023年の来客数は1200万人超を見込む。坡子街の老舗飲食店「火宮殿」では今年のメーデー連休(4月29日~5月3日)中、1日当たり2万人が来店した。同店運営部の竜維(りゅう・い)副部長は「今の消費者は空腹を満たすだけでなく、料理の質や文化的意味も重視している」と説明。高まり続ける消費者の審美的、体験的要求に応えるため、伝統的な廟会(びょうえ、縁日)行事を続けるだけでなく、民俗ショーの要素も加え、入店待ちスペースにも創意工夫をこらしたと語った。今年のメーデー連休中、同市の中心商業エリア「五一商圏」の客足は前年比2・1倍の530万人余りとなった。うち、夜間消費は全体の7割近くを占めた。湖南師範大学観光学院の許春暁(きょ・しゅんぎょう)教授は、中国で都市が観光地として注目されるのは、文化や観光、独創性、多業態などの共創(コ・クリエーション)の結果だと指摘。「青春、活力、情熱は長沙の精神的気質であり、全市民による共創、地元住民と観光客による共創が持続的人気の根底にある」と述べた。同市はここ数年、マイクロツーリズム(近場の観光)や都市観光、農村観光、親子観光などに力を入れ、質の高い紅色(革命史跡)観光ルートや週末観光ルートを多く打ち出してきた。中国の人気観光地ランキングにもたびたび登場している。2022年の観光客数は前年比4・5%増の1億1994万4200人、観光収入も2・1%増の1316億8700万元(1元=約19円)となった。同市文化・観光・テレビラジオ局の郭潤葵(かく・じゅんき)共産党委員会書記・局長は「文化観光産業は総合性と関連性、開放性が高く、現代サービス業の重要な一部になっている。長沙で近年進んだ文化と観光の融合は、文化産業と観光産業の1 =配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月14...

    商品コード: 2023071403130

  •  BYD to establish new production complex in Brazil
    BYD to establish new production complex in Brazil

    STORY: BYD to establish new production complex in BrazilDATELINE: July 6, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:18LOCATION: SALVADOR, BrazilCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the ceremony2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Portuguese): JERONIMO RODRIGUES, Governor of Bahia3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): LI KE, Executive vice president of BYD4. various of the BYD storeSTORYLINE:Chinese automaker BYD on Tuesday announced its plan to establish a production base in Camacari in the Brazilian state of Bahia.The complex will comprise three new plants and is slated to begin operation in the second half of next year.The Camacari complex is expected to create around 5,000 job opportunities for the local community...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2024020307912

  •  「新華社」華中地区最大の室内スキーセンターが試験営業湖北省

    中国湖北省咸寧市で6月30日、華中地区最大の室内総合型スキートレーニングセンター「際華氷雪・香城スキー館」が試験営業を始めた。同センターは建築面積3万9千平方メートルの複合施設で、氷雪体験やエクストリームスポーツ、観光リゾートなど複数の機能を融合。初・中・上級のスキーコースを備えており、各レベルの需要に応えられるほか、スキー館は1日2700人が同時に利用できる。(記者/潘志偉) =配信日: 2023(令和5)年7月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023070309216

  •  Media outlets pledge to contribute to building China-Central Asia community with shared future
    Media outlets pledge to contribute to building China-Central Asia community with shared future

    STORY: Media outlets pledge to contribute to building China-Central Asia community with shared futureDATELINE: May 24, 2023LENGTH: 00:03:22LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the China-Central Asia News Agency Forum2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Russian): ABROR AKHRAROVICH GULYAMOV, Deputy head of the International Department of the Uzbekistan National News Agency3. SOUNDBITE 2 (Russian): SUBHIDDIN SHAMSIDDINZODA, Head of the Khovar News Agency of Tajikistan4. SOUNDBITE 3 (Russian): MEDERBEK SHERMETALIEV, Head of the Kabar News Agency of Kyrgyzstan5. SOUNDBITE 4 (Russian): TLEGEN ABISHEV, Deputy head of the Television and Radio Complex of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan6...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年5月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023082611964

  •  Sudan‘s military conflict leaves dozens dead, sparks global concerns
    Sudan‘s military conflict leaves dozens dead, sparks global concerns

    STORY: Sudan‘s military conflict leaves dozens dead, sparks global concernsDATELINE: April 16, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:59LOCATION: KhartoumCATEGORY: MILITARYSHOTLIST:1. various of the military conflict in Khartoum2. STANDUP (Chinese): WANG BINGFEI, Xinhua correspondent3. various of the military conflict in KhartoumSTORYLINE:STANDUP (Chinese): WANG BINGFEI, Xinhua correspondent“I‘m Wang Bingfei with Xinhua News Agency, based in Khartoum. Now, I‘m in the courtyard of the Khartoum Bureau. The military conflict in Sudan has entered a second day. Here in this compound we can still hear intense gunfire and the occasional sounds of artillery fire. On streets of Khartoum, stores have closed, and the streets are deserted.Due to political differences, a deadly conflict between Sudan‘s army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) broke out at around 10:00 a.m...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041812699

  •  Cambodia breaks its own Guinness World Record for largest Madison dance
    Cambodia breaks its own Guinness World Record for largest Madison dance

    STORY: Cambodia breaks its own Guinness World Record for largest Madison danceDATELINE: April 16, 2023LENGTH: 0:04:16LOCATION: Phnom PenhCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the handover of Guinness World Record certificate for the largest Madison dance2. various of Madison dance at the Angkor Archeological Park3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Khmer): SIM SREYLEAK, Madison dance participant4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Khmer): YORN YURY, Madison dance participant5. various of the eventSTORYLINE:Cambodia on Saturday broke its own Guinness World Record for the largest Madison dance involving 4,999 participants, a Guinness World Record adjudicator announced. The participants performed the five-minute Madison dance at the famed Angkor Archeological Park complex in northwest Cambodia‘s Siem Reap City to celebrate the traditional Khmer New Year, which kicked off on Friday for three days...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041801354

  •  Palestinians mark int‘l Quds Day in Gaza against Israel‘s storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque
    Palestinians mark int‘l Quds Day in Gaza against Israel‘s storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque

    STORY: Palestinians mark int‘l Quds Day in Gaza against Israel‘s storming of Al-Aqsa MosqueDATELINE: April 15, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:21LOCATION: GazaCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the event2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Arabic): ABU MOJAHED, Spokesman of Salah al-Din Brigades in Gaza3. various of the event4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Arabic): ISMAIL RADWAN, Senior Hamas leader in GazaSTORYLINE:Thousands of Palestinians in Gaza marked International Quds Day on Friday with protests against Israeli police raids into the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem, the third holiest site in Islam...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041608270

  •  Iranian ministry holds welcoming ceremony for visiting Chinese tourists
    Iranian ministry holds welcoming ceremony for visiting Chinese tourists

    STORY: Iranian ministry holds welcoming ceremony for visiting Chinese touristsDATELINE: April 12, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:02LOCATION: TehranCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Chinese tourists2. various of the welcoming ceremony3. SOUNDBITE (Farsi): ALI ASGHAR SHALBAFIAN, Deputy Iranian minister of cultural heritage, handicrafts and tourism for tourism affairsSTORYLINE:The Iranian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism held a ceremony in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Tuesday to welcome Chinese tourists visiting the country. The ceremony, held at the Saadabad Cultural and Historical Complex, was attended by Chinese Ambassador to Tehran Chang Hua, and Ali Asghar Shalbafian, deputy Iranian minister of cultural heritage, handicrafts, and tourism for tourism affairs...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023050605073

  •  Cambodia breaks Guinness world record for largest display of origami hearts
    Cambodia breaks Guinness world record for largest display of origami hearts

    STORY: Cambodia breaks Guinness world record for largest display of origami heartsDATELINE: April 12, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:22LOCATION: SIEM REAP, CambodiaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the display of origami hearts at the Angkor Archeological Park2. various of Guinness World Records adjudicator inspecting and counting the origami heartsSTORYLINE:Cambodia‘s display of origami hearts was included in the Guinness Book of Records on Tuesday as the world‘s largest show of origami hearts, breaking the previous record held by Britain, a Guinness World Records adjudicator announced. The nearly 4 million origami hearts were displayed at the complex of the famed Angkor Archeological Park in northwest Cambodia‘s Siem Reap province to show support for the 32nd Southeast Asian (SEA) Games in May and the 12th ASEAN Para Games in June...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月12日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023050604533

  •  Hundreds of Jordanians march in support of Palestinians
    Hundreds of Jordanians march in support of Palestinians

    STORY: Hundreds of Jordanians march in support of PalestiniansDATELINE: April 8, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:31LOCATION: AmmanCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of Jordanians march in support of PalestiniansSTORYLINE:Hundreds of Jordanians participated in a march on Friday in the downtown area of the capital Amman, in support of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian people.The protesters held banners that read, “We stand with the people in Jerusalem; You are not alone,“ expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people.The latest escalation, which came during a sensitive holiday time as Muslims were observing the holy month of Ramadan with prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and Jews were commemorating the Passover holiday, was triggered by an Israeli raid of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, Muslim‘s third holiest site...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023041000480

  •  A visit to “smart brain“ of Xiong‘an Business Service Center
    A visit to “smart brain“ of Xiong‘an Business Service Center

    STORY: A visit to “smart brain“ of Xiong‘an Business Service CenterDATELINE: April 7, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:37LOCATION: SHIJIAZHUANG, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of Xiong‘an Business Service Center Project2. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): SUN PENGHUI, Director of Operation Management Center of Xiong‘an Business Service CenterSTORYLINE:Xiong‘an Business Service Center Project, the first iconic urban building complex in Xiong‘an New Area in north China‘s Hebei Province, is an international leading smart ecological demonstration park.The center covers multiple business formats such as exhibition centers, business hotels, and commercial offices, and its operational management is a massive and complex project...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023040901937

  •  Jordanians protest against Israeli raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque
    Jordanians protest against Israeli raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque

    STORY: Jordanians protest against Israeli raids on Al-Aqsa MosqueDATELINE: April 7, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:58LOCATION: AmmanCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the protestSTORYLINE:Hundreds of Jordanians on Wednesday gathered near the Israeli embassy in Amman to condemn Israel for raiding the flashpoint holy site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem.The participants chanted slogans expressing their support for the Palestine people and worshipers in Al-Aqsa Mosque while condemning Israeli forces‘ aggression.Jordan‘s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Wednesday that the attack is a dangerous escalation as well as a condemned and unacceptable violation of international law...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023040810652

  •  34 rockets fired at N Israel from Lebanon
    34 rockets fired at N Israel from Lebanon

    STORY: 34 rockets fired at N Israel from LebanonDATELINE: April 7, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:16LOCATION: JerusalemCATEGORY: MILITARYSHOTLIST:1. various of Israel-Lebanon borderSTORYLINE:A barrage of 34 rockets was launched from Lebanon at northern Israel on Thursday, Israeli military confirmed, in a major escalation triggered by two consecutive days of Israeli raids at East Jerusalem‘s Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.Israel launched an airstrike on the Palestinian enclave of Gaza Strip late Thursday night, in response to the rocket attacks. Israel accused Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, of being behind the firing of the rockets.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Jerusalem.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年4月7日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023040809631

  •  Update on rescue: Chinese team searches for survivors in quake-hit Türkiye
    Update on rescue: Chinese team searches for survivors in quake-hit Türkiye

    STORY: Update on rescue: Chinese team searches for survivors in quake-hit TürkiyeDATELINE: Feb. 9, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:27LOCATION: HATAY, TürkiyeCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP (English): WANG FENG, Xinhua correspondent2. various of the Chinese team on the siteSTORYLINE:STANDUP (English): WANG FENG, Xinhua correspondent“China‘s search and rescue team continued its mission on Thursday in the southern province of Hatay to save those trapped under the rubble in the twin earthquakes that hit Türkiye.The 82-member team began its second mission day early in the morning in a tent camp established within a sports complex. Four search and rescue dogs accompanied the team during the work.“Gathering around the campfire, the team members had breakfast with instant noodles and canned food they had brought from China...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年2月9日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023021005843

  •  東急百貨店、半世紀で幕 渋谷の象徴
    東急百貨店、半世紀で幕 渋谷の象徴

    東京・渋谷のファッションや文化の象徴として知られた東急百貨店本店が31日、営業を終えて約半世紀の歴史に幕を下ろした。東急本店は1967年に開店。高級ブランド品を取りそろえ、近くの高級住宅街の富裕層を中心に支持を集めた。老朽化した建物は取り壊され、2027年度に外資系ホテルも入る地上36階建ての複合施設に生まれ変わる。  <映像内容>外観、店内雑観、東急百貨店本店の稲葉満宏(いなば・みつひろ)店長あいさつ、シャッターが降りる様子など、撮影日:2023(令和5)年1月31日、撮影場所:東京都渋谷区

    商品コード: 2023020708352

  •  Hundreds of Iraqis protest over devaluation of currency
    Hundreds of Iraqis protest over devaluation of currency

    STORY: Hundreds of Iraqis protest over devaluation of currencyDATELINE: Jan. 26, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:05LOCATION: BaghdadCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of protestSTORYLINE:Hundreds of Iraqis rallied on Wednesday near the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) in downtown Baghdad to protest the recent devaluation of the Iraqi dinar and demand the government take action to stabilize the currency.According to a source with the Interior Ministry, the demonstrators gathered outside the CBI complex amid a heavy security presence as riot police cordoned off the area.Many demonstrators carried flags and banners, some of which read, “Enough with promises...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023012700435

  •  Ottoman-era barracks reopen as Istanbul‘s largest library
    Ottoman-era barracks reopen as Istanbul‘s largest library

    STORY: Ottoman-era barracks reopen as Istanbul‘s largest libraryDATELINE: Jan. 14, 2023LENGTH: 00:01:26LOCATION: ISTANBUL, TürkiyeCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. Istanbul city in Türkiye2. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan inaugurates the Rami library3. various of Istanbul‘s largest library, the Rami librarySTORYLINE:The Ottoman-era Rami Barracks opened its doors on Friday as the largest library in Istanbul with an initial collection of over 2.5 million volumes and 4,200 person capacity.Built during the reign of Sultan Mustafa III (1757-1774), the compound served as barracks for centuries until 1971, and as the military and administrative headquarters of Sultan Mahmut II during the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011409487

  •  Sweden inaugurates mainland Europe‘s first satellite launch complex
    Sweden inaugurates mainland Europe‘s first satellite launch complex

    STORY: Sweden inaugurates mainland Europe‘s first satellite launch complexDATELINE: Jan. 14, 2023LENGTH: 00:02:01LOCATION: StockholmCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the ceremony (Courtesy of SVT)2. various of the space rocket model (Courtesy of SVT)3. various of the animation (Courtesy of SVT)STORYLINE:Spaceport Esrange, mainland Europe‘s first orbital launch complex, was inaugurated on Friday at the Esrange Space Center in northern Sweden. The inauguration ceremony was attended by King Carl XVI Gustaf, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who jointly cut the ribbon. “Europe has its foothold in space and will keep it,“ von der Leyen said. She was in the country to mark the beginning of Sweden‘s six-month rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU)...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023011407265

  •  Chinese envoy calls for efforts to defuse Israeli-Palestinian tensions over holy site
    Chinese envoy calls for efforts to defuse Israeli-Palestinian tensions over holy site

    STORY: Chinese envoy calls for efforts to defuse Israeli-Palestinian tensions over holy siteDATELINE: Jan. 6, 2023LENGTH: 00:04:58LOCATION: UN HeadquartersCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. wide shot of Security Council Chamber2. wide shot of China‘s permanent representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun speaking3. SOUNDBITE (Chinese/English): ZHANG JUN, China‘s permanent representative to the United Nations4. various of delegates5. various of Security Council ChamberSTORYLINE:A Chinese envoy on Thursday called on the parties concerned to exercise restraint to prevent escalation of tensions following new Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir‘s visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem.China is deeply worried about the rise of tensions as a result of Ben-Gvir‘s visit, said Zhang Jun, China‘s permanent representative to the United Nations...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月6日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010803370

  •  UN calls for upholding status quo in Jerusalem holy sites
    UN calls for upholding status quo in Jerusalem holy sites

    STORY: UN calls for upholding status quo in Jerusalem holy sitesDATELINE: Jan. 5, 2023LENGTH: 00:00:51LOCATION: UN HeadquartersCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of press briefing room2. SOUNDBITE (English): FARHAN HAQ, Deputy spokesperson for UN Secretary-General3. various of journalists4. various of Haq at podiumSTORYLINE:A spokesman for the United Nations on Tuesday underscored the importance of upholding the status quo in the holy sites, in reaction to the controversial visit by Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem.Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, made the remarks at a regular press briefing...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010612295

  •  Israeli security minister‘s visit to Al-Aqsa Mosque sparks Palestinians‘ fury
    Israeli security minister‘s visit to Al-Aqsa Mosque sparks Palestinians‘ fury

    STORY: Israeli security minister‘s visit to Al-Aqsa Mosque sparks Palestinians‘ furyDATELINE: Jan. 4, 2023LENGTH: 0:01:37LOCATION: JerusalemCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound2. Footage of Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound3. Israeli opposition leader and former Prime Minister Yair Lapid4. various of Itamar Ben-Gvir being sworn in as Israel‘s national security minister5. various of Jerusalem streetsSTORYLINE:Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Tuesday visited the flashpoint holy site Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound in East Jerusalem, which was denounced by the Palestinian side as a provocation. Israel‘s state-owned Kan TV news showed pictures of the minister touring the site escorted by personal guards and police forces...= 配信日: 2023(令和5)年1月4日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2023010502980

  •  China-aided ECOWAS headquarters begins construction
    China-aided ECOWAS headquarters begins construction

    STORY: China-aided ECOWAS headquarters begins constructionDATELINE: Dec. 5, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:59LOCATION: AbujaCATEGORY: POLITICS/ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the groundbreaking ceremony2. various of officials3. various of project description4. SOUNDBITE 1 (English): CUI JIANCHUN, Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria5. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): MUHAMMADU BUHARI, Nigerian President6. SOUNDBITE 3 (English): OMAR ALIEU TOURAY, President of ECOWAS CommissionSTORYLINE:The China-aided project of the permanent headquarters of the Economic Community of West African States began construction on Sunday in Nigeria‘s capital, Abuja.The new headquarters building will enable the regional bloc to operate in one complex instead of three locations...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年12月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022120703935

  •  Chinese company to build business complex in Ethiopian capital
    Chinese company to build business complex in Ethiopian capital

    STORY: Chinese company to build business complex in Ethiopian capitalDATELINE: Nov. 15, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:39LOCATION: Addis AbabaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of CCECC2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Amharic): DEREJE HABTAMU, Chief executive officer of DMC Trading Private Limited Company3. SOUNDBITE 2 (English): GUO CHONGFENG, General manager of the CCECC Ethiopia branchSTORYLINE:Chinese construction giant China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) on Saturday signed an agreement with an Ethiopian company to build a business complex in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.The 200-million-U.S.-dollar project, which will incorporate a five-star hotel, a mall, and apartments located at the heart of Addis Ababa, is expected to serve the growing number of business travelers, multinational organizations, and foreign investors once completed...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022111604756

  •  Ship loading operation of large towers for ExxonMobil Huizhou project completed
    Ship loading operation of large towers for ExxonMobil Huizhou project completed

    STORY: Ship loading operation of large towers for ExxonMobil Huizhou project completedDATELINE: Nov. 3, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:51LOCATION: TIANJIN, ChinaCATEGORY: TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of the ship loading operationSTORYLINE:The ship loading operation of two large towers for ExxonMobil‘s complex in Huizhou, southern China‘s Guangdong Province, was recently completed in north China‘s Tianjin.Multinational oil and gas corporation ExxonMobil broke ground on its solely-funded chemical complex in Huizhou in April 2020.The complex, with a total investment of about 10 billion U.S. dollars, will be built in two phases.The first phase with a 1.6 million tonne-per-year ethylene cracker and down-stream production equipment is scheduled to be completed by 2023 when construction on the second phase will begin.An annual operating income of 39 billion yuan (5.5 billion U.S...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年11月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022110506575

  •  Mega duty-free shopping complex opens in China‘s Hainan
    Mega duty-free shopping complex opens in China‘s Hainan

    STORY: Mega duty-free shopping complex opens in China‘s HainanDATELINE: Oct. 29, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:02LOCATION: HAIKOU, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the duty-free shopSTORYLINE:The world‘s largest stand-alone duty-free shopping mall opened Friday in Haikou, the capital of China‘s island province of Hainan.Haikou International Duty Free Shopping Complex, developed by China Duty Free Group, covers a construction area of around 280,000 square meters and features more than 800 well-known international and domestic brands.A researcher at Hainan Normal University said the complex‘s opening would further attract overseas consumption and boost the construction of Hainan into an international tourism and consumption center.Starting July 1, 2020, Hainan has increased its annual tax-free shopping quota from 30,000 yuan (about 4,100 U.S...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月29日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022103105232

  •  Preliminary investigations show gas leaks in Nord Stream pipelines caused by explosions: Danish police
    Preliminary investigations show gas leaks in Nord Stream pipelines caused by explosions: Danish police

    STORY: Preliminary investigations show gas leaks in Nord Stream pipelines caused by explosions: Danish policeDATELINE: Oct. 20, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:36LOCATION: CopenhagenCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP (English): DAVID WILLIAMS, Xinhua reporter2. various Headquarters compound of the Copenhagen Police3. Drone video of gas leaks around Nord Stream pipelines provided by the Danish Defence MinistrySTORYLINE:Preliminary investigations have confirmed that “powerful explosions caused extensive damage to Nord Stream 1 and 2 in Denmark‘s exclusive economic zone,“ the Copenhagen Police said in a press release Tuesday...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022102104160

  •  We are still in a pandemic, warn Spanish doctors
    We are still in a pandemic, warn Spanish doctors

    STORY: We are still in a pandemic, warn Spanish doctorsDATELINE: Oct. 3, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:02LOCATION: BARCELONA, SpainCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the COVID area at the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona with medical professionals attending to patients2. various of people walking on the streets in downtown Barcelona3. various of corridors and entrances of Hospital Clinic4. SOUNDBITE 1 (Spanish): JUAN GARCIA COSTA, Head of microbiology at the Ourense University Hospital Complex and board member of the Spanish Society of Virology5. various of people walking on the streets of Barcelona6. various of healthcare professionals in the hospital‘s COVID area7. SOUNDBITE 2 (Spanish): JUAN GARCIA COSTA, Head of microbiology at the Ourense University Hospital Complex and board member of the Spanish Society of Virology8...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年10月3日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022100502989

  •  Afghan red crescent society receives supplies donated by China‘s relief organization
    Afghan red crescent society receives supplies donated by China‘s relief organization

    STORY: Afghan red crescent society receives supplies donated by China‘s relief organizationDATELINE: July 5, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:10LOCATION: KabulCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the handover ceremonySTORYLINE:The Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) has received earthquake relief supplies donated by the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC).A handover ceremony was held on Sunday at the ARCS complex in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan, attended by Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan Wang Yu and Mawlavi Matiul Haq Khalis, president of the ARCS.Wang said that the Chinese side has paid close attention to the disaster situation in Afghanistan and responded quickly, stressing that China has done its best to provide a large amount of humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan in a timely manner...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年7月5日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022070808461

  •  WTO‘s 12th ministerial meeting opens in Geneva to tackle key issues
    WTO‘s 12th ministerial meeting opens in Geneva to tackle key issues

    STORY: WTO‘s 12th ministerial meeting opens in Geneva to tackle key issues DATELINE: June 13, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:22LOCATION: GENEVA, SwitzerlandCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:SOUNDBITE(English): NGOZI OKONJO-IWEALA, WTO Director-Generalvarious of the meetingvarious of the meeting complexSTORYLINE:The World Trade Organization‘s (WTO) 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) opened Sunday at WTO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. During the four-day meeting, members of the trade organization will hold discussions on such issues as TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) waiver for COVID-19 vaccines, pandemic response, fishery subsidies, agriculture, food security, as well as the WTO‘s reform and its future work priorities...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年6月13日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022061703306

  •  Aerial view of UNESCO world heritage Meteora in Greece
    Aerial view of UNESCO world heritage Meteora in Greece

    STORY: Aerial view of UNESCO world heritage Meteora in GreeceDATELINE: June 8, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:50LOCATION: AthensCATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTSHOTLIST:1. various of Meteora, GreeceSTORYLINE:Meteora, which means “suspended in the air“ in Greek, is a rock formation in central Greece.It hosts one of the largest and most precipitously built complexes of Greek Christian Orthodox monasteries.The Meteora monasteries were inscribed onto UNESCO‘s World Heritage List in 1988.Meteora is also a protected habitat of the EU‘s Natura 2000 network.Meteora is popular with hikers, trail runners, mountain bikers, and rock climbers from around the world.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Athens.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年6月8日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022061109044

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます

    中国新疆ウイグル自治区のバインゴリン・モンゴル自治州和静県とカシュガル地区カルギリク(葉城)県では、給餌車が数万頭の牛に餌を与える壮観な光景が広がっている。市場運営や牧畜産業などを手掛ける新疆華凌工貿(集団)はここ数年、科学技術の導入による農牧業の近代化を積極的に推進。牧草栽培や肉牛の飼育、加工販売などを一体化した複合施設や産業科学技術モデルパークを複数設立し、肉牛14万頭以上を飼育して農牧民数万人の収入増につなげている。(記者/李響、阿曼) =配信日: 2022(令和4)年5月25日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022052504216

  •  Egypt completes structural work of CBD towers in new capital
    Egypt completes structural work of CBD towers in new capital

    STORY: Egypt completes structural work of CBD towers in new capitalDATELINE: May 20, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:13LOCATION: CairoCATEGORY: ECONOMY/SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the topping-out ceremony of D04 2. general manager of CSCEC Egypt Chang Weicai speaking 3. various of the topping-out ceremony 4. participants posed for pictures 5. various of D04 buildingSTORYLINE:After the last beam was accurately docked atop of a 159-meter skyscraper, the structural work of all the 20 towers in a high-rise complex was finished in the central business district (CBD) of Egypt‘s new administrative captial.“The construction of the towers, including the 385-meter-high Iconic Tower, the tallest building in Africa, was implemented in cooperation with the China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC),“ the Egyptian Ministry of Housing said in a statement on Thursday...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年5月20日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022052700304

  •  Armoury Chamber inside the Kremlin
    Armoury Chamber inside the Kremlin

    STORY: Armoury Chamber inside the KremlinDATELINE: May 18, 2022LENGTH: 00:03:01LOCATION: MoscowCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:various of the Armoury ChamberSTORYLINE:As a part of the Grand Kremlin Palace‘s complex, the Armoury Chamber is a treasure house in Moscow, Russia. It was constructed in 1851. The museum collections were based on the precious items that had been preserved for centuries in the tsars‘ treasury and the Patriarch‘s vestry. Some of the exhibits were made in the Kremlin workshops, while others were accepted as ambassadorial gifts. The State Armoury presents more than 4,000 items of applied art made in Russia, European and Eastern countries in the 4th to early 20th century.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Moscow.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年5月18日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022052302350

  •  Jordanians rally to condemn Israeli violations at Al-Aqsa Mosque compound
    Jordanians rally to condemn Israeli violations at Al-Aqsa Mosque compound

    STORY: Jordanians rally to condemn Israeli violations at Al-Aqsa Mosque compoundDATELINE: April 23, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:53LOCATION: AmmanCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1. various of the rallySTORYLINE:Thousands of Jordanians on Friday took to the streets of the capital Amman and a number of governorates in protest against Israeli actions at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.They called on the international community to take a firm stance to protect the holy sites in Jerusalem and Palestinians.The protesters praised Jordan‘s role in facing any attempts to impose the spatial and temporal division of the Al-Aqsa Mosque...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月23日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022050103186

  •  People in Kuwait City hold rally to support Palestinians
    People in Kuwait City hold rally to support Palestinians

    STORY: People in Kuwait City hold rally to support PalestiniansDATELINE: April 19, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:34LOCATION: Kuwait CityCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of the rallySTORYLINE:Protesters carrying the Palestinian flag gathered at Al-Erada Square in Kuwait City Monday to show support for the Palestinian people and condemn what happened at Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.The protestors said that the issue of Jerusalem is a just, humane, Islamic cause, and “we affirm Kuwait‘s position on this issue.“Palestinians clashed with Israeli police forces on Friday at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, leaving more than 100 people wounded.The compound is a site holy to both Muslims and Jews, the latter of whom call it the Temple Mount...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022042504627

  •  Jordanians rally against Israeli operations at Al-Aqsa mosque
    Jordanians rally against Israeli operations at Al-Aqsa mosque

    STORY: Jordanians rally against Israeli operations at Al-Aqsa mosqueDATELINE: April 16, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:59LOCATION: AmmanCATEGORY: POLITICSSHOTLIST:1 various of the protest2 SOUNDBITE 1 (Arabic): UMAYMA SAIF, Protester3 SOUNDBITE 2 (Arabic): BASHAR JABER, ProtesterSTORYLINE:Jordanians on Friday took to the streets of Amman and other cities across the country to protest Israeli forces‘ operations at Al-Aqsa mosque compound during the holy month of Ramadan, which left more than 100 Palestinians wounded.Palestinians clashed with Israeli police forces on Friday at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem.The compound is a site holy to both Muslims and Jews, the latter of whom call it the Temple Mount...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022042204043

  •  China‘s Shenzhou-13 mission a complete success
    China‘s Shenzhou-13 mission a complete success

    STORY: China‘s Shenzhou-13 mission a complete successDATELINE: April 16, 2022LENGTH: 00:00:22LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: SOCIETY/TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of aerospace worker celebrating the complete success of Shenzhou-13 missionSTORYLINE:Three Chinese astronauts have returned to Earth safely after their 6-month stay in space, marking a complete success of China‘s Shenzhou-13 mission. SOUNDBITE (Chinese): “The Shenzhou-13 manned spaceship mission is a complete success.“The astronauts were sent into space onboard the Shenzhou-13 spaceship and entered Tianhe on Oct. 16, 2021. They had lived and worked in the space station complex for 183 days, the longest stay in space by Chinese astronauts on a single mission, according to the China Manned Space Agency.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Beijing.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022042202309

  •  Shenzhou-13 astronauts in good physical condition after returning to Earth
    Shenzhou-13 astronauts in good physical condition after returning to Earth

    STORY: Shenzhou-13 astronauts in good physical condition after returning to EarthDATELINE: April 16, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:00LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: SOCIETY/TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of people helping the three astronauts out of cabinSTORYLINE:Three Chinese astronauts have returned to Earth safely after a 6-month stay in space.Astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu are all in good physical conditions.The three astronauts have lived and worked in the space station complex for 183 days.It is the longest stay in space by Chinese astronauts on a single mission.The three Chinese astronauts were sent into space onboard the Shenzhou-13 spaceship and entered the space station core module Tianhe on Oct. 16, 2021...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月16日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022042202232

  •  Clashes erupt at Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, over 100 injured
    Clashes erupt at Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, over 100 injured

    STORY: Clashes erupt at Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, over 100 injuredDATELINE: April 15, 2022LENGTH: 00:01:34LOCATION: JerusalemCATEGORY: OTHERSSHOTLIST:1. various of Al-Aqsa mosque compound2. various of clashesSTORYLINE:Palestinians clashed with Israeli police forces on Friday at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, leaving more than 100 people wounded. “Hundreds of rioters participated in the clashes, during which stones were thrown and fireworks launched at police forces,“ the Israeli police said in a statement. The police “initiated a dialogue, warning the rioters and giving ample opportunities for independent dispersal and cessation of the violent disturbance, with no result,“ said the statement...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年4月15日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022042110030

  •  Tanzania‘s art center fosters artistic growth for community
    Tanzania‘s art center fosters artistic growth for community

    STORY: Tanzania‘s art center fosters artistic growth for communityDATELINE: March 26, 2022LENGTH: 00:04:10LOCATION: DAR ES SALAAM, TanzaniaCATEGORY: CULTURESHOTLIST:1. SOUNDBITE (English): REBECCA MZENGI COREY, Executive director of Nafasi Art Space2. SOUNDBITE (English): AHMED BATENGA, Freelance photographer and graphic designer3. various of the Nafasi art space4. various of an artist painting5. various of artists singingSTORYLINE:A glance at a sprawling compound on a rough industrial plot filled with shipping containers in the Dar es Salaam commercial capital‘s Mikocheni area does not raise any feelings to a passer-by.But a walk into this unassuming compound leaves the passer-by agape. It is home to Nafasi Art Space in which the art platform has turned the shipping containers into artistic studios and a warehouse exhibition gallery...= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月26日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022040413973

  •  Jewellery expo held in Bangladeshi capital
    Jewellery expo held in Bangladeshi capital

    STORY: Jewellery expo held in Bangladeshi capitalDATELINE: March 19, 2022LENGTH: 00:02:43LOCATION: DhakaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of the jewellery expoSTORYLINE:The Bangladesh Jewellery Expo-2022 concluded in Bangladeshi capital Dhaka on Saturday.The three-day expo was organized by Bangladesh Jewellers Samity (BAJUS), which arranged the expo commemorating the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.Plenty of visitors made it to the venue compound with festive mood sweeping a total of 70 stalls at the fair, which was aimed at branding the country‘s ornaments and potentials of jewelers.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Dhaka.(XHTV)= 配信日: 2022(令和4)年3月19日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022032106155

  •  GLOBALink | Winter sports gain popularity among youngsters in Yantai, China
    GLOBALink | Winter sports gain popularity among youngsters in Yantai, China

    With the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics less than a month away, winter sports have become a hit in many parts of China. Xinhua‘s Zhang Xinyi visits an ice sports complex in Yantai to experience the enthusiasm for ice and snow sports in the coastal city. #GLOBALinkProduced by Xinhua Global Service、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011307113

  •  GLOBALink | Winter sports gain popularity among youngsters in Yantai, China
    GLOBALink | Winter sports gain popularity among youngsters in Yantai, China

    STORY: GLOBALink | Winter sports gain popularity among youngsters in Yantai, ChinaDATELINE: Jan. 12, 2022LENGTH: 0:02:21LOCATION: YANTAI, ChinaCATEGORY: SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. various of the ice sports complex2. STANDUP (English): ZHANG XINYI, Xinhua correspondent3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): Ice hockey player4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): Ice hockey player5. SOUNDBITE 3 (Chinese): Ice hockey playerSTORYLINE:With the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics less than a month away, China has fulfilled its promise to engage 300 million people in winter sports.Our correspondent in east China‘s Shandong visits a newly built ice sports complex to feel the enthusiasm.STANDUP (English): ZHANG XINYI, Xinhua correspondent“Where we are right now is the newly built ice sports complex. It is built in 2019, located in Yantai city, a beautiful coastal city in Shandong Province, east China. The local governm.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011307090

  •  Kuwait decides to impose new restrictions to curb COVID-19
    Kuwait decides to impose new restrictions to curb COVID-19

    STORY: Kuwait decides to impose new restrictions to curb COVID-19DATELINE: Jan. 12, 2022LENGTH: 0:01:02LOCATION: Kuwait CityCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. employees inside the ministries complex in Kuwait City2. people exercising inside a gym in Hawalli Governorate3. people inside a barbershop in Hawalli GovernorateSTORYLINE:The Kuwaiti government said on Monday that it has decided to impose new restrictions starting Wednesday to curb the spread of COVID-19. According to the decision, the government plans to limit the percentage of employees in government workplaces to no more than 50 percent, said Tareq Al-Mezrem, the Kuwaiti government spokesman. The government also called on the private sector to reduce the number of workers at the workplace to the possible minimum, while stressing the need to fully vaccinate workers in nurseries, children‘s clubs, salons, barbershop.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011307117

  •  GLOBALink | Shenzhou-13 astronauts complete manual rendezvous, docking of space station, cargo craft
    GLOBALink | Shenzhou-13 astronauts complete manual rendezvous, docking of space station, cargo craft

    STORY: Shenzhou-13 astronauts complete manual rendezvous, docking of space station, cargo craftDATELINE: Jan 9, 2021LENGTH: 0:01:26LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGYSHOTLIST:1. various of Shenzhou-13 astronauts conducting the experimentSTORYLINE:The China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) said Saturday that the Shenzhou-13 astronauts in China‘s space station core module have completed the manual rendezvous and docking experiment with the Tianzhou-2 cargo craft.At the beginning of the experiment, the astronauts in the core module teleoperated the Tianzhou-2 cargo craft to leave the front docking port of the core module‘s node cabin and move to the planed parking point, with the coordination of ground control engineers. After a short stay in the parking point, the cargo craft moved towards the space station complex and completed the rendezvous and docking by the teleop.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2022011105207

  •  Egypt inaugurates petroleum complex in Upper Egypt
    Egypt inaugurates petroleum complex in Upper Egypt

    STORY: Egypt inaugurates petroleum complex in Upper EgyptDATELINE: Dec. 24, 2021LENGTH: 00:0:LOCATION: CairoCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. Shots of a major benzene production plant2. Shots of infrastructure3. Shots of hospitalsSTORYLINE:Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi on Wednesday inaugurated the Assiut Gasoline Production Complex, the largest petroleum complex in Upper Egypt, and a number of other developmental projects in the area. Located in Assiut Province, the Assiut Gasoline Production Complex is “one of the state‘s strategic projects, and it is within the framework of development plans in Upper Egypt,“ said Bassam Rady, spokesperson of the presidency. “The project aims to secure gasoline supplies for Upper Egypt‘s provinces and save the cost of transporting them from the existing refineries in Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez to various regions of Upper Egypt.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122905927

  •  「新華社」蘇州河沿いに緑豊かな複合施設がオープン上海市

    中国上海市普陀区を流れる蘇州河沿いに22日、複合商業施設「天安千樹(1000Trees)」がオープンした。中国の黄山山脈と古代バビロンの空中庭園から着想を得た同施設は、細長い敷地に1千本の木を植え、400段の階段とグリーンが植えられたスカイテラスを設置。蘇州河側からは、数百本ものコンクリート打ち放しの柱や高さの異なる樹木などが見える。施設に植えられた植物は、1年間に21トンの二酸化炭素を吸収できるという。柱には給水管と雨水管のほか、雨量・土壌水分センサーも配置されており、土壌の湿度に応じて水やりの加減を自動調整できるスマートかんがいシステムを実現している。(記者/潘旭、呉振東、丁汀) =配信日: 2021(令和3)年12月24日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122411608

  •  Afghanistan receives new batch of China-donated supplies
    Afghanistan receives new batch of China-donated supplies

    STORY: Afghanistan receives new batch of China-donated suppliesDATELINE: Dec. 22, 2021LENGTH: 00:01:03LOCATION: KabulCATEGORY: HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. STANDUP (English): SHI XIANTAO, Xinhua correspondent2. various of the ceremony3. SOUNDBITE 1 (Pashto): MAWLAWI MATIUL HAQ KHALIS, Secretary-General of Afghan Red Crescent Society4. SOUNDBITE 2 (CHINESE): WANG YU, Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan5. various of donated goodsSTORYLINE:The Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) has received a batch of assistance donated by the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC).A handover ceremony was held Tuesday at ARCS complex in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan, attended by Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan Wang Yu and ARCS Secretary-General Mawlawi Matiul Haq Khalis.STANDUP (English): SHI XIANTAO, Xinhua correspondent“Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) received a batch of assistance donated by the R.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122313049

  •  Complex decorated with 1,000 trees unveiled in Shanghai
    Complex decorated with 1,000 trees unveiled in Shanghai

    STORY: GLOBALink | Complex decorated with 1,000 trees unveiled in ShanghaiDATELINE: Dec. 21, 2021LENGTH: 00:00:40LOCATION: SHANGHAI, ChinaCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of Tian‘an 1,000 treesSTORYLINE:A commercial complex decorated with over 1,000 trees is about to open to the public on Wednesday in urban Shanghai.The complex, named Tian An 1,000 Trees, was designed by British architect Thomas Heatherwick.The trees are estimated to absorb 21 tons of carbon dioxide every year.It‘s dubbed as a wonder of the modern world to rival the ancient Hanging Gardens of Babylon.Located along the banks of Suzhou Creek, the complex spans a site of more than 300,000 square meters.Inspired by China‘s majestic Huangshan Mountains, the two hills of 1000 Trees complement the existing landscape of Suzhou Creek.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Shanghai, China.(XHT.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021122312993

  •  Photo exhibition inaugurated in Romania to welcome Beijing Winter Olympics
    Photo exhibition inaugurated in Romania to welcome Beijing Winter Olympics

    STORY: Photo exhibition inaugurated in Romania to welcome Beijing Winter OlympicsDATELINE: Nov. 24, 2021LENGTH: 00:00:52LOCATION: BucharestCATEGORY: SPORTSSHOTLIST:1. various of photo exhibition2. various of Ecaterina Vanea, general manager of the Romanian-Chinese House, speaking at the opening ceremony3. various of Mihai Covaliu, president of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee, speaking at the opening ceremony4. various of Jiang Yu, Chinese ambassador to Romania making a speech5. various of exhibitionSTORYLINE:A photo exhibition offering a glimpse into the vision for the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics was inaugurated on Monday in the “Red Dragon“ commercial complex in northeast of Bucharest. “This event is the reflection of our desire to highlight all of your efforts and hard work to organize the 2022 Winter Olympics under very challenging circumstances of th.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021112606299

  •  Panama starts construction of Health City project
    Panama starts construction of Health City project

    STORY: Panama starts construction of Health City projectDATELINE: Nov. 17, 2021LENGTH: 0:00:44LOCATION: Panama CityCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1 various of construction of Health City complex in Panama2 various of conference announcing news about Health City in PanamaSTORYLINE:The Panamanian government has started the construction work of Health City, a complex focused on providing healthcare service to its population.Located on the east riverbank of the Panama Canal, the project is expected to represent a major leap in healthcare in the Central American country.It is aimed to be inaugurated and put into service by December 16, 2023.Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Panama City.(XHTV)、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021111802055

  •  Cuba bets on biotechnology to contain COVID-19 pandemic
    Cuba bets on biotechnology to contain COVID-19 pandemic

    STORY: Cuba bets on biotechnology to contain COVID-19 pandemicDATELINE: Nov. 7, 2021LENGTH: 00:02:51LOCATION: HavanaCATEGORY: SOCIETY/HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of Cuba‘s biotech company BioCubafarma2. various of test lab3. various of the press conferenceSTORYLINE:Cuba has increased its capacity in developing homegrown COVID-19 vaccines.A biotech complex was recently launched in the Special Development Area in the port of Mariel.It has been preparing to produce the first batch of Abdala, one of the three COVID-19 vaccines developed by Cuba.SOUNDBITE (Spanish): EDUARDO MARTINEZ, President of Cuba‘s biotech company BioCubafarma“Once we have completed the doses (of the vaccines) that we need in our country, we will administer them to other countries as well. But we also want to dedicate an important part of the operations of this plant to the vaccine Abdala. Therefore, we.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110808467

  •  Top executives of U.S. ports voice concerns about supply chain crisis
    Top executives of U.S. ports voice concerns about supply chain crisis

    STORY: Top executives of U.S. ports voice concerns about supply chain crisisDATELINE: Nov. 1, 2021LENGTH: 00:03:17LOCATION: LOS ANGELES, U.S.CATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of port of Los Angeles2. various of port of Long BeachSTORYLINE:As the cargo congestion at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in southern California, the busiest port complex in the United States, has hit record-setting levels, local port executives have spoken of multiple causes, while voicing concerns about a regional and global supply chain crisis.“This is a national and global supply chain crisis, not just at the Port of Long Beach,“ said Port of Long Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero during a virtual press conference on Wednesday.With 70 container ships still floating in the bay awaiting a berth to offload, less than last week‘s record-setting 100 ships, Cordero said there were mult.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021110206973

  •  「新華社」中国シンガポール相互接続モデル事業、重慶で調印式

    中国重慶市政府とシンガポール貿易産業省は12、13両日、重慶市渝中区の大型複合施設「来福士広場(ラッフルズシティー)」で、在中シンガポール著名企業の重慶訪問イベントを共催した。イベントにはシンガポールの在中政府機関6団体の責任者と在中企業64社が参加。重慶市とシンガポール貿易産業省双方の中国シンガポール相互接続モデルプロジェクト部門の責任者が共同で「中国シンガポール(重慶)戦略的相互接続モデルプロジェクト総合発展計画(2021~25)」を発表し、新たな相互接続プロジェクト運営センターが発足した。協力プロジェクトの調印式では、重要プロジェクトの集中契約が行われた。イベントの契約総数は37件で、総投資額は41億6600万ドル(1ドル=約114円)となった。これまでに調印された商業協力プロジェクトは147件、総額約246億ドル、越境(クロスボーダー)融資プロジェクトは192件、約171億6千万ドルに上っている。(記者/伍鯤鵬、楊仕彦) =配信日: 2021(令和3)年10月17日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021101808155

  •  GLOBALink | Shenzhou-13 astronauts enter space station core module
    GLOBALink | Shenzhou-13 astronauts enter space station core module

    STORY: GLOBALink | Shenzhou-13 astronauts enter space station core moduleDATELINE: Oct. 16, 2021LENGTH: 00:01:43LOCATION: BeijingCATEGORY: SOCIETYSHOTLIST:1. various of astronauts entering the space station core module TianheSTORYLINE:The three Chinese astronauts onboard the Shenzhou-13 spaceship entered the country‘s space station core module Tianhe on Saturday, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA). After Shenzhou-13 successfully completed a fast automated rendezvous and docking with the space station complex, which is composed of the core module Tianhe and the cargo crafts Tianzhou-2 and Tianzhou-3, the Shenzhou-13 crew entered the orbital capsule from the return capsule of the spaceship. After a series of preparations, Zhai Zhigang opened the hatch of the Tianhe core module. At 9:58 a.m. (Beijing Time), Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu entered t.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021101902009

  •  16th Rome Film Fest opens as Italy relaxes coronavirus restrictions
    16th Rome Film Fest opens as Italy relaxes coronavirus restrictions

    STORY: 16th Rome Film Fest opens as Italy relaxes coronavirus restrictionsDATELINE: Oct. 15, 2021LENGTH: 00:03:04LOCATION: RomeCATEGORY: SOCIETY/ HEALTHSHOTLIST:1. various of the film festival site2. various of the red carpet site for the film festivalSTORYLINE:The 16th edition of the Rome Film Fest kicked off here on Thursday, one day after the revamped COVID-19 rules enabled cinemas to operate at full capacity again. The event, hosted by the multi-functional public music complex Auditorium Parco della Musica in northern Rome, will last until Oct. 24 and will offer 23 movies and documentaries in its official selection. The festival opened with the screening of “The Eyes of Tammy Faye,“ a film based on the true story of American televangelist Tammy Faye Bakker, who is played by Academy Award nominee Jessica Chastain. The festival‘s world premieres include Silenn T.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021101901985

  •  Chinese Language Week wraps up in New Zealand
    Chinese Language Week wraps up in New Zealand

    STORY: Chinese Language Week wraps up in New ZealandDATELINE: Oct. 3, 2021LENGTH: 00:01:02LOCATION: WellingtonCATEGORY: SOCIETY/CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of officials in a video2. various of the Executive Wing of the parliamentary complex in Wellington3. various of the celebration receptionSTORYLINE:The 2021 New Zealand Chinese Language Week wrapped up on Saturday in the capital city of Wellington.New Zealand hosted various activities during the week such as learning the Chinese language and Chinese Kung Fu, enjoying Chinese folk music, and experiencing Chinese cuisine, Chinese calligraphy workshops, and Chinese lion dance performances.The mayor of Wellington Andy Foster, the mayor of Auckland Phil Goff, and the mayor of Christchurch Lianne Dalzier have released videos encouraging New Zealanders to study Chinese.During the New Zealand Chinese Week, a grand celebration.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021100408694

  •  Footage Of Moutai Hospital
    Footage Of Moutai Hospital

    An aerial video taken on September 28, 2021 shows The Moutai Hospital of Zunyi Medical University in Zunyi city, Guizhou Province, China. Moutai Hospital has invested 1.9 billion yuan and built 1,000 beds, including a 19-story medical complex, a 12-story expert building, a 10-story teaching and research building, a 2-story infection department building and auxiliary facilities such as sewage treatment station. Zunyi Medical University and China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., LTD.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021102205260

  •  Footage Of Moutai Hospital
    Footage Of Moutai Hospital

    An aerial video taken on September 28, 2021 shows The Moutai Hospital of Zunyi Medical University in Zunyi city, Guizhou Province, China. Moutai Hospital has invested 1.9 billion yuan and built 1,000 beds, including a 19-story medical complex, a 12-story expert building, a 10-story teaching and research building, a 2-story infection department building and auxiliary facilities such as sewage treatment station. Zunyi Medical University and China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., LTD.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021102205271

  •  Footage Of Moutai Hospital
    Footage Of Moutai Hospital

    An aerial video taken on September 28, 2021 shows The Moutai Hospital of Zunyi Medical University in Zunyi city, Guizhou Province, China. Moutai Hospital has invested 1.9 billion yuan and built 1,000 beds, including a 19-story medical complex, a 12-story expert building, a 10-story teaching and research building, a 2-story infection department building and auxiliary facilities such as sewage treatment station. Zunyi Medical University and China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., LTD.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021102205249

  •  Footage Of Moutai Hospital
    Footage Of Moutai Hospital

    An aerial video taken on September 28, 2021 shows The Moutai Hospital of Zunyi Medical University in Zunyi city, Guizhou Province, China. Moutai Hospital has invested 1.9 billion yuan and built 1,000 beds, including a 19-story medical complex, a 12-story expert building, a 10-story teaching and research building, a 2-story infection department building and auxiliary facilities such as sewage treatment station. Zunyi Medical University and China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., LTD.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021102205228

  •  Chinese Language Week kicks off in New Zealand
    Chinese Language Week kicks off in New Zealand

    STORY: Chinese Language Week kicks off in New ZealandDATELINE: Sept. 28, 2021LENGTH: 00:03:16LOCATION: WellingtonCATEGORY: SOCIETY/CULTURESHOTLIST:1. various of the opening reception of New Zealand Chinese Language Week2. various of young people making a speech in ChineseSTORYLINE:The opening reception of the New Zealand Chinese Language Week was held on Monday evening at the Beehive, the Executive Wing of the parliamentary complex in Wellington. The theme of this year‘s Chinese week is “food and hospitality,“ centering on the common values of the two countries.During the week, New Zealand will host a variety of colorful activities such as learning Chinese martial arts, enjoying Chinese folk music, and experiencing Chinese cuisine. The annual New Zealand Chinese Language Week first started in 2014.Chinese Ambassador to New Zealand Wu Xi extended her congratulations on.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021092913123

  •  GLOBALink | China, Saudi Arabia ink 6 bln USD joint venture deal to build mega petrochemical complex
    GLOBALink | China, Saudi Arabia ink 6 bln USD joint venture deal to build mega petrochemical complex

    Riyadh-based global chemical company SABIC has inked a joint venture contract with China‘s Fujian Petrochemical Industrial Group Co., Ltd (FJPEC) to build a world-class mega petrochemical complex in China.With a total investment of 40 billion yuan (about 6.18 billion U.S. dollars), the complex will be built at Gulei Industrial Park in Zhangzhou city, east China‘s Fujian Province.It will consist of a mixed feed steam cracker that holds an annual ethylene capacity of 1.36 million tonnes, as well as a series of downstream facilities including a mono ethylene glycol (MEG) unit, two polyethylene (PE) units, two polypropylene (PP) units, one polycarbonate (PC) unit and several by-product units. Produced by Xinhua Global Service、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021082804017

  •  China, Saudi Arabia ink 6 bln USD joint venture deal to build mega petrochemical complex
    China, Saudi Arabia ink 6 bln USD joint venture deal to build mega petrochemical complex

    STORY: China, Saudi Arabia ink 6 bln USD joint venture deal to build mega petrochemical complexDATELINE: Aug. 26, 2021LENGTH: 00:00:44LOCATION: ZHANGZHOU, ChinaCATEGORY: ECONOMYSHOTLIST:1. various of Gulei Industrial Park in Zhangzhou citySTORYLINE:Riyadh-based global chemical company SABIC has inked a joint venture contract with China‘s Fujian Petrochemical Industrial Group Co., Ltd (FJPEC) to build a world-class mega petrochemical complex in China.With a total investment of 40 billion yuan (about 6.18 billion U.S. dollars), the complex will be built at Gulei Industrial Park in Zhangzhou city, east China‘s Fujian Province.It will consist of a mixed feed steam cracker that holds an annual ethylene capacity of 1.36 million tonnes, as well as a series of downstream facilities including a mono ethylene glycol (MEG) unit, two polyethylene (PE) units, two polypropylene (PP) uni.....、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021082804034

  •  The Largest Existing Ancient Guild Building Complex in China
    The Largest Existing Ancient Guild Building Complex in China

    Photo taken on May 23, 2021 shows the Huguang Guild Building complex in Chongqing, China. Chongqing Huguang Guild Building is the largest existing ancient guild building complex in China.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021060713621

  •  China Anhui Rooftop Ferris Wheel
    China Anhui Rooftop Ferris Wheel

    Drone footagetaken on May 22, 2021 shows a Ferris wheel on the roof of a commercial complex in Hefei, east China‘s Anhui Province.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021052813481

  •  China Real Estate Investment Growth
    China Real Estate Investment Growth

    A real estate complex is seen in Yichang, Hubei province, on April 16, 2021. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to March 2021, the investment in real estate development nationwide reached 2,757.6 trillion yuan, up 25.6 percent year on year. Of this, the residential investment was 2,062.4 billion yuan, up 28.8%.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021052114216

  •  China Real Estate Investment Growth
    China Real Estate Investment Growth

    A real estate complex and a construction site are seen in Yichang, Hubei province, on April 16, 2021. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to March 2021, the investment in real estate development nationwide reached 2,757.6 trillion yuan, up 25.6 percent year on year. Of this, the residential investment was 2,062.4 billion yuan, up 28.8%.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021052114204

  •  China Real Estate Investment Growth
    China Real Estate Investment Growth

    A real estate complex and a construction site are seen in Yichang, Hubei province, on April 16, 2021. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to March 2021, the investment in real estate development nationwide reached 2,757.6 trillion yuan, up 25.6 percent year on year. Of this, the residential investment was 2,062.4 billion yuan, up 28.8%.=クレジット:CFOTO/共同通信イメージズ

    商品コード: 2021052114194

  •  三越恵比寿が営業終了 販売不振、コロナも打撃
    三越恵比寿が営業終了 販売不振、コロナも打撃


    商品コード: 2021030107423

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    空撮 「太陽の塔」が紫色に 女性への暴力なくす運動

    ドメスティックバイオレンス(DV)や性犯罪、ストーカーなどの「女性に対する暴力をなくす運動」が12日に始まり、大阪府吹田市の万博記念公園にある「太陽の塔」が紫色にライトアップされた。取り組みの象徴である「パープルリボン」にちなんだ。 今月は「児童虐待防止推進月間」でもあることから、近くにある大型複合施設「エキスポシティ(EXPOCITY)」の大観覧車は、虐待防止のシンボルカラーのオレンジ色と、女性への暴力根絶を訴える紫色が交互に点灯した。<映像内容>太陽の塔ライトアップと観覧者のライトアップの空撮、撮影日:2020(令和2)年11月12日、撮影場所:大阪府吹田市

    商品コード: 2020111306420

  •  「新華社」中国、ガーナの漁港建設支援水産業の発展を促進

    ガーナの首都アクラのジェームズタウンでは、中国が支援する漁港複合施設の建設プロジェクトが進んでおり、中国の建設業者も「ガーナ水産業の発展を促してほしい」と期待を寄せている。工事を請け負う中国の海洋エンジニアリング企業、中国鉄建港航局集団のプロジェクト担当者は「新港が完成すれば地元漁師にも安堵感が広がる」と語った。プロジェクトは港湾内の約11万8千立方メートルの浚渫(しゅんせつ)作業のほか、オフィスビル、魚市場、冷蔵倉庫、加工場、商業地区、生産支援施設などの建設も含まれており、8月から工事が進められている。同担当者は「漁港が完成すれば、年間2万6千トンの魚が取引され、千人以上の地元漁師が取引に参加でき、400隻以上の漁船が停泊できる」と述べた。プロジェクトは2023年2月に完了する予定となっている。<映像内容>中国が支援するガーナの漁港複合施設の建設の様子、撮影日:撮影日不明、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ ※画質が良くありません。

    商品コード: 2020110200875

  •  「新華社」広州白雲国際空港の第3期拡張工事始まる広東省


    商品コード: 2020093008728

  •  「羽田イノベーションシティ」本格稼働 空港隣接の先端・文化拠点
    「羽田イノベーションシティ」本格稼働 空港隣接の先端・文化拠点

    羽田空港の旧ターミナル跡地に研究・産業の拠点として設けられた大規模複合施設「羽田イノベーションシティ」が18日本格稼働し、記念イベントが行われた<映像内容> 約30種類のロボットの集合・記念撮影の様子、アバターロボットのパレード、自律走行バスの運行の様子、22日まで開催予定の浮世絵がテーマのイベント。最後に開業セレモニー。あいさつは松原忠義大田区長、羽田みらい開発の山口皓章社長、撮影日:2020(令和2)年9月18日、撮影場所:東京都大田区

    商品コード: 2020092305756

  •  「新華社」杭州市の道路脇で体長2メートルの白蛇発見浙江省

    中国浙江省杭州市にある複合施設、西渓永楽城の西側道路脇の芝生で14日午前、体長約2メートルの白いヘビが見つかった。緑地保全スタッフはヘビが人を傷つけないよう、革袋の中に閉じ込めた。野生動物専門家の鑑定によると、ヘビはボアコンストリクターのアルビノ。現在は杭州野生動物世界で保護されている。(記者/許舜達)<映像内容>道路脇で体長約2メートルの白蛇を発見、撮影日:2020(令和2)年4月14日、クレジット:新華社/共同通信イメージズ ※サイズの小さい動画です。

    商品コード: 2020042803199

  •  横浜でバンクシー展 社会風刺テーマに、9月まで
    横浜でバンクシー展 社会風刺テーマに、9月まで

    素性不明の路上芸術家バンクシーの作品を集めた展覧会「バンクシー展 天才か反逆者か」が、3月15日から横浜駅直結の複合施設「アソビル」で始まるのを前に、報道関係者向けの内覧会が13日開かれた。反権力や社会風刺をテーマにした版画など70点以上がそろう。9月27日まで。<映像内容>展覧会プロデューサーのアレクサンダー・ナチケビア氏による説明(日本語の通訳付き)、会場内雑観、展示された作品のブツ撮りなど、撮影日:2020(令和2)年3月13日、撮影場所:横浜市

    商品コード: 2020031608091

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    空撮 ディズニーが臨時休園 3月16日まで、感染防止


    商品コード: 2020030203681

  •  国内最大規模のeスポーツ施設が大阪に登場


    商品コード: 2020030206003

  •  「新華社」伊利集団、世界初の乳業複合施設建設へ内モンゴル自治区


    商品コード: 2019120200644

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます
    空撮 熊本の大型複合施設が完成

    九州産業交通ホールディングス(九州産交HD、熊本市)が主体となり、熊本市中心部に建設した大型複合施設「サクラマチ クマモト」が完成して10日、式典が開かれた。14日に開業し、総事業費は約755億円。熊本市中心部の再開発事業の中核となり、熊本地震からの復興に貢献すると期待されている。<映像内容>熊本市中心部に建設した大型複合施設「サクラマチ クマモト」の空撮、撮影日:2019(令和元)年9月13日、撮影場所:熊本県 熊本市 サクラマチ クマモト

    商品コード: 2019091700393

  •  「新華社」台湾学生、アモイで落書きアート壁画で街を紹介


    商品コード: 2019070903585

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    宮城でも五輪ボランティア説明会 説明会雑観


    商品コード: 2019050700646

  •  「新華社」昆明ツインタワーでマジックナイト雲南省


    商品コード: 2019011019512

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2019013113479

  •  「新華社」ネット技術でタッチまで再現中米間でピアノ遠隔授業


    商品コード: 2019012821669

  • 本映像はログイン後にご覧いただけます


    商品コード: 2018122621880

  •  「新華社」中国版「くるみ割り人形」、パリで上演


    商品コード: 2018102925709

  •  日比谷ミッドタウン開業 人気60店が勢ぞろい
    日比谷ミッドタウン開業 人気60店が勢ぞろい

    三井不動産の大型複合施設「東京ミッドタウン日比谷」(東京都千代田区)が29日、開業した。商業フロアにはレストランや衣料品店など約60店が入居するほか、シネコン(複合映画館)も備えた。銀座に隣接する立地の良さもあり、話題の観光スポットになりそうだ。オープニングセレモニーには女優の宮崎あおいさんが登場し華を添えた。 〈映像内容〉ミッドタウンの外観、オープニングセレモニーでテープカットする女優の宮崎あおいさんら関係者、施設の内観など、撮影日:2018(平成30)年3月29日、撮影場所:東京都千代田区

    商品コード: 2018032900844

  •  「ミッドタウン日比谷」開業へ 一部を報道公開
    「ミッドタウン日比谷」開業へ 一部を報道公開

    三井不動産は30日、東京都千代田区で3月下旬に全面開業する大型複合施設「東京ミッドタウン日比谷」の一部を報道陣に公開した。商業フロアには飲食店や映画館のほか、ビジネス交流の拠点を設けたのが特徴。ベンチャーと大手企業の連携を促し、新事業の創出を支援する。 「東京ミッドタウン」ブランドの施設は港区に続いて二つ目となる。建物は地下4階、地上35階建てで、延べ床面積は約18万9千平方メートル。 6階のビジネス拠点「BASE Q」には最大450人収容の大型ホールのほか、会員制の交流スペースを導入。 施設の外観は明治時代に建てられた「鹿鳴館」で踊るカップルの姿をモチーフにし、柔らかな曲線を取り入れたデザインにした。 <映像内容>「東京ミッドタウン日比谷」建物外観、6階のパークビューガーデン(庭)と展望、6階の「BASE Q」のキッチンやラウンジ、31階のオフィススペース、1階アトリウム、地下のアーケード街など。撮影日:2018(平成30)年1月30日、撮影場所:東京都千代田区

    商品コード: 2018013100171

  •  日本一高い観覧車、123㍍、大阪吹田にお目見え


    商品コード: 2020013004209

  •  空撮 国土交通省2016年の公示地価発表
    空撮 国土交通省2016年の公示地価発表

    国土交通省が22日発表した公示地価は、住宅地や商業地などを合わせた全国平均が前年比プラス0・1%となり、8年ぶりに上昇した。全国トップの1平方メートル当たり4010万円(18・6%上昇)だった東京都中央区銀座の「山野楽器銀座本店」は、リーマン・ショック前の2008年1月に記録した過去最高額を更新。大阪市の最高地点は、大阪駅に近い北区大深町の1180万円(16・8%上昇)。13年に開業した大型複合施設「グランフロント大阪」が立地、オフィス需要の高まりに加え、訪日客の増加も押し上げ要因となった。〈映像内容〉大阪市北区大深町の大型複合施設「グランフロント大阪」、東京都港区の笹川平和財団ビルの空撮、東京都中央区銀座の「山野楽器銀座本店」の空撮、東京都中央区の東京五輪選手村予定地の空撮、撮影日:2016(平成28)年3月22日、撮影場所:大阪府大阪市 東京都内

    商品コード: 2019121003085

  •  大阪万博跡地に「エキスポシティ」開業


    商品コード: 2019101010027

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